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AboveThreshold with Periodic Restarts Algorithm

At a high level, the job of the k-anonymity server is to keep track, for each "set" S, how many distinct users have invoked Join on S over a given lookback period w (say, last 7 days). If the set size exceeds a predetermined threshold k, the set is said to have k-anonymity status. The k-anonymity server continually updates the k-anonymity status of each set known to it, and publishes the status of each set via the Query endpoint.

In this document, we explain how the k-anonymity status of a set is updated and published, to limit the ability of a bad actor to learn information about individual user behavior by observing changes in the output of the Query endpoint.

We employ the following techniques to protect user's privacy:

  • The status of each set is only updated at periodic intervals (such as once an hour) rather than continuously. This limits the ability of tying a specific set status change (from no to yes) to a specific Join action based on timing.

  • We add a calibrated amount of noise to both the true set size and the k-anonymity threshold when evaluating the status of a set. This ensures differential privacy properties for the algorithm and masks the contribution of any single user's actions on the status of the set.

  • We limit the frequency with which the status of a set can change. While it is important to support fast ramp-ups (a large number of users Join-ing a set should result in the set achieving k-anonymity quickly), we limit the speed at which k-anonymity status is lost.

In Differentially Private Algorithms for 𝑘-Anonymity Server we analyze the algorithm and formally bound the amount of information leakage.

We begin by describing the main parameters of the algorithm and presenting the algorithm itself at a high level. We then propose a list of initial parameter settings.


We will use the following parameters in the AboveThresholdWithPeriodicRestart algorithm:

Parameter Definition
$p$ $p$ stands for the query update period. The $k$-anonymity query is evaluated at increments of $p$, that is, at approximate times $t_0$, $t_0+p$, $t_0+2p$... for some starting timestamp $t_0$. For convenience, we define the time values $(w, t)$ in multiples of $p$. For example, if $p$ is 1 hour, the window length will be an integer number of hours.
$w$ We use $w$ for the set member counting window length. The window corresponds to a duration of $wp$ time. For a time $t\in \mathbb{N}$ (corresponding to timestamp $t_0+tp$), the set size subject to the $k$-anonymity requirement, is defined as the number of unique set members who joined the set in the interval $(t-w,t]$. We denote this count for the set $S$ by $C(S,t-w,t)$.
$k$ We use $k$ for the $k$-anonymity threshold. The $k$-anonymity status of a set $S$ will be a noisy response to the query: does $S$ have at least $k$ members (i.e., is $C(S,t-w,t)\geq k)$?
$\varepsilon, \delta$ $\varepsilon, \delta$ are the standard differential-privacy parameters. Let $f:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow {0 (false),1 (true)}$ (we can write $f\in2^\mathbb{N}$) be a function corresponding to a sequence of Query server responses for set $S$, where $t\in \mathbb{N}$. We denote this by $Query(S)=f$. We say that the query function is $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-private if for any $S$, any set $F\in 2^\mathbb{N}$ of possible Query server responses, and inputs $X, X'$ which are equal except for a single user $u$ addition to a set $S$, $P(Query(S)\in F\vert X)\leq e^\varepsilon P(Query(S)\in F\vert X')+\delta$.

The AboveThresholdWithPeriodRestartAlgorithm

The following paragraphs describe the algorithm at a high level. For further details, see Differentially Private Algorithms for 𝑘-Anonymity Server.

Let $A_t(S)$ be the evaluation of the $k$-anonymity query for set $S$ at time $t$.

Parameters: $p$ (Query update period); $w$ (counting window size), $k$ (threshold), $\varepsilon, \delta$ (privacy parameters).

Inputs: Set $S$, $t$ (current time), $C(S,t-w,t)$ (exact count of unique clients whose membership in $S$ overlaps with interval $(t-w,t]$).

State: $A_{t-1}(S)$ (most recent algorithm evaluation at time $t-1$)

Algorithm $A_t(S)$:

// algorithm restart
if t-1 = 0 mod w:
  state = false;
  // modify k with truncated Laplace noise mu (function of epsilon)
  generate k'=k+mu;
if state == true:
  generate nu;  // truncated Laplace noise
  A_t(S)=(C(S,t-w,t)+nu <= k');

Proposed parameter settings

We propose the following parameter values to determine k-anonymity status of a set.

Parameter Value
Update period $p$ $p=1$ hour. The k-anonymity server will re-evaluate the k-anonymity status of each set once every hour.
Lookback window $w$ $w=7$ days (168 units of $p$). Join events from the past 7 days will count towards measuring the current set size.
Set size $k$ $k=50$. A set must contain at least 50 users (in a noisy sense) to earn positive k-anonymity status.

The differential privacy algorithm needs the $\varepsilon$ (epsilon) and $\delta$ (delta) parameters to control the amount of noise added to the true set size and the set size threshold. We choose the lowest round value of $\varepsilon$ that permits $\delta &lt; 10^{-5}$ given the choice of parameters $p$, $w$, and $k$ above.

Parameter Value
$\varepsilon, \delta$ $\varepsilon=3$, $\delta&lt;10^{-5}$

We verified that these parameters resulted in a limited amount of noise (as shown in our document Differentially Private Algorithms for 𝑘-Anonymity Server).