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Bridge","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TARGET":"Parking","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK":"Deep River Diving","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_TARGET":"Parking","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_TSK":"Trucks And Investigations","US_02_03_TOWN":"Town","US_02_03_TRANSIT":"Gateway","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_CNT":"Weather Forecast","RU_03_02_DESC":"","RU_03_02_NAME":"Imandra","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_FIRST_PART":"Fragment of a Wing","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_SEARCH":"Airplane Wreck","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_SECOND_PART":"Piece of a Wing","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_THIRD_PART":"Remnants of an Aircraft Body","RU_03_02_AIRPORT":"Airport","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES":"Abandoned Houses","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_1":"Junkman\'s House","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK":"Old Scrap Metal","RU_03_02_ARCH_1":"Stone Labyrinth","RU_03_02_ARCH_2":"Megalith 1","RU_03_02_ARCH_3":"Megalith 2","RU_03_02_BUNKER_1":"Umba Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_2":"Tuloma Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_3":"Kanda Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_4":"Varzuga 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Geology","RU_03_02_TANK_SPAWN":"","RU_03_02_TANK_SPAWN_SEARCH":"Lost BA-20s","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY":"Beekeeper\'s House","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK":"Lost Trailer","RU_03_02_UPG_DETECTOR":"Metal Detector Module","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_1":"Zone 1","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_2":"Zone 2","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_3":"Zone 3","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK":"A Picture to Remember","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE":"Substation","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Broken Power Station","RU_03_02_WOOD_CARGO":"Timber Shipment","US_01_01_GARAGE_EXIT":"Garage Exit","RU_03_01_DESC":"Even though the lake on the river Kovda looks uninhabited, one can bump into desolate villages, deserted factories, even old fortifications in the area. Some even say you can even find wartime relics there.","RU_03_01_NAME":"Lake Kovd","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_TARGET":"Dispatch Station Mechanic","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_TSK":"Self Contained Antique","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_TSK_ALT":"Self Contained Antique","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_TSK":"Army Reserve","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B":"Old Crossing","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_ALT":"Old Crossing","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_TSK":"Old Crossing","RU_03_01_BUNKER_0":"Bunker ZB-1015","RU_03_01_BUNKER_1":"Bunker ZB-1017","RU_03_01_BUNKER_2":"Bunker ZB-1018","RU_03_01_CAMP_0":"North Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_1":"East Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_2":"South Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_TSK":"Pit-stop","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_TSK":"Supplies Delivery","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_TSK_ALT":"Supplies Delivery","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_TSK_ALT_2":"Supplies Delivery","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_0":"Mark 1","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_1":"Mark 2","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_2":"Mark 3","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_3":"Mark 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Train","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_TARGET":"POL Depot","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_TSK":"Abandoned Convoy","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_0":"Start","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_1":"Marker 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_2":"Marker 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_3":"Marker 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_4":"Marker 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_5":"Marker 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_6":"Marker 6","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_CNT":"Battle on the Ice","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_0":"Zone 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_1":"Zone 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_2":"Zone 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_3":"Zone 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_4":"Zone 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_5":"Zone 6","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS":"Overturned Train Carriage","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_CNT":"Along the Tracks","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_TARGET":"Camp","RU_03_01_OLD_BASE":"Reserve Bunker","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_TSK":"On Thin Ice","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_TSK_ALT":"On Thin Ice","RU_03_01_PORT_DROPOFF":"Port","RU_03_01_PORT_PICKUP":"Dock Storage","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_0":"VL-16 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1":"VL-15 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_TSK":"Temporary Measures","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_2":"VL-14 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3":"VL-13 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_TSK":"Unlucky Number","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_4":"VL-12 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_5":"VL-11 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_END":"Dispatch Station","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_START":"Village Sub-station","RU_03_01_ROUTE_0":"Mark 1","RU_03_01_ROUTE_1":"Mark 2","RU_03_01_ROUTE_2":"Mark 3","RU_03_01_ROUTE_3":"Mark 4","RU_03_01_ROUTE_4":"Mark 5","RU_03_01_ROUTE_5":"Mark 6","RU_03_01_ROUTE_6":"Mark 7","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_1":"Ruined Warehouse","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_2":"Lake Cabin","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_3":"Guard House On The Rock","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_4":"House On The Mountain","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_5":"Forest Cabin","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TSK":"Rural Spelunker","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TSK_ALT":"Rural Spelunker","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_TARGET":"Amateur Mechanic","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_TSK":"Knee-deep","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_TSK_ALT":"Knee-deep","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_0":"Zone 1","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_1":"Zone 2","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_2":"Zone 3","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_3":"Zone 4","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_4":"Zone 5","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_5":"Zone 6","RU_03_01_TRAIN_STATION":"Railway Station","RU_03_01_TRANS_NW":"Gateway","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_DROPOFF":"Harbor Village","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_0":"Community Center","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_1":"Remote House","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_2":"Ranger\'s Cabin","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_3":"House With a Garden","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_TSK":"Frozen in Time","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_TSK_ALT":"Frozen in Time","RU_03_01_WAREHOUSE":"Sawmill Warehouse","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_TSK":"Like Brothers","US_03_01_NAME":"Black Badger Lake","US_03_01_BRICK_CRAFT_NAME":"Brick production site","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01":"Factories Bridge","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02":"Wooden Bridge","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03":"Railway Bridge","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04":"Creek Bridge","US_03_01_CONT_01":"Quarry Race","US_03_01_CONT_01_02":"Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_01_03":"Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_01_04":"Waypoint C","US_03_01_CONT_01_05":"Waypoint D","US_03_01_CONT_01_06":"Waypoint E","US_03_01_CONT_02":"Cliffhanger Race","US_03_01_CONT_02_02":"Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_02_03":"Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_02_04":"Waypoint C","US_03_01_FUEL_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_03_01_FUEL_STORAGE_NAME":"Fuel Storage","US_03_01_GEN_01_01_NAME":"Generator area","US_03_01_GEN_01_02_NAME":"Cargo creation zone №1","US_03_01_GEN_02_01_NAME":"Generator area","US_03_01_GEN_02_02_NAME":"Cargo creation zone №2","US_03_01_GEN_03_01_NAME":"Generator area","US_03_01_GEN_03_02_NAME":"Cargo creation zone №3","US_03_01_HS_LG_01_NAME":"House in the South","US_03_01_HS_LG_02_NAME":"House in the North","US_03_01_METEO_NAME":"Weather Station","US_03_01_PAPER_DROP_NAME":"Paper Factory","US_03_01_PAPER_PICK_NAME":"Paper Factory","US_03_01_POWER_PLANT_NAME":"Power Plant","US_03_01_RAILWAY_NAME":"Railway Station","US_03_01_RW_LG_NAME":"Railway Station","US_03_01_STEEL_CRAFT_NAME":"Rolled metal production site","US_03_01_TRANS_01_NAME":"Gateway","US_03_01_TRANS_02_NAME":"Gateway","US_03_01_TSK_01":"Lost Supplies","US_03_01_TSK_01_CRATES":"Crates","US_03_01_TSK_01_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_03_01_TSK_02":"Exploration Gone Wrong","US_03_01_TSK_02_TARGET":"Garage","US_03_01_TSK_03":"To New Horizons","US_03_01_TSK_03_TARGET":"Mr. B.\'s House","US_03_01_TSK_04":"Look Before You Leap","US_03_01_TSK_04_TARGET":"House On The Hill","US_03_01_TSK_05":"The Aftermath of the Hurricane","US_03_01_TSK_05_CRATES":"Crates","US_03_01_TSK_05_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_03_01_TSK_06":"Quarry Incidents","US_03_01_TSK_06_TARGET":"House near the Quarry","US_03_01_TSK_07":"Decisions and Consequences","US_03_01_TSK_07_TARGET":"House near the Bog","US_03_01_TSK_08":"Saving the Farmer\'s Machinery","US_03_01_TSK_08_TARGET":"Riverside House","US_03_01_TSK_09":"Lost but not Forgotten","US_03_01_TSK_09_TARGET":"Mr. Johnson\'s House","US_03_01_TSK_10":"Repaying the Debts","US_03_01_TSK_10_TARGET":"Lake House","US_03_01_TSK_11":"Lost Order","US_03_01_TSK_11_CRATES":"Barrels","US_03_01_TSK_11_TARGET":"Platform by the House","US_03_01_TSK_12":"Recovering What\'s Lost","US_03_01_TSK_12_CRATES":"Fallen container","US_03_01_TSK_12_TARGET":"Platform at the Farm","US_03_01_VILLAGE_NAME":"Farm","UNLOADING_ZONE":"Rail Car","US_03_02_BRIDGE_STORAGE":"Warehouse","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"North Bridge","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"South Bridge","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_TSK":"Wooden Bridge","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_PARK_TSK":"Miller\'s House","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_TSK":"Trailer In The River","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_PARK":"House on the Plateau","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_TSK":"Gone with the Wind","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_PARK":"Cell Site","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK":"Mobile Telephony","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_PARK":"Local Resident\'s House","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_TSK":"Hazardous Cargo","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_PARK":"Farmer\'s House","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK":"Order for Logs","US_03_02_FUEL_BASE_01":"Fuel Storage","US_03_02_FUEL_STATION":"Repair Area","US_03_02_GATEWAY":"Gateway","US_03_02_INVASION_TSK":"Invasion!","US_03_02_INVASION_UNLOAD":"Carter\'s Shelter","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_PARK":"Hangar","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK":"The Wrong Turn","US_03_02_MINIWAREHOUSE_01":"Mini Warehouse","US_03_02_MUDSTER_CNT":"Mud Tested","US_03_02_MUD_POINT":"Control Point","US_03_02_PLATFORM":"Unloading Zone","US_03_02_RAIL_FACTORY":"Rail production plant","US_03_02_RAIL_PLACE":"Broken tracks","US_03_02_SLALOM_CNT":"Slalom","US_03_02_SLALOM_POINT":"Control Point","US_03_02_STATION_HANGAR_01":"Hangar A","US_03_02_STATION_HANGAR_02":"Hangar B","US_03_02_STEEL_FACTORY":"Rolled Steel Factory","US_03_02_STRANGER_POINT":"Suspicious Activity Point","US_03_02_STRANGER_TSK":"Strangest Things","US_03_02_TOR_PARK":"Fuel Storage","US_03_02_TOR_TSK":"Only for the Worthy","US_03_02_TRAIN_OIL":"Fueling Station","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_PARK":"Warehouse Parking Lot","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TSK":"Out of Nowhere","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_PARK":"Unloading Site","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_TSK":"Don\'t push your luck!","US_03_02_YFILES_POINT":"Anomalous Activity Point","US_03_02_YFILES_TSK":"Classified","US_03_02":"Grainwoods River","RU_02_01_BLD_GAS":"Fuel Station","RU_02_01_BLD_OILRIG":"Old Drilling Site","RU_02_01_BLD_SERVHUB":"Service Hub","RU_02_01_DESC":"A now-dormant industrial heart of the region. In the early years, the quarry to the North was a part of the Zimnegorsk city\'s construction efforts, as well as providing other nearby villages with stone and construction materials. Later, it also hosted the only drillsite in the region.","RU_02_01_DROP_SERVHUB":"Service Hub","RU_02_01_DROP_SHIPWRECK":"Shipwreck","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST":"Eastern Tower","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK":"Late Inspection","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH":"Southern Tower","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK":"Rogue Connection","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY":"Firewatch Tower","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_CNT":"Firewatch Tower Supply","RU_02_01_FUEL_GAS":"Fuel Station","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_DROP":"Hermit\'s Shack","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK":"Cliffhanger","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_A_TSK":"Lost In The Woods","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_TSK":"Lost in the Woods","RU_02_01_NAME":"Quarry","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING":"Oil Sampling","RU_02_01_OILRIG_VILLAGE":"Village","RU_02_01_OLD_LUMBERMILL":"Old Lumbermill","RU_02_01_PICKUP_QUARRY":"Quarry","RU_02_01_PICKUP_SERVHUB":"Service Hub","RU_02_01_PICKUP_SHIPWRECK":"Shipwreck","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP":"No Good Teens","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY":"Off-Roader","RU_02_01_SCAN_01":"Triangulation Point Alpha","RU_02_01_SCAN_02":"Triangulation Point Beta","RU_02_01_SCAN_03":"Triangulation Point Gamma","RU_02_01_SCAN_OILRIG":"Oilrig Scan Point","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK":"Fuel restock","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_GAS":"Service hub fuel station","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_TRAILER_GARAGE":"Trailer Store","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT":"Ship Repairs","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A_TSK":"Clearing The Way","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_B_TSK":"Clearing The Way","RU_02_01_TRAN_02M":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_02N":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_02S":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_03N":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_03S":"Gateway","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK":"Settling In","US_04_01_CHANGEHOUSE_01_NAME":"Cabin Zone 1","US_04_01_CHANGEHOUSE_02_NAME":"Cabin Zone 2","US_04_01_CONV_01_NAME":"Conveyor Section 1","US_04_01_CONV_02_NAME":"Conveyor Section 2","US_04_01_CONV_03_NAME":"Conveyor Section 3","US_04_01_CRAFT_01_NAME":"Cabin construction site","US_04_01_CRAFT_02_NAME":"Rolled Steel Factory","US_04_01_CRAFT_03_NAME":"Concrete Plant","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_CNT":"Down!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_TARGET":"Finish","US_04_01_FUEL_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_04_01_MAP_TRANSITION":"Gateway","US_04_01_MINE_NAME":"Gold Mine","US_04_01_NAME":"Flooded Foothills","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_A_CNT":"Control Point A","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_B_CNT":"Control Point B","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_C_CNT":"Control Point C","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_D_CNT":"Control Point D","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_E_CNT":"Control Point E","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_F_CNT":"Control Point F","US_04_01_RACE_L_CNT":"Long ride","US_04_01_RACE_S_CNT":"Short ride","US_04_01_RAILWAY_NAME":"Railway Station","US_04_01_SORT_NAME":"Ore Sorting Center","US_04_01_TSK_01":"Abandoned Trailer","US_04_01_TSK_01_TARGET":"House on Top","US_04_01_TSK_02":"Abandoned Truck","US_04_01_TSK_02_TARGET":"House in the Valley","US_04_01_TSK_03":"Support the Meteorologists","US_04_01_TSK_03_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_03_TARGET":"Weather Station","US_04_01_TSK_04":"Flood Aftermath","US_04_01_TSK_04_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_04_TARGET":"House Near Conveyor","US_04_01_TSK_05":"Don\'t do a barrel roll!","US_04_01_TSK_05_TARGET":"House on Mountain Top","US_04_01_TSK_06":"Towage at Height","US_04_01_TSK_06_TARGET":"Uncle Joe\'s Shack","US_04_01_TSK_07":"Trailer Whirlpool","US_04_01_TSK_07_TARGET":"Farm","US_04_01_TSK_08":"Camping Gone Wrong","US_04_01_TSK_08_TARGET":"Shacks on Top","US_04_01_TSK_09":"Arrogance","US_04_01_TSK_09_TARGET":"Shacks Near a Spring","US_04_01_TSK_10":"Uphill Delivery","US_04_01_TSK_10_TARGET":"Mr. Stevenson\'s House","US_04_01_TSK_11":"Failed Delivery","US_04_01_TSK_11_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_11_TARGET":"Lake House","US_04_01_TSK_12":"Aid Thy Neighbor","US_04_01_TSK_12_TARGET":"Destination Point","US_04_01_TSK_13":"Lost en Route","US_04_01_TSK_13_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_13_TARGET":"Bill\'s House","US_04_01_TSK_14":"Lonely Island","US_04_01_TSK_14_TARGET":"Petro\'s House","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01":"North Bridge","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02":"Wooden bridge","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03":"Western bridge","US_04_01_TSK_CAT":"Dump Truck for Dump Truck","US_04_01_TSK_CAT_TARGET":"Site Near the Garage","US_04_01_TSK_FL_03":"Flatbed","US_04_01_TSK_FL_CRATES":"Service Spare Parts","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT":"Manual Unloading Practice","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01":"Obstacle in the way","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_NAME":"Fallen Stones","US_04_01_TUTOR_RW_NAME":"Hangar","US_02_01_ABANDONED_SUPPLIES_TSK":"Abandoned Supplies","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_TSK":"Bags On Ice","US_02_01_CAMP":"Camp","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TSK":"Can\'t Go To Waste","US_02_01_CONSUMABLES_LOAD":"Consumables Loading Zone","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_TSK":"Containers In The River","US_02_01_CONTAINER_SPAWN_1":"Cargo Container","US_02_01_CONTAINER_SPAWN_2":"Cargo Container","US_02_01_DESC":"An area of Alaska covered in dense forests and overlooking the sea.","US_02_01_DRILLING_SITE":"Drilling Site","US_02_01_DRILL_BIT_TARGET":"Port","US_02_01_DROPPED_BAGS":"Cement","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CNT":"Employee Dislocation","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_A_TSK":"Metal Bridge","US_02_01_FLAGS_CNT":"Race Down To Flags","US_02_01_FLAG_1":"Flag 01","US_02_01_FLAG_2":"Flag 02","US_02_01_FLAG_3":"Flag 03","US_02_01_FUEL_PICKUP":"Fuel Station","US_02_01_FUEL_PICKUP_02":"Fuel Station","US_02_01_GAS_STATION":"Fuel Station","US_02_01_HOUSE":"House","US_02_01_HOUSE_ON_HILL":"House On The Hill","US_02_01_HUMMER_PARK":"Parking","US_02_01_HUMMER_TSK":"Drowned Hummer","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TSK":"Lost Oil Tank","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_TSK":"Lost Tube","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_CNT":"North Mountain Conquest","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_CNT":"West Mountain Conquest","US_02_01_NAME":"North Port","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TSK":"Oil Tank Delivery","US_02_01_OILTANK_ZONE":"Radio Tower","US_02_01_OIL_SERVICE":"Service Site","US_02_01_PIPELINE":"Pipeline","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE":"Polar Base","US_02_01_PORT":"Port","US_02_01_POWERLINE_A":"Powerline A","US_02_01_POWERLINE_B":"Powerline B","US_02_01_POWERLINE_C":"Powerline C","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_TSK":"Powerlines Check","US_02_01_POWERLINE_D":"Powerline D","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION":"Radio Station","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_TSK":"Abandoned Radio Station","US_02_01_ROCKS_FALL_01_TSK":"Rocks Fall","US_02_01_ROCKS_FALL_02_TSK":"Rocks Fall","US_02_01_ROCKS_START_01_TSK":"Rock Obstacle","US_02_01_ROCKS_START_02_TSK":"Rock Obstacle","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TSK":"Lost Service Trailer","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_01_TSK":"Stone Fall","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_02_TSK":"Stone Fall","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TSK":"Stuck In The Mountains","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK":"Trailer Park","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_TSK":"Trailer Park","US_02_01_TRANSIT":"Gateway","US_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN":"Large Pipe","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_01":"Point A","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_02":"Point B","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_03":"Point C","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_04":"Point D","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_05":"Point E","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_A":"Point 01","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_B":"Point 02","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_C":"Point 03","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_D":"Point 04","US_04_02_BIGSALMONPEAK":"Mountain Top","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_TSK":"Road Block","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_TSK":"Landslide on the Highway","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_TSK":"Rockfall in the Ravine","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TSK":"Wrong Turn","US_04_02_CABIN":"Hunter\'s Cabin","US_04_02_DAVE_HOUSE":"Dave\'s House","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT":"Path through the Rocks","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_1":"Waypoint A","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_2":"Waypoint B","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_3":"Waypoint C","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_4":"Waypoint D","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_5":"Waypoint E","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_6":"Waypoint F","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TSK":"Sunk Giant","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_HOUSE":"Fisherman\'s House","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TSK":"Off the cliff","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_CHECKZONE":"Power Tower","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK":"Power Line Maintenance","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_1":"Unloading Zone 1","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_2":"Unloading Zone 2","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_3":"Unloading Zone 3","US_04_02_FACTORY_TRAILER_PLACE":"Unloading Zone","US_04_02_FRANK_HOUSE":"Frank\'s House","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TSK":"Hunting Needs","US_04_02_HELP_TSK":"Support the Locals","US_04_02_LIVING_ZONE":"Residential area","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_TSK":"Missing Container","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_TSK":"Crates in the Woods","US_04_02_MANNY_HOUSE":"Manny\'s House","US_04_02_MATT_HOUSE":"Matt\'s House","US_04_02_MATT_HOUSE_CHECK_ZONE":"Matt\'s House","US_04_02_NAME":"Big Salmon Peak","US_04_02_RACHEL_HOUSE":"Rachel\'s House","US_04_02_RACHEL_HOUSE_CHECK_ZONE":"Rachel\'s House","US_04_02_ROBERT_HOUSE":"Robert\'s House","US_04_02_STEVE_HOUSE":"Steve\'s House","US_04_02_STEVE_HOUSE_CHECK_ZONE":"Steve\'s House","US_04_02_STORAGE_1":"East Camp","US_04_02_STORAGE_2":"West Camp","US_04_02_STORAGE_TSK":"Warehouse in the Mountains","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL":"Radio Tower","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_TSK":"Strange Signal","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_POINT_01":"Research Point 1","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_POINT_02":"Research Point 2","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_POINT_03":"Research Point 3","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK":"Unstable Foundation","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_HOUSE":"Mountain Warehouse","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TSK":"Tools for the Warehouse","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT":"To the Top!","US_04_02_TRAILER_PLACE":"Parking","US_04_02_TRAILER_TO_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Opening the Warehouse","US_04_02_TRANSIT_A":"Gateway","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_TSK":"Piping Problem","MAP_TRANSITION_01_01":"Gateway","US_01_02_ANTENNA_TOWER":"Antenna Tower","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_TSK":"More Fuel","US_01_02_BARRELS_LOADING":"Fuel Station","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_TSK":"Tools Delivery","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_TSK":"Threatening Accident","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_TSK":"Unfortunate Event","US_01_02_CLEARROCKS01_A_TSK":"Boulders","US_01_02_DESC":"Smithville Dam","US_01_02_DRILLING_SITE_ZONE":"Drilling Site","US_01_02_DRILLOUTCAST_TSK":"Well Well Well","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_A":"Cement","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_B":"Cement","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_C":"Cement","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_D":"Cement","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_A_TSK":"Fallen Rocks","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_CNT":"Heavy Burden","US_01_02_FARM_ZONE":"Farm","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_TSK":"Find The Antenna Tower","US_01_02_FISHERMAN_HOUSE":"Fisherman\'s House","US_01_02_FISHERMAN_TSK":"Unlucky Fisherman","US_01_02_FLAG_A":"Flag A","US_01_02_FLAG_B":"Flag B","US_01_02_FLAG_C":"Flag C","US_01_02_FLAG_D":"Flag D","US_01_02_FLAG_E":"Flag E","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE":"Flooded House","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_CNT":"Going Under","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_TSK":"Hungry Workers","US_01_02_FORESTER_HOUSE":"Forester\'s House","US_01_02_FOUNDATION_PICKUP":"Concrete Slabs","US_01_02_FOUNDATION_TSK":"Solid Foundation","US_01_02_FUEL_STATION_ZONE":"Fuel Station","US_01_02_GARAGE_ZONE":"Garage Entrance","US_01_02_GATEWAY_ZONE":"Gateway","US_01_02_HERMIT_HOUSE":"Bill\'s House","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_CNT":"New Nest","US_01_02_LOGISTICS_BASE":"Logistics Base","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK":"Lost Bags","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_TSK":"Lost Trailer","US_01_02_MICHIGAN_TRIAL_TSK":"Michigan Trial","US_01_02_NAME":"Smithville Dam","US_01_02_NORTON_HOUSE":"Norton\'s House","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_A":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_B":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_C":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_D":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_E":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_F":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_G":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OLD_HOUSE":"Renovating House","US_01_02_OLD_TRUCK_PARKZONE":"Parking","US_01_02_PREACHER_HOUSE":"Preacher\'s House","US_01_02_QUARRY":"Quarry","US_01_02_QUARRY_LOADING_ZONE":"Quarry Loading Zone","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_TSK":"Repair The Truck","US_01_02_REPAIR_ZONE":"Repair Zone","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING":"Sherman Island","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING_TSK":"Across The River","US_01_02_TIM_HOUSE":"Tim\'s House","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TSK":"Fixer Upper","US_01_02_WATCTOWER_ZONE":"Watchtower","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_A_TSK":"Smithville Bridge","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_B_TSK":"Smithville Bridge","MAP_TRANSITION_01_02A":"Gateway","MAP_TRANSITION_01_04A":"Gateway","US_01_03_ABANDONED_DS_01":"Abandoned Drilling Site","US_01_03_ABANDONED_DS_02":"Abandoned Drilling Site","US_01_03_ABANDONED_DS_03":"Abandoned Drilling Site","US_01_03_BARREL":"Barrel Platform","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT":"Flaming Barrels","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_PLATFORM":"","US_01_03_CAR_02_ZONE_DROP_DELIVERY":"Farmer\'s House","US_01_03_CAR_02_ZONE_DROP_OFF":"Rusty Legacy","US_01_03_CAR_ZONE_DROP_OFF":"A Little Help For My Friends","US_01_03_CAR_ZONE_DROP_OFF_DELIVERY":"House of the Fisherman","US_01_03_DESC":"Island Lake","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_01_ADD_NAME":"The Huntsman And The Car","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_02_ADD_NAME":"Rusty Legacy","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING":"No Country For Old Truck","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_1":"Hunter\'s Parking","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_1_ZONE":"Point 01","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_2_ZONE":"Point 02","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_3_ZONE":"Point 03","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_3_ZONE_ADD":"Point 04","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_4_ZONE":"Point 05","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_5_ZONE":"Point 06","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA":"Signal In The Mountains","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA":"Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_DELIVERY":"Broken Antenna","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL":"Lumber Mill","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION":"Broken Lumber Mill","US_01_03_METAL_PLATFORM":"Island Lake","US_01_03_NAME":"Island Lake","US_01_03_RESTORE_POWER_WIRES_01":"Fallen Pole 01","US_01_03_RESTORE_POWER_WIRES_02":"Fallen Pole 02","US_01_03_RESTORE_POWER_WIRES_03":"Fallen Pole 03","US_01_03_RETRANSLATOR":"Fallen Antenna","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01":"Bob\'s Вridge","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_02":"Bob\'s Вridge","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK":"Hunter Bob\'s Вridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_OBJ":"North Bridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK":"Tough Negotiations","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_OBJ":"Central Bridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK":"Bridge The Gap","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_ADD":"Bridge The Gap","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_OBJ":"South Bridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK":"Corporate Expansion","TRIAL_05_01_DESC":"Storms and floods are a common sight in many regions of our planet that oftentimes lead to disastrous consequences. Four vehicles loaded with important cargo were lost during the storm and need to be returned to the seaport.","TRIAL_05_01_FUEL_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","TRIAL_05_01_NAME":"Aftermath","TRIAL_05_01_FINISH_NAME":"Seaport","MAP_TRANSITION_01_02_B":"Gateway","US_01_01_BARRELS_01":"Barrels Alfa","US_01_01_BARRELS_02":"Barrels Bravo","US_01_01_BARRELS_03":"Barrels Charlie","US_01_01_BARRELS_04":"Barrels Delta","US_01_01_BARRELS_05":"Barrels Echo","US_01_01_BOATMAN_HOUSE":"Boatman\'s House","US_01_01_BOATMAN_TOOLS_DELIVERY_TSK":"Riverside Repair","US_01_01_BROKEN_BRIDGE":"Old Bridge","US_01_01_CHURCH":"Church","US_01_01_DESC":"Black River","US_01_01_DRILLING_SITE":"Drilling Site","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_01":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_02":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_03":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_04":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROWNED_01_TRUCKS_TSK":"Drowned Highway Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_02_TSK":"Drowned Scout Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_03_TSK":"Drowned Heavy Truck","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK":"Power Outage","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_ZONE_TSK":"Power Outage","US_01_01_FARM":"Farm","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT":"Food Delivery","US_01_01_FUEL_STATION_01":"Fuel Station","US_01_01_GARAGE_ENTRANCE":"Garage Entrance","US_01_01_KING_OF_THE_HILLS_TSK":"King of the Hill","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_TSK":"On The Rocks","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_ZONE_TSK":"Rockslide","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_TSK":"Local Entertainment","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_TSK":"Missing Machinery","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_A":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_LUMBER_MILL":"Lumber Mill","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_1":"East Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_2":"West Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_3":"South Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT":"Meteorology Data","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_PARK":"Oiltank Parking","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TSK":"Missing Oil Tank","US_01_01_MOTEL":"Motel","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_TSK":"Motel Woes","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Mountain Bridge","US_01_01_NAME":"Black River","US_01_01_NEW_RECOVER":"New Recover Point","US_01_01_NORTH_PEAK":"North Peak","US_01_01_OLD_HOUSE":"Old House","US_01_01_PUMP_01":"Pump","US_01_01_PUMP_02":"Pump","US_01_01_PUMP_03":"Pump","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_TSK":"Road Block","US_01_01_SOUTH_PEAK":"South Peak","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_PARK":"Trailer Park","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_TSK":"Stuck Trailer","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_TSK":"Drainage","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES":"The Place Beyond The Spruces","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_TSK":"The Place Beyond The Spruces","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE":"Town Storage","US_01_01_TRUCK":"Truck","US_01_01_W1":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W3":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W4":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W5":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W6":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W7":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W8":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W9":"Watchtower","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_A":"Wooden Bridge","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_B":"Wooden Bridge","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Wooden Bridge","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_CNT":"Pinewood Express","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_a":"Old Bridge","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_b":"Old Bridge","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM":"Boiler Building","RU_05_01_BRIDGE_a":"Rural Bridge","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY":"Tatra Vehicle Factory","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01":"Wooda, Shoulda","RU_05_01_FACTORY_SETTLEMENT":"Worker Village","RU_05_01_FORESTRY":"Worker Shack","RU_05_01_FUEL":"Full Tank","RU_05_01_GARAGE":"Garage","RU_05_01_PORT":"River Port","RU_05_01_PORT_MANUAL":"","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVER_ZONE":"River Port","RU_05_01_POWER_LINES_01":"Power Line 1","RU_05_01_POWER_LINES_02":"Power Line 2","RU_05_01_RACE_1":"Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_2":"Pipes","RU_05_01_RACE_3":"Mound","RU_05_01_RACE_4":"Hill","RU_05_01_RACE_5":"Cone Snake","RU_05_01_RACE_6":"Slope","RU_05_01_RACE_7":"Narrow Pass","RU_05_01_RACE_8":"Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_FINISH":"Finish line","RU_05_01_RACE_START":"Driving Exam","RU_05_01_RAILWAY":"Poddonskaya Station","RU_05_01_RAILWAY_MANUAL":"","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_01":"First Breach","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_02":"Second Breach","RU_05_01_REPAIR":"Swamp","RU_05_01_REPAIR_CHECK":"Swamp","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_01":"Right Bank","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_02":"Poddonskoye Village","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_03":"Worker Village","RU_05_01_SMALL_PORT":"Pier","RU_05_01_SMALL_RAILWAY":"Railway Dead End","RU_05_01_SPAWN_01":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_c":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_d":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_11":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_12_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_12_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_13_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_13_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_7_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_7_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_7_c":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_8_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_8_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_9_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_9_b":"","RU_05_01_STONES_a":"Scrap Pile","RU_05_01_STONES_b":"Scrap Pile","RU_05_01_TOWER":"Soul Music","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_NAME":"Radio Tower","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY":"The Toppled Giant","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY_TARGET":"Factory","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA":"The Sleeping King","RU_05_01_TRANSIT_05_02":"Gateway","RU_05_01_TRANSIT_05_02_OUT":"","RU_05_01_TRANSIT_05_02_OUT_WINCH":"","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE":"Warehouse","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_a":"Wooden Bridge","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_b":"Wooden Bridge","WATCHTOWER":"Watchtower","RU_05_01_DESC":"","RU_05_01_NAME":"Factory Grounds","TRIAL_01_02_DESC":"Sometimes, people decide to settle in the most unlikely of places, and the local Backwoods are one good example. A dark forest split by a turbulent river definitely sounds like a great place for a wild adventure.","TRIAL_01_02_NAME":"Lost in wilderness","TRIAL_01_02_FINISH_NAME":"Meeting Point","TRIAL_01_02_FUEL_STATION":"Fuel Station","TRIAL_01_02_START_NAME":"Starting Point","RU_04_02_DESC":"Once home to the promising space exploration project, the site of the Cosmodrome stood abandoned for decades until the Maneuver-29 arrived in the region. Now, facilities are being restored, warehouses restocked, and the nearby town resettled by the Agency\'s workers.","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_1_NAME":"First Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_2_NAME":"Second Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_3_NAME":"Third Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_4_NAME":"Fourth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_5_NAME":"Fifth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_6_NAME":"Final Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_NAME":"Fuel-Eight","RU_04_02_LIFTOFF_NAME":"Mission Control","RU_04_02_NAME":"Cosmodrome","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_1_A_TSK":"Fallen Bridge","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_1_B_TSK":"Fallen Bridge","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_2_A_TSK":"Bridge by the Checkpoint","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_2_B_TSK":"Bridge by the Checkpoint","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_3_A_TSK":"Eroded road","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_3_B_TSK":"Eroded road","RU_04_03_DESC":"Just a few decades ago the quaint mountainside of the Bear ridge housed the main installation of the Northern Aegis project as part of the Cosmodrome\'s infrastructure. Even years later, the towering spheres of Aegis\' long-abandoned radars still stand as monuments to the Union\'s former glory and technological prowess.","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_1":"Fallen Powerline","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_2":"Powerline in the Forest","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK":"We Have Contact","RU_04_03_FUEL_1":"Old Water Pump","RU_04_03_LOST_A":"Monastery","RU_04_03_LOST_B":"Left Behind","RU_04_03_LOST_B_1":"Weather Station","RU_04_03_LOST_B_2":"Left Behind","RU_04_03_LOST_C":"Master Scout","RU_04_03_NAME":"Northern Aegis Installation","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_A":"Small landslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_B":"Small landslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_A":"Rockslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_B":"Rockslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_A":"Landslide in the Woods","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_B":"Landslide in the Woods","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_A":"Landslide in the city","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_B":"Landslide in the city","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_A":"Fallen Tower","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_B":"Fallen Tower","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD":"Five Roads Island","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_1":"North Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_2":"Headquarters","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_3":"East Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_4":"South Radar","RU_04_03_RUN":"Cliff Surfer","RU_04_03_RUN_1":"Guard House","RU_04_03_RUN_2":"Camp","RU_04_03_RUN_3":"Railway Terminal","RU_04_03_SCAUT_START":"Expanding the Borders","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1":"The Dragon\'s Tooth Peak","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_1":"Coastal Rocks","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_2":"Rocky Range","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_3":"The Scenic View Hill","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_4":"The Bear Mountain","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_START":"Into the Deep","RU_04_03_SCOUT_2":"Coastal Hills","RU_04_03_SCOUT_3":"Island","RU_04_03_SCOUT_4":"The Tabletop Rock","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_ZONE_1":"Point in the North","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_ZONE_2":"Point in the West","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_ZONE_3":"Point in the South","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION":"Substation","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_1":"Monastery","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_2":"The Hermit\'s Cabin","RU_04_03_TRANSIT_04_01":"Gateway","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"Bridge to the Sawmill","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"Bridge to the Warehouse","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK":"Bridge to the Island","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK":"Bridge to Town","RU_04_01_BUILDING_ZONE":"Evacuation Point","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_PARK":"Local Resident\'s House","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK":"Cargo Cult","RU_04_01_CHURCH_PARK":"Church","RU_04_01_CHURCH_TSK":"Closer to Heaven","RU_04_01_CRAFT_METAL":"Steel Mill","RU_04_01_DESC":"Located just across a mountain ridge from the Severniy luanch complex, the Urska river\'s shores host a number of old research facilities and factories, both abandoned and still operational, intended to service the then-new space exploration industry.","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_PARK":"Rendezvous","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSKRU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK":"Unlucky Expedition","RU_04_01_FACTORY_PARK":"Workshop","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK":"Barefoot Cobbler","RU_04_01_FUELSTATION":"Fuel Station","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_PARK":"Fuel Tank Parking","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TSK":"Bottoms Up","RU_04_01_GATEWAY_ROCKSLIDE":"Landslide Near the Tunnel","RU_04_01_HELP_PARK":"Local Resident\'s House","RU_04_01_HELP_TSK":"Quid pro Quo","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT":"Ice Adventure","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_01":"Point 1","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_02":"Point 2","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_03":"Point 3","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_04":"Point 4","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_05":"Point 5","RU_04_01_LOADING_SITE":"Loading Site","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_PARK":"Unloading Zone","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_TSK":"Warehouse Trouble","RU_04_01_NAME":"Urska River","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT":"Power Plant","RU_04_01_REPAIR":"Repair Shop","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_TSK":"Landslide on the Path","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_TSK":"Landslide on the Highway","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_TSK":"Landslide Near the Quarry","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT":"Conquering Summits","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_POINT_01":"Summit 1","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_POINT_02":"Summit 2","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_POINT_03":"Summit 3","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_PARK":"Sawmill Warehouse","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_TSK":"Means Of Production","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_PARK":"Parking near the Garage","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK":"Treasure Hunter","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_PARK_01":"Fishing Camp","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_PARK_02":"Hunters\' Winter Cabin","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_PARK_03":"Explorers\' Camp","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK":"For Hard-to-reach Places","RU_04_01_TRANSIT_04_02":"Gateway","RU_04_01_TRANSIT_04_03":"Gateway","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_PARK":"Parking by the House","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_TSK":"At The Apex","RU_04_04_CRAFT_01_NAME":"Plant","RU_04_04_CRAFT_02_NAME":"Plant","RU_04_04_DESC":"Upstream from the launch site, Chernokamensk district and its only town are still home to hundreds of citizens. While the last few decades saw a decline in work opportunities in the region, the locals are generally looking forward to the construction of the fuel processing plant at the town\'s outskirts, seeing it as a potential source of business.","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_NAME":"Plant","RU_04_04_FISHER_NAME":"Fisherman\'s House","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_NAME":"Garage","RU_04_04_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Gas Station","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_NAME":"Village","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_NAME":"Village","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_NAME":"Sawmill","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_NAME":"Sawmill","RU_04_04_NAME":"Chernokamensk","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_NAME":"Block Alpha","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_NAME":"Block Beta","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_NAME":"Block Gamma","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_NAME":"Railway Station","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT":"Highland King","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_04_NAME":"Point 4","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT":"Endurance Run","RU_04_04_RACE_B_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_B_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_B_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT":"Round and Round","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_04_NAME":"Point 4","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_05_NAME":"Point 5","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT":"Street Race","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_04_NAME":"Point 4","RU_04_04_RD_NAME":"Rocket Debris","RU_04_04_REPAIR_01_NAME":"Repair Station","RU_04_04_TRANS_NAME":"Gateway","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED":"Heavy Duty","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_02_TARGET":"Worker\'s House","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A":"Main Bridge","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B":"Crossing","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD":"Dangerous Road","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_TARGET":"Town","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR":"Dream Car","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_TARGET_NAME":"Chapel","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS":"Family Business","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_TARGET":"Town","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP":"Help Thy Neighbor","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_TARGET":"Market","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD":"Old-timer","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_TARGET":"The Astronaut town","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE":"Nothing To See Here","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_TARGET":"The Astronaut town","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A":"Landslide in the South West","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B":"Landslide in the North East","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C":"Landslide in the West","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D":"Landslide in the North","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE":"Breach detected","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY":"Bad Luck Charm","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_TARGET":"Repair Station","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_NAME":"Warehouse","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_NAME":"Sawmill","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_NAME":"Warehouse","US_07_01_DESC":"","US_07_01_NAME":"Burning Mill","US_06_01_NAME":"The Lowland","TRIAL_01_01_DESC":"A distant corner of untamed wilds, rocky landscapes with no roads and barely any signs of civilization. Only the most experienced of drivers dare to venture into these lands.","TRIAL_01_01_NAME":"Ride-On King","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_01":"Swamp","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_02":"Antenna","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_03":"Forest","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_04":"Bridge","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_05":"House","TUTOR_TRACK_01_OBJ":"Ready, Steady... Go!","TUTOR_TRACK_01_TARGET":"The Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_02_OBJ":"Up the Hill!","TUTOR_TRACK_02_TARGET":"Truck","TUTOR_TRACK_03_OBJ":"Onwards To The Off-road","TUTOR_TRACK_03_TARGET":"Bottom of the Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_04_OBJ":"In Low Gear","TUTOR_TRACK_04_TARGET":"Dead End","TUTOR_TRACK_05_OBJ":"Reverse","TUTOR_TRACK_05_TARGET":"The Edge of the Bluff","TUTOR_TRACK_06_OBJ":"Down into the River","TUTOR_TRACK_06_TARGET":"The River","TUTOR_TRACK_07_OBJ":"Diving Deep","TUTOR_TRACK_07_TARGET":"Middle of the River","TUTOR_TRACK_08_OBJ":"To the Finish Line!","TUTOR_TRACK_08_TARGET":"Finish","MAP_TRANSITION_02_04_A":"Gateway","US_02_04_BOAT_STATION":"Boat Station","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING":"Bridge","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_ADD":"Bridge","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK":"Dangerous Route","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_ADD":"Dangerous Route","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE":"Fallen Eletric Pole","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK":"Pole Down","US_02_04_CAR_SPAWN_ADD":"Old Mack And Drowned Car","US_02_04_DELIVERYNG":"Parking","US_02_04_DRILLING_SITE":"Barrel Spawn Location","US_02_04_DRILLING_SITE_TSK":"Moving The Stock","US_02_04_FACTORY_LOADING":"Factory Loading","US_02_04_FACTORY_PLATFORM":"Cargo Parts Location","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK":"The Mountains Road","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY":"Boat Station","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT":"Weather Conditions","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO":"Find Lost Cargo","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY":"Engineer\'s House","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK":"The Lost Tools","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_BUILDING":"Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK":"Morrison\'s Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_ADD":"Morrison\'s Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_OBSERVATION":"Mountain Peak","US_02_04_NEW_DESC":"Pedro Bay","US_02_04_NEW_NAME":"Pedro Bay","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING":"Pipeline","US_02_04_SERVICE_REACTIVATION":"Service Hub","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK":"Family Treasure","US_02_04_STOCK_LOADING":"Stock Loading","US_02_04_STOCK_PLATFORM":"Stock Platform","US_02_04_WAREHOUSE_LOADING":"Warehouse Loading","US_02_04_WAREHOUSE_PLATFORM":"Warehouse Platfrom","US_02_04_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Lost Car Delivery","TRIAL_02_02":"Zalukodes","TRIAL_02_02_DESC":"A snowed-over mountain valley. There are a total of four communications towers situated in some of the hard to reach parts of the valley.","TRIAL_02_02_RECOVERY":"","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT":"Zalukodes","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_1":"Tower 1","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_2":"Tower 2","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_3":"Tower 3","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_4":"Tower 4","TRIAL_02_01_DESC":"A valley in the mountains, housing an important part of the pipeline as well as its service station. Supplies are short, making any repair efforts a rather tricky endeavor.","TRIAL_02_01_NAME":"Snowbound Valley","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERY_TSK":"Snowbound Valley","TRIAL_02_01_TARGET":"Service Station","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_01":"Ravine","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_02":"Gorge","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_03":"Pipeline","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_04":"Mountain River","Fuel Station":"","Garage":"","Repair Station":"","Storage":"","Trailer Garage":"","TRIAL_03_01_BRIDGE_END_1":"Unfinished bridge 1","TRIAL_03_01_BRIDGE_END_2":"Unfinished bridge 2","TRIAL_03_01_SCOUTING_CNT":"Northern Thread","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_01":"Lost Cargo 1","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_02":"Lost Cargo 2","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_03":"Lost Cargo 3","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_04":"Lost Cargo 4","TRIAL_03_01_START":"","US_07_01_BRIDGE_DESTROY_02a":"Swamp Crossing","US_07_01_BRIDGE_DESTROY_02b":"Swamp Crossing","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03a":"Old Bridge","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03b":"Old Bridge","US_07_01_CAREER_START_HARD":"Gold Trail","US_07_01_CAREER_START_LIGHT":"Bronze Trail","US_07_01_CAREER_START_MEDIUM":"Silver Trail","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE":"The Ring (CO-OP)","US_07_01_CONNECTION_01":"Communications Tower","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL":"Quarry Quarrel","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01":"Buggy Delivery","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01":"Racing Truck Delivery","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_02":"Field Workshop","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_03":"Tent Camp","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_04":"Service Station","US_07_01_EVACUATION_01":"Supply Depot","US_07_01_EVACUATION_02":"Workshop","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_01":"Extreme Downhill (CO-OP)","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_START_SOLO":"Extreme Downhill (SOLO)","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE_SOLO":"Extreme