Rename AW_XXX touch ui macros to AW_TOUCHUI_XXX
Instead of groupN-calibrate, have a "calibration-group" - DONE
- This reduces the number of existing feeds
Get the latest value of a feed (see https://io.adafruit.com/api/docs/mqtt.html#mqtt-retain)
Make the graphical UI optional
- Introduce a AW_GRAPHICALUI_ENABLED macro
Create a "LEDStatus" component - DONE
- This will allow some feedback of what's going on when there isn't a screen connected
Go through the console commands list and cleanup/remove what's should not be there, like test stuff I left behind. - DONE
Add watchdog timer component - DONE
Add date/time reading from https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-magtag/getting-the-date-time
PumpMonitor should make use of a mutex style thing like the sensors, to keep maximum current usage low. - DONE
- Make sure the mutex is released when turning off the motor - DONE
Instead of the threshold little marker, use a grey horizontal line across the entire graph - DONE
- Need to add a SensorTresholdChangedEvent - DONE
- Graph then can react to the event, and trigger a full redraw of the plot history - DONE
- Calibration sub-menu - DONE
- Have the labels reflect the current sensor state - DONE
- air value needs to be updated - DONE
- water value needs to be updated - DONE
- current sensor reading shown in the middle as % - DONE
- Have the "set threshold" button react and apply the calibration settings - DONE
- Have the labels reflect the current sensor state - DONE
- Implement m_configIsDirty - DONE
- Saving button needs to update - DONE
- Have the saving button perform a save and close - DONE
- Calibration sub-menu - DONE
Save the group config when we start or stop, so it remembers that when rebooting, otherwise there is no way to start/stop a group and get that saved - DONE
When a group is stopped, and we go into the calibration menu, the calibration doesn't work. Probably we are not getting any events. - DONE
Add a confirmation sub-menu for the user initiated shot - DONE
- It's probably enough to show under the shot button, a label with "SURE?", and a button with the check mark, and also show the close button like in the settings menu. - DONE
Add blue marker (along side the error red dot), to mark when the motor is on
- This helps knowing when the board is trying telling the motor to turn on, and for some reason it is NOT turning on
- DONE - Need to put the active slot "release" somewhere. As-in, every time we call tryAcquire, we need to remember that and make sure "release" is called when we are no longer trying to acquire (or the motor is turned off)
- DONE - Manual shots (and the console command shots) need to go through the PumpMonitor::tick function, so it respects the allowed number of active motors
- Probably need another field (e.g: bool m_doExplicitShot) in PumpMonitor, and then in the tick function where we check the last sensor reading, we also check that bool
- Delete lib\Adafruit_DHT-sensor-library if not used - DONE
- Remove the "setmuxenabled" and "setmuxchannel" - DONE