v0.8.0 (2019-08-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Add generate choose testnet region ability #366 (laodouya)
- Add sydney bp, fix IPv6 seed for public key bug #365 (auxten)
- Remove -file param in cql console command. #363 (laodouya)
- Use goroutine specified rpc caller to avoid concurrent issue #361 (leventeliu)
- CQL-Proxy And CQL-ETH-Bridge #359 (xq262144)
- Fix dep vender hash difference. #358 (laodouya)
- Update SQLite to 3.28.0 with Full Text Search supported #356 (auxten)
v0.7.0 (2019-06-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- cql 增加一个 update 更新自己的命令(参考nvm) #343
Closed issues:
- https://covenantsql.io/blog/quickstart-zh 文档不是最新的 #344
- Can not use double quote in table name #113
Merged pull requests:
- Fix sqlchain head block timestamp metric inaccurate bug #355 (xq262144)
- Update sqlparser to support CREATE INDEX statement with dobule quoted name #354 (xq262144)
- Add timeout while synchronizing head blocks #352 (leventeliu)
- Add wechat qr code in readme #351 (auxten)
- Fix cql explorer bugs #350 (laodouya)
- Fix account type IsValid bug. #346 (laodouya)
- Add cql repeating logs while long process #345 (laodouya)
- Add AES-128-CBC PKCS#7 end to end encryption and decryption #342 (auxten)
- Collapse Readme on pure developer stuff #341 (auxten)
- Support double quote ident for table/column name #339 (xq262144)
- Resolve DNS seeds in parallel #338 (744189447)
- Add eventual mode in stable test #336 (laodouya)
- Update ci previous version to v0.6.0. #335 (laodouya)
v0.6.0 (2019-05-15)
Fixed bugs:
- [Document] some Quickstart pages are outdated #309
Closed issues:
- signal SIGBUS: bus error code #151
- truncate database cmd not found #149
- Static build get some warnings about glibc #143
- Panic while docker stop miner. #125
Merged pull requests:
- Fix incorrect log condition #334 (leventeliu)
- Fix bug in provide service immutable tx apply height #333 (xq262144)
- Remove the initialization BP step #332 (744189447)
- Fix provide service miner overcharge deposit bug #331 (xq262144)
- Serve RPC server first to prevent connection issue #330 (leventeliu)
- Fix cql misunderstanding #329 (laodouya)
- Support android arm64 system compatible ELF binary release #328 (xq262144)
- Parallelize chain synchronization in startup #327 (leventeliu)
- Add more metric vars of miner node #326 (xq262144)
- Query account database deposit and arrears #325 (xq262144)
- Faucet api update & cql command improvement #324 (xq262144)
- Feature/refactor cql #323 (laodouya)
- Lower memory consumption while rebuilding chain #322 (leventeliu)
- Add service:DHT:NodeCount to metric web #321 (auxten)
- Add bench chart in README.md #318 (laodouya)
- Add receipt for query and execute methods with context #317 (leventeliu)
- Update README.md #315 (ConnorLi96)
- Update CovenantSQL README-zh.md #314 (ConnorLi96)
- Bring some improvements to the cql command line toolset #313 (leventeliu)
- Add bash zsh completion and homebrew for cql #312 (auxten)
- Fix GNTE billingcount too large. Clean database before every single bench. #311 (laodouya)
- Fix cql command dsn parser bug #310 (xq262144)
- Provide more aggressive cache control for sqlchain #308 (leventeliu)
- Add Comparison and use cases #307 (auxten)
- Add direct-PRC server for cql-minerd #306 (leventeliu)
- Remove boltdb dependency #305 (xq262144)
- Refactor ETLS/RPC/mux packages #303 (leventeliu)
- Fix kayak memleak bugs #277 (xq262144)
v0.5.0 (2019-03-28)
Closed issues:
- 生成的钱包地址无效 #282
- I have developed an Excel add-in for this project #281
- get stable coin balance failed #245
- cql cannot parse covenantsql url with params #148
- Error with fio test on cql-fuse #123
- testnet.covenantsql.io上facebook发完有检测不到的情况 #107
- Master key should not be input with env or args #106
Merged pull requests:
