[doc] add example of new features
[doc] add example of new features
[doc] add example of new features
[doc] add example of new features
[doc] add example of new features
[doc] add example of new features
Deleted branch
[feature] #14 support setting highlight colors
[feature] #14 support setting highlight colors
[feature] #16 align the end line with the last line of selected texts.
[feature] #16 align the end line with the last line of selected texts.
[feature] #16 remove dependency of editor.action.formatDocument
[feature] #16 remove dependency of editor.action.formatDocument
[doc] update CHANGELOG and version.
[doc] update CHANGELOG and version.
[feature] #11 provide Fold button in hover message of code block title.
[feature] #11 provide Fold button in hover message of code block title.
[doc] update CHANGELOG
[doc] update CHANGELOG
[doc] update CHANGELOG
[doc] update CHANGELOG
Deleted branch
[doc] update CHANGELOG
[doc] update CHANGELOG
Pull request merge
[doc] update CHANGELOG
[doc] update CHANGELOG
[fix] #12 remove dependency of lodash
[fix] #12 remove dependency of lodash
[fix] correctly resolve #4
[fix] correctly resolve #4
[doc] update README
[doc] update README
Deleted branch
Deleted tag
[doc] update README
[doc] update README
Deleted branch
[doc] update README
[doc] update README
Pull request merge
[doc] update README
[doc] update README
[feature] resolve #2
[feature] resolve #2
[feature] resolve #4
[feature] resolve #4
[feature] resolve #5
[feature] resolve #5