A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- ai
- ajax
- analytics
- android
- angular
- ansible
- api
- archlinux
- artificial-intelligence
- aspnet
- atom
- automation
- awesome
- awesome-list
- aws
- azure
- backend
- bash
- bootstrap
- bot
- bugbounty
- c
- c-plus-plus
- chatbot
- chatgpt
- chatgpt-api
- chrome
- chrome-extension
- clash
- cli
- code
- coding
- computer-science
- continuous-integration
- cpp
- cryptography
- csharp
- css
- cybersecurity
- data
- data-science
- data-visualization
- database
- deep-learning
- deno
- dependency-management
- deployment
- design
- devops
- django
- docker
- documentation
- dotfiles
- dotnet
- education
- electron
- emoji
- es6
- firefox
- flask
- flutter
- font
- framework
- frontend
- game
- games
- git
- github
- github-api
- go
- golang
- gradle
- graphql
- hacking
- hacking-tool
- hacking-tools
- hacktoberfest
- haskell
- home-assistant
- html
- html5
- http
- https
- icon-font
- image-processing
- ios
- java
- javascript
- jekyll
- jquery
- js
- json
- kotlin
- kubernetes
- language
- learning
- library
- linux
- llm
- low-code
- lua
- mac
- machine-learning
- macos
- markdown
- maven
- microsoft
- mongodb
- monitoring
- music
- mysql
- natural-language-processing
- neovim
- nestjs
- nextjs
- nlp
- node
- nodejs
- objective-c
- open-source
- openai
- operating-system
- osint
- others
- package-manager
- penetration-testing
- pentesting
- perl
- php
- postgresql
- powershell
- privacy
- programming
- project-management
- publishing
- pwa
- python
- python3
- pytorch
- qt
- r
- rails
- raspberry-pi
- react
- react-native
- reactjs
- rest-api
- reverse-engineering
- robotics
- ruby
- rust
- scala
- security
- security-tools
- self-hosted
- server
- serverless
- shell
- software
- spacevim
- spring
- sql
- sql-server
- sqlite
- stable-diffusion
- support
- svelte
- swift
- swiftui
- tailwindcss
- telegram
- terminal
- termux
- terraform
- testing
- typescript
- ubuntu
- vagrant
- vim
- visual-studio-code
- vpn
- vue
- vuejs
- web
- webapp
- webpack
- website
- windows
- wordpress
- xcode
- xml
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- crewAIInc/crewAI - Framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
- devisasari/awesome-gpt-store - A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- SawyerHood/draw-a-ui - Draw a mockup and generate html for it
- AntonOsika/gpt-engineer - Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from https://gptengineer.app
- xcanwin/KeepChatGPT - 这是一款提高ChatGPT的数据安全能力和效率的插件。并且免费共享大量创新功能,如:自动刷新、保持活跃、数据安全、取消审计、克隆对话、言无不尽、净化页面、展示大屏、拦截跟踪、日新月异、明察秋毫等。让我们的AI体验无比安全、顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。
- hpcaitech/ColossalAI - Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
- AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- Studio-42/elFinder - 📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- firerpa/lamda - 🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
- MustardChef/WSAMagiskDelta - Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Magisk Delta and Google Play Store (OpenGApps/ MindTheGapps
- Androidacy/MagiskModuleManager - Previously known as Fox's Magisk Module Manager (FoxMMM), this app helps users find, install "Magisk Modules" - powerful little zips/apps for your device that plug into the Magisk framework.
- taamarin/box_for_magisk - Transparent Proxy for Android(root)
- mzlogin/awesome-adb - ADB Usage Complete / ADB 用法大全
- marchellodev/sharik - Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
- Crazy-Marvin/Flashy - Simple & Privacy-Friendly Flashlight App
- Droid-ify/client - F-Droid client with Material UI.
- aimardcr/APKKiller - Bypass APK Signatures Verify & Integrity Check using Reflection
- saitamasahil/Pixel-Launcher-Extended - Pixel Launcher Extended is a Magisk module by TeamFiles with many cool features.
- tejado/android-usb-gadget - Convert your Android phone to any USB device you like! USB Gadget Tool allows you to create and activate USB device roles, like a mouse or a keyboard. 🛠🛡📱
- tanujnotes/Olauncher - Minimal AF Launcher for Android. Reduce your screen time. Daily wallpapers.
- offa/android-foss - A list of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Android – saving Freedom and Privacy.
- DUpdateSystem/UpgradeAll - Check updates for Android apps, Magisk modules and more!
- Tomotoes/scrcpy-gui - 👻 A simple & beautiful GUI application for scrcpy. QQ群:734330215
- Rosemoe/sora-editor - A multifunctional Android code editor library. (aka CodeEditor)
- rodion-gudz/Android-Tool - Program, created to make popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use
- smileboywtu/MillionHeroAssistant - 百万 / 冲顶 / 芝士 / UC / 万能 答题助手(知识图谱更加专业,自动推荐答案, Android手机自动屏幕适配,模拟器支持,多开)
- adi1090x/termux-desktop - Setup A Beautiful Desktop/GUI In Termux
- remote-android/redroid-doc - redroid (Remote-Android) is a multi-arch, GPU enabled, Android in Cloud solution. Track issues / docs here
- sickcodes/dock-droid - Docker Android - Run QEMU Android in a Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for Android!
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- termux/termux-packages - A package build system for Termux.
- Genymobile/gnirehtet - Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
- ViRb3/apk-utilities - 🛠 Tools and scripts to manipulate Android APKs
- SDRausty/TermuxArch - You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows. https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/docs/install
- Juude/awesome-android-performance - Android performance optimization tutorials, videos and tools list(Android性能优化视频,文档以及工具)
- tranleduy2000/ncalc - Power calculator for Android. Solve some problem algebra and calculus.
- xSAVIKx/AndroidScreencast - View and control your android device on PC
- Sea-n/Android-TG-Bot - Awesome Telegram Bot (Android Application)
- Angular-RU/angular-awesome-list - Список ресурсов по Angular на русском
- fossable/goldboot - Immutable infrastructure for the desktop!
- notthebee/ansible-easy-vpn - An Ansible playbook that sets up a Wireguard server with ad blocking, DNS-over-HTTPS, and a WebUI with 2FA
- githubixx/ansible-role-wireguard - Ansible role for installing WireGuard VPN. Supports Ubuntu, Debian, Archlinx, Fedora and CentOS.
- davestephens/ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
- StreisandEffect/streisand - Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these serv
- znhv/ru-awesome-devops - Список с актуальной документацией для DevOps
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- trailofbits/algo - Set up a personal VPN in the cloud
- jamescun/wg-api - WG-API is a JSON-RPC Server for WireGuard
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- Gozargah/Marzban - Unified GUI Censorship Resistant Solution Powered by Xray
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- hhru/api - HeadHunter API: документация и библиотеки
- raexera/yoru - A custom Linux environment built on AwesomeWM
- 89luca89/distrobox - Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at
- SDRausty/TermuxArch - You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows. https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/docs/install
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- FastEndpoints/FastEndpoints - A light-weight REST API development framework for ASP.NET 6 and newer.
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- InstaPy/InstaPy - 📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- cirruslabs/tart - macOS and Linux VMs on Apple Silicon to use in CI and other automations
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- huginn/huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt - 🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated.
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- devisasari/awesome-gpt-store - A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store
- ai-boost/Awesome-GPTs - Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍.
- brpaz/my-linux-setup - My Fedora Linux list of installed applications and Ansible provision scripts
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- toolleeo/awesome-cli-apps-in-a-csv - The largest Awesome Curated list of command line programs (CLI/TUI) with source data organized into CSV files
- ItIsMeCall911/Awesome-Telegram-OSINT - 📚 A Curated List of Awesome Telegram OSINT Tools, Sites & Resources
- nichtdax/awesome-totally-open-chatgpt - A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT
- cheatsnake/backend-cheats - 📃 White paper for Backend developers
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- nikitavoloboev/config - Apps/CLIs/configs I use on macOS/iOS. Fish, Karabiner, Cursor..
- xxh/xxh - 🚀 Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh. Xonsh shell, fish, zsh, osquery and so on.
- fosslife/awesome-ricing - A curated list of awesome tools and technology to help you out with ricing on linux
- docker/awesome-compose - Awesome Docker Compose samples
- maguowei/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- samber/awesome-prometheus-alerts - 🚨 Collection of Prometheus alerting rules
- Bobronium/bearable-windows-experience - A lifeline for people dealing with Windows, especially after using macOS.
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- chrissimpkins/codeface - Typefaces for source code beautification
- znhv/ru-awesome-devops - Список с актуальной документацией для DevOps
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- pluresque/awesome-aiogram - A curated list of awesome aiogram templates, libraries, open-source bots and resources
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- enaqx/awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
- Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas - List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs 🏴
- sirredbeard/awesome-wsl - Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux
- aviaryan/awesome-no-login-web-apps - 🚀 Awesome (free) web apps that work without login
- chubin/awesome-console-services - A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols)
- ChromeDevTools/awesome-chrome-devtools - Awesome tooling and resources in the Chrome DevTools & DevTools Protocol ecosystem
- Angular-RU/angular-awesome-list - Список ресурсов по Angular на русском
- DopplerHQ/awesome-bots - The most awesome list about bots ⭐️🤖
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt - 🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated.
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- devisasari/awesome-gpt-store - A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store
- ai-boost/Awesome-GPTs - Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍.
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- toolleeo/awesome-cli-apps-in-a-csv - The largest Awesome Curated list of command line programs (CLI/TUI) with source data organized into CSV files
- ItIsMeCall911/Awesome-Telegram-OSINT - 📚 A Curated List of Awesome Telegram OSINT Tools, Sites & Resources
- nichtdax/awesome-totally-open-chatgpt - A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT
- cheatsnake/backend-cheats - 📃 White paper for Backend developers
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- fosslife/awesome-ricing - A curated list of awesome tools and technology to help you out with ricing on linux
- docker/awesome-compose - Awesome Docker Compose samples
- maguowei/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- Bobronium/bearable-windows-experience - A lifeline for people dealing with Windows, especially after using macOS.
- Igglybuff/awesome-piracy - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- chrissimpkins/codeface - Typefaces for source code beautification
- OldBonhart/Osint-Resources - Data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context
- ktaranov/sqlserver-kit - Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- pluresque/awesome-aiogram - A curated list of awesome aiogram templates, libraries, open-source bots and resources
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- ossu/computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- enaqx/awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
- Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas - List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs 🏴
- sirredbeard/awesome-wsl - Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux
- aviaryan/awesome-no-login-web-apps - 🚀 Awesome (free) web apps that work without login
- chubin/awesome-console-services - A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols)
- ChromeDevTools/awesome-chrome-devtools - Awesome tooling and resources in the Chrome DevTools & DevTools Protocol ecosystem
- udpsec/awesome-vpn - 科学上网的有趣项目集锦,欢迎大家pr自己喜欢的项目到这里。
- DopplerHQ/awesome-bots - The most awesome list about bots ⭐️🤖
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- HariSekhon/SQL-scripts - 100+ SQL Scripts - PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, AWS Athena. DBA, Analytics, DevOps, performance engineering. Google BigQuery ML machine learning classification.
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- localstack/localstack - 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- cheatsnake/backend-cheats - 📃 White paper for Backend developers
- zhashkevych/awesome-backend - 🚀 A curated and opinionated list of resources (English & Russian) for Backend developers | Структурированный список ресурсов для изучения Backend разработки
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- 89luca89/distrobox - Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at
- midwire/bash.env - Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote m
- xxh/xxh - 🚀 Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh. Xonsh shell, fish, zsh, osquery and so on.
- nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- ddworken/hishtory - Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context
- WoozyMasta/kube-dump - Backup a Kubernetes cluster as a yaml manifest
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- johanhaleby/kubetail - Bash script to tail Kubernetes logs from multiple pods at the same time
- remileduc/sherver - Pure Bash lightweight web server.
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- scop/bash-completion - Programmable completion functions for bash
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- wfxr/forgit - 💤 A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively.
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- bilyboy785/seedbox-compose - A complete script to deploy Seedbox with Docker fully automated !
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- edoardottt/HackerRank-LinuxShell - HackerRank-LinuxShell Solutions 💻
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- wcchoi/swell.sh - Web-based Terminal for Bash designed for mobile with autocomplete suggestion & gesture typing keyboard
- SDRausty/TermuxArch - You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows. https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/docs/install
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- Nyr/openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
- musicman3/eMarket - eMarket Online Store. It is a free online shop engine. Make the best online shop with us. Join our Open Source community. Together we will make the best free e-commerce solution.
