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+# Particle: PDG particle data and identification codes
+[![PyPI Package latest release](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/particle.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/particle)
+[![Conda latest release](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/particle.svg)](https://github.com/conda-forge/particle-feedstock)
+[![Zenodo DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.2552429.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2552429)
+[![GitHub Actions Status: CI](https://github.com/scikit-hep/particle/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/scikit-hep/particle/actions)
+[![Code Coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/scikit-hep/particle/graph/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://codecov.io/gh/scikit-hep/particle?branch=master)
+Particle provides a pythonic interface to the [Particle Data Group](http://pdg.lbl.gov/) (PDG)
+particle data tables and particle identification codes,
+with extended particle information and extra goodies.
+The PDG defines the standard particle identification (ID) numbering scheme.
+The package provides the `PDGID` class implementing queries on those PDG IDs.
+The queries are also accessible through free standing functions mimicking,
+and expanding from, the HepPID/HepPDT C++ interface.
+The `Particle` class wraps the information in the PDG particle data tables and
+provides an object-oriented interface and powerful search and look-up utilities.
+## Installation
+Install `particle` like any other Python package:
+python -m pip install particle
+or similar (use `--user`, `virtualenv`, etc. if you wish).
+## Strict dependencies
+- [Python](http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/starting/installation/) (3.7+)
+- [importlib_resources backport](http://importlib-resources.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) if using Python < 3.9
+- [attrs](http://www.attrs.org/en/stable/) provides classes without boilerplate (similar to DataClasses in Python 3.7)
+- [hepunits](https://github.com/scikit-hep/hepunits)\_ provides units for the Scikit-HEP packages
+## Changelog
+See the [changelog](https://github.com/scikit-hep/particle/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md) for a history of notable changes.
+## Getting started: PDG IDs
+>>> from particle import PDGID
+>>> pid = PDGID(211)
+>>> pid
+>>> pid.is_meson
+>>> pid = PDGID(99999999)
+>>> pid
+For convenience, all properties of the `PDGID` class are available as standalone functions that work on any SupportsInt (including `Particle`):
+>>> from particle.pdgid import is_meson
+>>> is_meson(211)
+These composable functions qualifying PDG IDs make it easy to classify particles.
+For the sake of example, quarkonia can be specified with the following user-defined functions:
+>>> is_heavy_flavor = lambda x: has_charm(x) or has_bottom(x) or has_top(x)
+>>> is_quarkonium = lambda x: is_meson(x) and is_heavy_flavor(x) and Particle.from_pdgid(x).is_self_conjugate
+PDG ID literals provide (`PDGID` class) aliases for all particles loaded, with easily recognisable names.
+For example:
+>>> from particle.pdgid import literals as lid
+>>> lid.pi_plus
+>>> from particle.pdgid.literals import Lambda_b_0
+>>> Lambda_b_0
+>>> Lambda_b_0.has_bottom
+You can quickly display `PDGID` info from the command line with:
+$ python -m particle pdgid 323
+A None
+J 1.0
+L 0
+S 1
+Z None
+abspid 323
+charge 1.0
+has_bottom False
+Similarly, classes exist to express identification codes used by MC programs, see information on converters below.
+## Getting started: Particles
+You can use a variety of methods to get particles. If you know the PDG ID number or, say, the name used in EvtGen, you can get a particle directly.
+>>> from particle import Particle
+>>> Particle.from_pdgid(211)
+>>> Particle.from_evtgen_name("J/psi")
+>>> Particle.from_nucleus_info(a=12, z=6)
+A similar method exists to get a list of particles from a PDG style name:
+>>> Particle.findall(pdg_name="pi")
+returns the list of matching particles whose PDG name is "pi",
+which in this case comprises the three charged states of the pseudoscalar pion.