Climb","US_07_01_FUEL_01":"Refueling Station","US_07_01_FUEL_02":"Refueling Station","US_07_01_FUEL_03":"Refueling Station","US_07_01_GEN_01_01":"Supply Depot","US_07_01_GEN_01_02":"Power Transformer","US_07_01_GEN_01_MANUAL":"Power Transformer","US_07_01_PARKOUR":"Parkour","US_07_01_PITSTOP":"Pit Stop","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION":"Qualification (CO-OP)","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01_START_SOLO":"Qualification (SOLO)","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_FINISH":"Finish","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_START":"Start","US_07_01_RACE_START":"Start","US_07_01_RACE_START_SOLO":"The Ring (SOLO)","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY":"Power Supply Recovery","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION":"Solar-Powered","US_07_01_ROCK_01":"Collapse","US_07_01_ROCK_02_01":"Old Ranch rubble","US_07_01_ROCK_02_02":"Old Ranch rubble","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_01":"Construction Crew","US_07_01_WORKOUT":"Gearswitch Training","US_07_01_WORKOUT_FINISH":"Finish","TRIAL_03_03_DESC":"They say the road through these woods was always quite grim because of the wolves infesting it. Nowadays, the forest became a swamp, its previous denizens earning it the name of Wolves\' Bog.","TRIAL_03_03_SCOUTING_CNT":"Wolves\' Bog","TRIAL_03_02_DESC":"A mountain pass riddled with rapids and winding roads. The recent storms have turned this once peaceful into a mess of loose rocks, dirt, and torn grass. Toppled by a landslide, the power line is located on the far side of the Tumannaya mountain.","TRIAL_03_02_NAME":"Tumannaya Pass","TRIAL_03_02_FALLEN_TOWER":"Power line","TRIAL_03_02_RECOVER":"","TRIAL_03_02_START":"","TRIAL_03_02_W1":"Watchpoint 1","TRIAL_03_02_W2":"Watchpoint 2","TRIAL_03_02_W3":"Watchpoint 3","US_09_02_BL_DELIVERY_NAME":"Sawmill Warehouse","US_09_02_CRASH_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"East house","US_09_02_CRASH_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Evacuee camp","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK":"Bad Accident","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_NAME":"Abandoned Oil Rig","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Southwest","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK":"A Hurtful Loss","US_09_02_EXIT_NAME":"Southern Gateway","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY":"Preventive Care","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_SCOUT_NAME":"Road-bend to the Ranch","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_NAME":"Watchtower","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Northeast","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK":"Abandoned Trailer","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"First Weather Station","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Second Weather Station","US_09_02_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_NAME":"Quarry Parking Lot","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_DELIVERY_NAME":"Logging Area","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK":"Support Local Rangers","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_NAME":"Sawmill Workshop","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_DELIVERY_NAME":"Evacuee Camp","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT_NAME":"Burned Forest Plot","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK":"Something, Somewhere...","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_01_NAME":"1 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_02_NAME":"2 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_03_NAME":"3 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_04_NAME":"4 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_05_NAME":"5 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_06_NAME":"6 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_07_NAME":"7 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_08_NAME":"8 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_09_NAME":"9 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_10_NAME":"10 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_11_NAME":"11 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_12_NAME":"12 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_13_NAME":"13 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_14_NAME":"14 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_15_NAME":"15 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_END_NAME":"Motel","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK":"Mountaineering","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_SEISMO_01_NAME":"First Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_SEISMO_02_NAME":"Second Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_SEISMO_03_NAME":"Third Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK":"Gold Rush","US_09_02_PIPES_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"First Breach","US_09_02_PIPES_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Second Breach","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY_NAME":"Quarry","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK":"Lost Cargo","US_09_02_QUARRY_STORAGE_NAME":"Quarry Warehouse","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Northwest","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK":"Awkward Situation","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_01_NAME":"1st Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_02_NAME":"2nd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_03_NAME":"3rd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"1st Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"2nd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_03_NAME":"3rd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_DELIVERY_NAME":"Ranch","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK":"Mutual Aid","US_09_02_TRANSIT_NAME":"Gateway","US_09_02_VR_01_DELIVERY_NAME":"Residential Country House","US_09_02_VR_02_DELIVERY_NAME":"Village Hangar","US_09_02_VR_03_DELIVERY_NAME":"Village Warehouse","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01":"Help The Villagers 1","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02":"Help The Villagers 2","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03":"Help The Villagers 3","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_01_NAME":"First Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_02_NAME":"Second Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_03_NAME":"Third Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_01_NAME":"First Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_02_NAME":"Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01":"Water Boom 5","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02":"Water Boom 6","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03":"Water Boom 7","US_09_02_WT_ADD_DEL_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_ADD_DEL_02_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_ADD_DEL_03_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_GEN_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_GEN_02_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_DESC":"Burned Forest","US_09_02_NAME":"Burned Forest","Recuperation":"","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_NAME":"Service Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_NAME":"Oil Rig","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_NAME":"Plant","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_PUMP_NAME":"Pumping Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Reservoir","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_TSK_NAME":"Oil Rig Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_NAME":"Corporate Construction Site","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_1_NAME":"Two Warehouse Constructions","US_10_01_CONTEST_RACE_START_NAME":"Deadly Race","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_NAME":"Boat Slipway","US_10_01_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_NAME":"Plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_01_NAME":"Ferry Crossing","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_01_NAME":"Trailer","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_02_NAME":"Forester\'s House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_03_NAME":"Shed","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_TSK_NAME":"Assistance to Civilization","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_01_NAME":"Lower Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_02_NAME":"Upper Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_TSK_NAME":"Tools for the lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_NAME":"Logging Site","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_NAME":"Cargo Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_NAME":"Meteo Point","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_TSK_NAME":"Restoring communication","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_NAME":"Fuel Station Parking","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK_NAME":"Fuel for Vehicles","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_NAME":"House Yard","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_TSK_NAME":"Quid pro Quo","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_A_NAME":"Desolate House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_B_NAME":"Lookout Point","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_NAME":"Power Plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_TSK_NAME":"Backup source","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_ALT_NAME":"Inexperienced driver","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_NAME":"Stuck Truck","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_TSK_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_A_NAME":"First Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_B_NAME":"Second Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_A_NAME":"First Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_B_NAME":"Second Post","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_NAME":"North Power Line","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_TSK_NAME":"Sky\'s the limit","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_NAME":"South Power Line","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_TSK_NAME":"Don\'t drop it!","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_DROP_NAME":"Cargo Station","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_NAME":"Off The tracks","US_10_01_FARM_NAME":"Farm","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_NAME":"North City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_NAME":"South City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_NAME":"Drilling Station Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_NAME":"Temporary Measures","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_NAME":"Sawmill Bridge","US_10_01_GAS_STATION_01_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_01_GAS_STATION_02_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_01_METEO_OBSERVATORY_01_NAME":"Data for the observatory","US_10_01_METEO_OBSERVATORY_02_NAME":"Observatory","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_01_NAME":"Tower 1","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_02_NAME":"Tower 2","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_03_NAME":"Tower 3","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_TSK_NAME":"Let There Be Oil","US_10_01_PASS_01_TSK_NAME":"Rockslide","US_10_01_PASS_02_TSK_NAME":"Landslide on the Road","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_NAME":"It gave way","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_NAME":"Pipe replacement","US_10_01_PORT_NAME":"Railway terminal","US_10_01_SAWMILL_NAME":"Sawmill","US_10_01_TRANSIT_01_NAME":"East Gateway","US_10_01_TRANSIT_A_NAME":"Crossing to the East Coast","US_10_01_TRANSIT_B_NAME":"Crossing to the West Coast","US_10_01_TRUCK_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Reservoir Parking","US_10_01_DESC":"Duncan Bay","US_10_01_NAME":"Duncan Bay","US_10_02_BOAT_CARGO_01_NAME":"Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"Canned Food Factory Construction Site","US_10_02_CONT_01_01_A_NAME":"All for the great view!","US_10_02_CONT_01_01_NAME":"Zone 1","US_10_02_CONT_01_02_NAME":"Zone 2","US_10_02_CONT_01_03_NAME":"Zone 3","US_10_02_CONT_02_01_NAME":"Waste Disposal","US_10_02_CONT_02_02_NAME":"Canned Food Factory Port","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_NAME":"Police Station","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_NAME":"Port Checkpoint","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_NAME":"Fishers\' Shore","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK_NAME":"Abandoned Oil Tank","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_NAME":"Wildlife Workers House","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_NAME":"Canned Food Factory Site","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_TSK_NAME":"Special order for the builders","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_TSK_B_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_TSK_NAME":"Recyclable","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_OBJ_NAME":"Fishers\' Shore","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK_NAME":"Confiscated Truck","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_NAME":"Metalworks","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_TSK_NAME":"Plant\'s Workhorse","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_TSK_NAME":"Stuck Truck","US_10_02_FARM_01_NAME":"Fish farm storage","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"Water Tower","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_TSK_NAME":"Road Artery","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_TSK_NAME":"The Coastal Frustration","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"Garage Construction Site","US_10_02_GAS_STATION_01_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_02_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_02_PORT_01_NAME":"Canned Food Factory","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_TSK_NAME":"You have to take a detour along the marshes","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_TSK_NAME":"The mountain obstacle","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWER_01_TSK_NAME":"Fallen Tower","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_A_NAME":"North Lake","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_B_NAME":"South Lake","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_TSK_NAME":"Water Probe","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_A_NAME":"Poachers\' Camp","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_B_NAME":"Old Dock","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_C_NAME":"Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_NAME":"Communication tower","US_10_02_TRANSIT_NAME":"North Gateway","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"The Customer\'s Garage","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_NAME":"Support Local Businesses!","US_10_02_DESC":"North Peak National Park","US_10_02_NAME":"North Peak National Park","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_01_NAME":"1st Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_02_NAME":"2nd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_03_NAME":"3rd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_04_NAME":"4th Zone","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Mountains","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK":"Delivery From the Port","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"Southeast Mine","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Southwest Mine","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST":"Express Fuel Delivery","US_09_01_BL_STORAGE":"Burned log stations","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK":"The Bridge, Again","US_09_01_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_EXPORT_HAY_DELIVERY_NAME":"Town Storage","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_NAME":"Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_NAME":"Service Center","US_09_01_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_NAME":"Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_01_NAME":"First House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_02_NAME":"Second House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_03_NAME":"Third House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_04_NAME":"Fourth House","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_DELIVERY_NAME":"Pier","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK":"Swimming the Wrong Way","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"First Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Second Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_DELIVERY_03_NAME":"Third Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK":"Floating Detectors","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_NAME":"Factory Warehouse","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK":"Contamination Removal","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_VISIT_NAME":"Southwest Mine","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_NAME":"Logistic Center Warehouse","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK":"Taking Out the Junk From the Mine","US_09_01_PIPES_SCOUT_NAME":"Turn to the Logistics Center","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_NAME":"Port","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK":"Deliver to the Port","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station","US_09_01_RAILWAY_STORAGE":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"Ranger\'s House","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK":"Bad trip","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_REPAIR_NAME":"Repair Center","US_09_01_SEEMAN_DELIVERY_NAME":"Hermit\'s Shack","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK":"Far Far Away","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_SCOUT_01_NAME":"East Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_SCOUT_02_NAME":"West Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_SCOUT_03_NAME":"North Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK":"Caring for tourists","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_DELIVERY_NAME":"Trailer Park","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK":"Help the Evacuees","US_09_01_TRANS_NAME":"Gateway","US_09_01_UNCLEAR_GOLD_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_01_NAME":"1st Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_02_NAME":"2nd Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_01_NAME":"First Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_02_NAME":"Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_03_NAME":"Third Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01":"Water Boom 1","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02":"Water Boom 2","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03":"Water Boom 3","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04":"Water Boom 4","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"Worker\'s House","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK":"Abandoned Transport","US_09_01_WT_ADD_DEL_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WT_GEN_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_COMMON_FACTORY_NAME":"Plant","US_09_01_DESC":"The Albany River","US_09_01_NAME":"The Albany River","TRIAL_04_01_DESC":"Once a city bustling with life, these days Tretyakov is merely a ghost town that only a few brave souls venture into in pursuit of new experiences or financial gain - and fewer yet dare to explore its sprawling industrial park.","TRIAL_04_01_NAME":"Escape from Tretyakov","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_TSK":"Escape from Tretyakov","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_01":"Lumber Yard","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_02":"Service Shacks","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_03":"Village","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_04":"Church","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_05":"Train Station","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_06":"Steading","TRIAL_04_02_DESC":"The local weather station was expecting an equipment resupply. However, the recent storm has cut off the only viable route connecting it to the outside world. Still, this delivery needs to be made no matter what.","TRIAL_04_02_NAME":"The Slope","TRIAL_04_02_STATION_NAME":"Weather Station","RU_08_01_TRANSIT_08_02":"Gateway","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_01":"Unfinished Bridge","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_02":"Unfinished Bridge","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_01":"Log Bridge","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_02":"Log Bridge","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_01":"South-Eastern Swamp","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_03":"Island Chain","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_04":"Central Swamp","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_05":"Spill Site","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_06":"River Crossing","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL":"Final Request","RU_08_02_CONTRACT_TRUCKS_DELIVERY":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY":"This Side Up","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK":"Priority Mail","RU_08_02_DESC":"","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE":"Bravery Is A Virtue","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_01":"Fallen Tree","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_02":"River Descent","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_03":"Shore","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_SCOUT":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_ENDLESS_FARMING":"Out In The Field","RU_08_02_FARMING":"Experimental Field","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_GIVER":"A gift horse","RU_08_02_GAS_STATION":"Gas Station","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY":"Exhibit A","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_TASK":"Experimental Field","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01":"Abandoned Byre","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02":"Scrapyard","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_SCOUT_01":"Collapsed Bridge","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_SCOUT_02":"Collapsed Bridge","RU_08_02_LOG_STORAGE":"Lumber Mill","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO":"The Weak Link","RU_08_02_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT":"Cistern Search Area","RU_08_02_NAME":"The Institute","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY":"Academy Town","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_TASK":"The Lost Mailman","RU_08_02_POTATO_STORAGE":"Farm Warehouse","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_2":"Power Line","RU_08_02_PUMP_DELIVERY":"Science Wing","RU_08_02_REPAIR_STATION":"Repair Station","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_01":"Administration Wing","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_02":"Institute Warehouse","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_03":"Academy Town","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_04":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_SOLAR_STATION_CRATE_SPAWN_01":"Old Steel Mill","RU_08_02_STORAGE":"Institute Warehouse","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE":"Swamp Racer","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_01":"Swamp Approach","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_02":"Shoreline","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_03":"Old Path","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_04":"Marshes","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_05":"Island","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_06":"Junction","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_FINISH":"Warehouse Approach","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_WATER_TANK_DELIVERY_1":"Science Wing","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE":"High Wind Warning","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_TASK":"Hay Barn","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE":"Force Of Nature","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_01":"Southern Sewers","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_02":"Northern Sewers","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK":"Abandoned Gear","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_TASK":"Village Garage","RU_08_03_CHEMICAL_BARREL_SCOUT":"Mariner\'s Crossing","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_DELIVERY":"Machine Shop","RU_08_03_CRAFT_ZONE":"Production Site","RU_08_03_DRAIN_DRY_DELIVERY_01":"Construction Site","RU_08_03_DRAIN_DRY_DELIVERY_02":"Scrapyard","RU_08_03_FARMING_CONTRACT_ZONE":"Main field","RU_08_03_FARMING_DELIVERY_01":"Southern Cheremushki","RU_08_03_FARMING_DELIVERY_02":"Northern Cheremushki","RU_08_03_FARMING_STORAGE":"Farm Warehouse","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_GIVER":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_ZONE":"Plowed field","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING":"Aim To Misbehave","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_01":"Point 1","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_02":"Point 2","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_03":"Point 3","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_04":"Point 4","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_05":"Point 5","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_06":"Point 6","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_07":"Point 7","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_08":"Point 8","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_09":"Point 9","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_10":"Point 10","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_11":"Point 11","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_12":"Point 12","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_END":"Finish Line","RU_08_03_GARAGE_IN":"Village Garage","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY":"Junkyard","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_VISIT_ZONE":"Hayloft","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_STORAGE":"Junkyard Storage","RU_08_03_GAS_STATION":"Village Gas Station","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY":"Production Site","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT":"The Common Cause","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_TASK_02":"Repair Service","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_TASK_03":"Service Center","RU_08_03_LOG":"Lumber Mill","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY":"Lost Treasure","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_PLACE":"Hermit\'s Shack","RU_08_03_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT":"Swamp","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_TASK_GIVER":"\\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_TASK_GIVER_FARM":"Grocery Run","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY":"Supply Chain","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_TASK":"Store","RU_08_03_RAILWAY_STATION":"\\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station","RU_08_03_RECYCLED_01":"Construction Site","RU_08_03_RECYCLED_02":"Storage Facility","RU_08_03_RECYCLED_03":"Village Warehouse","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_TASK_01":"River Blockage","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_TASK_02":"River Blockage","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX":"Damaged Rails","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01":"Solar Power Station A","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02":"Solar Power Station B","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03":"Solar Power Station C","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_01":"Steel Mill","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_02":"Farming Plot","RU_08_03_STORAGE":"Railway Warehouse","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY":"Missing Supplies","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_TASK":"Warehouse","RU_08_03_TRAILER_SHOP":"Trailer Store","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE":"Power To The Masses","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION":"Emergency Retrieval","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_TASK":"Workshop","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE":"Tune In","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_TASKE":"TV 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Parts","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_SPECIAL_DELIVERY":"Processing Wing","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_V":"Unloading Area","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP":"Stocking Up","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_DELIVERY":"Expedition camp","RU_08_01_FACTORY_CONTACT":"Factory entrance","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_DELIVERY_S1":"General Store Warehouse","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_DELIVERY_S2":"Sorting terminal warehouse","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_1":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_2":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_3":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_4":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_5":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_6":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_WEREHOUSE":"Sand Storage","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1":"Reaping What You Sow","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2":"Lending A Hand","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_HARVESTER":"Lake-Side River","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_PLANTER":"Grain 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That","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_DELIVERY":"Village","RU_08_01_WEREHOUSE_1":"Warehouse","RU_08_01_WEREHOUSE_2":"General Store","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_BLADE_DELIVERY":"Wind Turbine","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_SUPPLIES_DELIVERY":"Wind Turbine","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_A":"Unloading Zone","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_A":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_B":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_CONTEST_START":"Contest","TUT_OBJ_FUEL_GAS":"Fuel Station","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_DROP":"Meteo Point","TUT_OBJ_ST1_WATCH1":"Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_ST1_WATCH2":"Way to Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_ST2_TASK2":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_ST3_SHORTCUT":"Find an Alternative Route","TUT_OBJ_ST3_TARGET":"Accept the Drowned Scout Truck task","TUT_OBJ_ST5_PICKUP":"Accept the Contest task","TUT_OBJ_STORAGE_PICKUP":"Warehouse","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK":"Find the Truck","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK1":"Change to the Truck","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_DROP":"Safe Place","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK":"Drowned Scout Truck","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_RECOVERY":"Taking Flight","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_STORAGE":"Airport","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_02":"Unfinished Bridge","RU_08_04_COMPLEX":"Corporate Warehouse","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01":"A New House For Cows","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02":"Corporate Warehouse","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03":"Making Space","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01":"Bad Reception","RU_08_04_CONTEST":"Treading Water","RU_08_04_CONTEST_01":"Point 1","RU_08_04_CONTEST_02":"Point 2","RU_08_04_CONTEST_03":"Point 3","RU_08_04_CONTEST_04":"Point 4","RU_08_04_CONTEST_FINISH":"Finishing Line","RU_08_04_DESC":"","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_START":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FISHING":"Gone Fishing","RU_08_04_FISHING_DELIVERY":"Airport","RU_08_04_FUEL":"Airport Fuel Station","RU_08_04_GARAGE":"Corporate Garage","RU_08_04_GARAGE_RECOVERY":"Corporate Garage","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY_GIVER":"Hay Storage","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO":"Important 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Line","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01":"When Luck Runs Out","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_FINISH":"Chicken Coop","RU_08_04_TRANSFORMATOR_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT":"Container Search Area","RU_08_04_WINDMILL":"Round And Round","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_01":"Damaged Pole","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_05":"Damaged Pole","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_06":"Damaged Pole","RU_05_02_BEEHIVE":"Sweet Tooth","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_a":"Railroad Bridge","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_b":"Bridge-side Warehouse","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_c":"Railroad Bridge","RU_05_02_CHURCH":"Church","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01a":"Antonovka Village","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01b":"Antonovka Chief","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01c":"Fisherman\'s House","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01d":"Rechnaya","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_02":"Pier","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_03":"Ozernoye","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_04":"Worker Shack","RU_05_02_HERMIT_HUT":"Cunning Forester","RU_05_02_HERMIT_HUT_01":"Wipe Away The Debt","RU_05_02_LAMBER_MILL_a":"Unloading Zone","RU_05_02_LAMBER_MILL_b":"Sawmill","RU_05_02_LOG":"Logging Site","RU_05_02_MILL":"Mill","RU_05_02_PUMPTOWER":"Water Tower","RU_05_02_RAILWAY":"Antonovka Station","RU_05_02_REPAIR_01":"West Rail Gap","RU_05_02_REPAIR_02":"East Rail Gap","RU_05_02_ROCK_a":"Light Rockfall","RU_05_02_ROCK_b":"Light Rockfall","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01_GIVER":"Excursion","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01a":"Ancient Stone","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01b":"Old Tree","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01c":"Overgrown Pond","RU_05_02_SCOUT_02a":"Upgrade","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_01a":"The Washed-off Bridge","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_01b":"The Washed-off Bridge","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_02a":"Swamp Crossing","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_02b":"Swamp Crossing","RU_05_02_WORKSHOP":"Service Station","RU_02_04_APC_RECOVER":"Repair Area","RU_02_04_APC_RECOVER_TSK":"Pacifist","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP":"Suspicious Camp","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_TSK":"Unexpected Guests","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_NORTH_EXIT":"Northern Road","RU_02_04_FUEL_MAST":"Fuel 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E","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_START_CNT":"Rocking And Rolling","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_START_CNT":"Swimming And Sinking","RU_02_02_GA":"Triangulation Point","RU_02_02_GAS":"Fuel Station","RU_02_02_GAS_01":"Barrels","RU_02_02_GORLAG":"Ruined Warehouse","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TSK":"Drowned Oil Tank","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_SPAWN":"Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_TSK":"Lost Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TSK":"Lost Light Trailer","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_SPAWN":"Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_TARGET":"Warehouse","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_TSK":"Drowned Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_SPAWN":"Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_TARGET":"Homestead","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_TSK":"Fallen Bricks","RU_02_02_MAP_TRANSITION":"Gateway","RU_02_02_NAME":"Drowned Lands","RU_02_02_OILTANK_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER":"Radar Tower","RU_02_02_RAILWAY":"Railway Station","RU_02_02_REPAIR":"Repair Station","RU_02_02_SERVICE":"Unloading Point","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Retired","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Lost In The Rocks","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TARGET":"House","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TSK":"Help Cable","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TSK":"Farm Swim","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TARGET":"Hangar","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TSK":"Saving Country Bread","RU_02_02_VILLAGE_DROPOFF":"Village","US_01_04_NEW_DESC":"Drummond Island","US_01_04_NEW_NAME":"Drummond Island","UPG_STAGE1_TSK":"Upgrades","UPG_STAGE2_TSK":"AWD and snorkel.","UPG_STAGE3_TSK":"Tire chains","UPG_STAGE4_TSK":"Saddle","UPG_STAGE5_CARGO_UNLOAD":"Unloading Zone","UPG_STAGE5_TSK":"Crane","UPG_TARGET1":"Rift","UPG_TARGET2":"Rift","UPG_TARGET3":"Destination","UPG_TARGET4":"Parking Lot","UPG_TARGET5":"Warehouse","Canadian Runner 03 The Valley":"","MAP_TRANSITION_01_02B":"Gateway","MAP_TRANSITION_01_03B":"Gateway","US_01_04_EXPLORING":"Farm","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT":"A Race With The Rain","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_1":"Oil Barrels","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_2":"Oil Barrels","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_DELIVERY":"Lighthouse Keeper","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK":"Cousin Cletus","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_SHIP_TSK":"Forged By The Sea","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK":"Scout 800","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_ADD":"Mud Wrestling","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_DELIVERY":"Worker\'s House","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK":"Mud Wrestling","US_01_04_FIND_THE_PATH_TSK_DESC":"Tourist Attraction","US_01_04_FUEL_STATION":"Fuel Station","US_01_04_LOG_PLATFORM":"","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_01":"Cargo Container","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_02":"Cargo Container","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_03":"Cargo Container","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY_DELIVERY":"Cargo Storage","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK":"Lost Delivery","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_03":"Abandoned Ship","US_01_04_OBSERVATION":"The Silent Observer","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK":"Observation","US_01_04_POINT_EXPLORING_01":"Hollis Island","US_01_04_PORT_CARGO":"Port","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_01":"Ranger\'s Bridge","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_01_TSK":"Support Local Rangers","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_01_TSK_ADD":"Support Local Rangers","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_02":"Island\'s Bridge","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_02_TSK":"Of Bridges And Men","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_02_TSK_ADD":"Of Bridges And Men","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_03":"Drummond Bridge","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_03_TSK":"Ten-Hut","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_03_TSK_ADD":"Ten-Hut","RU_02_03_DESC":"Zimnegorsk","RU_02_03_NAME":"Zimnegorsk","RU_02_03_BROKEN_PIRS":"Broken Pier","RU_02_03_CAMP2":"Abandoned Car","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY3":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY4":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY5":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Cement Delivery","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Oilfield Delivery","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_PIRS_OBJ":"Pier Delivery","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_OBJ":"Warehouse Delivery","RU_02_03_DOCUMENTARY":"Documentary Film","RU_02_03_DOCUMENTARY2":"Survey Point","RU_02_03_DRILLING_SITE":"Oilfield","RU_02_03_LENIN_ZONE":"","RU_02_03_MAP_TRANSITION_02_01_1":"Gateway","RU_02_03_MAP_TRANSITION_02_01_2":"Gateway","RU_02_03_RESCUE_START_NAME":"Truck Recovery","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_5_UNLOAD_NAME":"Unloading Zone","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Sawmill Recovery","RU_02_03_SCAN_POINT_1":"Triangulation Point Alpha","RU_02_03_SCAN_POINT_2":"Triangulation Point Beta","RU_02_03_SCAN_POINT_3":"Triangulation Point Gamma","RU_02_03_SEARCH":"Lost Instruments","RU_02_03_SEARCH1":"Consumables","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_OBJ":"Zimnegorsk Bridge Recovery","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Metal Delivery","RU_02_03_TRAILER_GARAGE_NAME":"Trailer Garage","RU_02_03_WAREHOUSE_1":"Warehouse","US_06_01_CONTAINER_PLACE_NAME":"Cabin Zone","US_06_01_CON_01":"Local Ride","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_01":"Point A","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_02":"Point B","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_03":"Point C","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_04":"Point D","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_05":"Point E","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_06":"Point F","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_07":"Point G","US_06_01_CON_02":"Dock Race","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_01":"Point A","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_02":"Point B","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_03":"Point C","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_04":"Point D","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_05":"Point E","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_06":"Point F","US_06_01_CRAFT_MAIN_NAME":"Cabin construction site","US_06_01_GARAGE_STUFF_NAME":"Old Garage","US_06_01_GAS_DOFF_NAME":"Site Near the Gas Station","US_06_01_GAS_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_01_NAME":"House Near the Road","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_02_NAME":"House Near the Bog","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_03_NAME":"House on the Coast","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_04_NAME":"Riverside House","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_05_NAME":"Waterfall House","US_06_01_MILL_DPOFF_NAME":"Sawmill Inspection","US_06_01_PIER_DOFF_NAME":"Pier Inspection","US_06_01_PIER_PUP_NAME":"Pier","US_06_01_REPAIR_NAME":"Repair Shop","US_06_01_ROCKS_01":"Landslide Near Production Site","US_06_01_ROCKS_02":"Shore Collapse","US_06_01_ROCKS_03":"North Landslide","US_06_01_TRAILER_STORE_OBJ_NAME":"Trailer Store","US_06_01_TRANS_NAME":"Gateway","US_06_01_TRUCK_STORE_NAME":"Truck Store","US_06_01_TSK_01":"Big Mistake","US_06_01_TSK_01_CRATES":"Lost Barrels","US_06_01_TSK_01_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_06_01_TSK_02":"Lost in the distance","US_06_01_TSK_02_TARGET":"House","US_06_01_TSK_03":"Mistakes of Others","US_06_01_TSK_03_CRATES":"Crate","US_06_01_TSK_04":"Workhorse","US_06_01_TSK_04_TARGET":"Weather Station","US_06_01_TSK_05":"Delivery From the Pier","US_06_01_TSK_05_TARGET":"House in the North","US_06_01_TSK_06":"Big Loss","US_06_01_TSK_06_CRATES":"Cellulose","US_06_01_TSK_06_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_06_01_TSK_07":"Restorers\' Trouble","US_06_01_TSK_07_TARGET":"Old Fort","US_06_01_TSK_08":"All the Money\'s Worth","US_06_01_TSK_08_TARGET":"House Behind the Garage","US_06_01_TSK_09":"Very Strange Things","US_06_01_TSK_09_TARGET":"Waterfall House","US_06_01_TSK_10":"Small Order","US_06_01_TSK_10_TARGET":"Foothill House","US_06_01_TSK_11":"Abandoned Titan","US_06_01_TUNING_NAME":"Tuning Shop","UUI_TUNING_BUMPER_AXLEPROT_DESC":"EMPTY_LINE","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Pipe Dream","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_DESC":"A local oil equipment factory got hammered by the flood. That place is vital to drilling operations in the area so we need to get it back up and running ASAP. Start by getting them some fuel and construction materials.","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_STAGE_1_BRING":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_REWARD_DESC":"Now the factory is online and we can focus on getting local drilling operations up and running again. I\'m sure we could use your help with that too so keep your ears open.","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_OBJ":"Wet Harvest","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_DESC":"A nearby farm was hit pretty bad by the flood. They could really use some basic construction materials to get themselves patched up. We don\'t want to end up with food shortages.","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_BRING_BRICKS":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_REWARD_DESC":"That\'s going to make a big difference. These farmers would have been in real trouble if it weren\'t for you. I\'m sure they\'ll be calling on your services again soon.","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_OBJ":"Steel River Supplies","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_OBJ_DESC":"Things are pretty rough around here right now. We\'ve got food, water and fuel shortages and people are starting to worry. If we don\'t deal with this soon we\'re going to have panic on our hands. We need your help.","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_BRING_BARRELS":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_BRING_INSTRUMENTS":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_OBJ_REWARD_DESC":"Thank you. This is going to make a huge difference to folks round here. Time to roll up our shirt sleeves and get this town fixed up!","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Not A Drill","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_DESC":"Excuse the mess. We\'re still clearing up after the flood. The water dislodged our rigs and destroyed one of the drills. We need new parts and construction materials to get things moving again.","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_BRING_TRAILER":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_METAL":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_CONT":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_OBJ_REW":"We\'re back in business. Let\'s spin up those drills! Much appreciated.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_OBJ":"The Watchtower","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_DESC":"Welcome to Steel River Township! There\'s plenty of work around here, but you\'ll need a real truck first. There\'s a new ride with your name on it in a parking lot nearby. First, get to the watchtower to explore the area.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_VISIT_TRUCK_ON_LEVEL_US_01_01":"Find the Truck","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_VISIT_W9_ON_LEVEL_US_01_01":"Find the Watchtower","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_REWARD_DESC":"Alright! Here\'s a little something to make it worth your while. You can use these rewards to expand and upgrade your vehicle fleet.","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_OBJ":"Get To The Garage","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_DESC":"The old and rusty vehicle garage has seen things. It was abandoned at the beginning of the flood and may be used as a base of local operations now.","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_VISIT_ZONE":"Find the Garage","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_REWARD_DESC":"You can use the garage to turn your truck into a real monster. The local swamps will be your new stomping ground. When you\'re ready, take on a contract and get yourself out there.","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ":"Old Bridge Reconstruction","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_DESC":"Great! Now you have a powerful vehicle for transporting heavier loads. The only problem is that you\'re cut off from the mainland. Rebuild the bridge so you can reach the garage and get a real contract.","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_STAGE_1_BRING_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_STAGE_2_BRING_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_REWARD_DESC":"Well ain\'t that beautiful! Looks just like it did in the old days. Now you can leave the peninsula and reach the garage. Start looking for your next contract!","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Farming Tools","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_DESC":"A local farm by the name of \\"Matthew & Sons\\" has contacted us to see if we can help them out with a shipment of tools for repairs. You should be able to find the shipment somewhere near the garage.","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_TRAILER_TO_FARM":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_REWARD_DESC":"Old farmer Matthews was singing your praises just now. A good deed is never lost in this town.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_TRUCK_OBJ":"First Truck","US_01_01_EXPLORING_TRUCK_DESC":"There should be an old truck nearby the local Lumbermill. Was left over by the logistical company used to operate here. Rusty, but still capable. Discover its location and use it to handle the bridge repairs.