- InstaPy/InstaPy - 📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- b31ngd3v/instagram-auto-dm - Python Program To Send Automatic DMs
- tm-a-t/AvatarEmojiBot - Telegram bot. Generates custom emoji packs with avatars of group members
- Forden/aiogram-bot-template - Template for creating scalable bots with aiogram
- fabston/Telegram-Support-Bot - 📬 Manage and organize all your support inquiries on Telegram.
- mikurei/ticketgram - Telegram Support Bot
- MassonNN/masson-aiogram-template - This is a scalable and functional template for any bots which will be made with aiogram 3.x
- RasaHQ/rasa - 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- grammyjs/grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
- Stuchalin/certcheckerbot - Simple telegram bot for check certificate expiry dates
- mecitsem/Arf-HashtagBot - Send a photo and generate auto hashtag for your photos with this bot on Facebook, Telegram and Skype channels.
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot - Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
- Dragon-Userbot/Dragon-Userbot - Userbot for telegram with easiest installation
- albertincx/formatbot1 - Make instant view easily and fast, from any article on the internet in the best messenger ever Telegram
- metalmatze/alertmanager-bot - [deprecated] Bot for Prometheus' Alertmanager
- vkbottle/vkbottle - Сustomizable asynchronous VK API framework
- TeamUltroid/Ultroid - Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
- aiogram/aiogram - aiogram is a modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API written in Python using asyncio
- bottenderjs/messaging-apis - Messaging APIs for multi-platform
- Yoctol/bottender - ⚡️ A framework for building conversational user interfaces.
- Tishka17/aiogram_dialog - GUI framework on top of aiogram
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- backmeupplz/voicy - @voicybot Telegram bot main repository
- iovxw/rssbot - Lightweight Telegram RSS notification bot. 用于消息通知的轻量级 Telegram RSS 机器人
- SPR-CPU-ORG/F80 - A Professional Telegram-Bot Based On valtman.name/telegram-cli
- k13w/teleGit - Telegram Bot in Python
- Fillll/pockebot - Read It Later for Telegram
- mamal72/telegram-github-search-bot - A Github search bot for Telegram
- ableev/Zabbix-in-Telegram - Zabbix Notifications with graphs in Telegram
- abdelhai/awesome-bots - Awesome Links about bots.
- dwisiswant0/apkleaks - Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- GhostTroops/scan4all - Official repository vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 23 kinds of application password crack; 7000+Web fingerprints; 146 protocols and 90000+ rules Port scanning; Fuzz, HW, awesome BugBounty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
- ihebski/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet - One place for all the default credentials to assist the Blue/Red teamers activities on finding devices with default password 🛡️
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- ggreer/the_silver_searcher - A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- borisfaure/terminology - The best terminal emulator based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- i-MSCP/imscp - i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
- abishekvashok/cmatrix - Terminal based "The Matrix" like implementation
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- RasaHQ/rasa - 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- bottenderjs/messaging-apis - Messaging APIs for multi-platform
- Yoctol/bottender - ⚡️ A framework for building conversational user interfaces.
- DopplerHQ/awesome-bots - The most awesome list about bots ⭐️🤖
- claudiajs/claudia-bot-builder - Create chat bots for Facebook Messenger, Slack, Amazon Alexa, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Line, GroupMe, Kik and Twilio and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes
- LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt - 🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated.
- josStorer/chatGPTBox - Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
- devisasari/awesome-gpt-store - A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store
- ai-boost/Awesome-GPTs - Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍.
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- sparticleinc/chatgpt-google-summary-extension - Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.
- bigemon/ChatGPT-ToolBox - 由ChatGPT自己编写的ChatGPT工具箱。 当前功能: 1. 绕过高负载禁止登录 2.关闭数据监管 3.链路维持(减少网络错误) 4.API混合接入 5.会话导入导出 6.聊天记录下载 7.解锁GPT4-Mobile
- xcanwin/KeepChatGPT - 这是一款提高ChatGPT的数据安全能力和效率的插件。并且免费共享大量创新功能,如:自动刷新、保持活跃、数据安全、取消审计、克隆对话、言无不尽、净化页面、展示大屏、拦截跟踪、日新月异、明察秋毫等。让我们的AI体验无比安全、顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- nichtdax/awesome-totally-open-chatgpt - A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT
- hoochanlon/hamulete - 🏔️国立台湾大学、新加坡国立大学、早稻田大学、东京大学,中央研究院(台湾)以及中国重点高校及科研机构,社科、经济、数学、博弈论、哲学、系统工程类学术论文等知识库。
- anc95/ChatGPT-CodeReview - 🐥 A code review bot powered by ChatGPT
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide - 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
- humanloop/awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- musicman3/eMarket - eMarket Online Store. It is a free online shop engine. Make the best online shop with us. Join our Open Source community. Together we will make the best free e-commerce solution.
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- princelundgren/automator-collection - Various Automator and AppleScript workflow and scripts for simplifying life
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- josStorer/chatGPTBox - Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
- blueagler/DeepL-Helper - Bypass 5,000 characters, Remove edit restriction, Use DeepL Pro Account Cookies/DeepL Api Free Token to translate, Unlock Formal/informal tone, Randomize fingerprint
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- sparticleinc/chatgpt-google-summary-extension - Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.
- hoothin/SearchJumper - Yet another awesome browser extension for switching search engines, search everything (selection text / image / link / find in page) on any engine with a simple right click or a variety of menus and s
- Ibit-to/google-unlocked - Google Unlocked browser extension uncensor google search results
- Authenticator-Extension/Authenticator - Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser.
- iPaulPro/BitCloutPlus - Browser extension that enhances BitClout pages
- hiddify/Hiddify-Manager - Multi-user anti-filtering panel, with an effortless installation and supporting more than 20 protocols to circumvent filtering plus the telegram proxy.
- taamarin/box_for_magisk - Transparent Proxy for Android(root)
- dtgorski/typex - [TOOL/CLI] - Filter and examine Go type structures, interfaces and their transitive dependencies and relationships. Export structural types as TypeScript value object or bare type representations.
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- toolleeo/awesome-cli-apps-in-a-csv - The largest Awesome Curated list of command line programs (CLI/TUI) with source data organized into CSV files
- svlady/cli - Management CLI tools for GitLab, MS AD, SonarQube and Vault
- keepcosmos/terjira - Terjira is a very interactive and easy to use CLI tool for Jira.
- cjrh/lifter - Download and sync new releases of single-file binaries from Github Releases and other sites
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- projectdiscovery/katana - A next-generation crawling and spidering framework.
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- ddworken/hishtory - Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- wfxr/forgit - 💤 A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively.
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- irevenko/octotui - 🐙🐱🖥️ GitHub stats in your terminal
- lirantal/dockly - Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- mixn/carbon-now-cli - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
- nbedos/termtosvg - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
- chubin/cheat.sh - the only cheat sheet you need
- dbohdan/structured-text-tools - A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
- SPR-CPU-ORG/F80 - A Professional Telegram-Bot Based On valtman.name/telegram-cli
- qustavo/httplab - The interactive web server
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- zhashkevych/awesome-backend - 🚀 A curated and opinionated list of resources (English & Russian) for Backend developers | Структурированный список ресурсов для изучения Backend разработки
- ossu/computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know - A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
- cytopia/awesome-ci - Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
- localstack/localstack - 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- LizardByte/Sunshine - Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
- games-on-whales/wolf - Stream virtual desktops and games running in Docker
- YimMenu/YimMenu - YimMenu, a GTA V menu protecting against a wide ranges of the public crashes and improving the overall experience.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- deemru/Chromium-Gost - Chromium с поддержкой алгоритмов ГОСТ
- d2phap/ImageGlass - 🏞 A lightweight, versatile image viewer
- ShareX/ShareX - ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of file
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- bespoyasov/tools - Список полезных сервисов для разработчиков.
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- jolaleye/cssfx - ✨ Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- ihebski/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet - One place for all the default credentials to assist the Blue/Red teamers activities on finding devices with default password 🛡️
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- dtinit/data-transfer-project - The Data Transfer Project makes it easy for platforms to build interoperable user data portability features. We are establishing a common framework, including data models and protocols, to enable dire
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- totumonline/totum-mit - Small-code database for non-programmers. Universal UI, simple-code logic, automatic actions, access rules, logging, API and more. Quickly create a complex internal apps using the database as an interf
- porsager/postgres - Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- dvgodoy/dl-visuals - Over 200 figures and diagrams of the most popular deep learning architectures and layers FREE TO USE in your blog posts, slides, presentations, or papers.
- hpcaitech/ColossalAI - Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
- AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide - 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- grammyjs/grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
- porsager/postgres - Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
- denosaurs/mod.land - 📦 Pretty subdomains for you deno project
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- vmware-tanzu/kubeapps - A web-based UI for deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters
- Installomator/Installomator - Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs
- simple-icons/simple-icons - SVG icons for popular brands
- dvgodoy/dl-visuals - Over 200 figures and diagrams of the most popular deep learning architectures and layers FREE TO USE in your blog posts, slides, presentations, or papers.
- jolaleye/cssfx - ✨ Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- xxh/xxh - 🚀 Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh. Xonsh shell, fish, zsh, osquery and so on.
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
- todd-dsm/mac-ops - QnD Automation to build a MacBook Pro for DevOps
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- znhv/ru-awesome-devops - Список с актуальной документацией для DevOps
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- HariSekhon/SQL-scripts - 100+ SQL Scripts - PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, AWS Athena. DBA, Analytics, DevOps, performance engineering. Google BigQuery ML machine learning classification.
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- HariSekhon/Dockerfiles - 50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- getsentry/sentry - Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- szepeviktor/debian-server-tools - Tools and living docs 🧬 for Debian-based servers and Web Applications
- ohld/django-telegram-bot - My sexy Django + python-telegram-bot + Celery + Redis + Postgres + Dokku + GitHub Actions template
- getsentry/sentry - Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn - Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
- vx3r/wg-gen-web - Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard
- Lissy93/portainer-templates - 🚢 500+ 1-click Portainer app templates
- firerpa/lamda - 🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
- authelia/authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- instantbox/instantbox - 📦 Get a clean, ready-to-go Linux box in seconds.
- qdm12/gluetun - VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- LizardByte/Sunshine - Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
- games-on-whales/gow - A collection of Dockerized games and apps like Steam, Firefox and Retroarch
- games-on-whales/wolf - Stream virtual desktops and games running in Docker
- docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver - Production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) running inside a container.
- 89luca89/distrobox - Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at
- AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker - Easy Docker setup for Stable Diffusion with user-friendly UI
- cytopia/awesome-ci - Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
- nicolaka/netshoot - a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container
- dutchcoders/transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
- Falldog/dcinja - The smallest binary size of template engine, born for docker image
- bcicen/ctop - Top-like interface for container metrics
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- vv9k/dockeye - GUI app for managing Docker/Podman
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
- bitnami/containers - Bitnami container images
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- davestephens/ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
- GhostWriters/DockSTARTer - DockSTARTer helps you get started with running apps in Docker.
- compose-spec/compose-spec - The Compose specification
- EpicMorg/docker - A collection of docker images for production use. This repo contains 2 types of images - advanced and ecosystem. We support linux x86_64 docker engine (Win64 is still in the testing stage).
- photoview/photoview - Photo gallery for self-hosted personal servers
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- remote-android/redroid-doc - redroid (Remote-Android) is a multi-arch, GPU enabled, Android in Cloud solution. Track issues / docs here
- sickcodes/dock-droid - Docker Android - Run QEMU Android in a Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for Android!
- znhv/ru-awesome-devops - Список с актуальной документацией для DevOps
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- imgproxy/imgproxy - Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- HariSekhon/Dockerfiles - 50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- stefanprodan/swarmprom - Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager
- weaveworks/scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
- bilyboy785/seedbox-compose - A complete script to deploy Seedbox with Docker fully automated !
- diced/zipline - A ShareX/file upload server that is easy to use, packed with features, and with an easy setup!
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- hadolint/hadolint - Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell
- lirantal/dockly - Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services
- xuxinkun/littleTools - A set of short commands used to make the input of some commands simple.
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- Mailu/Mailu - Insular email distribution - mail server as Docker images
- hauxir/imgpush - Minimalist Self-hosted Image Service for user submitted images in your app
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- GoogleContainerTools/jib - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
- indigo-dc/udocker - A basic user tool to execute simple docker containers in batch or interactive systems without root privileges.
- eon01/DockerCheatSheet - 🐋 Docker Cheat Sheet 🐋
- msoap/shell2telegram - Telegram bot constructor from command-line
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- chubin/cheat.sh - the only cheat sheet you need
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- raexera/yoru - A custom Linux environment built on AwesomeWM
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- nikitavoloboev/config - Apps/CLIs/configs I use on macOS/iOS. Fish, Karabiner, Cursor..
