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Welcome to the link(-redux) reference, this document should provide an overview of how to achieve most common tasks while developing your application.
- link-lib
- @ontologies/core
- @ontologies/ packages
- Link devtools
- Good client-side RDF Factory
- Link SOLID boilerplate
- Introduction
- Preparations
- IRI's
- Accessing the store
- Retrieving server data
- Querying local data
- Retrieving contextual information
- Rendering resources
- Rendering properties
- Rendering data types
- Actions, middleware and state changes
- Inheritance and reasoning
- Devtools
Link provides the functionality to build a fully-featured linked-data browser, it's also possible to just mix-and-match the functionality you need for your specific application.
Most tasks (e.g. data fetching) can be done in a number of ways, each with their own considerations. Link generally provides both imperative and declarative ways to attain the desired result. The imperative tools usually provide quick and easy results with a lot of flexibility, while the declarative tools provide a stable base for scaling and adapting to a variety of data sources. Use the latter if you don't know which one to use.
Most applications will use both to achieve the best balance between performance, readability, scalability and maintainability.
Note: Link-redux has been through a lot of changes since its inception, the name implies the use of the popular Redux framework, while this was true in the past, link-redux has dropped its dependency and provides it's own middleware which is better adopted for processing linked data.
We're still actively working on improving core design, so if a feature mentioned here isn't present on your machine, try checking out the @next version of the packages (@ontologies/core
, link-lib
, link-redux
, etc).
Use createStore
to initialize a store to hold all data, and pass it to the RenderStoreProvider
to provide your child components access;
const lrs = createStore()
<RenderStoreProvider value={lrs}>
// The rest of your app
Pick up the link devtools for an easier experience as well.
Linked data uses URL's for resources and properties. To make life easier, we have published several of the most popular ontologies on npm ready to be used with link. We also extract documentation for you so your editor can help you build applications.
// Prepublished ontologies
import schema from '@ontologies/schema';
import rdfx from '@ontologies/rdf';
import owl from '@ontologies/owl';
console.log(schema.name) // http://schema.org/name
console.log(rdfx.label) // http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#label
console.log(owl.sameAs) // http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs
// You can generate custom IRIs as well
console.log(schema.ns('myLabel')) // http://schema.org/myLabel
Note: the examples use the app
ontology as a placeholder for an application-specific ontology.
The second type of data in RDF is the literal, which allows for quick expression of (arbitrary) data without needing to assign an IRI to it.
Link and the @ontologies/<ontology>
packages use a common factory (what is a factory?) to create linked data objects. This factory is provided via the @ontologies/core
package, it's advised to check its documentation to learn how to create IRI's and literals for yourself.
Retrieve the store in your component;
const MyComponent = () => {
const lrs = useLRS()
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const lrs = props.lrs
const EnhancedComponent = withLRS(MyComponent)
Mounting a LinkedResourceContainer
will retrieve the resource passed as subject
when it's not in the store yet.
<LinkedResourceContainer subject={app.ns('person/5')} />
It's always possible to create a component which wraps an API;
const RestApiPerson = ({ id }) => (
subject={new NamedNode(`http://example.com/person/${id}`)}
// And use it in your app
<RestApiPerson id={friends[0].id} />
This is especially useful for API's which don't publish their data properly, i.e. 'RESTful API's' where an IRI has to be transformed before it can be fetched (x.com/api/v1/persons/5?type=linkedData
while the IRI is just x.com/persons/5
The simplest method to fetch data from a server is via getEntity
, which returns a promise which will resolve once the resource has been fetched. The promise has no value, rather your component should re-render when it finishes loading.
await lrs.getEntity(app.ns('person/5'))
Use queueEntity
to let the store know it should be fetched in the near future. It is considerably more performant than getEntity
since it doesn't create a promise and allows the store to batch data requests more efficiently.
These are still in development, check out the source for the most current information.
Retrieve a map of properties from the current subject.
const data = useLink({
name: schema.name,
bio: schema.desription,
console.log(data.name); // "Bob"
console.log(data.bio); // "My description"
Retrieve a map of properties from the given subject.
const subjects = [app.ns('person/5'), app.ns('person/6'), app.ns('person/7')]
const propMap = {
name: schema.name,
comments: {
label: foaf.comments,
limit: 50,
// Optional
const opts = {
returnType: ReturnType.Value
const [map1, map2, ...] = useResourceLinks(subjects, propMap, opts)
Retrieve the values of a property of the current subject
const [value1, value2, ...] = useProperty(schema.name);
Retrieve the values of a property of the given subject
const [value1, value2, ...] = useResourceProperty(app.ns('person/5'), schema.name);
const MyComponent = (props) => {
return (
const EnhancedComponent = link({
name: schema.name,
description: schema.description,
If you pass your component to register
, you can skip the link
HOC and use the mapDataToProps
static property, which does the call for you.
