domain/codomain of a morphism are objects in a category.
domain/codomain of a functor are categories.
a functor is a morphism in category of categories.
a functor maps objects to objects and arrows to arrows.
a functor is a homomorphism between two categories.
to preserve the laws in a category, the following must stands:
F(id_A) = id_F(a)
, identity lawF(g . f) = F(g) . F(f)
, compostability law
F : S -> List(S)
F(A) = [A] : A -> List A
F(f) = map f : (A -> A') -> (List A -> List A')
F(id) = map id xs = xs = id
F(g . f)(xs) = map (f . g) xs = map f (map g xs) = (map f . map g) xs
Forgetful functor U : Mon -> Set
Only the set part is preserved.
- obj mapping:
(M, _, _) ~> M
- arr mapping:
((M, _, _) -> (M', _, _)) ~> (M -> M')
fmap f (m, _, _) = f m
id functor I_c
- obj mapping:
A ~> A
- arr mapping:
(A -> B) ~> (A -> B)
fmap f x = f x
right product with A
- obj mapping:
X ~> X x A
- arr mapping:
(X -> Y) ~> (X x A -> Y x A)
fmap f x = (f x, A)
see above.
- obj mapping:
S -> superset of S
, whereS : Set
- arr mapping:
(S -> S') -> (superset of S -> Superset of S')
-- suppose the set itown is at last
fobj o = subsequences o
fmap f = subsequences . fmap f . last
it's just a monoid homomorphism!
- obj mapping:
X ~> X ⨯ X
- arr mapping:
(X -> X') ~> (X ⨯ X -> X' ⨯ X')
fobj x = (x, x)
fmap f (x, _) = (f x, f x)
C(A, -)(B) := C(A,B)
C(A, f : B -> C)(g : A -> B) := f . g : A -> C, or C(A,C)
=> C(A, f : B -> C) : C(A,B) -> C(A,C)
fobj x = [arr, forall arr : a -> x] -- abbr to forall a -> x below
fmap (f :: b -> c) = (forall a -> b) ~> (forall a -> c)
the set C(A,B)
is called a hom-set.
in haskell, this is the instance Functor (a ->)
contravariant: C(-, B)
: contramap :: (a -> c) ~> ((c -> b) -> (a -> b))
instance Contravariant (-> b) where
contramap :: (a -> c) -> (f c -> f a)
contramap :: (a -> c) -> ((c -> b) -> (a -> b))
contramap f g = g . f
bifunctor C(-,-)
accroding to
easy, A Profunctor
is just a bifunctor that is contravariant in the first argument and covariant in the second. What's the problem?
class Profunctor p where
dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
instance Profunctor (->) where
dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> d)
dimap ab cd bc = ab >>> bc >>> cd
They are so easy.
A universal algebra is a three tuple: (|A|, Ω, a_ω)
as a setΩ
is a set of operation symbols
For a universal algebra, there is a function called ar
determines the arity of a symbol. ar : Ω -> ℕ
And what is a_ω
? It is a mapping function a_ω : |A|^{ar(ω)} → |A|
for all possible ω
s. ()
- Ω-alg homomorphism is defined as a function
h : |A| -> |B|
where for eachω ∈ Ω
and(x₁, x₂, ..., x_{ar(ω)}) ∈ |A|^ar{ω}
h(a_ω(x₁, x₂, ..., x_{ar(ω)})) = b_ω(h(x₁), h(x₂), ..., h(x_{ar(ω))}
- F-homomorphism from
(|A|, a)
to(|B|, b)
is a functionh : |A| -> |B|
such that the following diagram commutes:
omega algebra is a univeral algebra, while not all algebras are necessary univeral ones.
so for omega alg, first there is a set |A|
, now we extend the set with a collection
of operations that act on |A|
, a_ω : |A|^ar(ω) -> |A|
omega algebra homomorphism is a homomorphism from an alg to another
alg. it consists two parts, the morphism of underlying set and the
morphism of operations. the change of set is easy, which is simply a
function f : |A| -> |B|
. while it takes a little bit think to
understand how the morphism between operation set works.
