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402 lines (246 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

402 lines (246 loc) · 10.8 KB

Change logs

2024.11.18 v5.23.0

  1. punctualTimer got returns of PunctualTimerReturns

2024.11.15 v5.22.1

  1. fix bugs of nextVersion

2024.10.16 v5.22.0

  1. new isNumberBrowser function, see: isNumberBrowser
  2. Default value of agent string for getOsVersion and getAppVersion changed to navigator.appVersion.

2024.08.27 v5.21.2

  1. pattern support mac/ip4/ip4_pri

2024.08.12 v5.21.1

  1. osVersion support Harmony

2024.08.09 v5.21.0

  1. spliceUrlParam Breaking change: SpliceUrlParamOptions

2024.08.09 v5.20.0

  1. spliceUrlParam Breaking change: remove encodeURIComponent

2024.05.30 v5.19.2

  1. upgrade await-to-done, fix types

2024.04.29 v5.19.1

  1. remove default params of arrayBufferToBase64

2024.04.27 v5.19.0

  1. getProperty support defaultValue
  2. fix types
  3. upgrade all packages

2024.03.11 v5.18.1

  1. fix types
  2. fix export error

2024.03.07 v5.18.0

  1. new punctualTimer function, see: punctualTimer

2024.01.21 v5.17.1

  1. safeParse safeStringify supports converting bigint

2024.01.22 v5.17.0

  1. randomColor supports a range of custom color values, which can be used to customize the generation of dark, light, warm, etc.

2024.01.21 v5.16.0

  1. new safeParse safeStringify function
  2. upgrade all packages

2023.11.13 v5.15.2

  1. move awaitTo to await-to-done function, see: await-to-done
  2. fix circle require

2023.11.06 v5.15.0

  1. new clone function, see: clone
  2. new isDate function, see: isDate
  3. new isRegExp function, see: isRegExp

2023.11.01 v5.14.1

  1. docs work

2023.10.31 v5.14.0

  1. new sorter function, see: sorter
  2. new sortPinyin function, see: sortPinyin
  3. upgrade all packages

2023.10.27 v5.13.0

  1. new arrayBufferToBase64 function, see: arrayBufferToBase64
  2. new arrayBufferToBlob function, see: arrayBufferToBlob
  3. new base64ToArrayBuffer function, see: base64ToArrayBuffer
  4. new base64ToBlob function, see: base64ToBlob
  5. new base64ToFile function, see: base64ToFile
  6. new blobToArrayBuffer function, see: blobToArrayBuffer
  7. new blobToBase64 function, see: blobToBase64
  8. new blobToUrl function, see: blobToUrl
  9. new fileToBase64 function, see: fileToBase64
  10. new svgToBlob function, see: svgToBlob
  11. new urlToBlob function, see: urlToBlob
  12. new inNodeJs function, see: inNodeJs

2023.10.09 v5.12.0

  1. new isEqual function, see: isEqual
  2. upgrade all packages

2023.10.09 v5.11.0

  1. new getFileType function, see: getFileType
  2. upgrade all packages

2023.09.23 v5.10.0

  1. new nextVersion function, see: nextVersion
  2. new promiseFactory function, see: promiseFactory

2023.09.20 v5.9.0

  1. new mapTemplate function, see: mapTemplate

2023.09.16 v5.8.1

  1. waiting support throw on timeout API Docs

2023.09.11 v5.8.0

  1. compareVersion support tag version API Docs

2023.09.06 v5.7.2

  1. fix regexp bug of appVersion

2023.09.01 v5.7.1

  1. revert nextIndex function

2023.08.22 v5.7.0

  1. new isIterable function, see: isIterable
  2. Extend awaitTo to support passing in multiple promises, see: awaitTo
  3. fix types
  4. upgrade all packages

2023.08.18 v5.6.0

  1. new getCookies function, see: getCookies
  2. some improvements for getType/getSession/getCache/fixNumber
  3. fix bugs: toThousands/parseUrlParam
  4. new pattern.number/nextIndex
  5. deprecated getScrollPosition
  6. fix types

2023.08.10 v5.5.0

  1. new preloader escape unescape randomColor isDarkMode waiting function, see: preloader, escape, unescape, randomColor, isDarkMode, waiting

2023.08.05 v5.4.0

  1. new shuffle randomNumbers function, see: shuffle, randomNumbers
  2. Band new randomString function, see: randomString

2023.08.02 v5.3.2

  1. Optimize usage of getQueryParams getUrlParams
  2. upgrade all packages

2023.07.31 v5.3.1

  1. fix appVersion bug

2023.07.18 v5.3.0

  1. new spliceUrlParam function
  2. deprecated isDigitals
  3. fix types & bugs
  4. docs work

2023.07.17 v5.2.0

  1. new awaitTo fingerprint browserVersion function
  2. fix bugs of osVersion
  3. deprecated trim pattern getDirParam
  4. docs work