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_TRUCK_REWARD_DESC":"This is your first truck. Let\'s complete some contracts to unlock your garage.","US_01_01_BROKEN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Broken Bridge","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_DESC":"We\'ve got a rockslide problem. They keep knocking out our infrastructure but we don\'t have the resources to stop them. We\'d sure be grateful if you could take a look.","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_BRING_METAL_AND_SPARE_TO_LANDSLIDE_ON_US_01_01":"Deliver to the Rockslide:","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_REWARD_DESC":"I just heard you took care of the rockslides! You\'re making quite a name for yourself. Great job!","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_DESC":"We can\'t get a darn thing done round here! The power lines are down and all we get from the town are excuses! Well? What are you waiting for? Do something about it!","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_BRING":"Deliver to the Fallen Powerline:","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"About time! If only we had more folks like you willing to take the initiative. We\'ll take it from here. I may call on your services again soon, though. See you round!","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_TSK":"Drowned Trucks","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_DESC":"Hey! Trouble at the farm. We\'ve got trucks wedged deep in sludge and we could use a strong arm to haul \'em out. You\'ll need a serious engine for this one.","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_BRING":"Deliver drowned truck to the Farm:","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCK_01_TSK":"Drowned Highway Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Drowned Scout Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Drowned Heavy Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_REWARD_DESC":"Now that\'s the kinda muscle we need around here! Those trucks were wedged in there deep but you got \'em out. Nice work.","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TSK_DESC_DESC":"Got a spot of trouble here, pal. We have an oil tank trailer that\'s missing. Pretty sure it got washed off the road somewhere and is probably stuck in a swamp by now. How \'bout lending a hand?","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TANK":"Deliver to the Oiltank Parking:","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"Well I\'ll be... You found it! I was going to take a real roasting for losing that thing! Thanks, buddy! Here\'s a little something for your efforts.","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_TSK_DESC":"These rockslides are becoming the bane of my life. We need to create alternate routes around the area to avoid the slides or operations are going to grind to a halt. A mountain bridge would solve this.","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_BRING":"Deliver to the Mountain Bridge:","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_REWARD_DESC":"Like a bridge over troubled... rockslides... Anyway, nice work, partner! We can now access the road beyond and see what the land further out looks like. Probably looks like another headache for me.","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_DESC":"Rocks? Again? Seriously? Come on! Do me a favour and handle this, will you?","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_BRING_METAL_AND_SPARE_TO_BLOCKAGE_ON_US_01_01":"Deliver to the Road Block:","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_REWARD_DESC":"Honestly, I don\'t know what we\'d do without you. This town is getting back on its feet and it\'s thanks to you. Take this. It\'s well earned.","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_TSK":"King Of The Hill","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_DESC":"You sure have been busy lately! Why not take some time out to enjoy the local country. I\'ve marked a couple of locations on your map that offer fantastic views. Be sure to check them out.","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_VISIT_NORTH_PEAK":"Visit the North Peak","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_VISIT_SOUTH_PEAK":"Visit the South Peak","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_REWARD_DESC":"Now, ain\'t that pretty? Not an easy climb but well worth it.","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_DESC":"It\'s time to drain the swamps. We installed some simple pumps out here in the 70\'s. They may be a bit old and rusty but they should be functional. See if you can find them.","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_VISIT_PUMP_01":"Find the Pump near the Steel River","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_VISIT_PUMP_02":"Find the Pump near the Garage","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_VISIT_PUMP_03":"Find the Pump near the Farm","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_REWARD_DESC":"Nicely done. With these pumps we can finally start getting things back to normal around here.","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_TSK_DESC_B":"A shipment of important machinery to a local factory was... interrupted... by an unfortunate incident with the previous driver. The responsibility is all yours now. I\'d take a crane if I were you.","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_BRING_SPARE_TO_TOWN_STORAGE_ON_US_01_01":"Find and deliver to Factory:","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"Not bad. We might have more work for you if you keep this up.","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_TSK_DESC_DESC":"It looks like the first wave of relief workers that rolled up here were a bunch of idiots. They managed to lose a whole trailer! Go find it and bring it back, will you?","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_DELIVER":"Deliver to the Trailer Park:","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"At last! Someone with a brain. Thank you. We\'ll take a look inside and see what we\'ve got.","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"The river is swollen and our vehicles are having a nightmare trying to cross to the drilling site. We need a simple, robust bridge to stop our trucks getting waterlogged. Get to it.","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_BRING":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_REWARD_DESC":"Pretty darn good. Time to saddle up and get those trucks across. Thanks again.","US_01_01_BOATMAN__TOOLS_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"Steel River here. Our river fleet was badly damaged and the only person who can help us is all out of equipment. Can you supply our guy with the tools he needs to patch us up?","US_01_01_BOATMAN_TOOLS_BRING_SERVICE_AND_VEHICLE_SPARE_PARTS":"Deliver to the Boatman\'s House:","US_01_01_BOATMAN__TOOLS_DELIVERY_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"Wonderful! Our small but proud fleet will be sailing down the river in no time. Thanks a lot!","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_DESC":"I know this town ain\'t exactly a tourist trap but we do what we can. The local motel is in bad shape and it\'s down to us to help \'em out. We\'ve got a shipment of equipment for them. Can you deliver it?","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_TRAILER":"Deliver to the Motel:","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_REWARD_DESC":"Well, you gave them a fighting chance. Let\'s hope they can get up and running sometime soon.","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_OBJ":"Lost Container","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_DESC":"Listen up. We\'ve got a missing container that\'s carrying operational supplies and we\'re struggling to get by without it. It can\'t have gotten far. Get out there and find it and we\'ll be mighty grateful.","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_BRING_CONTAINER_TO_WAREHOUSE_ON_US_01_01":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_REWARD_DESC":"It was that close, huh? Wow. Well, thanks for putting that one to bed!","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_DESC":"The workers in a nearby factory have a little game. There are multiple barrels hidden in some hard to reach places and you have to knock \'em down. So far, no one has managed all of them. Think you can do it?","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_A":"Kick Barrels Alfa","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_B":"Kick Barrels Bravo","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_C":"Kick Barrels Charlie","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_D":"Kick Barrels Delta","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_E":"Kick Barrels Echo","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_REW":"Congrats! They\'ll get your picture up in the break room in honour of your victory. Here is your reward!","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_TSK_DESC":"There\'s a place in the mountains, not far away, that has the most stunning views. I like to relax up there from time to time. Why don\'t you take a look? Just try not to destroy everything getting up there.","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_DESC":"There\'s a place in the mountains, not far away, that has the most stunning views. I like to relax up there from time to time. Why don\'t you take a look? Just try not to destroy everything getting up there.","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_FLAG":"Find The Place Beyond The Spruces","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_REW":"This is the spot. Beautiful, ain\'t it?","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_CNT_DESC_DESC":"The local farms are in desperate need of fresh wood to repair their damaged structures. The requests are constant. Can you get in there and help. They pay well.","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_WOODEN":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_WOODEN_HO":"Deliver to the Old House:","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_WOODEN_CH":"Deliver to the Church:","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_CNT_REWARD_DESC":"Well, that should keep them busy for a while but you can expect them to start hollering for more in no time. That\'s good news if you like a steady cash flow!","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_DESC_DESC":"Keeping up with this darn river is driving us crazy. We need advanced warning so we can be ready for a spill. There\'s a couple meteorology sensors nearby. Real tough to reach. You think you can make it?","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_ST1":"Check the East Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_ST2":"Check the West Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_ST3":"Check the South Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_REWARD_DESC":"Good news! The data says we won\'t be having rain again for at least a few weeks which gives us time to shore up and be ready. Nothing says thank you like cold, hard cash.","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC_DESC":"Dyson Diesel\'s regular food shipment has been delayed for days. If we don\'t get some grub over to those oilmen soon the rumbling in their bellies will be louder than the drilling!","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT_CRATE":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT_REWARD_DESC":"At last! If the way to a man\'s heart is through his stomach, you just made a lot of new friends. Great work.","US_01_02_farm_order_obj":"The Essentials","US_01_02_FARM_ORDER_DESC":"The local farm in Smithville Dam area is in dire shape. They need basic materials for repairs plus some fuel to power their generators. The road leading up there is completely destroyed so proceed with caution.","US_01_02_FARM_ORDER_BRING_TO_FARM":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_02_FARM_ORDER_REW":"With these supplies they\'ll be able to keep up the food supply to the town. One less crisis on our hands.","US_01_02_materials_order_obj":"Materials Order","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_DESC":"Husky Forwarding here. We just got a massive material request from several local facilities in the Smithville Dam area. They\'re working round the clock to try and recover from the flood and could really use a hand.","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_BRING_CONCRETE_SLAB_TO_SERVICE_HUB":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_BRING_CONTAINER_SMALL_TO_WAREHOUSE":"Deliver to the Preacher\'s House:","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_BRING_CONCRETE_BLOCKS_TO_FARM":"Deliver to the Quarry:","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_REW":"There\'s a lot of people round here that owe you a real debt of gratitude for the work you\'re doing. Keep it up.","US_01_02_fuel_order_obj":"Fuel Order","US_01_02_FUEL_ORDER_DESC":"Dyson Diesel here. Now that the quarry is back in operation, we need to clear out all the old equipment and move it to the warehouse. Right now, we barely have enough room to move. Please make this a priority.","US_01_02_FUEL_ORDER_BARRELS":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_02_FUEL_ORDER_REW":"That\'s a beast of a vehicle you got there. Not quite top of the line yet though. Plenty more to do before you\'re king of the road.","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_OBJ":"Work For Old Sweat","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_DESC":"The local Quarry is still having trouble. The main road that connects them to the town is completely shot and we can\'t get vehicles in there. Get them what they need and we\'ll be sure to reward you.","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_BRING":"Deliver to the Quarry:","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_REW":"With these materials we\'ll be able to start shipping out food in no time. Thanks for the help!","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_OBJ":"Winter Stores","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_OBJ_DESC":"Winter\'s closing in. Soon it\'ll be impossible to get supplies into the base. The rig\'ll keep drilling no matter what but a fat lot of good it\'ll do if we run out of food and equipment. Help us out?","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_OBJ_REW":"Yup. We\'re all set now. Thank you. You can get whatever parts you need to repair the tower directly from our warehouse.","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_TRAILER":"Deliver to Logistics Base:","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_VEH":"Deliver to Logistics Base:","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_TSK":"Unlucky Fisherman","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_DESC":"They say fishing is supposed to be relaxing, unless you manage to lose your truck! Go help that poor sap drag his rig out of the river, will ya? I\'m sick of hearing him get weepy over the phone.","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_CHEVROLET_CK1500":"Deliver to the Fisherman\'s House:","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_REW":"Well, let\'s hope he\'s learned his lesson. Thanks for rescuing his truck.","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_DESC":"One of our warehouses needs to optimise their loading hub. Right now they lack the tools and equipment to do it. Get \'em what they need and we\'ll make sure you\'re compensated for your trouble.","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_BRICKS":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_REW":"I can hear the loading hub running smoother already. Nicely done.","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_TSK":"Well Well Well","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_DESC":"Old Bill Anderson lives way out in the woods. He\'s kind of an oddball but we try to help him out when we can. Will you help to deliver everything he needs?","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_SERVICE":"Deliver to Bill\'s House:","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_REW":"Great work. Time to get drilling!","US_01_02_SOLID_FOUNDATION_TSK":"Solid Foundation","US_01_02_SOLID_FOUNDATION_DESC":"The life of a recluse seems to be catching on. A guy wants to build a house in the middle of nowhere and he\'s got a shipment of concrete slabs he wants to use for the foundation. Can you haul \'em up there?","US_01_02_FOUNDATION_SLABS":"Deliver to Norton\'s House:","US_01_02_SOLID_FOUNDATION_REW":"You can\'t go wrong with a solid foundation. Good luck to the guy. Thanks for your help.","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_DESC":"Our archives show the existence of an antenna tower in the area. It hasn\'t been used in twenty years but we want to restore it and put it to good use. Can you take a look around and see if you can find it?","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_VISIT_ZONE":"Find the Antenna Tower","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_REW":"Fantastic! We\'ve sent a team out to begin the restoration process. Thank you.","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_DESC":"If you\'re looking for some extra cash I\'ve got a nice little job for you. I saw a broken truck near an abandoned house. I\'d sure be grateful if you could repair it.","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_REPAIR":"Restore GMC 9500","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_REW":"Yes! This baby will look beautiful in my garage. Thanks a lot!","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Smithville Bridge","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"We\'ve decided to construct a bridge that will cut out the degraded road and make our route to the warehouse shorter and safer. We need you to get wooden planks out there, fast.","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_WOODEN":"Deliver to the Smithville Bridge:","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_REW":"Great job. Look at that nice bridge! Thanks a lot!","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_DESC":"The local farmers have been pulling long hours to get their properties cleaned up. They\'re making progress but they\'re burning through fuel. Can you haul another tank over to their private facility?","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_BARRELS":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House:","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_REW":"That\'s a lot of fuel. Let\'s hope they practice good fire safety, eh!","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_DESC_DESC":"How everybody keeps managing to lose their stuff I do not know! We\'ve got another renegade trailer on the loose. Get out there and find it will ya?","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_TRAILER":"Deliver to the Preacher\'s House:","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_DESC_REW":"I\'ve heard you brought the trailer back. Good job!","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_TSK":"Rock On","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_DESC":"We\'ve got another rockslide that\'s putting a highway out of action. Can you get a shipment over there to help get it cleared out?","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_MATERIALS":"Deliver to the Fallen Rocks:","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_REW":"Great! Thank you! Don\'t expect that to be the last of the rockslides. The flood has shifted everything out of kilter.","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_DESC":"Has the whole town gone looney? A driver managed to drop a whole cargo of fuel into the river! I\'ve since fired him but I\'ve got a bunch of barrels floating around the river that need hauling out.","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_MASUT":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_REW":"All of them? Well, that\'s a relief. Thanks for taking care of that, buddy.","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_DESC":"Dyson Diesel here. We\'ve got a situation. We lost a couple of barrels of fuel in the river. I\'d appreciate it if you\'d handle it... quietly. I don\'t need any troublesome environmental enquiries, understand?","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_MASUT":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_REW":"Excellent. Here\'s your pay. This never happened, understood?","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_TSK":"The Long Way","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_DESC":"We\'ve got a couple of nasty rockslides clogging up the river. Husky Forwarding won\'t take responsibility because it\'s in the river and not on the road. We could really use your help with this.","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_MATERIALS":"Deliver to Boulders:","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_REW":"Great work! Thank you!","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS":"Hungry Workers","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_DESC":"Apparently, Dyson Diesel management has prioritized materials and equipment deliveries above food and water. The workers are living off basic rations and morale is not looking good. Can you pick up the slack?","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_CRATE":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_REW":"That was close. Dyson Diesel almost had a mutiny on their hands! Great work.","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING_TSK_DESC_DESC":"So, we need a trailer delivered... to the middle of a river. Why? Well... I can\'t tell you. Are you in or not?","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING__TRAILER":"Deliver to the Sherman Island:","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING_TSK_REW":"I knew you could do it! I had a bet on with the Husky guys and they were sure you wouldn\'t make it. I just scored a big win for this! Here\'s your share of the profit.","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TSK_DESC_DESC":"There\'s an old broken down truck nearby that needs some serious TLC. If you\'re up for a bit of elbow grease then it\'s all yours. I\'m sure you\'ll find a use for it.","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TRUCK":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_REPAIR":"Restore White Western Star 4964","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TSK_REW":"What a beauty. It\'s all yours now! Great job.","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK_DESC":"Dyson Diesel here. One of our contractors has lost a number of construction materials down the river. We need them back.","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK_BAGS":"Deliver to Tim\'s House:","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK_REW":"Nicely done! Keep it up!","US_01_02_MICHIGAN_TRIAL_DESC":"There\'s an old trail close by here that the locals use for sport. It\'s pretty rugged. You have to reach all of the flags on the course. Think you can beat it?","US_01_02_FLAG_A_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag A","US_01_02_FLAG_B_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag B","US_01_02_FLAG_C_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag C","US_01_02_FLAG_D_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag D","US_01_02_FLAG_E_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag E","US_01_02_MICHIGAN_TRIAL_REW":"Great, you made it through the whole course. Here\'s your prize.","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_DESC":"As part of our \'Help in the Community\' operation, we\'re supplying a shipment of tools to a local farm to help them recover from the flood. Make sure it reaches them in one piece.","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_STAGE":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_REW":"Very good. Get on to the next one.","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_DESC":"My house was destroyed in the flood. I managed to rescue most of the sentimental stuff but we\'re going to have to build a new place to live. Can you get us the equipment and materials we need to get started?","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_STAGE":"Deliver to the Renovating House:","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_REW":"They say it ain\'t how hard you fall that matters, it\'s about whether you get back up or not. Here I am, still standing. Thanks a lot, pal. I\'ll expect you at the housewarming!","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_DESC":"My darn uncle is so stubborn! Everyone told him not to scrimp on the foundations but he\'s such a penny pincher. Now his house is half floating away! You\'ve got to help him!","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_STAGE":"Deliver to the Flooded House:","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_REW":"We count ourselves lucky to have angels like you around. Hopefully my uncle won\'t be such a skinflint in the future!","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_OBJ":"Lumber Mill Revival","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_DESC":"We\'re getting the old Lumber Mill back up and running. We could use a hand hauling some of the materials to the site. I believe there is a trailer with the necessary materials in the warehouse nearby.","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_BRING_INSTRUMENTS":"We\'re getting the old Lumber Mill back up and running. We could use a hand hauling some of the materials to the site. I believe there is a trailer with the necessary materials in the warehouse nearby.","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Lumber Mill:","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Lumber Mill:","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_SUB_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Lumber Mill:","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_REW":"The Mill\'s back in action, and we can finally get back to work. You\'re a godsend!","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_TSK":"Instruments Of Development","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"We did some digging out on the old swamp and it looks like there could be oil out there. We wanna start drilling, but first we\'re gonna need you to get rid of some old equipment that\'s in the way.","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_STAGE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_REW":"As we suspected, we found oil out in the swamp, lots of it. We appreciate you clearing the place out. We\'re gonna set up some new rigs and start pumping.","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ":"Harbor Delivery","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ_DESC":"The old drills you\'ve helped us recover are now packed up for shipment. All that\'s left is to get them over to Drummond Island\'s port and get \'em off our hands. Get that done so we can bring in the new gear.","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_BRING_CONTAINER_TO_PORT":"Deliver to the Port:","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ_REW":"I just got a call from the port crew to say the crate arrived safely. Thanks for your help.","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_OBJ":"Power Lines","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_OBJ_DESC":"That weather sure ain\'t cutting us any slack. The last storm tore up a bunch of power lines which means we have people sitting in the dark until they\'re fixed. Any chance you can help?","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_BRING_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_SUB_1_OBJ_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole 01:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_SUB_2_OBJ_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole 02:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_SUB_3_OBJ_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole 03:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_OBJ_REW":"Power\'s back up, thanks to you. Here\'s a little something for your trouble.","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_CONTRACT_ADD":"Power Supply Request","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_ADD_DESC":"I hear the lumber mill is back in business now that the old power lines are restored. Could you check in with the mill to make sure everything is running smoothly?","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_ADD_VISIT_LUMBER_MILL":"Visit the Lumber Mill","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_CONTRACT_ADD_REW":"You are my right hand, buddy. Actually, your my right hand, left hand, arms, legs... Heck, you\'re pretty much me... Alright, this is getting a little deep for my liking. Here\'s your reward.","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK":"Signal In The Mountains","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_DESC":"It never rains but it pours, right? Seems like the old TV tower up on the ridge is on the blink again. I hate to ask but could you get up there and see if it can be repaired?","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_REW":"Yep, that\'s the tower alright, and yep, it\'s borderline scrap at this point. Should\'ve replaced the old thing long ago, but I guess we have to make do with what we have.","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK":"Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_DESC":"So, we can\'t afford to fix the TV tower so we\'ve got to fix it ourselves. I\'ll walk you through it but first we need to grab some parts and get them to the tower.","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_REW":" flip the switch and... Okay, I like what I\'m seeing so far. The signal is up again so looks like we\'re in business, at least until the next light rain turns it into a glorified landmark again.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_TSK":"Shortcut","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_DESC":"Hi there. Name\'s Jim. There\'s a wooden bridge not far from my farm that didn\'t survive the last storm. I\'m kinda stuck without it. Fix it, and you can make use of it whenever you want, plus I\'ll pay you.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_REW":"You just saved me a couple hours travel every day. Much appreciated. Do feel free to use it whenever you want.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK_DESC":"Always nice to see new faces around here! I have a favor to ask. We\'ve got this old bridge not far from here that could really use fixing up. I\'ll make it worth your while.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bob\'s Вridge:","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bob\'s Вridge:","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK_REW":"Alright! Looks sturdy as ever! You did good today, my friend. Real good. Old Hunter Bob woulda been proud.","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01":"The Huntsman And The Car","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01_DESC":"Heard about Jim, the local farmer? Went out hunting last weekend and managed to get his car stuck real good in the swamp. Ain\'t no way we\'re getting the thing out on our own. Maybe you could give it a try?","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s Parking:","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01_REW":"We\'d have been there all day trying to get that darn thing out if it weren\'t for you. Thanks a lot, buddy.","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02":"Rusty Legacy","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02_DESC":"Hey there, I\'m Ted. I run a repair place in town. So, random story here. Buddy of mine found an abandoned truck. Since I ain\'t got the time or resources to get it myself, I figured you might help. Whaddaya say, pal?","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02_SUB_0_DESC":"Return to the Farmer\'s House","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02_REW":"Hoo boy! That there\'s quite a beater. If I\'d known I woulda left it out there. Well, since you already brought it back, I\'ll see if I can\'t get it running again. Thanks anyway.","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03":"A Little Help For My Friends","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_DESC":"Oh, man, we could really use a favor here. We were doing some hauling for Dyson and got stuck in the dang mud. Boss is gonna chew us out of we don\'t get it delivered on time. Can you do us a solid and help us out?","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_0_DESC":"Reach Point 01","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_1_DESC":"Reach Point 02","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_2_DESC":"Reach Point 03","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_3_DESC":"Reach Point 04","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_4_DESC":"Reach Point 05","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_5_DESC":"Reach Point 06","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_REW":"You really saved our hides. If you hadn\'t come along we\'d either be dead or unemployed by now. We\'re seriously in your debt, brother.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK_DESC":"A certain company made the town an attractive offer, the basis of which has absolutely nothing to do with drilling for oil on public land. All they\'re asking for is a bridge for their supplies and total silence. You in?","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the North Bridge:","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK_REW":"The deal is done, the bridge is built, and this never happened. The \\"client\\" wants me to thank you for your hard work and discretion and says if you ever need a favor, consider it done.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_DESC":"Hey, I\'m Tony from the oil company. Our drilling team is having a heck of a time trying to get gear to the site. The terrain\'s too rough and we could really use a bridge. Can you help us out? We\'d pay you well.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Central Bridge:","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_REW":"With that new bridge this place is running like a well-oiled machine. Haha! Get it? \'Well-oiled\' because we\'re drilling for oil. Oh, man, I kill me. Anyway, thanks, bud.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK_DESC":"Hey, it\'s Tony again. We found another area that looks like it might produce oil. We wanna do some testing but we\'re gonna need -- you guessed it -- another bridge to get our equipment there. Can we count on you?","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the South Bridge:","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK_REW":"You\'re the man! The bridge is solid and we struck oil. The boss asked me to let you know that he very much appreciates your assistance and he won\'t forget it.","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR":"No Country For Old Truck","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR_DESC":"Man, it\'s a crying shame the way some people treat their stuff. This truck must\'ve been a Cowboy Cadillac back in the day, now it\'s a total heap. If you can get it out of here, maybe I can get it running again.","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR_SUB_0_DESC":"Restore Western Star 6900 TS","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR_REW":"Check it out! This old girl still has some life left in her after all. We can\'t find a VIN, but nobody\'s gonna miss an old heap anyway. Finders keepers, I always say!","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_DESC":"We\'ve got a situation here. A shipment of oil barrels got stuck in the forest. We\'re on a tight schedule and we need that oil ASAP. Get out there and bring back as much as you can.","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Barrel Platform:","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_REW":"Thanks, man. You got us out of a real jam there. We\'re good until the next shipment comes.","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_OBJ":"Out With The Old","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_DESC":"With the old sites now shut down, it\'s time to set up our shiny new ones. Get the necessary equipment over there ASAP so we can break ground and get to that oil!","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_BRING_CONTAINER_TO_WAREHOUSE":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_METAL":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_BIG":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_STAGE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_REW":"Nice work! The engineers are making a few adjustments to the rig but we should be up and running in no time.","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_OBJ":"Cargo From The Ship","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_DESC":"A businessman contacted us. His cargo is stuck on a ship that went aground. Big containers in a narrow passage. Wouldn\'t be much of a problem for you now, would it? Although if I were you, I would use help.","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_REW":"Wow, we almost lost all hope of the cargo being delivered. Thank you!","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_CONT":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_2_OBJ":"Cement For The Region","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_DESC":"Hi! Somehow lots of demand for cement cropped up in this region. Lots of cargo, lots of destinations. Not an easy task. But I am sure you will ace it.","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_REW":"It was\'t easy, but everyone is happy now. Here is your reward.","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_TOWN":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_CARIER":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_LOG_01":"Deliver to the Lumber Mill:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_LOG_02":"Deliver to the Log Station:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_OBJ":"Super Order","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_DESC":"Wow, look at you! Ready for work? We have a job for an ace like you—lots of cargo to be taken to various destinations. It requires some complicated logistics, but it\'ll be quicker if you have a helper.","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_REW":"I expected nothing less. No one but you would\'ve handled this job.","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_BASE_1":"Deliver to Logistics Base:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_FOREST":"Deliver to the Log Station:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_OLDHOUSE":"Deliver to the Old House:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_PORT":"Deliver to the Port:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_OBJ":"Aid at the Island","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_DESC":"A farm and several residences on the Isle of Drammond requested a shipment of logs. We gotta help them. There are logs at the Timber Stations, but they have to be delivered. Are you up to it?","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_REW":"Now people can keep running their businesses and households. Thanks for your help!","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to Worker\'s House:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to the Lighthouse Keeper:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_OBJ":"Timber at Arm\'s Reach","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_DESC":"Several local households and a sawmill near a lake on the island request some logs. The batch is rather big, so you may want to bring some help or make several trips. The cheque at the end should make you happy.","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_REW":"That wasn\'t easy, right? But you made it, and I expected nothing less of you. Here is your well-deserved reward.","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST2":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST3":"Deliver to Norton\'s House:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST4":"Deliver to Bill\'s house:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_OBJ":"Timber for the Locals","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_DESC":"Local businesses need lots of timber. It\'s good that the Timber Station is working again. You have to pick up some logs there and haul them to the customers. You may need special equipment for loading and transportation.","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_REW":"Thank you for helping develop our region. Without drivers like yourself, we would\'ve never gotten it done.","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to the Lumber Mill:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_OBJ":"Logs to the Workers!","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_DESC":"The Quarry and the Drilling Site desperately need logs. After the recent rain, the heavy machinery is drowning in mud, so something needs to go under the wheels. Work has stopped while the budget gets wasted. Hurry!","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_REW":"Now we can resume our work, thanks for your help!","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_ST1":"Deliver to the Quarry:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_ST2":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1":"Support Local Rangers","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1_DESC":"Hey, nice to meet ya. Name\'s Mitch. I\'m a forest ranger. Word in town is that you\'re the man for bridge problems. I happen to have a little bridge that could use some repair. You interested?","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Ranger\'s Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1_REW":"Wow, you made short work of that! Your bridge-fixing reputation is well earned, my friend. I\'ll spread the word. Don\'t be surprised if folks with bridge issues start coming out of the woodwork.","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_2":"Of Bridges And Men","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_TSK_2_DESC":"Hey there, bridge-fixin\' man. It\'s Mitch again. Believe it or not, I\'ve got another bridge in need of your expert attention. Can you have a look? I\'d sure appreciate it.","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_2_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Island\'s Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_TSK_2_REW":"I\'m telling you, man, when you fix a bridge, it\'s stronger than when it was first built. It\'s crazy. I wish more people took this much pride in their work. From me and all the forest rangers in Michigan, thank you.","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3":"Ten-Hut","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_DESC":"Greetings. I\'m Captain Smith from the Army Corp of Engineers. We\'d usually use our own guys for this, but, I gotta tell you, your bridge prowess is legendary. We\'ve got one that needs help. Can you show us how it\'s done?","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to Drummond Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to Drummond Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_SUB_3_DESC":"Deliver to Drummond Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_REW":"Well done, civilian. Thanks to your bridge repair, our drivers will be able to travel more quickly to the next bridge repair. You have the thanks of a grateful nation.","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK_DESC":"Hey. I\'m Chris from Dyson. You ever trust somebody and they lose cargo and now you might get fired? I\'m not saying that \'somebody\' is my cousin Cletus, but I\'m not saying it\'s not Cletus. Can you find the lost cargo?","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Lighthouse Keeper:","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK_REW":"That was close. I was already on probation here. Serves me right for trusting a knuckle-dragger like Cletus, right? I owe you big time. Now I can keep paying child support.","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"It\'s Ted from the auto repair place. Some city folk thought it would be nice to get back to nature. Surprise, surprise, they got stuck in the mud. I\'d complain, but I make most of my income off these fools. Can you help?","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to Worker\'s House:","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"You got the car out! I figured you could. Now I\'ll check under the hood and let them know all about the *ahem* very expensive damage they\'ve done to their vehicle. Thanks, pal.","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"Hi. I\'m Karen from the Steel River mayor\'s office. Today\'s shipment for the Main Street Renewal Project came up a few pallets short. Would you be a good citizen and find them and bring them to the construction site?","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Cargo Storage:","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Cargo Storage:","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_REW":"Job well done! On behalf of the Township of Steel River, thank you for your contribution to the Main Street Renewal Project.","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ":"Forged By The Sea","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ_DESC":"Tony again. A little birdie told me that a cargo ship washed ashore not too far from here. Hypothetically, if my employer was interested in that cargo and would pay you to retrieve it, would that spark your interest?","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_VISIT_LOST_SHIP":"Visit Lost Ship","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Abandoned Ship","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ_REW":"It goes without saying that the contents of those crates is of purely sentimental value. Still, if anyone asks, I\'d appreciate if our little enterprise would go...unmentioned, if you get my meaning.","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK":"Tourist Attraction","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_DESC":"Hi sweetie. It\'s Karen again from Steel River Township. With tourist season coming up and all the rain we\'ve had, we\'ve gotta make sure that the road to Hollis Island is in decent shape. Could you check it out for us?","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_VISIT_ZONE":"Visit path Passing","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Hollis Island","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_REW":"Thanks, sweetie. The mayor will be relieved to know that the road is passable. Gotta bring in those tourist dollars. Although Ted the auto repair guy might be disappointed. Oh well.","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK":"The Silent Observer","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK_DESC":"You\'re probably tired of hearing how bad the weather\'s been, but let\'s be honest, it\'s also feathering your nest. One of our observation points went silent in the last storm. Can you head out there and see if it\'s ok?","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Observation","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK_REW":"I\'m glad to hear the observation point\'s okay. That would\'ve been a nightmare to fix with this terrible weather. Hey, you might want to enjoy the view from the ridge out there before the weather gets bad again.","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT_DESC":"This weather, man. We\'re already getting reports that the road to the farm may be washed out from the rain. We need you to get out there right now to check it out before it gets any worse. We\'re all counting on you.","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Reach the Farm","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT_REW":"Nice work getting to the farm. That could not have been easy with this rain. It\'s a huge relief to know the road\'s still open.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01_OBJ":"Georesearch — Starting Point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01":"Data received from a recent survey suggests the largest oil reserves are located further to the west. To confirm that, use a Seismic Vibrator Addon not far from the Quarry.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01_1_DESC":"Search and scan starting point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01_OBJ_REW":"If only I had drivers like you in our unit. Here\'s what you\'re owed.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_OBJ":"Georesearch — Triangulation","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02":"As expected, the first scan around the quarry confirms the search is moving in the right direction. The next step would be to perform another full triangulation by finding and scanning two more suitable locations.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_1_DESC":"Search and scan the triangulation point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_2_DESC":"Search and scan the triangulation point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_OBJ_REW":"Once we crunch the numbers on this data we\'ll be able to pin down the location for our next drilling site. I\'m sure we\'ll be eager to enlist your help again soon.","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Oil Rig Restoration","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY":"An old oil rig round here was shut down decades ago because the reserves were too problematic to extract. New tech means we might be able to make it work. Use the Seismic Vibrator to see if the area holds any promise.","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_1_DESC":"Scan area near Old Drilling Site","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Drilling Site:","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_OBJ_REW":"Thank you! I\'m very excited to see if the data points to an exploitable reserve. If it does, there\'s talk of a promotion... for me, of course.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01_OBJ":"Service Hub Recovery","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01":"There\'s a local service hub that was used for vehicle maintenance. It was shut down for lack of demand but we think we can make use of it now. Take fuel from the gas station to the service hub so we can fire it up.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01_OBJ_REW":"Excellent! Looks like the equipment is still in good working order. Shouldn\'t take long before we can get the place working at full capacity.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02_OBJ":"Repair Shop Restock","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02":"Now that the service hub can offer refueling services, it\'s time to set up a small workshop there to allow for proper repairs.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02_OBJ_REW":"Great! Thanks for taking care of that.","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_OBJ":"Waterlogged","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_DESC":"The quarry up north is being slowly flooded by the mountain runoff. That alone is bad enough, but without reinforcement, the extra water could eventually collapse its walls, and that\'s something we\'d rather avoid.","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_REW":"Here\'s to hoping we won\'t have to drain that place again. In the meantime, here\'s your pay.","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Quarry:","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_OBJ":"A Bigger Boat","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_DESC":"The ship repairs aren\'t going as fast as we\'d hoped. The tides are about to rise, so we need to prevent them from pulling the ship off the shore before it\'s ready. If only we had some logs to secure the thing better...","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_REW":"Thanks to you, we\'ve bought us more time to deal with the most critical issues.","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Shipwreck:","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A":"An old communication tower has collapsed and blocked part of the road. Clearing the rubble is going to need some specialized equipment. Can you get it out there?","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Tower:","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A_TSK_REW":"Thank you. We\'ll begin work clearing the debris.","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL":"One of the specialized trucks taking part in the ship\'s recovery operations ran out of gas not far from the shore. It needs to be refueled before it can be used again.","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_TSK_DESK":"Restore DAN 96320","HTRUCK_REFUEL_TRUCK":"DAN 96320","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_TSK_REW":"Wonderful. Nothing worse than having a truck like that die on you in the middle of a big operation! Thanks a lot.","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK":"Off-Roader","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_0_DESC":"Good day to you! We\'ve got a truck that was headed for the old town to the west before it went off the road and ran into a tree. It needs to be repaired and delivered to the service hub. Can you take care of it?","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_DELIVER_DESC":"Restore ZiKZ 5368","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_DELIVER_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_REW":"Much obliged. To tell you the truth, it\'s not the first time that driver has gotten himself into trouble. I suspect he may be drinking again. This may have to be his last job.","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK":"No Good Teens","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_0_DESC":"A bunch of youngsters decided to spend the evening out in the country. Lord knows what they got up to but they ran out of gas and left their truck stranded. Refuel it and tow it to the service hub, would you?","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_REW":"Thank you! I hate to do it but I\'m going to have to call their parents over this one. They could have gotten hurt.","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK_DESC":"With the regional oil rig in working order, the nearby village could prove useful as the new staff quarters. There\'s a lumber mill nearby that probably has some materials still lying around. See what you can find.","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK_REW":"Perfect! We\'ll have a bustling oil community round here in no time. Thank you!","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK":"Oil Sampling","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK_0_DESC":"The rig is back in action and is already putting out its first batch. It\'d be best if the first sample of crude from the Oilrig was evaluated at the factory. Just pull it to the fuel station and we\'ll handle it from there.","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK_REW":"Good work. We\'ll do some analysis on the samples and see if this rig has any chance of being lucrative.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK_0_DESC":"Ever notice you can\'t get a darn signal out here? The old communications tower in the woods could be used to improve comms coverage. Deliver a service trailer to the Southern Tower to perform the necessary repairs.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Southern Tower:","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK_REW":"Thank you. It can get dicey out there in the woods and having a signal could mean the difference between life and death for someone. We\'ll get the tower humming again soon.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK_DESC":"The communications tower used to be a relay between the oil rig and the city to the west. Could prove a useful node for comms to the mainland in the future. I need you to run recon on the tower and check it\'s condition.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK_0_DESC":"Check the Eastern Tower","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK_REW":"I think we can make use of this with a few updates and modifications. Thanks for checking it out.","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"One of the local\'s vehicles got seriously banged up above the old quarry. The owner would be grateful if you can repair it and deliver it to their house.","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_1_DESC":"Restore TUZ 166","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Shack:","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Doesn\'t hurt to do a good deed for your neighbor every now and again. Trouble is, \\"now and again\\" is becoming every darn week with this guy. Anyway, here\'s what you\'re owed.","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT_DESC":"A freighter carrying drilling supplies was washed ashore in the recent storm. This is a major blow to operations so we need to resolve this ASAP. The crew is going to need supplies and equipment for repairs.","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Shipwreck:","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT_REW":"I could do without this kind of headache right now. We\'ve got a shareholders visit coming up and I\'m responsible for making sure they like what they see. Thanks for your help.","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_CNT":"Fuel Restock","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_DESC":"We\'ve got a lot of heavy machinery in operation and those things guzzle gas like a herd of mountain giants. I\'d like to have a reserve of fuel so we don\'t run out. Get on it, will you?","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_CNT_REW":"Great! I suppose I should put up some no smoking signs or something. That sure is a lot of gasoline in one place...","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_DESC":"Now that people are returning to the area, the old fire watch tower is going to be manned again. We need to resupply the tower before the new staff can take their post. Can you get on it?","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Firewatch Tower:","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_CNT_REW":"Great. I know people will feel safer having a guardian angel looking out for them up in those mountains. Thanks for your help.","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY":"Hub Recovery, 1st Stage","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_DESC":"In the center of the map you\'ll see an inactive maintenance station. To get it working again we first have to bring a tank of fuel in for the operations crew and site machinery. I\'d appreciate if you\'d prioritize this.","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_OIL":"Oil Delivery","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_REW":"Beautiful! With the maintenance station operational we can improve services to the whole area. Thanks a lot for taking care of the fuel.","RU_02_02_OILTANK_TARGET_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2":"Hub Recovery, 2nd Stage","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2_DESC":"This could be good for you. We can unlock the area for your vehicle repairs and even a trailer store, but first you\'ll need to deliver the necessary service parts boxes. Take care of that and you\'ll be good to go.","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Unloading Point:","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2_REW":"There you go! A home away from home! We\'ll keep the coffee hot for you, buddy. See you soon.","RU_02_02_RESEARCH":"Geological Exploration","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_DESC":"We\'ve got a contract from a fuel company that would like to conduct a soil survey to assess mineral content. Perform a seismic triangulation using the specified locations.","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_STAGES_DESC":"Explore three points with Seismic Vibrator Module","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_1_DESC":"Search then Scan the North Point","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_2_DESC":"Search then Scan the South Point","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_3_DESC":"Search then Scan the West Point","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_REW":"This is exactly what we need. Thank you. We\'ll send the data on to the fuel company for analysis. Here\'s your pay.","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING":"Radioactive Fossils","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_DESC":"You\'re not planning to start a family, right? We\'ve got several containers that hold some equipment with radioactive components. I need you to move them so we don\'t wind up with any unfortunate accidents.","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_STAGES_DESC":"Pick Up Radioactive Equipment","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_REW":"Can you believe those boxes were just lying around up there? Thanks for your help. Oh, and, uh, if your hair should start falling out or anything, be sure to give me a call.","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY":"Cycle of Cargo","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_DESC":"The local farmers are trying to expand their operations and they\'re all flustered. They need a variety of supplies, and fast. As a reward for helping them out, they\'re offering some money.","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_1_DESC":"Order №1","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_2_DESC":"Order №2","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_3_DESC":"Order №3","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_3_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_REW":"You did good. You\'ll get your promised money.","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY":"Wooden Planks Order","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_DESC":"An order has come through for a large number of wooden planks. Pick up the shipment at the sawmill and take them to the railway station so they can be sent to Norilsk.","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Wooden Planks delivery","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_REW":"Very good. If we keep this up we might become a regular supplier. Thank you.","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY":"Looking Beyond The Horizon","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_DESC":"How do they expect me to do business here? I can\'t even talk to the neighboring territories because there\'s no radio tower! Please, would you take a look at the old tower and see if it can be repaired?","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_1_DESC":"Radar Tower Recovery, stage 1","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Radar Tower:","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Radar Tower:","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_2_DESC":"Radar Tower Recovery, stage 2","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Radar Tower:","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_REW":"Yes! Yes, it worked! At last, I have a signal! Thank you, my friend. Take this.","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY":"Dirty Deeds","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_DESC":"A shipment of oil has been left at the railway station. No one has turned up to transport them to their final destinations so now I have to deal with it, which means you have to deal with it!","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_DESC":"Oil Delivery","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_REW":"My dear driver, if you keep this up, we will become very good friends.","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_OBJ":"East Wind","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_DESC":"We\'ve received a supply request from the local farm for another batch of lumber. You know, winter is coming and all that. Might want to ask around one of the log stations near the village.","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_REW":"We\'re happy so long as the farmers are. Here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_OBJ":"Up And Running","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_DESC":"The company that usually restocks our sawmill is having some logistical issues, again. They won\'t have a spare truck available for a while, and the mill is almost out of materials to work with. Can you help?","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_REW":"The supply is good, and the mill is running again. Well done.","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"The lumber mill is working around the clock to complete an order. It\'s all last minute, which means they didn\'t build up fuel reserves. They\'ll lose power soon if they don\'t get more fuel. Get up there, fast!","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_STAGE_DESC":"","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Because of you, the mill will be able to complete their order, which means a satisfied customer, which means I keep my job. Thank you!","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"It\'s one headache after another today! The lumber mill workers have been working like madmen and they\'ve broken all their saw blades! Get them new equipment immediately!","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_STAGE_DESC":"","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"You\'re a real hero, my friend. I can\'t promise you that I\'ll tell the supervisor of your deeds, but I\'ll probably think of your name while he\'s counting out my bonus! Ha ha ha!","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_CNT":"Rocking And Rolling","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_START_CNT_DESC":"You are a good driver, true, but are you an exceptional driver? Yes? Then prove it to me. There are five points. Reach them all in sequence. The faster you do it, the higher the reward. Understand?","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_START_CNT_STAGES_DESC":"Check In At All Points","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_1_DESC":"Check in at Point 1","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_2_DESC":"Check in at Point 2","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_3_DESC":"Check in at Point 3","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_4_DESC":"Check in at Point 4","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_5_DESC":"Check in at Point 5","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_CNT_REW":"Ha ha! Yes! Excellent! Here, take this. You earned it.","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT":"Swimming And Sinking","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT_DESC":"A person\'s reputation is everything. How would you like to boost yours? There are five points on the map. Pass all of them, in sequence, and I will reward you. The faster you go, the more you get. You get me? Good.","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT_STAGES_DESC":"Check In At All Points","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_1_DESC":"Check in at Point A","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_2_DESC":"Check in at Point B","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_3_DESC":"Check in at Point C","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_4_DESC":"Check in at Point D","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_5_DESC":"Check in at Point E","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_6_DESC":"Check in at Point F","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT_REW":"Very good! You\'ve proven yourself to be a driver of the highest order. Here is your reward.