we use ~>
to denote morphism. so the morphism will have signature:
f : (|A|^ar(ω) -> |A|) ~> (|B|^ar(ω) -> |B|)
why does omega keeps unchanged? because we are dealing with the
univeral algebra (omega algebra). Ω is not a specific set but more of
a symbolized representation of a univeral set with all
possibilities. What is really important is the underlying set |A|
and |B|
. which is what should be considered carefully.
f-alg first requires an algebra and then an underlying set of the algebra.
my example. for a given algebra on set A where there are two operations:
• : A x A -> A
@ : A -> A
1 : A
we have a functor F : Set -> Set
that transforms the set A
to another set that
F(A) :=
{(•, (a₁, a₂)) | a₁,a₂ ∈ A} ∪
{(@, (a₁)) | a₁ ∈ A} ∪
{(1, ())}
a functor, of course, have to transform functions. if we have function
h : forall a,b ∈ A, a -> b
, then F(h)(F(A))
will be:
{(•, (h(a₁), h(a₂))) | a₁,a₂ ∈ A} ∪
{(@, (h(a₁))) | a₁ ∈ A} ∪
{(1, ())}
notice that for function h : a -> b
we have F : (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
f-alg is just a morphism from the codom category of F
of A
to A
, that is, F(A) -> A
. which is then clear.
if we have a Ω-alg,
h(a_ω(x₁, ..., x_ar(ω))) = b_ω(h(x₁), ..., h(x_ar(ω)))
which means h . a_ω = b_ω . fmap h
, which is the same as the
commutative diagram below:
so it's eqv to f-alg.
for id := a -> a
∀ ω, F(id)(ω, (k₁, ..., k_n))
= ∀ ω, (ω, (id(k₁), ..., id(k_n)))
= ∀ ω, (ω, (k₁, ..., k_n))`
= ∀ ω, id(F(K))
for f := b -> c, g := a -> b
∀ ω, F(f.g)(ω, (k₁, ..., k_n))
= ∀ ω, (ω, ((f.g)(k₁), ..., (f.g)(k_n)))
= ∀ ω, (ω, (f(g(k₁)), ..., f(g(k_n))))
= ∀ ω, F(f)(ω, (g(k₁), ..., g(k_n)))
= ∀ ω, (F(f).F(g))(ω, (k₁, ..., k_n))
given an initial alg struct a : F(A) -> A
, define a homo function
h : A -> F(A)
, by initiality(why ?), the following square commutes:
F(A) -----------> F(F(A))
| |
| a | F(a)
| |
v h v
A -------------> F(A)
here shows that h . a = id_F(A)
, and by F(a) . F(h) = id_F(A)
we have F(a . h) = F(id_A) => a . h = id_A
. therefore a
is iso.
from Lambek’s theorem, initial algebra of an endofunctor,
A nattrans from functor F : C -> D
to functor G : C -> D
defined as as mapping η : F -> G
such for all x,y ∈ C
, the
following square commutes:
F(x) --------> G(x)
| |
| |
|F(f) |G(f)
| |
v η_y v
F(y) --------> G(y)
intuitively, it means ∀ x. η(F(x)) = G(x)
and η
is homomorphic
(shape preserving).
the diagram looks like:
it turns out to be the naturality square on β
- ref 1. catster's video course
- ref 2. fnats.pdf by andrzej tarlecki
a nat trans τ : F -> G
whose components τ_A
are iso is called nat
iso from F
to G
functor A : C -> D
is said to be naturally isomorphic to functor
B : C -> D
iff there exists a natural isomorphism from A
to B
a representable functor is a functor of a special form from an arbitrary cat into cat of sets. 1
a functor F : C -> Set
is said to be represetable if it is nat isoic
to Hom(A,-)
for some A ∈ C
, we say F
is representable by A
a representation of F
is a pair (A, Φ)
where Φ : Hom(A,-) -> F
i didn't learn about exponential category so i skip this part.
so first we want to know what is a preorder, as well as what it is as a category. according to wikipedia, a preorder set is a set with a reflexive and transitive binary relation. when defined as cat, the objects are elements of the set, and hom-sets have one or zero element (one for objs related, zero otherwise) 2
look at the diagram below:
S(x) -----------> T(x)
| |
|S(f) |T(f)
| |
v τ_y v
S(y) -----------> T(y)
exists if and only if S(C) ≤ T(C)
and it makes the diagram
commutes. therefore τ
is a nat trans.