+Else, and more generally, you can use a search. A basic example is the following:
+>>> next(Particle.finditer('pi')) # first item in iterator of particles
+>>> Particle.findall('pi')[0] # Same as above but returning a list of particles
+You can search for the properties using keyword arguments, which include
+`pdg_name`, `name`, `mass`, `width`, `charge`, `three_charge`, `anti_flag`, `rank`,
+`I`, `J`, `G`, `P`, `quarks`, `status`,
+`mass_upper`, `mass_lower`, `width_upper`, and `width_lower`.
+You can pass a callable or an exact match for any property.
+The argument `particle` can be set to `True`/`False`, as well,
+to limit the search to particles or antiparticles.
+You can also build the search yourself with the first positional
+argument, which accepts a callable that is given the particle object itself.
+If the first positional argument is a string, that will match against the
+particle's `name`.
+Here are possible sophisticated searches, all of which work with either
+`Particle.findall` or `Particle.finditer`, where the former method provides a list
+whereas the latter returns an iterator.
+>>> # Print out all particles with asymmetric decay width uncertainties
+>>> ps = Particle.finditer(lambda p: p.width_lower != p.width_upper)
+>>> for p in ps:
+... print(p.name, p.pdgid, p.width_lower, p.width_upper)
+>>> # Find all antiparticles with 'Omega' in the name
+>>> Particle.finditer('Omega', particle=False) # several found
+>>> # Find all antiparticles of name=='Omega'
+>>> Particle.finditer(name='Omega', particle=False) # none found
+>>> # Find all antiparticles of pdg_name=='Omega'
+>>> Particle.findall(pdg_name='Omega', particle=False) # only 1, of course
+>>> # Find all neutral beauty hadrons
+>>> Particle.findall(lambda p: p.pdgid.has_bottom and p.charge==0)
+>>> # Find all strange mesons with c*tau > 1 meter
+>>> from hepunits import meter
+>>> Particle.findall(lambda p: p.pdgid.is_meson and p.pdgid.has_strange and p.ctau > 1 * meter, particle=True)
+ ]
+Once you have a particle, any of the properties can be accessed, along with several methods.
+Though they are not real properties, you can access `is_name_barred`, and `spin_type`.
+You can also `.invert()` a particle.
+There are lots of printing choices for particles:
+`describe()`, `programmatic_name`, `latex_name`, `html_name`, HTML printing outs in notebooks,
+and of course `repr` and `str` support.
+You can get the `.pdgid` from a particle, as well.
+Sorting particles will put lowest `abs(PDGID)` first.
+Particle literals provide (`Particle` class) aliases for the particles loaded,
+with easily recognisable names. For example:
+>>> from particle import literals as lp
+>>> lp.pi_plus
+>>> from particle.literals import Lambda_b_0
+>>> Lambda_b_0
+>>> Lambda_b_0.J
+You can quickly search for particles from the command line with
+(note: quotes may be used/needed but only double quotes work as expected on Windows):
+$ python -m particle search "K*0"
+If you only select one particle, either by a search or by giving the PDG ID number,
+you can see more information about the particle:
+$ python -m particle search 311
+Name: K0 ID: 311 Latex: $K^{0}$
+Mass = 497.611 ± 0.013 MeV
+Width = -1.0 MeV
+Q (charge) = 0 J (total angular) = 0.0 P (space parity) = -
+C (charge parity) = ? I (isospin) = 1/2 G (G-parity) = ?
+ SpinType: SpinType.PseudoScalar
+ Quarks: dS
+ Antiparticle name: K~0 (antiparticle status: Barred)
+### Advanced: Loading custom tables
+You can control the particle data tables if you so desire. You can append a new data table using the following syntax:
+>>> from particle import Particle
+>>> Particle.load_table('new_particles.csv', append=True)
+You can also replace the particle table entirely with `append=False` (the default).