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"Dostoyevsky said there is nothing more positive than bread. I say, there is nothing worse than a truck full of glorious bread that is stuck in the miserable river! Get it out! And bring it to the railway station!","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_01_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Hangar:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Hangar:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"Thank you. I may now wipe the tears from my eyes just as a man sweeps crumbs from his table. They don\'t call me Vladimir Gluten for nothing!","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TSK_DESC":"One of my drivers lost control of his truck and got it stuck in the swamp! Please get it out and deliver it to the garage while I take care of this incompetence-induced migraine.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TSK_REW":"At last! Someone capable of doing their job! Here is your pay, my friend.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TSK_DESC":"What\'s wrong with people! No wonder insurance premiums are so high in this town. A villager damaged his vehicle and then, of course, abandoned it. Please find it and take it to the overpass at the service station.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Station:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Station:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TSK_REW":"Thank you. I appreciate your help. Ever think of starting a driving school around here? The locals certainly need it!","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TSK_DESC":"A teenager decided to \\"borrow\\" his father\'s car and managed to drown it in a swamp. I am a friend of his father and I would appreciate it if you could pull the vehicle out and take it to the owner\'s house.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the House:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TSK_REW":"That boy is so spoiled. No discipline! It probably won\'t be long before he gets himself into trouble again. Thank you for your help.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TSK_DESC":"One of the farm\'s trucks got stuck in the swamp while making a delivery. Can you pull it out and take it to the farm?","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TSK_REW":"Good work! I bet it would\'ve been a while until we could fish this one out from that swamp if not for you.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_DESC":"One of our oil tanks ended up in deep water on its way to the gas station. Can you wade in there and retrieve it then transport it home?","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_STAGE_DESC":"Saving Private Oiltank","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TSK_REW":"Very good. Thank you for your service.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_DESC":"Pavel has been waiting excitedly all night for his shipment of bricks, like a boy waiting for Santa Claus. Sadly, the driver plowed off the road and lost the cargo. Pavel\'s fate is now in your hands.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_ZONE_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_TSK_REW":"Bravo! I wish I could have seen Pavel\'s little face when you pulled up outside his house. Sadly, he quickly realized he forgot to order cement. Anyway, you did your job so here\'s your pay.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TSK_DESC":"How do I cope with all these lost vehicles you ask? I don\'t. At my last check-up, I burst the blood pressure monitor. My only hope is for you to find the lost trailer and take it to the sawmill\'s parking.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TSK_REW":"Thank you. It\'s a drop of water in the ocean but I\'ll take what I can get.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_DESC":"Am I being pranked? Seriously. Another shipment of bricks has been lost on its way to the warehouse. If I was a betting man I\'d say it was sabotage. Get out there, find me that cargo and get it to the warehouse!","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_ZONE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_TSK_REW":"Thank you. You are the only thing between me and an aneurysm right now!","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_DESC":"The tales get taller and taller. I now, apparently, have a pallet of bricks sat under a bridge because the residents \\"accidentally dropped\\" them over the side. Get me those bricks!","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Homestead:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Homestead:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_TSK_REW":"All of them? Excellent. Here is your deserved reward.","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TSK_DESC":"Two weeks ago a truck was found abandoned in the water. No one has come to collect it and the waiting period has expired so it\'s officially mine. Please get it repaired and refuelled as soon as possible.","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_STAGE_DESC":"Restore Voron AE-4380","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore Voron AE-4380","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TSK_REW":"Excellent. This will make the perfect anniversary gift for my wife. Thank you!","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TSK_DESC":"You would not believe what people lose around here. What\'s that? Their minds! Ha ha! Yes. Yes, perhaps. But no. There is a car at the bottom of the water that needs to be repaired and refuelled. Please help.","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TSK_REW":"Well done! Well done, indeed. It will take some time for the seats to dry out before I can use it but when they do, I shall cruise down these country lanes in style. Thank you!","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TSK_DESC":"Nope. It\'s broken and won\'t budge. I think I would have more chance pulling the mythical sword from the mythical stone! But first we need to repair this vehicle. Could you help us?","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_STAGE_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TSK_REW":"Finally it runs again! I\'m impressed!","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TSK_DESC":"Alexander, the local inventor, decided to try and increase speed and efficiency of his truck with some \\"simple\\" modifications. Upon testing it he ploughed off the road and blew the engine. Would you mind taking a look?","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Restore Tayga 6436","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore Tayga 6436","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TSK_REW":"I\'ve told him a thousand times, if it isn\'t broken then you don\'t need to fix it! He never listens. Ah, well.","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_OBJ":"Geological Research","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_DESC":"There used to be an oil drilling operation here but it was abandoned when extraction became difficult. We believe there may still be reserves that have not been fully exploited. Can you investigate?","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_0_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_0_0_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_0_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_1_DESC":"Scan Triangulation Point Alpha","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_2_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_3_DESC":"Scan Triangulation Point Gamma","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_REW":"My goodness, you have been busy! If driving doesn\'t work out then you could have a promising career as a surveyor!","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_OBJ":"Key Buildings Restoration","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_DESC":"There is a neglected Warehouse in Zimnegorsk that has been abandoned for many years. We have decided to take over ownership and put it to use. Can you deliver the materials we need to begin renovations?","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_REW":"Well done. My men will get to work restoring the facility. Thank you for your time.","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Pier Recovery","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_DESC":"We\'d like to restore a pier in the Zimnegorsk town to enable us to bring shipments in by boat. Can you take materials to the site so the crew can get to work?","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_REW":"Thank you! It\'ll be nice to watch the boats come in again.","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Equipment Delivery","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_DESC":"We\'ve been approved for a new drilling operation nearby. We want to get construction of the rig started as soon as possible. Please transport the necessary equipment there in good time.","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_REW":"You handled that well. It\'s not easy to find professional drivers at such short notice. We thank you.","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Derrick Delivery","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_DESC":"I have an urgent contract for you. We are three days behind schedule which means I\'m getting phone calls from management every thirty minutes. I need an oil rig delivered to the following location, immediately!","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_REW":"Good. Very good. I can\'t get back lost time but at least we\'re moving now. Thank you.","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_OBJ":"Documentary Film","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_DESC":"It seems an American crowdfunding project has raised the money to make a documentary about Zimnegorsk. What is the world coming to? The cameraman wants to get some shots in the mountain. Can you get him up there?","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_DESC_0":"Visit the Survey Point","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_REW":"He was happy? Good. Well, I must admit, I\'m excited to see the documentary now.","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_OBJ":"Lost Instruments","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_DESC":"The renovation of the Zimnegorsk pier was going beautifully, until a shipment of essential equipment was lost in transit. Please find this equipment and deliver it to the pier.","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_DESC_0":"Deliver to the Pier:","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_REW":"You found it! Wonderful. My boss will be very happy indeed. Thank you.","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_DESC":"Deliver some materials from Quarry, that will let us recover bridge in Zimnegorsk.","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_DESC1":"Deliver to Bridge:","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_REW":"Thanks for your help!","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_OBJ":"Supply and demand","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_DESC":"Now that we\'re set here for the long haul, we\'re considering repurposing some of the old factories here to suit our current needs. Which means we could use some help getting them fixed and fully stocked.","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_REW":"Well done, that should give us a plenty of space for our extra vehicles, a well as the supplies we need to keep them running.","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_OBJ":"Test Flight","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_DESC":"The old sawmill seems to be in a decent shape, all things considered. With just a bit of work we should be able to get it to work again, and to test our progress we will need a bit of raw materials of decent quality.","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_REW":"That\'s much better than what we\'ve had lying around here. Should do nicely.","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_DESC":"We have a plan to revive an old Sawmill here in Zimnegorsk. In order to achieve this we will need various construction materials and equipment. Can you get these safely delivered to us?","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_REW":"I was just a boy when this place was shut down. I used to collect the sawdust for my guinea pig. The smell was divine. Brings back fond memories. Good to see it being brought back to life.","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_DESC":"I have a straightforward assignment for you, my friend. Take a shipment of metal from factory to warehouse. What do you say?","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_REW":"Very good. A job well done.","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_OBJ":"Abandoned Car","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_DESC":"A drunken local decided to go for a drive into the wilderness. He claims that he was abducted by aliens, experimented on and then returned to his bed. He\'d be grateful if you could find his car.","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_REW":"Aliens. Honestly. Does he expect me to buy that? If he loses his car again he\'s on his own!","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_OBJ":"Truck Recovery","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_DESC":"You seem to be a very resourceful person. There\'s an abandoned truck in the north swamp that has been there for some time. Maybe you could fix it and find a use for it?","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_STG_0_DESC":"Restore Step 310Е","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_STG_0_0_DESC":"Restore Step 310Е","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_REW":"Not bad. You did a good job restoring it. I look forward to seeing you behind the wheel of your new ride!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_DESC":"The pier is almost finished but it seems half the wood shipment they received was rotten. They need more wood, fast!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_REW":"Thank you, my friend. Strong boards under foot will give those sailors confidence in our town. I appreciate the speed at which you handled this.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_DESC":"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I don\'t know, but I hope you can chuck a lot of it over to the warehouse right away!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_REW":"Good job mate! That was fast, here\'s your reward!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_DESC":"If Alexander was not my cousin I would have fired him a long time ago. He lost a load of bags with cement in the river and now I have to deal with it. Either get them back or replace them. I don\'t care which.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_REW":"Thank you. I apologise for my speech earlier. My family troubles are not yours to bear.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_DESC":"The Oilfield lacks metal, and I do not. This is what you call supply and demand. You are the bridge between us. Get this metal to it\'s buyer as fast as possible and you will be rewarded well.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_REW":"I see you understand business well. I made a handsome profit on that order. Here is your fee.","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ":"Fire In A Barrel","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ_DESC":"Hello there! Our client, a port service, wants us to deliver a shipment of fuel. Take the barrels, drive to the port and show me you are worth the expense.","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ_REW":"Well, ain\'t you Mr King of the Road. Not bad at all. It ain\'t easy living this far north but there\'s plenty of work for a gritty driver like you.","US_02_01_PIPELINE_OBJ":"Pipeline Construction","US_02_01_PIPELINE_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve got an urgent contract for you. Local fuel company is building a pipeline and they just hired us as a subcontractor. Deliver everything they need, fast.","US_02_01_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline:","US_02_01_PIPELINE_OBJ_REW":"Not too shabby! You\'re as fast as an avalanche! I hope you won\'t get caught in a real one though. That would suck.","US_02_01_DISASS_OBJ":"Floating Drill","US_02_01_DISASS_OBJ_DESC":"Black Bird needs your help, old pal! We\'re removing the floating oil derrick and we need you deliver the Rig Salvage Trailer to the Port.","US_02_01_DISASS_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_01_DISASS_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_DISASS_OBJ_REW":"Black Bird is one hundred percent satisfied! Maybe now my boss will get off my back. That\'s all... for now.","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_OBJ":"Port Polar Base Supply","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve got a bunch of brainiac scientist fellas that get their kicks drilling holes in the ice. They happen to be big customers of ours so we like having them around. They ask for something, you deliver. You dig?","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_REW":"You managed to keep those egg heads happy, for now. Thanks a lot.","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Supplies","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Looks like you\'re the chosen one! Chosen to save the day and deliver materials to a drilling site, that is! I used to do it all myself in my younger days but my body ain\'t what it used to be. Well, get going!","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Good to know I\'ve got someone I can trust to get things done. Thanks, partner.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Oil Delivery","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_DESC":"Oil is the lifeblood of our economy round here. Nothing moves without it. Get up behind that wheel and haul the latest shipment to its destination and I\'ll make sure you\'re paid well.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Site:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"The mighty heart of this country is beating because of your actions. Pat yourself on the back and break out the sparklers.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_OBJ":"Mountain Delivery","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_OBJ_DESC":"I do love looking up at those beautiful mountains. Driving up there? Now, that\'s a whole different ball game. I need you to ship these pallets to the Service Hub among the peaks. Take it easy out there.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_OBJ_REW":"Well you must be real surefooted. Navigating those mountains ain\'t easy. Great work.","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Parts Delivery","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve dismantled a floating oil derrick and all the spare parts are packed into boxes. Take them to the Factory, where our guys will decide what to do with them.","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Job well done! Here\'s your reward.","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ":"Timber!","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Hi! The sawmill near the port is running out of wood, so we\'ll pay to have some delivered.","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Awesome job, thanks for your help.","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_TSK":"Rocks Fall","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_DESC":"The local authorities are looking for folks willing to volunteer to help with a nasty rockslide. The job is well paid. The request is urgent, so get to it!","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Rocks Fall:","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_TSK_REW":"We couldn\'t have handled that without volunteers like you. Here\'s your well earned reward.","US_02_01_ROCK_TSK":"Rock Obstacle","US_02_01_ROCK_DESC":"Looks like we\'ve got another rockslide on our hands. Time for you to suit up and save the day, buddy. A shipment of cargo needs delivering to the site of the rockslide to help with clean-up.","US_02_01_ROCK_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Rock Obstacle:","US_02_01_ROCK_TSK_REW":"You\'re really making a name for yourself around here, driver. I feel safer just knowing you\'re in town.","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_TSK":"Stone Fall","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_DESC":"We\'re having a season of rockslides! Another one has stirred things up and needs dealing with right away. Can you roll up your sleeves and lend a hand getting it cleared up?","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Stone Fall:","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_TSK_REW":"That\'s everything we need to get this mess cleaned up. Thanks again. Here\'s what you\'re owed.","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_DESC":"Name\'s Pete. I work for a transport company called Alaskan Transit. We\'ve had an unfortunate accident that\'s resulted in containers of tools stuck in the river. Can you locate them and get them to the base?","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_TSK_REW":"I don\'t know what we\'d have done without these tools. Needless to say it would have been costly. Thanks for saving our behinds.","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TSK_DESC":"Local radio tower was due a shipment of fuel to keep it running. Seems the oil tank ran into trouble and is now lost. Can you find it and get it to the Radio Tower? Lord knows they need it.","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TRAILER_TSK":"Deliver to the Radio Tower:","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TSK_REW":"One problem solved, many more still on the table. Your help is appreciated as always.","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_TSK_DESC":"Your skills come highly recommended. Our scientists have spotted an abandoned radio station but the path is quite treacherous. Can you find a safe route up there?","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_ZONE_DESC":"Reach the Radio Station","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_TSK_REW":"You\'ve certainly lived up to your reputation. Your contributions to science will not be forgotten.","US_02_01_HUMMER_TSK_DESC":"Mark Pearson, the owner of a local factory, has gone and lost his car... again. His Hummer fell down from a bridge due to... driver error. See if you can find the car and take it to a nearby parking lot.","US_02_01_HUMMER_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_01_HUMMER_TSK_REW":"Mark is very grateful. He\'d appreciate it if you\'d keep tales of the lost Hummer to yourself. Here\'s your reward.","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_TSK_DESC":"Hello. Name\'s Robert. A big, fancy new pipeline is being built in the area. One of the subcontractors operating logistics has lost a section of pipe. We need a driver that can help with the recovery.","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to Drilling Site:","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_TSK_REW":"You found it? Excellent! It would have taken weeks to get a replacement ordered. Thank you!","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"So, we\'ve got a gas station that needs gas. Big surprise there. I need you to get a tank of oil over there. Deadline was, of course, the day before yesterday, so get on with it!","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TRAILER_DESC":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TSK_REW":"You did good. Sadly, I\'m due an ear bashing from my boss for late delivery. I never wanted this job. It\'s a family business and there was a lot of pressure from... You don\'t want to hear this. Here\'s your pay.","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TSK_DESC":"We\'ve got an emergency. A group of scientists went into the mountains on an expedition and they must have gotten trapped after the storm. There\'s a reward for anyone that can find and return them safely.","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Camp:","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TSK_REW":"Thank you! Word has already spread about what you did. The local radio and TV reporters have started showing up so don\'t be surprised if you\'re asked to do an interview!","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TSK_DESC":"Our factory has lost a trailer. This is real bad news. The cargo has the potential to cause some pretty nasty damage to the environment so we need it found and retrieved ASAP. Can you do it?","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TRAILER_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TSK_REW":"I wish I could say that this was a rare incident but with terrain like this it happens a lot more than I would like. Drivers need to be more careful. Thanks for taking care of this.","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_TSK_DESC":"Well hi there! Any chance of a ride? Need to get to a trailer park to handle some, uh... business, but I can\'t remember where it is. I have a general idea of the location but nothing concrete. What do you say?","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_ZONE_DESC":"Reach the Trailer Park","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_TSK_REW":"I thought I was done for! I was hangin\' by a thread out there until you came along. You\'re my saviour! Take care now.","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_TSK_DESC":"Local authorities just sent out a request for volunteers to take care of some downed powerlines. Sounds pretty serious. They\'ll cover the cost and make it worth your while.","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_A_DESC":"Check Powerline A","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_B_DESC":"Check Powerline B","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_C_DESC":"Check Powerline C","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_D_DESC":"Check Powerline D","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_TSK_REW":"Thank you for your report. We\'re going to get to work right away. Here\'s your reward.","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_TSK_DESC":"Today is not my day. First I get attacked by a bear while I was crossing the river, and then, when I escape, I realize I\'ve lost all my cargo! They must be in the river. Can you go get them for me?","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the House:","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_TSK_REW":"Thank you! I hope that bear doesn\'t come back. He was mean, real mean.","US_02_01_ABANDONED_SUPPLIES_TSK_DESC":"We run a Polar Base facility near here. We\'ve been struggling to get shipments in lately because of the weather. We had to ditch a shipment just to make it through. We need a subcontractor that can handle the conditions.","US_02_01_ABANDONED_TRAILER_SUPPLIES_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_ABANDONED_SUPPLIES_TSK_REW":"Excellent job! Our work can continue without interruption now. Much appreciated.","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_TSK":"Bridge Repair","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_DESC":"Local authorities need a driver. They\'ve got a metal bridge that needs some serious renovations. You\'ll need to haul the necessary supplies out there so work can begin. Pay looks good.","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Metal Bridge:","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_TSK_REW":"People underestimate the value of a good bridge. Not me. Not you.","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TSK_DESC":"Hey, name\'s Mitch. People round here say a lot of good things about you. I need your services. A local fella named Noah left town with his family a few months back and they abandoned their truck. Can you get it to me?","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the House On The Hill:","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TSK_REW":"This truck is going to make a big difference when I put it to work on my farm. Thanks so much.","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_CNT_DESC":"People say you\'re one of the best drivers around. Maybe. Maybe not. How \'bout a little challenge to see if you can beat my record?","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_1_DESC":"Reach Point A","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_2_DESC":"Reach Point B","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_3_DESC":"Reach Point C","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_4_DESC":"Reach Point D","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_5_DESC":"Reach Point E","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_CNT_REW":"Dang! You beat me. Well, fair\'s fair. You won so I\'m tipping my hat to you.","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_CNT_DESC":"Heard you\'ve got some nerve, pal. Let\'s check it out. Reach every point marked on the map and I\'ll admit defeat. Do you accept my challenge or you gonna chicken out?","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_A_DESC":"Reach Point 01","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_B_DESC":"Reach Point 02","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_C_DESC":"Reach Point 03","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_D_DESC":"Reach Point 04","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_CNT_REW":"No way! You must have cheated! No one breaks my record!... I... I\'m sorry. I shouldn\'t have said that. You won, but you ain\'t seen the last of me. I\'m gonna get that record back. You watch.","US_02_01_FLAGS_CNT_DESC":"Name\'s Alex. Not a soul in this town can beat my record around this course. You see those flags? Think you can get to all of \'em before nightfall?","US_02_01_FLAGS_1_DESC":"Reach Flag 01","US_02_01_FLAGS_2_DESC":"Reach Flag 02","US_02_01_FLAGS_3_DESC":"Reach Flag 03","US_02_01_FLAGS_CNT_REW":"Well slap me and call me a two-toed flamingo, you did it! Congratulations. Looks like you and I are the only real drivers in this town.","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CNT_DESC":"Hi there! Name\'s Chuck. I\'m currently a local resident but since the earthquake we decided this place isn\'t for us. It\'s just too dangerous. We\'ve booked passage on a ship. Can you transport our things to the port?","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to Port:","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CNT_REW":"I\'m truly grateful. Here. I know it\'s not much but it\'s all I can spare. Thanks again.","US_02_02_DISASS_OBJ":"Drill Rig Disassembly","US_02_02_DISASS_OBJ_DESC":"We\'re in the process of disassembling the drilling platforms and we need some extra gear. We need you to transport the necessary equipment. I\'ll mark the locations on your map.","US_02_02_DISASS_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_02_DISASS_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_02_DISASS_OBJ_REW":"Great! Efficient and timely. Can\'t ask for more than that!","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Lumber Mill Supplies","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"I am mr. Blade. I don\'t normally work with outsiders but I don\'t have much choice at this point. Our lumber mills are in desperate need of supplies. If you can help me, I\'ll pay a fair price.","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Thank you. We appreciate your work getting those supplies to the mills.","US_02_02_PIPELINE_OBJ":"Mountain Pipeline Building","US_02_02_PIPELINE_OBJ_DESC":"Good news for local residents! We\'re installing a shiny new oil pipeline! We need you to get the pipes and some spare parts to the construction site. We\'ll be milking the land dry in no time!","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_OBJ_REW":"He who owns the oil turns the world! Am I right? Ha ha! Here\'s your pay.","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_OBJ":"Mountain Maze","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_DESC":"You know what I love most about this job? Chatting with decent folks like yourself. Sadly, duty calls! Miners on the mountain polar base need materials. Deliver it and you\'ll be rewarded for your time.","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_REW":"Great! Now, where were we? What\'s that? You have to be somewhere? Oh. Well, I guess I\'ll just watch this paint dry till you\'re back.","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_OBJ":"On The Top Of The World","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Up on that mountain is a little truck stop with a big heart. It\'s so popular with truckers that they just ran completely out of supplies! If you don\'t get some provisions up there soon there may be a truckers revolt!","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Truck Stop:","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Truck Stop:","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Truck Stop:","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Thank you! You\'re quite the mountaineer!","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Village Delivery","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"This one\'s urgent. Priority one! Mr. Jackson, our district manager, has a contract with a mountain settlement to deliver a shipment of consumables right away. He\'s probably making a fortune off them. Wouldn\'t want to lose that customer!","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Phew! Thanks for taking care of that. Mr. Jackson is not a pretty sight when he\'s mad!","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_OBJ":"Drilling Equipment","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve just finished disassembling a drill rig and we want it shipped over to another drilling station to be stocked. Once you arrive, you should find new contracts waiting for you.","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_OBJ_REW":"Good, clean work. I\'m impressed. Here\'s your pay.","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"More Parts","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"In the meantime, we\'ll get the rest of the oil derrick squared away. Take these boxes to the factory and we\'ll see to it that you\'re rewarded.","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Oh thanks for your neatness with all these cargoes. Let\'s go up to next one.","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ":"It\'s a long way to the top","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Remember how you helped get the sawmill started up in the mountains? We need more logs, our initial supply is running out.","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Superb, that was fast! Here\'s your pay.","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_TSK":"Restoring The Bridge","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_DESC":"Greetings, friend. It\'s Singing Axe. Sorry to disturb you, but a local bridge near our village has collapsed. We\'re trying to restore it but we lack drivers who can supply the materials. We could really use your help.","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to Broken Bridge:","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_2_DESC":"Deliver to Broken Bridge:","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_TSK_REW":"Thank you for helping our tribe. If only there were more people like you.","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_TSK":"Fallen Trees","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_TSK_DESC":"Fallen Trees","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Trees:","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_TSK_REW":"Thank you for your services, driver. The town appreciates your hard work.","US_02_02_SERVICE_CONVOY_TSK_DESC":"Hi. I\'m Bennet from Alaska Silver Extraction. The service trailer in our convoy is stuck in some deep mud. We\'re in dire need of help to get it unstuck. We\'re happy to pay the going rates.","US_02_02_SERVICE_CONVOY_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_02_SERVICE_CONVOY_TSK_REW":"We certainly lucked out when we met you! Thanks for getting us back on the road.","US_02_02_BRICKS_ON_RIVER_TSK_DESC":"Hey! I need help. I had an accident near the river. I was transporting a batch of bricks to a warehouse and they slid off into the water. I need help finding and delivering them to their destination.","US_02_02_BRICKS_ON_RIVER_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_02_BRICKS_ON_RIVER_TSK_REW":"Thank the Lord. You just saved me from having to pay a big fine. Take this.","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_TSK_DESC":"I\'m George, the foreman on the Lumber Mill. We need help with our workhorse, and by that I mean Caterpillar 745C. It\'s taken quite a beating over the years. Think you can repair it and get it to the sawmill?","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_REP_DESC":"Restore the Caterpillar 745C","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_TSK_REW":"Good as new! Well, almost. We\'ll certainly get a good few years more out of this thing. Here\'s your pay!","US_02_02_ENVIRONMENTAL_ISSUE_DESC":"I\'m Bob Fletcher, local environmentalist. I\'m concerned about the construction of the new pipeline. Can you help me and my team get to it so we can perform a survey and make sure everything is above board?","US_02_02_ENVIRONMENTAL_ISSUE_ZONE_DESC":"Deliver to the Research Zone:","US_02_02_ENVIRONMENTAL_ISSUE_TSK_REW":"Perfect! We\'ll gather the data and compile a report. Here, this is for you.","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_CNT":"River Contest","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_CNT_DESC":"I\'m Nick Green. I\'m with the Coast Guard. People get lost all too often round here so we leave emergency supply crates dotted around the landscape. Yesterday\'s storm may have dislodged them. Can you take a look?","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_1_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_2_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_3_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_4_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_5_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_CNT_REW":"Thank you. I\'ve got a lot of responsibilities and almost no resources. You\'ve really made a difference.","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_CNT_DESC":"You\'re a pretty good driver, but are you the best? How \'bout a little contest? Climb up the mud from that landslide, all the way to the top, and then go down as quickly as possible. See if you can break my record.","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_1_DESC":"Go to the Target","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_2_DESC":"Go Back","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_CNT_REW":"How\'d you do that? Man, that was fast! Can\'t believe you took my title. Don\'t get cocky. I intend to win it back.","US_02_03_DISASS_OBJ":"Drill Disassembly","US_02_03_DISASS_OBJ_DESC":"Bob here. We\'re in the middle of tearing down one of our oil platforms so we gotta get the drill airlifted out of here. Give us a hand.","US_02_03_DISASS_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Airdrome:","US_02_03_DISASS_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_03_DISASS_OBJ_REW":"Much appreciated. Between you and me, I\'m a little sad to see Lucille leave, but I guess she\'s needed elsewhere. That\'s what I called the platform, Lucille. It\'s lonely out here.","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Stuff Delivery","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Hey, I\'m Peter from Morrison Mining. There\'s a new set of drills ready to be shipped to our site. Our guys are already there and waiting for it, so I need you to get over to the site.","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"It\'s good to know I can depend on you. With the drills delivered, the guys at the site tell me we could get the job done ahead of schedule. It\'s much appreciated, buddy.","US_02_03_MAZUT_OBJ":"Oil Barrels Delivery","US_02_03_MAZUT_OBJ_DESC":"We got a big ol\' bird flying in to the local airport, packed with cargo. We\'re ready to handle the goods but we need someone to get a shipment of fuel up there so we can turn the plane around as soon as it\'s unloaded.","US_02_03_MAZUT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Airdrome:","US_02_03_MAZUT_OBJ_REW":"Great work. Gotta keep the cogs turning, you know? Time is money.","US_02_03_PIPELINE_OBJ":"Valley Pipeline Building","US_02_03_PIPELINE_OBJ_DESC":"The pipeline\'s starting to come together, but there\'s still much to do. There\'s another segment we\'re going to need some help with. You know the drill. Bring the materials to the site, and we\'ll handle the rest.","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_5_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_OBJ_REW":"I got word that all the materials have been delivered and we can proceed to the next pipeline segment. Nicely done.","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_OBJ":"Valley Polar Base Research","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_DESC":"Greetings. One of our research teams is running low on supplies. Sadly, none of our vehicles are available at the moment, which is why we have no choice but to turn to freelancers. Interested in some extra work?","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_5_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_REW":"The research team radioed in that everything was delivered. Thanks for your co-operation.","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Town Supplies","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"We have a situation here. The locals are having issues with their water supply. They can fix the issue, but they require some replacement parts and other materials. The sooner you can get on this, the better.","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Not a moment too soon. It might take them a bit of time to get the water running again, but we did our part. Thank you.","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_OBJ":"Supply Crates","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_OBJ_DESC":"The winter\'s been particularly harsh this year, so we\'ve got a shipment of emergency supplies for the local town and local lumber mill. Just basics like medicine and food in case the roads get cut off again.","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_OBJ_REW":"That\'s great. Got to be prepared for the worst out here or you could find yourself in real trouble. Thanks a lot.","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"From Water To The Land","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"We hauled parts of a neighbouring drilling platform onto land and packed them into boxes. Please take them to a factory nearby.","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Nicely done mate! The next challenge is waiting already.","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ":"Airdrome logging","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Trees are still being cut near the airdrome. As many logs as possible should be hauled to the local sawmill. Get ready, bring your friends, it\'s a long road ahead.","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Excellent! Here, take your reward, you deserve it.","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_03_REPAIR_THE_BRIDGE_DESC":"Hey there, you have a moment? A bridge not far from here got torn into pieces by the recent earthquake. Could you help us put the old thing back together?","US_02_03_REPAIR_THE_BRIDGE_CARGO":"Deliver to the Bridge:","US_02_03_REPAIR_THE_BRIDGE_TSK_REW":"Not too shabby, my friend. Let\'s hope it lasts. Thanks for your time.","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_DESC":"Seems like the last earthquake took out quite a few old bridges around these parts. This one never was all that reliable to begin with, but now it\'s nothing but a pile of planks. Give us a hand here, will ya?","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_1":"Deliver to the Long Bridge:","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_2":"Deliver to the Long Bridge:","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_TSK_REW":"Much better. Don\'t have to worry about it rattling and creaking under your wheels anymore! Well done.","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_DESC":"That last earthquake left quite an impact on the whole region. Case in point, the old tunnel\'s now blocked by rubble. I was gearing up to get in touch and ask you for help, but now that you\'re here...","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_CARGO_1":"Deliver to the Blocked Tunnel:","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_CARGO_2":"Deliver to the Blocked Tunnel:","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_TSK_REW":"We\'re kind of short on folks with trucks big enough to be of much use with things like this. Goodness knows how long it would\'ve taken us to get this done on our own.","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_DESC":"Seems like our airfield crew managed to get our tow truck stuck in the creek nearby. Usually I\'d just call another one to pull it out, but that\'s the only one we have right now. Think you could give it a try?","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_TSK_REW":"Great! I thought it\'d be easier to get some help here than to pass it up the chain and wait for another truck to arrive, not to mention the paperwork! Thanks for your help.","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_A_TSK":"Search And Rescue","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_TSK_DESC":"You\'re the angel I\'ve been praying for. There\'s a fishing spot on an island nearby, connected to the shore by a small stretch of land. It got flooded over with my car still on the far side. Can you get my car back here?","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_TSK_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_A_TSK_REW":"Oh, thank you so much! I tried getting it back by myself but it kept stalling. No idea what I would\'ve done without your help.","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_TSK_DESC":"Seems like someone\'s tried to tap into our pipeline... again. Security is already on the case but I doubt they\'ll find much. That said, they did leave their unmarked trailer behind. Could you tow it for us?","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_TSK_REW":"Trailer is pretty unremarkable. No VIN number, no nothing. Only way we\'ll catch these thieves is red handed and I don\'t have the manpower to police the whole pipeline.","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK_DESC":"Hey! Help! I was out fishing when the river swelled. I had to run for my life or I\'d have been washed away. I had to abandon my car. Can you get it back for me?","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK_REW":"I can\'t thank you enough. The rivers here can be real treacherous this time of year, but that\'s the first time I\'ve gotten stuck so bad.","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_TSK_DESC":"I\'m Mark. I run the local sawmill. I was thinking of expanding my warehouse, but the issue is that the bricks I ordered didn\'t make it here because of the recent earthquake. Could you fetch them for me?","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_CARGO":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_TSK_REW":"This season\'s been really good to us so far, all things considered, so this little mix-up with the bricks shouldn\'t be much of a setback. Thanks for your help.","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_TSK_DESC":"It\'s a bit of a long story, but I managed to leave my truck\'s engine running overnight. Now I\'m more or less stranded at the boat station without enough gas to start the car. Could you help me out?","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_REP":"Restore Chevrolet CK 1500","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_TSK_REW":"Man, you have no idea how glad I am to see you! It gets real cold here, even indoors, and I\'d been sitting here for quite a while before you showed up. Thanks again.","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_CNT_DESC":"We\'ve got three weather monitoring stations in the area, but we can\'t get any remote readings from them. We should, in theory, be able to get some readings if you can take a service trailer up to them.","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_TARGET":"Check Meteo Point","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_CNT_REW":"Ah, it\'s good to hear they\'re still intact. With that data, we should be able to get some predictions for the upcoming week. We\'d appreciate it if you\'d be able to help us out again in the future.","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT":"Cargo Delivery","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT_DESC":"Bob from Morrison Mining here. We\'ve got a trailer full of tubing that needs delivering to the factory. It\'s not like the guys at the factory don\'t have anything else to do, but I\'d appreciate if you double-time it.","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT_REW":"I wish our guys from logistics were at least half as good as you. Thanks for the hard work.","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT":"Pipeline Repair","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT_DESC":"We\'re supposed to repair one pipeline section right now, so we need to finally get the metal beams we requested weeks ago. Could you give us a hand and fetch them for us?","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline:","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT_REW":"Thank you! I don\'t have to tell you the agony of having a work crew standing around with nothing to do because of some bonehead in logistics!","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT":"Service Hub Reactivation","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_DESC":"So, management gave us the green-light to set up a base of operations in the old service hub here. Help us out with logistics and, in exchange, you can drop by for any repairs you need, any time. Deal?","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_REW":"Alright, that should be everything we need, now we can get this place up and running again. I\'m a man of my word so feel free to drop by whenever you need patching up.","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ":"Far Far Away","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Residents of a remote area in Alaska need logs, their supplies are running out, and the freezing temperatures do not make it any easier. Please hurry, it is important!","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Whew, it\'s about time! Thanks for being quick, we were about to think of a plan B or C.","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse Loading:","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK_DESC":"Hi. Name\'s Albert. I\'m with the Rescue Service. Do you have any idea how many people go off trail and get lost in the mountains? We used to have a lookout point nearby. Could you go and see what kind of shape it\'s in?","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore the Mountain Peak","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK_REW":"Better than I expected. We should set up lights on the communications mast so people can see it from afar. Better have someone posted on lookout for wannabe adventurer types!","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEANING_TSK":"Morrison\'s Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_DESC":"There\'s been an accident involving Morrison miners working in the mountains. No one was hurt, but the loose rocks have blocked the road. Could you help us with clearing the rubble?","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Landslide:","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_REW":"Great! With these supplies we can get to clearing the road immediately. Would\'ve taken us weeks if you hadn\'t shown up.","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK_DESC":"Listen, I have a favor to ask. My dad owns a farm near here. I wanted to bring him some of our old family furniture from my house, but so far everyone\'s afraid the roads are too treacherous. Would you help us out?","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Boat Station:","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK_REW":"You\'re a godsend, man. I know it might sound sentimental, but a lot of this stuff is really important to him, even if it\'s just furniture. Thanks a lot for your help.","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK":"Old Mack And Drowned Car","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK_DESC":"Interested in a small side gig? A hunter managed to run his truck into the swamp while chasing a moose. We\'d send a tow truck but they\'re all out on other jobs. You interested?","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK_REW":"Thanks a lot for helping out. We\'ve really got our hands full this season so anytime you\'re free to help carry the load we\'d be grateful. I\'ll let you know when something comes up.","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_DESC":"Got word from one of my men about a bridge on one of the regular routes here that\'s been on its last legs for a while now. Could you get us a shipment of planks so we can take a crack at fixing it?","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bridge:","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_REW":"Yikes! I had no idea things were that bad. We\'re darn lucky no one was on it when it collapsed! The planks you brought in will help us reconstruct the bridge and get it working again soon. Thank you!","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK_DESC":"Hey! It\'s Mike, Chief Engineer at Morrison Mining. To cut a long story very short, we need supplies. I\'d just order them through our logistics, but it\'d take too long for them to get here. How \'bout giving us a hand?","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Engineer\'s House:","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK_REW":"Not a moment too soon. I\'ll make sure to mention your name to anyone looking for transport services.","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK_DESC":"Hey! It\'s Peter from Morrison\'s. I\'m at our warehouse right now. We\'re sitting in the dark here! No power throughout the entire facility. A power pole must have fallen down somewhere. You got time to check it out?","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Eletric Pole:","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK_REW":"Let there be light! Finally. Thanks for your help. Who knows how long it would\'ve taken them to fix the power if not for you. We should really get these old poles replaced soon.","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK":"Moving The Stock","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_DESC":"We\'re moving some of our stock to a new plant and could use some help. Our local trucks are on it already, but we could use an extra pair of hands for some of the remaining items.","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_REW":"Excellent! We can now begin operations at the new plant. Much appreciated.","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Howdy. Name\'s Pete. I\'m with the Weather Service. We need you to take our expedition vehicle to a site not far from here. The car\'s full of precisely tuned gear, so don\'t rock it around too much. Got it?","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Boat Station:","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Nicely done. The vehicle\'s in place and everything inside seems to be operating as expected. Keep up the good work.","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_OBJ":"Uplink","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_01":"A base station in this region could be a viable asset for our drilling operations in this region. Restoring it might be tricky, but we\'re sure you\'ve handled things like this before.","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_OBJ_REW":"The supplies are in place, and the repairs are already underway. Brilliant.","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Base Station:","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Base Station:","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_OBJ":"Datamining","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_01":"The abandoned mine nearby was at some point used as a testbed for testing experimental mining tech. While the tech is now outdated, the local authorities would still like to have a look at the documents sealed there.","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_OBJ_REW":"Well done. The mine is being cleared as we speak, and hopefully, whatever documents were left down there would still be salvageable. Thanks for your help.","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Abandoned Mines:","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_OBJ":"Pathfinder","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_01":"The road we\'re using to reach this area now isn\'t well-suited for trucks, but there is another road heading off from the village to the North. We need you to check if it\'s more accessible than our current path.","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_OBJ_REW":"Looks like this road might not be worth the effort. We“ll stick to using the old one for now. Still, thanks for taking the time to check it.","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_01_DESC":"Reach the Northern Road","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_OBJ":"Loud and clear","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_DESC":"With the base station restored, it might be a good idea to keep a stock of replacement parts somewhere nearby. We\'ve cleaned up some space at the local lumber yard, it should be a safe enough storage for our equipment.","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_REW":"Thank you. That should be more than plenty for minor repairs on the station itself and our vehicles if the need arises.","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Lumber Yard:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_TIME_OBJ":"Order Master Supreme","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Hey there, friend! Glad you dropped by. Got a whole bunch of orders while you were gone, and little time to do them. Can you pick them all in one go? And if you can recruit some help, all the better.","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Oh my oh my. Can\'t remember anyone hauling that much cargo in one trip before. Alaska won\'t forget you!","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST2":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST3":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST4":"Deliver to the Stock Loading:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST5":"Deliver to the Warehouse Loading:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST6":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST7":"Deliver to the Oil Rig Service Site:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST8":"Deliver to the Airdrome:","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ":"Cargopocalypse","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_DESC":"What a surprise! Since you\'re here anyway, how about earning some extra cash? All you need to do is to deliver about three times the norm in one go. Though, if you do recruit some help, you should be done in no time.