- vimhack/dotfiles - 🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environment
- unixorn/zsh-quickstart-kit - A simple ZSH quickstart for using ZSH, zgenom, oh-my-zsh and a curated list of extra plugins. It is designed to be easy to customize without requiring you to maintain your own fork.
- SDRausty/TermuxArch - You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows. https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/docs/install
- d2phap/ImageGlass - 🏞 A lightweight, versatile image viewer
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- Tomotoes/scrcpy-gui - 👻 A simple & beautiful GUI application for scrcpy. QQ群:734330215
- eclipse-theia/theia - Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- kdzwinel/betwixt - ⚡ Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel.
- GnuriaN/format-README - Формат файла README
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- princelundgren/automator-collection - Various Automator and AppleScript workflow and scripts for simplifying life
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- intika/Librefox - Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- aamnah/bash-scripts - Bash scripts to get stuff done..
- tux-00/routemanager - Manage routes to deal with overlapping networks.
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- marchellodev/sharik - Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- chrissimpkins/codeface - Typefaces for source code beautification
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- caronc/apprise - Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
- Yoctol/bottender - ⚡️ A framework for building conversational user interfaces.
- Tishka17/aiogram_dialog - GUI framework on top of aiogram
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- zauberzeug/nicegui - Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
- Stability-AI/StableStudio - Community interface for generative AI
- home-assistant/frontend - 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- games-on-whales/gow - A collection of Dockerized games and apps like Steam, Firefox and Retroarch
- games-on-whales/wolf - Stream virtual desktops and games running in Docker
- gitbutlerapp/gitbutler - The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- bespoyasov/tools - Список полезных сервисов для разработчиков.
- EpicMorg/docker - A collection of docker images for production use. This repo contains 2 types of images - advanced and ecosystem. We support linux x86_64 docker engine (Win64 is still in the testing stage).
- sindresorhus/pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- wfxr/forgit - 💤 A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively.
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- reobin/typewritten - A minimal, lightweight, informative zsh prompt theme
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- gitbutlerapp/gitbutler - The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- FilimonovAlexey/FilimonovAlexey - Файлы разметки главной страницы GitHub профиля
- aakhilv/runs-on.tech - Free 'runs-on.tech' subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- EpicMorg/docker - A collection of docker images for production use. This repo contains 2 types of images - advanced and ecosystem. We support linux x86_64 docker engine (Win64 is still in the testing stage).
- un1cum/Beast_Bomber - The best open source bomber
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- irevenko/octotui - 🐙🐱🖥️ GitHub stats in your terminal
- mamal72/telegram-github-search-bot - A Github search bot for Telegram
- irevenko/octotui - 🐙🐱🖥️ GitHub stats in your terminal
- mamal72/telegram-github-search-bot - A Github search bot for Telegram
- dtgorski/typex - [TOOL/CLI] - Filter and examine Go type structures, interfaces and their transitive dependencies and relationships. Export structural types as TypeScript value object or bare type representations.
- vx3r/wg-gen-web - Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- writefreely/writefreely - A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together and build a community.
- 0xJacky/nginx-ui - Yet another WebUI for Nginx
- nadoo/glider - glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- tulir/whatsmeow - Go library for the WhatsApp web multidevice API
- Rhymen/go-whatsapp - WhatsApp Web API
- irevenko/octotui - 🐙🐱🖥️ GitHub stats in your terminal
- cjbassi/gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- dtgorski/typex - [TOOL/CLI] - Filter and examine Go type structures, interfaces and their transitive dependencies and relationships. Export structural types as TypeScript value object or bare type representations.
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- authelia/authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- qdm12/gluetun - VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- dutchcoders/transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
- nadoo/glider - glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- ddworken/hishtory - Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context
- GhostTroops/scan4all - Official repository vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 23 kinds of application password crack; 7000+Web fingerprints; 146 protocols and 90000+ rules Port scanning; Fuzz, HW, awesome BugBounty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- cloudreve/Cloudreve - 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)
- imgproxy/imgproxy - Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
- tulir/whatsmeow - Go library for the WhatsApp web multidevice API
- Rhymen/go-whatsapp - WhatsApp Web API
- irevenko/octotui - 🐙🐱🖥️ GitHub stats in your terminal
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- cjbassi/gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- msoap/shell2telegram - Telegram bot constructor from command-line
- qustavo/httplab - The interactive web server
- sparticleinc/chatgpt-google-summary-extension - Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.
- google/yapf - A formatter for Python files
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- GoogleContainerTools/jib - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- HackTricks-wiki/hacktricks - Welcome to the page where you will find each trick/technique/whatever I have learnt in CTFs, real life apps, and reading researches and news.
- Z4nzu/hackingtool - ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- m0nad/HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs.
- vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources - A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
- m0nad/HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs.
- xxh/xxh - 🚀 Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh. Xonsh shell, fish, zsh, osquery and so on.
- webinstall/webi-installers - Primary and community-submitted packages for webinstall.dev
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- instantbox/instantbox - 📦 Get a clean, ready-to-go Linux box in seconds.
- hwittenborn/celeste - GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
- quickemu-project/quickemu - Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- Redocly/redoc - 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
- home-assistant/intents - Intents to be used with Home Assistant
- johannesjo/super-productivity - Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
- keepcosmos/terjira - Terjira is a very interactive and easy to use CLI tool for Jira.
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- Crazy-Marvin/Flashy - Simple & Privacy-Friendly Flashlight App
- Droid-ify/client - F-Droid client with Material UI.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- LunarVim/LunarVim - 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
- gram-js/gramjs - NodeJS/Browser MTProto API Telegram client library,
- lus/pasty - pasty is a fast and lightweight code pasting server
- Botspot/pi-apps - Raspberry Pi App Store for Open Source Projects
- dutchcoders/transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
- home-assistant/frontend - 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
- kernc/xsuspender - 👀 💻 💤 🔋 Save battery by auto-suspending unfocused X11 applications.
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- vrumger/ChannelHashBot - A Telegram bot that forwards messages with hashtags from your group to your channel.
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- kdrag0n/pyrobud - A clean selfbot for Telegram with an emphasis on quality and practicality, designed to complement the official clients.
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- Installomator/Installomator - Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- photoview/photoview - Photo gallery for self-hosted personal servers
- TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot - Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- tlbootcamp/tlroadmap - Тимлид – это ❄️, потому что в каждой компании он уникален и неповторим.
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- denosaurs/mod.land - 📦 Pretty subdomains for you deno project
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- HariSekhon/Dockerfiles - 50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So
- doka-guide/content - Контент Доки: статьи, картинки, демки и документация для авторов
- unixorn/zsh-quickstart-kit - A simple ZSH quickstart for using ZSH, zgenom, oh-my-zsh and a curated list of extra plugins. It is designed to be easy to customize without requiring you to maintain your own fork.
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
- TeamUltroid/UltroidAddons - Plugins repository. Read the readme for more!
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- elementary/terminal - Terminal emulator designed for elementary OS
- ksnip/ksnip - ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool
- TeamUltroid/Ultroid - Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
- termux/termux-packages - A package build system for Termux.
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- Hexlet/ru-local-communities - Список русскоязычных it-комьюнити по городам
- getsentry/sentry - Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
- reobin/typewritten - A minimal, lightweight, informative zsh prompt theme
- lirantal/dockly - Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- hauxir/imgpush - Minimalist Self-hosted Image Service for user submitted images in your app
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- go-debos/debos - Debian OS builder
- digitalocean/nginxconfig.io - ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
- LonamiWebs/Telethon - Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!
- amanmj/PC-Remote-Control - A telegram bot to remotely control anyone's PC remotely through your phone/PC.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- hadolint/hadolint - Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell
- mishamyrt/ha-keychron - 🎹 Keychron Home Assistant integration
- tteck/Proxmox - Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts
- alexbelgium/hassio-addons - My homeassistant addons
- home-assistant/frontend - 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant
- AlexxIT/YandexStation - Управление Яндекс.Станцией и другими устройствами умного дома с Алисой из Home Assistant
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- bespoyasov/tools - Список полезных сервисов для разработчиков.
- jsdom/jsdom - A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
- dbohdan/structured-text-tools - A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
- Studio-42/elFinder - 📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
- i-MSCP/imscp - i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- TomWright/mermaid-server - Go implementation of a HTTP server to allow remote generation of mermaid-js diagrams without any pre-requisites installed locally.
- SenseUnit/dumbproxy - Simple, scriptable, secure forward proxy
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- trimstray/nginx-admins-handbook - How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things.
- qustavo/httplab - The interactive web server
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- SenseUnit/dumbproxy - Simple, scriptable, secure forward proxy
- trimstray/nginx-admins-handbook - How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things.
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- digitalocean/nginxconfig.io - ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- chrissimpkins/Crunch - Insane(ly slow but wicked good) PNG image optimization
- imgproxy/imgproxy - Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images
- InstaPy/InstaPy - 📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- Oxlac/MR.DM - A quick and easy tool for automating your Instagram DMs.
- b31ngd3v/instagram-auto-dm - Python Program To Send Automatic DMs
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- harrypython/itsagramlive - It's A Gram Live is a Python script that create a Instagram Live and provide you a rtmp server and stream key to streaming using sofwares like OBS-Studio.
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- smileboywtu/MillionHeroAssistant - 百万 / 冲顶 / 芝士 / UC / 万能 答题助手(知识图谱更加专业,自动推荐答案, Android手机自动屏幕适配,模拟器支持,多开)
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- Crazy-Marvin/Flashy - Simple & Privacy-Friendly Flashlight App
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- GoogleContainerTools/jib - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
- xSAVIKx/AndroidScreencast - View and control your android device on PC
- amanmj/PC-Remote-Control - A telegram bot to remotely control anyone's PC remotely through your phone/PC.
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- AlexeyBoiko/DgrmJS - Dgrm.net - flowchart editor. Works on desktop, phone and tablet. Has no dependency. Pure JavaScript.
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- sampotts/plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
- TerryZ/SelectPage - A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- biati-digital/glightbox - Pure Javascript lightbox with mobile support. It can handle images, videos with autoplay, inline content and iframes
- grammyjs/grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
- gram-js/gramjs - NodeJS/Browser MTProto API Telegram client library,
- Ibit-to/google-unlocked - Google Unlocked browser extension uncensor google search results
- bespoyasov/tools - Список полезных сервисов для разработчиков.
- Studio-42/elFinder - 📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- azat-io/you-dont-know-js-ru - 📚 Russian translation of "You Don't Know JS" book series
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- jolaleye/altr - 🔧 Transform your images, videos, and audio with ease
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- kciter/qart.js - Generate artistic QR code. 🎨
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- Leaflet/Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- javascript-tutorial/ru.javascript.info - Современный учебник JavaScript
- jsdom/jsdom - A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
- eduardoboucas/staticman - 💪 User-generated content for Git-powered websites
- TerryZ/SelectPage - A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features
- AlexeyBoiko/DgrmJS - Dgrm.net - flowchart editor. Works on desktop, phone and tablet. Has no dependency. Pure JavaScript.
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- dbohdan/structured-text-tools - A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
- hhru/api - HeadHunter API: документация и библиотеки
- Droid-ify/client - F-Droid client with Material UI.
- tanujnotes/Olauncher - Minimal AF Launcher for Android. Reduce your screen time. Daily wallpapers.
- DUpdateSystem/UpgradeAll - Check updates for Android apps, Magisk modules and more!
- rodion-gudz/Android-Tool - Program, created to make popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use
- second-constantine/web-shell - Simple web-shell. Run on Java 1.8.
- authelia/authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver - Production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) running inside a container.
- groundcover-com/caretta - Instant K8s service dependency map, right to your Grafana.
- nicolaka/netshoot - a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container
- vmware-tanzu/kubeapps - A web-based UI for deploying and managing applications in Kubernetes clusters
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
- OWASP/www-project-kubernetes-top-ten - OWASP Foundation Web Respository
- WoozyMasta/kube-dump - Backup a Kubernetes cluster as a yaml manifest
- johanhaleby/kubetail - Bash script to tail Kubernetes logs from multiple pods at the same time
- cloudnativelabs/kube-shell - Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes
- tim-koehler/Helm-Intellisense - Extension for Visual Studio Code - Intellisense in helm-templates from the values.yaml
- benc-uk/kubeview - Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer
- compose-spec/compose-spec - The Compose specification
- pete911/commands -
- znhv/ru-awesome-devops - Список с актуальной документацией для DevOps
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- HariSekhon/Dockerfiles - 50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So
- weaveworks/scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- xuxinkun/littleTools - A set of short commands used to make the input of some commands simple.
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- hauxir/imgpush - Minimalist Self-hosted Image Service for user submitted images in your app
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- GoogleContainerTools/jib - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- dylanaraps/pure-sh-bible - 📖 A collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
- MarshalX/tgcalls - Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- LonamiWebs/Telethon - Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!
- hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn - Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
- webinstall/webi-installers - Primary and community-submitted packages for webinstall.dev
- jamescun/wg-api - WG-API is a JSON-RPC Server for WireGuard
- wheaney/breezy-desktop - XR virtual workspace library for Linux
- Lissy93/portainer-templates - 🚢 500+ 1-click Portainer app templates
- instantbox/instantbox - 📦 Get a clean, ready-to-go Linux box in seconds.
- hwittenborn/celeste - GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
- quickemu-project/quickemu - Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- brpaz/my-linux-setup - My Fedora Linux list of installed applications and Ansible provision scripts
- fossable/goldboot - Immutable infrastructure for the desktop!
- githubixx/ansible-role-wireguard - Ansible role for installing WireGuard VPN. Supports Ubuntu, Debian, Archlinx, Fedora and CentOS.
- toolleeo/awesome-cli-apps-in-a-csv - The largest Awesome Curated list of command line programs (CLI/TUI) with source data organized into CSV files
- raexera/yoru - A custom Linux environment built on AwesomeWM
- johannesjo/super-productivity - Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
- marchellodev/sharik - Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
- 89luca89/distrobox - Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at
- midwire/bash.env - Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote m
- xxh/xxh - 🚀 Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh. Xonsh shell, fish, zsh, osquery and so on.
- fosslife/awesome-ricing - A curated list of awesome tools and technology to help you out with ricing on linux
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- kernc/xsuspender - 👀 💻 💤 🔋 Save battery by auto-suspending unfocused X11 applications.
- runtipi/runtipi - Runtipi is a homeserver for everyone! One command setup, one click installs for your favorites self-hosted apps. ✨
- vimhack/dotfiles - 🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environment
- Z4nzu/hackingtool - ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
- adi1090x/termux-desktop - Setup A Beautiful Desktop/GUI In Termux
- sickcodes/dock-droid - Docker Android - Run QEMU Android in a Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for Android!
- mikeeq/mbp-fedora-kernel -
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- HariSekhon/Dockerfiles - 50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- ksnip/ksnip - ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- termux/termux-packages - A package build system for Termux.
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- edoardottt/HackerRank-LinuxShell - HackerRank-LinuxShell Solutions 💻
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- hongwenjun/vps_setup - linux vim bash 脚本学习笔记 by 蘭雅sRGB https://262235.xyz/
- i-MSCP/imscp - i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- SDRausty/TermuxArch - You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows. https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/docs/install
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- cjbassi/gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- fnzv/trsh - Telegram Remote-Shell
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- bol-van/zapret - DPI bypass multi platform
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- totumonline/totum-mit - Small-code database for non-programmers. Universal UI, simple-code logic, automatic actions, access rules, logging, API and more. Quickly create a complex internal apps using the database as an interf
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- LunarVim/LunarVim - 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
- Optixal/neovim-init.vim - 🏮 A hybrid Neovim configuration for productive developers who want a functional yet aesthetic Vim experience 🏮
- kruvcraft21/SKScript - Script for Soul knight
- rizaumami/merbot - Telegram Group Administration Bot
- SPR-CPU-ORG/F80 - A Professional Telegram-Bot Based On valtman.name/telegram-cli
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- princelundgren/automator-collection - Various Automator and AppleScript workflow and scripts for simplifying life
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- RasaHQ/rasa - 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- HariSekhon/SQL-scripts - 100+ SQL Scripts - PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, AWS Athena. DBA, Analytics, DevOps, performance engineering. Google BigQuery ML machine learning classification.
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- webinstall/webi-installers - Primary and community-submitted packages for webinstall.dev
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- cirruslabs/tart - macOS and Linux VMs on Apple Silicon to use in CI and other automations
- quickemu-project/quickemu - Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- fossable/goldboot - Immutable infrastructure for the desktop!
- johannesjo/super-productivity - Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
- marchellodev/sharik - Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
- midwire/bash.env - Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote m
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- princelundgren/automator-collection - Various Automator and AppleScript workflow and scripts for simplifying life
- nikitavoloboev/config - Apps/CLIs/configs I use on macOS/iOS. Fish, Karabiner, Cursor..
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- spaghetti-/pam-touchid - Pluggable Authentication Module for TouchID enabled MacBooks
- todd-dsm/mac-ops - QnD Automation to build a MacBook Pro for DevOps
- vimhack/dotfiles - 🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environment
- Bobronium/bearable-windows-experience - A lifeline for people dealing with Windows, especially after using macOS.
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- Installomator/Installomator - Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs
- ExistentialAudio/BlackHole - BlackHole is a modern macOS audio loopback driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
- chrissimpkins/Crunch - Insane(ly slow but wicked good) PNG image optimization
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- ksnip/ksnip - ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool
- herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- sparanoid/automator-workflows - A collection of Automator workflows (services) that speed up your design / development process. Compatible with LaunchBar 6 actions
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- bol-van/zapret - DPI bypass multi platform
- writefreely/writefreely - A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together and build a community.
- dg/texy - Texy is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax engine.
- GnuriaN/format-README - Формат файла README
- doka-guide/content - Контент Доки: статьи, картинки, демки и документация для авторов
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- GoogleContainerTools/jib - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
- massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
- mecitsem/Arf-HashtagBot - Send a photo and generate auto hashtag for your photos with this bot on Facebook, Telegram and Skype channels.
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- sirredbeard/awesome-wsl - Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- albertincx/formatbot1 - Make instant view easily and fast, from any article on the internet in the best messenger ever Telegram
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- bcicen/ctop - Top-like interface for container metrics
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
- samber/awesome-prometheus-alerts - 🚨 Collection of Prometheus alerting rules
- benc-uk/kubeview - Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer
- huginn/huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
- weaveworks/scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
- metalmatze/alertmanager-bot - [deprecated] Bot for Prometheus' Alertmanager
- getsentry/sentry - Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- szepeviktor/debian-server-tools - Tools and living docs 🧬 for Debian-based servers and Web Applications
- doortts/is-alive-bot.sh - Server status check and Telegram message notification sending shell
- Igglybuff/awesome-piracy - A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links
- TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot - Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
- badaix/snapcast - Synchronous multiroom audio player
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- teddysun/lamp - Install LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP) for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- HariSekhon/SQL-scripts - 100+ SQL Scripts - PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, AWS Athena. DBA, Analytics, DevOps, performance engineering. Google BigQuery ML machine learning classification.
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- RasaHQ/rasa - 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- LunarVim/LunarVim - 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
- vimhack/dotfiles - 🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environment
- Optixal/neovim-init.vim - 🏮 A hybrid Neovim configuration for productive developers who want a functional yet aesthetic Vim experience 🏮
- liuchengxu/space-vim - 🍀 Lean & mean spacemacs-ish Vim distribution
- SpaceVim/SpaceVim - A modular configuration of Vim and Neovim
- wcchoi/swell.sh - Web-based Terminal for Bash designed for mobile with autocomplete suggestion & gesture typing keyboard
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- NayamAmarshe/thiss.link - 🔥 MagLit - Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Torrent Magnet Links support
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- calcom/cal.com - Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- jolaleye/altr - 🔧 Transform your images, videos, and audio with ease
- diced/zipline - A ShareX/file upload server that is easy to use, packed with features, and with an easy setup!
- RasaHQ/rasa - 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- avwo/whistle - HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
- nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- sigalor/whatsapp-web-reveng - Reverse engineering WhatsApp Web.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- mixn/carbon-now-cli - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- avwo/whistle - HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- grammyjs/grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
- gram-js/gramjs - NodeJS/Browser MTProto API Telegram client library,
- nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- porsager/postgres - Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- albertincx/formatbot1 - Make instant view easily and fast, from any article on the internet in the best messenger ever Telegram
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- lirantal/dockly - Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- jsdom/jsdom - A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js
- mixn/carbon-now-cli - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
- volumio/Volumio2 - Volumio 2 - Audiophile Music Player
- botgram/botgram - ⚙️ Microframework to build Telegram bots
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- NayamAmarshe/thiss.link - 🔥 MagLit - Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Torrent Magnet Links support
- MassonNN/masson-aiogram-template - This is a scalable and functional template for any bots which will be made with aiogram 3.x
- hoothin/SearchJumper - Yet another awesome browser extension for switching search engines, search everything (selection text / image / link / find in page) on any engine with a simple right click or a variety of menus and s
- nichtdax/awesome-totally-open-chatgpt - A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- offa/android-foss - A list of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Android – saving Freedom and Privacy.
- calcom/cal.com - Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas - List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs 🏴
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- devisasari/awesome-gpt-store - A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store
- sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- SawyerHood/draw-a-ui - Draw a mockup and generate html for it
- AntonOsika/gpt-engineer - Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from https://gptengineer.app
- xcanwin/KeepChatGPT - 这是一款提高ChatGPT的数据安全能力和效率的插件。并且免费共享大量创新功能,如:自动刷新、保持活跃、数据安全、取消审计、克隆对话、言无不尽、净化页面、展示大屏、拦截跟踪、日新月异、明察秋毫等。让我们的AI体验无比安全、顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide - 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
- humanloop/awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- TermuxHackz/X-osint - This is an Open source intelligent framework ie an osint tool which gathers valid information about a phone number, user's email address, perform VIN Osint, and reverse, perform subdomain enumeration,
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
- soxoj/counter-osint-guide-ru - Исчерпывающее руководство по приватности и контр-ОСИНТ для Рунета и всего СНГ 🇷🇺
- ItIsMeCall911/Awesome-Telegram-OSINT - 📚 A Curated List of Awesome Telegram OSINT Tools, Sites & Resources
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- netstalking-core/netstalking-osint - Коллекция материалов по OSINT для нетсталкинга
- OldBonhart/Osint-Resources - Data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- BlackHacked/telegram_media_downloader - 基于Dineshkarthik的项目, 电报视频下载,电报资源下载,跨平台,支持web查看下载进度 ,支持bot下发指令下载,支持下载已经加入的私有群但是限制下载的资源, telegram media download,Download media files from a telegram conversation/chat/channel up to 2GiB per file
- Pointauc/pointauc_frontend -
- MoonWalker440/TeleBotList - A cool collection of awesome Telegram bots source code hosted on github
- TermuxHackz/zimbot-v4 - WhatsApp Bot with rich features
- termuxprofessor/insfollow - Best Tool for Increase Instagram Follower.
- termuxprofessor/Storm-Breaker - Tool social engineering [Access Webcam & Microphone & Os Password Grabber & Location Finder] With Ngrok
- termuxprofessor/Telegram-Scraper-Adder - Python Script For Scarpe Telegram Members From Another Group And Add That Members To Your Group.
- termuxd-com/Button-Customizer - Button Customizer for termux
- xteam-cloner/AIU-USERBOT - A stable pluggable Telegram userbot + Voice & Video Call music bot, based on Telethon.
- GeneticallyModifiedAlex/Templates - The Templates that Alex Users in obsidian, no sensitive information is held here only the templates that need to be standard in all obsidian vaults
- ilyhalight/voice-over-translation - Небольшое расширение, которое добавляет закадровый перевод видео из YaBrowser в другие браузеры
- frenck/action-home-assistant - 🚀 Frenck's GitHub Action for running a Home Assistant Core configuration check
- boychongzen18/Bug-Host-All-Operator -
- meh7an/Teleminal - Source code of t.me/TeleminalBot: A simple tool for managing servers using SSH connections. With it, you can also easily create connection messages to share with friends. You can also link a connectio
- ryancollingwood/diablo_4_armory_fetcher - Collect your Diablo 4 character changes from https://d4armory.io/ automatically using github actions
- ileygb8cwqogn8c/different_lists - Огромные и эффективные словари для брута
- olegos2/mobox -
- linexjlin/GPTs - leaked prompts of GPTs
- aw1cks/openconnect - OpenConnect VPN running in Docker.
- kvazis/hassos - New server - Intel N100, proxmox + HASSOS
- MrKristofere/BatUtil - Collection of batch scripts utilities for Windows
- hikerpig/pintora - An extensible text-to-diagrams library that works in both browser and node.js
- mishamyrt/keychron-adapter - 🎹 Keychron Desktop app
- FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega - Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
- cagartner/awesome-d4 - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Diablo 4
- MindMacApp/awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI
- ishan0102/vimGPT - Browse the web with GPT-4V and Vimium
- tldraw/make-real - Draw a ui and make it real
- baldsealion/Win-Debloat-Tools - These scripts will Customize, Debloat and Improve Privacy/Performance and System Responsiveness on Windows 10+.
