diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index c9ee145455..728e9b2bfa 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## vNext (TBD)
+## 11.6.0 (2023-11-03)
 ### Enhancements
 * Added the `App.EmailPasswordAuth.RetryCustomConfirmationAsync` method to be able to run again the confirmation function on the server for a given email. (Issue [#3463](https://github.com/realm/realm-dotnet/issues/3463))
diff --git a/Realm/AssemblyInfo.props b/Realm/AssemblyInfo.props
index 6329542431..a0106e035b 100644
--- a/Realm/AssemblyInfo.props
+++ b/Realm/AssemblyInfo.props
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
     <Product Condition="'$(Product)' == ''">Realm .NET</Product>
-    <VersionPrefix>11.5.0</VersionPrefix>
+    <VersionPrefix>11.6.0</VersionPrefix>
     <Description Condition="'$(Description)' == ''">Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite</Description>
     <Company>Realm Inc.</Company>
     <Copyright>Copyright © $([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString(yyyy)) Realm Inc.</Copyright>
diff --git a/Realm/Realm.Unity/package.json b/Realm/Realm.Unity/package.json
index 9aec66953a..c595f466d1 100644
--- a/Realm/Realm.Unity/package.json
+++ b/Realm/Realm.Unity/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "io.realm.unity",
-  "version": "11.5.0",
+  "version": "11.6.0",
   "displayName": "Realm",
   "description": "Realm is an embedded, object-oriented database that lets you build real-time, always-on applications. With Realm, data is directly exposed as objects and queryable by code, removing the need for ORM's riddled with performance & maintenance issues. Additionally, objects and collections in Realm are always live, meaning that they always reflect the latest data stored in the database. You can subscribe to changes, letting you keep your UI consistently up to date.\nThe .NET Realm SDK also provide access to Atlas App Services, a secure backend that can sync data between devices, authenticate and manage users, and run serverless JavaScript functions.",
   "unity": "2021.1",
diff --git a/Tools/DeployApps/BaasClient.cs b/Tools/DeployApps/BaasClient.cs
index dc2998369c..473b1678aa 100644
--- a/Tools/DeployApps/BaasClient.cs
+++ b/Tools/DeployApps/BaasClient.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Data;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Net;
@@ -418,27 +419,34 @@ private async Task<BaasApp> CreateFlxApp(string name)
             _output.WriteLine($"Creating FLX app {name}...");
-            var (app, _) = await CreateAppCore(name, new
+            var (app, mongoServiceId) = await CreateAppCore(name, new
                 flexible_sync = new
                     state = "enabled",
                     database_name = $"FLX_{Differentiator}",
                     queryable_fields_names = new[] { "Int64Property", "GuidProperty", "DoubleProperty", "Int", "Guid", "Id", "PartitionLike" },
-                    permissions = new
+                }
+            });
+            await PostAsync<BsonDocument>($"groups/{_groupId}/apps/{app}/services/{mongoServiceId}/default_rule", new
+            {
+                roles = new[]
+                {
+                    new
-                        rules = new { },
-                        defaultRoles = new[]
+                        name = "all",
+                        apply_when = new { },
+                        read = true,
+                        write = true,
+                        insert = true,
+                        delete = true,
+                        document_filters = new
-                            new
-                            {
-                                name = "all",
-                                applyWhen = new { },
-                                read = true,
-                                write = true,
-                            }
+                            read = true,
+                            write = true,
-                    },
+                    }