This document dissects how this webapp is configured and some of the supporting files that we use for development or deployment.
Let's look at the config
├── dev.config
├── dev.configspec
└── noaa-api.init
These files are the files that make up our application configuration that Flask and Gunicorn use to configure and start the web application. We also store our init.d scripts here.
Let's look at the debian
├── changelog
├── compat
├── control
├── install
├── noaa-api.triggers
├── postinst
├── preinst
└── rules
These files are the inputs to creating a Debian package, which we use to package our webapp for deployment. These files express dependencies, use dh-virtualenv to package a Python virtualenv, package application configuration, and more. Spend some time and read through these files to see how we configure the deployment host.
You can read about all of these files and more at