All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.1.3 (2024-07-16)
3.1.2 (2024-06-26)
- input-number: set inc/dec buttons z-index (952f052)
3.1.1 (2024-06-07)
- ButtonGroup: fix select last child border radius (7d21674)
3.1.0 (2024-06-06)
- Autocomplete: add xl size (ca67808)
- ButtonClose: add xl size (30c1f92)
- ButtonIcon: add xl size (9092677)
- Input: add xl size (2c0de2e)
- InputFile: add xl size (6398560)
- InputNumber: add xl size (8e58e6c)
- Listbox: add xl size (fb78f84)
- Select: add xl size (0c0d9a9)
- Input: adjust font size configuration (93b81a2)
- Input: fix xl input icon size (e655061)
- InputNumber: fix xl input icon size (92eaabc)
- Select: fix xl select icon size (be072f6)
3.0.4 (2024-04-11)
- pagination: improve responsive and large number styles (e633f3a)
3.0.3 (2024-04-09)
- button: re add xl size (3de5184)
3.0.2 (2024-04-08)
3.0.1 (2024-03-31)
3.0.0 (2024-03-04)
2.0.3 (2024-01-26)
- button-group: single child + support more kind of components (726714d)
- button: align default border color with all inputs (3f6522f)
2.0.2 (2024-01-26)
- input-number: add end padding to allow large input or right aligned input (6f61fba)
3.0.0-next.6 (2024-03-04)
- Tooltip: fix arrow color opacity (c5fad6c)
3.0.0-next.5 (2024-02-23)
- Message: rename type prop to color (b94522c)
3.0.0-next.4 (2024-02-22)
- Tooltip: fix background styles (dbd3a62)
3.0.0-next.3 (2024-02-22)
- Tooltip: fix right and left arrows (4376b60)
3.0.0-next.2 (2024-02-22)
- IconBox: dark color config (d05ede9)
3.0.0-next.1 (2024-02-22)
- ButtonGroup: add role group selector to main class (78a8204)
- DropdownItem: add color prop, rename existing color prop to contrast, update bindings (9aa5f01)
- BaseDropdown: change context ring color to muted (b47deb1)
- IconBox: change invert color name to light (15b0d15)
3.0.0-next.0 (2024-02-21)
- Accordion: add color and dotColor props (be3e35e)
- Autocomplete: add color focus prop to autocomplete (d6f2024)
- Breadcrumb: add new colors (c3bb575)
- ButtonAction: add new colors and contrast colors (c8dcd8a)
- Button: add contrast color variant styles (15930a6)
- Button: add new colors and contrast colors, todo: contrast variants (ff0c853)
- ButtonClose: add contrast colors (081791e)
- ButtonIcon: add new colors and contrast colors (bb45b54)
- Card: add new colors (d17f799)
- Checkbox: add new colors (253c190)
- FullscreenDropfile: add new color prop (93022c8)
- IconBox: add new colors and contrasts (0dee570)
- InputFile: refactor styles, add colors (1ca7540)
- Kbd: add contrast colors (715c431)
- Listbox: add color focus prop to listbox (6b059a1)
- Message: add contrast colors (9b85f2c)
- MessageText: refactor message text component, add colors (b8caef4)
- Pagination: add new color prop (1de22ba)
- Progress: add new colors (ec19d3c)
- ProgressCircle: add new colors (cdc0654)
- Radio: add new colors (965cf31)
- Select: add color focus prop to select (8e97e82)
- Snack: add contrast colors (3a1f4f6)
- SwitchBall: add new colors (df0c3ea)
- SwitchThin: add new colors (c1291fd)
- Tabs: add new color prop (7534198)
- TabSlider: add new color prop (e09a081)
- Tag: add new colors and contrast colors (0e3327a)
- Tag: add new colors and contrast colors (05eaee7)
- Toast: refactor component styles, add colors (c3f27f6)
- Accordion: rename rounded classes to match props (82bde2f)
- Autocomplete: rename rounded classes to match props (5949cfd)
- Avatar: rename rounded classes to match props (8bf9815)
- ButtonAction: rename rounded classes to match props (1c0efcb)
- ButtonClose: rename rounded classes to match props (5dd9dae)
- ButtonIcon: fix default border color (ed0a141)
- ButtonIcon: rename rounded classes to match props (de8ac54)
- Button: rename rounded classes to match props (b84378c)
- Card: rename rounded classes to match props (f7169c6)
- Card: rename white and white-contrast colors to default and default-contrast, fix shadow prop (d3f2571)
- Checkbox: rename rounded classes to match props (70d9db0)
- DropdownItem: rename rounded classes to match props (626b5a2)
- Dropdown: rename rounded classes to match props (78adc4b)
- Dropdown: rename white and white-contrast colors to default and default-contrast (b0f2290)
- IconBox: rename rounded classes to match props (baf1fb1)
- InputFile: fix addon border (73e28a2)
- InputFile: fix border color focus (98697b7)
- InputFileRegular: rename rounded classes to match props (c93c454)
- InputFile: rename rounded classes to match props (596986b)