+If you want a non-default data file distributed with the package just proceed as follows:
+>>> from particle import data
+>>> Particle.load_table(data.basepath / "particle2022.csv"))
+>>> Particle.load_table(data.basepath / "nuclei2022.csv"), append=True) # I still want nuclei info
+>>> Particle.table_names() # list the loaded tables
+### Advanced: how to create user-defined particles
+There are situations where it may be handy to create user-defined particles.
+But do so with care and having in mind the limitations, many of which are discussed or exemplified below!
+The simplest "particle" one may create is effectively a placeholder with no real information stored:
+>>> # A Particle instance the simplest possible. Contains basically no info
+>>> p = Particle.empty()
+>>> p
+>>> print(p.describe())
+Name: Unknown
+A more useful particle definition will likely involve at least a name and a PDG ID.
+It is important to keep in mind that a meaningful PDG ID encodes by construction internal quantum numbers
+and other information. As such, the definition of a particle with a "random" PDG ID
+will result in a particle with undefined and/or wrong properties such as quantum numbers or the quality of being a meson.
+>>> p2 = Particle(9912345, 'MyPentaquark')
+>>> p2
+>>> p2.pdgid.is_pentaquark
+>>> print(p2.describe()) # J=2 is an example of something effectively encoded in the PDG ID.
+Name: MyPentaquark ID: 9912345 Latex: $Unknown$
+Mass = None
+Width = None
+Q (charge) = None J (total angular) = 2.0 P (space parity) = None
+C (charge parity) = None I (isospin) = None G (G-parity) = None
+Antiparticle name: MyPentaquark (antiparticle status: Same)
+A yet more sophisticated definition:
+>>> p3 = Particle(pdgid=9221132,pdg_name='Theta',three_charge=3,latex_name='\Theta^{+}')
+>>> p3
+>>> print(p3.describe())
+Name: Theta ID: 9221132 Latex: $\Theta^{+}$
+Mass = None
+Width = None
+Q (charge) = + J (total angular) = 0.5 P (space parity) = None
+C (charge parity) = None I (isospin) = None G (G-parity) = None
+ SpinType: SpinType.NonDefined
+ Antiparticle name: Theta (antiparticle status: Same)
+### Advanced: Conversion
+You can convert and update the particle tables with the utilities in `particle.particle.convert`. This requires the
+`pandas` package, and is only tested with Python 3. Run the following command for more help:
+$ python3 -m particle.particle.convert --help
+## Getting started: Converters
+You can use mapping classes to convert between particle MC identification codes
+and particle names. See the `particle.converters` modules for the available
+mapping classes. For example:
+>>> from particle.converters import Pythia2PDGIDBiMap
+>>> from particle import PDGID, PythiaID
+>>> pyid = Pythia2PDGIDBiMap[PDGID(9010221)]
+>>> pyid
+>>> pdgid = Pythia2PDGIDBiMap[PythiaID(10221)]
+>>> pdgid
+This code makes use of classes similar to `PDGID`, which hold
+particle identification codes used by MC programs.
+Possible use cases are the following:
+>>> from particle import Particle
+>>> from particle import Corsika7ID, Geant3ID, PythiaID
+>>> g3id = Geant3ID(8)
+>>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(g3id.to_pdgid())
+>>> (p,) = Particle.finditer(pdgid=g3id.to_pdgid()) # syntax (p,) throws an error if < 1 or > 1 particle is found
+>>> p.name
+>>> pythiaid = PythiaID(211)
+>>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(pythiaid.to_pdgid())
+>>> (p,) = Particle.finditer(pdgid=pythiaid.to_pdgid())
+>>> p.name
+>>> cid = Corsika7ID(5)
+>>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(cid.to_pdgid())
+>>> p.name
+### Corsika7
+The `Corsika7ID` class implements features to make it easier to work with Corsika7 output.
+For a full feature set, please refer to the `particle.corsika` submodule.
+`Corsika7ID.from_particle_description(from_particle_description: int)` returns `(Corsika7ID, bool)`
+to automatically parse the `particle_description` from the Corsika7 particle data sub-block.
