Your model can be specified in my_model.jl
file, preferably located in examples/models/my_model
folder. The file may include three functions:
1) my_model_dynamics(x, u)
: wherex
is the vector of system variables andu
is the vector of control variables. This function returns a vectordx
which specifies how the derivative of system variables are computed. For example, for a single pendulum system, the continuous-time system is:
are model parameters: gravitational acceleration, pendulum length, pendulum mass and viscous drag coefficient). For the single pendulum model, single_pend_dynamics(x, y)
looks like this:
function single_pend_dynamics(x, u)
m, l, g, c = 0.5, 0.5, 1., 0.
dx1 = x[2]
dx2 = g/l * sin(x[1]) + 1 / (m*l^2) * (u[1] - c * x[2])
return [dx1, dx2]
2) my_model_dynamics_overt(range_dict, N_overt; t_idx)
: This function generates an relational overapproximation of the original model.range_dict
indicates the range of system variables as a dictionary andN_overt
is the number of linear segments per region of uniform convexity, the parameter that the OVERT library takes. PassingN_overt=-1
lets OVERT choose this parameter efficiently. In order to verify a desired property of the closed-loop system over a number of timesteps, OVERT keeps a symbolic expression of the model over time. This allows OVERTVerify to be significantly less conservative; see [here](link to paper) for more details. To allow this to happen, we need to assign a secondary subscript to the system variables to keep track of the time step. parametert_idx
is that extra subscript. The default valuet_idx=nothing
means no symbolic representation is kept over time. The output of this function is a tuple of(v_oA, [v_oA.output])
is theOverApproximation
object that includes overapproximation of nonlinear part of your model. For example, for the single pendulum model, the function looks like this:
function single_pend_dynamics_overt(range_dict, N_OVERT; t_idx=nothing)
m, l, g, c = 0.5, 0.5, 1., 0.
if isnothing(t_idx)
v1 = :($(g/l) * sin(x1) + $(1/(m*l^2)) * u - $(c/(m*l^2)) * x2)
v1 = "$(g/l) * sin(x1_$t_idx) + $(1/(m*l^2)) * u_$t_idx - $(c/(m*l^2)) * x2_$t_idx"
v1 = Meta.parse(v1) # turns into Expr type
v1_oA = overapprox(v1, range_dict; N=N_OVERT)
return v1_oA, [v1_oA.output]
Notice how t_idx
is used as an extra subscript for system and control variables. While the single pendulum problem has only one nonlinear relation, more complicated models may include multiple such equations. To combine all over-approximation objects, use add_overapproximate
combined_v_oA = add_overapproximate([v1_oA, v2_oA])
see other models in example\models
folder for your reference.
3) my_model_update_rule(input_vars, control_vars, overt_output_vars)
: this function determines how the over-approximated model will be constructed. The output is a dictionary that indicates how the time-discrete integration of each state variable is computed. For example, for the single pendulum model, the function looks like this:
function single_pend_update_rule(input_vars, control_vars, overt_output_vars)
ddth = overt_output_vars[1]
integration_map = Dict(input_vars[1] => input_vars[2], input_vars[2] => ddth)
return integration_map
In addition to these three functions, you need to define the state and control variable symbols, and eventually define the problem as an OvertProblem
. For the case of single pendulum problem, we have:
single_pend_input_vars = [:x1, :x2]
single_pend_control_vars = [:u1]
SinglePendulum = OvertProblem(
An OvertProblem
may also contain a measurement model. For example for the acc problem, the following measurement model is used:
acc_measurement_model = [[1, 0, 0, -1, -T_gap, 0]::Array{Float64}] # relative distance - v_ego*Tgap
A measurement model can contain multiple rows of measurements instead of just one.
If your model specifies $\textbf{x}_{t+1} = f(\textbf{x}_t, \textbf{u}t)$ directly, without forward Euler integration and is incomptable with re-arrangement to that form, you can set the timestep $dt=1$ and re-arrange your difference equation to be of the form $\textbf{x}{t+1} = \textbf{x}_t + g(\textbf{x}_t, \textbf{u}_t)\times 1$ where my_model_dynamics(x, u)
. Be mindful that the timestep used for any Monte Carlo simulation comparison matches the timestep used in my_model_dynamics