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File metadata and controls

126 lines (93 loc) · 4.37 KB


This project is a command-line interface (CLI) based Kanban board implemented in Python. It allows users to manage tasks across different boards, including "TODO," "In Progress," and "Done."


  • Add Task: Users can add tasks to the Kanban board.
  • Move Task: Tasks can be moved between different boards.
  • Display Board: Users can display tasks on each board.
  • Save and Load Data: Data can be saved to and loaded from binary files to persist tasks between sessions.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install termcolor


  1. Run the script:

  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to interact with the Kanban board.

File Structure Documentation

  • Contains the main script with the CLI interface. Users interact with the Kanban board through this script.
  • Contains utility functions for Kanban board management, including task creation, data storage, and board manipulation.
  • kanban_data.pickle: Binary file for storing Kanban board data. Tasks and board configurations are saved here for persistence between sessions.

Function Documentation

Task class

__init__(self, task_name, assignee, reporter, deadline, priority)

  • Parameters:
    • task_name (str): The name of the task.
    • assignee (str): The person assigned to the task.
    • reporter (str): The person reporting the task.
    • deadline (str): The deadline for the task.
    • priority (str): The priority of the task (high, medium, low).

add_status_field(self, field_name, field_value)

  • Parameters:
    • field_name (str): The name of the additional status field.
    • field_value (str): The value of the additional status field.
  • Description: Adds an additional status field to the task.


  • Description: Displays the details of the task.

Kanban class

__init__(self, name)

  • Parameters:
    • name (str): The name of the Kanban board.
  • Description: Initializes a new Kanban board with the given name.


  • Description: Displays all tasks in the Kanban board, sorted by priority.

display(self, color)

  • Parameters:
    • color (str): The color of the Kanban board header.
  • Description: Displays the Kanban board with a colored header.

move_task(self, task_name, destination_board)

  • Parameters:
    • task_name (str): The name of the task to move.
    • destination_board (Kanban): The destination Kanban board.
  • Description: Moves a task from the current board to the destination board.

find_task(self, task_name)

  • Parameters:
    • task_name (str): The name of the task to find.
  • Returns: The task object if found, otherwise None.
  • Description: Finds a task in the Kanban board by name.

remove_task(self, task_name)

  • Parameters:
    • task_name (str): The name of the task to remove.
  • Description: Removes a task from the Kanban board.


  • Returns: A new Task object created from user input.
  • Description: Prompts the user to enter details for a new task and creates a Task object.

display_kanban_boards(todo, prog, done)

  • Parameters:
    • todo (Kanban): The TODO Kanban board.
    • prog (Kanban): The In Progress Kanban board.
    • done (Kanban): The Done Kanban board.
  • Description: Displays all three Kanban boards with their respective tasks.

save_data(todo, prog, done)

  • Parameters:
    • todo (Kanban): The TODO Kanban board.
    • prog (Kanban): The In Progress Kanban board.
    • done (Kanban): The Done Kanban board.
  • Description: Saves the data of all three Kanban boards to a pickle file.


  • Returns: A tuple containing the TODO, In Progress, and Done Kanban boards.
  • Description: Loads the data of all three Kanban boards from a pickle file.

move_task_between_boards(todo, prog, done)

  • Parameters:
    • todo (Kanban): The TODO Kanban board.
    • prog (Kanban): The In Progress Kanban board.
    • done (Kanban): The Done Kanban board.
  • Description: Moves a task between Kanban boards based on user input.


  • Description: Wipes all Kanban board data by removing the pickle file.