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_REW":"You\'re an amazing driver, you know that? That said, seems like that was just a part of their full order. Hope you\'re ready for a second round.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_ST2_OBJ":"Cargopocalypse, pt.2","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_ST2_OBJ_DESC":"Ready to hit the road with another mountain of cargo? Great. The warehouse\'s waiting for another shipment, so you better get going. Oh and, I\'d suggest you recruit some help for this one, too.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_ST2_OBJ_REW":"Now that\'s what I call a pro! Here\'s your well-earned reward. Be seeing you.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_ST2":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_TSK":"Finders Keepers","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_01":"One of our men spotted a lone truck just by the lake. If you could fix it up, we could really put it to good use here.","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_TSK_REW":"Well done. The truck is in working order. We\'ll make sure to put it to good use.","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_01_DESC":"Restore ZiKZ 5368","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_TSK":"The Great Nomad","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_01":"The local farm might not have been the pinnacle of motorized industry, but it still won\'t hurt to check if they might still have some salvageable vehicles there. Fix anything you find and tow it to the service station.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_TSK_REW":"A living legend, this one, and back on the road, too. Nicely done.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_01_DESC":"Restore KHAN Lo4F","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Station:","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_TSK":"Pacifist","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_01":"Now that is not something you see often. A repurposed armored carrier just lying out here, waiting to be recovered. Seems like it might be stuck down there. Pull it out and fix it, and you get to keep it.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_TSK_REW":"Just hear this thing roar like a rabid animal. Too late for take-backs, I suppose, I already did offer it as a reward. Enjoy your new ride.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_01_DESC":"Pull TUZ 420 «Tatarin» to a safer area","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_02_DESC":"Restore TUZ 420 «Tatarin»","RU_02_04_MAST_FUELSTATION_01":"The station on the hill is our main priority in this area, and we\'d like to equip a small fuel depot next to it. Retrieve a fuel tank and bring it to the base station.","RU_02_04_MAST_FUELSTATION_TSK_REW":"Great job. Now we don\'t need to worry much about our trucks getting low on fuel — for the time being. Feel free to drop by if you need to top off your stock, too.","RU_02_04_MAST_FUELSTATION_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_TSK":"Ol\' Faithful","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK":"According to some papers we got on the old mine, there should be at least one truck the workers used for hauling some of their equipment. Find it, and see if you can get it to work.","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"It\'s really fascinating to see one of these relics hit the road again. Much better than just being left to rust the way I see it.","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_01_DESC":"Restore Step 310E","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Station:","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_TSK":"Lost And Found","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_01":"We\'re setting up a supply depot just by the lake, and one of our workers\'d caught a glimpse of an abandoned trailer up in the hills. Find it, and take it to the depot.","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_TSK_REW":"Well, as expected, the contents of that trailer have seen better days. Still, we should be able to put some of it to use. Thanks for your time.","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Lakeside Depot:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_TSK":"In With The New","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_01":"The nearby village had definitely seen better days. We do have some supplies we could spare to help making this place more habitable.","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_TSK_REW":"Nicely done. It may not be much, but sometimes, even the smallest things can make a difference.","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_01_DESC":"Deliver to the First House:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Second House:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_03_DESC":"Deliver to the Third House:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_04_DESC":"Deliver to the Fourth House:","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_01":"Places like these seem to attract a good bit of attention from thrillseekers and scavengers alike. It seems like someone\'d set up camp in the forest nearby. Head down there and see if they\'re still here.","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_TSK_REW":"Seems like false alarm. The place looks abandoned and mostly empty. Why would the owners just leave their tent here is another question, but just knowing they aren\'t here anymore is good enough for me.","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_01_DESC":"Reach the Suspicious Camp","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_CNT":"Landslide Mapping","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_DESC":"We need to map out the rift created by the landslide. Navigate the rift it created and visit all areas marked on your map.","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_CNT_REW":"Now we have a general idea of the shape the rift had taken. Job well done.","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_01_DESC":"Visit Point 1","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_02_DESC":"Visit Point 2","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_03_DESC":"Visit Point 3","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_04_DESC":"Visit Point 4","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_05_DESC":"Visit Point 5","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_06_DESC":"Visit Point 6","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_OBJ":"Almost Afloat","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"Each winter we have to fight the local historians. We need a good way to the docks for our ships, while they are still using ice for traveling. We suggest marking the strong ice and the weak ice, so everyone is happy.","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"Now we only have to give the message to our friends in the camp. Maybe after that they will be on their guard.","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_0_DESC":"Reach Mark 1","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_1_DESC":"Reach Mark 2","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_2_DESC":"Reach Mark 3","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_3_DESC":"Reach Mark 4","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_4_DESC":"Reach Mark 5","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_5_DESC":"Reach Mark 6","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_6_DESC":"Reach Mark 7","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_OBJ":"Tense Situation","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_DESC":"Ah, you are here? So we start early. We had a number of power outages at the Sub-station, we fear we might end up in the dark. We need to check out the stations and the lines, and the sooner we do it, the better.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_REW":"I see, so there are problems with two poles. Could be worse I suppose. Let us deal with it then. Maybe we can help the guys at the Sub-station.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_START_DESC":"Visit the Village Sub-station","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_0_DESC":"Examine VL-16 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_1_DESC":"Examine VL-15 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_2_DESC":"Examine VL-14 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_3_DESC":"Examine VL-13 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_4_DESC":"Examine VL-12 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_5_DESC":"Examine VL-11 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_END_DESC":"Visit the Dispatch Station","RU_03_01_BUNKER_OBJ":"Sites of military glory","RU_03_01_BUNKER_DESC":"You probably could not tell right away, but almost a century ago this place was busy with preparation for defense. As we are setting off to a serious expedition, why not look around and feel the team spirit?","RU_03_01_BUNKER_REW":"It\'s hard to say how significantly these fortifications contributed to the course of... All right, I will no longer bore you. Hope you enjoyed this very brief tour...","RU_03_01_BUNKER_0_DESC":"Visit Bunker ZB-1015","RU_03_01_BUNKER_1_DESC":"Visit Bunker ZB-1017","RU_03_01_BUNKER_2_DESC":"Visit Bunker ZB-1018","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_OBJ":"Cabin Fever","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_DESC":"Hello. We are preparing an expedition up North, so we are moving some of the supplies from our satellite camps to the main one. That includes a couple of containers we need help with.","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_REW":"Awesome, would be a lot easier to deal with the rest of it. Glad we can rely on you.","RU_03_01_NW_CABIN_TRAILER_NAME":"Container From The East Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_0_DESC":"Deliver to the North Camp:","RU_03_01_S_CABIN_TRAILER_NAME":"Container From The South Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_1_DESC":"Deliver to the North Camp:","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Forgotten Prototype","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_DESC":"The local factory used to produce instruments for mining, and per the documents a couple of interesting devices were never removed from here. This place is abandoned, so the equipment may prove really useful.","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_REW":"Interesting device. We have some plans about it, but while we are here, you may want to try it as well.","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_NAME":"Prototype Exploration Unit","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Harbor Village:","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Log Of Discord","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_DESC":"When we arrived, some locals weren\'t very excited by our presence. We\'ve agreed to help them with winter supplies to smooth things out. Now we only need someone to help with logistics. Would you kindly lend us a hand?","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_REW":"Well done. Hopefully, that would get the locals off my back for some time.","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Harbor Village:","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_DESC":"Bridges are not as critical in winter, but as the ice melts, all of the northern shore will be cut off from the harbor. That has to be fixed.","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_REW":"Not bad. Come Spring, we will not be stuck without connection with the other shore.","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Crossing:","RU_03_01_METEO_CHECK_DESC":"Not so long ago we were going to fix one of the Meteo Stations, so we sent over a cargo of boards and some workers. Never heard from them since. Could you go over there and see how things are?","RU_03_01_METEO_CHECK_REW":"Still working? All right, provided everyone is safe. Back to work then.","RU_03_01_METEO_CHECK_0_DESC":"Visit the Coastal Meteo Point","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_DESC":"Great timing! We need to transfer supplies to the other two camps and we were at a loss. It\'s not much, a couple of crates full of stuff, instruments, spare parts, a little bit of this and that... Will you do it?","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_REW":"Good, this will last us till the end of the winter. Thanks again.","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the North Camp:","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the East Camp:","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_DESC":"Here goes. There is a bunker up North, not like one of the coastal ones, no, this one is newer. A friend of mine spotted an interesting looking box there. Who knows what may be in it. Will you go there and take a look?","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_REW":"Oh my... Right. We had a deal about the box, and that is exactly what you got, good job. And... you may want to wash your car. Just in case.","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_0_DESC":"Deliver to Port:","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_DESC":"These deserted places have a charm of their own, don\'t you think? I even used to work here, some thirty years ago... Never mind. It used to be a factory. Let us go take a look how it\'s all holding up.","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_REW":"I cannot believe how many useful things are just left to rot here. The good news is that maybe we can restore the whole place and restart it.","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_0_DESC":"Explore the Auxiliary Storage","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_1_DESC":"Explore the Loading Zone","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_2_DESC":"Explore the Main Workshop","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_3_DESC":"Explore the Garage","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_DESC":"I think you can help. It has been fifty years or so since I left this area. There was a village... I know, it\'s empty, but I would like to know whether any of the houses are still standing, or did we leave no trace...","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_REW":"Oh... I never thought returning would be this hard. I don\'t know what I was expecting to see, but thanks.","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_0_DESC":"Explore the Community Center","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_1_DESC":"Explore the Remote House","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_2_DESC":"Explore the Ranger\'s Cabin","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_3_DESC":"Explore the House with a Garden","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"People may say what they want, but it is so much easier working here in winter - you do not drown in the mud, you can cross the river just about anywhere. By the way, would you like to check our route to the North Camp?","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"That is better than nothing, you can make your way, and that is good. We never haul anything heavy here anyway. Thanks for your help.","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_0_DESC":"Reach Mark 1","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_1_DESC":"Reach Mark 2","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_2_DESC":"Reach Mark 3","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_3_DESC":"Reach Mark 4","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_4_DESC":"Reach Mark 5","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVEY_TSK":"Pit-stop","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_DESC":"When it is cold like this, fuel is just about as important as food. No light, no heat, even no communication maybe. Firewood may be an option but it is much better to just haul that tanker trailer over here.","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_REW":"You have shown up at the right time! We were starting to think how we could haul that tanker there ourselves. One less problem to deal with.","RU_03_01_SCOUT_GAS_NAME":"Scout Fuel Carrier","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the South Camp:","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_DESC":"That is some bad luck! I drove my SUV to the marshes, and the engine died. I don\'t know a thing about cars, so I had to walk. Please do me a favor. If you could tow me to the Guard House, and I will take it from there.","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Guard House:","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_REW":"You saved me! I have found a mechanic too. Thanks for your help!","ON_THIN_ICE_TRUCK_NAME":"DON 71","RU_03_01_HELI_CARGO_RECOVERY_DESC":"Back in the Soviet times, a helicopter crashed here. Ran out of fuel or just broke. Ended up landing in the woods. And they had some supplies on board that are probably not too interesting for you, but I could use them.","RU_03_01_HELI_CARGO_RECOVERY_REW":"Well, twenty years in the frost and rain have not made this stuff any better... but it may be more useful than rusty tins. Thank you, soldier.","RU_03_01_HELI_CARGO_RECOVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Garage:","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_DESC":"Nothing is more permanent than something temporary, right? Have been patching up this rusty pole, but what we really need is a new one... Next time maybe... Please get us some beams and we shall fix it again.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_REW":"It may be a little less straight than before, but it will serve for a while. And next time we are definitely replacing it.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_0_DESC":"Deliver to the VL-15 Pole:","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_DESC":"And then they tell me not to believe in superstitions! Every single time number thirteen is out of order. Looks like the isolators are broken, again. Go get some spares, and I will later climb and see what can be done.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_REW":"Thanks! All we have to do now is fix it. That is my job, no problem.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_0_DESC":"Deliver to the VL-13 Pole:","RU_03_01_LOG_CABIN_REPAIR_DESC":"There was a Guard House here, just a small house to wait out the rain. I see it has got really shabby recently. If you get us some boards, I will do what I can to repair it, okay?","RU_03_01_LOG_CABIN_REPAIR_REW":"It doesn\'t look like new, but at least it will provide shelter from the rain. Maybe even you will use it some day.","RU_03_01_LOG_CABIN_REPAIR_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Guard House:","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_DESC":"There are plenty of houses here that have been empty since the war. You never know what you may find in those places, a flask, a helmet or some personal belongings. If you see an interesting spot - please let me know.","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_REW":"Oh, I had no idea about some of those, I will go and see if there is something cool there.","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_1_DESC":"Explore the Ruined Warehouse","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_2_DESC":"Explore the Lake Cabin","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_3_DESC":"Explore the Guard House On The Rock","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_4_DESC":"Explore the House On The Mountain","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_5_DESC":"Explore the Forest Cabin","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_DESC":"A friend who works at the power plant spotted an old TUZ nearby. That guy knows history well, so he says they used it to drive an officer during the war. What would you say if we towed that TUZ right to his workshop?","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_REW":"You did me a big favor, thank you man. Surprising a friend and saving a relic at the same time!","ANTIQUE_TRUCK_NAME":"TUZ 166 for officers","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Dispatch Station Mechanic:","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_DESC":"I rode to the Ranger\'s Cabin the other day but I overestimated myself. I did make it, but damaged my suspension and got stuck. I hardly made it out on foot, but I have no idea what to do with my car. You are my only hope.","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_REW":"Wow, I thought I would never see my old ride again! I can still fix it. And yes, I will be more careful next time.","SNOWED_IN_TRUCK_NAME":"KHAN L04F","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_0_DESC":"Restore KHAN L04F","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Amateur Mechanic:","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_DESC":"A friend was exploring empty houses in the North, and he saw a truck. Not a usual one, it looks like an Army Trailer Train that has been there forever. If you could get me the barrels from it, you can keep the rest.","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_REW":"Beautiful job! I didn\'t even think there were so many of those. You had your share too, right?","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the POL Depot:","RU_03_01_METEO_RESTORE_DESC":"We were revising our stock and found some boards. Probably intended for the old Meteo Station up in the mountains, but the driver lost contact with us, so we forgot about it. Can you help?","RU_03_01_METEO_RESTORE_REW":"At least we have something to fix the pole with, put it to some use. Thanks, we owe you one.","RU_03_01_METEO_RESTORE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Meteo Station:","RU_03_01_FOREIGNER_DESC":"There is this foreign tourist. He really wants to see some live history. Ended up almost going under the ice. Will you help me pull him out? I will make it worth your time.","RU_03_01_FOREIGNER_REW":"Some car he has there, a bit heavy though. But anyway, thanks for your help.","FOREIGNER_TRUCK_NAME":"Ford F 750","RU_03_01_FOREIGNER_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Camp:","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_DESC":"Hey, could you help me here? I brought some boards to the Meteo Station, but I got stuck and ruined half on my vehicle. Could you get me to the mechanic please? Be a friend, OK?","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_REW":"Man, I appreciate it! You didn\'t leave me in the cold. Thanks!","METEO_REPAIR_TRUCK_NAME":"ZiKZ 5368","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_0_DESC":"Restore ZiKZ 5368","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Amateur Mechanic:","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_DESC":"The historians from the nearby camp have been asking me for some time to see what kind of railway carriages tipped over not far from here, and I kinda forgot. Could you do that for me and then let them know?","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_REW":"Boy, do I know how to delegate! Unmarked containers, you say? Well we will have to go and see for ourselves. Thanks for the info.","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_0_DESC":"Explore Overturned Train Carriage","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_1_DESC":"Reach the Camp","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC":"The locals love this game: they go in circles on the ice around my shop. I will never understand it, but you can try for yourself. Who knows, you might even like it.","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_0":"Reach the Start","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_1":"Reach Marker 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_2":"Reach Marker 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_3":"Reach Marker 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_4":"Reach Marker 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_5":"Reach Marker 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_6":"Reach Marker 6","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_REW":"So, racer, you did not fall through the ice? Good job. Hope you got your dose of adrenalin.","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_OBJ":"Rescuer — marshes","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"The folks here are quite fearless, and it never occurs to them that by the end of winter the ice may be too thin. Of course it falls to me to rescue them from ice floes. I have to check if anyone has already drowned.","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_0":"Explore Zone 1","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_1":"Explore Zone 2","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_2":"Explore Zone 3","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_3":"Explore Zone 4","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_4":"Explore Zone 5","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_5":"Explore Zone 6","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"This is it, huh? Would have expected it from the locals, but here we have a tourist. Well, thanks for being so vigilant, I guess.","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_OBJ":"Rescuer — the North Tributary","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"You know, frozen marshes are not much safer than rivers, especially when it gets warmer. Falling through the ice is no fun. You should check if anyone is already stuck in the South Marsh.","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_0":"Explore Zone 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_1":"Explore Zone 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_2":"Explore Zone 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_3":"Explore Zone 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_4":"Explore Zone 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_5":"Explore Zone 6","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"This time you did not find anyone, but it\'s fine! Let us hope this season will pass without anyone getting stuck.","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_DESC":"We\'re knee-deep in trouble again. Last night\'s wind was brutal, tore the power lines to shreds. Can you go and take a look while I\'ll get the garage running for you?","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole:","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Crashed Pole:","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_REW":"Why, thank you very much! While you were away, I cleaned up a bit. If you ever need to mess with the insides of your chariot, well, now you\'ve got a proper place.","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK_DESC":"It\'s getting crazy. Lines get broken, transformers get flooded, poles fall... We\'ve got spare people at the substation and yet no spare parts to fix it all. By the way, you mind helping me get some components there?","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Substation:","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK_REW":"Thanks, buddy! Now we can finally taste the fruits of civilization again, or something.","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK_DESC":"Look, yesterday me and my pals were wheeling around on the ice and ended up stuck in the pressure ridges. Care to pull the car free, eh?","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking Lot:","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK_REW":"Good job, my darling is almost unscathed. I\'ll try to drive carefully from now on.","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK_DESC":"We\'re camping here for a week, but the supplies clearly won\'t last as long. Bring us the goods please? We\'ll owe ya one.","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Supply Storage:","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK_REW":"Our savior! Now we\'ve got enough supplies to last till the end of this trip.","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK_DESC":"Nice timing there! I\'ve got an idea. Back in the day, there used to be a lighthouse around these parts, before people left. So, I\'m thinking of bringing it back online. Can you check if there\'s a way to reach it?","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Abandoned Lighthouse","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK_REW":"So, the passage does exist? Great, then I\'ll begin preparations.","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK_DESC":"I am an idiot. I left my cabin parked on the ice. Now the river\'s thawed, and my cabin\'s sailing the high seas. Can\'t work without it. Think you could help, eh?","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Ice Camp:","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK_REW":"Looks like it works. Now the garage is open to everybody.","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_TSK_DESC":"Folks speak of a king-size catfish living somewhere to the south. Could you bring my stuff there?","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fishing Spot:","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_REW":"Whoa, ideal spot. I should\'ve moved here sooner.","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_DESC":"Curse the day when I decided to drive this jalopy. Could you tow it to the garage, please?","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_REW":"Well, that\'s it, I\'ll handle it on my own now. Thanks for the help.","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK_DESC":"We have an emergency. Earthquakes are common here, but the last one struck real hard. The road to the power station is blocked, and we\'ve got nothing to clear it with. Even our last tractor is undergoing repair.","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Landslide:","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK_REW":"We couldn\'t have done it without you. The road is clear, thank you.","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK_DESC":"The weather\'s been really mean as of late. The coastal road has been blocked by landslides again, and we need to deliver supplies to the workers. If you are headed in that direction, could you take a crate along?","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to Mountain Landslide:","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK_REW":"Now the boys can keep working. Thank you, you\'re one of the good guys.","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK_DESC":"I\'ve got a peculiar customer. He wants to have a memento from a destroyer, and we just so happen to have one moored nearby. Can you bring one? I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Old Ship","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK_REW":"Yeah, this is it. Here, take it. Well earned.","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_DESC":"There are plenty of samovars to be found inside the abandoned village on the island. That\'s some good money to be made, why don\'t you go and collect some?","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Abandoned Houses","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Junkman\'s House:","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_REW":"That\'s a good haul. I\'ll send them to the city, then we share the spoils.","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_DESC":"Our weather sensors are acting up. They flat out refuse to transmit data. Can you go and manually collect their measurements?","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Weather Data Capture Zone 1","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Weather Data Capture Zone 2","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Weather Data Capture Zone 3","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_REW":"We\'ve got all the data, now the weather forecasts for the coming days will be all right.","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_DESC":"I came here all the way from Moscow. They say there\'s an island full of old architecture. Can\'t reach it though, but I\'d really like to take some photos. Care to take some using my camera?","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 1","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 2","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 3","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_3_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 4","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_4_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 5","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_5_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 6","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_6_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 7","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_REW":"Great pics! These will net me tons of likes on Pictogram!","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_DESC":"We had a hurricane yesterday, it wrecked stuff all over the place. Can you drive along the route and see if it can be traversed?","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Check the Crossroads","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Check the Village Driveway","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Check the Road by the Camp","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_3_DESC":"Check the Road","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_4_DESC":"Check the Mountain Meadow","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_5_DESC":"Check the Crossroads","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_REW":"So the road is passable. Well, thanks.","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"I ordered a new trailer to help moving a few hives around, but it got stuck on the way here. Can you pull it out? It\'s not a long way off.","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Beekeeper\'s House:","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRAILER":"","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK_REW":"Thank you, friend! Drop by in summer, I\'ll have some honey for you.","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_DESC":"I hail from the city—been living there for many years now. Yet I grew up around these parts, and I\'d like to take some pictures—a memento I could show to my kids one day. Care to help?","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Zone 1","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Zone 2","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Zone 3","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_REW":"Thank you. Good ones. Now I have something to entertain my children with.","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"Listen up, I\'ve got a job for you. There this guy out there, and he wants a certain car. Beats me why, but it\'s none of my business—if he wants a certain motor, he\'s got his reasons. Just keep your mouth shut. Deal?","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Move to Vehicle","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Secret Spot:","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_REW":"Pleasure doing business with folks such as you. Here, you\'ve earned it fair and square. Don\'t tell anybody, got it?","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_OBJ":"Strategic Reserve","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_DESC":"The last few weeks were exceptionally cold, and while we\'re not out of wood yet, we did dig into our emergency supplies. We ordered another batch of logs from the sawmill, but someone needs to actually deliver them.","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_REW":"Very well, now we should have a plenty of fuel to last the winter.","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Power To The Masses","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_DESC":"The low-voltage power lines around here have definitely seen better days. A lot of the poles are barely standing, what\'s with the wind and all. If we had some spare logs we could start reinforcing the worst offenders.","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_REW":"Just in time, we\'ll start fixing the power immediately.","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Substation:","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT":"Places of Military Glory","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_DESC":"It\'s been a while since we went that far. According to the maps, there were coastal batteries deployed here to defend against enemy landings during the war. We need to investigate their current condition.","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Umba Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit the Tuloma Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit the Kanda Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_3_DESC":"Visit the Varzuga Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_REW":"The expedition is over now. You have seen all the fortifications in the area.","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT":"The Star in the Sky","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_DESC":"Back in \'41, one pilot got shot down not far from here, but managed to survive the crash and return to his comrades on foot. We would like you to recover what\'s left of his plane. Oh, and you would need a trailer and a crane for that.","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Drive to the Airplane Wreck","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_REW":"We have recovered the entire plane, more or less, and in decent condition to boot. Consider this, my friend—you have left your mark on history!","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT":"The Price of Victory","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_DESC":"During the war, our forces were on the offensive in this area. Not everyone reached the objective—some armored cars were lost in the snow. Try to find and recover them. And do pack a crane with you, you will need it.","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Find Metal Detector Module","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Drive to the Lost BA-20s","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_REW":"It\'s a wonder that the cars were knocked out right here! We would have never recovered them otherwise. We\'re pretty lucky. Their crews, not so much...","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT":"Nighttime Delivery","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Listen up, I\'ve got a job for you. There this guy out there, and he wants a certain car. Beats me why, but it\'s none of my business—if he wants a certain motor, he\'s got his reasons. Just keep your mouth shut. Deal?","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Secret Spot:","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Pleasure doing business with folks such as you. Here, you\'ve earned it fair and square. Don\'t tell anybody, got it?","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT":"Forgotten civilization","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_DESC":"According to journals from past expeditions, this place houses traces of an ancient civilization, many centuries old. Let me know if you find something unusual—we\'d be delighted to take a look!","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Stone Labyrinth","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Megalith 1","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Megalith 2","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_REW":"Sounds interesting. I will pass on the coordinates, let us see what my people say.","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT_DESC":"I have a job for you, if you\'re game. There is a pile of metal scrap not far from here. I wish I could take it all to the Recycling Station, but I don\'t have a vehicle for that. We could split the profit. You in?","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Recycling Station:","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT_REW":"And we\'re done, thanks to you. A promise is a promise, here\'s your cut.","Upgrade Tutorial":"","UPG_STAGE1_DESC":"This tutorial will let you use different upgrades and see how they affect gameplay. Right now you have a simple truck with no upgrades. Try to drive it across the rift.","UPG_TARGET1_DESC":"Drive across the Rift","UPG_STAGE1_DONE":"Doesn\'t look like this truck will get you anywhere. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE2_DESC":"Doesn\'t look like you can drive here. Now take the marked truck and install AWD upgrade (you can do it in the garage).","UPG_TAKE_UPG_DESC":"Get AWD upgrade and install it in Garage","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_DESC":"Change to:","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_OFFROAD":"Upgraded Truck","UPG_TARGET2_DESC":"Cross the Rift","UPG_TARGET3_DESC":"Reach the Destination","UPG_STAGE2_DONE":"It seems that this truck isn\'t as well-suited for ice as is it for mud. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE3_DESC":"To drive on slippery surfaces you need tires equipped with chains — they provide better grip. Change your vehicle and use a truck with tire chains to compare performance.","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_CHAIN":"Truck with tire chains","UPG_TARGET4_DESC":"Reach the Parking Lot","UPG_STAGE3_DONE":"This is much better! Now we\'ll look into another upgrade already installed on this truck. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE4_DESC":"Semi-trailers are a good choice for most cargo. To use them, the truck needs to be equipped with a special saddle. Attach one of the semi-trailers and drive it to the loading area.","UPG_TARGET5_DESC":"Reach the Warehouse","UPG_STAGE4_DONE":"Now you will need to put your cargo on the trailer. This calls for another addition: a crane. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE5_DESC":"Sometimes you will have to load the cargo on your own using the crane. This important add-on will help you in many situations. Let\'s try out a truck equipped with a crane and see how it performs.","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_CRANE":"Truck with a Crane","UPG_STAGE5_UNLOAD_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","UPG_STAGE5_DONE":"Well done! We have tried several important upgrades. Now you\'re ready to tackle this game\'s challenges. Good luck!","Track Tutorial":"","TRACK_TUTOR_01":"Ready, Steady... Go!","TUTOR_TRACK_01_DESC":"You are ready to drive out into the off-road! It\'s time to study various driving techniques.","TUTOR_TRACK_01_01_DESC":"Reach the Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_01_REW":"Great! Next you\'re going to try an uphill drive. Reach the next point to continue the tutorial.","TRACK_TUTOR_02":"Up the Hill!","TUTOR_TRACK_02_DESC":"To reach your next destination you\'ll need to brave this hill. Use AWD to cross the mud and the uphill areas in a quicker and more efficient way. Remember: AWD increases fuel consumption.","TUTOR_TRACK_02_01_DESC":"Reach the Truck","TUTOR_TRACK_02_REW":"Here you are. But this is only the beginning... Now the real off-road waits for you!","TRACK_TUTOR_03":"Onwards To The Off-road","TUTOR_TRACK_03_DESC":"To cross serious cross-country terrain you might need a vehicle with better off-road capability. Get into the truck you see in front of you and drive it to the next obstacle.","TUTOR_TRACK_03_01_DESC":"Change to the Truck","TUTOR_TRACK_03_02_DESC":"Reach the Bottom of the Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_03_REW":"Done! Now you need to climb up...","TRACK_TUTOR_04":"In Low Gear","TUTOR_TRACK_04_DESC":"The summit awaits! AWD won\'t cut it. Use the low gear setting on your gearbox and activate the locking differential. The wheels will turn slower and in unison.","TUTOR_TRACK_04_01_DESC":"Reach the Dead End","TUTOR_TRACK_04_REW":"Well done. But what if you need to drive backwards? Next part of the tutorial will teach you this.","TRACK_TUTOR_05":"Reverse","TUTOR_TRACK_05_DESC":"Let\'s backtrack a little. Use the reverse gear to drive backwards. Note: reverse gear also employs the locking differential to be more efficient.","TUTOR_TRACK_05_01_DESC":"Return to the Edge of the Bluff","TUTOR_TRACK_05_REW":"Great. You\'re halfway there.","TRACK_TUTOR_06":"Down into the River","TUTOR_TRACK_06_DESC":"For your next challenge you will need to reach the river. Note: the wheel ruts will become wider as you drive through the mud several times.","TUTOR_TRACK_06_01_DESC":"Reach the River","TUTOR_TRACK_06_REW":"Awesome! The finish line is just behind the bend...","TRACK_TUTOR_07":"Diving Deep","TUTOR_TRACK_07_DESC":"There\'s a river in front of you: it\'s full of mud and rocks hidden underneath its surface. Reach your next objective, using the techniques you\'ve learned.","TUTOR_TRACK_07_01_DESC":"Reach the Middle of the River","TUTOR_TRACK_07_REW":"Ah, there you are! Well, it\'ll only get more difficult now.","TRACK_TUTOR_08":"To the Finish Line!","TUTOR_TRACK_08_DESC":"It\'s easy to get seriously stuck in deep mud. Attach your winch to the nearest tree to pull your truck free.","TUTOR_TRACK_08_01_DESC":"Reach the Finish","TUTOR_TRACK_08_REW":"This is the end of the tutorial! You can try and complete the now familiar route again using a heavy truck... Or you can drive out to brave the challenges of Snowrunner!","Objectives Tutoiral":"","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_DESC":"The bridge over this river was defeated by the passage of time. If you deliver Planks to the indicated point, the bridge will be repaired, and the river will be crossable again.","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bridge:","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_REW":"The bridge is fully repaired now. The route to the Meteo Point is open.","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK":"Restoring the Fuel Station","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK_DESC":"Some objectives not only offer money and experience, but also change the environment. This gas station ran out of fuel; if you help replenish the supplies, you will be able to refuel your vehicles here.","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK_REW":"The fuel is delivered. Now you can refuel any vehicle at this point.","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"Completing secondary objectives may unlock new vehicles for you. This scout truck seems abandoned; if you manage to salvage it from the water, you will be able to use it.","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Safe Place:","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_NAME":"Scout","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Scout truck was saved from becoming a pile of rust. Refuel it now, and you\'ll be able to go forth and explore the area.","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Repairing the Meteo Point","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"The old wooden weather station hasn\'t been repaired since last century. One of the locals is willing to work on it, but he needs the materials to do so.","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Meteo Point:","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"The cargo is delivered, and you\'ve made one more step towards reviving the region. You have discovered a shortcut from the Meteo Point to the Warehouse. Go explore it!","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ":"Examining the Area","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_DESC":"Instead of storming off in search of contracts, you should take a good look around. The watchtowers let you explore new areas on the map, finding new tasks, new locations and new potential access routes.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_0_DESC":"Find a way to the Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_1_DESC":"Find the Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_REW":"Great job! Look for other towers on the map to learn more about your surroundings.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ":"Secondary Objectives","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_DESC":"Continue with your explorations and locate the \\"Ruined bridge\\" secondary task and a truck on the map. Complete the \\"Ruined bridge\\" task to open the way and continue with contracts.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_0_DESC":"Accept the Restoring the Fuel Station task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_1_DESC":"Accept the Ruined Bridge task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_REW":"Switch to truck. In the Tasks tab, please select the \\"Ruined bridge\\" task. After you complete the task, you can return to your primary contracts.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ":"Shortcut","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_DESC":"Exploring the map, you will find the routs around the difficult (or plain impassable) areas. Sometimes you will even stumble upon new tasks or even secret upgrades for your vehicles.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_0_DESC":"Find an Alternative Route","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_1_DESC":"Accept the Drowned Scout Truck task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_REW":"Alternative routes will make it easier to navigate the map and considerably speed up your motion.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_OBJ":"The Right Vehicle","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_OBJ_DESC":"Now that you are aware of the contracts and tasks, you may try and do them all in a single round. For starters, this will require a powerful vehicle.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_0_OBJ":"Change to the Truck","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_1_OBJ":"Find the Truck","TUT_OBJ_HEAVY_TUCK_NAME":"Truck","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_OBJ_REW":"A tractor like this isn\'t the fastest or the most agile car, and as such is poorly equipped for exploration. However, those are the only vehicles capable of hauling the heavy cargo through the rough terrain.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ":"Contests","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_DESC":"In addition to completing standard missions, you can prove your worth in contests. These are missions with additional conditions—see mission descriptions for details.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_0_DESC":"Accept the Contest task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_1_DESC":"Complete the Restoring the Fuel Station task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_2_DESC":"Complete the Ruined Bridge task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_REW":"Accept the Contest mission. You will need a Sideboard Trailer to complete it. For even better results, use the shortcut.","TUT_FIRST_CNT":"Contest","TUT_FIRST_CNT_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Meteo Point","TUT_FIRST_CNT_DESC":"You still need supplies to restore the Meteo Point. The faster you deliver the cargo, the greater your reward will be. To deliver all the cargo in a single haul, purchase a trailer and find the shortert route.","TUT_OBJ_ST2_TASK1":"Fuel Station Restoration","TUT_FIRST_CNT_REW":"Great job! You completed the training!","US_04_01_MINE_CONT":"Reinvigorating the old mines","US_04_01_MINE_CONT_DESC":"Goldhorse Mining made a decision to restore an old gold mine. This would require more resources and workforce, and the latter would need some prefab cabins. Install them at the Cabin Zone 2.","US_04_01_MINE_REW":"Great, now gold-digging will thrive!","US_04_01_MINE_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Gold Mine:","US_04_01_CONV_01_CONT":"Conveyor Belt Section 1","US_04_01_CONV_01_CONT_DESC":"To get the ore to the sorting building we need to construct the conveyor. Warning: a conveyor section will partially obstruct the path. Also, the Cabin Zone 2 needs to be outfitted with prefab cabins.","US_04_01_CONV_01_CONT_REW":"Section 1 is complete. We can move on.","US_04_01_CONV_01_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to Conveyor Section 1:","US_04_01_CONV_02_CONT":"Conveyor Belt Section 2","US_04_01_CONV_02_CONT_DESC":"Ore must be delivered to the sorting site as soon as possible, Conveyor Belt Section 2 is waiting. Attention: construction partially blocks the way.","US_04_01_CONV_02_CONT_REW":"Section 2 is complete. What about the remaining two sections?","US_04_01_CONV_02_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to Conveyor Section 2:","US_04_01_CONV_03_CONT":"Conveyor Belt Section 3","US_04_01_CONV_03_CONT_DESC":"We need to assemble conveyor section near the sorting building. Warning: a conveyor section will partially obstruct the path. Also, the Cabin Zone 1 needs to be outfitted with prefab cabins.","US_04_01_CONV_03_CONT_REW":"The conveyor section that is closest to the ore sorting site is complete. Should we start it?","US_04_01_CONV_03_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to Conveyor Section 3:","US_04_01_SORT_CONT":"Ore Sorting Center","US_04_01_SORT_CONT_DESC":"Once the ore is mined, it needs to be sorted to separate the gold from the rocks. This requires a dedicated sorting building, as well as the installation of prefab cabins in the Cabin Zone 1.","US_04_01_SORT_CONT_REW":"Finally! We can sort ore. Here is your reward.","US_04_01_SORT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Ore Sorting Center:","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_DESC":"Greetings! Here\'s your task for the day: using the forklift or the crane, load a pallet with barrels onto the platform.","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_REW":"Great job! Now you can unload cargo manually.","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_STAGE_DESC":"Load manually on the Loading Site:","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_STAGE_2_DESC":"Use to load:","US_04_01_TUBING":"Mountaintop Delivery","US_04_01_TUBING_DESC":"Making it possible to work with the soil deep under the mountain will require a special trailer delivered to the mine\'s opening up above. Here\'s what you\'ll need to do.","US_04_01_TUBING_REW":"Great, now the process will finally pick up the pace. Thank you for your help, I\'m sure that was quite the challenge to get it here. Here\'s what you\'re due.","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR":"Cargo crafting","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR_DESC":"Sometimes, completing construction requires new materials or components to be created. Pick up the container on the railway station, find two sets of wooden planks, and make them into a prefab cabin at the crafting zone.","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR_REW":"Well done! Now you know how to create new cargo out of available materials. Keep an eye out for a couple more factories in your vicinity that let you craft more cargo types, you\'ll definitely need them.","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Hangar:","US_04_01_TSK_CAT_01_DESC":"Hey there! We need someone to get a new disassembled quarry truck over here. We\'ll put it together ourselves, and you can help yourself to our old one, just don\'t forget to fuel it up.","US_04_01_TSK_CAT_01_REW":"Excellent, just what we need! Hold on to this baby, you may need it some day.","US_04_01_CAT770_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Site near the Garage:","US_04_01_CAT770_STAGE_02_DESC":"Fuel Caterpillar 770G","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"This bridge was broken by the flood. You have to help restore it if you want to use this shortcut.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Great, thanks for your help!","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the North Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"This bridge was washed away in minutes! We restored part of it, but we need help with the rest.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Superb, you did it!","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"One of the critically important bridges on the way to the railway station was washed away in the flood. Will you help us restore it?","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03_REW":"Fine, we can now cross this river again.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Western Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04":"Bridge on the way to Gateway","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04_DESC":"This bridge could not hold against the water pressure as well. Help us restore it, it leads to the Gateway to the back of the hill.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04_REW":"Finally, the path is open! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01_DESC":"The rocks have fallen into the railway tracks. Help clear the debris to reopen the path.","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01_REW":"Thank you, now you can take trains to this place again.","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Rocks:","US_04_01_TSK_01_DESC":"Hello! We have just moved a little uphill from here, but we left a trailer with fuel at the old place. Will you help us retrieve it?","US_04_01_TSK_01_REW":"Thanks! Now we have something to keep us warm!","US_04_01_TSK_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House on Top:","US_04_01_TSK_02_DESC":"Hello wanderer! I have recently moved from the frosty top of the hill closer to the water, and I had nothing to tow my old broken truck here. Will you help?","US_04_01_TSK_02_REW":"Excellent! Now I just have to order some parts, and I can get her running! Thanks for your help! Here is your reward, I\'ll take over from here.","US_04_01_TSK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House in the Valley:","US_04_01_TSK_03_DESC":"Oh, you\'re right on time! We have ordered some spare parts for our equipment, and it was shipped down there. Will you help us get it up here?","US_04_01_TSK_03_REW":"Great, now thanks to you we can keep working! