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Logos, Style Guide, & Inspiration

Meg Gutshall edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 1 revision


Coming soon

Style Guide

The style guide consists of three primary colors and three secondary colors.

Main Main Main Secondary Secondary Secondary
Name Red Salsa Skobeloff White Terra Cotta Cadet Blue Maize Crayola
HEX #F2454E #03777E #FFFFFF #E57460 #51A4A1 #FDD14A
RGB 242,69,78 3,119,126 255,255,255 229,116,96 81,164,161 253,209,74
CMYK 0/71/68/5 98/6/0/51 0/0/0/0 0/49/58/10 51/0/2/36 0/17/71/1

The logo was created using a Futura bold 20px font for “RUBY FOR” and a Futura bold 38px font for “GOOD”. The classic logo consists of the Red Salsa and Skobeloff colors while the alternate logo is pure white. There is a special events logo as well which features a rainbow ruby.


The site is supposed to be modeled after the Civilians in Conflict and Peer Health Exchange websites. The DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence website is a good example of content, NOT website design!

We like the aesthetics of the Lancer theme, especially the font. The font family is 'Poppins' throughout the entire theme. The font weight is regular (400) for the body, nav bar, tags, and section headers and bold (700) for the hero and content headers. All header, nav bar, and tag fonts are uppercase.

The theme we’re using as the basis for the new site is called Trade. It’s built on Bootstrap’s responsive framework and uses icons from Font Awesome, IcoFont, and Linearicons. We can also take features from the Devoll theme and build them into the website. Be sure to adjust the styling if you do this though!

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