suppose we have another nat trans υ : S ~≻ T
exists iff
S(C) ≤ T(C)
. ∀ C ∈ 🐈, τ_C(S(C)) = υ_C(S(C))
. suppose we have a
D ∈ 🐕. st ∀ C ∈ 🐈. S(C) ≠ D
, there is no saying S(C) ≤ T(C)
both τ,υ : S ~≻ T
does not exist. so in this case, S
must be
epimorphic, same for T
We conclude τ_C · S = υ_C · S => τ_C = υ_C
-> : const
and <- : point
→ : λa.x
I(X) ----------> hom({A},X)
| ← : f a |
| |
v v
I(Y) ----------> hom({A},Y)
U(X) -----------> hom((ℕ,+,0),X)
| |
| |
v v
U(Y) -----------> hom((ℕ,+,0),Y)
-> : const
and <- : xxx
because there exists monoid homomorphism
forall M. xxx : (ℕ,+,0) -> (M,•,e)
List : FPL ~> List FPL
Length : List FPL -> {Int} ⊂ FPL
andfmap len
nat trans:
∀ A ∈ X. Cons(A,-) : List X -> List X
for a pair of functors F : C -> D
and G : D -> C
C <------------> D
- isomorphism:
1_C = GF, FG = 1_D
- equivalence:
1_C ≅ GF, FG ≅ 1_D
- adjunction:
1_C ~≻ GF, FG ~≻ 1_C
left adjunction of a pair of functors F : C -> D
G : C -> D
, denoted as F ⊣ G
, is a pair of nat trans:
η : 1_C -> GF (called unit)
ε : FG -> 1_D (called counit)
that satisfies:
Fη εF
F -----> FGF ------> F
ηG Gε
G -----> GFG ------> G
these two identities are called triangle identities.
left adj of functors F : C -> D, G : D -> C
is given by a
nat iso α : Hom_D(F x, y) ≅ Hom_C(x, G y)
for all x ∈ C, y ∈ D
what are the functors that are naturally iso? (for both x
and y
C^op ~> Set
λx. D(F x, y) (Hom_D(F -, y))
C^op ~> Set
λx. C(x, G y) (Hom_C(-, G y))
D ~> Set
λy. D(F x, y) (Hom_D(F x, -))
D ~> Set
λy. C(x, G y) (Hom_C(x, G -))
what does the nat squre look like for f : x -> x'
Hom_D(F x', y) -----------> Hom_C(x', G y)
| |
| |
| k1 | k2
| |
| |
v α_x v
Hom_D(F x, y) ------------> Hom_C(x, G y)
k1 : (x -> x') -> (F x' -> y) -> (F x -> y) => k1 f g := g (F f)
k2 : (x -> x') -> (x' -> G y) -> (x -> G y) => k2 f g := g f
Hom_D(F x, y) ≅ Hom_C(x, G y)
for (2) we know Hom_D(F x, y)
is iso to Hom_C(x, G y)
first we let y = F x
, then lhs is 1_Fx
, and rhs is
x -> F.G x
, i.e. F.G
. so Hom_D(F x, F x) ≅ Hom_C(x, G (F x))
so it is a nat trans 1_D ~≻ GF
which is the unit η
We then let x = G y
. so Hom_D(F (G y), y) ≅ Hom_C(G y, G y)
it turns out to be FG ~≻ 1_C
, which is the counit ε
let T
to be GF : C -> C
η : 1 -> T
is the unit in monad.
μ : T² -> T
(GεF : GFGF |-> GF
) is the multiplication in monad.
st the following diagram commutes.
ηT Tη μT
T---->T^2<----T T^3 ----------> T^2
\ | / | |
\ |μ / | |
\ | / |Tμ |μ
\ | / | |
v v v v μ v
T T^2 -----------> T
(some defn are from Abstract and Concrete Categries - the Joy of Cats)3
let F : A -> B
be a functor.
is called an embedding ifF
is injective on morphisms. -
is called faithful if for all pairs ofx,y ∈ A
F : Hom_A(x,y) -> Hom_B(F(x), F(y))
is injective. (same as embedding, in CWM)
is called fulll ifF
is surjective on morphisms.
