Robin Browaeys 2019-02-19
This vignette assesses the ligands prioritized by NicheNet in their ability to predict a gene set of interest. We will first follow the steps of Perform NicheNet analysis starting from a Seurat object) to obtain ligands rankings. Make sure you understand the steps and output of a basic NicheNet analysis (more information in Perform NicheNet analysis starting from a Seurat object: step-by-step analysis. You can also apply this vignette to the NicheNet’s ligand activity analysis on a gene set of interest vignette.
library(nichenetr) # Please update to v2.0.4
# Read in networks
lr_network <- readRDS(url(""))
ligand_target_matrix <- readRDS(url(""))
weighted_networks <- readRDS(url(""))
lr_network <- lr_network %>% distinct(from, to)
# Read in expression data and update
seuratObj <- readRDS(url(""))
seuratObj <- UpdateSeuratObject(seuratObj)
seuratObj <- alias_to_symbol_seurat(seuratObj, "mouse")
# Run NicheNet
nichenet_output <- nichenet_seuratobj_aggregate(
seurat_obj = seuratObj,
sender = c("CD4 T","Treg", "Mono", "NK", "B", "DC"),
receiver = "CD8 T",
condition_colname = "aggregate",
condition_oi = "LCMV",
condition_reference = "SS",
expression_pct = 0.05,
ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix,
lr_network = lr_network,
weighted_networks = weighted_networks
## [1] "Read in and process NicheNet's networks"
## [1] "Define expressed ligands and receptors in receiver and sender cells"
## [1] "Perform DE analysis in receiver cell"
## [1] "Perform NicheNet ligand activity analysis"
## [1] "Infer active target genes of the prioritized ligands"
## [1] "Infer receptors of the prioritized ligands"
## [1] "Perform DE analysis in sender cells"
best_upstream_ligands <- nichenet_output$ligand_activities %>%
top_n(30, aupr_corrected) %>% arrange(desc(aupr_corrected)) %>% pull(test_ligand)
For the top 30 ligands, we will now build a multi-ligand model that uses all top-ranked ligands to predict whether a gene belongs to the gene set of interest (differentially expressed genes in CD8 T cells after LCMV infection) or not. This classification model will be trained via cross-validation and returns a probability for every gene.
# change rounds and folds here, to two rounds to reduce time: normally: do multiple rounds
k <- 3 # 3-fold
n <- 2 # 2 rounds
gene_predictions_top30_list <- lapply(1:n, assess_rf_class_probabilities,
folds = k,
geneset = nichenet_output$geneset_oi,
background_expressed_genes = nichenet_output$background_expressed_genes,
ligands_oi = best_upstream_ligands,
ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix)
Evaluate now how well the target gene probabilities accord to the gene set assignments.
# get performance: auroc-aupr-pearson
target_prediction_performances_cv <- gene_predictions_top30_list %>% lapply(classification_evaluation_continuous_pred_wrapper) %>%
bind_rows() %>% mutate(round=seq(1:nrow(.)))
What is the AUROC, AUPR and PCC of this model (averaged over cross-validation rounds)?
target_prediction_performances_cv$auroc %>% mean()
## [1] 0.8044756
target_prediction_performances_cv$aupr %>% mean()
## [1] 0.4975771
target_prediction_performances_cv$pearson %>% mean()
## [1] 0.541401
Evaluate now whether genes belonging to the gene set are more likely to be top-predicted. We will look at the top 5% of predicted targets here.
# get performance: how many viral response genes and non-viral response-genes among top 5% predicted targets
target_prediction_performances_discrete_cv <- gene_predictions_top30_list %>%
quantile_cutoff = 0.95) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "round")
What is the fraction of viral response genes that belongs to the top 5% predicted targets?
target_prediction_performances_discrete_cv %>% filter(true_target) %>% .$fraction_positive_predicted %>% mean()
## [1] 0.45
What is the fraction of non-viral-response genes that belongs to the top 5% predicted targets?
target_prediction_performances_discrete_cv %>% filter(!true_target) %>% .$fraction_positive_predicted %>% mean()
## [1] 0.0179845
We see that the viral response genes are enriched in the top-predicted target genes. To test this, we will now apply a Fisher’s exact test for every cross-validation round and report the average p-value.
target_prediction_performances_discrete_fisher <- gene_predictions_top30_list %>%
quantile_cutoff = 0.95)
target_prediction_performances_discrete_fisher %>% unlist() %>% mean()
## [1] 2.332346e-96
Finally, we will look at which p-EMT genes are well-predicted in every cross-validation round.
# get top predicted genes
top_predicted_genes <- lapply(1:n, get_top_predicted_genes,
gene_predictions_top30_list) %>%
reduce(full_join, by = c("gene","true_target"))
top_predicted_genes %>% filter(true_target)
## # A tibble: 125 × 4
## gene true_target predicted_top_target_round1 predicted_top_target_round2
## <chr> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl>
## 3 Ifi203 TRUE TRUE TRUE
## 4 Ifi209 TRUE TRUE TRUE
## 5 Ifi213 TRUE TRUE TRUE
## 6 Ifi208 TRUE TRUE TRUE
## 8 Ifi206 TRUE TRUE TRUE
## 10 Ifit3b TRUE TRUE TRUE
## # ℹ 115 more rows