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#Quick Start Guide

This is a quick walkthrough to demonstrate how to create an iOS app that uses Watson's Text To Speech service to speak in English.


Before beginning to create the iOS application, make sure you set up a BlueMix application and create a Text To Speech service. First, sign up for a Bluemix account. Next, create a new Bluemix application, it can either be Node JS or Liberty application (it does not matter in this example since we will not be deploying any server-side code). Next, setup an instance of the Watson Text to Speech service for that application. When a service gets bound to a Bluemix application, new credentials are automatically generated for making calls to the service. These credentials will be used as part of this getting started guide, and can be found once the service is started by clicking on the “Show Credentials” link on the service. For more information about creating Bluemix applications and attaching Bluemix and Watson services read Bluemix getting started.

In addition, this quick guide uses Carthage to fetch the Watson Developer Cloud iOS SDK and its dependencies. Carthage provides instruction for Installing Carthage.

###Create a Text to Speech App

  1. Create a "Single View App" in Xcode and name it "WatsonSpeaks".

  1. Fill in the fields for Product Name, Organization Name, and Organization Identifier.

  1. Create a file called "Cartfile" in the root directory of your project and put the following inside the file:
# cartfile contents
github "watson-developer-cloud/ios-sdk"

  1. Run carthage update --platform iOS from the command line at the root of the project. If you receive a compile failure for the framework AlamofireObjectMapper, run the command again.

  1. Create a new Group in your Xcode project called "Frameworks".

  1. Select all the .framework files in the Carthage/Build/iOS/ directory of your project (Alamofire, AlamofireObjectMapper, HTTPStatusCodes, ObjectMapper, Starscream, XCGLogger). Drag-and-drop those files from Finder into the new "Frameworks" group inside of your project in Xcode. When the dialog appears, make sure you deselect the option to copy items. This will create a reference to those Framework files without copying them.

  1. In Xcode, select the "WatsonSpeaks" project then select its "WatsonSpeaks" build target. In the "Build Phases" tab, add a new Copy Files Phase and set its destination to "Frameworks".

  1. Add all of the frameworks you added to Xcode to the Copy Files Phase.

  1. Open your ViewController class and add import WatsonDeveloperCloud under the import of UIKit.

  2. Add the code below to the viewDidLoad method in the ViewController class:

    var player: AVAudioPlayer?    

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let tts = TextToSpeech(username: "YOUR TTS USERNAME", password: "YOUR TTS PASSWORD")
        tts.synthesize("All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think.") { 

            data, error in

            if let audio = data {

                do {
                    self.player = try AVAudioPlayer(data: audio)
                } catch {
                    print("Couldn't create player.")

            } else {


  1. Update the initialization of TextToSpeech to use the credentials you obtained in the "Prerequisite" section above.

  2. Add the following to your info.plist. In order to make network calls to Watson, we need to whitelist the URL to the server.


  1. Run application in a Simulator, and you should hear speech coming from the speaker.

  2. Enjoy!

You can review the different voices and languages here.

You can download all the source code for the Watson Developer Cloud iOS SDK here.