So now we’re going to dive a bit more into where this approach can take you and how you can avoid inventing it yourself (spoiler – it’s in the title!)
Let this talk wash over you. It’s intended to inspire you to check out the library, look at the papers, etc. Don’t expect to understand it all as I go through it. Feel free to ask questions as they occur to you.
We’re going to go through some things step-by-step, but we’ll also jump to the current boundaries of this approach (at least, as I understand them).
- SlamData’s Matryoshka (
↓ Twitter slide number ↓
Rob mentionedFix
already. But there are others. Fix is defined directly recursively:
final case class Fix[F[_]](unFix: F[Fix[F]])
final case class Cofree[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]])
final case class Cofree[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]])
is the pattern functor of Cofree
. And there is a bit of magic such that if you can define a Bifunctor
instance (or Bitraverse
) on your pattern functor, you get a Functor
instance (or Traverse
) on the fixed point of that pattern functor.
final case class Cofree[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]])
final case class CofreeF[F[_], A, B](head: A, tail: F[B])
final case class Prof(name: String, year: Int, students: List[Prof])
final case class ProfF[A](name: String, year: Int, students: List[A])
is the pattern functor of Cofree
. And there is a bit of magic such that if you can define a Bifunctor
instance (or Bitraverse
) on your pattern functor, you get a Functor
instance (or Traverse
) on the fixed point of that pattern functor.
final case class Cofree[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]])
final case class CofreeF[F[_], A, B](head: A, tail: F[B])
final case class EnvT[F[_], A, B](ask: A, lower: F[B])
type Cofree[F[_], A] = Fix[EnvT[F, A, ?]]
is the pattern functor of Cofree
. And there is a bit of magic such that if you can define a Bifunctor
instance (or Bitraverse
) on your pattern functor, you get a Functor
instance (or Traverse
) on the fixed point of that pattern functor.
// Monadic cofree corecursion
def unfoldCM[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Traverse, A]
(a: A)(f: A ⇒ M[F[A]]):
M[Cofree[F, A]] =
f(a).flatMap(_.traverse(unfoldCM(_)(f)).map(Cofree(a, _)))
type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] ⇒ A
type Coalgebra[F[_], A] = A ⇒ F[A]
type Fold[F[_], A] = Fix[F] ⇒ A
type Unfold[F[_], A] = A ⇒ Fix[F]
// (A ⇒ M[F[A]]) ⇒ (A ⇒ M[Cofree[F, A]])
def unfoldCM[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Traverse, A]
(a: A)(f: A ⇒ M[F[A]]):
M[Cofree[F, A]]
// (A ⇒ F[A]) ⇒ (A ⇒ Fix[F])
def ana[F[_]: Functor, A](a: A)(ψ: A ⇒ F[A]): Fix[F] =
// (A ⇒ F[A]) ⇒ (A ⇒ Fix[F])
def ana[F[_]: Functor, A](a: A)(ψ: A ⇒ F[A]): Fix[F] =
sealed abstract trait Expr[A]
final case class Num[A](v: Int) extends Expr[A]
final case class Mul[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
def factor(i: Int): Expr[Int] =
if (i.isPrime) Num(i) else Mul(???, ???)
48 2 * 24 2 × (2 × 12) 2 × (2 × (2 × 6)) 2 × (2 × (2 × (2 × 3)))
Mul(2, 24)
/ \
Num(2) Mul(2, 12)
/ \
Num(2) Mul(2, 6)
/ \
Num(2) Mul(2, 3)
/ \
Num(2) Num(3)
Fix(Mul(Fix(Num(2)), Fix(Num(3))))))))))
def ana[F[_]: Functor, A](a: A)(f: A ⇒ F[A]): Fix[F]
// (A ⇒ M[F[A]]) ⇒ (A ⇒ M[Fix[F]])
def anaM[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Traverse, A](a: A)(f: A ⇒ M[F[A]]):
M[Fix[F]] =
// (A ⇒ M[F[A]]) ⇒ (A ⇒ M[Fix[F]])
def anaM[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Traverse, A](a: A)(f: A ⇒ M[F[A]]):
M[Fix[F]] =
def attributeCoalgebra[F[_], B](ψ: B ⇒ F[B]):
B ⇒ EnvT[F, B, B] =
b ⇒ EnvT(b, ψ(b))
// (A ⇒ M[F[A]]) ⇒ (A ⇒ M[Fix[EnvT[F, A, ?]]])
def unfoldCM[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Traverse, A]
(a: A)(f: A ⇒ M[F[A]]): M[Cofree[F, A]] =
def ana[F[_]: Functor, A](a: A)(ψ: A ⇒ F[A]): Fix[F] =
def cata[F[_]: Functor, A](t: Fix[F])(φ: F[A] ⇒ A): A =
val eval: Expr[Int] ⇒ Int = {
case Num(v) ⇒ v
case Mul(a, b) ⇒ a * b
val expr =
Mul(Num(2), Mul(Num(2), Mul(Num(2), Mul(Num(2), Num(3)))))
expr.cata(eval) // 48
It is one of the benefits we get from working with algebras rather than recursive functions.
