This package can find current weather status at some location by using latitude
and longitude
This package use API from OpenWeatherMap
To install this package, you can easily install using composer
through this command
$ composer require satmaxt/clther
The example implementation of this package can found at example
This package use default configuration that defined at package src
To change system configuration, you can create a constant.php
file. The example can found at example
$constant['SYSTEM_MODE'] = 'PRODUCTION';
// latitude longitude Bandung City
$constant['LATITUDE'] = -6.9042112;
$constant['LONGITUDE'] = 107.5882227;
// Units (Metric = Celcius, Imperial = Fahrenheit, Default = Kelvin)
$constant['UNITS'] = 'metric';
// system constant
$constant['PRODUCTION_API_URL'] = '';
$constant['DEVELOPMENT_API_URL'] = '';
$constant['PRODUCTION_APP_ID'] = 'yourapikey';
$constant['DEVELOPMENT_APP_ID'] = 'b6907d289e10d714a6e88b30761fae22';
$constant['CONSTANT_PATH'] = __DIR__ . '/constant.php'; // custom constant file
$constant['SYSTEM_PATH'] = __DIR__ . '/cache/weather.dat'; // cache file name
Weather data will updated automatically if you add this script to your crontab
or cron
Because this package use free API key, recommended refresh time is every 10 minutes
Add this script to youir cronjob
10 * * * * php /path/to/folder/refresh.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Change /path/to/folder
to your refresh.php
"coord": {
"lon": 107.59,
"lat": -6.9
"weather": {
"time": "2019-08-08 14:14:33",
"icon": "https:\/\/\/img\/wn\/[email protected]",
"status": "Clouds",
"description": "broken clouds"
"main": {
"temp": 28.56,
"pressure": 1011.11,
"humidity": 34,
"temp_min": 28.56,
"temp_max": 28.56,
"sea_level": 1011.11,
"grnd_level": 906.98
"units": "metric"
Copyright © 2019. Satmaxt Developer. Coded with ❤️ & ☕ at Bandung