- baldsealion/andrew-s-taylor-scripts - Public Scripts and Apps from Andrew S Taylor
- Matalus/steamdeck-tips - Wiki and files relevant to my Steam Deck tinkering
- larskanis/pg-ldap-sync - Use LDAP permissions in PostgreSQL
- MamontenKa/YMS - Сбор и анализ статистики Яндекс Музыка
- vsecoder/ru-toxic-messages-classification - 🗃 Classification of toxic and neutral messages on russian
- LoginovIlya/vi-vim-graphical-cheat-sheet-ru - Русский перевод vi/vim graphical cheat sheet
- microsoft/prompts-for-edu -
- frgomes/bash-scripts - A collection of useful shell scripts, for the lazy and impatient.
- pawelsikora/mkdocs-with-confluence - MkDocs plugin for uploading markdown documentation to Confluence via Confluence REST API
- Firemoon777/dialog-sticker-bot -
- kuafuai/DevOpsGPT - Multi agent system for AI-driven software development. Combine LLM with DevOps tools to convert natural language requirements into working software. Supports any development language and extends the e
- jarhot1992/Remote-ADB - This is a powerful mobile adb shell & Toolbox.
- JakeSteam/Mermaid - A collection of cheatsheets for using Mermaid diagrams on GitHub and elsewhere
- mercurykd/vpnbot -
- SagerNet/sing-box-for-apple - Experimental iOS/macOS client for sing-box
- SagerNet/sing-box-for-android - Experimental Android client for sing-box
- EleutherAI/openwebtext2 -
- mps-youtube/yewtube - yewtube, forked from mps-youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required.
- bigcode-project/starcoder - Home of StarCoder: fine-tuning & inference!
- machsix/Super-preloader - Userscript to enable autopagerizing as well as preloading
- Xposed-Modules-Repo/cn.kwaiching.hook - 要妳命三千Xposed模組
- yaodongC/awesome-instruction-dataset - A collection of open-source dataset to train instruction-following LLMs (ChatGPT,LLaMA,Alpaca)
- Kong/insomnia-mockbin - Insomnia Mockbin is the underlying backend for the API mocks capability of Insomnia. It is built and used by Kong, the author of the open-source Kong Gateway.
- ikws4/WeiJu2-Scripts -
- GlUTEN-BASH/Flipper-Starnew - Универсальные, а также сервисные ключи StarNew в формате для Flipper Zero
- parotikov/telegregator - Channel agregator for Telegram based on python library Telethon
- curi0usJack/Ansible-SSH-Conf - Uses Ansible to generate a new EC2 instance then an SSH conf file for that instance.
- oobabooga/text-generation-webui - A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models with support for multiple inference backends.
- vitaliy-sk/keenetic-grafana-monitoring - Monitor Keenetic router with Grafana and InfluxDB
- prometheus-community/jiralert - JIRA integration for Prometheus Alertmanager
- ohueter/autokbisw - Automatic keyboard input language switching for macOS.
- MortezaBashsiz/CFScanner - Cloudflare scanner
- OwO-Network/DeepLX - Powerful Free DeepL API, No Token Required
- pry0cc/axiom - The dynamic infrastructure framework for everybody! Distribute the workload of many different scanning tools with ease, including nmap, ffuf, masscan, nuclei, meg and many more!
- netology-code/bjs-diplom - Дипломное задание к курсу «Основы JavaScript»
- PGAndre/InvestAnalytics_bot -
- ChronoStriker1/JoinDesktop - A desktop app for Join built in Electron
- touchHLE/touchHLE - High-level emulator for iPhone OS apps. This repo is used for issues, releases and CI. Submit patches at: https://review.gerrithub.io/admin/repos/touchHLE/touchHLE
- canton7/SyncTrayzor - Windows tray utility / filesystem watcher / launcher for Syncthing
- lhunath/guide.bash.academy - Bash Academy - The Bash Guide
- sickcodes/droid-native - Next Generation Android x86 Desktop - Anbox, Lineage, WayDroid, BlissOS, Dock-Droid
- RicharSte/hh_auto_click -
- yrutschle/sslh - Applicative Protocol Multiplexer (e.g. share SSH and HTTPS on the same port)
- rothgar/awesome-tuis - List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces
- imran-parray/Mind-Maps - Mind-Maps of Several Things
- aimardcr/APKSignReader - An android application to read signatures on installed apps.
- out386/aria-telegram-mirror-bot - A Telegram bot to download files via HTTP(S)/BitTorrent and upload them to Google Drive
- Beej126/openconnect-sso-windows-csd - forked openconnect-sso to include @impynutz CSD support & Windows specific build instructions
- diprajpatra/selenium-stealth - Trying to make python selenium more stealthy.
- ocochard/graphpath - Graphpath generates an ASCII network diagram from the route table of a Unix/Linux
- Gilks/hostscan-bypass - Generate OpenConnect CSD files to bypass Cisco AnyConnect hostscan requirements
- redsymbol/json2yaml - Simple command line tool to convert JSON to YAML
- redsymbol/linkcheck - (pre-alpha - do not use) Check for broken links on website. Built for CI/devops automation
- UberGuidoZ/awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
- UberGuidoZ/DownGit - Create GitHub Resource Download Link
- DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware - Flipper Zero Unleashed Firmware
- kolei/PiRIS - Проектирование и Разработка Информационных Систем
- HackTricks-wiki/hacktricks-cloud -
- mmkuznecov/queue_analysis - System for queue detection and control
- iidanL/InstallWindowsWithoutUSB - New method of installation ANY windows iso without USB stick / CD-DVD.
- rtrouton/rtrouton_scripts - Scripts to share
- timsutton/mcxToProfile - Convert macOS property lists, defaults and MCX into Configuration Profiles with Custom Settings payloads
- matchai/dotfiles - 💻 Public repo for my personal dotfiles
- saagarjha/VirtualApple - Work with macOS VMs using Virtualization
- Aseman-Land/QtAV - A cross-platform multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg. High performance. User & developer friendly. Supports Android, iOS, Windows store and desktops.
- Aseman-Land/qhttp - a light-weight and asynchronous HTTP library (both server & client) in Qt5 and c++14
- Aseman-Land/Cutegram - Cutegram is a telegram client by Aseman Land. It's forked from sigram.
- DrKLO/TelegramStickersImport -
- xintrea/mytetra_dev - MyTetra - smart crossplatform manager for information collecting / MyTetra - кроссплатформенный менеджер накопления информации / Официальная страница:
- xintrea/mytetra_syncro - Xintrea personal encyclopedy from MyTetra
- projectdiscovery/proxify - A versatile and portable proxy for capturing, manipulating, and replaying HTTP/HTTPS traffic on the go.
- vaporup/ssh-tools - Making SSH more convenient
- RikkaApps/Shizuku - Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
- dev-dsp/TelegramPrivateChatLeaks - Tips how to find private, hidden, personal groups and channels
- TeamFiles/TeamFiles-Launcher - A launcher which aims to provide stability, speed & customization.
- aiogram/tg-codegen - Code generator for aiogram 3.x with parser of Telegram Bot API docs
- alloc8or/gta5-nativedb-data - A database of all GTAV script commands ("natives"). Strictly for educational purposes! https://alloc8or.re/gta5/nativedb/
- ContainerSolutions/prom-metrics-check -
- zhovner/zaborona_help - Бесплатный сервис для обхода блокировок сайтов в Украине — https://zaborona.help
- ange-yaghi/engine-sim - Combustion engine simulator that generates realistic audio.
- kba/awesome-ocr - Links to awesome OCR projects
- Zackptg5/Keycheck - Keycheck binary from: https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/device-sony-common-init/tree/master/keycheck
- andrew-ld/smart-tv-telegram - stream movies from telegram to smart tv
- schickling/awesome-local-first - A collection of awesome local-first projects including offline-first and collaboration functionality
- schickling/colorrado - Beautiful color gradients based on images
- schickling/dockerfiles - Collection of lightweight and ready-to-use docker images
- contentlayerdev/contentlayer - Contentlayer turns your content into data - making it super easy to import MD(X) and CMS content in your app
- jovotech/awesome-voice-apps - 🕶 A curated list of awesome voice projects, tools, and resources for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and more.
- ekymoz/homeRoughEditor - Floorplan editor SVG to create houseplan and homeplan with Javascript for client
- smartmanru/wg-easy - The easiest way to run WireGuard VPN + Web-based Admin UI.
- smartmanru/tools - Список полезных сервисов для разработчиков · 🛠 🦄 🧑💻
- stephenou/fruitionsite - Build your website with Notion for free
- tmuxinator/tmuxinator - Manage complex tmux sessions easily
- sindresorhus/super-regex - Make a regular expression time out if it takes too long to execute
- AlexMKX/mrvpn - Multi-Route VPN
- marionebl/svg-term-cli - Share terminal sessions via SVG and CSS
- mjpieters/awesome-codemods - Curated list of tools that can fix your code for you
- lrsjng/h5ai - HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd and nginx.
- lorien/awesome-web-scraping - List of libraries, tools and APIs for web scraping and data processing.
- xbrowsersync/app - xBrowserSync browser extensions / mobile app
- openresty/openresty.org - Code and data for the openresty.org site
- smartmanru/adm_linux_ops_questions - Репозиторий частых вопросов на собеседованиях на должность администратора Linux / DevOps
- avito-tech/playbook - AvitoTech team playbook
- Tinkoff/career - Информация о внутренней кухне Тинькофф, включая подготовку к собеседованию
- HearthSim/hsdata - Hearthstone Data
- Entware/Entware - Ultimate repo for embedded devices
- Turonk/infra_actions - Учебный проект для изучения работы GitHub Actions (Яндекс Практикум)
- cfenollosa/bashblog - A single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!
- tytydraco/KTweak - A no-nonsense kernel tweak script for Linux and Android systems, backed by evidence.
- romkatv/powerlevel10k - A Zsh theme
- 521xueweihan/OneFile - 只有一个文件!
- codeedu/wsl2-docker-quickstart - Guia/Tutorial rápido do WSL2 + Docker
- rebootuser/LinEnum - Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
- s0md3v/Smap - a drop-in replacement for Nmap powered by shodan.io
- is-a-good-dev/register - Register for your is-a-good.dev domain!
- juvirez/yandex-music-app - Неофициальное приложение Яндекс Музыка для MacOS
- netology-code/guides - Сборник шпаргалок и инструкций для упрощения жизни студента Нетологии
- Redecorating/EndeavourOS-mbp - Build modified EndeavourOS ISO, for use with Macs that have the T2 security chip (2018-2020).
- brookwillow/ANCSReader - This is Android APP to use IOS ANCS service to receive or operate IOS notifications
- tyllj/Roar -
- duncanthrax/scream - Virtual network sound card for Microsoft Windows
- tinyproxy/tinyproxy - tinyproxy - a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
- wladich/page2feed - Monitor changes of any web page create RSS feed
- wladich/nakarte - Source code of site http://nakarte.me
- flipperdevices/flipper-hackathon-moscow - Flipper Hackathon Moscow 2021
- DarkCat09/python-scripts - Some useful python scripts
- rfoxxxyshit/html-template - Тупа крутой темплейт карочи вот тут можно посмотреть
- joker314/UrgentMod - A Discord moderation bot which uses the community to ban users when the moderators are away.
- drscream/fiche - Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output.
- mramorok/TGPars - Free Telegram spamer, inviter and parser
- chriszarate/bookmarkleter - You have JavaScript. You need a bookmarklet. This does that.
- hagenw/is.sh - Human readable conditions for bash
- netology-code/sysadm-homeworks -
- MasterGroosha/telegram-stats-demo - [зеркало с GitLab] Тестовый бот со сбором статистики (InfluxDB + Grafana)
- raycast/script-commands - Script Commands let you tailor Raycast to your needs. Think of them as little productivity boosts throughout your day.
- der-flo/tmux_cheatsheet - My personal cheatsheet for tmux, the terminal multiplexer
- LonamiWebs/Stringlate - Android application to help in strings.xml translation
- inCaller/prometheus_bot - Telegram bot for prometheus alerting
- qsniyg/rssit - RSS Feed Generator
- idank/bashlex - Python parser for bash
- sfx101/awesome-docker - 🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- smartmanru/aiogram - Is a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API written in Python 3.7 with asyncio and aiohttp.
- containers/quadlet -
- TDesktop-x64/tdesktop - 64Gram (unofficial Telegram Desktop)
- vikdiesel/admin-one-bulma-dashboard - Free Bulma Admin Dashboard Template HTML + CSS/SCSS
- burnash/gspread - Google Sheets Python API
- aiogram/bot - This bot is used as example of usage aiogram framework and as admin-helper in our community chats.
