diff --git a/tools/batched_lastz/batched_lastz.xml b/tools/batched_lastz/batched_lastz.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ea86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/batched_lastz/batched_lastz.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ : align batches of sequences
+ macros.xml
diff --git a/tools/batched_lastz/macros.xml b/tools/batched_lastz/macros.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c017014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/batched_lastz/macros.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ lastz
+ 1.04.22
+ 0
+ 21.05
+ @misc{
+ githublastz,
+ author = {Harris, Robert},
+ year = {2007},
+ title = {Improved pairwise alignment of genomic DNA},
+ publisher = {The Pennsylvania State University},
+ journal = {Ph. D. Thesis},
+ url = {http://www.bx.psu.edu/~rsharris/rsharris_phd_thesis_2007.pdf},
+ }
diff --git a/tools/batched_lastz/run_lastz_tarball.py b/tools/batched_lastz/run_lastz_tarball.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d9afff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/batched_lastz/run_lastz_tarball.py
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import concurrent.futures
+import json
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import queue
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import typing
+import time
+lastz_output_format_regex = re.compile(
+ r"^(?:axt\+?|blastn|cigar|differences|general-?.+|lav|lav\+text|maf[-+]?|none|paf(?::wfmash)?|rdotplot|sam-?|softsam-?|text)$",
+# Specifies the output format: lav, lav+text, axt, axt+, maf, maf+, maf-, sam, softsam, sam-, softsam-, cigar, BLASTN, PAF, PAF:wfmash, differences, rdotplot, text, general[:], or general-[:].
+# ‑‑format=none can be used when no alignment output is desired.
+def run_command(
+ instance: int,
+ input_queue: "queue.Queue[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]",
+ output_queue: "queue.Queue[float]",
+ debug: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+ os.chdir("galaxy/files")
+ while True:
+ command_dict = input_queue.get()
+ if not command_dict:
+ return
+ args = ["lastz"]
+ args.extend(command_dict["args"])
+ stdin = command_dict["stdin"]
+ if stdin is not None:
+ stdin = open(stdin, "r")
+ stdout = command_dict["stdout"]
+ if stdout is not None:
+ stdout = open(stdout, "w")
+ stderr = command_dict["stderr"]
+ if stderr is not None:
+ stderr = open(stderr, "w")
+ begin = time.perf_counter()
+ p = subprocess.run(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+ for var in [stdin, stdout, stderr]:
+ if var is not None:
+ var.close()
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ sys.exit(f"command failed: {' '.join(args)}")
+ else:
+ stderr = command_dict["stderr"]
+ if stderr is not None:
+ try:
+ statinfo = os.stat(stderr, follow_symlinks=False)
+ except:
+ statinfo = None
+ if statinfo is None:
+ sys.exit(f"unable to stat stderr file: {' '.join(args)}")
+ if statinfo.st_size != 0:
+ sys.exit(f"stderr file is not empty: {' '.join(args)}")
+ elapsed = time.perf_counter() - begin
+ output_queue.put(elapsed)
+ if debug:
+ print(f"runtime {elapsed}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
+class BatchTar:
+ def __init__(self, pathname: str, debug: bool = False) -> None:
+ self.pathname = pathname
+ self.debug = debug
+ self.tarfile = None
+ self.commands: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = []
+ self._extract()
+ self._load_commands()
+ def batch_commands(self) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:
+ for command in self.commands:
+ yield command
+ def _load_commands(self) -> None:
+ try:
+ f = open("galaxy/commands.json")
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ sys.exit(
+ f"ERROR: input tarball missing galaxy/commands.json: {self.pathname}"
+ )
+ begin = time.perf_counter()
+ for json_line in f:
+ json_line = json_line.rstrip("\n")
+ try:
+ command_dict = json.loads(json_line)
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ sys.exit(
+ f"ERROR: bad json line in galaxy/commands.json: {self.pathname}"
+ )
+ self._load_command(command_dict)
+ f.close()
+ elapsed = time.perf_counter() - begin
+ if self.debug:
+ print(
+ f"loaded {len(self.commands)} commands in {elapsed} seconds ",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ flush=True,
+ )
+ def _load_command(self, command_dict: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
+ # check command_dict structure
+ field_types: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[typing.Any]] = {
+ "executable": [str],
+ "args": [list],
+ "stdin": [str, "None"],
+ "stdout": [str, "None"],
+ "stderr": [str, "None"],
+ }
+ bad_format = False
+ for field_name in field_types.keys():
+ # missing field
+ if field_name not in command_dict:
+ bad_format = True
+ break
+ # incorrect field type
+ good_type = False
+ for field_type in field_types[field_name]:
+ if isinstance(field_type, str) and field_type == "None":
+ if command_dict[field_name] is None:
+ good_type = True
+ break