const Comp = ({ name }) => (
Comp.type = schema.Thing
Comp.mapDataToProps = {
name: schema.name,
export default register(Comp)
Use tryEntity
to retrieve actual data from the store. An empty array is returned when no data was found.
const data = lrs.tryEntity(app('person/5'))
Retrieve a single value for a property of a subject from the store.
const property = lrs.getResourceProperty(app('person/5'), schema.name)
Retrieve all values for a property of a subject from the store.
const [prop1, prop2, ...] = lrs.getResourceProperties(app('person/5'), schema.name)
Resolve the values at the end of a property path, stops on dead ends.
const [prop1, prop2, ...] = lrs.dig(app('blog/5'), [schema.comments, schema.author, schema.name])
// prop1 = "Alice"
// prop2 = "Bob"
// prop2 = "Charlie"
Resolve the subjects which have a matching value at the end of a property path, stops on dead ends.
const [prop1, prop2, ...] = lrs.findSubject(app('blog/5'), [schema.comments, schema.author, schema.name], "Bob")
// prop1 = "https://example.org/person/6"
// prop2 = "https://example.org/person/436"
const Comp () => {
const { subject, topology } = useLinkRenderContext()
return (
<p>Current subject: {subject.value} in topology {topology.value}</p>
When mounting a LinkedResourceContainer
, the resource will be fetched and if an accompanying view can be found that will be rendered.
<LinkedResourceContainer subject={resource} />
You can pass a view implementation as a child when you only need to fetch the resource.
<LinkedResourceContainer subject={resource}>
<Property label={schema.name} />
Mounting the Property component will render the best fitting view if present.
<Property label={schema.name} />
If the property is another resource and no view can be found, a LinkedResourceContainer
will be mounted automatically rendering the containing resource. If it's a value (e.g. string, number, dollars, centimetres) and no view can be found the plain value will be displayed.
<Property label={schema.name} /> // Will render e.g. "Bob's great adventure"
<Property label={schema.author} /> // Will render the author mentioned in the property
In the example above, the author is a direct association on the surrounding resource. But oftentimes such associations are one-apart. When passing children to Property
it will render those, but if the property is an association it will set that context first. This can be made use of to quickly render nested associations.
<Property label={schema.name} /> // Will render the name of the book
<Property label={schema.author}> // Will render its children if no property renderer for schema:author can be found
<Property label={schema.name} /> // Will render the name of the author
<Property label={schema.name}>
If you need a (child resource) property within the context of the current view, you can use a render function to receive it without handing off control to a child component.
<Property label={app.comments}> // Some ActivityStreams Collection
<Type /> // Will render view of the current subject, as if no children were passed here
<Property label={as.totalItems}>
// The render function will recieve an array of all values for the given predicate
// We only use the first one here
{([count]) => {
<Link text={`Show all ${count.value} items`} />
Rendering the associated resource of a property is a good default in almost any case, but rendering a value as-is might not. See the rendering data types section for more info on how to customize the rendering behaviour.
Even if a resource has a property multiple times, it will render only one view by default. If you want to render the view multiple times, pass a custom limit
// Will render the alternate name property at most 10 times
<Property label={schema.alternateName} limit={10} />
Using limit will render the entire view multiple times. If you need more than one value for a single view, you can request that in your view.
const CommentsRenderer = ({ linkedProp }) => (
{linkedProp.map((name) => <p>{name.value}</p>)}
CommentsRenderer.property = schema.Person
CommentsRenderer.property = schema.alternateName
CommentsRenderer.renderOpts = {
limit: 10,
Most programming languages have certain built-in datatypes (e.g. string, bool, char, byte, longlong, etc), RDF has some built-in types as well (many from xsd such as string, boolean, or dateTime and from RDFS langstring), but it isn't limited to those types. Datatypes are just RDF resources and make sense to use for most quantities (e.g. expressing money like dollars, distance like centimetre, or volume like gallons) but also for more complex types (e.g. markdown formatted strings, DNA codon).
When the Property
component terminates at a value (no view could be found), then it defaults to rendering the plain value. This works fine for (lang)strings, but when a datatype needs more formatting to be valuable to the user, a renderer for a class of data types can be registered.
const DollarRenderer = ({ linkedProp }) => (
) // E.g. "2.5" => "$2.50"
DollarRenderer.type = rdfs.Literal
DollarRenderer.property = new NamedNode("http://dbpedia.org/datatype/usDollar")
If an ontology is loaded like any other resource it can be rendered, but it will not have any effect on how the engines view determination. If you want to add that information you have to use addOntologySchematics
on the LinkedRenderStore. The statements added with addOntologySchematics
will also be added to the main data store so they can be used by the views.
new Statement(s, p, o,g )
The primary reason why these are separate is to prevent changing application behaviour when just browsing resources, possibly breaking the application when a server sends bad data.
It is strongly advised to use the experimental react devtools for chrome or firefox which has support for React hooks and other newer features (yes, the stable version doesn't have that yet at the time of writing...).
We also have some devtools internally which are planned to be published to npm, hit us up for them in the mean time.