A concrete category is a category that looks like a category of “sets with extra structure”, that is a category of structured sets. 4
a concrete cat over X
is a cat A
equipped with a forgetful
faithful functor U : A -> X
. X
is called the base of (A,U)
we take X
as Set
in most times.
in a concrete cat A
over Sets
a univeral arrow over an Set
is a structured arrow
u : Set -> |A|
with dom Set
that has the following universal
property: for each structured arrow f : Set -> |a'|
there exists a
uniq A
-morphism h : |a| -> |a'|
such the triangle commutes:
Set --> |a|
\ |
\f | h
\ |
\ |
v v
A functor G : A -> B
is adjoint if for every b ∈ B
there exists a
-universal arrow with domain b
- a pair of cat:
- a pair of functors:
F : C -> D
andG : D -> C
- a natural trans:
η : I_C ~≻ (G . F)
such that the following triangle commutes:
X --> G(F(X))
\ |
\ |
f\ |G(f^#)
\ |
\ |
v v
Hom_D(F x, y) ≅ Hom_C(x, G y)
unit: X ----(ηX)----> GFX ----(Gf#)----> GY
counit: FX ---(Fg*)----> FGY ----(εY)----> Y
and 1
⊣ const 0
"C": 1
,"D": C
F: (1 : 1) ↦ (0 :C)
,G: ∀ c ∈ C. c ↦ 1
(const 1
)η: I_1 ~≻ I_1, ε: (const 0) ~≻ I_C
D(0, y) ≅ C(1, 1)
η G(const 1)
{1} --------> {1} --------------> {1}
F(g') 0 ↦ y
{0} --------> {0} ---------> C
g : 0 ↦ y
Π : C x C -> C
⊣ Δ : C -> C x C
"C": C
,"D": <C, C>, or C x C
F: Δ
,G: Π
η: (id_C, id_C), ε: <(x,y),(x,y)> ↦ <x,y>
D(<X,X>, <X',X'>) ≅ C(X, (X',X'))
η Π(f,g) = f x g
C --------> (C,C) -------------------> (A,B)
(f x g) . (id, id)
Δ(Π(f,g)) ε
<C,C> ------------> <(A,B),(A,B)> ------------> <A,B>
<f, g>
C -> B^A
⊣ C × A -> B
skipped since I didn't learn exponential.
(ℤ, ≤)
and (ℝ, ≤)
, ⌈x⌉
⊣ U
C: (ℝ, ≤)
,D: (ℤ, ≤)
F: ⌈x⌉
,G: U: Int -> Real
η: a ≤ GFa ⇒ a ≤ a
,ε: ∀b ∈ D, FGb ≤ b ⇒ ⌈b⌉ ≤ b
(real)⌈a⌉ ≤ b ≅ a ≤ (int)b
directed multigraph:
a multigraph is a graph which is permitted to have multiple edges.
above figure is undirected
directed multigraph cat (Graph):
- obj: multi-graphs
- arr: graph homomor
(v : Vertex_G1 -> Vertex_G2, e : Edge_G1 -> Edge_G2)
two nodes m,n
in G
are strongly connected if there are
paths(not necessarily directly connected) m -> n
and n -> m
subgraph C ⊆ G
is strongly connected if every pair of nodes in C
is strongly connected.
a strong component of a graph is a maximal strongly connected subgraph.
if we see a strong component in a graph as a node, we construct an
acyclic graph. this morphism is a functor F : Graph ~> AcyclicGraph
an acyclic graph is also a graph by the inclusion functor
G : AcyclicGraph -> Graph
. So F ⊣ G
C: Graph
,D: AcyclicGraph
F: <see above>
,G: inclusion ftor
η: 1_Graph -> mergeStrongComponents
,ε: 1_Acyc -> 1_Acyc
η_g incl . f
g -------> mergeStrongComp g -------------> g'
ε_ag F . g
ag' <------- ag' <------------------ ag
minimal realization ⊣ behavior-of:
i'm not familiar with automata theory, so I skip this example.
I've tried hard on understanding what adjunction really means. It seems to be one of the most though topics I've learned in cat theory. It really takes some time to think carefully about what it means to be a pair of adjoint functors.
