Alfred workflow to open my commonly used services/their documentation
aws ${service}
- enter takes you to the console, shift+enter takes you to the node SDK docs for that service.
PRs welcome for more services!
Note: some of these may not work/may be mislisted, this is from some notes I restored.
keyword - console - SDK docs
lambda = lambda > Lambda
dynamo = dynamodb > DynamoDB
cognito = cognito > CognitoIdentityServiceProvider
ec2 = ec2 > EC2
s3 = s3 > S3
rds = rds > RDS
sfn = states > StepFunctions
athena = athena > Athena
logs = ??? > CloudWatchLogs
rules = ??? > CloudWatchEvents
billing = ??? > Budgets?
ecs = ecs > ECS
iam = iam > IAM
redshift = redshift > Redshift
ses = ses > SES
sns = sns > SNS
sqs = sqs > SQS
r53 = route53 > Route53
vpc = vpc > EC2
cloudwatch = cloudwatch > Cloudwatch