This application is developed as a PWA in VueJS. On initial load, locatin of user is found and weather information is displayed for next 7 days. Weather details are retrieved from darksky API ( User can search for a city/place weather information as well. To get city/place latitude and longitue, google map geocode API is used (
npm install
API keys for darksky and google geocode are placed in .env file. They are excluded from commit. To run locally create a .env file at root folder and define keys VUE_APP_GEOCODE_API_CODE and VUE_APP_DARKSKY_API_CODE
- 7 day forecast based on current location (user has to give permission to share location)
- Summary information, Min and Max temperature of the day and their timings are shown for daily forecast. An icon indicating the summary is also shown.
- Searched result is saved into localstorage for offline usage.
- A red information bar is show if user is not online
- User can search for hourly forecast of selected city which will give data for next 48 hours
- Both daily and hourly information can be searched for any place as long as goole API gives latitude and longitude information
- User can save a city to favourites. This information is saved in localstorage
- User can view cities in current favourites.
- To use the application without CORS issue proxy server needs to be set up ( NodeJS and Express can be used to do this.
- Users can select city from saved favourites which will give result for the selected city
- Input for city can be replaced with an autocomplete box giving input for valid places from another API
- Styling and overall design of screen can be improved
- Sample pwa with VueJS and Ionic -
- To get coordinates of a location -
- To get forecast based on coordates -
- NPM Package manager for vue cli, skycons, vue-offline, vetur - -
- - darksky API prevents CORS error. This link explains about possible work arounds.
- VueJS (Modern Web Framework) –
- VueJSCLI (CLI to create and manage project) –
- -This pwa is deployed in firebase at
- Ionic 4 for styling -