- InputFile: rename white and white-contrast colors to default and default-contrast (d0111e4)
- Input: fix color focus not showing on hover (3c4184f)
- InputNumber: fix color focus not showing (28ff02c)
- InputNumber: rename rounded classes to match props (229f0fb)
- Input: rename rounded classes to match props (ba68edf)
- Listbox: rename rounded classes to match props (9502d8e)
- Message: rename rounded classes to match props (aa6ae27)
- MessageText: rename rounded classes to match props (0ada7ca)
- Pagination: rename rounded classes to match props (ec5b3fd)
- Progress: rename rounded classes to match props (b105b75)
- Prose: rename rounded classes to match props (1398e3e)
- Select: rename rounded classes to match props (35aebf4)
- TabSlider: fix default color (ef540cd)
- TabSlider: rename rounded classes to match props (67c8865)
- Tag: add borders to tag variants (98aec85)
- Tag: rename rounded classes to match props (86dc59f)
- Textarea: rename rounded classes to match props (766ed18)
- Toast: rename rounded classes to match props (64d845a)
2.0.1 (2024-01-24)
- ButtonAction: fix broken active bg color for default and muted colors (8e5abee)
2.0.0 (2024-01-11)
- replace config prefix from
+ export plugins and default theme
- add nui-focus utility stories (aa4b44a)
- add nui-mark utility stories (b4335b2)
- add nui-mask utility stories (6347952)
- add nui-slimscroll utility stories (ca15aa7)
- replace config prefix from
+ export plugins and default theme (b8976f8) - update to tailwind 3.4 (d431a1e)
- InputNumber: fix muted contrast styles (4adeebc)
2.0.0-next.12 (2023-12-26)
- update border color in listbox.config.ts (7cb78ea)
2.0.0-next.11 (2023-12-20)
- fix background and border colors in listbox options (19aefa7)
- update border color in card.config.ts (3a6e680)
- update cursor style in textarea component (470e418)
2.0.0-next.10 (2023-12-20)
- update button hover color in button.config.ts (cf57020)
- update checkbox inner background dark color (ba65672)
- update snack.config.ts to use 'muted-950' as the icon dark background color (48098c2)
2.0.0-next.9 (2023-12-20)
- BaseCard: update border colors in card component (570c9fa)
2.0.0-next.8 (2023-12-19)
- BaseListbox: update listbox styles for loading and label float (917b0bd)
- BaseTextarea: update textarea styles to include cursor styles for enabled state (62a44f1)
- BasThemeSwitch: fix border styles in theme switch component (7ef5ed6)
2.0.0-next.7 (2023-12-19)
- refactor listbox label styles (d53bd75)
2.0.0-next.6 (2023-12-19)
- refactor listbox label styles for small size and floating label (ed0e5a5)
2.0.0-next.5 (2023-12-19)
- refactor listbox button focus styles (8715443)
2.0.0-next.4 (2023-12-18)
- BaseTag: update tag component shadows (521b928)
2.0.0-next.3 (2023-12-18)
- BaseDropdownItem: refactor dropdown-item hover styles (a6433a0)
2.0.0-next.2 (2023-12-18)
- BaseButton: update variant outline muted hover background color (ba8cb0c)
2.0.0-next.1 (2023-12-17)
- BaseAvatar: remove border styles from avatar.config.ts (7c70bb5)
2.0.0-next.0 (2023-12-16)
- Accordion: implement new config (062aef0)
- Accordion: improve overall design (2291f6b)
- Accordion: redesign config (bda2ac9)
- Accordion: rename shape prop to rounded, update stories (0e49c08)
- add bordered props to tabs, update tab slider stories (7911dc8)
- Autocomplete: implement new config design (8e44ca2)
- Autocomplete: redesign autocomplete config (06d87ad)
- Autocomplete: rename shape prop to rounded, update stories (aa58ed6)
- Autocomplete: update docs (c64df8b)
- AvatarGroup: implement new config design (4c65bd2)
- AvatarGroup: redesign config (d255d13)
- Avatar: implement new config (3907353)
- Avatar: redesign configuration (3d8cae5)
- Avatar: rename shape prop to rounded, update stories (302a780)
- Breadcrumb: implement new config (14eface)
- Breadcrumb: redesign config (9ce2a73)
- Breadcrumb: update stories (660a1bc)
- ButtonAction: implement new config (cd9bf16)
- ButtonAction: redesign config (8ca4e38)
- ButtonAction: rename shape prop to rounded, update stories (06f085f)
- ButtonClose: implement new config (c18252f)
- ButtonClose: redesign config (5910409)
- ButtonClose: rename shape prop to rounded, update stories (3ba7992)
- ButtonIcon: implement new config (e431cab)
- ButtonIcon: redesign config (082a0f2)
- ButtonIcon: rename shape prop to rounded, update stories (d2867f1)
- Button: implement button config (601e875)
