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A simple Java application is launched with OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation. The OpenTelemetry instrumentation is configured with multiple telemetry exporters. In parallel it is logging telemetry on the console, exporting to a local jaeger, and also exporting to the APM SaaS backend via the APM OpenTelemetry collector container.

For this cookbook the APM OpenTelemetry collector container is configured to receive OTLP-gRPC but it also supports OTLP-http, jaeger and even zipkin telemetry.



  1. an APM account (SaaS)
  2. a Docker host, for example Docker Desktop

Step by step

Step 1 - Connect to APM web console

Navigate to APM (for example > Agents > Install Agents:

  1. Find your CustomerID, for example 12341234-12341234-13241234
  2. Grab SaaS Analysis Server Host, for example

Step 2 - Get the sources

Download the sources, for example right-click here to download the zip archive, and expand it locally.

Edit the docker-compose.yaml file if you want to manually configure the SERVER_URL environment variable of the APM OpenTelemetry Collector container, replacing RIVERBED_APM_SAAS_SERVER_HOST and RIVERBED_APM_CUSTOMER_ID with actual values. The remaining is set to pull the APM OpenTelemetry Collector container image from DockerHub and expose the port 4317 to receive OTLP gRPC telemetry. It looks like this:


      - "4317:4317/tcp"

The sources of the Java application consist in a single Java file, a standard Maven pom.xlm file, and a Dockerfile to build an image (packaging the app and injecting the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent for Java opentelemetry-javaagent.jar). The build will be done automatically when starting the containers with docker-compose in the next step.

Step 3 - Start the containers

In a shell, go to the Cookbook folder, configure the APM OpenTelemetry Collector using the environment variables, RIVERBED_APM_SAAS_SERVER_HOST and RIVERBED_APM_CUSTOMER_ID, and starts all the containers with docker-compose.

For example using Bash:

# Go to the directory that contains the cookbook
cd Riverbed-Community-Toolkit/APM/106-opentelemetry-autoinstrumentation-java-app

# Configure the environment variables for the APM OpenTelemetry Collector
export RIVERBED_APM_CUSTOMER_ID="12341234-12341234-13241234"

# Start the containers
docker-compose up

or else using PowerShell:

# Go to the directory that contains the cookbook
cd Riverbed-Community-Toolkit\APM\106-opentelemetry-autoinstrumentation-java-app

# Configure the environement variable for the APM OpenTelemetry Collector

# Start the containers
docker-compose up

Step 4 - Open the APM web console to visualize and analyze the traces collected for every transaction

The app simply fetches a page from a url, parses the contents and exits. To generate telemetry continuously, the app container is defined in the docker-compose.yaml with restart: always so that the app will restart indifinitely.

In Aternity Web console, in the Search tab, the transactions will appear with the instance name "service106-java-otlp"

APM OpenTelemetry traces


Stop the app and all the containers

Press CTRL + C in the shell where it is running.

Or in a shell, go to the folder where you keep the docker-compose.yaml and run:

docker-compose down

How to launch myapp.jar with automatic instrumentation and multiple exporters?

Here is a sample in Bash that shows how to run a java app (myapp.jar) with OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation and multiple exporters: logging on the console, otlp-grpc and jaeger. In this example the jaeger and otlp-grpc OpenTelemetry endpoints are running on the localhost. OpenTelemetry exporters are configured using environment variables. The jar for the automatic instrumentation will be downloaded (opentelemetry-javaagent.jar) and injected using the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable.

# Configure OpenTelemetry instrumentation (OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER default is "OTLP")


## Jaeger

# Inject OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation
curl -OL

# Run the app
java -jar myapp.jar

More details about java instrumentation are available on the OpenTelemetry docs page.


Copyright (c) 2022 Riverbed Technology, Inc.

The contents provided here are licensed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License accompanying the software ("License"). The scripts are distributed "AS IS" as set forth in the License. The script also include certain third party code. All such third party code is also distributed "AS IS" and is licensed by the respective copyright holders under the applicable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, warranty and liability disclaimers) identified in the license notices accompanying the software.