A ↘ ↗ Fix[F] ↘ ↗ B
↘ ↗ ↘ ↗
↘ ↗ ↘ ↗
↘ ↗ ↘ ↗
ana ↘ ↗ Fix() unFix ↘ ↗ cata
↘_↗ ↘_↗
An unfold takes some value of type A, and breaks it into pieces, putting those pieces inside some functor, F. Then it applies the same function to each of those pieces, and so on until there are no pieces left. Now it has all these Fs, and it needs to put them into the recursive structure.
A fold, on the other hand, does nothing on its way to the leaves of the structure – but once it gets there, it starts applying the algebra, combining the pieces into some B, repeatedly, until we have a single B at the end.
Well, if ana does all of its work on the way to the leaves, and cata does its work on the way back, we can save some time and allocation by “fusing” those operations. And that’s what hylo
a.hylo(φ, ψ)
A ↘ ↗ B
↘ ↗
↘ hylo ↗
↘ ↗
ana ↘ ↗ cata
So, I mentioned that this particular composition is a “fusion”. That is a specific kind of composition that is very desirable because it avoids building up some intermediate struture. The most common form of this is “map fusion”, where
can be improved by doing ⋘ f)
. Again, only doing one pass over the data rather than two.
There are other places that fusion pops up, notably in the metamorphism, which is basically the reverse of a hylomorphism – a fold followed by an unfold.
But there are a ton of other ways to compose algebras.
We talked earlier about how to use Cofree to annotate your tree with arbitrary information.val buInferType: Lambda[Type] ⇒ Type
Fix[Lambda] ⇒ Cofree[Lambda, Type]
val useType1: Lambda[(Type, Value)] ⇒ Value
_.zygo(buInferType, useType1): Fix[Lambda] ⇒ Value
val pprint: Expr[String] ⇒ String
val eval: Expr[Int] ⇒ Int
_.cata(pprint zip eval): Mu[Expr] ⇒ (String, Int)
def gcata[W[_]: Comonad, F[_]: Functor, A](
t: T[F])(
k: DistributiveLaw[F, W], φ: F[W[A]] ⇒ A):
def gana[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Functor, A](
a: A)(
k: DistributiveLaw[M, F], ψ: A ⇒ F[M[A]]):
// F[G[A]] ⇒ G[F[A]]
type DistributiveLaw[F[_], G[_]] = (F ∘ G)#λ ~> (G ∘ F)#λ
def distTraverse[F[_]: Traverse, G[_]: Applicative] =
new DistributiveLaw[F, G] {
def apply[A](fga: F[G[A]]) = fga.sequence
cata(t)(φ) ≟ gcata(t)(distCata, φ)
futu(a)(ψ) ≟ gana(a)(distFutu, ψ)
zygo(t)(φ0, φ) ≟ gcata(t)(distZygo(φ0), φ)
DistributiveLaw[F[_], G[_]]
is anything that satisfies F[G[A]] ⇒ G[F[A]]
This likely looks familiar – when there’s Traverse[F]
and Applicative[G]
, you have sequence
. A less common (but also general) case is when there’s Functor[F]
and Distributive[G]
, you have the dual – cosequence
. There are also many other, less general cases, and that’s what we actually tend to run into with recursion schemes.
So, in order to have a {co}monadic {un}fold, you need one of these for the specific pair of types you’re dealing with. It works trivially with Id
, but also Free
, Cofree
, product, disjunction, etc.
