- AirServer
- AirServer transforms your Xbox One into an all-in-one AirPlay + Google Cast + Miracast receiver.
- AirServer是一个非常简单的Mac和PC应用,它的作用是把你的iPhone 或者iPad的屏幕搬到电脑上。
- [推荐]Alfred
- Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.
- Alfred 是一款屡获殊荣的 macOS 应用程序,可通过热键、关键字、文本扩展等提高您的效率。 搜索您的 Mac 和网络,并通过自定义操作来更高效地控制您的 Mac。
- [推荐]Android Studio
- [推荐]autojump
- Dash
- 快速访问API (Dash gives your Mac instant offline access to 200+ API documentation sets.)
- Beyond Compare
- [推荐]Brew
- 安装brew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://b.idayer.com/brew.sh)"
- [推荐]Charles
- [推荐]Docker
- [推荐]Draw.io
- 推荐应用
- EasyConnect
- Eclipse
- [推荐]EverNote
- Fiddler
- FileZilla
- The free FTP solution.
- [推荐]Gas Mask
- 主机域名设置
- [推荐]Google Chrome
- [推荐]GNS3
- [推荐]IntelliJ
- [推荐]JD-GUI
- JProfiler
- [推荐]iTerm2
- iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm.
- 推荐配置zsh和插件
- Luyten
- MacDown
- MarkDown编写工具
- [推荐]MySQLWorkbench
- Navicat
- Parall Client
- Parallels Client is an easy-to-install client software that provides access to your Parallels RAS installations.
- [推荐]Postman
- PyCharm
- QuickTime Player
- 录屏和视频处理
- RAR Extractor
- [推荐]AnotherRedisDesktopManager
- A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac. What's more, it won't crash when loading massive keys.
- Rectangle
- [推荐]Robo 3T
- Royal TSX
- [推荐]ScreenBrush
- [推荐]SecureCRT
- Sequel Pro
- Sequel Pro is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases.
- Shadowsocks
- Sketches Pro
- SnailSVN Lite
- StarUML
- Studio 3T
- the professional GUI for MongoDB
- Sublime Text
- 免费的文本编辑工具(A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.)
- [推荐]TeamViewer
- Tencent Lemon
- ToDesk
- [推荐]Tunnelblick
- Typora
- [推荐]uTools
- 新一代效率工具平台
- [推荐]Visual Studio Code
- [推荐]VirtualBox
- VMware
- VNC Viewer
- [推荐Wireshark
- [推荐]Xcode
- [推荐]XMind
- 思维导图工具
- [推荐]Zsh
- [推荐]SDKMAN
- CleanMyMac
- Mac清理管理工具。
- Foxmail
- 邮箱管理。
- LaTeX
- LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system.
- 开源录屏推流软件
- Office
- RescueTime
- A personal analytics service that shows you how you spend your time and provides tools to help you be more productive.
- 时间花费跟踪工具
- Skype
- 超清晰网络电话工具,电脑间通话永远免费,打国内国际固定/移动电话只需市话费
- Wunderlist: To-Do List & Tasks
- TODO工具。奇妙清单是完成工作的最简单方法。无论你是在安排度假、与伙伴分享购物清单,或是管理多个工作项目,奇妙清单会帮助你完成所有个人和职业待办事项
- 搜狗输入法
- 百度网盘
- 腾讯邮箱
- 微信
- 腾讯会议
- 钉钉
- 按键精灵
- 花生壳
- 大圣盘
- Babel JavaScript
- Beautify css/sass/scss/less
- Better Comments
- Bookmarks
- CSS Formatter
- CSS Peek
- Chinese (Simplified) (简体中文)
- Color Highlight
- Color Info
- Community Material Theme
- Conventional Commits
- Docker
- Emoji
- ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets
- ESLint
- Git Blame
- Git Graph
- Git History
- Git-commit-plugin
- GitHub Copilot
- GitHub Pull Requests and Issues
- GitHub Repositories
- Gitignore
- HTML Boilerplate
- HTML CSS Support
- Highlight Matching Tag
- Image preview
- Indent-rainbow
- Indenticator
- IntelliCode
- IntelliCode API Usage Examples
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
- JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly
- Jest
- Json
- KoroFileHeader
- Kubernetes
- Live Server
- Markdown All in One
- Markdown Emoji
- Markdown PDF
- Markdown Preview Enhanced
- Markdownlint
- NGINX Configuration
- Nginx-formatter
- Npm Intellisense
- Peacock
- Prettier Formatter for Visual Studio Code
- Prettify JSON
- Quokka.js
- React Native Tools
- React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7
- Remote Repositories
- Shellcheck
- TODO Highlight
- Tabnine AI Autocomplete for Javascript, Python, Typescript, PHP, Go, Java, Ruby & more
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- Trailing Spaces
- VSCode Great Icons
- VSCode-icons
- Vue Language Features(Colar)
- Vue 3 Sanippets
- Vue VSCode Snippets
- Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines
- Ant
- BashSupport
- Batch Scripts Support
- Bytescode Viewer
- CSV Editor
- ChangeReminder
- CheckStyle-IDEA
- Chinese(Simplified) Language
- Code Converage for Java
- Copyright
- Database Navigator
- Docker
- Eclipse Code Formatter
- Eclipse Interoperability
- EditorConfig
- Git
- Git Commit Template
- Git Flow Integration
- GitHub Copilot
- GitToolBox
- Github
- GitHub Copilot
- Google-java-format
- Gradle
- Grep Console
- Groovy
- GsonFormat
- IdeaVim
- Ignore
- IntelliJ Light Theme
- IntelliLang
- JUnit
- Java Bytecode Decompiler
- Java Internationalization
- Java Stream Debugger
- JavaFX
- Json Parser
- Lombok
- Markdown
- Maven
- Maven Helper
- PlantUML integration
- Rainbow Brackets
- Rainglow Color Schemes
- Scala
- Settings Repository
- SonarLint
- Swagger
- Translation
- YAML/Ansible support
- .ignore
- BlackConnect
- Chinse(Simplified Language)
- ChinsePinyin-CodeCompletionHelper
- CSV Editor
- GitHub Copilot
- IdeaVim
- Requirements
- YouTrack Integration
- AdBlock
- Alexa Traffic Rank
- Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- Axure RP Extension for Chrome
- Designers Ruler
- ElasticSearch Head
- Flashcontrol
- Google Analytics Debugger
- Google 文档的离线功能
- Google 日历
- Infinity
- JSON-handle
- Live HTTP Headers
- Octotree - GitHub code tree
- Page Analytics
- Proxy SwitchyOmega
- React Developer Tools
- Redux DevTools
- Sourcegraph
- Vue.js devtools
- 取色器
- 有道词典Chrome划词插件