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","US_04_01_TSK_04_DESC":"The recent flood washed my crates of spare parts down the stream. Help me recover them, and I will pay you back.","US_04_01_TSK_04_REW":"Thank you so much! Here, just like I promised.","US_04_01_TSK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliv. to the House Near the Conv.:","US_04_01_TSK_05_DESC":"I promised to deliver this trailer with barrels to a friend of mine who lives uphill, but I have no vehicle for that. Can you help?","US_04_01_TSK_05_REW":"Excellent, just what we need! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_05_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the House on Mountain Top:","US_04_01_TSK_05_STAGE_02_DESC":"Deliver to the House on Mountain Top:","US_04_01_TSK_06_DESC":"My car recently broke down, and my friend Joe just happens to know how to fix it. Will you help tow it there?","US_04_01_TSK_06_REW":"Great, thanks for your help! Here is a little token of my gratitude.","US_04_01_TSK_06_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Uncle Joe\'s Shack:","US_04_01_TSK_07_DESC":"Whoa! I was just crossing the bridge when I got distracted by a squirrel and drove this trailer in the water. Please, help me get it to the farm, you\'re a better fit for this job.","US_04_01_TSK_07_REW":"Thanks for your help! I\'ll mow grass or something, running cargo just isn\'t for me.","US_04_01_TSK_07_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_04_01_TSK_08_DESC":"That Stepan guy is something else! He crashed the car when he was supposed to get work done. I need your help repairing it. For a reward of course.","US_04_01_TSK_08_REW":"Thank you, here is your reward. Some people are better off walking on foot.","US_04_01_TSK_08_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to Shacks on Top:","US_04_01_TSK_08_STAGE_02_DESC":"Repair Scout 800","US_04_01_TSK_09_DESC":"Can you imagine, I made a bet with a friend that I can cross this stream at full throttle. Looks like I lost. Will you help me deliver the car to the house?","US_04_01_TSK_09_REW":"All right, now I can start fixing things, it is all flooded here.","US_04_01_TSK_09_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Shacks Near a Spring:","US_04_01_TSK_10_DESC":"Mr. Stevenson ordered some wooden planks and this trailer from us. Deliver them to him and he will pay you.","US_04_01_TSK_10_REW":"Great, here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_10_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to Mr. Stevenson\'s house:","US_04_01_TSK_10_STAGE_02_DESC":"Deliver to Mr Stevenson\'s house:","US_04_01_TSK_11_DESC":"We ordered some fuel, but the delivery truck dropped everything on the frozen lake. Can you help us bring it home?","US_04_01_TSK_11_REW":"Thanks, we can breathe easy now. Here\'s your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_11_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Lake House:","US_04_01_TSK_12_DESC":"Hi. A friend of mine lives on the far slope of the mountain, and the path to them was blocked by the fallen rocks. We managed to clear most of it, but they need some fuel. Help us deliver this trailer, will you?","US_04_01_TSK_12_REW":"Finally, some fuel! Take your reward please.","US_04_01_TSK_12_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Destination Point:","US_04_01_TSK_13_DESC":"My friend Bill loves building cars. I sent him some crates with spare parts, but not only did he break the truck—he also lost the crates. Will you deliver the crates to him? He will give you the truck if you fix it.","US_04_01_TSK_13_REW":"Superb, thanks for your help! Take this truck, I don\'t need it anymore, I\'ll make another one.","US_04_01_TSK_13_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to Bill\'s House:","US_04_01_TSK_13_STAGE_02_DESC":"Restore Chevrolet Kodiak C70","US_04_01_TSK_14_DESC":"Hi, I am Petro, and my car died right in the middle of this marsh. Will you help me tow it home? Just be careful, the soil here is very weak and hard to drive on.","US_04_01_TSK_14_REW":"Home at last! Thank you! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_14_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Petro\'s House:","US_04_01_RACE_S_CNT_DESC":"Hey, this is Quick Nick! My friends and I have been racing here in the old dredge works. Try and beat our records!","US_04_01_RACE_S_CNT_REW":"Whoa, you\'re not bad at all! This is your reward.","US_04_01_RACE_L_CNT_DESC":"Hi! How do you like the idea of racing on the big ring in the old dredge works? We call it the Dradge Race, ha! You just have to turn here.","US_04_01_RACE_L_CNT_REW":"That\'s fast for such a long route! You deserved a reward. Here!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_CNT_DESC":"Hello, we sometimes race here with the guys. Try it!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_CNT_REW":"That was fun! Go uphill for another round!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_02_STAGE_DESC":"Reach the Finish","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01":"Factory: Main Block","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_DESC":"Building a whole plant in such conditions is no easy task. We\'ll need all the resources we can possibly find. Try getting support from the locals, they\'ll be happy to help.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_REW":"This is a vital stage in building the whole plant. Thanks to your persistence, we did the impossible. Here\'s your share.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 1:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_ST2":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 1:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02":"Factory: Reservoirs","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_DESC":"Such large scale construction takes lots of resources—human resources too. Don\'t forget your workers will need housing. A nearby factory produces great cabins, it may be worth looking at.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_REW":"To be honest, we doubted it would work. But you showed us it\'s really people like you who keep this place together.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 2:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_ST2":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 2:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_TRAILER":"Tank for the plant","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03":"Factory: Sewage Treatment Facilities","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_DESC":"Material supplies are way behind schedule, but we need the plant now! This area is full of abandoned structures. Besides, I hear there are tons of empty containers along the old railway tracks. You may have use for them.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_REW":"This stage is complete, all thanks to you. I have no idea how we would\'ve solved the supply issue if it weren\'t for your wits! Here\'s your, well deserved, reward.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 3:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_ST2":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 3:","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY":"Final check","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_DESC":"Now that the plant is ready, we have to test it. Take the ore samples produced earlier and deliver them to the plant.","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_REW":"It works! Together, we did a big thing for the whole region. Now we\'ll have jobs, and I hope this\'ll bring some life back to the area. Thank you, you did great!","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_RECOMMEND":"Caterpillar 770G saddle is required","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS":"Stocking Up","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_DESK":"My friend! So glad you\'re back with us! We need to stock up several warehouses with logs. For that, we need a professional driver, like you.","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_REW":"Now our supplies will last. Good to have someone to rely on. Here\'s your reward.","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to the Mountain Warehouse:","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the West Camp:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS":"Looking After Your Own","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_DESK":"Several households are in a tight spot. Lots of trees around but no permit to cut them down, and they\'re running out of wood to heat their homes. We have to deliver firewood to each of them. You seem fit for the job.","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_REW":"We have supplied the wood on time, so no one will freeze in their own forest cabin.","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to Bill\'s house:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to Stevenson\'s house:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s Cabin:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST4":"Deliver to Frank\'s house:","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL":"Destination: Sawmill","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL_DESC":"We have a big batch of logs here that need to be taken to the local sawmill. I\'m sure you\'ll do well. Just be sure to secure the logs on the trailer. We don\'t want anyone to get hurt.","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL_REW":"Did it really go well and no one\'s hurt? That\'s what happens when people know their safety rules. Great, here\'s your cut.","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_TSK_DESC":"The detour has recently been blocked by a landslide. We need your help now!","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_TSK_REW":"Thank you! Now we can resume shipping cargo to the far ends of the region.","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_ST1":"Deliver to Road Block:","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_TSK_DESC":"Oh no! Our only paved road is blocked by debris. It must be cleared soon! Otherwise we\'ll run out of food!","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_TSK_REW":"Thanks for your help. I don\'t think anyone could\'ve done it better.","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_ST1":"Deliver to Landslide on the Highway:","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_TSK_DESC":"How did you get here? Never mind. My name is Carter, and I think you can help me. There is an abandoned radio tower nearby. Sometimes, I receive a strange signal coming from it. Can you check out what\'s going on there?","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_TSK_REW":"There\'s nothing special here. Just an abandoned radio tower. However, the tire tracks seem quite fresh.","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_ST1":"Reach the Radio Tower","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TSK_DESC":"I need your help! I was fishing off the rocks there and I didn\'t see my car roll down into the lake! Now I cannot get it out, but you could easily do it.","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TSK_REW":"Thanks! The car has a couple of dents, but the engine starts, and that\'s all that matters. Here is your reward!","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_ST1":"Deliver to the Fisherman\'s House:","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TRUCK":"Fisherman\'s car","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"Ready for some errands? On the other end of this mountain chain there is a warehouse with some useful resources. It needs some repairs. If you take these tools there, we could share some of our stock with you.","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TSK_REW":"Great! It\'s much better here now. You can take some resources from the warehouse if you need them.","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TRUCK":"Tools","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_ST1":"Deliver to the Mountain Warehouse:","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_TSK_DESC":"This ravine leads to the semi-flooded foothills. Or used to, to be more precise. Now it\'s nothing but a heap of rocks. However, if you clear them, we won\'t have to take a detour to get there.","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_TSK_REW":"Brilliant! Now we won\'t have to travel through these marshes on our way back home. It\'s to your benefit too - you can make use of that tunnel as well.","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_ST1":"Deliver to the Rockfall in the Ravine:","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_TSK_DESC":"We have a situation here! A container with cargo for our warehouse went missing after a small flood. I suspect water carried it toward the forest. If you bring it back, we\'ll share some stuff from the warehouse with you.","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_TSK_REW":"This thing certainly made it far! Well, you held up your part of the deal. Now you can take what you need from the warehouse.","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK_DESC":"We need to do some planned maintenance on the tower. The trouble is, it\'s located on a cliff and there\'s no way we can drag our equipment there. We need someone who could lift the crate with the tools up the cliff.","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK_REW":"You did a great job. This pretty much does it. And we owe you a reward.","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK_ST1":"Unload at the Power Tower","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_TSK_DESC":"What are they doing there? After the flood, half our belongings got washed away! We really need those crates. If you help us, we\'ll give you a good reward.","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_TSK_REW":"Impressive work! The crates are intact and we\'re happy. Here is your reward.","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_ST1":"Deliver to the Frank\'s House:","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TSK_DESC":"I have no idea how, but my men managed to sink that thing in the woods. And I can\'t even begin to think how to drag it out. But if you do the impossible, I promise you a big reward.","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TSK_REW":"Did you really do it? This is the story I will be telling my grandchildren. Here, you deserved it.","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_ST1":"Find and deliver to Dave\'s House:","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TRUCK":"Drowned Truck","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK":"Opening the Warehouse","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_DESC":"We recently bought a hangar at the old station; but it has to be disassembled and repaired. If you help get some tools there, we will share some resources from the warehouse with you.","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_REW":"Awesome. Now we have our own warehouse. You can take whatever resources you need.","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_TRAILER":"Tools","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TSK_DESC":"Hey, would you like to make some money? I have a small hunting cabin in the mountains, but it needs heating and my old jeep won\'t start. Could you take the tank there?","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TSK_REW":"Great, my weekend is saved! Thanks, you did us a favor.","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TRAILER":"Fuel for the hunter","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_ST1":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s Cabin:","US_04_02_HELP_TSK_DESC":"Several households in the area have suffered from flooding. They need food. However, the crates must be placed on special ramps, so that they\'re not washed away in case of repeat flooding.","US_04_02_HELP_TSK_REW":"Thanks to you, we helped those who needed it. This is a noble deed, thank you!","US_04_02_HELP_ST1":"Deliver to Rachel\'s House:","US_04_02_HELP_ST2":"Deliver to Steve\'s House:","US_04_02_HELP_ST3":"Deliver to Matt\'s House:","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"I need your help, friend! My cousin went for a drive in the mountains at night. And his truck broke down right at the peak! Now we\'re thinking how to get him out of there. Will you help us?","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"And we already thought of calling a helicopter! Thanks!","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_ST1":"Deliver to Robert\'s House:","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_ST2":"Repair Cousin\'s Truck","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TRUCK":"Cousin\'s Truck","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_DESC":"We\'re worried that the ground may sink under several power towers. We have to check it. Please deliver the trailer with the diagnostic equipment to each point; we need to make sure everything\'s okay.","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_REW":"Yes, it seems we have nothing to worry about, but thanks for your help anyway!","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_TRUCK":"Diagnostic Trailer","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to Research Point 1","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_ST2":"Deliver to Research Point 2","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_ST3":"Deliver to Research Point 3","US_04_02_STORAGE_TSK_DESC":"We have an unusual favor to ask. We\'re starting exploration in the mountains, but we have to keep our equipment somewhere. The easiest way is to use containers. Deliver containers to both camps. I\'ve heard there are some empty containers along the railway tracks.","US_04_02_STORAGE_TSK_REW":"Great! Now we can work full-scale. All thanks to you.","US_04_02_STORAGE_ST1":"Deliver to the East Camp:","US_04_02_STORAGE_ST2":"Deliver to the West Camp:","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_TSK_DESC":"I was expecting a delivery of some pipes for the water supply system, but the contractors sank the trailer with them in the woods. I need them now. You can either find my trailer or bring me new pipes. I\'ll pay you well.","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_TSK_REW":"Now I\'ll have water in my house. Thank you.","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_ST1":"Deliver to Manny\'s House:","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT_DESC":"Want to take part in the local rock climbing competition? If you get to the top within the set time limit, you will get a handsome reward.","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT_REW":"Wow, you\'re a true rock climber! Here\'s your prize.","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT_ST1":"Reach the Mountain Top","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC":"These steps are left from excavation work in the past. Looks like an ideal place for a survival competition to me. You in?","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_REW":"Very few got to the finish line. But you made it and earned your reward.","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST1":"Reach Waypoint A","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST2":"Reach Waypoint B","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST3":"Reach Waypoint C","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST4":"Reach Waypoint D","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST5":"Reach Waypoint E","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST6":"Reach Waypoint F","trial_01_01 Ride-On King":"","TRIAL_01_01_SCOUTING_CNT":"Ride-On King","TRIAL_01_01_SCOUTING_CNT_DESC":"I bet an old sweat like yourself wouldn\'t mind a good challenge, eh? Visit every zone I\'ve marked on your map before the timer runs out to get your reward. Oh, and try not to trash the car while you\'re at it!","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_01_DESC":"Cross the Swamp","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_02_DESC":"Reach the Antenna","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_03_DESC":"Cross the Forest","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_04_DESC":"Reach the Bridge","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_05_DESC":"Reach the House","TRIAL_01_01_SCOUTING_CNT_REW":"Great job! Here is your reward.","TRIAL_01_01_WIN_DESC":"In the allotted time, visit the locations marked on your map without wrecking your vehicle.","trial_01_02 Backwoods":"","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_TSK":"Lost in wilderness","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"Some local adventurers went off to explore the surroundings and reported they were running out of fuel. Your mission is to find them and bring them back. We do not have a map, you\'re on your own. Good luck!","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Meeting Point:","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Meeting Point:","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_03_DESC":"Deliver to the Meeting Point:","TRIAL_01_02_REW_DESC":"Great! Even the local fauna couldn\'t get those guys! Here\'s your reward, and we\'ll go grab some canisters for future trips.","TRIAL_01_02_WIN_DESC":"Locate the three local villagers\' vehicles and deliver them to the drop-off point without using the map.","trial_02_01 Snowbound Valley":"","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERING_CNT_DESC":"We could use a hand with the repairs on the pipeline, and we\'re really low on supplies. Have a look around the valley, maybe there are any pipes left unused since the last repairs. And try not to run out of fuel, that\'s all we have left.","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERING":"Snowbound Valley","TRIAL_02_01_TARGET_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Station:","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERING_CNT_REW":"Great job! I knew we could rely on you.","TRIAL_02_01_WIN_DESC":"Deliver multiple large pipes to the service station. Fuel reserves are limited and truck recovery is restricted.","trial_02_02 Zalukodes":"","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_DESC":"Recently, this area has been struck by natural disasters, and we lost signals from the towers. Go get the generators there started.","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_REW":"Connection is restored, now people can communicate again.","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_0_DESC":"Visit Tower 1","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_1_DESC":"Visit Tower 2","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_2_DESC":"Visit Tower 3","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_3_DESC":"Visit Tower 4","TRIAL_02_02_WIN_DESC":"Visit the four towers located in hard to reach locations.","trial_03_02":"","TRIAL_03_02_DELIVERY_CNT":"Tumannaya Pass","TRIAL_03_02_SPARE_PARTS_DELIVERY":"Deliver the service trailer to the Power line","TRIAL_03_02_WIN_DESC":"Repair the truck and deliver the materials over the Tumannaya pass to the toppled power line.","TRIAL_03_02_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Repair the truck and deliver the materials to the power line.","TRIAL_03_02_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Everything is delivered. Good job!","trial_03_01":"","TRIAL_03_01":"Twins","TRIALS_03_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_BRING_BRICK":"Deliver the supplies to the Unfinished bridge","TRIAL_03_01_DESC":"Spring has come to the Northern lands. Its many creeks and the bay area are overflowing, washing out the nearby roads. The local bridge construction efforts went awry when a snapped housing sent four crates of mounting equipment tumbling into the bay below.","TRIAL_03_01_WIN_DESC":"Collect the lost cargo and deliver it to the unfinished bridge.","TRIALS_03_01_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Collect four scattered cargo and deliver them to the unfinished bridge.","TRIALS_03_01_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Well done. You deserved it.","trial_03_03":"","TRIAL_03_03":"Wolves\' Bog","TRIALS_03_03_SCOUT_CNT_DESC":"Deliver the scout to the sawmill.","TRIAL_03_03_WIN_DESC":"Deliver the scout to the sawmill.","TRIALS_03_03_SCOUTING_CNT_DESC":"Reach the Sawmill.","TRIAL_03_03_FINISH_ZONE":"Sawmill","TRIAL_03_03_W1":"Watchtower","TRIAL_03_03_W2":"Watchtower","TRIAL_03_03_W3":"Watchtower","TRIAL_03_03_SCOUTING_CNT_REW":"Well done. Here\'s your reward.","TRIALS_03_03_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Deliver the scout to the sawmill.","trial_04_01":"","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_CNT":"Escape from Tretyakov","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_CNT_DESC":"Time for some maneuvering practice. You\'ll get a good set of wheels, a full fuel tank, and all the claustrophobic close quarters you could ever wish for, and all you have to do is to check on a few spots I\'ve marked for you. The clock\'s ticking.","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_CNT_REW":"Now that\'s a job well done.","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_01_DESC":"Reach the Lumber Yard","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_02_DESC":"Reach the Service Shacks","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_03_DESC":"Reach the Village","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_04_DESC":"Reach the Church","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_05_DESC":"Reach the Train Station","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_06_DESC":"Reach the Steading","TRIAL_04_01_WIN_DESC":"In the allotted time, visit all locations marked on your map in any order.","trial_04_02":"","TRIAL_04_02_TSK":"The Slope","TRIAL_04_02_TSK_DESC":"The local weather station was expecting an equipment resupply. However, the recent storm has cut off the only viable route connecting it to the outside world. Still, this delivery needs to be made no matter what.","TRIAL_04_02_TSK_REW":"Finally! Can imagine how dreadful the route was, but you did it, and that\'s what matters.","TRIAL_04_02_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","TRIAL_04_02_WIN_COND":"Deliver an equipment container to the weather station without having the area map.","trial_05_01":"","TRIAL_05_01_TSK":"Aftermath","TRIAL_05_01_TSK_DESC":"Storms and floods are a common sight in many regions of our planet that oftentimes lead to disastrous consequences. Four vehicles loaded with important cargo were lost during the storm and need to be returned to the seaport.","TRIAL_05_01_REW_DESC":"Job well done! Our people will take over from here. For now, here\'s your reward.","TRIAL_05_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Seaport:","TRIAL_05_01_WIN_COND":"Find and deliver all vehicles to the seaport.","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ":"Fallen Titans","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_DESC":"Several big century-old trees were blown over by a recent storm. We would hate for the valuable timber to go to waste, so we have prepared the logs for transportation. The pick-up locations can be quite tricky, but I think you can do it.","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_REW":"Great, now these trees will be put to use, all thanks to you!","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Rail Car:","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_ST2":"Deliver to the Rail Car:","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_ST3":"Deliver to the Rail Car:","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ":"Weightlifting","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ_DESC":"It\'s as simple as that—you have to transport a locomotive from the depot to the station. You heard me right. I know, this is crazy and no one would be up to it—except you. The thing is, it can only be fueled and fixed at the station, and we have no other locomotives to tow it.","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ_REW":"Looks like I lost a hundred bucks to Steve. Well, now I have a good story to tell to my children.","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver Locomotive to the Loading Station:","WAGON_FINISH":"Loading Station","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_OBJ":"Restoring the tracks","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_OBJ_DESC":"If we are to restore this region, we have to establish connections. And nothing beats a railway! There\'s one here, and it looks decent, but several sections need to be replaced. That means ordering them at the factory and then delivering them to the breaches.","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_OBJ_REW":"I see you did it! Soon enough, cargo trains will start arriving, and we can ship out timber and paper products. You deserved your cut.","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_ST1":"Deliver to the Broken tracks","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_OBJ":"Train Departure","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_OBJ_DESC":"We are almost ready to send out our first train! There are a few problems however. First, the bridge the train has to go over isn\'t in top shape. It has to be fixed. Second, no engine will run without fuel. And we\'re not talking gasoline here. It needs special fuel from the fueling station nearby.","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_OBJ_REW":"The first step is taken. A new era has started for the region, and we would never have done it without you! Here\'s your reward, along with the heartiest gratitude from all the residents.","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_ST2":"Deliver to the Fueling Station","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_DESC":"Hi! We are trying to set up some mobile communication here. The signal is so bad, I can\'t even call my mom. But we need to haul the equipment to the hilltop. Will you help?","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_REW":"Now, we do the assembly, and we can call our families! Thanks for your help!","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_ST1":"Deliver equipment to the Cell Site:","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_TRUCK":"Mobile Telephony","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_DESC":"My loaded trailer got washed off into the river during a recent flood, but yesterday I saw it on a sandbank. Can you get it out?","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_REW":"Thanks! Without this trailer, I can\'t run the household properly, and I could always use the supplies. Here\'s your reward.","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_ST1":"Deliver to Miller\'s House:","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_TRUCK":"Trailer with cargo","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK_DESC":"Hey, can you help me? I\'m trying to fix my farm, and I could really use some long logs. I\'ll pay you well for the haul.","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK_REW":"Great, now I can restore everything here and run the household as it should be. Here\'s your reward!","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Farmer\'s House:","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_TSK_DESC":"A landslide happened after a recent storm and carried away a few pallets of fuel oil tanks. They are a hazard for the environment and can even contaminate the river. Can you please pull them out?","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_REW":"Now I can stop worrying for the local nature. Thanks, here is your reward.","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_ST1":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"This bridge was intended to connect the factory and the railway station. We need to fulfill the plan and complete the bridge.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Now delivering products from the factory will be so much easier! Thanks for your help!","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_ST1":"Deliver to the North Bridge:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"This bridge was never finished. We have to complete the job so we stay connected with this part of the region.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Awesome! This bridge will help us speed up log delivery from the woodcutting mill.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_ST1":"Deliver to the South Bridge:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_ST2":"Deliver to the South Bridge:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"The bridge that leads to my house has become very shabby and recently fell apart. Now, I\'m cut off from my land! I have to climb rocks to get home. Will you help me restore the bridge?","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_REW":"Thank you! Not having to climb for half an hour just to get home has its perks.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_ST1":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_DESC":"Driving through a forest at night is a terrible idea. We sent out a truck with a trailer for a technical assistance mission. The driver got lost, so the truck and the trailer both got stuck on the coast. We have no adequate equipment, we need your help.","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_REW":"Hurrah, the vehicles are safe! Had we lost the truck, it would\'ve cost us a fortune. As a token of our gratitude, please accept some resources from our warehouse.","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Hangar:","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_TRUCK":"Stuck truck","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_TRAILER":"Stuck trailer","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_TSK_DESC":"We were expecting a delivery of a big pipe, and the driver decided to take a shortcut across a shabby bridge. As the result, the pipe ended up in the river. We have to get it out somehow. Can you do it?","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_TSK_REW":"You saved us! I think it\'d only be fair if we let you have some resources from our warehouse.","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_ST1":"Deliver to the Unloading Site:","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TSK_DESC":"A barrel truck was supposed to arrive at our warehouse. But you know how the roads here are... It turned over on the way. We have no machinery to flip or fix it. Could you help us? For a fee, of course.","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TSK_REW":"Wow, as good as new! Thanks to you, our warehouse will keep on working as intended. This is your reward, and if you need something at the warehouse, you can take it.","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_ST1":"Deliver the truck to the Warehouse Parking Lot:","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_ST2":"Fix White Western Star 4964","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TRUCK":"Truck with a Tank","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_DESC":"We have an emergency! There was this big crane truck we were expecting. And by “big,” I mean BIG. It was going to the warehouse, but it flipped on its way here and fell into the trench. Folks who tried to help couldn\'t even budge it. Maybe you\'re the one who can do it?","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_REW":"You are one noble driver! I already thought we\'d have to saw the crane in half. But you saved us all! You\'re welcome to use our workshop if you\'ll need it.","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_ST1":"Deliver the truck to the Fuel Storage:","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_TRUCK":"Crane Truck","US_03_02_STRANGER_DESC":"Hey, kid, I see you\'re not from around here. It\'s good. My name is Carter. Something fishy is going on in this forest. I\'ve seen a weird glow in the depth of the woods many a time. I think they\'re doing some prohibited experiments there. I\'ve written down the coordinates of those places. You have to check them out!","US_03_02_STRANGER_REW":"Nothing unusual here, except for hordes of huge mushrooms on the hills. You wonder how long they\'ve been growing here. Carter left you the money in an envelope and vanished.","US_03_02_STRANGER_ST1":"Check the Suspicious activity point","US_03_02_STRANGER_ST2":"Check the Suspicious activity point","US_03_02_STRANGER_ST3":"Check the Suspicious activity point","US_03_02_YFILES_DESC":"How\'d you find me? Never mind. I think the government knows that I\'m after them, so I had to move. But I can trust you. I have discovered paranormal activity again! Tree tops mysteriously disappear at night, in the spots I\'ve marked. Please take a look at that place.","US_03_02_YFILES_REW":"Why would anyone chop trees in the middle of the forest? And where did the chopped trees go? Carter vanished yet again, leaving behind an envelope.","US_03_02_YFILES_ST1":"Check the Anomalous activity point","US_03_02_YFILES_ST2":"Check the Anomalous activity point","US_03_02_YFILES_ST3":"Check the Anomalous activity point","US_03_02_INVASION_DESC":"Finally, I discovered what causes the anomalies in the area! The huge funnel sink as locals call it, is in fact an alien landing spot. Government agents have collected the remains of the ship in crates, but they never took them anywhere. You have to be there first and get the crates to me.","US_03_02_INVASION_REW":"The crates hold nothing but junk. Looks like one of the locals has illegally dumped trash there. Although, I\'m sure the government has played a role in it. Well, we\'ve done a good deed anyway, here\'s your reward.","US_03_02_INVASION_ST1":"Deliver to Carter\'s Shelter:","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_DESC":"Thanks for your help with the bridge. But I\'ve found out that the materials for the new structure, that were lying around on the lot, have vanished. I think the hurricane blew them over to the river. I saw pallets with them washed ashore at the islands. Will you get them for me?","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_REW":"Thank you my friend! Now I can build my farm here and start supplying local residents with food. Your reward is well deserved.","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_ST1":"Deliver to the House on the Plateau:","US_03_02_SLALOM_DESC":"There is an interesting trail here, at first it looks easy, but in the end you\'re up for a surprise. Not many people reach the final point. But you look brave enough.","US_03_02_SLALOM_REW":"That was impressive! You were flying like a bird. Many have bet on you, so here is your well-deserved prize.","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST1":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST2":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST3":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST4":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST5":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_DESC":"My Grandma urgently needs a batch of pies! But you\'ll have to travel at night, through half-flooded forest. You\'d better take something serious, not every vehicle will go through there.","US_03_02_MUDSTER_REW":"Anything for my beloved Grandma. This is for you!","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST1":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST2":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST3":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST4":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST5":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST6":"Reach Control Point","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT":"Starting the Power Plant","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT_DESC":"Starting the Power Plant will help start up steel and brick production, and it will help the region in general. Let there be power!","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT_REW":"Finally, we can make bricks and rolled steel. You may benefit from this too.","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Power Plant:","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT":"Paper Factory, Section A","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT_DESC":"We have another construction site here! Section A of the future paper factory requires components, please help deliver them to the construction site.","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT_REW":"Thanks, we\'ll keep on building.","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Paper Factory:","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT":"Paper Factory, Section B","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT_DESC":"Section B of the Paper Factory needs materials. Help deliver them, and we\'ll be one step closer to completion.","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT_REW":"Thanks for your help, there\'s just a little left.","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Paper Factory:","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT":"Paper Factory, Section C","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT_DESC":"What\'s left is the last-but-not-least section of the Paper Factory. Let us finish it, you\'re doing great.","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT_REW":"Fantastic, we did it! Thanks for all your work, here is your reward.","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Paper Factory:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01":"Delivery to the Weather Station","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01_DESC":"Local meteorologists need logs! The sooner, the better! Even though these guys are usually good at waiting—their supplies will run out, as will as their patience.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01_REW":"Thanks, you saved us. We don\'t cut trees here, it\'s good we have lumber yards nearby.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02":"Contribution to Farm Restoration","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02_DESC":"Hi! We had this big flood a while ago, but the water is subsiding, and we\'re planning to restore our town. We need you to deliver some wood here, will you help us?","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02_REW":"Great, thanks for your help. Hope natural disasters decide to leave us alone.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03":"Rail Trail","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03_DESC":"This railway station will resume its work any time now, and we already got a few orders. Please make the deliveries and we\'ll pay.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03_REW":"Just what we needed, thanks for your work!","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04":"Big Trees to Small Homes","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_DESC":"A couple of local residents want to stock up on firewood for the coming winter. Please help us with the delivery, we\'ll pay you.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_REW":"Thanks for your work. I have no idea where they\'ll store all that firewood, but it\'s their problem, not ours.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the House in the South:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_STAGE_02_DESC":"Deliver to the House in the North:","US_03_01_CELL_CONT":"Wisconsin Truck Trip","US_03_01_CELL_CONT_DESC":"Finally, we\'ve started making cellulose! Now we have to fulfil a major contract and deliver it to the station in the south, over the hill. Pick up the cargo and take it to the destination.","US_03_01_CELL_CONT_REW":"Well done, great job! Here is your reward.","US_03_01_CELL_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"The main link between the new and the old factory has been destroyed. Will you help restore it?","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Finally, the path is laid.","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Factories Bridge:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"There used to be a wooden bridge here, and we are re-building it. We need your help!","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Superb! We have an excellent bridge now, right?","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"The path to the sawmill is blocked too. Let\'s clear it.","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03_REW":"Wow, now we\'re talking!","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Bridge:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04_DESC":"This bridge used to be made of wood, but we decided to renovate it. I think that will be just what we need. Will you help us?","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04_REW":"A little goes a long way! This is a great bridge, here is your fee.","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Creek Bridge:","US_03_01_TSK_01_DESC":"My friend was bringing me some spare parts, but some of them got lost on the way. Help us recover them please.","US_03_01_TSK_01_REW":"Hooray, we can breathe easy now. Thanks!","US_03_01_TSK_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Unloading Point:","US_03_01_TSK_02_DESC":"My friend Steve decided to take a ride on the rocks and fell from the very top. He\'s okay, but his car is stuck. Can you tow it out, please?","US_03_01_TSK_02_REW":"Great! Should probably install another four wheels on the roof of the car, for just such an occasion. Here you go.","US_03_01_TSK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Garage:","US_03_01_TSK_03_DESC":"Hi! My name is Mr. B, I am a traveler. I was just testing some modifications when I lost my trailer with spare parts, and my car broke down. Will you help me with that? I will pay you!","US_03_01_TSK_03_REW":"Hooray, now I can get back on the road! Thanks for your help, here is your reward. Who knows, we may see each other again some day. Bye!","US_03_01_TSK_03_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Mr. B.\'s House:","US_03_01_TSK_03_STAGE_02_DESC":"Repair Khan Lo4f","US_03_01_TSK_04_DESC":"Why, oh why did he go there?.. Please, please help me get my friend\'s car out of the bog, I will pay you!","US_03_01_TSK_04_REW":"Thanks! Hope he\'ll be more careful from now on.","US_03_01_TSK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House On The Hill:","US_03_01_TSK_05_DESC":"A recent hurricane has scattered our belongings all around. We need your help to find and recover them. For a fee, of course.","US_03_01_TSK_05_REW":"Thank you for your help, looks like we need to move our camp farther up the hills.","US_03_01_TSK_05_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Unloading Point:","US_03_01_TSK_06_DESC":"Hi! I wanted to ride down the quarry on my old truck but it fell. Will you help me pull it out and fix it? I will pay you for that.","US_03_01_TSK_06_REW":"Finally! Thanks for your help!","US_03_01_TSK_06_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the House near the Quarry:","US_03_01_TSK_06_STAGE_02_DESC":"Repair International Loadstar 1700","US_03_01_TSK_07_DESC":"I did tell myself not to go there, cause I might sink... But I just had to test that new suspension and the wheels! Help me pull the car out, will you? I will reward you handsomely.","US_03_01_TSK_07_REW":"Part of the suspension\'s lost, but the car looks viable. Thank you. Off to the repair shop with me now, so next time I won\'t get stuck.","US_03_01_TSK_07_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House near the Bog:","US_03_01_TSK_08_DESC":"My farm got flooded, so I moved. But I left my truck behind. Can you help bring it here?","US_03_01_TSK_08_REW":"Thanks for your help, here is your reward.","US_03_01_TSK_08_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Riverside House:","US_03_01_TSK_09_DESC":"Not long ago, I was driving around and toppled off the hill. The car is totaled and I can do without it, but I left some stuff there. Bring it here, and you can keep the car.","US_03_01_TSK_09_REW":"Thanks, just what I was looking for. The car is now yours, like I promised.","US_03_01_TSK_09_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Mr. Johnson\'s House:","US_03_01_TSK_10_DESC":"Recently, I borrowed a trailer and some logs from a friend. Will you help me get what I owe to his house? I will pay for your services.","US_03_01_TSK_10_REW":"Great, thank you. I can use it for my work.","US_03_01_TSK_10_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Lake House:","US_03_01_TSK_11_DESC":"Did you see the train that turned over on the tracks? We have some barrels there. Will you help us bring them here?","US_03_01_TSK_11_REW":"Thanks a lot, we appreciate your help.","US_03_01_TSK_11_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Platform by the House:","US_03_01_TSK_12_DESC":"We used to have a nice farm and a pretty town. The hurricane was vicious, but we do not leave our own behind. Help us recover the container with our gear and belongings, and we will pay you.","US_03_01_TSK_12_REW":"Great! We will not give up until this place becomes even more beautiful than before! And safer, too. Thanks for your service!","US_03_01_TSK_12_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Platform at the Farm:","US_03_01_CONT_01_DESC":"Hi! As you know, the locals love racing, and the quarry nearby is an ideal racing track. Let\'s see how fast your vehicle can go.","US_03_01_CONT_01_REW":"Wow, not bad! Here\'s the reward; you deserve it for that speed.","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_01_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_02_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_03_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint C","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_04_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint D","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_05_DESC":"Finish at Waypoint E","US_03_01_CONT_02_DESC":"A friend of mine says: “Never relax before you reach your goal.” Let\'s see how well you concentrate, this race is intended precisely for that.","US_03_01_CONT_02_REW":"Great speed! Here is your well-deserved reward.","US_03_01_CONT_02_STAGE_01_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_02_STAGE_02_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_02_STAGE_03_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint C","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_OBJ":"Electric Atmosphere","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_OBJ_DESC":"Welcome. We are here to conquer space, and the local electricians won\'t even bother to repair the substation. We barely have power to keep the lights on, let alone run the mill. Bring them what they need, alright?","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_OBJ_REW":"That\'s a start. Just thinking of spending another week here with nothing to do made me cringe. Well, at least we can get back to work now.","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_ST1":"Deliver to the Power Plant:","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ":"Orbital Velocity","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ_DESC":"The mill is in order, now we need a carrier. In fact, they wanted to launch here in the 70s, but they never made it, so chunks of a rocket are up for grabs. Hopefully they\'ll be in good enough condition.","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ_REW":"Gosh, this is huge. Now the delivery... Oh, do you know why 29? In a couple of years we will have our 29th Moon mission, to get some ice samples, and the sites are very busy as is, so we decided to build our own.","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Loading Site:","RU_04_01_ROCKET_TRAILER_OBJ":"Carrier Rocket Carrier","RU_04_01_ROCKET_TRAILER_OBJ_DESC":"While they\'re still busy putting the rocket together we should find a way to get it to the launchpad. There\'s an old military base that used to be a part of the cosmodrome. Let\'s see if we can find anything useful there.","RU_04_01_ROCKET_TRAILER_OBJ_REW":"Now that\'s interesting. I do have the base marked on my map, but nothing about that town. Oh well, you\'ve found the trailer, and that\'s what\'s important.","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_OBJ":"A Heap of Work","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_DESC":"The road to the launch site goes through a tunnel. Trouble is—it\'s been blocked and neglected for many years. We can allocate machinery for clearing, but we\'ll need some materials.","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_REW":"Thanks for your work. We cleared the path and reinforced the ceiling of the tunnel to prevent future accidents.","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide near the Tunnel:","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_TRUCK":"Service Trailer","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK_DESC":"This old bridge has gone without maintenance for a long time. No wonder there\'s so little left of it. Bring us some materials and we\'ll restore the direct route to the sawmill.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK_REW":"Great! Here is a little something for your trouble. And—it\'s a lot easier to get to the sawmill now.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to the Sawmill:","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK_DESC":"There used to be a bridge here. I have no idea how, but rumor has it the locals sold it for scrap. It has to be restored ASAP if we want to use this warehouse at all. Will you help deliver the materials?","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK_REW":"That\'s better! We\'ll be getting the supplies for the region in a jiffy now that we have a good connection with the warehouse. Thank you!","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to the Warehouse:","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK_DESC":"This bridge used to lead to the island where you could get to the city. However, there was some strong weather, so it should be restored. I think you know what to do.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK_REW":"Great, now we have access to the island. Here\'s your pay.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to the Island:","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK_DESC":"This ain\'t the first bridge that got cut up for scrap by some wise guys. We have to talk to the locals, maybe they know something. And for now, we need a new crossing, so let\'s get to work.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK_REW":"I hope this is the last time we have to fix up bridges. Thanks for your help.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to Town:","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_DESC":"Generally, this path doesn\'t get much use, so no one really cared it got blocked. But it is a smart route to the quarry, so we should probably do something about it.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_REW":"Doing well, my friend! Now, if one has an all-terrain truck, getting to the quarry would be a cinch!","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide on the Path:","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_DESC":"This place must be cursed. The main highway leading to the assembly shop got blocked. We may have to put rockets together with our bare hands, from matches and acorns, unless we do something about it. It\'s vital.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_REW":"Thanks to you, I don\'t have to worry about supplies.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_ST1":"Deliver to Landslide on the Highway:","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_DESC":"There are only two roads leading to the quarry, this one and the narrow path nearby, and standard trucks can only squeeze through here. Or rather they used to—it got thoroughly blocked, can you fix it?","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_REW":"Great, now the quarry is easy to access. You deserved your reward.