+`Corsika7ID.is_particle()` checks if the ID refers to an actual particle or something else (like additional information).
+`Corsika7ID.to_pdgid()` converts the `Corsika7ID` to a `PDGID` if possible.
+## Getting started: experiment-specific modules
+Experiment-specific submodules are welcome if they tie in nicely with the functionality of the package while providing
+add-ons of particular relevance to experiments.
+### LHCb-specific module
+Available via
+>>> from particle import lhcb
+it contains the following converter and functions:
+>>> dir(lhcb)
+['LHCbName2PDGIDBiMap', 'from_lhcb_name', 'to_lhcb_name']
+>>> n, e, l = Particle.from_pdgid(-531).name, Particle.from_pdgid(531).evtgen_name, lhcb.to_lhcb_name(Particle.from_pdgid(-531))
+>>> print(f"Name: {n}\nEvtGen name: {e}\nLHCb name: {l}")
+Name: B(s)~0
+EvtGen name: B_s0
+LHCb name: B_s~0
+>>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(-531)
+>>> p
+Conversions PDG ID <-> LHCb name are available via a predefined bidirectional map
+similarly to what is available in the standard (i.e. non-experiment-specific) converters:
+>>> name = LHCbName2PDGIDBiMap[PDGID(-531)]
+>>> name
+>>> pdgid = LHCbName2PDGIDBiMap['B_s~0']
+>>> pdgid
+## Contributors
+We hereby acknowledge the contributors that made this project possible ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
+This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification.
+## Acknowledgements
+The UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the University of Liverpool
+provide funding for Eduardo Rodrigues (2020-) to work on this project part-time.
+Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation cooperative agreement OAC-1450377 (DIANA/HEP) in 2016-2019
+and has been provided by OAC-1836650 (IRIS-HEP) since 2019.
+Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material
+are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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-.. image:: https://github.com/scikit-hep/particle/raw/master/docs/ParticleLogo300.png
- :target: https://github.com/scikit-hep/particle
-``Particle``: PDG particle data and identification codes
-|Scikit-HEP| |PyPI version| |Conda-forge version| |Zenodo DOI|
-|GitHub Actions Status: CI| |Code Coverage|
-Particle provides a pythonic interface to the `Particle Data Group `_ (PDG)
-particle data tables and particle identification codes,
-with extended particle information and extra goodies.
-The PDG defines the standard particle identification (ID) numbering scheme.
-The package provides the ``PDGID`` class implementing queries on those PDG IDs.
-The queries are also accessible through free standing functions mimicking,
-and expanding from, the HepPID/HepPDT C++ interface.
-The ``Particle`` class wraps the information in the PDG particle data tables and
-provides an object-oriented interface and powerful search and look-up utilities.
-Install ``particle`` like any other Python package:
-.. code-block:: bash
- python -m pip install particle
-or similar (use ``--user``, ``virtualenv``, etc. if you wish).
-Strict dependencies
-- `Python `_ (3.7+)
-- `importlib_resources backport `_ if using Python < 3.9
-- `attrs `_ provides classes without boilerplate (similar to DataClasses in Python 3.7)
-- `hepunits `_ provides units for the Scikit-HEP packages
-See the `changelog `__ for a history of notable changes.
-Getting started: PDG IDs
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import PDGID
- >>>
- >>> pid = PDGID(211)
- >>> pid
- >>> pid.is_meson
- True
- >>> pid = PDGID(99999999)
- >>> pid
-For convenience, all properties of the ``PDGID`` class are available as standalone functions that work on any SupportsInt (including ``Particle``):
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle.pdgid import is_meson
- >>>
- >>> is_meson(211)
- True
-These composable functions qualifying PDG IDs make it easy to classify particles.