2023.07.07 v5.1.0

  1. add appVersion osVersion
  2. deprecated getOsVersion getAppVersion

2023.07.05 v5.0.0

  1. add copy getQueryParam getQueryParams getUrlParams function
  2. change the params of getUrlParam
  3. add isWindow function
  4. add isObject isArray function
  5. remove getRandomStrWidthSpecialChar
  6. remove getParameter
  7. remove getIsAppVersionLastest, use compareVersion instead
  8. searchTreeObject rename to searchObject
  9. getRandomNum rename to randomNumber
  10. getRandomStr rename to randomString
  11. upgrade all packages

2023.06.14 v4.7.0

  1. add compareVersion API Docs
  2. upgrade all packages

2023.06.06 v4.6.0

  1. drop textareaInsertText & textareaMoveToEnd, If you still need to use it, we using grace-textarea

2023.06.05 v4.5.0

  1. add inBrowser API Docs
  2. some translate work
  3. upgrade all packages

2023.05.31 v4.4.1

  1. fix esm module

2023.05.23 v4.4.0

  1. fix outputs
  2. fix exports

2023.05.22 v4.3.0

  1. fix export default
  2. fix types
  3. upgrade all packages

2023.05.21 v4.2.0

  1. use use-downloads
  2. some translate work

2023.05.20 v4.1.0

  1. use load-source mount-css mount-image mount-script mount-style
  2. some translate work

2023.05.18 v4.0.0

  1. split csv into arrayToCSV CSVToArray CSVToJSON JSONToCSV
  2. split cache into setCache getCache delCache
  3. split sessioninto setSession getSession delSession
  4. split cookie into setCookie getCookie delCookie
  5. drop tslib package
  6. new build scripts & output

2023.04.07 v3.1.0

  1. Optimize build output by removing tslib from the package

2023.04.06 v3.0.0

  1. remove imgAdapt imgChoose throttle debounce enWxJumpLink enWxJumpLinkOld deWxJumpLink deWxJumpLinkOld clearHtmlExpSN clearHtmlN clearHtmlNS clearHtmlTag formatTime formatTimeStr getFileType clearBr
  2. move arrayToCSV CSVToArray CSVToJSON JSONToCSV to csv
  3. move setCache getCache delCache to cache
  4. move setSession getSession delSession to session
  5. move setCookie getCookie delCookie to cookie
  6. add isPlainObject function
  7. support const addEvent = require('js-cool/addEvent') This introduction method
  8. build product differentiate between esnext and es5, default output esnext
  9. splitThousand => toThousands
  10. getWindowSize => windowSize
  11. new extend function

2022.12.13 v2.8.0

  1. loadSource mountCss mountImg mountJs mountStyle new support for passing in custom properties, adjusting the input form, and improving the ts type, fixing IE compatibility issues
  2. dependency package upgrade

2022.12.07 v2.7.1

Extend the types supported by getType method.

2022.12.04 v2.7.0

  1. add setProperty method
  2. fix getProperty bug

2022.12.04 v2.6.0

  1. add loadSource mountCss mountImg mountJs mountStyle 5 methods
  2. upgrade the dependency package

2022.09.10 v2.5.0

  1. adjust exports export method, focus on supporting node esm mode
  2. optimize build scripts
  3. upgrade dependency packages

2022.08.23 v2.4.0

  1. upgrade dependency packages
  2. optimize the build process

2022.03.12 v2.3.2

  1. upgrade dependency packages
  2. optimize the documentation

2022.02.25 v2.3.1

  1. fix tslib package issue

2021.11.11 v2.3.0

  1. export module to keep default
  2. upgrade dependency package

2021.10.23 v2.2.4

  1. add getProperty method

2021.10.19 v2.2.3

  1. improve fillIPv6 method

2021.10.18 v2.2.2

  1. add fillIPv6 method

2021.10.15 v2.2.1

  1. add methods to find the intersection, concatenation, difference and complement of multiple arrays
  2. add contains method
  3. add a unique method for de-duplication

2021.09.21 v2.1.3

  1. build output banner

2021.09.10 v2.1.2

  1. improve typescript types
  2. upgrade dependency package

2021.09.02 v2.1.1

  1. refine typescript types

2021.08.29 v2.1.0

  1. add build es module

2021.08.28 v2.0.1

  1. fix several issues
  2. optimize code, optimize documentation

2021.08.26 v2.0.0

  1. refactor all the code to typescript
  2. rewrite method comments according to tsdoc specification

2021.07.26 v1.1.0

  1. use webpack to build umd package

2021.03.03 v1.0.9

  1. add all/any/RGBToHex/uuid methods
  2. add CSV to object conversion methods: arrayToCSV/CSVToArray/CSVToJSON/JSONtoCSV

2021.03.02 v1.0.8

  1. add splitThousand method

2021.03.01 v1.0.7

  1. fix nextIndex bug

2021.02.18 v1.0.6

  1. add openUrl method

2021.02.18 v1.0.5

  1. add download/searchTreeObject method

2021.02.08 v1.0.4

  1. update getCookie/setCookie methods

2021.02.01 v1.0.3

  1. handle bugs

2021.01.23 v1.0.2

  1. add nextIndex,fixNumber,delay,extend,getType,isArray,cleanData,getCache,setCache,delCache
  2. delete getLocal,setLocal,delLocal

2020.12.14 v1.0.1

  1. create project