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File metadata and controls

172 lines (108 loc) · 4.94 KB


Creates a bunch of virtual machines on AWS. It makes use of and

Example Usage

module "simple_aws" {

  # Path to the module.
  source = "git::"
  # Region and used subnet.
  location = "eu-central-1"
  subnet   = ""
  # The name prefix for our resources.
  name = "sschmidt-spielwiese"

  # Map of the machines to create. Each machine has a unique id with a tuple of 'size' and 'image'.
  machines = {
    1    = ["t3.nano", "sles4sap_15"],
    2    = ["t3.nano", "sles4sap_15.1"],
    "3a" = ["t3.nano", "sles4sap_15.1"],
    "3b" = ["t3.nano", "sles4sap_15.2"],
    4    = ["t3.nano", "sles4sap_15.3"]

  # We need a German keyboard.
  keymap = "de-latin1-nodeadkeys"

  # Our logon user with SSH public key.
  admin_user     = "enter"
  admin_user_key = "ssh-rsa ..." 

  # Server and key to register the SLES.
  subscription_registration_key = "..."
  registration_server           = ""

  # We also want to logon as root.
  enable_root_login = true

# Return the Name, size/image and IP address of each instance, eg.:
#   test_machines_A = [
#     "sschmidt-testlandscape-A-0 : t3.nano/sles4sap_15 ->",
#     "sschmidt-testlandscape-A-1 : t3.nano/sles4sap_15 ->",
#     ...
output "test_machines" {
  value = [
    for name, info in module.test_landscape_A.machine_info :
    "${name} : ${info.size}/${info.image} -> ${info.ip_address}"
  description = "Information about the instances."
  sensitive   = false

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • source (mandatory)

    Points to the module directory either local (relative to the project folder or remote (GitHub). See for details.

  • location (mandatory)

    The AWS region where everything gets created. To get a list, run: aws ec2 describe-regions --output table

  • subnet (optional)

    Network for the AWS VPC.


  • name (mandatory)

    Name of the environment. It is used throughout the installation as prefix for the resources.

  • owner_tag (optional)

    Owner of the environment. Used as tag for resources.

    Default: ""

  • managed_by_tag (optional)

    Describes what manages the environment. Used as tag for resources.

    Default: terraform

  • application_tag (optional) Application which uses the resources. Used as tag for resources.

    Default: ""

  • machines (mandatory)

    Map with unique id as key and tuples with the size and image data for the instance: [size, image] as data.

    Id is used as an identifier for various resources. The machine name is a catenation of name and id. Take care, that the key is unique! Terraform will always take silently the last hit. "Renaming" of machines can lead to strange effects and might brake your environment!

    Size is an identifier to select the sizing for the virtual machine. The identifiers must be provided by the file sizing_aws.yaml in the project root directory, which must contain the identifiers you want to use, which point to the AWS instance types.

    An example can be found in the modules directory.

    Image is an identifier to select the correct AMI for the virtual machine. The identifiers and the images must be provided by the file images_aws.yaml in the project root directory, which must contain the identifiers you want to use, which point to the AMI per region.

    An example can be found in the modules directory.

    Having a mapping allows the usage of the same identifier with all three modules. The mapping resolves them into the correct names for AWS, Azure and libvirt.

  • keymap (optional)

    The keymap used on the machines.

    Default: de-latin1-nodeadkeys

  • admin_user (optional)

    The unprivileged user to logon to the deployed machine.

    Default: enter

  • admin_user_key (mandatory)

    The SSH public key for the admin user to logon to the machine.

  • subscription_registration_key (optional)

    Subscription registration code to register SLES.

    Default: "-"

  • registration_server (optional)

    URL to the registration server. A "-" as value skips the registration.


  • enable_root_login (optional)

    Enable or disable the SSH root login (with admin user key).

    Default: false


The module outputs the following variables:

  • machines (list)

    The aws_instance data for each instance.

  • machine_info (object)

    Aggregated information for each instance. The instance names get used as keys and the value is an object with:

    • id - The instance id.
    • size - The sizing identifier used in the plan.
    • image - The image identifier used in the plan.
    • ip_address - The public IP for the instance.