- sindresorhus/quick-look-plugins - List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
- romkatv/zsh4humans - A turnkey configuration for Zsh
- gnachman/iTerm2 - iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
- gonzula/rows - A common, beautiful interface to tabular data, no matter the format
- jolaleye/altr-api - 🔧 (API) Transform your images, videos, and audio with ease
- github/dev - Press the . key on any repo
- ru-python-beginners/faq - Русскоязычный краудсорсинговый проект помощи начинающим python разработчикам
- latentcat/qrbtf - AI & parametric QR code generator. AI & 参数化二维码生成器。https://qrbtf.com
- x-hw/amazing-qr - 💮 amazing QRCode generator in Python (supporting animated gif) - Python amazing 二维码生成器(支持 gif 动态图片二维码)
- sumimakito/Awesome-qr.js - An awesome QR code generator written in JavaScript.
- yoksel/common-words - 🧐 Слова, часто используемые в CSS-классах
- diced/github-readme-stats - ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
- kozakdenys/qr-code-styling - Automaticly generate your styled QR code in your web app.
- Telegram-Bot-FAQ/FAQ - Русскоязычный краудсорсинговый проект помощи начинающим разработчикам Telegram ботов
- chinuno-usami/CuteR -
- sam-shubham/UltroidBot -
- artlebedev/expromptum - Expromptum js library
- deso-protocol/frontend - DeSo frontend
- deso-protocol/run - Run your own DeSo node
- bradtraversy/vanillawebprojects - Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries
- elyase/awesome-gpt3 -
- PurpleGray/telegram-google-calendar-bot - Telegram bot for managing public google calendars for working chats. It has text recognition (by yandex api).
- grishka/Houseclub - A barebones unofficial Android app for Clubhouse
- joaomgcd/JoinDesktop - A desktop app for Join built in Electron
- aniketstark/STARK3.0 -
- thoughtbot/laptop - A shell script to set up a macOS laptop for web and mobile development.
- wk8/knife-bash-autocomplete - Add or source that file in your bash profile to enable sensible completion for Chef's knife command.
- samlaudev/ConfigurationFiles - configuration files, such as repo (download android source file)、.git-completion.bash(git autocomplete bash)
- theryangeary/choose - A human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
- aristocratos/bashtop - Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- smartmanru/Androl4b - A Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
- friendly-telegram/modules-repo - REPOSITORY MOVED
- roundcube/roundcubemail - The Roundcube Webmail suite
- bradvin/social-share-urls - Social Share URLs
- smartmanru/RnnChatPrediction - Предсказывает ответ пользователя на основании истории чатов
- smartmanru/assh - 💻 make your ssh client smarter
- smartmanru/bash-script-template - A best practices Bash script template with several useful functions
- smartmanru/nginx-admins-handbook - How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things; @ssllabs A+ 100%, @mozilla A+ 120/100.
- smartmanru/banana-js -
- smartmanru/sturdy-octo-barnacle -
- smartmanru/sturdy-octo-barnacle1 -
- smartmanru/osctrl-docs - Documentation for osctrl
- smartmanru/clash - A rule-based tunnel in Go.
- smartmanru/awesome-shell - A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
- smartmanru/hello-github-actions -
- smartmanru/pixelvisualcorecamera -
- smartmanru/bins - All smartmanru's bins
- smartmanru/search_pkg_cve -
- smartmanru/puppeteer -
- smartmanru/docker-proxy-rkn - Telegram bot proxy
- smartmanru/test -
- smartmanru/my-awesome -
- smartmanru/awesome-alice - Библиотеки и ресурсы для Яндекс.Диалогов
- smartmanru/informer - A Telegram Mass Surveillance Bot in Python
- smartmanru/awesome-adb - 🍭 ADB Usage Complete / ADB 用法大全
- tdauth/wc3lib - A collection of libraries and tools which help to modify the game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
- sameoldmadness/awesome-alice - Библиотеки и ресурсы для Яндекс.Диалогов
- beverloo/peter.sh - Source-code for http://peter.sh/.
- glacambre/firenvim - Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others.
- nikandlv/postman-patcher - Allows postman to render javascript in preview
- jamiescode/bash-menu-generator - A simple bash script that will generate menus
- NARKOZ/hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
- lewis-weinberger/rice - a collection of rice configs
- jaredwilli/devtools-cheatsheet - A cheatsheet for developers using Chrome DevTools
- leproxy/leproxy - LeProxy is the HTTP/SOCKS proxy server for everybody!
- lydiahallie/javascript-questions - A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
- Vayu/libfuse-android - libfuse patched to compile for android
- finnp/streams-editor - prototype editor for creating runnable network graphs
- frontdevops/my-bash-config - My Shell configurations
- pindexis/marker - The terminal command palette
- s0md3v/XSStrike - Most advanced XSS scanner.
- jerryn70/GoodbyeAds -
- sindresorhus/pageres - Capture website screenshots
- davidgross/wireguard-scripts - Wireguard Scripts - Mirror
- AlexMercier/AdminToolsForTelegram -
- microsoft/windows-dev-box-setup-scripts - Scripts to simplify setting up a Windows developer box
- mediatube/opentfd - Merges series of Telegram messages if there is a pause of less than 30 seconds between them Inline draft-based Google Translator
- Efreak/3c-system-helper-magisk - 3c-system-helper
- PaulWay/lnav-formats - Log format description files for lnav
- sureshsundriyal/kilo - A text editor in less than 1000 LOC with syntax highlight and search.
- SlavikMIPT/opentfd - Opensource telegram flood daemon
- browsh-org/browsh - A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers
- w-shackleton/arp-scan - The ARP Scanner
- pbreault/adb-idea - A plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up your day to day android development.
- danielgomezrico/awesome-android-scripts - Simple scripts to make your life easier for android setups
- ac-pm/ProxyOn - Android Xposed Module to apply proxy for a specific app.
- iipc/openwayback - The OpenWayback Development
- purescript-contrib/pulp - A build tool for PureScript projects
- CSSSR/csssr-project-template - [deprecated] Шаблон проекта для быстрого старта.
- bauerjj/Android-Simple-Bluetooth-Example - Simple Android Bluetooth example to turn on/off radio and to view and connect with devices. Has associated code to connect to an Arduino.
- viasite-ansible/ansible-role-zsh - Setup antigen with oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k theme, fzf, autosuggestions, syntax-highlighting
- teddysun/shadowsocks_install - Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- xiaofen9/overkill - auto aiming
- maxvinza/dns-rkn-mikrotic - Скрипты для автомотического внесения статических записей в dns-кэш микротика
- SpryServers/WireGuard-Scripts -
- nicothin/web-development - Инструменты, настройки, шпаргалки, для веб-технолога
- jcadduono/lazyflasher - An easy way to patch ramdisks, replace kernels, and install files to your phone through recovery.
- cloudsoft/winrm4j -
- MHaggis/sysmon-dfir - Sources, configuration and how to detect evil things utilizing Microsoft Sysmon.
- zmap/zmap - ZMap is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.
- akhilnarang/scripts -
- mskyaxl/wsl-terminal - Terminal emulator for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- jakev/android-binaries - Binaries compiled for ARM
- webmin/authentic-theme - Official theme for the best server management panel of the 21st Century
- langmf/langmf - The LangMF scripting language runs on the engine - VBScript, JavaScript, Chakra, VB.NET, C#.
- S-trace/clog - Android log colorizer
- TLMcode/AHKs - My AHK library
- ahkscript/awesome-AutoHotkey - A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
- gshevtsov/TroikaDumper - Дампер и парсер памяти карты Тройка
- Codegyre/RoboCI - virtualized environment runner for Continuous Integration servers
- pecigonzalo/docker-machine-vmwareworkstation - VMWare Workstation driver for Docker Machine https://github.com/docker/machine
- mandiant/gocrack - GoCrack is a management frontend for password cracking tools written in Go
- baxang/coupon-code - Generate and validate coupon codes.
- vanhoefm/krackattacks-scripts -
- vanhoefm/krackattacks -
- phinfinity/router_tproxy - Transparent Proxy configuration for DD-WRT router
- lattera/dd-wrt -
- scottsperry/ddwrt-scripts - scripts for use in conjunction with dd-wrt
- LiquidVPN-inc/dd-wrt-openvpn-config-creator - Create DD-WRT OpenVPN Configurations for virtually all VPN services that rely on username and password to connect.
- trevorndodds/dd-wrt-grafana -
- cypress-io/cypress - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
- mosmetro-android/mosmetro-python - Скрипт для автоматической авторизации в сетях московского общественного транспорта
- DesignativeDave/androrat - Remote Administration Tool for Android devices
- DVDAndroid/XposedInstaller - Materialised Xposed Installer
- yandexmobile/deprecated-yandex-speechkit-android - Yandex SpeechKit for Android
- drakulavich/russian-bash-cheatsheet - PDF-шпаргалка по командам терминала и bash
- stascorp/rdpwrap - RDP Wrapper Library
- brahma-dev/synergy-stable-builds - Downloads : https://brahma-dev.github.io/synergy-stable-builds/
- vysheng/tg - telegram-cli
- n1nj4sec/pr0cks-py - python script setting up a transparent proxy to forward all TCP and DNS traffic through a SOCKS / SOCKS5 or HTTP(CONNECT) proxy using iptables -j REDIRECT target
- JakeWharton/pidcat - Colored logcat script which only shows log entries for a specific application package.
- AtNovember/starcraft-sound-bot - Node.js sound bot for telegram, sended sounds from old StarCraft remastered game (Russian dubbing)
- zapret-info/z-i - Register of Internet Addresses filtered in Russian Federation
- muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment - WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!!
- aoleg94/playkey-linux-monkeypatch -
- itsumma/itstelegram - Telegram Desktop messaging app
- audreyfeldroy/favicon-cheat-sheet - Obsessive cheat sheet to favicon sizes/types. Please contribute! (Note: this may be in flux as I learn new things about favicon best practices.)
- yukuku/telebot - Telegram Bot starter kit. Very easy to install with Google App Engine.
- enricostara/telegram.link - Telegram API library (javascript, node.js)
- OpenSourceConsulting/atlassian-apps -
- get-a-clue/instagram_likebot - Instagram like bot example
- efidroid/android_app_efidroidmanager - Android App for installing and managing EFIDroid
- rezon73/jirawalker -
- google/glazier - A tool for automating the installation of the Microsoft Windows operating system on various device platforms.
- danderson/netboot - Packages and utilities for network booting
- googleapis/google-api-python-client - 🐍 The official Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs.
- google/web-starter-kit - Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
- google/autoparse - A dynamically generated parsing system using JSON Schema.
- kamikazechaser/ServerBot - 💡 A Telegram Bot For Checking Server Statistics And Information.
- danyspin97/MyAddressBookBot - A Telegram Bot that works as an address book of usernames.
- egorvas/email2telegram - Simple heroku button to configure bot which will sent emails to telegram
- fmarotta/telegram-bots - A set of bots to integrate Raspberry Pi management, email reading and rss feed updates within Telegram.
- thevietto/Mail-to-Telegram-resender - Simple email to telegram bot resender
- HopeHumulusLupulus/telegram-bot-replytomail - Telegram bot to send mail when a message containing a mail is answered. The attribute "to" of email is filled by email that is in body of reply message
- ssjunior/sysmon - Monitoring system with alerting using Telegram, Pushbullet and email
- augustoicaro/Toggle-OmniSwitch - App alternative to call omniswitch overlay with modify framework base
- SOKP/frameworks_base -
- cjrh/lifter - Download and sync new releases of single-file binaries from Github Releases and other sites
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- arismelachroinos/lscript - The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
- guardicore/monkey - Infection Monkey - An open-source adversary emulation platform
- vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources - A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
- ffuf/ffuf - Fast web fuzzer written in Go
- HackTricks-wiki/hacktricks - Welcome to the page where you will find each trick/technique/whatever I have learnt in CTFs, real life apps, and reading researches and news.
- ihebski/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet - One place for all the default credentials to assist the Blue/Red teamers activities on finding devices with default password 🛡️
- arismelachroinos/lscript - The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- tanprathan/MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet - The Mobile App Pentest cheat sheet was created to provide concise collection of high value information on specific mobile application penetration testing topics.
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- cytopia/awesome-ci - Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- i-MSCP/imscp - i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
- totumonline/totum-mit - Small-code database for non-programmers. Universal UI, simple-code logic, automatic actions, access rules, logging, API and more. Quickly create a complex internal apps using the database as an interf
- cytopia/awesome-ci - Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
- teddysun/lamp - Install LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP) for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- Studio-42/elFinder - 📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
- dg/texy - Texy is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax engine.
- EpicMorg/docker - A collection of docker images for production use. This repo contains 2 types of images - advanced and ecosystem. We support linux x86_64 docker engine (Win64 is still in the testing stage).
- wudi/swoole-ide-helper - Auto completion, trigger suggest and view docs for Swoole in editor.
