%%% title = "Extending HTTP status codes to include developer errors" abbrev = "7xxhttpcodes" category = "info" docName = "draft-barton-7xxhttpcodes-00" updates = [7231] ipr= "trust200902" area = "Internet" workgroup = "" keyword = ["http", "errors"]
date = 2018-04-01T00:00:00Z
[[author]] initials="J. R." surname="Barton" fullname="J. R. Barton" organization = "Railscamp" [author.address] email = "[email protected]" %%%
.# Abstract
We humbly suggest the following status codes to be included in the HTTP spec in the 7XX range.
Some words and stuff. Reference to [@?RFC7231], looking to classify 500 series as unknown unknowns, and the 700 series as known unknowns.
The keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this document, are to be interpreted as described in [@?RFC2119].
- 701 - Meh
- 702 - Emacs
- 703 - Explosion
- 704 - Goto Fail
- 705 - I wrote the code and missed the necessary validation by an oversight (see 795)
- 706 - Delete Your Account
- 707 - Can't quit vi
- 710 - PHP
- 711 - Convenience Store
- 712 - NoSQL
- 718 - I am not a teapot
- 719 - Haskell
- 720 - Unpossible
- 721 - Known Unknowns
- 722 - Unknown Unknowns
- 723 - Tricky
- 724 - This line should be unreachable
- 725 - It works on my machine
- 726 - It's a feature, not a bug
- 727 - 32 bits is plenty
- 728 - It works in my timezone
- 730 - Fucking npm
- 731 - Fucking Rubygems
- 732 - Fucking Unic💩de
- 733 - Fucking Deadlocks
- 734 - Fucking Deferreds
- 736 - Fucking Race Conditions
- 735 - Fucking IE
- 737 - FuckThreadsing
- 738 - Fucking Exactly-once Delivery
- 739 - Fucking Windows
- 738 - Fucking Exactly-once Delivery
74x TBD. Got the brains trust on the case.
- 750 - Didn't bother to compile it
- 753 - Syntax Error
- 754 - Too many semi-colons
- 755 - Not enough semi-colons
- 756 - Insufficiently polite
- 757 - Excessively polite
- 759 - Unexpected
- 761 - Hungover
- 762 - Stoned
- 763 - Under-Caffeinated
- 764 - Over-Caffeinated
- 765 - Railscamp
- 766 - Sober
- 767 - Drunk
- 768 - Accidentally Took Sleeping Pills Instead Of Migraine Pills During Crunch Week
- 771 - Cached for too long
- 772 - Not cached long enough
- 773 - Not cached at all
- 774 - Why was this cached?
- 775 - Out of cash
- 776 - Error on the Exception
- 777 - Coincidence
- 778 - Off By One Error
- 779 - Off By Too Many To Count Error
- 780 - Project owner not responding
- 781 - Operations
- 782 - QA
- 783 - It was a customer request, honestly
- 784 - Management, obviously
- 785 - TPS Cover Sheet not attached
- 786 - Try it now
- 787 - Further Funding Required
- 788 - Designer's final designs weren't
- 789 - Not my department
- 791 - The Internet shut down due to copyright restrictions
- 792 - Climate change driven catastrophic weather event
- 793 - Zombie Apocalypse
- 794 - Someone let PG near a REPL
- 795 - #heartbleed (see 705)
- 796 - Some DNS fuckery idno
- 797 - This is the last page of the Internet. Go back
- 798 - I checked the db backups cupboard and the cupboard was bare
- 799 - End of the world
Railscamp crew, github contributors, etc