From 2f9e4fa074df7e18de1ea0b2cf84c805e7ddbde1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bergi Dataset interface
Promise<Dataset> import (Stream stream);
Dataset intersection (Dataset other);
Dataset map (QuadMapIteratee iteratee);
- Dataset merge ((Dataset or sequence<Quad>) quads);
boolean some (QuadFilterIteratee iteratee);
String toCanonical ();
Stream toStream ();
String toString ();
+ Dataset union ((Dataset or sequence<Quad>) quads);
@@ -246,11 +246,6 @@ Methods
Returns a new dataset containing all quads returned by applying iteratee
to each quad in the current dataset.
- merge -
-Returns a new Dataset that is a concatenation of this dataset and the quads
given as an argument.
@@ -273,6 +268,11 @@Returns an N-Quads string representation of the dataset.
No normalization is done before, so the results for the same quads may vary based on the Dataset implementation.
+ ++ union +
+Returns a new Dataset that is a concatenation of this dataset and the quads
given as an argument.