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JavaScript structures

Structures and solutions for JS algorithm problems

Using NPM and JS Testing with mocha

npm install

To run tests

npm test

JS data dtructures implementations

  • Single Linked List - Single linked list implementation and most used functions [linkedlist]
  • Double Linked List - Double linked list implementation [doublelinkedlist]
  • Queue - Queue implementation using Double linked list [queue]
  • Stack - Custom JS Stack implementation [stack]
  • Graph - JS Graph implementation [graph]
  • Binary Tree - JS Binary tree implementation using tree nodes [binarytree]
  • Binary Search Tree - JS Binary search tree (inheritance) [binarytree]
  • Min Heap - JS min heap, using value array [minheap]

JS helpers

  • Autogenerate a balanced binary search tree - For a given initial value, autogenerate a balanced binary search tree. [autogenerate]



JS implementation 2 Leetcode problems solved


  • Flood fill problem (solved): Paint problem. Given an image represented by a matrix, paint a pixel (src) and all the neightbours of the same color.
  • Shortes path maze (solved): Find the shortest of all the paths from the origin (0, 0) position to the exit (n -1, n-1) in a squared matrix


JS implementation. 4 Leetcode problems solved


  • Min tree node difference (solved): Find the minimum arithmetic difference between any two numbers in a seaerch tree
  • Recover binary tree (solved): Recover search tree property using DFS
  • Redundant Connection (solved): Find a cycle in a graph and the last edge that forms part of it
  • Maximum path sum in binary tree (solved): Find the path (going through parent-child edges) between 2 nodes that sum the highest.
  • Escape the maze: In a infinity mae where are some blocked squares, try to connect the origin with the target.

Data structures

Linked lists

JS implementation 2 Leetcode problems solved


  • Next greater node in linked list (solved): For every node in a linked list, return the next node higher
  • Linked list inside binary tree (solved): Given a binary tree (not necessary balanced nor sorted), find if there is a path from up to down that matches a given linked list.
  • Merge k linked list (solved): Merge in one linked list k linked lists.

Stacks and Queues

JS implementation 1 Leetcode problem solved

  • Valid Parentheses (solved): Find if a string like "({[]})" has a valid open close list of parentheses.


Dynamic Programming

2 Leetcode problem solved


  • Cherry pickup (solved): Take the higher quantity of cherys traveling go and back in a grid.
  • Longest valid Parentheses (solved): Find the biggest consecutive set of valid parentheses.

Bit manipulation

2 Leetcode problem solved


  • Majority number (solved): Get the number that is majority in a list.
  • Single number (solved): Get the number that is unique in a list.