"adjoint" means "stick together". but how could two functor to be sticking on each other? The mostly widely used exmaple of a pair of adjoint functors is free-forgetful functor pair.
so, a pair of functors. free turns a set into the initial object of
cat C
, and forgetful functor forgets the structure in C
produce a set.
In my personal understanding, this is sort of "shape-preserving"
functor pair. It does not mean FG = 1
. but you will need to have
FG(FG)* = FG
and (GF)* = 1
. So FG
is like a monad once you get
trapped (e.g. lose something), you will remain the same
under the cycling interation. This is how left-adj differ from
right-adj since it is always the case that GF = 1
(i.e. you lose
nothing). we know F : C -> D
and G : D -> C
, so we think of G
kind of "chopping the extra branches" from D
and F
as kind of "plain
lifting" without losing any info.
I think my understanding makes sense because it fits well to interpret the examples I read so far.
Let's look into the example above about free-forgetful pair. So
U : C -> Set
is forgetful functor and F : Set -> C
is the
free. C
is more "structural", so F
is left adj to U
. UF
assured to keep the same set while FU
will takes an element in C
to the corresponding free object in C
. And for the free objects,
remains the identity. Yah that's how it works!
the question asks to find the dual of example 2.4.4. that is to find the dual of "to-initial functor as the left adj of const funtor".
so by first guess we should be able to arrive at the answer, that is
the "to-terminal" functor, which maps 1
to the terminal object of
. so now we show how it works.
we will focus on the counit construction of this adjunction:
: const functor,G
: ??? (find)C
: any cat,D
: the1
:1_C -> {?? ∈ C}
:{1} -> {1}
So we consider the counit here, nat trans FG ~≻ 1
is the counit if,
given any g: FX -> Y
, there is a unique arrow F g#
from FX
For any X ∈ C
, we always have a uniq object GY
as the codom of
F g#
. therefore no matter what Y
is, GY
must be the terminal
object in C
. and therefore G
must be the "to-terminal" functor.
it matches the books:
F: (C,C) -> C
,G,Δ: C -> (C,C)
so we have (C,C)
is more "structural" than C
. That is, ΔFΔF = ΔF
and FΔ = 1
. if we pick F = fst = \(a,b) -> a
, and test its unit:
η Δ(f)
(A,B) ------> (A,A) ------------------> (A',A')
(f : A -> A') × (g : B -> A')
and the counit:
ε f
X' <---------- X' <------------- X
it's not difficult to prove the same works for
F = snd = \(a,b) -> b
. Therefore the answer will be the
It turns out to be like:
(- + -) ⊣ Δ ⊣ (- × -)
Very emoticonic. good.
expontial... skipped.
it's about poset Real = (ℝ, ≤)
and Int = (ℕ, ≤)
as categories.
I use _i
for Int
type values and _r
for Real
F: x ↦ ⌊x⌋ : Real -> Int
,G: incl : Int -> Real
η (2) to_r . f (3)
x_r ---------> ⌊x⌋_r ---------------------> x'_r
f (1)
it's poset, so we can rewrite the arrows into ≤
sign. The unit law
can be stated as:
(1) (2) (3)
∀ x ∈ ℝ, x' ∈ ℕ, x ≤ x' => ⌊x⌋ ≤ x => ⌊x⌋ ≤ x'
it's just crystal clear.
we are to derive the univeral property of unit from the univeral property of co-unit.
let F ⊣ G
and nat trans ε : FG -> 1
be the co-unit.
by the univeral property we know, for all f
B <----- ε_B ------ FGB <----------- F g ------- FA
\<__________________ f _________________________/
g : A -> GB
is uniq.
let θ = D(FA, B) -> C(A, GB)
. θf = ε_B . F g
let Ω = C(A, GB) -> D(FA, B)
. ε . F . Ωg = f
so we know θ
is nat iso.
then we simply derive the unit from the hom-set defn.
ref. cat note by awodey
let F -| G
and F' -| G
from D(FA, B) ≅ C(A, GB)
and D(F'A, B) ≅ C(A,GB)
we know that
D(FA, B) ≅ D(F'A, B)
, therefore FA ≅ F'A