- Support version upgrade in update billing tx header #299 (xq262144)
- Promote beta branch #298 (leventeliu)
- Revert a transaction type removal #297 (leventeliu)
- Merge beta upstream #296 (leventeliu)
- Reduce meta key length using byte version database id #294 (xq262144)
- Move all cql-utils functions to cql command #291 (laodouya)
- Simplify cql config and use IPv6 for bootstrap #290 (auxten)
- Use a global leveldb instance for multiple chains #289 (leventeliu)
- Support read-only local mirror #288 (xq262144)
- Use sqlite for dht key store #287 (xq262144)
- Refactor faucet for new testnet logic #286 (xq262144)
- Refactor benchmark codes and scripts #285 (leventeliu)
- Refactor cql command #284 (laodouya)
- Support content-type header in cors #280 (xq262144)
- Add end to end decrypt encrypt func #279 (auxten)
- Trim release pkg #278 (auxten)
- Use host default name server in docker #276 (auxten)
- Skip empty block producing and add read queries #275 (leventeliu)
- Update beta branch #274 (leventeliu)
- Combine cql-adapter command into cql command. #273 (laodouya)
- Add http log level switcher for debug purpose #272 (xq262144)
- Fix isolation level auto rollback bug #271 (xq262144)
- Fix transaction directives, add commit to query sanitizer ignore list #270 (xq262144)
- Add previous version compatibility test #269 (laodouya)
v0.4.0 (2019-02-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Use minimum assertion instead of exact version #265 (leventeliu)
- Promote beta branch #264 (leventeliu)
- Add imports format script and format all codes #263 (leventeliu)
- Add listen flag for adapter #262 (auxten)
- Use rpc broadcast for dht node info synchronization instead of kayak #261 (xq262144)
- Merge observer and explorer into cql #260 (auxten)
- Add transaction hash as return value in create/drop #259 (leventeliu)
- Combine createRandomBlock functions into one. #258 (laodouya)
- Improve unit test cover ratio #257 (laodouya)
- Refactor observer synchronization to pull mode #256 (xq262144)
- Refactor observer synchronization to pull mode #255 (xq262144)
- Fix SQLChain forks #254 (xq262144)
- Update beta with develop updates #253 (xq262144)
- Improve unit test cover ratio. #251 (laodouya)
- Add blocks cache limit for block producers #249 (leventeliu)
- Support pprof http handler in BlockProducer #248 (xq262144)
- Unit all docker client config to same private.key #247 (laodouya)
- Make observer API writeTimeout = 10 * readTimeout #246 (auxten)
v0.3.0 (2019-01-30)
Closed issues:
- Blocks are not written to chain #219
Merged pull requests:
- Improve database query performance #240 (xq262144)
- Support query regulations and flag bit permissions #239 (xq262144)
- Run each round sequentially to decrease running goroutines #238 (leventeliu)
- Fix bug: bad critical section for multiple values #237 (leventeliu)
- Add missing private key and rename apinode to fullnode #236 (ggicci)
- Regen HashStablePack for v2.0.0 #235 (auxten)
- Use ~/.cql/ directory as default config location. #233 (laodouya)
- GetCurrentBP also return BP follower #229 (auxten)
- Use 114 DNS for default #228 (auxten)
- Add metric web for cqld and cql-minerd #227 (auxten)
- Add testnet client init process test. Add a param 'fast' for GNTE test #226 (laodouya)
- Fix bug to avoid ack DDoS and add timeout for connecting db #225 (zeqing-guo)
- Add readonly flag for fuse #224 (auxten)
- Add other cmd tools in observer image #222 (zeqing-guo)
- Add cql-utils option to wait for confirmation #221 (leventeliu)
- Add isolation level for xenomint state #220 (leventeliu)
- Add TransactionState MarshalHash #218 (auxten)
- Fix block producer genesis block hash mismatch #217 (leventeliu)
- Fix gitlab ci script pipline will not return failed when go test failed. #216 (laodouya)
- Add query payload encode cache #215 (auxten)
- Client log optimize #214 (auxten)
