Most non-trivial applications will need to use memory at some point or another. When they need memory, they use an allocator; either one provided by the system library or a custom one of their choosing.
The predominant memory allocator used by most applications is malloc
. A
program that uses malloc
allocates memory in a process's address space, and
it might look something like the following diagram.
This allocator allocated memory using mmap(2)
or sbrk(2)
or some other
primitive system call and placed, as depicted, this memory at address 0xD000
through 0xB000
(that's two 4096 byte pages). This allocator is keeping track
of the memory it allocated some way opaque to you and I, but rest assured, it
is accounted for somewhere in the system library.
Let's assume that we know how to create a custom allocator that provides the
same call interface and semantics as the system allocator. We'll cover how you
can design one of these allocators in another document. For the sake of this
example, you just need to know that we can write replacement to malloc
customize its behavior.
Our custom allocator will use mmap(2)
or sbrk(2)
or some other primitive
system call, too, and it'll place memory in the same region, but it'll do a
little more. Our memory allocator will maintain allocation metadata in a
private internal memory region that the allocator itself (remember, this is
just code that lives in the depicted lib
section) at address 0x1000
This private internal memory region might have a few simple data structures that let us maintain a pointer to the memory that we allocated, how big the allocation was, the memory protections, and more. The possibilities are endless.
Depending on the type of metadata that we maintain in the private internal memory, we could tell another process about our private internal metata. Let's call this private internal metadata a page table.
Using this memory allocator, when an application asks for memory, the memory allocator tells other processes about the allocation before returning the memory to the application. The other processes can map the same memory into their address space. Because memory consistency is probably important for maintaining correctness, the remote process should protect this memory by not allowing read or write access to the newly allocated region.
If and when the remote process might actually want to read or write the protected memory region, it'll fault, because the remote memory allocator protected this memory.
However, upon access, the remote memory allocator does know who does have the requested memory and can issue a request to have access to the memory region. In doing so, the processes can negotiate who has access to the page, copy over the latest contents of the memory region, and lastly, update each's local page table and set memory protections accordingly.
This is a distributed shared memory allocator.