A simple Networking example with caching date using Realm library.
Libraries used: Networking : Retrofit2 Database : Realm
Release build apk is available in root folder of main app, named "release"
Signing certificates are available in root folder of the project, named "certificate"
Reason for 7MB size: Since we are using Realm library, it adds all architecture with apk. By using apk splits we can optimize it. https://academy.realm.io/posts/reducing-apk-size-native-libraries/
For Google map API key:
To get one, follow this link, follow the directions and press "Create" at the end:
You can also add your credentials to an existing key, using these values:
Package name:
SHA-1 certificate fingerprint:
For DEV build: BD:44:D4:E7:76:52:35:C8:70:36:1C:B7:B5:52:BC:2F:3C:DF:14:19
For PROD build: AD:D7:88:72:BC:AB:F7:98:60:2C:0C:32:1C:5B:86:F7:60:1E:88:BB
Alternatively, follow the directions here:
Once you have your key, replace the "google_maps_key" string in this corresponding debug/release folder.