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Typescript RDF-Connect processor for producing the corresponding SPARQL Update queries that write a stream of SDS records into a SPARQL triple store. Currently this repository exposes one function:

This processor is able to take an input stream of SDS records (described by the sds:stream and sds:payload properties) and produce corresponding SPARQL Update queries (INSERT DATA, DELETE INSERT WHERE and DELETE WHERE) to be executed over a graph store via the SPARQL protocol.

By default, this processor will produce a DELETE INSERT WHERE query that will overwrite all the triples present in the payload of the received SDS record. However, specific query operations can be generated based on configurable change semantics that can be included in the SDS record payload. Next, an example of this processor is shown with a configuration that specifies the predicate ex:changeType and the values as:Create, as:Update and as:Delete as the expected values for generating INSERT DATA, DELETE INSERT WHERE ans DELETE WHERE queries respectively.

[ ] a js:SPARQLIngest; 
    js:memberStream <inputStream>;
    js:ingestConfig [
        js:memberIsGraph false;
        js:memberShape "Some SHACL shape", "Another SHACL shape";
        js:changeSemantics [
            js:changeTypePath "";
            js:createValue "";
            js:updateValue "";
            js:deleteValue ""
        js:targetNamedGraph "";
        js:transactionIdPath ""
    js:sparqlWriter <outputStream>.

For the case of delete operations, additional information can be provided depending on the content of the SDS record payload signaling a delete:

  1. The payload is complete and contains all the triples that must be deleted from the triple store. In this case no additional information is needed.
  2. The payload only contains the type of the payload's main entity (or member) via rdf:type. In this case one or more SHACL shapes can be configured via the js:memberShape property. The processor will identify the corresponding shape of an input SDS record (via the shape's target class) and the proper query pattern will be generated.
  3. The payload does not contain the type of the payload's main entity (or member). In this case, is not possible to identify the corresponding SHACL shape, therefore a query reflecting all shapes via OPTIONAL clauses will be generated.

In case that the main entity (member) of the SDS record payload is always a named graph, this can be configured by setting the js:memberIsGraph to true. In this scenario, all resulting queries will be properly set with the GRAPH and the WITH clauses.

If a specific named graph should be targeted by all the resulting SPARQL Update queries, this can be configured via the js:targetNamedGraph property. This property will be ignored if the js:memberIsGraph property is true.

Lastly, the main entity (member) of SDS record payload may contain a transaction ID when the member is part of a larger group of members that must be updated altogether into the targeted triple store. This particular property can be indicated to the processor via the js:transactionIdPath configuration property. The processor will proceed to buffer all records containing the same transaction ID and execute the corresponding SPARQL Update query for all members at once.