This method is the simplest way to "migrate" an Observable notebook to a standalone webpage.
- Go to the notebook, click on "…" and then on "Download tarball")
- Uncompress the psr-b1919-21.tgz file
- Serve the index.html file with a web server
Using cli:
mkdir joyplot
curl -o /tmp/package.tgz
tar xf /tmp/package.tgz --directory joyplot
rm /tmp/package.tgz
and serve locally at http://localhost:8000 with:
python3 -m http.server --directory joyplot
or deploy on (see with:
echo '{"builds": [{ "src": "**/*.{js,html,css}", "use": "@now/static" }]}' > joyplot/now.json; npx now joyplot; rm joyplot/now.json
- very simple, there is nothing to code or install
- works for any notebooks, independently of it inner complexity (try with or for example)
- some of the resources are served locally:
- index.html
- inspector.css
- the Observable notebook module the runtime.js Observable library (JS)
- there is no dependence with at runtime
- requires browser compatibility with ES modules
- generates various HTTP requests at runtime to get the dependencies (here
- package.json, in order to locate the actual d3 library file to import
- the actual d3 library file
- generates an HTTP request to get the data from an external location
- does not work locally (offline) since it depends on requests to and to the data file