+ elif isinstance(command_dict[field_name], field_type):
+ good_type = True
+ break
+ if good_type is False:
+ bad_format = True
+ if not bad_format:
+ # all args must be strings
+ for arg in command_dict["args"]:
+ if not isinstance(arg, str):
+ bad_format = True
+ break
+ if bad_format:
+ sys.exit(
+ f"ERROR: unexpected json format in line in galaxy/commands.json: {self.pathname}"
+ )
+ self.commands.append(command_dict)
+ def _extract(self) -> None:
+ try:
+ self.tarball = tarfile.open(
+ name=self.pathname, mode="r:*", format=tarfile.GNU_FORMAT
+ )
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ sys.exit(f"ERROR: unable to find input tarball: {self.pathname}")
+ except tarfile.ReadError:
+ sys.exit(f"ERROR: error reading input tarball: {self.pathname}")
+ begin = time.perf_counter()
+ self.tarball.extractall(filter="data")
+ self.tarball.close()
+ elapsed = time.perf_counter() - begin
+ if self.debug:
+ print(
+ f"Extracted tarball in {elapsed} seconds", file=sys.stderr, flush=True
+ )
+class TarRunner:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ input_pathname: str,
+ output_pathname: str,
+ parallel: int,
+ debug: bool = False,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.input_pathname = input_pathname
+ self.output_pathname = output_pathname
+ self.parallel = parallel
+ self.debug = debug
+ self.batch_tar = BatchTar(self.input_pathname, debug=self.debug)
+ self.output_file_format: typing.Dict[str, str] = {}
+ self.output_files: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]] = {}
+ self._set_output()
+ self._set_target_query()
+ def _set_output(self) -> None:
+ for command_dict in self.batch_tar.batch_commands():
+ output_file = None
+ output_format = None
+ for arg in command_dict["args"]:
+ if arg.startswith("--format="):
+ output_format = arg[9:]
+ elif arg.startswith("--output="):
+ output_file = arg[9:]
+ if output_file is None:
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir="galaxy/files", delete=False)
+ output_file = os.path.basename(f.name)
+ f.close()
+ command_dict["args"].append(f"--output={output_file}")
+ if output_format is None:
+ output_format = "lav"
+ command_dict["args"].append(f"--format={output_format}")
+ if not lastz_output_format_regex.match(output_format):
+ sys.exit(f"ERROR: invalid output format: {output_format}")
+ self.output_file_format[output_file] = output_format
+ for output_file, output_format in self.output_file_format.items():
+ self.output_files.setdefault(output_format, [])
+ self.output_files[output_format].append(output_file)
+ def _set_target_query(self) -> None:
+ for command_dict in self.batch_tar.batch_commands():
+ new_args: typing.List[str] = []
+ for arg in command_dict["args"]:
+ if arg.startswith("--target="):
+ new_args.insert(0, arg[9:])
+ elif arg.startswith("--query="):
+ new_args.insert(1, arg[8:])
+ else:
+ new_args.append(arg)
+ command_dict["args"] = new_args
+ def run(self) -> None:
+ run_times = []
+ begin = time.perf_counter()
+ with multiprocessing.Manager() as manager:
+ input_queue: queue.Queue[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = manager.Queue()
+ output_queue: queue.Queue[float] = manager.Queue()
+ for command_dict in self.batch_tar.batch_commands():
+ input_queue.put(command_dict)
+ # use the empty dict as a sentinel
+ for _ in range(self.parallel):
+ input_queue.put({})
+ with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(
+ max_workers=self.parallel
+ ) as executor:
+ futures = [
+ executor.submit(
+ run_command,
+ instance,
+ input_queue,
+ output_queue,
+ debug=self.debug,
+ )
+ for instance in range(self.parallel)
+ ]
+ for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
+ if not f.done() or f.cancelled() or f.exception() is not None:
+ sys.exit("lastz command failed")
+ while not output_queue.empty():
+ run_time = output_queue.get()
+ run_times.append(run_time)
+ elapsed = time.perf_counter() - begin
+ if self.debug:
+ print(f"elapsed {elapsed}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
+ self._cleanup()
+ def _cleanup(self) -> None:
+ num_output_files = len(self.output_files.keys())
+ for file_type, file_list in self.output_files.items():
+ with open(f"output.{file_type}", "w") as ofh:
+ for filename in file_list:
+ with open(f"galaxy/files/{filename}") as ifh:
+ for line in ifh:
+ ofh.write(line)
+ if num_output_files == 1:
+ file_type = list(self.output_files.keys())[0]
+ src_filename = f"output.{file_type}"
+ shutil.copy2(src_filename, self.output_pathname)
+def main() -> None:
+ if not hasattr(tarfile, "data_filter"):
+ sys.exit("ERROR: extracting may be unsafe; consider updating Python")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--input", type=str, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=int, default=1, required=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", required=False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ runner = TarRunner(args.input, args.output, args.parallel, args.debug)
+ runner.run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()