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- nikic/PHP-Parser - A PHP parser written in PHP
- i-MSCP/imscp - i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
- AndiDittrich/dns-adblock - PHP based Converter to create dnsmasq and unbound compatible adblock lists
- sacredneobi/DurgerKingBot - Иинтернет магазин @durgerkingbot telegram бота https://t.me/SacredDev
- ohld/django-telegram-bot - My sexy Django + python-telegram-bot + Celery + Redis + Postgres + Dokku + GitHub Actions template
- totumonline/totum-mit - Small-code database for non-programmers. Universal UI, simple-code logic, automatic actions, access rules, logging, API and more. Quickly create a complex internal apps using the database as an interf
- porsager/postgres - Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- calcom/cal.com - Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- HariSekhon/SQL-scripts - 100+ SQL Scripts - PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, AWS Athena. DBA, Analytics, DevOps, performance engineering. Google BigQuery ML machine learning classification.
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
- LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools - Re-imagining Windows like a minimal OS install, already debloated with minimal impact for most functionality.
- Sycnex/Windows10Debloater - Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- ktaranov/sqlserver-kit - Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- Lissy93/portainer-templates - 🚢 500+ 1-click Portainer app templates
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- soxoj/counter-osint-guide-ru - Исчерпывающее руководство по приватности и контр-ОСИНТ для Рунета и всего СНГ 🇷🇺
- NayamAmarshe/thiss.link - 🔥 MagLit - Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Torrent Magnet Links support
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- l-n-s/wireguard-install - WireGuard VPN server installer
- intika/Librefox - Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
- StevenBlack/hosts - 🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
- Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code - Coding articles to level up your development skills
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- writefreely/writefreely - A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together and build a community.
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- InstaPy/InstaPy - 📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- Oxlac/MR.DM - A quick and easy tool for automating your Instagram DMs.
- b31ngd3v/instagram-auto-dm - Python Program To Send Automatic DMs
- soldatov-ss/flibusta-telegram-bot - Telegram bot for searching books in Flibusta
- firerpa/lamda - 🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
- Easterok/telegram-onboarding-kit - A simple-to-use tool for crafting onboardings and paywalls for Telegram Bots
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- khoben/telemirror - Telegram message forwarder (client API)
- LizardByte/Sunshine - Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
- Forden/aiogram-bot-template - Template for creating scalable bots with aiogram
- fabston/Telegram-Support-Bot - 📬 Manage and organize all your support inquiries on Telegram.
- mikurei/ticketgram - Telegram Support Bot
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- caronc/apprise - Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
- zauberzeug/nicegui - Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
- AntonOsika/gpt-engineer - Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from https://gptengineer.app
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- TgCatUB/catuserbot - A simple Telegram userbot based on Telethon
- UsergeTeam/Userge - Userge, Durable as a Serge
- yakimka/python_interview_questions - Вопросы для подготовки к интервью на позицию Python Developer
- cytopia/awesome-ci - Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation
- lyteloli/NekoGram - A wrapper over AIOGram that makes creation of Telegram bots even easier
- cloudnativelabs/kube-shell - Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes
- AppDaemon/appdaemon - 📄 Python Apps for Home Automation
- kdrag0n/pyrobud - A clean selfbot for Telegram with an emphasis on quality and practicality, designed to complement the official clients.
- bhattsameer/Bombers - SMS/Email/Whatsapp/Twitter/Instagram bombers Collection 💣💣💣 💥 Also added collection of some Fake SMS utilities which helps in skip phone number based SMS verification by using a te
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot - Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
- un1cum/Beast_Bomber - The best open source bomber
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- MarshalX/tgcalls - Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers
- Dragon-Userbot/Dragon-Userbot - Userbot for telegram with easiest installation
- amirho3inf/aiogram-structured - Code your aiogram bot faster, easier & modular.
- kellyjonbrazil/jc - CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and sim
- TeamUltroid/Ultroid - Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
- aiogram/aiogram - aiogram is a modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API written in Python using asyncio
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- nithinmurali/pygsheets - Google Sheets Python API v4
- GnuriaN/Python-Roadmap - Дорожная карта по изучению Python
- getsentry/sentry - Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
- mariosemes/PornHub-downloader-python - Download stuff from PH the easy way.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- searx/searx - Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- agermanidis/livepython - Visually trace Python code in real-time.
- StevenBlack/hosts - 🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
- Drewsif/OpenVPN-Config-Generator -
- google/yapf - A formatter for Python files
- michaelimfeld/ownbot - Easy to use python module to create private telegram bots.
- rahiel/telegram-send - Send messages and files over Telegram from the command-line.
- k13w/teleGit - Telegram Bot in Python
- localstack/localstack - 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- nickoala/telepot - Python framework for Telegram Bot API
- TermuxHackz/X-osint - This is an Open source intelligent framework ie an osint tool which gathers valid information about a phone number, user's email address, perform VIN Osint, and reverse, perform subdomain enumeration,
- HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code - Cloud & DevOps Architecture Diagrams-as-Code in Python and D2 languages
- mikurei/ticketgram - Telegram Support Bot
- lyteloli/NekoGram - A wrapper over AIOGram that makes creation of Telegram bots even easier
- smileboywtu/MillionHeroAssistant - 百万 / 冲顶 / 芝士 / UC / 万能 答题助手(知识图谱更加专业,自动推荐答案, Android手机自动屏幕适配,模拟器支持,多开)
- errbotio/errbot - Errbot is a chatbot, a daemon that connects to your favorite chat service and bring your tools and some fun into the conversation.
- Dragon-Userbot/Dragon-Userbot - Userbot for telegram with easiest installation
- TeamUltroid/pyUltroid - [Ultroid] Base Library - Telethon
- TeamUltroid/Ultroid - Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
- sherlock-project/sherlock - Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
- mariosemes/PornHub-downloader-python - Download stuff from PH the easy way.
- AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker - Easy Docker setup for Stable Diffusion with user-friendly UI
- ksnip/ksnip - ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool
- ktaranov/sqlserver-kit - Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
- m0nad/HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs.
- hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn - Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
- dw-0/kiauh - Klipper Installation And Update Helper
- Botspot/pi-apps - Raspberry Pi App Store for Open Source Projects
- netdata/netdata - Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!
- anandslab/AtoMiC-ToolKit - AtoMiC Toolkit simplifies HTPC / Home Server setup and management on Ubuntu and Debian variants including Raspbian. It currently supports: Couchpotato, Deluged, Emby, FFmpeg, Headphones, Htpcmanager,
- volumio/Volumio2 - Volumio 2 - Audiophile Music Player
- SawyerHood/draw-a-ui - Draw a mockup and generate html for it
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- jolaleye/altr - 🔧 Transform your images, videos, and audio with ease
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- Redocly/redoc - 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
- hoothin/SearchJumper - Yet another awesome browser extension for switching search engines, search everything (selection text / image / link / find in page) on any engine with a simple right click or a variety of menus and s
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- diced/zipline - A ShareX/file upload server that is easy to use, packed with features, and with an easy setup!
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- dwisiswant0/apkleaks - Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
- Phobos-developers/Phobos - Ares-compatible C&C Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge engine extension
- firerpa/lamda - 🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
- xtekky/gpt4free - The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- sigalor/whatsapp-web-reveng - Reverse engineering WhatsApp Web.
- Rhymen/go-whatsapp - WhatsApp Web API
- ViRb3/apk-utilities - 🛠 Tools and scripts to manipulate Android APKs
- vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources - A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
- zauberzeug/nicegui - Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
- cytopia/awesome-ci - Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- m0nad/HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs.
- DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch - ISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video
- vv9k/dockeye - GUI app for managing Docker/Podman
- helix-editor/helix - A post-modern modal text editor.
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy - Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- Genymobile/gnirehtet - Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
- cloudflare/boringtun - Userspace WireGuard® Implementation in Rust
- yahoo/CMAK - CMAK is a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters
- hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn - Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- authelia/authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- soxoj/counter-osint-guide-ru - Исчерпывающее руководство по приватности и контр-ОСИНТ для Рунета и всего СНГ 🇷🇺
- githubixx/ansible-role-wireguard - Ansible role for installing WireGuard VPN. Supports Ubuntu, Debian, Archlinx, Fedora and CentOS.
- cheatsnake/backend-cheats - 📃 White paper for Backend developers
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- OWASP/www-project-kubernetes-top-ten - OWASP Foundation Web Respository
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- trimstray/nginx-admins-handbook - How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things.
- trailofbits/algo - Set up a personal VPN in the cloud
- l-n-s/wireguard-install - WireGuard VPN server installer
- intika/Librefox - Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
- m0nad/HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs.
- digitalocean/nginxconfig.io - ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
- StevenBlack/hosts - 🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- GhostTroops/scan4all - Official repository vuls Scan: 15000+PoCs; 23 kinds of application password crack; 7000+Web fingerprints; 146 protocols and 90000+ rules Port scanning; Fuzz, HW, awesome BugBounty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
- guardicore/monkey - Infection Monkey - An open-source adversary emulation platform
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
- m0nad/HellRaiser - Vulnerability scanner using Nmap for scanning and correlating found CPEs with CVEs.
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- Lissy93/portainer-templates - 🚢 500+ 1-click Portainer app templates
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- NayamAmarshe/thiss.link - 🔥 MagLit - Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Torrent Magnet Links support
- 0xJacky/nginx-ui - Yet another WebUI for Nginx
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- tteck/Proxmox - Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts
- shaarli/Shaarli - The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
- runtipi/runtipi - Runtipi is a homeserver for everyone! One command setup, one click installs for your favorites self-hosted apps. ✨
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- davestephens/ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
- GhostWriters/DockSTARTer - DockSTARTer helps you get started with running apps in Docker.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- knadh/listmonk - High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app.
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- anderspitman/awesome-tunneling - List of ngrok/Cloudflare Tunnel alternatives and other tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting.
- Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas - List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs 🏴
- l-n-s/wireguard-install - WireGuard VPN server installer
- Lissy93/portainer-templates - 🚢 500+ 1-click Portainer app templates
- lus/pasty - pasty is a fast and lightweight code pasting server
- remileduc/sherver - Pure Bash lightweight web server.
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- doortts/is-alive-bot.sh - Server status check and Telegram message notification sending shell
- msoap/shell2telegram - Telegram bot constructor from command-line
- cncf/landscape - 🌄 The Cloud Native Interactive Landscape filters and sorts hundreds of projects and products, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding, first and last commits, contributor counts and headquar
- TermuxHackz/X-osint - This is an Open source intelligent framework ie an osint tool which gathers valid information about a phone number, user's email address, perform VIN Osint, and reverse, perform subdomain enumeration,
- midwire/bash.env - Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote m
- xxh/xxh - 🚀 Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh. Xonsh shell, fish, zsh, osquery and so on.
- nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- ddworken/hishtory - Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- dylanaraps/pure-sh-bible - 📖 A collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
- bespoyasov/tools - Список полезных сервисов для разработчиков.
- teddysun/lamp - Install LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP) for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- ngs-lang/ngs - Next Generation Shell (NGS)
- google/zx - A tool for writing better scripts
- scop/bash-completion - Programmable completion functions for bash
- sindresorhus/pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
- Installomator/Installomator - Installation script to deploy standard software on Macs
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- bilyboy785/seedbox-compose - A complete script to deploy Seedbox with Docker fully automated !
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- reobin/typewritten - A minimal, lightweight, informative zsh prompt theme
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- edoardottt/HackerRank-LinuxShell - HackerRank-LinuxShell Solutions 💻
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- nbedos/termtosvg - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
- szepeviktor/debian-server-tools - Tools and living docs 🧬 for Debian-based servers and Web Applications
- fnzv/trsh - Telegram Remote-Shell
- Nyr/openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
- doortts/is-alive-bot.sh - Server status check and Telegram message notification sending shell
- msoap/shell2telegram - Telegram bot constructor from command-line
- awesome-foss/awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- SpaceVim/SpaceVim - A modular configuration of Vim and Neovim
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- HariSekhon/SQL-scripts - 100+ SQL Scripts - PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, MariaDB, AWS Athena. DBA, Analytics, DevOps, performance engineering. Google BigQuery ML machine learning classification.
- nalgeon/sqlime - Online SQLite playground
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- ktaranov/sqlserver-kit - Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- nalgeon/sqlime - Online SQLite playground
- Stability-AI/StableStudio - Community interface for generative AI
- AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker - Easy Docker setup for Stable Diffusion with user-friendly UI
- fabston/Telegram-Support-Bot - 📬 Manage and organize all your support inquiries on Telegram.
- mikurei/ticketgram - Telegram Support Bot
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- calcom/cal.com - Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- sshrshnv/tgfeed - Read Telegram channels like a news feed.
- soldatov-ss/flibusta-telegram-bot - Telegram bot for searching books in Flibusta
- tm-a-t/AvatarEmojiBot - Telegram bot. Generates custom emoji packs with avatars of group members
- Easterok/telegram-onboarding-kit - A simple-to-use tool for crafting onboardings and paywalls for Telegram Bots
- khoben/telemirror - Telegram message forwarder (client API)
- fabston/Telegram-Support-Bot - 📬 Manage and organize all your support inquiries on Telegram.
- MassonNN/masson-aiogram-template - This is a scalable and functional template for any bots which will be made with aiogram 3.x
- ohld/django-telegram-bot - My sexy Django + python-telegram-bot + Celery + Redis + Postgres + Dokku + GitHub Actions template
- ItIsMeCall911/Awesome-Telegram-OSINT - 📚 A Curated List of Awesome Telegram OSINT Tools, Sites & Resources
- TgCatUB/catuserbot - A simple Telegram userbot based on Telethon
- dw-0/kiauh - Klipper Installation And Update Helper
- grammyjs/grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
- gram-js/gramjs - NodeJS/Browser MTProto API Telegram client library,
- Stuchalin/certcheckerbot - Simple telegram bot for check certificate expiry dates
- extratone/t - My collection of Telegram themes, documentation, plugins, etc.
- mecitsem/Arf-HashtagBot - Send a photo and generate auto hashtag for your photos with this bot on Facebook, Telegram and Skype channels.
- kdrag0n/pyrobud - A clean selfbot for Telegram with an emphasis on quality and practicality, designed to complement the official clients.
- Rongronggg9/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot - A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot - Telegram Group Calls Streaming bot with some useful features, written in Python with Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. Supporting platforms like Youtube, Spotify, Resso, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and M3u8 Links.
- MarshalX/tgcalls - Voice chats, private incoming and outgoing calls in Telegram for Developers
- Dragon-Userbot/Dragon-Userbot - Userbot for telegram with easiest installation
- TeamUltroid/UltroidAddons - Plugins repository. Read the readme for more!
- TeamUltroid/pyUltroid - [Ultroid] Base Library - Telethon
- albertincx/formatbot1 - Make instant view easily and fast, from any article on the internet in the best messenger ever Telegram
- slok/alertgram - Easy and simple prometheus alertmanager alerts on telegram
- amirho3inf/aiogram-structured - Code your aiogram bot faster, easier & modular.
- metalmatze/alertmanager-bot - [deprecated] Bot for Prometheus' Alertmanager
- TeamUltroid/Ultroid - Advanced Multi-Featured Telegram UserBot, Built in Python Using Telethon lib.
- bottenderjs/messaging-apis - Messaging APIs for multi-platform
- Yoctol/bottender - ⚡️ A framework for building conversational user interfaces.
- Tishka17/aiogram_dialog - GUI framework on top of aiogram
- goq/telegram-list - List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов
- smartmanru/tg_sharex - service for upload image/text/link/files via shareX to telegram
- fnzv/trsh - Telegram Remote-Shell
- Sea-n/tdesktop - Unofficial Telegreat Messaging app
- LonamiWebs/Telethon - Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!
- petrinm/tgstats - Telegram Channel Statistic Generator
- idoco/intergram - Free live chat widget linked to your Telegram messenger
- fatal0/XVoiceChanger - Instant messaging voice changer based on SoundTouch library and Xposed framework
- amanmj/PC-Remote-Control - A telegram bot to remotely control anyone's PC remotely through your phone/PC.
- m-messiah/xye-bot - Бот Хуификатор
- iovxw/rssbot - Lightweight Telegram RSS notification bot. 用于消息通知的轻量级 Telegram RSS 机器人
- doortts/is-alive-bot.sh - Server status check and Telegram message notification sending shell
- claudiajs/claudia-bot-builder - Create chat bots for Facebook Messenger, Slack, Amazon Alexa, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Line, GroupMe, Kik and Twilio and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes
- rahiel/telegram-send - Send messages and files over Telegram from the command-line.
- SPR-CPU-ORG/F80 - A Professional Telegram-Bot Based On valtman.name/telegram-cli
- k13w/teleGit - Telegram Bot in Python
- Fillll/pockebot - Read It Later for Telegram
- msoap/shell2telegram - Telegram bot constructor from command-line
- mamal72/telegram-github-search-bot - A Github search bot for Telegram
- ableev/Zabbix-in-Telegram - Zabbix Notifications with graphs in Telegram
- abdelhai/awesome-bots - Awesome Links about bots.
- nickoala/telepot - Python framework for Telegram Bot API
- fathyb/carbonyl - Chromium running inside your terminal
- DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch - ISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video
- vimhack/dotfiles - 🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environment
- sindresorhus/pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- borisfaure/terminology - The best terminal emulator based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
- directvt/vtm - Text-based desktop environment
- ibraheemdev/modern-unix - A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
- cdleon/awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators
- herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- reobin/typewritten - A minimal, lightweight, informative zsh prompt theme
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- ehmicky/nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions
- chubin/awesome-console-services - A curated list of awesome console services (reachable via HTTP, HTTPS and other network protocols)
- wcchoi/swell.sh - Web-based Terminal for Bash designed for mobile with autocomplete suggestion & gesture typing keyboard
- nbedos/termtosvg - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
- chubin/cheat.sh - the only cheat sheet you need
- cjbassi/gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- bhattsameer/Bombers - SMS/Email/Whatsapp/Twitter/Instagram bombers Collection 💣💣💣 💥 Also added collection of some Fake SMS utilities which helps in skip phone number based SMS verification by using a te
- adi1090x/termux-desktop - Setup A Beautiful Desktop/GUI In Termux
- un1cum/Beast_Bomber - The best open source bomber
- termux/termux-packages - A package build system for Termux.
- Hax4us/Apkmod - Apkmod can decompile, recompile, sign APK, and bind the payload with any legit APP
- wcchoi/swell.sh - Web-based Terminal for Bash designed for mobile with autocomplete suggestion & gesture typing keyboard
- SDRausty/TermuxArch - You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows. https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/docs/install
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools - 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LD
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- rafal-qa/page-walker - Chrome DevTools automation for desktop and mobile devices
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- VladislavEremeev/QA_bible - “Библия QA” - это обновляемая база знаний объемом 560+ страниц
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- qustavo/httplab - The interactive web server
- localstack/localstack - 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- mendel5/alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
- huginn/huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
- Angular-RU/angular-awesome-list - Список ресурсов по Angular на русском
- dtgorski/typex - [TOOL/CLI] - Filter and examine Go type structures, interfaces and their transitive dependencies and relationships. Export structural types as TypeScript value object or bare type representations.
- AlexeyBoiko/DgrmJS - Dgrm.net - flowchart editor. Works on desktop, phone and tablet. Has no dependency. Pure JavaScript.
- SawyerHood/draw-a-ui - Draw a mockup and generate html for it
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
- grammyjs/grammY - The Telegram Bot Framework.
- ritz078/transform - A polyglot web converter.
- calcom/cal.com - Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
- AlphaNecron/Void - Fast and elegant file hosting service.
- eclipse-theia/theia - Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- Angular-RU/angular-awesome-list - Список ресурсов по Angular на русском
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- notthebee/ansible-easy-vpn - An Ansible playbook that sets up a Wireguard server with ad blocking, DNS-over-HTTPS, and a WebUI with 2FA
- 89luca89/distrobox - Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at
- davestephens/ansible-nas - Build a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
- GhostWriters/DockSTARTer - DockSTARTer helps you get started with running apps in Docker.
- teddysun/lamp - Install LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP) for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- i-MSCP/imscp - i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
- excelsi0r/SteamLinkBluetoothKeybordMouseCompanion - Steam link Bluetooth controller Companion. Support for keyboard and mouse.
- anandslab/AtoMiC-ToolKit - AtoMiC Toolkit simplifies HTPC / Home Server setup and management on Ubuntu and Debian variants including Raspbian. It currently supports: Couchpotato, Deluged, Emby, FFmpeg, Headphones, Htpcmanager,
- Nyr/openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
- HariSekhon/Templates - 100+ DevOps Code & Config templates for Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Docker, Packer, Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Lambda, AWS CodeBuild, GCP Cloud Build, Vagrant, Puppet, Python, Bash, Go, P
- neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
- NvChad/NvChad - Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience.
- LunarVim/LunarVim - 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
- vimhack/dotfiles - 🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environment
- helix-editor/helix - A post-modern modal text editor.
- Optixal/neovim-init.vim - 🏮 A hybrid Neovim configuration for productive developers who want a functional yet aesthetic Vim experience 🏮
- sk3pp3r/cheat-sheet-pdf - 📜 A Cheat-Sheet Collection from the WWW
- liuchengxu/space-vim - 🍀 Lean & mean spacemacs-ish Vim distribution
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- xwmx/nb - CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
- SpaceVim/SpaceVim - A modular configuration of Vim and Neovim
- hongwenjun/vps_setup - linux vim bash 脚本学习笔记 by 蘭雅sRGB https://262235.xyz/
- microsoft/vscode-webview-ui-toolkit - A component library for building webview-based extensions in Visual Studio Code.
- hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn - Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
- vx3r/wg-gen-web - Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard
- notthebee/ansible-easy-vpn - An Ansible playbook that sets up a Wireguard server with ad blocking, DNS-over-HTTPS, and a WebUI with 2FA
- githubixx/ansible-role-wireguard - Ansible role for installing WireGuard VPN. Supports Ubuntu, Debian, Archlinx, Fedora and CentOS.
- Gozargah/Marzban - Unified GUI Censorship Resistant Solution Powered by Xray
- StreisandEffect/streisand - Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these serv
- Genymobile/gnirehtet - Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
- trailofbits/algo - Set up a personal VPN in the cloud
- l-n-s/wireguard-install - WireGuard VPN server installer
- tux-00/routemanager - Manage routes to deal with overlapping networks.
- udpsec/awesome-vpn - 科学上网的有趣项目集锦,欢迎大家pr自己喜欢的项目到这里。
- Drewsif/OpenVPN-Config-Generator -
- 521xueweihan/shadowsocks-heroku - 本项目已删除
- Nyr/openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
- Easterok/telegram-onboarding-kit - A simple-to-use tool for crafting onboardings and paywalls for Telegram Bots
- 0xJacky/nginx-ui - Yet another WebUI for Nginx
- Formicka/exchangerate.host - Exchange rates API is a simple and lightweight free service for current and historical foreign exchange rates & crypto exchange rates.
- Lissy93/dashy - 🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- jolaleye/cssfx - ✨ Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects
- Binaryify/vue-qr - The Vue Component for Awesome-qr.js
- vx3r/wg-gen-web - Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard
- Tomotoes/scrcpy-gui - 👻 A simple & beautiful GUI application for scrcpy. QQ群:734330215
- benc-uk/kubeview - Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- AlexeyBoiko/DgrmJS - Dgrm.net - flowchart editor. Works on desktop, phone and tablet. Has no dependency. Pure JavaScript.
- avwo/whistle - HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
- AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- ffuf/ffuf - Fast web fuzzer written in Go
- remileduc/sherver - Pure Bash lightweight web server.
- zhashkevych/awesome-backend - 🚀 A curated and opinionated list of resources (English & Russian) for Backend developers | Структурированный список ресурсов для изучения Backend разработки
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- zauberzeug/nicegui - Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
- jolaleye/altr - 🔧 Transform your images, videos, and audio with ease
- Angular-RU/angular-awesome-list - Список ресурсов по Angular на русском
- AlexeyBoiko/DgrmJS - Dgrm.net - flowchart editor. Works on desktop, phone and tablet. Has no dependency. Pure JavaScript.
- zauberzeug/nicegui - Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
- is-a-dev/register - Grab your own sweet-looking '.is-a.dev' subdomain.
- aakhilv/runs-on.tech - Free 'runs-on.tech' subdomains for personal sites, open-source projects, and more.
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
- MustardChef/WSAMagiskDelta - Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Magisk Delta and Google Play Store (OpenGApps/ MindTheGapps
- massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts - Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
- quickemu-project/quickemu - Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines
- LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools - Re-imagining Windows like a minimal OS install, already debloated with minimal impact for most functionality.
- fossable/goldboot - Immutable infrastructure for the desktop!
- marchellodev/sharik - Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- aau-network-security/haaukins - A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education
- Bobronium/bearable-windows-experience - A lifeline for people dealing with Windows, especially after using macOS.
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- ksnip/ksnip - ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool
- winfsp/sshfs-win - SSHFS For Windows
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- bol-van/zapret - DPI bypass multi platform
- digitalocean/nginxconfig.io - ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets - 👩💻👨💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- dbohdan/structured-text-tools - A list of command-line tools for manipulating structured text data
To the extent possible under law, smartmanru has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.