- Add testnet compatibility test in CI process. #212 (laodouya)
- Fix block producers forking on startup #211 (leventeliu)
- Coping with sqlchain soft forks #201 (xq262144)
- Support JSON RPC API #164 (ggicci)
v0.2.0 (2019-01-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Update GNTE config #193 (laodouya)
- Fix matchProvidersWithUser inconsistent #188 (auxten)
- Speed up BPs at genesis startup #186 (leventeliu)
- Wait for database creation fix #185 (xq262144)
- Simplify cql and cql-utils log #184 (auxten)
- Fix Makefile PHONY, add push_testnet #183 (auxten)
- Fix issue: duplicate branches #182 (leventeliu)
- Update testnet conf #181 (auxten)
- Remove base58 wallet address #179 (auxten)
- Fix GNTE test config missing miner wallet init coin #178 (laodouya)
- Upgrade transaction structure: add Timestamp field #177 (ggicci)
- Block main cycle when BP network is unreachable #176 (leventeliu)
- Remove useless hash in base58 encoded private key #175 (auxten)
- Prune unused codes #174 (leventeliu)
- Fix docker entry point #173 (leventeliu)
- Add permission granting/revoking #172 (leventeliu)
- Extract observer to an independent docker image #163 (laodouya)
v0.1.0 (2018-12-29)
Closed issues:
- Private Key Format should be human readable #144
Merged pull requests:
- Change test config IsTestMode to true. #171 (laodouya)
- Update node_c config for testnet #170 (leventeliu)
- Fix miner crash on billing #169 (leventeliu)
- Update ci config #168 (xq262144)
- Update observer api to support queries pagination #167 (xq262144)
- Add testnet parameters package and fix cql-utils congen tool #166 (leventeliu)
- Update ci config, run reviewdog on travis, other in gitlab #165 (xq262144)
- Add README-zh for cql-utils #161 (leventeliu)
- Update client readme and example #160 (laodouya)
- Add more test cases for ETLS #159 (auxten)
- Reduce unnecessary object copy while producing/applying new block #158 (leventeliu)
- HTTP(S) Adapter Improvements and various query sanitizations #157 (xq262144)
- Add raw socket magic header and encrypted magic header for ETLS #156 (auxten)
- Fix RunCommandNB pipe issue #155 (auxten)
- Fix some issues in block producer #154 (leventeliu)
- Use docker mapping port for node_c #150 (auxten)
- Update default makefile task to all #147 (draveness)
- Save & load private key in base58 format #146 (draveness)
- Add billing process and chain bus support #145 (zeqing-guo)
- Refactor build.sh and Makefile #142 (laodouya)
- Block producer refactor and chain bus integration #135 (leventeliu)
v0.0.6 (2018-12-18)
Closed issues:
- Could not run in docker based alpine image #134
- Quickstart cli document 404 #97
- Any plan to NodeJS support? #80
Merged pull requests:
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #137 (gitter-badger)
- Add DSN options to enable SQL queries on follower nodes #136 (ggicci)
- If smux session dead, cancel the context passed to RPC through Envelope #133 (auxten)
- Add new cloudflare.com DNSKEY #132 (auxten)
- Prepare for auto bench in jenkins environment. #131 (laodouya)
v0.0.5 (2018-11-23)
Fixed bugs:
- Stuck in 2pc inconsistent state error #56
Closed issues:
- 用 cql 来查看你的钱包余额时出错 #111
Merged pull requests:
- Fix table name should add space in one test case. #128 (laodouya)
- Fix memory exhausting issue #127 (leventeliu)
- Add block cache pruning #126 (leventeliu)
- Utils/Profiler log field name wrong. #124 (laodouya)
- Add simple Pub Sub framework and fix bug during long march #122 (auxten)
- Move client.conn.pCaller init in newConn #121 (auxten)
- Fix broken BenchmarkMinerXXX add BenchmarkMinerTwo to travis #120 (auxten)
- FUSE on CovenantSQL #119 (auxten)
- Integration bench test support on exist database file. #118 (laodouya)
- Move HashSignVerifier definition to crypto package #117 (leventeliu)
