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File metadata and controls

104 lines (88 loc) · 12.4 KB



Live Demo

Test User Credentials
Role Username Password
customer [email protected] customer
admin [email protected] admin

Deploy Your Own


Environment Variables

Name Description Default Value
AWS_REGION AWS region. eu-central-1
AWS_S3_BUCKET AWS S3 bucket name. kwik-e-mart
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS IAM access secret key.
DEBUG Filter for debug messages. server:*
MONGODBURL URL of the Mongo database. mongodb://localhost/kwik-e-mart
PORT TCP port for incoming HTTP requests. 3000
SECRET_FOR_SESSION A secret encryption key for session cookies.
SECRET_FOR_USER A secret encryption key for user credentials.
SIDNAME The name of the session cookie. connect.sid

API Endpoints

Method URL Request Payload Response Semantics Required Privilege Comments
GET /api/auth N/A • 200 if successful. • 404 if not logged in. Get the current user. N/A The response shall not include a Set-Cookie header.
PUT /api/auth username, password Log in. N/A The response shall include a Set-Cookie header.
DELETE /api/auth Log out. N/A The response shall include a Set-Cookie header to clear the cookie set by PUT /api/auth.
PUT /api/user/:userid email, password, firstName, lastName, city, streetAddress Sign up (create a new user account). N/A userId is user's ID Card # (ת.ז.)
POST /api/category name Create a new product category. admin
GET /api/category/all Get all the categories. user The response shall not include the products arrays.
GET /api/category/:categoryId Get details for the specified category. user The response shall not include the products array.
POST /api/category/:categoryId/product name, price, imageUrl Create a new product in the specified category. admin
GET /api/category/:categoryId/product/all Get all the products in the specified category. user
GET /api/category/:categoryId/product/:productId Get details for the specified product. user
PUT /api/category/:categoryId/product/:productId name, price, imageUrl • 204 if successful. • 404 if the product doesn't exist or doesn't belong to the specified category. Replace the product's details with the ones enclosed. admin
DELETE /api/category/:categoryId/product/:productId Delete the specified product. admin
POST /api/order Check out (create a new order). user
GET /api/order/all Get a detailed list of all the orders. N/A
GET /api/order/:orderId Get details for the specified order. N/A
POST /api/s3 path, type Generate a new S3 signed URL for direct upload. admin
POST /api/gs path, type Generate a new Google Cloud Storage signed URL for direct upload. admin

Sequence Diagrams

Product Image Upload

participant client
participant server
participant amazon as
client->>server: POST /api/s3 <br/> path=/products <br/> type=image/png
server-->>client: { <br/> getUrl:<id>.png, <br/> putUrl:<id>.png?... <br/> }
client->>amazon: PUT /products/<id>.png?...
amazon-->>client: 200 OK

Order Flow

client->>+server: POST /api/order <br/> { items: [{ product: '<id>', quantity: 8, price: 100.00 }], total: 800.00 }
server->>mongoose: new Order({ items: [{ product: <id>, quantity: 8, price: 100.00 }] })
mongoose-->>server: order
alt No price changes
mongoose->>+server: invoke validation hook
server->>+mongoose: order.populate('items.product')
mongoose->>mongo: products.find({ _id: [...] })
mongo-->>mongoose: [{ _id: <productId>, price: 100.00 }]
mongoose-->>-server: { _id: orderId, items: [{ quantity: 8, price: 100.00, product: { _id: <productId>, price: 100.00 } }] }
server->>server: validate prices
server-->>-mongoose: true
mongoose->>mongo: orders.insertOne({ items: [{ product: <id>, quantity: 8, price: 100.00}] })
mongo-->>mongoose: { insertId: ObjectId('...') }
mongoose-->>-server: { _id: <orderId>, items: [...], total: 800.00 }
server-->>client: 201 Created <br/> Content-Location: /api/order/<orderId> <br/> { _id: <orderId>, items: [{ product: '<id>', quantity: 8, price: 100.00 }], total: 800.00 }
else Some prices have changed
mongoose->>+server: invoke validation hook
server->>mongoose: order.populate('items.product')
mongoose->>mongo: products.find({ _id: [...] })
mongo-->>mongoose: [{ _id: <productId>, price: 110.00 }]
mongoose-->>server: { _id: orderId, items: [{ quantity: 8, price: 100.00, product: { _id: <productId>, price: 110.00 } }] }
server->>server: validate prices
server-->>-mongoose: false
mongoose--x-server: Error: <product> costs 110.00, not 100.00.
server-->>-client: 400 Bad Request <br/> <product> costs 110.00, not 100.00.