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide near the Quarry:","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TSK_DESC":"Sorry, my friend, there will be no fueling today—the fuel tank they were transporting yesterday flipped over and slid into the river. If you can pull it out and bring it here, we can fuel you up as well.","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TSK_REW":"Wow, your help made a huge difference! We would\'ve had to wait for ages for a crane from the neighboring city. Now, we can get back to work.","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TRUCK":"Missing Tank","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_ST1":"Deliver to the Fuel Tank Parking:","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_TSK_DESC":"How on Earth is the sawmill supposed to run with no tools? Huh? We ordered a crate of those, paid for it and all. We did everything right—till some butterfingers dropped it in the river! What do we do now?","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_TSK_REW":"Wow, that was impressive! Thanks to you, we won\'t have to wait for I-don\'t-know-how-long to get the new tools. And yes, if you need wood—just let us know.","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill Warehouse:","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_TSK_DESC":"Oh, there\'s another one. Sorry, we\'re closed. Our supply trailer got stuck in the marsh, so unless someone pulls it out, all I can offer is air. However, if you help us, we can talk.","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_REW":"That\'s it! Even the cargo looks intact. I owe you one. And you know having a warehouse keeper in your debt\'s a good thing, right?","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_TRUCK":"Supplies for the Warehouse","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_DESC":"We hear you\'re game for some tough work? We were planning to open a workshop at the factory, but we\'ll need some supplies, and our trailer got stuck in the ravine. Could you try and pull it out for us?","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_REW":"You\'re good! Well, you helped us and we\'ll repay you. If you need repairing—drop by, we\'ll see what we can do.","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Workshop:","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_TRUCK":"Factory Trailer","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK_DESC":"They dropped some cargo off a helicopter a few days ago, but no one came to pick it up. Let\'s get it here at least. Better than it sitting in the snow..","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK_REW":"Here, it\'ll be safe. And if the owners show up, they will definitely talk to me first—there\'s no one else around. Here\'s your reward.","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_TSK_DESC":"I maintain a radio tower on a hill not far from here. My SUV wouldn\'t start yesterday, I have no idea what the problem is, so I left it there. Could you help me tow it here, and I can take a good look at it.","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_REW":"Thanks! There\'s no one here to ask for help, so I don\'t know what I\'d do without you.","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_TRUCK":"Stuck SUV","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking by the House:","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK":"Unlucky Expedition","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_DESC":"We have a situation. We have a small business and were doing some research here, but we got in an accident on our way back. To cut it short, we have no access to either the vehicle or to the trailer cabin. Can you help?","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_REW":"What would we ever do without you? Thanks a lot!","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Rendezvous:","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_TRUCK_01":"Broken SUV","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_TRUCK_02":"Trailer Cabin","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_DESC":"What should I do?.. I was making some deliveries, but everything is covered with ice, so the trailer slid into a ravine. How on Earth can I deliver it now? Wait... Can I ask you for a favor?","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_REW":"You saved me, my friend! You have my thanks, and here is a little something to make it worth your while.","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Fishing Camp:","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_ST2":"Deliver to the Hunters\' Winter Cabin:","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_ST3":"Deliver to the Explorers\' Camp:","RU_04_01_CHURCH_DESC":"See this church? I am doing my best to maintain it, year after year, with these very hands. But, without supplies, it\'s getting harder and harder. Would you help me?","RU_04_01_CHURCH_REW":"You did a good deed. Now, I can fix it nicely.","RU_04_01_CHURCH_ST1":"Deliver to the Church:","RU_04_01_HELP_DESC":"Hey, wanna make some money? Even better—I could give you some juicy leads. Get the construction materials to my brother in town, and I\'ll make it worth your time.","RU_04_01_HELP_REW":"Oh, my brother sent you, right? Thanks for your help! He asked me to give you some coordinates. Here you go, as agreed.","RU_04_01_HELP_ST1":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","RU_04_01_HELP_TRUCK":"Supplies for a local","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_DESC":"I promised you a good lead, so listen. There is a car at the bottom of the ravine here. It\'s been there a while, but it looks okay. Tow it out, and we\'ll see what we can do with it.","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_REW":"Looks like new! That\'s a handsome reward! You decide what to do with it now.","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TRUCK":"An SUV in the bottom","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking near the Garage:","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_ST2":"Fix the SUV","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_DESC":"I can see you have every reason to be proud. How about a stress test? There is a small range with three summits nearby. If you make it to all three on time, you will get a prize. Deal?","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_REW":"You are some climber! Great job, here is your prize.","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_ST1":"Reach Summit 1","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_ST2":"Reach Summit 2","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_ST3":"Reach Summit 3","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC":"It is strongly recommended not to get on the ice now, but that\'s not stopping you, right? We raised some prize money here and want to race to the end of the route. You can join us—if you\'re not scared, that is.","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_REW":"Not bad, not bad. Even made it without a tow truck. Now, get lost before someone sees us.","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST1":"Reach Point 1","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST2":"Reach Point 2","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST3":"Reach Point 3","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST4":"Reach Point 4","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST5":"Reach Point 5","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Reach for the Stars","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"The rocket\'s ready, now it\'s time to ship it over to the guys at the HAB. It\'s already big as it is, so we\'ll put the boosters on it later. I hope I don\'t have to remind you about being careful with it.","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the HAB hangar:","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Alright... Looks fine. We\'ll take care of a few more things and it should be ready.","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Liftoff","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Okay, final push. We couldn\'t get our hands on an actual locomotive so you\'d have to give the platform a good push to the launchpad. Once that\'s done head for the Mission Control, should be quite a view.","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"And we\'ve got liftoff! Grade-A job everyone. And now that we\'ve got a successful launch under our belt, there shouldn\'t be a problem with getting extra funding. I\'d say that calls for a celebration, eh?","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the Launchpad","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_1":"Reach Mission Control","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ":"Lifeline","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ_DESC":"Looks like someone overestimated how intact the fuel line is. The auxiliary fuel storage is there alright, but we can\'t really fill it up with a chunk of pipeline missing. I do think we can find a replacement though.","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ_REW":"There we go. We\'ll pressurize it as soon as we get a green light from the facility upstream. For now though, we\'re one step closer to our goal.","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the Auxiliary Fuel Tank:","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ":"Ground Control","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_DESC":"Time to get this place up to shape. First things first, the bunker is in good condition, but the rest isn\'t, especially the radar. You go and get some bricks to get us going, I\'ll figure what to do about the dish.","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_REW":"That should work fine. Give us a couple of weeks and we\'ll make this place feel like home.","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the Mission Control:","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_0_1":"Deliver to the Mission Control:","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_1":"Deliver to the Mission Control:","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Log Crossing","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_DESC":"I don\'t even want to know the shape our cargo would be if you try to go over that crossing right now. Just bring a few logs here and I\'ll have someone finish the crossing for you.","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_REW":"Seems good. Now let\'s hope that would be enough.","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Log Crossing:","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK":"Rockslide","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK_DESC":"Looks like the main road is going to be a problem. I think it could still be easier to just clear that one out than to look for an alternate route, so let\'s get cracking.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK_REW":"There we go. Here\'s to hoping the rest of the road is clear.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Rockslide:","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK":"Shore Collapse","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK_DESC":"Another rockslide. We\'re already here anyway, so why stop now. I think you know what to do.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK_REW":"And it\'s gone. You can proceed.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Shore Collapse:","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK":"Fallen Trees","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK_DESC":"Treefall? Well that\'s a new one. Doesn\'t change the fact we need to get past them though.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK_REW":"All in a day\'s work. Carry on.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Fallen Trees:","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK":"Cliffside Treefall","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK_DESC":"I\'m beginning to think it would\'ve been easier to pave a new road instead of clearing that one out. Oh well, too late for that, time to get our hands dirty.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK_REW":"That should do it. Here\'s to hoping there\'s enough space to get our precious cargo through.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Cliffside Treefall:","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK":"Tree Blockade","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK_DESC":"More fallen trees, of course. At least, we don\'t need to fit the trailer through here. You know the drill.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK_REW":"Having a straight shot from the launchpad to the factory won\'t hurt. But If I\'ll ever see another pile of fallen trees blocking the road, it\'ll be too soon.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Tree Blockade:","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Old Bridge","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_DESC":"So here we are, huh. I was afraid something like this would happen... No matter. Someone has to have some planks we could borrow around here, right?","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_REW":"That was a bit less painful than I anticipated. Well done.","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK":"Stargazer","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"They say something fell not far from here before the cosmodrome was built. Whatever it was, it\'s not there anymore, but looks like they\'ve left a truck behind. Probably unusable, we still better check.","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Now that\'s one beast of a truck. Something tells me the previous owners aren\'t looking for it anymore, so we might as well put it to good use.","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK_0":"Repair ZiKZ 605R","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK":"Unlucky Lineman","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK_DESC":"Now, I have no idea what some of these people are thinking sometimes, but one my guys decided to check the railroad across the river and managed to roll the truck off a cliff. Would you kindly pull him out?","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK_REW":"Let me put it this way: he won\'t be driving this truck any time soon. Thanks for your help.","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Parking Lot:","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK":"Takes One To Find One","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"So a pal of mine\'s been here, kind of a fisherman like myself. Had a bit too much tea while camping so he fell into the river. The guy made it out, but his car needs towing - doubt he\'ll ever set foot on that ice again.","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Alright, alright! You\'re a pro, brother!","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Garage:","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK":"Strategic Reserve","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_DESC":"I\'ll cut straight to the chase. We\'ve got a couple of supply trailers scattered around the place that I want you to tow back to the town. You do that, and I\'ll help you with that launchpad. Deal?","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_REW":"Yeah, that\'s the stuff. Well done. I was worried they\'d be gone by now, but seems like we\'re in luck.","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_0_0":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_0_1":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_0_2":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK":"Knee Deep","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK_DESC":"Looks like the previous courier didn\'t make it all the way to the town. It\'s probably best to pull his truck back to the repair shop, it could still be of use to the locals.","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK_REW":"Turns out the owner actually made it out. The repair shop already got in touch with him, and soon the truck\'ll be back on the road.","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Motor pool:","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK":"Lost But Not Forgotten","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK_DESC":"You got a minute? Back in the day my grandpa got his truck stuck in the swamp nearby. It\'s been there for years now, but I\'m wondering if something can still be done about it.","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK_REW":"Actually, it looks quite well after all the time it\'d been stuck there. Thanks a lot for the help!","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK":"Snowbound","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_DESC":"The winters here are quite something. Sometimes, that much snow can block entire roads off completely. Since the weather\'d cleared up a bit, can I ask you to go check on a couple places around here?","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_REW":"Ah, expectable, really. The village stood empty for a while now, too, but it\'d be sad to see it completely fall to ruins.","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_1":"Visit the Island Apiary","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_2":"Visit the Abandoned Town","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_3":"Visit the Old Lumber Mill","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK":"Meteo Point","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK_DESC":"Living away from civilization isn\'t as tough as some may believe. Just remember to keep reserves of everything you really need. Speaking of, I could do with some spare fuel for my generator, if you could lend a hand.","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK_REW":"Lovely. Thanks to you I probably won\'t need to worry about it for a long while.","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Meteo Point:","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK":"Picturesque","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_DESC":"Oh, hey there! So, once they officially open the spaceport, we\'ll need to get the PR rolling. And I figured, why not take some pictures for future merch and such, right? So, could you give me a quick tour?","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_REW":"Ah, now that looks lovely, eh? Once we get the design finished, I\'ll be sure to get you an extra album as a gift, too.","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_1":"Visit the Apiary","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_2":"Visit the Blast Pit","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_3":"Visit the Launchpad Area","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_4":"Visit the Old Railway","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_5":"Visit the Mission Control","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_6":"Visit the Island","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK":"Misadventure","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"Oh, aren\'t you with those cosmonaut people? It\'s been years since anyone tended to our local church, so I figured I\'ll help out. Turns out, the road\'s a bit too rough for my baby. Could you please get her back to me?","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Ah, thank you so much. I won\'t forget it.","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_0":"Repair DON 71","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_1":"Deliver to the Service Bay:","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK":"Build Additional Farmhouses","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_DESC":"Ah, always nice to see a new face around these parts. Tell me, friend, do you have a moment to spare? We were going to patch up this here farm a touch, but we\'re going to need a few things for that. Think you could help?","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_REW":"Well done, well done! Thanks for the help.","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_1":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK":"Fuel For The Masses","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK_DESC":"You may be wondering why we have those pipes in storage over there. Well, we were going to set up water supply from the town, but that went nowhere, so we use generators to power the boilers. Speaking of which...","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK_REW":"Of course we do have power lines going here, but it never hurts to have a backup plan, you know?","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK":"Church","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK_DESC":"Maintaining a church is an honest and tough work, especially without any materials. One kind soul offered their help with that, but couldn\'t handle the delivery. Perhaps you could show kindness to those in need, too?","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK_REW":"May your kindness be repaid in full. So shines a good deed in a weary world...","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Church:","RU_04_02_MAINTAINER_CC_NAME":"Radar Equipment","RU_04_02_TOWN_SUPPLY_TRAILER":"Supply Trailer","RU_04_02_FUEL_CONTEST_RESTOCK_TRAILER":"Ordered Fuel","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT":"Belated Delivery","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT_DESC":"Oh hey, you might be just who I need. I\'ve got this barrel that needs delivering to the fuel station. I\'m already way behind schedule, and I\'ve got nothing to tow it there with, so... help a guy out, will you?","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT_REW":"Now you\'re a lifesaver mate. I won\'t forget that one.","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT_0":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT":"Fuel-Eight","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_DESC":"The locals have a thing going, a little race from here and all the way to the launchpad. They call it the uh... Fuel-Eight, something or other. Me, I\'m not a fan of that kinda thing, but you might want to give it a shot.","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_REW":"So how\'d it go? Well alright, I bet you\'ve got stuff to do other than entertaining the locals.","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_0":"Visit the First Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_1":"Visit the Second Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_2":"Visit the Third Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_3":"Visit the Fourth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_4":"Visit the Fifth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_FIN":"Visit the Final Checkpoint","RU_04_03_LOST_C_DESC":"We\'re scouting the area here, but our driver didn\'t make the turn. If you can tow the car out, we\'d be grateful. If we can make it to the road, we can take over from there.","RU_04_03_LOST_C_REW":"You\'ve got no idea how thankful we are. We were already trying to come up with a way to explain the loss, and there you were—right place, right time. Here, you deserved it!","RU_04_03_LOST_C_KHAN_DESC":"Deliver to the Evacuation Point:","RU_04_03_FUEL":"Bare Minimum","RU_04_03_FUEL_DESC":"According to the maps, there\'s a good spot for a temporary gas station near one of the military objects on the island. We\'re ready to have some people set it up, if you provide the fuel.","RU_04_03_FUEL_REW":"All done on our end. Just have to fill up the tank, which, I believe, you\'ve already done as well.","RU_04_03_OILTANK_1":"Get to the Old Water Pump:","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_1":"Unlimited Power","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_DESC":"There\'s an electric substation near the bridge across the river. We didn\'t have much use for it while the whole line was down, but the situation has changed. We\'d be grateful if you would help us fix it.","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_REW":"The first step\'s taken. Great job. Now, we can repair the grid.","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_REPAIR":"Deliver to the Substation:","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES":"We Have Contact!","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_DESC":"Okay, so the substation\'s up and running, but the line from the village is still wrecked. Look like it\'s broken in a few places. We have to see what happened and how to fix it.","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_REW":"All right, the voltage is growing, everything looks good. We\'re a great team. Good job.","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_01":"Deliver to the Fallen Powerline:","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_02":"Deliver to the Powerline in the Forest:","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES":"Humanitarian Mission","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_DESC":"It\'s amazing, but it looks like people still live here. We\'re trying to befriend the locals, so we decided to get them some supplies. And you, in turn, can help us deliver them.","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_REW":"Well done. It may be a pro-bono mission, but you earned your reward.","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_CONTAINER_DESC":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Cabin:","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_WOODEN_DESC":"Deliver to the Monastery:","RU_04_03_GIANT":"Top Secret","RU_04_03_GIANT_DESC":"A serious person got in touch with me, he says there\'s some equipment here at the base that belongs to them. I was smart enough not to ask for the details—you know what I mean. Long story short, we were asked to get it out.","RU_04_03_GIANT_REW":"All right, everything\'s intact, the client\'s happy, he said we can keep truckin\' through the woods all we want. That\'s a relief. So, I guess... good job. Here.","RU_04_03_GIANT_HEAVY_DESC":"Deliver to the Evacuation Point:","RU_04_03_SEISMIC":"Richter Scale","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_DESC":"Our partners from the Geophysics Institute asked us to do some exploring. The terrain here is seismically active, so they could really use the data. If you\'re in, you\'ll need a seismic vibrator.","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_REW":"Great job. We already sent the data to the institute. Here\'s your reward.","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_1_DESC":"Find and scan the Point in the North","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_2_DESC":"Find and scan the Point in the West","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_3_DESC":"Find and scan the Point in the South","RU_04_03_SCOUT_01":"Expanding the Borders","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_DESC":"The place is remote, that\'s for sure. And our maps seem outdated. Will you help us do some exploring? There are some points of special interest here.","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_REW":"Thanks, you did great. We\'ll update our maps. And, meanwhile, here is your reward.","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_1_DESC":"Visit the Dragon\'s Tooth Peak","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_2_DESC":"Visit the Coastal Hills","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_3_DESC":"Visit the Island","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_4_DESC":"Visit the Tabletop Rock","RU_04_03_SCOUT_02":"Into the Deep","RU_04_03_SCOUT_2_DESC":"There is this local guy here, a hermit. He told us about a few interesting places that need exploring as soon as we get the chance. Will you do it?","RU_04_03_SCOUT_2_REW":"You are good! We should check that place out too, when we finish our work here. It\'s about time for some fresh air.","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_1_DESC":"Visit the Coastal Rocks","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_2_DESC":"Visit the Rocky Range","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_3_DESC":"Visit the The Scenic View Hill","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_4_DESC":"Visit the The Bear Mountain","RU_04_03_LOST_B_DESC":"Hello. We were just... let\'s say, we were taking some measurements here, then the weather got worse. One of the cars wouldn\'t start, so we had to leave it behind. Can you help us get it back to the Weather Station?","RU_04_03_LOST_B_REW":"Well, I\'m sure it wasn\'t easy, but you did it. Thank you on behalf of the whole team.","RU_04_03_LOST_B_DON_DESC":"Get the scout to the Weather Station","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01":"Fallen Bridge","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_DESC":"Yes, the roads here are pretty beat-up. And the bridge... If we want to have free access to the substation, we have to fix it. And, somehow, I think you\'re the right person for the job.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_REW":"Great. Now we can work with the substation. Here\'s your reward.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Fallen Bridge:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Fallen Bridge:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02":"Bridge by the Checkpoint","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_DESC":"Wow, the main access road to the island looking like this... I would strongly advise against using it as-is. So, let\'s get our hands dirty—the bridge won\'t build itself.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_REW":"Well done! The bridge is like new. Now, we won\'t have to crawl on the ice any more. Here, you earned it.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Bridge by the Checkpoint:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Bridge by the Checkpoint:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03":"Eroded road","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03_DESC":"Looks like we won\'t be able to drive through here, but there\'s no other good road to the substation. It means we have to build a new crossing. Are you in?","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03_REW":"It might not be cast in concrete, but it\'ll do for now. Thanks a lot for your help.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Eroded road:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02":"Small landslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_DESC":"Now, this is bad. According to the map, this route is very promising for exploration, so we have to do something about the landslide.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_REW":"One less problem for the exploration. Thanks!","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_WOODEN_DESC":"Deliver to the Small landslide:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_METAL_DESC":"Deliver to the Small landslide:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03":"Rockslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_METAL_DESC":"It\'s just one thing on top of another, literally. Another rockslide. I know, the area here is pretty wild and all, but moving like this—it\'ll take us weeks to get through. We want to move on, we have to clear the road.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_REW":"The road is clear. Glad I can count on you.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_METAL_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Rockslide:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04":"Landslide in the Woods","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_DESC":"There is a monastery nearby, I got in touch with them. They can help with the landslide, but they want us to tow out their supply trailer nearby. You deliver it to the monastery while they\'re clearing the path for us.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_REW":"Marvelous. The path is clear, and the people from the monastery gave us some supplies. Here\'s your cut.","RU_04_04_KUNG_DESC":"Deliver to the Monastery:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05":"Landslide in the City","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_DESC":"Well, we\'re almost there! Yeah, we expected the city would be like this, but it doesn\'t mean we\'re happy about it. Unless the road is cleared, it won\'t be of much use.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_REW":"I see you just won\'t give up. Way to go!","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_HELPER_DESC":"Deliver to the Landslide in the city:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06":"Fallen Tower","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_DESC":"Nearly there! Just the last stretch, literally, but we have to get this tower away somehow. Let\'s look around, maybe we can find some supplies.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_REW":"The path is clear. Well done.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_HELPER_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Tower:","RU_04_03_RUN_DESC":"So you like extreme sports? I thought so. The route ain\'t an easy one, but I think you can handle it. Let\'s see how fast you can make it to the finish line.","RU_04_03_RUN_REW":"Not bad, not bad! This trip isn\'t for the weak, let alone the timing.","RU_04_03_RUN_1_DESC":"Visit the Guard House","RU_04_03_RUN_2_DESC":"Visit the Camp","RU_04_03_RUN_3_DESC":"Visit the Railway Terminal","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_DESC":"Rumor has it, you\'re a wicked good driver. How about you prove it? Not too many off-road enthusiasts here, but we\'ve put together some dough for whoever drives around the island the fastest. Are you in?","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_REW":"Wow, you sure can drive! The prize is rightfully yours!","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_1_DESC":"Visit the North Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_2_DESC":"Visit the Headquarters","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_3_DESC":"Visit the East Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_4_DESC":"Visit the South Radar","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR":"Back In Action","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_DESK":"Hello. There is an old garage nearby. Right now, it\'s pretty wrecked, but after some repairs—it can be re-equipped. You might be interested in it.","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_REW":"The previous owners were in no hurry with the renovation, but it\'s done now. Of course, you can use the garage too if you need it.","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Garage:","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS":"Supply Lines","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_DESK":"Recently, the village has had supply disruptions. The storms and the ice don\'t make it any better. We\'ve prepared a batch of food that has to be delivered to the village. Hope we can count on you.","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_REW":"Thanks for your help. Spring\'s coming, and next time we\'ll find someone else.","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES":"Winter Reserves","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_DESK":"In addition to food, the locals have a problem with firewood. The winter was severe, and the sawmill warehouse is getting depleted. It\'s not critical just yet, but we have to do something now.","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_REW":"Now, the supplies should last long. And by next winter, we\'ll have to revise our norms of provision.","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_04_04_FISHER":"Fisherman\'s House","RU_04_04_FISHER_DESC":"Lots of locals live outside the village, and connecting with them is sometimes a problem. Currently, the most urgent issue is a local fisherman running out of firewood, he needs help with delivery.","RU_04_04_FISHER_REW":"We\'re right on time! Good work.","RU_04_04_FISHER_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Fisherman\'s House:","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON":"Repair Works","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_DESK":"A sudden request came in. With all the firewood reserved in case of extreme cold, the sawmill was idle. So now they have trouble with planks—the warehouse is empty, and the locals have no materials to use.","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_REW":"When it gets warmer, the sawmill will be back in action, and the problem should be solved. As of now, our temporary measure should be enough.","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS":"Solid Rock","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_DESK":"Okay, soldier. Aside from the pipes, we have a request from the Amur residents. They will set up production for us, but we\'ll have to provide some supplies and help. For starters, let\'s find out how stable the soil is.","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_REW":"Fine by me. I\'ll show them the results and see what they say.","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST1":"Explore the area in the West:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST2":"Explore the area in the North:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST3":"Explore the area near the Astronaut town:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST4":"Explore the area in the East:","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION":"Sawmill Blues","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_DESK":"I guess I look like an errand boy. Obviously, we don\'t want to quarrel with the local government... In short, they asked for help with the sawmill. Apparently, it has a special saw, so they want to get it up and running.","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_REW":"You made it, good job! Not like we\'re getting paid for it, but never mind.","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION":"Plant Restoration","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_DESC":"The plant, right... We used to have one, now it\'s closed. But the government thinks it has to reopen—we have our interest in that, too. If we help with repairs, we\'ll be able to place orders there, to shop locally.","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_REW":"Keep up the good work! I\'ve talked to them. Their management is not easy, but I match them all right. We\'ll pull through.","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Plant:","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION":"Spring Cleaning","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_DESC":"I\'ve found an interesting paper—looks like the original deed on the launch complex included a warehouse. It\'s not much, but if we clean it, I can put it to good use. And you may recover something useful too.","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_REW":"Not bad indeed. If we keep it up, we\'ll build a small space empire here, eh?","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING":"Personal Favor","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_DESC":"I have a good friend, back from the Army. He has a wood-cutting shop here. He needs help with firewood. It\'s personal and off the record, but I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_REW":"Sorry for bothering you over such trifles. But you have to understand, we\'re army buddies and everything, so thank you. And no, I have no idea why they need so much wood.","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN":"Covered In Smoke","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_DESC":"Turns out the locals have a rarity here, a real steam train engine, mind you—a working one! They fixed it all right, but they have no fuel for it. Care to get them some wood for the coal?","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_REW":"I\'m almost curious whether it\'ll run.","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A":"Block Alpha","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_DESC":"Hello. People from the Maneuver gave me your contact info, they said you\'re a reliable driver. I think you already know why we\'re here, so let\'s skip the formalities. The complex is a big structure, we\'ll work in stages.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_REW":"Block Alpha is completed, great. Now, we can move on to Beta.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to Block Alpha:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_ACTION_ST2":"Deliver to Block Alpha:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B":"Block Beta","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_DESC":"We go on to the next stage. The list of necessary materials is ready, my people are waiting for the delivery. We still have some supplies left, so the workers aren\'t idle, but we\'d like to avoid it in the future.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_REW":"The second block is ready to go. We can proceed to the last block now.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Block Beta:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C":"Block Gamma","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_DESC":"The last stretch. We\'re doing great, thanks to you. As usual, we have the list, since we\'re finishing the renovation and are ready to start working on Gamma.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_REW":"Great work. Right on time, everything\'s ready for production. We have contacted the regulators, so we have to wait for their inspection and start the production.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to Block Gamma:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_ACTION_ST2":"Deliver to Block Gamma:","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_DESC":"Hi! I am having a new car delivered, but I cannot pick it up myself, I have a business to run. Maybe you could help me?","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_REW":"Many thanks! Good work must be handsomely paid for.","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Chapel:","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_01_DESC":"What do I do now... Can you imagine, I was taking some produce to the market, and I got stuck real bad. The weather is cold, so the food won\'t spoil too quick, but the car has to be rescued.","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_01_REW":"Oh, thank you, my friend! Here, for your trouble.","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Market:","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_01_DESC":"I remember seeing a trailer in an abandoned village. Sure it was old, but it looked pretty decent. I\'m thinking it might still be serviceable. Will you bring it here? I\'ll pay you for that.","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_01_REW":"Yes, it looks okay. It still has lot of use in it. Here, this is for your trouble.","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Astronaut town:","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_01_DESC":"Hey! I hear you do cargo transportation? We have a trailer at the station. It\'s so big, we can\'t tow it on the ice. Can you help?","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_01_REW":"Great, you saved us! We owe you one, and maybe even more than one...","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Worker\'s House:","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE_DESC":"Oh, do you know anything about repairs? We have a problem, and it looks like we can\'t fix it. Can you help us? Will you?","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE_REW":"You\'re an ace! Everything looks good now, so we will proceed.","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE_ACTION_ST1":"Repair the car","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01":"Nothing To See Here","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01_DESC":"Hey, wanna make some coin? There\'s an old church here, and I remember a really nice trailer near it. You get it here, I\'ll pay for the work. Deal?","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01_REW":"Wow, you are good! I can really use it... But let\'s make a deal, no one has to know about this trailer, okay?","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Astronaut town:","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01":"Family Business","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01_DESC":"As if we didn\'t have enough problems already. We almost made it home—and we get stuck. Would you be so kind as to tow us to town? We can\'t walk there with kids, not in this weather...","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01_REW":"Thanks! We were afraid we\'d have to go on foot...","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_01_DESC":"Our winters sure are cold, just like this one. We need to get firewood to the village, but everyone\'s scared of the ice. If you do it, we\'ll pay.","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_01_REW":"Fine. As agreed, here is your payment.","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_01_DESC":"What kinda day is that? Like I\'ve broken a crate of mirrors... And ruined such a nice car... Wait a minute, maybe you could help? Pull out my car? I have no idea who else to turn to.","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_01_REW":"Thanks! I owe you!","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Repair Station:","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A_01_DESK":"The infrastructure here looks prehistoric. No wonder the bridge is ruined. But we have to repair it anyway. Will you do it?","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A_01_REW":"Looks sturdy. Let\'s hope it\'ll last longer than the last one.","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Main Bridge:","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B_01_DESK":"We have a situation. There used to be a bridge here, but it fell apart the other day. We cannot do without a crossing, so it\'s pretty urgent. Can I count on you?","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B_01_REW":"Great! The crossing is set up, we are good to go. Thanks!","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Crossing:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A_01_DESC":"I have this feeling that all I ever do is look for someone to help us with the roads. Speaking of which, could you spare some time?","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A_01_REW":"You know, I could really use a person who\'d take care of the landslides. Not interested? Okay, but bear in mind—we always have something to clear.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the South West:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B_01_DESC":"The soil here is so unstable, it just slides away whenever it gets wet. The slightest rainfall blocks all the roads. Do you have a minute to help us clear it up?","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B_01_REW":"It\'s risky, I know, but you made it, right? Well done.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the North East:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C_01_DESC":"And, of course, as soon as we have bad weather, we\'d better start looking for road cleaning machinery. Really, I\'m just about to buy a tractor... Well, okay. Will you help?","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C_01_REW":"Now, we can drive freely, thanks!","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the West:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D_01_DESC":"The weather is horrible. Any rain causes a landslide. Will you help us clear it? I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D_01_REW":"Great, the path is clear! Good work.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the North:","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_DESC":"The local off-road fans have a sort of initiation rite here—speed driving in the mountains. Care to see if the mountains welcome you?","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_REW":"Yes. Not bad at all. Looks like the mountains approve of you.","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST4":"Visit Point 4","RU_04_04__RACE_B_CNT":"Endurance Run","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_DESC":"The army of off-road fans includes those who like long distances. For them, we have a long route. Just be sure to fill up that tank if you want to try out your skills.","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_REW":"Wow, you\'re a beast! Not everyone is brave enough for such a race.","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04__RACE_C_CNT":"Round and Round","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_DESC":"How about a round race? We have that too. And we offer a prize—winner takes all. That enough to pique your interest?","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_REW":"Ugh... Honestly, I didn\'t expect such a result from you, anyway. It\'s not every day one meets a professional driver.","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST4":"Visit Point 4","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST5":"Visit Point 5","RU_04_04__RACE_D_CNT":"Street Race","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_DESC":"Astronaut town\'s no metropolis, but even here there\'s room to maneuver. That means there are those who like street racing, if you didn\'t get it. Maybe you\'d be interested.","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_REW":"So, how does it feel? Not bad for a village, huh? Well, we had a great trip.","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST4":"Visit Point 4","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY":"Don\'s Right Hand","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_DESC":"First things first, the river port needs patching up. The ships are on their way, and we can\'t keep them waiting. Without the port, we\'ll have no materials to work with, and without those, there won\'t be a factory.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_REW":"Now this looks almost good as new. Well done.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to River Port:","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to River Port:","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_02_S":"Deliver to River Port:","RU_05_01_TRAILER_STORE":"Trailer Store","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY":"River Port","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_DESC":"The ships are ready to dock, but we can\'t use the cranes without power. We\'ll have to fix a broken power pole and patch up another one. With supplies still on their way, we\'ll have to make do with what we can find here.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_REW":"The ships are being unloaded, and we don\'t seem to be falling behind schedule. That should hopefully satisfy the factory\'s new owners. Now we need to make sure the railroad is usable.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_S_01":"Deliver to Power Line 1:","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_S_02":"Deliver to Power Line 2:","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01":"Titan Awakening","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_DESC":"There are three main buildings we need to restore before the factory will be operational. To start, we\'ll need some machinery and quite a lot of bricks. There\'s a long road ahead, so get cracking.","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_REW":"I\'ve no idea how you managed to haul this stuff all this way. I guess they meant it when they said you\'re the best.","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_S_DESC":"Deliver to the Tatra Vehicle Factory:","HEAVY 1_S":"Construction trailer","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_S_DESC_01":"Deliver to the Tatra Vehicle Factory:","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02":"The Steel Phoenix","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_DESC":"Time to spark new life into this place. And by that, I mean it\'s time to bring in the new boilers. The train carrying them is already on its way - if the bridge and the rail line are fixed, it should be here any minute.","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_REW":"Fire, steel, and the smell of fresh paint. This factory is rising up like a phoenix. Great work. Hopefully, the renewed factory would mean good things for the region.","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_S":"Deliver to the Boiler Building:","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Boiler Building:","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03":"Slow and Steady","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_DESC":"One of the key structures here is the warehouse, and not gonna lie, it\'s basically in ruins. Worse yet, a good chunk of supplies we were sent got washed off into the river. Those need to be reclaimed first.","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_REW":"Well done. Now this finally does look like a warehouse. You know your stuff, that\'s for sure.","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_S":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_S_01":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE":"Broken Pipes","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_DESC":"The village could also use some work. The locals don\'t even have running water in their homes. What makes things worse is that the ship carrying new pipes was washed ashore, so we\'ll need to fetch them by land.","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REW":"The water supply is restored. Great job! You\'ve managed nicely, so here\'s what you\'re owed. Meanwhile, someone should consider installing a few beacons here for safety...","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Right Bank:","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_S_02":"Deliver to Poddonskoye Village:","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_S_03":"Deliver to the Worker Village:","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES":"Winter is Coming","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_DESC":"Another issue is the unfinished hot water line. If we want to keep the factory running through the winter we\'ll need to complete it. By now the necessary piping should already be waiting for you at Antonovka station.","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_REW":"The pipes are in place and the pipeline is ready for a test run. I bet you are tired of vague and repetitive praise by now, but still, you deserve it.","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_01_DESK":"Deliver to the First Breach:","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_02_DESK_01":"Deliver to the Second Breach:","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE":"Old Bridge","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_DESC":"They say this bridge had stood here for over 40 years before collapsing. Since it\'s vital that we connect the factory to the river port, it\'s time we get that bridge fixed.","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_REW":"Now the two key facilities can function together as one. Thank you.","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_S":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","RU_05_01_BRIDGE":"Rural Bridge","RU_05_01_BRIDGE_DESC":"Our village may have seen better days, but we still need this bridge. There is a scrapyard not far from here. There, you\'ll find an old trailer with the tools we\'ll need for repairs. Could you tow it to my house?","RU_05_01_BRIDGE_REW":"You can\'t begin to imagine how thankful we are for your help. Here\'s your reward.","service_S_2":"Tool Trailer","RU_05_01_S_BRIDGE":"Deliver to the Rural Bridge:","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE":"Wooden Bridge","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"If you\'re interested in earning some quick cash and getting on the locals\' good side, there\'s a suggestion to put together a bridge over here. We\'ve even negotiated a decent reward for it with the administration. You in?","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_S":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_REW":"Thanks a lot! Now we don\'t have to drive through the scrapyard to get to the factory.","RU_05_01_FUEL_DESC":"Since we started working on the factory, might as well fix up the nearby fuel station. There shouldn\'t be a problem with spare parts, as we can borrow those from the port. Sourcing the fuel though might be an issue.","RU_05_01_FUEL_REW":"Seems like the fuel problem was solved. Great job.","RU_05_01_FUEL_S":"Deliver to the Old Gas Station:","RU_05_01_FUEL_S_01":"Deliver to the Old Gas Station:","RU_05_01_STONES":"Scrap Pile","RU_05_01_STONES_DESC":"When the factory was put out of commission, all the old scrap was simply piled up on the road. Wonder whose bright idea that was... Either way, the trash has to go, we\'ll need road access here. Up for it?","RU_05_01_STONES_REW":"Now that almost looks like a usable road. Thanks, here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_05_01_STONES_S":"Deliver to the Scrap Pile:","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY_DESC":"So we ran into a problem here. A truck carrying the tools we need went off track on one of the nearby crossings. Now it\'s stuck, and if something isn\'t done quick we\'ll lose both the truck and its cargo. Will you help?","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY_REW":"You\'re a lifesaver. Good thing the terrible news didn\'t make it to the bigwigs, or we really would\'ve been in hot water. Here\'s for your trouble.","delivery_01_S":"Azov 42-20 Antarctic","RU_05_01_S_TRACK_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"I\'m working on patching up a few houses here, but I\'m about to run out of planks. I\'m sure I\'ve seen some decent logs in the forest, just by the powerline pole. Could you get them to the sawmill to get them cut?","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01_REW":"Thanks, friend. Now for my half of the bargain. You can find my old radar trailer on our station, feel free to grab it. Better you put it to good use than to leave it to rust there.","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01_S":"Deliver to Poddonskoye Village:","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_DESC":"Our workers have a request. Working at the river port gets so boring without some music to listen to. There\'s an old radio tower not far from here. We even know where to find the right parts to fix it, but we\'ll need your help with the delivery.","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_REW":"Now things should turn for the better. Anything\'s more fun if you have some good music to keep you company. Thanks a lot.","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_S":"Deliver to the Radio Tower:","RU_05_01_TOWER_01":"Soul Music","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_DESC":"You know, I saw this land rise and fall. But you give me hope again. There\'s an old truck out on the scrapyard that got there by mistake. But you know what I think? I think it\'s fate that brought you to me like that truck\'s been waiting for you. Do me a favor, and I\'ll hand you its keys.","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_REW":"I hope you\'ll be able to breathe life into these lands again just like you can give this truck a new purpose. Here\'s your reward. Hope it serves you well.","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_S":"Deliver to the Worker Shack:","tatra_1_s":"TATRA heavy truck","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_01_S":"Refuel and repair Tatra FORCE T815-7","RU_05_01_SWAMP_RACE":"Lord of the Frogs","RU_05_01_SWAMP_RACE_DESC":"It may not look like it, but this swamp used to have a road running through it. These days it became more of a resting place for many a truck that dared to brave the murky waters. Maybe you\'ll be up for the challenge.","RU_05_01_SWAMP_RACE_REW":"You are a true madman. Seems like it is time we crown a new Lord of the Frogs. Congratulations, Your Majesty.","RU_05_01_RACE_01_S":"Visit the Right Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_02_S":"Visit the Left Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_03_S":"Visit the Island","RU_05_01_RACE_01_START":"Lord of the Frogs","RU_05_01_RACE_01":"Right Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_02":"Left Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_03":"Island","RU_05_01_FACTORY_RACE":"Driving Exam","RU_05_01_FACTORY_RACE_DESC":"I\'ve heard they\'re putting the factory back together. I hope they\'ll leave the test track as it is. Want to give it a shot?","RU_05_01_FACTORY_RACE_REW":"Hah, that\'s what I call a good driver.","RU_05_01_RACE_1_S":"Drive into the Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_2_S":"Drive over the Pipes","RU_05_01_RACE_3_S":"Drive onto the Mound","RU_05_01_RACE_4_S":"Drive up the Hill","RU_05_01_RACE_5_S":"Drive through the Cone Snake","RU_05_01_RACE_6_S":"Drive down the Slope","RU_05_01_RACE_7_S":"Drive through the Narrow Pass","RU_05_01_RACE_8_S":"Drive into the Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_FINISH_S":"Reach the Finish line","RU_05_02_MAIL":"Going Postal","RU_05_02_MAIL_DESC":"I know it\'s not really your thing, but I\'m out of options. We\'ve got a lot of mail stacked up, and there\'s no way our mailman can make it through these roads. You\'re going past Antonovka, could you lend us a hand?","RU_05_02_MAIL_REW":"Thank you kindly. The locals just won\'t leave us be, let me tell you. Here\'s your reward.","RU_05_02_S_LAMBER_MILL_b_S":"Visit the Sawmill","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_02_S":"Visit the Pier","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_01b_S":"Visit the Fisherman\'s House","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_01c_S":"Visit the Antonovka Chief","RU_05_02_S_WORKSHOP_S":"Visit the Service Station","RU_05_02_S_CHURCH_S":"Visit the Church","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_03_S":"Visit Ozernoye","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES":"Antonovka\'s Champion","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_DESC":"It might not look like it, but Antonovka is one of the key settlements in the region. Meaning getting on the locals\' good side might be a good idea. Deliver them some supplies so we could help to restore the village.