- Increase project test coverage and fix bugs in kayak #116 (xq262144)
- Fix invalid parent, and increate block producing period on main chain #115 (zeqing-guo)
- A shard chain eventual consistency implementation #103 (leventeliu)
v0.0.4 (2018-11-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Potential deadlock in testing #93
Closed issues:
- Where can I find covenantsql.io/covenantsql_adapter #53
Merged pull requests:
- Fix loadChain failure, remove the lock in sync() #114 (zeqing-guo)
- Kayak performance improvement refactor #112 (xq262144)
- Fix index out of bound, refactor part of sqlchain code #110 (leventeliu)
- Support lastInsertID/affectedRows in kayak #109 (xq262144)
v0.0.3 (2018-11-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot receive tokens from testnet #84
Closed issues:
- Command cqld -version failed without -config parameter #99
Merged pull requests:
- Add call stack print for Error, Fatal and Panic #108 (auxten)
- Update GNTE submodule to it's newest master #105 (laodouya)
- Add GNTE bench test #102 (laodouya)
- Use leveldb to instead boltdb on sqlchain #101 (zeqing-guo)
- Update Dockerfile, using go1.11 instead #100 (laodouya)
- Replace hashicorp/yamux with xtaci/smux #98 (auxten)
- Update MySQL Adapter to support mysql-java-connector/SequelPro/Navicat #96 (xq262144)
- Minerd performance tuning #95 (auxten)
- Update README #91 (foreseaz)
- Blockproducer Explorer feature including Transaction type encode/decode improvements #90 (xq262144)
v0.0.2 (2018-10-17)
Closed issues:
- Improve commit messages for better project tracking and changelogs #62
Merged pull requests:
- Use c implementation of secp256k1 in Sign and Verify #89 (auxten)
- Provide a runnable MySQL adapter using mysql text protocol #87 (xq262144)
- Sanitize SQL query before applying to underlying storage engine #85 (xq262144)
- Limit codecov threshold to 0.5% #83 (auxten)
- Add SQLite and 1, 2, 3 miner(s) with or without signature benchmark test suits #82 (auxten)
- Fix a fatal bug while querying ACK from other peer #81 (leventeliu)
- Fix fetch block API issue #79 (leventeliu)
- Fix observer dynamic subscribe from oldest #78 (auxten)
v0.0.1 (2018-09-27)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Make idminer and README.md less ambiguous #77 (auxten)
- Make all path config in adapter relative to working root configuration #76 (auxten)
- TestNet faucet for CovenantSQL API demo #75 (auxten)
- HTTPS RESTful API for CovenantSQL #74 (xq262144)
- Unify the nonce increment, BaseAccount also increases account nonce. #73 (leventeliu)
- Fix a nonce checking issue and add more specific test cases. #72 (leventeliu)
- Add an idminer readme for generating key pair and testnet address #71 (zeqing-guo)
- Add BenchmarkSingleMiner, use rpc.NewPersistentCaller for client conn #70 (auxten)
- Add RPC methods for balance query. #69 (leventeliu)
- Addrgen to generate testnet address #68 (zeqing-guo)
- Support hole skipping in observer #67 (xq262144)
- Add base account type transaction with initial balance for testnet. #66 (leventeliu)
- Add auto config generator #65 (zeqing-guo)
- Use a well-defined interface to process transactions on block producers. #64 (leventeliu)
- Add an explanation for non-deterministic authenticated encryption input vector #63 (auxten)
- Add nonce generator in idminer #61 (zeqing-guo)
- Optional database encryption support on database creation. #60 (xq262144)
- Clarify README.md for project and DH-RPC #59 (auxten)
- Rename ThunderDB to CovenantSQL #57 (zeqing-guo)
- Update README.md #55 (auxten)
- Add address test cases #54 (zeqing-guo)
- Fix block index issue #52 (leventeliu)
- Fix/issue-50: use major version tag in docker file #51 (leventeliu)
- Add DH-RPC example #49 (auxten)
- Merge cli tool to core code base #48 (xq262144)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator