We saw in the previous tutorial that the three rules are very important for the Game of Life to behave in a life-life fashion. In this tutorial, let's take a look at how the initial life states produce the rich patterns that emerge over time.
Can you find an initial state that stays fixed over time? ✋
- :paper plane: From the
category, modify the||conways:set initial state [] ||
to put in an initial state. - :paper plane: Use the editor to draw a pattern that would stay fixed over time.
- :paper plane: Now, go over to the game window to see the simulation in action for the progression of the future generations. Is the initial population staying still?
Example still life pattern
Can you find an initial state that oscillates over time? 👆👇👆
An oscillating pattern is one that comes back to its initial state after a number of iterations.
- :paper plane: From the
category, modify the||conways:set initial state [] ||
to put in an initial state. - :paper plane: Use the editor to draw an initial state that would lead to oscillations.
- :paper plane: Now, go over to the game window to see the simulation in action for the progression of the future generations. Does it come back to same state as the initial state after a number of generations?
Example oscillator pattern
Can you find an initial state that moves itself across the grid over time?
- :paper plane: From the
category, modify the||conways:set initial state [] ||
to put in an initial state. - :paper plane: Use the editor to draw a pattern that would be able to move across the grid over time.
- :paper plane: Now, go over to the game window to see the simulation in action for the progression of the future generations. Does it continue moving across the grid?
Example spaceship pattern
You've done it! You've experienced Conway's Game of Life through this simulation and seen that it is possible to create a game from simple rules which exhibits basic features which we expect from living things.
When you're done playing your game, click Done to return to the main skillmap. Congrats!
function countAliveNeighbors(col: number, row: number) {
let count = -0
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.North, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.NorthEast, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.East, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.SouthEast, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.South, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.SouthWest, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.West, col, row)) {
count += 1;
if (conways.getStateInDirection(conways.Direction.NorthWest, col, row)) {
count += 1;
return count
function ruleOne(col: number, row: number, neighbors: number) {
if (conways.getState(col, row)) {
if (neighbors == 2) {
conways.setState(col, row, true)
} else if (neighbors == 3) {
conways.setState(col, row, true)
function ruleTwo(col: number, row: number, neighbors: number) {
if (conways.getState(col, row) == false) {
if (neighbors == 3) {
conways.setState(col, row, true)
function ruleThree(col: number, row: number, neighbors: number) {
if (conways.getState(col, row)) {
if (neighbors < 2) {
conways.setState(col, row, false)
} else if (neighbors > 3) {
conways.setState(col, row, false)
conways.onGenerationUpdate(function(col: number, row: number) {
let neighbors = countAliveNeighbors(col, row);
ruleOne(col, row, neighbors);
ruleTwo(col, row, neighbors);
ruleThree(col, row, neighbors);
//% color="#1446A0"
namespace Functions {
//% block
export function RuleOne (col: number, row: number, neibhours: number) {
if (conways.getState(col, row)) {
if (neibhours == 2) {
conways.setState(col, row, true)
} else if (neibhours == 3) {
conways.setState(col, row, true)
//% block
export function RuleTwo (col: number, row: number, neibhours: number) {
if (conways.getState(col, row) == false) {
if (neibhours == 3) {
conways.setState(col, row, true)
//% block
export function RuleThree (col: number, row: number, neibhours: number) {
if (conways.getState(col, row)) {
if (neibhours < 2) {
conways.setState(col, row, false)
} else if (neibhours > 3) {
conways.setState(col, row, false)
//% block
export function countAliveNeighbours (col: number, row: number) {
let count = 0
//Direction enum is from 0 to 7
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (conways.getStateInDirection(i, col, row)) {
count += 1
return count
let paused = false;
game.onUpdateInterval(100, function () {
if (!(paused)) {
controller.B.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
if (!paused) {
paused = true;
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
paused = !(paused)