Listens to EVM-based blockchain and reconstructs state for all NFTs found in the blockchain. Types of NFTs supported:
- ERC-721
- ERC-1155
- Crypto Punks (in progress)
This module has controllers to
- query data about NFTs (who owns what, how many ERC-1155 address has)
- query data about events (transfers, mints, burns)
- create lazy-minted NFTs
- post information about pending transactions
This module listens to the events and updates data accordingly. It's based on log listener
Item - represents one NFT. Item can be owned only by one address (ERC-721) or many owners can own it (ERC-1155).
Ownership - represents item owned by address (relation between owner and Item).
ItemHistory - all events about Items and Ownerships (transfer, mint, burn etc.). Listener listens to these events from the blockchain, saves them and recreates the state of Items and Ownerships.
Token - represents smart contract (collection) in the blockchain. Items live inside these smart contracts.