usage: [-h] -d DETCARD -n NEVS [-m] [-x muxmin muxmax] [-y muymin muymax] [-a muamin muamax] [-b BKGR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DETCARD, --detector DETCARD
Detector card
-n NEVS, --nevents NEVS
Number of events
-m, --addmuon Simulate muon
-x muxmin muxmax, --muonx muxmin muxmax
Generated muon window in X (leave empty for 0)
-y muymin muymax, --muony muymin muymax
Generated muon window in Y (leave empty for 0)
-a muamin muamax, --muona muamin muamax
Generated muon angle window (leave empty for 0)
-b BKGR, --bkgrate BKGR
Background rate (Hz) per plane