- Button: rename shape to rounded and flavor to variant (e104b7a)
- Button: rework config structure (a02f20b)
- Card: redesign config (eed398a)
- Card: redesign configuration and implementation, rename shape prop to rounded (6ecbbf5)
- Checkbox: config redesign and implementation (3ead369)
- Dropdown: config redesign and implementation (1492a80)
- DropdownDivider: config redesign and implementation (be03bc7)
- DropdownItem: config redesign and implementation (689fa75)
- Dropfile: config redesign and implementation (2e78245)
- Focus: config redesign and implementation (a793e75)
- Heading: config redesign and implementation (1203446)
- IconBox: config redesign and implementation (07b4293)
- improve breadcrumb demos (3761835)
- improve card demos (0a2f6fe)
- improve list demos (b5cbf15)
- improve message demos (4a71b66)
- improve message-text demos, improve component design (ac449df)
- improve progress demos (419112c)
- improve tab-slider demos (a764d68)
- improve tabs demos (83ff154)
- improve theme-toggles demos (9632c49)
- Input: config redesign and implementation (80b45fb)
- InputFile: config redesign and implementation (82e4ea0)
- InputFileRegular: config redesign and implementation (69656d9)
- InputNumber: config redesign and implementation, fix Lit svg properties naming warning (fd7a3e2)
- Kbd: add new kbd component (686ac70)
- Kbd: fix config imports (b0e70f0)
- Label: config redesign and implementation (d6483ce)
- Link: config redesign and implementation (49e8de1)
- Listbox: config redesign and implementation, fix mdx classname statements (0fa7012)
- List: config redesign and implementation (9b9ebda)
- Mark: config redesign and implementation (e4552b4)
- Message: config redesign and implementation (2fefcea)
- MessageText: config redesign and implementation (80896dc)
- Modal: config redesign and implementation (dd967f0)
- modify preset to include primary and invert colors for light and dark mode (55721ea)
- Pagination: config redesign and implementation (cfc211a)
- Paragraph: config redesign and implementation (439f236)
- Placeholder: config redesign and implementation (7442c08)
- ProgressCircle: config redesign and implementation (10cd073)
- Progress: config redesign and implementation (371794a)
- Prose: config redesign and implementation (6d27976)
- Radio: config redesign and implementation (df4e2f7)
- Select: config redesign and implementation (a05f94f)
- Slimscroll: config redesign and implementation (1106e12)
- Snack/ButtonClose: add xs size to snack, add size prop to button close (11172f4)
- Snack: config redesign and implementation (0e23f6e)
- SwitchBall: config redesign and implementation (14c313b)
- SwitchThin: config redesign and implementation (7c4f3cf)
- Tabs: config redesign and implementation (be61382)
- TabSlider: config redesign and implementation (9ae744c)
- Tag: config redesign and implementation (fc4c890)
- Textarea: config redesign and implementation (e2d4203)
- Text: config redesign and implementation (4c48806)
- ThemeSwitch: config redesign and implementation (0c1ffc8)
- ThemeToggle: config redesign and implementation (071d590)
- ThemeToggle: rework stories, add missing examples (7969142)
- Toast: config redesign and implementation (7382d0f)
- Toast: rework stories, add missing examples (12105e5)
- Tooltip: config redesign and implementation (6dc6f53)
- Button: add missing configs, remove primary-dark from preset (1d18346)
- Button: move config into separate file (d3363cd)
1.5.3 (2023-11-28)
- input-number: button styling for hover and focus states (dfb241a)
1.5.2 (2023-11-28)
- input-number: disabled button styles (bb85ab2)
1.5.1 (2023-11-16)
- inherit base config from tailwind (61d6c5d)
1.5.0 (2023-11-16)
- add typing for tailwind config (20d21fa)
1.4.0 (2023-10-19)
- focus: add mode option to change outline behavior (511a376)
1.3.0 (2023-10-18)
- add input-number component (c2b293d)
- focus: uniform focus outline accros components (fa4c017)
1.2.6 (2023-10-14)
- form icons z-index (7e03449)
1.2.5 (2023-10-13)
- select: prevent chevron icon to overlaps with text (3dc3287)
1.2.4 (2023-10-09)
- remove unused aspec-ratio tailwind plugin (116e39c)
1.2.3 (2023-09-19)
- dropdown: menu position (5857a21)
1.2.2 (2023-09-18)
- avatar dark light img, add listbox storybook (7e49211)
- pagination link dark bg color, dropdown context button dark bg color (3e11ae6)
1.2.1 (2023-09-10)
1.2.0 (2023-09-10)
- add heading storybook (9eb5e8d)
- add storybook list (efc9124)
- add storybook paragraph (9d91b2e)
- add storybook text (6b0f05c)
- avatar group storybook (2dfe0fa)
- avatar storybook, avatar plugin bugfixes (c327189)
- button group docs (853eac2)
- customize sb, finish button stories (d29d128)
- customize storybook, refactor button documentation and stories (31b04db)
- doc styles (c034061)
1.1.0 (2023-08-31)
- avatar-group: add xxs size (1cd247f)
- listbox options dark bg opacity (5ccb924)
1.0.2 (2023-08-28)
1.0.1 (2023-08-28)
1.0.0 (2023-08-27)
- autocomplete: clear icon z-index (6cf2367)
- input-file-regular: set height to inner element (f468417)
- progress: add missing progress-indeterminate animation (b45a520)
1.0.0-beta.8 (2023-08-16)
- prevent preset to be included more than once (9a37101)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2023-08-12)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2023-08-12)
- select: add pointer event none on chevron (12a3ac0)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2023-08-12)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2023-08-12)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-08-12)
- expose preset factory with options (fd8bf91)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2023-08-08)
- button-icon: apply default background (36767f1)
- button: badge placement (3f83fbf)
- dropdown: menu content container (340f100)
- listbox: placeholder class name (083d7a4)
- radio-headless: register component plugin (f8337ec)
- radio: default label color (01bb156)
- switch-ball: dual label class name (585913f)
- switch-thin: dual label class name (c8e0a48)
- textarea: color focus class (9fbbee4)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2023-08-07)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2023-08-02)
- create accordion plugin component (#33) (8033b9b)
- create autocomplete plugin component (#44) (186bd61)
- create avatar plugin component (#10) (3455fdb)
- create avatar-group plugin component (#11) (df22937)
- create breadcrumb plugin component (#16) (460ca11)
- create button plugin component (#7) (babb92e)
- create button-action plugin component (#8) (36bac43)
- create button-close plugin component (#9) (cbc9ef8)
- create button-group plugin component (#42) (038bf40)
- create card plugin component (#19) (732f1ee)
- create checkbox plugin component (#41) (efb7bf6)
- create dropdown plugin component (#20) (2e8adc3)
- create dropdown-item plugin component (#21) (2ab85c5)
- create heading plugin component (#12) (b81bb09)
- create icon-box plugin component (#22) (dad20ab)
- create input file plugin component (#39) (93f3837)
- create input file regular plugin component (#38) (20c1809)
- create input plugin component (#47) (626a3bb)
- create link plugin component (#15) (299e3b3)
- create list plugin component (#23) (9d6e7c1)
- create listbox plugin component (#43) (076af1f)
- create message plugin component (#18) (8df0df4)
- create message-text plugin component (#29) (3d28052)
- create modal plugin component (#24) (4dd6aba)
- create pagination plugin component (#26) (f8c9bfb)
- create paragraph plugin component (#13) (05f655f)
- create placeholder plugin component (#49) (6ec9bb8)
- create progress plugin component (#27) (c7bd9c7)
- create progress-circle plugin component (#28) (94b59dd)
- create radio plugin component (#40) (f320167)
- create select plugin component (#46) (84072ed)
- create snack plugin component (#31) (76e195a)
- create switch ball plugin component (#36) (b9d4559)
- create switch thin plugin component (#37) (cac03fd)
- create tab-slider plugin component (#32) (4cb4540)
- create tabs plugin component (#25) (c568c02)
- create tag plugin component (#17) (5faae35)
- create text plugin component (#14) (2d75a08)
- create textarea plugin component (#45) (d52d631)
- create theme-switch plugin component (#35) (f597c0e)
- create theme-toggle plugin component (#34) (9d061b0)
- create toast plugin component (#30) (10cd58c)
0.1.1 (2023-06-30)
- prevent overriding default animation (6233615)
0.1.0 (2023-06-05)
- add container-queries plugin + update deps (b64e808)
0.0.5 (2023-06-05)
- add components customization + nui-slimscroll + nui-tooltip (f252c4a)
0.0.4 (2023-04-18)
- components: allow to change prefix with plugin options (87b8724)
- add nui prefix to custom animation and placeload (cc193c8)
- preset: use fonts from default tailwind config (4df972d)
0.0.3 (2023-04-14)
- use system font by default (2281b3d)
0.0.2 (2023-04-14)
- initial release (742e352)