def ghylo[W[_]: Comonad, M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Functor, A, B](
a: A)(
w: DistributiveLaw[F, W], m: DistributiveLaw[M, F],
φ: F[W[B]] ⇒ B, ψ: A ⇒ F[M[A]]):
gcata(t)(k, φ) ≟ ghylo(t)(k, distAna, φ, _.project)
gana(a)(k, ψ) ≟ ghylo(a)(distCata, k, _.embed, ψ)
def size[F[_]: Foldable]: F[Int] ⇒ Int = _.foldRight(1)(_ + _)
def height[F[_]: Foldable]: F[Int] ⇒ Int =
_.foldRight(-1)(_ max _) + 1
def toTree[F[_]: Functor: Foldable]: Algebra[F, Tree[F[Unit]]] =
x ⇒ Tree.Node(x.void, x.toStream)
projectSortKeys: Sql[Fix[Sql]] ⇒ Option[Sql[Fix[Sql]]]
scopeTables: (Scope, Fix[Sql]) ⇒ Error \/ Sql[(Scope, Fix[Sql])]
identSynth: Sql[List[Option[Synth]]] ⇒ List[Option[Synth]]
inferProv: (Scope, Sql[Prov]) ⇒ Error \/ Prov
def allPhases(expr: Fix[Sql]):
Cofree[Sql, (List[Option[Synth]], Prov)] =
(Nil, expr.transCata(orOriginal projectSortKeys)).coelgotM(
generalizeE(identifySynthetics)(_).point[Error \/ ?],
Scala.js support(thanks, Edmund Noble)
- currently coupled to Scalaz
- want to support Cats, or even just the stdlib
- Matryoshka has its own
, etc. - Daniel Spiewak’s Shims
// someCofree.cata(myAlgebra): A
someCofree.hylo(myAlgebra, EnvT.cofreeIso.reverseGet)
// someA.ana(myCoalgebra): Cofree[F, A]
someA.hylo(EnvT.cofreeIso.get, myCoalgebra)
- there’s noise – having to explicitly use those isomorphisms isn’t pretty. In Quasar we’ve made some helper functions for this, but I’d rather not introduce those into Matryoshka itself.
- it doesn’t cover every case. For example,
has to be a natural transformation to not need two passes.
But, we can do better (I hope). If we look at the isomorphism, it’s a lot like the isomorphism between project
and embed
, with one important distinction – the pattern functor is not the same as the functor represented by the F
in Free[F, A]
Fix[F] ⇒ F[_]
List[A] ⇒ ListF[A, _]
Cofree[F, A] ⇒ EnvT[F, A, _]
Free[F, A] ⇒ CoenvT[F, A, _]
@typeclass trait Recursive[T[_[_]]] {
def project[F[_]: Functor](tf: T[F]): F[T[F]]
@typeclass trait Recursive[T] {
type Base[A]
def project(tf: T)(implicit F: Functor[Base]): Base
implicit def fixRecursive[F[_]] = new Recursive[Fix[F]] {
type Base[A] = F[A]
implicit def freeRecursive[F[_], A] = new Recursive[Free[F, A]] {
type Base[B] = CoenvT[F, A, B]
/ embed
isomorphism replaces the ones explicitly defined for EnvT
, CoenvT
, etc.
However, there are some implementation issues that I have yet to sort out completely (not least is the ugliness of implicits that use the Aux
allows any of the components of F
to be used at any point in the hierarchy. This is great when you have a nice clean “single-sorted” AST. But as soon as you have a distinction between where the components can be used (say, expressions vs statements) this breaks down. The multi-sorted solution uses “higher-order” functors that look like
sealed trait Lang[A]
final case class Lit[A](i: Int) extends Lang[A]
final case class Pair[A](l: A, r: A) extends Lang[A]
final case class Add[A](l: A, r: A) extends Lang[A]
final case class Mult[A](l: A, r: A) extends Lang[A]
final case class Fst[A](p: A) extends Lang[A]
final case class Snd[A](p: A) extends Lang[A]
final case class FixH[F[_[_], _], I](hunFix: F[FixH[F, ?], I])
type FoldH[F[_[_], _], A[_]] = FixH[F, ?] ~> A
type AlgebraH[F[_[_], _], A[_]] = F[A, ?] ~> A
(carrier) has also been lifted to a functor
So, now all our algebras are natural transformations that look like
So, what does this extra parameter get us? It’s where we define the sort of values that are allowed in certain places. Yes, it’s a lot like types. Here’s an example that does use sorts as a simple type system, making sure all operations type check. Note: this doesn’t scale to a very rich type system.
sealed trait Lang[A[_], I]
case class Lit[A[_]](i: Int) extends Lang[A, Int]
case class Pair[A[_], I, J](l: A[I], r: A[J])
extends Lang[A, (I, J)]
case class Add[A[_]](l: A[Int], r: A[Int]) extends Lang[A, Int]
case class Mult[A[_]](l: A[Int], r: A[Int]) extends Lang[A, Int]
case class Fst[A[_], I, J](p: A[(I, J)]) extends Lang[A, I]
case class Snd[A[_], I, J](p: A[(I, J)]) extends Lang[A, J]
This one is simultaneously a big deal, but also the one SlamData has the least use for day-to-day. You’ve seen the `ghylo` which generalizes basically all the folds and unfolds into one very flexible one.In fact, we can go much further. Rather than abstracting over {co}monads, we can abstract over adjunctions. It subsumes all the {co}monad transformations and also provides other ones, like mutu
in the same framework. Currently mutu
needs to be hand-written.
Gitter – slamdata/matryoshka
Greg Pfeil – [email protected]