-For the sake of example, quarkonia can be specified with the following user-defined functions:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> is_heavy_flavor = lambda x: has_charm(x) or has_bottom(x) or has_top(x)
- >>> is_quarkonium = lambda x: is_meson(x) and is_heavy_flavor(x) and Particle.from_pdgid(x).is_self_conjugate
-PDG ID literals provide (``PDGID`` class) aliases for all particles loaded, with easily recognisable names.
-For example:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle.pdgid import literals as lid
- >>>
- >>> lid.pi_plus
- >>>
- >>> from particle.pdgid.literals import Lambda_b_0
- >>> Lambda_b_0
- >>> Lambda_b_0.has_bottom
- True
-You can quickly display ``PDGID`` info from the command line with:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ python -m particle pdgid 323
- A None
- J 1.0
- L 0
- S 1
- Z None
- abspid 323
- charge 1.0
- has_bottom False
- ...
-Similarly, classes exist to express identification codes used by MC programs,
-see information on converters below.
-Getting started: Particles
-You can use a variety of methods to get particles. If you know the PDG ID number
-or, say, the name used in EvtGen, you can get a particle directly.
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import Particle
- >>> Particle.from_pdgid(211)
- >>>
- >>> Particle.from_evtgen_name("J/psi")
- >>>
- >>> Particle.from_nucleus_info(a=12, z=6)
-A similar method exists to get a list of particles from a PDG style name:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> Particle.findall(pdg_name="pi")
-returns the list of matching particles whose PDG name is "pi",
-which in this case comprises the three charged states of the pseudoscalar pion.
-Else, and more generally, you can use a search. A basic example is the following:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> next(Particle.finditer('pi')) # first item in iterator of particles
- >>>
- >>> Particle.findall('pi')[0] # Same as above but returning a list of particles
-You can search for the properties using keyword arguments, which include
-``pdg_name``, ``name``, ``mass``, ``width``, ``charge``, ``three_charge``, ``anti_flag``, ``rank``,
-``I``, ``J``, ``G``, ``P``, ``quarks``, ``status``,
-``mass_upper``, ``mass_lower``, ``width_upper``, and ``width_lower``.
-You can pass a callable or an exact match for any property.
-The argument ``particle`` can be set to ``True``/``False``, as well,
-to limit the search to particles or antiparticles.
-You can also build the search yourself with the first positional
-argument, which accepts a callable that is given the particle object itself.
-If the first positional argument is a string, that will match against the
-particle's ``name``.
-Here are possible sophisticated searches, all of which work with either
-``Particle.findall`` or ``Particle.finditer``, where the former method provides a list
-whereas the latter returns an iterator.
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> # Print out all particles with asymmetric decay width uncertainties
- >>> ps = Particle.finditer(lambda p: p.width_lower != p.width_upper)
- >>> for p in ps:
- ... print(p.name, p.pdgid, p.width_lower, p.width_upper)
- >>>
- >>> # Find all antiparticles with 'Omega' in the name
- >>> Particle.finditer('Omega', particle=False) # several found
- >>>
- >>> # Find all antiparticles of name=='Omega'
- >>> Particle.finditer(name='Omega', particle=False) # none found
- >>>
- >>> # Find all antiparticles of pdg_name=='Omega'
- >>> Particle.findall(pdg_name='Omega', particle=False) # only 1, of course
- []
- >>>
- >>> # Find all neutral beauty hadrons
- >>> Particle.findall(lambda p: p.pdgid.has_bottom and p.charge==0)
- >>>
- >>> # Find all strange mesons with c*tau > 1 meter
- >>> from hepunits import meter
- >>> Particle.findall(lambda p: p.pdgid.is_meson and p.pdgid.has_strange and p.ctau > 1 * meter, particle=True)
- [,
- ]
-Once you have a particle, any of the properties can be accessed, along with several methods.
-Though they are not real properties, you can access ``is_name_barred``, and ``spin_type``.
-You can also ``.invert()`` a particle.
-There are lots of printing choices for particles:
-``describe()``, ``programmatic_name``, ``latex_name``, ``html_name``, HTML printing outs in notebooks,
-and of course ``repr`` and ``str`` support.
-You can get the ``.pdgid`` from a particle, as well.
-Sorting particles will put lowest ``abs(PDGID)`` first.
-Particle literals provide (``Particle`` class) aliases for the particles loaded,
-with easily recognisable names. For example:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import literals as lp
- >>> lp.pi_plus
- >>>
- >>> from particle.literals import Lambda_b_0
- >>> Lambda_b_0
- >>> Lambda_b_0.J
- 0.5
-You can quickly search for particles from the command line with
-(note: quotes may be used/needed but only double quotes work as expected on Windows):
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ python -m particle search "K*0"
-If you only select one particle, either by a search or by giving the PDG ID number,
-you can see more information about the particle:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ python -m particle search 311
- Name: K0 ID: 311 Latex: $K^{0}$
- Mass = 497.611 ± 0.013 MeV
- Width = -1.0 MeV
- Q (charge) = 0 J (total angular) = 0.0 P (space parity) = -
- C (charge parity) = ? I (isospin) = 1/2 G (G-parity) = ?
- SpinType: SpinType.PseudoScalar
- Quarks: dS
- Antiparticle name: K~0 (antiparticle status: Barred)
-Advanced: Loading custom tables
-You can control the particle data tables if you so desire. You can append a new data table using the following syntax:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import Particle
- >>> Particle.load_table('new_particles.csv', append=True)
-You can also replace the particle table entirely with ``append=False`` (the default).
-If you want a non-default data file distributed with the package just proceed as follows:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import data
- >>> Particle.load_table(data.basepath / "particle2022.csv"))
- >>> Particle.load_table(data.basepath / "nuclei2022.csv"), append=True) # I still want nuclei info
- >>> Particle.table_names() # list the loaded tables
-Advanced: how to create user-defined particles
-There are situations where it may be handy to create user-defined particles.
-But do so with care and having in mind the limitations, many of which are discussed or exemplified below!
-The simplest "particle" one may create is effectively a placeholder with no real information stored:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> # A Particle instance the simplest possible. Contains basically no info
- >>> p = Particle.empty()
- >>> p
- >>>
- >>> print(p.describe())
- Name: Unknown
-A more useful particle definition will likely involve at least a name and a PDG ID.
-It is important to keep in mind that a meaningful PDG ID encodes by construction internal quantum numbers
-and other information. As such, the definition of a particle with a "random" PDG ID
-will result in a particle with undefined and/or wrong properties such as quantum numbers or the quality of being a meson.
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> p2 = Particle(9912345, 'MyPentaquark')
- >>> p2
- >>>
- >>> p2.pdgid.is_pentaquark
- False
- >>> print(p2.describe()) # J=2 is an example of something effectively encoded in the PDG ID.
- Name: MyPentaquark ID: 9912345 Latex: $Unknown$
- Mass = None
- Width = None
- Q (charge) = None J (total angular) = 2.0 P (space parity) = None
- C (charge parity) = None I (isospin) = None G (G-parity) = None
- Antiparticle name: MyPentaquark (antiparticle status: Same)
-A yet more sophisticated definition:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> p3 = Particle(pdgid=9221132,pdg_name='Theta',three_charge=3,latex_name='\Theta^{+}')
- >>> p3
- >>>
- >>> print(p3.describe())
- Name: Theta ID: 9221132 Latex: $\Theta^{+}$
- Mass = None
- Width = None
- Q (charge) = + J (total angular) = 0.5 P (space parity) = None
- C (charge parity) = None I (isospin) = None G (G-parity) = None
- SpinType: SpinType.NonDefined
- Antiparticle name: Theta (antiparticle status: Same)
-Advanced: Conversion
-You can convert and update the particle tables with the utilities in ``particle.particle.convert``. This requires the
-``pandas`` package, and is only tested with Python 3. Run the following command for more help:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ python3 -m particle.particle.convert --help
-Getting started: Converters
-You can use mapping classes to convert between particle MC identification codes
-and particle names. See the ``particle.converters`` modules for the available
-mapping classes. For example:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle.converters import Pythia2PDGIDBiMap
- >>> from particle import PDGID, PythiaID
- >>>
- >>> pyid = Pythia2PDGIDBiMap[PDGID(9010221)]
- >>> pyid
- >>> pdgid = Pythia2PDGIDBiMap[PythiaID(10221)]
- >>> pdgid
-This code makes use of classes similar to ``PDGID``, which hold
-particle identification codes used by MC programs.
-Possible use cases are the following:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import Particle
- >>> from particle import Corsika7ID, Geant3ID, PythiaID
- >>>
- >>> g3id = Geant3ID(8)
- >>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(g3id.to_pdgid())
- >>>
- >>> (p,) = Particle.finditer(pdgid=g3id.to_pdgid()) # syntax (p,) throws an error if < 1 or > 1 particle is found
- >>> p.name
- 'pi+'
- >>> pythiaid = PythiaID(211)
- >>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(pythiaid.to_pdgid())
- >>> (p,) = Particle.finditer(pdgid=pythiaid.to_pdgid())
- >>> p.name
- 'pi+'
- >>> cid = Corsika7ID(5)
- >>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(cid.to_pdgid())
- >>> p.name
- 'mu+'
-The ``Corsika7ID`` class implements features to make it easier to work with Corsika7 output.
-For a full feature set, please refer to the ``particle.corsika`` submodule.
-``Corsika7ID.from_particle_description(from_particle_description: int)`` returns ``(Corsika7ID, bool)``
-to automatically parse the ``particle_description`` from the Corsika7 particle data sub-block.
-``Corsika7ID.is_particle()`` checks if the ID refers to an actual particle or something else (like additional information).
-``Corsika7ID.to_pdgid()`` converts the ``Corsika7ID`` to a ``PDGID`` if possible.
-Getting started: experiment-specific modules
-Experiment-specific submodules are welcome if they tie in nicely with the functionality of the package while providing
-add-ons of particular relevance to experiments.
-LHCb-specific module
-Available via
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> from particle import lhcb
-it contains the following converter and functions:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> dir(lhcb)
- ['LHCbName2PDGIDBiMap', 'from_lhcb_name', 'to_lhcb_name']
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> n, e, l = Particle.from_pdgid(-531).name, Particle.from_pdgid(531).evtgen_name, lhcb.to_lhcb_name(Particle.from_pdgid(-531))
- >>> print(f"Name: {n}\nEvtGen name: {e}\nLHCb name: {l}")
- Name: B(s)~0
- EvtGen name: B_s0
- LHCb name: B_s~0
- >>> p = Particle.from_pdgid(-531)
- >>> p
- >>>to_lhcb_name(p)
- 'B_s~0'
-Conversions PDG ID <-> LHCb name are available via a predefined bidirectional map
-similarly to what is available in the standard (i.e. non-experiment-specific) converters:
-.. code-block:: python
- >>> name = LHCbName2PDGIDBiMap[PDGID(-531)]
- >>> name
- 'B_s~0'
- >>> pdgid = LHCbName2PDGIDBiMap['B_s~0']
- >>> pdgid
-The UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the University of Liverpool
-provide funding for Eduardo Rodrigues (2020-) to work on this project part-time.
-Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation cooperative agreement OAC-1450377 (DIANA/HEP) in 2016-2019
-and has been provided by OAC-1836650 (IRIS-HEP) since 2019.
-Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material
-are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index bd64aaba..30a7a0c1 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ build-backend = "hatchling.build"
name = "particle"
description = "Extended PDG particle data and MC identification codes"
-readme = "README.rst"
+readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.7"
authors = [
{ name = "Eduardo Rodrigues", email = "eduardo.rodrigues@cern.ch" },