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_REW":"Nicely done. Great start, but there\'s still much to do.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_S":"Deliver to Antonovka Village:","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER":"Let There Be Water","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER_DESC":"Good start, but there\'s still no water in the village if you don\'t count the puddles. The old water tower is just a heap of scrap. We\'ve had requests to get it fixed before but now we actually have the resources for it.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER_REW":"The locals are grateful to you. If it were up to me, I\'d put you in as the worker of the month. This is for you.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER_S":"Deliver to the Water Tower:","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR":"Environmental Disaster","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR_DESC":"There is a small lake just past Antonovka favored by the locals. Guys from the sawmill agreed to clean it out, but they\'ll need some fuel for their equipment. There\'s a cistern somewhere around the service station.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR_REW":"The lake is slowly but surely returning to its original, pristine beauty. Here, you should have this.","HEAVY_2_S":"Fuel Cistern","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP":"Workshop in the Forest","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP_DESC":"There is a workshop here, back from the Soviet era. It may be old, but the mechanic there is a master of his trade. If we can get him supplies, he promised to help us out with repairs whenever we need them.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP_REW":"Now we don\'t have to dread each and every minor breakage, and all thanks to you.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP_S":"Deliver to the Service Station:","service_3_S":"Generator","HEAVY_1_S":"Pumping station","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR":"Of Rails And Flash Floods","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_DESC":"Bridge construction is all fine and dandy, but the rails themselves got about as much beating because of the rain. If we don\'t get that fixed, a bridge alone won\'t make sure a train can go by. Let\'s get cracking.","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_REW":"Job well done. Contract fulfilled, here\'s your pay.","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_01_S":"Deliver to the West Rail Gap:","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_02_S":"Deliver to the East Rail Gap:","RU_05_01_RAIL_REPAIR_S":"Deliver to the Swamp:","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01":"Nature Reserve Bridge","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"Our main objective here is to get the bridge fixed. They called it the Nature Reserve bridge before it collapsed. With the reserve so close by, repairing it could be quite an undertaking, but I\'m sure we can manage.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01_REW":"That may be the most difficult project we had here, but between you and me, we seem to be handling it quite well if I say so myself. Here\'s your reward.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01_S":"Deliver to the Railroad Bridge:","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02":"Guardian of the Grove","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"Now for the final push. Concrete panels should already be at the port, and there are spare rail sections at the Poddonskaya. You know what to do. Meanwhile, we\'ll get the site ready for your return.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Now the Nature Reserve bridge is truly shaping up to be its hulking guardian. Looks like things are turning for the better for this region. You did good, friend.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_S":"Deliver to the Bridge-side Warehouse:","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_S_1":"Deliver to the Railroad Bridge:","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01":"Excursion","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01_DESC":"Welcome to our parts, friend. It\'s peaceful here, isn\'t it? Right, you\'re here for work... Well, still, do have a look around our few main attractions when you have a moment. And do let me know if everything is fine.","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01_REW":"Ah, the oak\'s getting old, and the lake is overgrown... Thanks for finding the time to have a look.","RU_05_02_SCOUT_S_01a_S":"Visit the Ancient Stone","RU_05_02_SCOUT_S_01b_S":"Visit the Old Tree","RU_05_02_SCOUT_S_01c_S":"Visit the Overgrown Pond","RU_05_02_S_MILL":"Visit the Mill","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_01":"The Washed-off Bridge","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"This bridge is a real pain. Every summer, we rebuild it—and the next spring, the flood washes it away. This year, we didn\'t even bother. But if you are planning to go to Antonovka, you could use it.","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Looks strong, unlike the previous ones—straws and sticks. Might even survive the next flood.","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_S":"Deliver to the Washed-off Bridge:","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_02":"Swamp Crossing","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"That swamp isn\'t making life any easier. I\'m thinking of asking for a raise just for that thing alone. Listen, there\'s a lumberjack camp nearby, could you fetch some logs from there for us to lay down through it?","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Thanks a bunch, now things should get a good bit easier.","RU_05_02_S_BRIDGE_02":"Deliver to the Swamp Crossing:","RU_05_02_ROCK_01":"Light Rockfall","RU_05_02_ROCK_01_DESC":"We get a landfall once every few years, and it just had to block off the road we need this time around. The locals will manage the repairs, but you need to deliver our tool trailer from the worker shack.","RU_05_02_ROCK_01_REW":"Not sure which surprised me more - them actually cleaning the rockfall out that fast, or our trailer still is where we left it. Either way, you\'ve helped us a great deal.","RU_05_02_S_ROCK_01":"Deliver to the Worker Shack:","service_S_1":"Tool Trailer","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01":"Cunning Forester","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"G\'day young man. There\'s this sawmill nearby, about as old as I am, and just past it, on the shoreline, there\'s a bit of old junk there. Bring it to me, and I\'ll give you something special in return.","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01_REW":"Jolly good. What do I need it for is none of your concern. Here\'s your cash, now go.","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01_S":"Deliver to the Cunning Forester:","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02":"Wipe Away The Debt","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02_DESC":"You again? What do you want? You\'re still in credit, huh? Oh well. A certain something got stuck in the nearby swamp a while back, and I\'m the only one in the know. Can be yours if you pry it from the swamp\'s cold grip.","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02_REW":"You did it, eh? Well I can always use another truck... Ah, alright, alright, the deal\'s a deal. Take it and leave me be.","don_1_S":"Tatra PHOENIX","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02_S":"Repair and refuel Tatra PHOENIX","RU_05_02_HONEY":"Sweet Tooth","RU_05_02_HONEY_DESC":"Howdy, friend. Can you do us a favor? See that church up in the lake? We were supposed to bring them some honey a month ago. Bring these cans to them. Oh, and be careful, they\'re quite fragile.","RU_05_02_HONEY_REW":"Finally, the honey\'s here! We did miss a nice brew... I mean honey tea! Tea, of course. If you happen to be around—drop by for a treat.","RU_05_02_CHURCH_S":"Carefully deliver honey to the Church","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE":"The Quick and the Wet","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_DESC":"I\'ve been waiting for you. Word is, you\'re the fastest driver out there. We used to drive around the lake for sport, and my record time still stands. Want to prove the rumors about you aren\'t just hot ait?","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_REW":"Now that was quite something. To be frank, I thought you\'d just bail. But you did earn my respect - as well as a small prize.","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_01_S":"Visit the West Coast","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_02_S":"Visit Kamyshevka","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_03_S":"Visit Ozernoye","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_04_S":"Visit the North Coast","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS":"Cleaning out the Garage","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS_DESC":"Do you copy? After this stage is over, we\'ll clear some space for the vehicles in the garage. Come on, let\'s get it done, we\'ll make it worth your while—you can keep some of the junk.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS_REW":"Great! So much more room here now, right?","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS_ACTION":"Deliver to the Old Garage:","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_REPAIR":"Constructing a repair garage","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_REPAIR_DESC":"Hi! Why don\'t we re-open the repair shop here? Get the necessary stuff, and repairs in the garage will be available again.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_REPAIR_REW":"Great job! Working here will be much easier from now on, right?","US_06_01_GARAGE_REPAIR_ACTION":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING":"Restoring the Tuning Shop","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING_DESC":"In order to make tuning available in the garage, we need some materials. As soon as you do it, you can improve your vehicles.","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING_REW":"Good job! Get to the garage - it has everything ready to tune up your rides!","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING_ACTION":"Deliver to the Tuning Shop:","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_02_TRUCKSTORE":"Truck Store Construction","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_02_TRUCKSTORE_DESC":"Our contractor arranged for a Truck Shop to be built right here! We have to build it, and we can\'t do it without you.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_02_TRUCKSTORE_REW":"Good. You can buy new trucks right from the garage now.","US_06_01_GARAGE_TRUCKSTORE_ACTION":"Deliver to the Truck Store:","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_03_TRAILERS":"Trailer Store","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_03_TRAILERS_DESC":"Apart from the garage, we would like to arrange a trailer shop here. After you\'re done with this list of cargo, you can buy trailers here.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_03_TRAILERS_REW":"Great job! Now we have cargo transport.","US_06_01_GARAGE_TRAILERS_ACTION":"Deliver to the Trailer Store:","US_06_01_MILL_02_STUFF":"Old Sawmill","US_06_01_MILL_02_STUFF_DESC":"Hi! We\'re starting to build a new sawmill. Get the cabins for the workers and some starter cargo. Word is, they build cabins not far from here. But that place is only accessible from the mountainside.","US_06_01_MILL_02_STUFF_REW":"Great! Now we move on.","US_06_01_MILL_STUFF_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_MILL_03_TRAILER":"Trailer with New Equipment","US_06_01_MILL_03_TRAILER_DESC":"Some equipment for our new sawmill arrived. It is up the mountains, you have to deliver it here.","US_06_01_MILL_03_TRAILER_REW":"Good job, almost done.","US_06_01_MILL_TRAILER_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_MILL_04_BUILD":"Sawmill: the final stage","US_06_01_MILL_04_BUILD_DESC":"This is the final stage of our sawmill construction. Deliver the last batch of cargo, and we\'ll start making new types of planks there.","US_06_01_MILL_04_BUILD_REW":"Hurray! Thanks for your help. Now we can supply the region with a new type of plank.","US_06_01_MILL_BUILD_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_GAS_CONT":"Fuel Station, Revived","US_06_01_GAS_CONT_DESC":"Not far from the garage, there\'s an old gas station in need of fresh fuel. Get it there from the nearest storage, and you can get refueled here.","US_06_01_GAS_CONT_REW":"Great, now you can fuel up your vehicles here.","US_06_01_GAS_ACTION":"Deliver to Site Near Gas Station:","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS":"Starting the Plank Production","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS_DESC":"The plant is up and running, but it has no materials! Get us some logs, and we\'ll be able to make excellent planks of various length.","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS_REW":"Superb! Now, you can load various types of planks in the sawmill\'s loading zone on the other side of the building.","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER":"Deliver to the Pier","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER_DESC":"We\'re back on track, and that means we have orders! Take the planks to the pier, and we\'ll pay you, okay?","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER_REW":"Thanks, here is your reward.","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER_ACTION":"Deliver to the Pier Inspection:","US_06_01_LOGGING_01":"Delivery Through the Lowlands","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_DESC":"The locals have ordered various types of timber from us. Will you help with the delivery?","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_REW":"Great, thanks! Here is your pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the House near the Bog:","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the House on the Coast:","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_ACTION_03":"Deliver to the House Near the Road:","US_06_01_LOGGING_02":"Delivery Through the Plateau","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_DESC":"We got an order for wood from someone up there where the river is (which, luckily, does not flood the banks as easily). We guarantee pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_REW":"Well done! Here is your pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Riverside House:","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the Waterfall House:","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_ACTION_03":"Deliver to the Base in the Woods:","US_06_01_LOGGING_03":"Up the Mountains","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_DESC":"Have you heard? It\'s all covered in snow north from here. And yet, they order wood from us. Get the cargo there, and let\'s be done with it.","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_REW":"Great job! It\'s chilly there, isn\'t it? Here\'s your pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the People of the North:","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_ACTION_03":"Deliver to the East Base:","US_06_01_ROCKS_01_DESC":"Did you see the size of that landslide?! I know how to clear it. Just get me what I need, and I\'ll help with those stones.","US_06_01_ROCKS_01_REW":"Now we\'re talking! Access to water will be much easier now.","US_06_01_ROCKS_01_ACTION":"Deliver to the Landslide Near Production Site:","US_06_01_ROCKS_02_DESC":"Some rocks have collapsed on the path to the shore. Let\'s clear the path together, just get us what we need.","US_06_01_ROCKS_02_REW":"Well done!","US_06_01_ROCKS_02_ACTION":"Deliver to the Shore Collapse:","US_06_01_TSK_01_DESC":"Can you imagine, I was transporting some oil barrels, but I didn\'t secure them properly. So they all fell into the river and floated downstream! Please help us fish them out and bring them here before they spill!","US_06_01_TSK_01_REW":"That\'s what I call a neat job! Thank you, you helped a lot, here\'s your reward.","US_06_01_TSK_01_ACTION":"Unload at the Unloading Point:","US_06_01_TSK_02_DESC":"My friends and I went to take a look around and sank our car in the bog, you see! Please help us get it out! We\'ll fix the car ourselves, we just need to get it to the garage.","US_06_01_TSK_02_REW":"Thank you, you helped us a lot! We\'ll be more careful from now on.","US_06_01_TSK_02_ACTION":"Deliver to the House:","US_06_01_TSK_03_DESC":"Hi! Here\'s the deal. We had some radioactive material coming in for science experiments. Naturally, someone made a mistake, so the stuff got dropped into the river and scattered all over. Will you help us collect it?","US_06_01_TSK_03_REW":"We\'re so lucky we met you! Thanks for your help, here\'s your reward. Just make sure you don\'t go running your mouth about it, okay?","US_06_01_TSK_03_ACTION":"Deliver to the Observatory:","US_06_01_TSK_04_DESC":"Our not-so-smart meteorologists went to check out an old hut that used to belong to the station and sank their working vehicle in the bog, breaking it in the process. Will you help us return the car and fix it?","US_06_01_TSK_04_REW":"Thanks for your help, here\'s your reward. We should probably hire more experienced drivers.","US_06_01_TSK_04_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","US_06_01_TSK_04_ACTION_02":"Restore Chevrolet CK1500","US_06_02_TSK_04_ACTION_02":"Restore Chevrolet CK1500","US_06_01_TSK_05_DESC":"Hi! They say you can help. We have to deliver this trailer with cargo to the customer up the river. Will you do it? We\'ll make it worth your while.","US_06_01_TSK_05_REW":"Great job, my friend! Here is your reward.","US_06_01_TSK_05_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the House in the North:","US_06_01_TSK_05_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the House in the North:","US_06_01_TSK_06_DESC":"I manage a warehouse nearby. They store cargo there before it\'s sent to the pier. Now, we recently got cargo from Wisconsin, and they managed to somehow flip it over and into the river, can you imagine that? We need your help.","US_06_01_TSK_06_REW":"Great, thank you! The cargo is a little wet, but it\'s okay, we\'ll dry it up.","US_06_01_TSK_06_ACTION":"Unload at the Unloading Point:","US_06_01_TSK_07_DESC":"The old fort on the river bank will soon be restored, and we need to get trailer with the necessary cargo there. Will you help? We\'ll pay generously.","US_06_01_TSK_07_REW":"Everything worked out perfectly, thanks! We don\'t need this trailer anymore, you can have it.","US_06_01_TSK_07_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Old Fort:","US_06_01_TSK_07_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the Old Fort:","US_06_01_TSK_08_DESC":"I placed an order, but they refused to deliver it beyond the piers. Please, help me get it home, and I\'ll pay.","US_06_01_TSK_08_REW":"You\'re an ace driver! Thank you, you really helped.","US_06_01_TSK_08_ACTION_01":"Deliver to House Behind the Garage:","US_06_01_TSK_08_ACTION_02":"Deliver to House Behind the Garage:","US_06_01_TSK_09_DESC":"Howdy, traveler. Imagine, I stepped out of the car for a mere minute, and it somehow rolled down the cliff. Must be some problem with the brakes. Can you help me pull it out and bring it home?","US_06_01_TSK_09_REW":"Thanks for your help! Here, for your trouble, and I\'ll see about some repairs.","US_06_01_TSK_09_ACTION":"Deliver to the Waterfall House:","US_06_01_TSK_10_DESC":"I ordered this trailer with cargo, and I need it delivered to my home. If you do it, I\'ll pay you.","US_06_01_TSK_10_REW":"Superb! Just what I needed, thanks for your work!","US_06_01_TSK_10_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Foothill House:","US_06_01_TSK_10_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the Foothill House:","US_06_01_TSK_11_DESC":"Someone left a real loghauling monster in the nearby swamp. Get it fixed and it\'s yours!","US_06_01_TSK_11_REW":"Job well done. Enjoy your new truck!","US_06_01_TSK_11_ACTION":"Restore Aramatsu Forester","US_06_01_ROCKS_03_DESC":"Whoa, the path in the woods is blocked as well! I\'ll help you clear it if you help me first.","US_06_01_ROCKS_03_REW":"Awesome job, thanks for your help.","US_06_01_ROCKS_03_ACTION":"Deliver to the North Landslide:","US_06_01_CON_01_DESC":"Hi! My friends and I sometimes race around the local landmarks. Can you beat our record? We guarantee you a prize!","US_06_01_CON_01_REW":"Wow, that\'s what I call speed! Here\'s your prize!","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_A_CNT":"Reach Point A","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_B_CNT":"Reach Point B","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_C_CNT":"Reach Point C","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_D_CNT":"Reach Point D","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_E_CNT":"Reach Point E","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_F_CNT":"Reach Point F","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_G_CNT":"Finish at Point G","US_06_01_CON_02_DESC":"Yo-ho-ho! Who will dare beat the record of One-Eyed Bo? He may be short an eye but not of the driving skill—fast but cautious! Will you improve on his best time?","US_06_01_CON_02_REW":"Whoa, you are good! Here\'s your reward, you deserve it!","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_A_CNT":"Reach Point A","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_B_CNT":"Reach Point B","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_C_CNT":"Reach Point C","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_D_CNT":"Reach Point D","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_E_CNT":"Reach Point E","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_F_CNT":"Reach Point F","US_06_02_ICEWATCH":"Ice Watch","US_06_02_ICEWATCH_DESC":"We need an observation point to control the region. There\'s a big watchtower in the center of the forest. Its exterior looks fine, but the inside is totaled. We need to get some equipment and materials there.","US_06_02_ICEWATCH_REW":"Great, the tower is working. Now, we can survey most of the location. We just need to find someone willing to live on that tower. Thanks for your help, here you go.","US_06_02_ICEWATCH_ST1":"Deliver to the Main Observation Point:","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY":"Hospitality Business","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY_DESC":"We\'re trying to make this area a tourist attraction. But tourists need a place to stay, and this motel needs renovation. We have ordered some materials, but we\'ve got a big problem with delivering them. Can you help?","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY_REW":"Now, we can start the renovation. Soon, this place will attract tourists, and these parts will once again become the pride and joy of the state. Thanks for your help!","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY_ST1":"Deliver to the Motel:","US_06_02_EXIT_B":"South-bound Road","US_06_02_EXIT_B_DESC":"The West Tunnel has been blocked for two years. No one has made a commitment to restore it ever since, but it\'s vital for cargo transportation. It\'s not easy, but if you are up to it, the reward will be handsome.","US_06_02_EXIT_B_REW":"Finally, we won\'t need to take a huge detour. I hope this will be a starting point for big changes in the region. Meanwhile, here is your well deserved reward.","US_06_02_EXIT_B_ST1":"Deliver to the Southwest Tunnel","US_06_02_EXIT_C":"Access to Civilization","US_06_02_EXIT_C_DESC":"If we restore the Northeast Tunnel, we can use the highway to deliver cargo! Now we use boats, which takes forever. Get the resources to the tunnel entrance, and our workers will do the rest.","US_06_02_EXIT_C_REW":"Thanks to this passage, we can supply more resources to the region. Thank you!","US_06_02_EXIT_C_ST1":"Deliver to the Northeast Tunnel:","US_06_02_DROWNED_CARGO_DESC":"Help! Last fall, I took a shortcut while I was delivering some supply crates, and they fell in the water and froze over the very next day. Now, the ice has melted. Can you get those crates out and bring them here?","US_06_02_DROWNED_CARGO_REW":"I cannot believe it, the crates are almost intact. Thanks for your help!","US_06_02_DROWNED_CARGO_ST1":"Deliver to the Camp:","US_06_02_CABINS_DESC":"We really need your help! I\'ve put up a few mobile hunting cabins in the nearby woods for the winter. Now, the snow is melting, and I attempted to take them out, but my SUV is stuck. Can you get me my SUV and my cabins?","US_06_02_CABINS_REW":"Thanks a lot, you saved me! Here is your reward.","US_06_02_CABINS_CAB":"Hunter\'s Cabin","US_06_02_CABINS_SCOUT":"Hunter\'s SUV","US_06_02_CABINS_ST1":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s House:","US_06_02_TRAILER_DESC":"I need help with the trailer I left near my cabin in the woods. All my stuff is there, but I can\'t reach it, the land is flooded. I\'m sure your cross-country truck will have no problem.","US_06_02_TRAILER_REW":"Wow, I didn\'t think you would be so fast. Hope you like your reward.","US_06_02_TRAILER_TRUCK":"Forester\'s Trailer","US_06_02_TRAILER_ST1":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House:","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_DESC":"Sorry for bothering you, but I have no one else to ask. This truck and the fuel tank have to be delivered to a remote base. The road is rough, and our truck is broken. If you help, I will reward you well.","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_REW":"Great, I have enough fuel to last for a year! What would we do without you?","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_TRUCK":"Truck with a Tank","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_OILTRAILER":"Fuel Tank","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_ST1":"Deliver to the Base in the Woods:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_DESC":"We have some supplies to be delivered to observation points in the woods. But now that the snow has melted, our vehicles just won\'t make it. Will you be able to?","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_REW":"Great, you helped us a real lot! Feel free to use our warehouse whenever you need.","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST1":"Deliver to Observation Point A:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST2":"Deliver to Observation Point B:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST3":"Deliver to Observation Point C:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST4":"Deliver to Observation Point D:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST5":"Get trailers to Warehouse Parking:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_TR1":"Supply Trailer","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_TR2":"Supply Trailer","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_DESC":"My truck, that I use for household needs, broke down in the worst possible place, and my work has stalled. No one is willing to tow it out and fix it. Maybe you can do it?","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_REW":"You did me a huge favor! I can continue my work now. You deserve your share.","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_TRUCK":"Broken Truck","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_ST1":"Repair the broken truck","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_ST2":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_DESC":"My business is non-standard, and I am willing to pay you well. My colleagues installed water quality detectors on the river. What they didn\'t think about was how to access them when the ice melts. Maybe you can help?","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_REW":"Everything looks all right. The water is clean. Thanks for your help, here is a token of gratitude from the residents.","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST1":"Inspect Checkpoint A","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST2":"Inspect Checkpoint B","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST3":"Inspect Checkpoint C","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST4":"Inspect Checkpoint D","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_DESC":"It\'s a disaster! I was transporting some cargo with my SUV and a trailer, but I lost control of the vehicle and drove into a ravine. I was lucky I only got a few scratches. Can you help me tow out the SUV and the cargo?","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_REW":"My, this car will need lots of TLC... But thanks anyway, you got it all out. I don\'t know what I would do without you.","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_ST1":"Deliver to Jack\'s House:","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_ST2":"Deliver to Jack\'s House:","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_TRUCK1":"Fallen SUV","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_TRUCK2":"Fallen Trailer","US_06_02_BROKEN_POWERLINE_DESC":"A mudflow has recently passed here. My, did that look scary! Good thing no one was hurt... except for this power tower that\'s blocking the road. It has to be restored. I\'d be grateful if you want to help.","US_06_02_BROKEN_POWERLINE_REW":"Great! Now the path up is open. If you have an all-terrain vehicle of course.","US_06_02_BROKEN_POWERLINE_ST1":"Deliver to the Power Tower:","US_06_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"They say you\'re experienced in restoring bridges. Maybe you can help with this one too? It\'s the only way to the Big Land, besides the river crossings, so we have to restore it ASAP.","US_06_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_REW":"I never doubted you for a second! Cargo deliveries will be much easier now. Take your reward.","US_06_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_ST1":"Deliver to the Fallen Bridge:","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_DESC":"The plant that supplied the region with resources was blocked off by bridges that couldn\'t withstand the high water. If you restore them, you can use this plant\'s facilities to benefit the region.","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_REW":"That\'s some job! Now the resources are at hand, all thanks to you!","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_ST1":"Deliver to the West Bridge:","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_ST2":"Deliver to the East Bridge:","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_2_DESC":"This part of the way is not so easy. Unless we want to sink our truck, we need to restore the wooden crossing. Otherwise, we can\'t go further.","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_2_REW":"Great, this crossing will serve not only us but many local residents. I think a reward is in order.","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_2_ST1":"Deliver to the Crossing:","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_DESC":"When the water rose, my family and I hurried to this camp. But I left behind my old truck, and I really need it. I\'m afraid to go on ice, but maybe you can do it for a fitting reward?","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_REW":"Thanks for your help. I got this truck from my father, and I would hate to lose it. This is for your trouble.","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_TRUCK":"Missing Truck","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking lot:","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_DESC":"Someone is illegally lighting fireworks and making bonfires to the east of here. They\'re carrying around a barrel of fuel for their fires and car. Find it at one of the points and take it to the Impoundment Lot.","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_REW":"Awesome. The hooligans will first have a talk with the local ranger and pay a fine to get their trailer back. Here\'s your reward for community service.","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST1":"Explore Rest Area A","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST2":"Explore Rest Area B","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST3":"Explore Rest Area C","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST4":"Explore Rest Area D","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST5":"Deliver to the Impoundment Lot:","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_TRAILER":"Hooligans\' Trailer","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_PARK":"Impoundment Lot","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_DESC":"As long as the fuel supply is scarce, every drop counts in this region. Our fueling station tanks are empty. I got a lead on two small tanks with fuel that got washed off the road. Can you bring them here?","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_REW":"Wonderful! We can resume our work, at least for now.","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_TRUCK":"Washed-off tank","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_ST1":"Deliver to the Fueling Station","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_DESC":"Every year, this park hosts cross-country races. This year, the situation is aggravated by the frozen high water. Yet, the most reckless drivers are still willing to race. Are you?","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_REW":"Unbelievable! You didn\'t drown. This fact alone calls for a reward.","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST1":"Reach Control Point 1","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST2":"Reach Control Point 2","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST3":"Reach Control Point 3","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST4":"Reach Control Point 4","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST5":"Reach Control Point 5","US_06_02_KARTER_DESC":"Have we met? Never mind. I found some weird monoliths nearby. You have to take my trailer and scan each of them, I\'ve equipped it with detectors. Do it at night, while the monoliths are active.","US_06_02_KARTER_REW":"Great! A new batch of data. Not enough, though. The monoliths have to be re-scanned regularly so we know their true origin. I will be waiting for the new data, and here is your reward.","US_06_02_KARTER_TRUCK":"Trailer With Detectors","US_06_02_KARTER_ST1":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST2":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST3":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST4":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST5":"Return to Carter\'s House","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY_DESC":"That\'s just our luck, the event is about to start, and the power is out again. We have a backup generator here, but it needs to be moved to the supply depot. Will you help us out?","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY_REW":"Alright, the lights are back up so we can keep the repair shops running. Good to know we can rely on you.","GEN_01_S":"Generator","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY_S":"Deliver to the Supply Depot:","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION":"Closing the Loop","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_DESC":"These roadhogs managed to turn the whole track into a complete mess. It\'s not something unexpected, but we could use some help with procuring some planks to cover the worst parts with a couple springboards.","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_REW":"Now the track is ready for the new season!","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_01_S":"Deliver to the Construction Crew:","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION_DESC":"The depot is now powered, but a single generator can hardly cover all our needs. We were going to put some solar panels up eventually, but with the powerlines down we have a good reason to expedite the process.","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION_REW":"Looks like we\'re all set - and all thanks to you! Here\'s what you\'re due.","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION_S":"Deliver to the Solar Power Station:","US_07_01_EVACUATION":"Bad Take","US_07_01_EVACUATION_DESC":"One of our sponsors wanted to film their ad here, but something went wrong. The gear\'s insured, but someone would need to fix up the track itself. I thought you could be just the person we need for the job.","US_07_01_EVACUATION_REW":"Seems like we\'re ready to start the event proper, just need to finish the qualification runs first. Here\'s your reward.","EVA_01_S":"Chevrolet Scout","US_07_01_EVACUATION_01_S":"Deliver to the Supply Depot:","US_07_01_EVACUATION_02_S":"Deliver to the Workshop:","EVA_02_S":"Tayga Truck","EVA_03_S":"Voron Truck","US_07_01_PREPARATION_TRAILS":"Bridge Deconstruction","US_07_01_PREPARATION_TRAILS_DESC":"Before Stage 3 can start we need to dismantle the old bridge here. It doesn\'t look all that safe and I\'m pretty sure won\'t survive some of our contestants\' trucks either way. Just need someone to get us the tools.","US_07_01_PREPARATION_TRAILS_REW":"One step closer to starting the event\'s final stage. And to boot, we won\'t have to guess which contestant will that bridge collapse under, too.","US_07_01_BRIDGE_DESTROY_02_S":"Deliver to the Swamp Crossing:","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT":"Extreme Downhill","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_DESC":"I bet you already know what\'s next. That\'s right, get to the finishing line in the allotted time, and the faster, the better! No need to take pity on your truck either, we\'ve got a repair crew waiting for you already.","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_REW":"Job\'s a good \'un, you\'re through with the second stage. Hopefully we\'ll get your car back on the wheels soon, heh heh.","US_07_01_CONNECTION":"Service Unavailable","US_07_01_CONNECTION_DESC":"The communications station is toast! How can we broadcast live feed if we don\'t even have cell coverage? Need to get the thing fixed ASAP!","US_07_01_CONNECTION_REW":"We\'re live, and all thanks to you! I\'ll make sure your help won\'t go unmentioned.","US_07_01_CONNECTION_01_S":"Deliver to the Communications Tower:","CONNECT_S":"Service Trailer","US_07_01_ORIENTEERING":"Off-road Navigation","US_07_01_ORIENTEERING_DESC":"Time for the final round! The goal is simple - get through all the checkpoints on the swamp before the timer runs out. Good planning and a keen eye for the best routes are an absolute must in this challenge.","US_07_01_ORIENTEERING_REW":"Congratulations! You are the only contestant to beat the timer and not get lost out in the swamps today. Which means you are rightfully the champion of the OffRoadCup!","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES":"Lap Of Honour","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_DESC":"This is less of a competition and more like a lap of honor. The viewers would want to see you in action once more, so pick your coolest looking car and give us a good final show!","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_REW":"You took the suggestion to be a showoff for once to heart, haven\'t you? That was just what we needed to close off the event. Hope to see you next year!","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL_DESC":"Seems like some of our contestants weren\'t as gentle with the pit track during the trial runs. We\'ve got the necessary equipment to fix this mess on standby, but we could use a hand getting it into the quarry itself.","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL_REW":"Now the Stone-pit tracks are all ready for the new contestants. Thanks for your help!","SPEC_01_S":"Service Trailer","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL_S":"Deliver to the Stone-pit:","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01":"Qualification Race","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01_DESC":"This is the first step of our championship. Your goal is to beat the timer on a relatively simple off-road track. Shouldn\'t be something you can\'t handle, but you might want to pick a good off-road truck for this one.","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01_REW":"That was amazing! And we\'ve managed to get some real good shots, too, so we don\'t have to worry about extra promotional materials.","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT":"Wise Old Bird","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_DESC":"Looks like we\'ve got another couple unlucky drivers fly off one of the nearby cliffs. Could you give them a hand?","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_REW":"Hope that will serve them a lesson. Next time they\'ll be evacuating their trucks on their own dime.","CAREER_01_S":"Hummer Scout","CAREER_02_S":"Tuz Scout","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_01_S":"Deliver to the Field Workshop:","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_02_S":"Deliver to the Field Workshop:","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_1":"Lost Souls","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_DESC":"Not everyone could stand the test that is the third Stage, and a few drivers could use some help now. We don\'t have enough service trucks to tow everyone, so we\'d appreciate if you could give them a hand.","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_REW":"All participants have been evacuated. They are unlikely to be able to fight for the gold medal now, but at least they\'re safe and sound.","RIDER_01_S":"Yar Scout","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_01_S":"Tow to the Service Station:","RIDER_02_S":"Chevrolet Truck","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_02_S":"Tow to the Field Workshop:","RIDER_03_S":"International Scout","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_03_S":"Tow to the Tent Camp:","RIDER_04_S":"Chevrolet Scout","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_04_S":"Tow to the Service Station:","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_1":"The Ring","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_1_DESC":"The main challenge of this stage is a single-lap race. The best advice is to capitalize on your truck\'s top speed and to pick the right gearbox and tires, as this one is all about making it first to the finishing line.","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_1_REW":"Congratulations to our winner of this stage of the OffRoadCup! Stage Two awaits, where we shall see if your rock climbing skills are on par with your speed.","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE":"Extreme Climb","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE_DESC":"This is the starting point of the second Stage. The objective is to make your way up the treacherous mountain trail. It could be wise to study the track and its surroundings before diving headlong into this challenge.","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE_REW":"I hope you enjoyed the first part of this Stage, as things are about to get bumpy.","US_07_01_CAREER":"Stage Two Finale","US_07_01_CAREER_DESC":"Time for another race against the clock, but with a new twist - there are three routes to choose from, and it is up to you make that call. The right truck and the right route can make all the difference here.","US_07_01_CAREER_REW":"Now that\'s what I call a result! You\'ve cleared Phase Two and are ready to enter the final stretch. Now it\'s all about finding your way through the swamp. Good luck, and godspeed.","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01_DESC":"So, we\'ve had to let our previous driver go, but hopefully you\'ll be a better fit for this. Get the truck to the garage so we could patch it up, and show us what you can do.","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01_REW":"Now we\'re definitely on our way to the first place. Take our best truck and lead us to victory!","RACING_1_S":"Racing Truck Azov 43-191 Sprinter","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01_S":"Deliver to the Garage:","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03":"Old Bridge","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03_DESC":"The shortest way from the tent camp to the Pit is through that broken bridge over there. If you don\'t like having to take the longer way through the swamp, you could help us get the thing fixed.","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03_REW":"Oh nice! Thanks a lot, now everyone can get around much easier, be ith the staff or other participants.","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03_S":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","US_07_01_ROCK_01_DESC":"A guy from our team decided to take our new truck setup for a ride, but had a bit of an accident on the way. A small lapse of judgement to be sure, but he managed to cause a whole rockfall. Will you help us clear it out?","US_07_01_ROCK_01_REW":"Now that\'s a relief. We can finally tow our truck back to the shop. Have to say, I\'m having second thoughts about letting that guy drive it again.","US_07_01_ROCK_01_S":"Deliver to the Collapsed Rocks:","US_07_01_ROCK_02":"Old Ranch Rubble","US_07_01_ROCK_02_DESC":"Used to be a round nearby, but one of them drivers rammed into the cliffside near it and, well... Let\'s just say there ain\'t no road here no more. Unless you\'re in the mood to help us out, that is.","US_07_01_ROCK_02_REW":"And the ranch road is open! Fingers crossed there ain\'t gonna be another accident here.","US_07_01_ROCK_02_S":"Deliver to the Old Ranch Rubble:","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01_DESC":"The second stage calls for a very special vehicle. We couldn\'t get it fully prepped until now, so we\'ll need to have another good look at it before calling it done. Head for the depot, it\'ll be waiting for you there.","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01_REW":"Hope you like what you see, we worked hard on this one. Now get in and head for the Stone-pit, show \'em what we\'re made of.","BUGGY_01_S":"Buggy Gor BY-4","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01_S":"Deliver to the Garage:","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01":"Fixing the Service Station","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01_DESC":"So listen, we have this field repair shop, except it\'s been so busy lately with all the trucks we had to fix up they\'re running out of pretty much all supplies, not even any duct tape left. Could you do them a solid?","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01_REW":"Lovely. One can hope these supplies will last them till the end of the event.","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01_S":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_03":"Repair Crisis","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_03_DESC":"The Stone-pit is a huge waste of repair parts I tell you. Can barely catch my breath between having to fix more trucks, and I\'m already almost out of spare parts. If only someone could get us a crate from the depot...","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_02_REW":"Ready for the next stage! Drop by whenever you need some fixing, we\'ll always find a moment to patch you up.","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_03_S":"Deliver to the Field Workshop:","US_07_01_CAREER_START_LIGHT_DESC":"That\'s the easiest route through the Stone-pit. We need some promo shots for this one, so if you could give us a good show...","US_07_01_CAREER_START_LIGHT_REW":"Heh, now you\'ll be front and center on the ad poster. Here\'s for the trouble.","US_07_01_CAREER_START_HARD_DESC":"This one\'s the hardest trail of the three. The staff have even started a betting pool on whether anyone can clear this trail today, and the stakes are getting quite high. You in?","US_07_01_CAREER_START_HARD_REW":"Well, seems like a well-prepared truck and some top notch driving can get you anywhere. Here\'s your cut then.","US_07_01_CAREER_START_MEDIUM_DESC":"This one\'s the most popular trail, even though some drivers clearly overestimated their own skills here. Show them how it\'s done!","US_07_01_CAREER_START_MEDIUM_REW":"That\'s some good driving. You really are making it look easy.","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_DESC":"As classic as a race can get, a direct competition between live opponents on a looping track. Be mindful of your surroundings and use every advantage you can to win.","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_REW":"Spec-tacular! It\'s been a while since we\'ve had a run like that here.","US_07_01_WORKOUT_DESC":"It\'s all about a good racing gearbox, the right highway tires, and impeccable gear shifting. To get a headstart, try quickly going straight into high gear and back to automatic as you start to accelerate.","US_07_01_WORKOUT_REW":"Seems like you got the hang of it. Good luck!","US_07_01_PARKOUR_DESC":"This race is one huge obstacle course, where your only goal is to reach the finishing line without rolling your truck upside down. This is the one case where you could say \\"easy does it\\" about an actual race.","US_07_01_PARKOUR_REW":"What a great run! If only other contestants were half as brave as you.","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_01_DESC":"This route wasn\'t initially designed for multiple vehicles, but on popular demand we decided to make an exception. The road is narrow, so plan your overtakes ahead and be ready to use every opportunity to take the lead.","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_01_REW":"Now that was something! Some of our viewers were making bets on whether any vehicle will reach the finishing line intact.","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_DESC":"Instead of a time trial, we decided to use this track for a good old-fashion race, where you can test your driving prowess against your competitors directly. Start your engines!","RU_08_01_KIROVEC":"The Beast Rising","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_DESC":"Listen up. The new tractors we\'ve ordered are taking their sweet time reaching us here, so we\'ll have to improvise. I\'m told there\'s an old tractor nearby that might still be somewhat functional, it\'d have to do for now.","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_REW":"Well done! Looks like we\'re lucky, this thing only needs some minor repairs. I think you already know where this is going...","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_S_01":"Visit the Scrapyard","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_S_02":"Deliver to the Garage:","KIROVEC":"Abandoned Kirovets K700","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS":"Missing Workers","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_DESC":"There\'s been a few issues with the railway just short of the northern tunnel, so we\'ve sent a team out to give it a look. Didn\'t hear from them in a while though. Could you go find them, ask if everything\'s alright?","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_REW":"Guess we were right to be worried. Thanks a bunch, here\'s your reward.","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_S_01":"Visit the Northern Tunnel","HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS":"Repair Truck","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_S_02":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_DECS":"Right, that thing looks kind of scary. But we\'re not here for a beauty contest, either. Let\'s make sure it\'s actually able to cover all the basics - cultivating, harvesting, you know the drill.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_REW":"Alright, now go check the warehouse, they\'re probably done packaging your harvest by now. Oh, and if you ever need more farming gear - check in with the trailer store, there\'s nothing those folks can\'t get for you.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_01":"Deliver to the Sample Field:","trailer_cultivator":"Cultivator","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_02":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_03":"Deliver to the Sample Field:","trailer_planter":"Planter","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_04":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_05":"The field is seeded","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_06":"Deliver to the Sample Field:","trailer_harvester":"Harvester","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_07":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_08":"The field is harvested","RU_08_01_HAZARD":"Risky Cleanup","RU_08_01_HAZARD_DESC":"When the local factory closed down, they tried moving some of their waste by train. The rail line got flooded though, and the whole thing was just left here to rot. How about we take care of this, now that we\'re here?","RU_08_01_HAZARD_REW":"Thank you. The thought that all this was just sitting there for years is terrifying. Here\'s them \\"caring about the ecology\\" for you...","RU_08_01_HAZARD_S":"Deliver to the Disposal Pickup:","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER":"Clean Energy","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_DESC":"We\'ve ordered the last batch of turbine fan blades recently, but one of them seems to have gone missing. We know it was unloaded at the railway station.","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_REW":"And that\'s what you get for using shortcuts while carrying a heavy load. Thanks for your help, now we just need to link that turbine to our power grid.","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_01":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_02":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_03":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","WIND_BLADE":"Wind turbine blade","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_04":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE":"Supply Recovery","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_DESC":"It\'s been a while since the factory close down, but we still were able to find some good materials down there. We don\'t really have a free truck available right now, so we ccould use some help moving them though.","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_REW":"Well done. Don\'t worry, we\'ll find a good use for these supplies. Meanwhile, here\'s what you\'re owed.","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_S_01":"Deliver to the Sorting terminal warehouse:","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_S_02":"Deliver to the Disposal pickup:","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_S_03":"Deliver to the General Store Warehouse:","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF":"Fixing The Elevator","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_DESC":"We\'ve checked the grain elevator, as it\'s been out of use for a while now. Luckily, it only needs some minor fixes here and there, but we\'ll still need some supplies and tools to get this done.","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_REW":"Great, now the elevator is operational once again!","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_S_01":"Visit the unloading area:","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_S_02":"Deliver to the Processing Wing:","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_S_03":"Deliver to the Workshop:","ELEVATOR_STUFF_SP":"Cleaning Equipment","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT":"Finder\'s Fee","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_DESC":"Before your arrival we tried to deal with the local drivers, even though we really shouldn\'t have. Now some of our stuff is strewn all over the place, and finding it might be a problem. Still, we have faith in you.","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_REW":"If only more people were at least half as good as you. Here, take this.","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_01":"Lost Pipes","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_02":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_03":"Lost Goods","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_04":"Deliver to the General Store Warehouse:","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH":"Taking Out The Trash","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_DESC":"We\'ve gathered a couple containers with trash from around the railway terminal. Would be nice to drivethem down to the junkyard. Might not be a very short ride, but we can\'t just leave it here.","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_REW":"Is it me, or it\'d gotten a bit easier to breathe in here? Anyway, as agreed upon - here\'s your reward.","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_S":"Deliver to the Junkyard:","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL_DESC":"We\'re looking into possible shipping options for our produce. The easiest solution is to ship everything to the station, and then take it to other cities or even coutnries by train. Feel free to drop off the bags there.","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL_REW":"The train is almost ready to depart. In just a short while, the first batch of fresh caspian tasters will hit the shelves across the whole country!","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL_S":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION_DESC":"Oh hey, you\'re just in time. We\'ve oredered some supplies here, but there\'s no one available to deliver them. Will you help us? I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION_REW":"Everything seems to be in order, so now we can get to work. Your reward, as promised.","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION_S_01":"Deliver supplies for Village:","RU_08_01_LOST_EVACUATION_DESC":"So a colleague of mine decided he was feeling adventurous the other day, and tried to cut strsight through the lake here. He did make it out, which isn\'t something I can say about his truck. Could you help him out?","RU_08_01_LOST_EVACUATION_REW":"I hope you managed to resist the urge to give it a shot yourself? I kid, here\'s for your trouble.","LOST_EVACUATION":"Drowned TUZ","RU_08_01_LOST_EVACUATION_S":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_DESC":"We\'re waiting for our driver to bring our tools from the station, but it\'s been a while since we\'ve heard from him. Could you check if he\'s on the way? Oh, and if you could pick up the rest of our stuff, that\'d be great.","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_REW":"It\'s good there are people like you out there! I\'ve no clue what would we do if not for your help.","VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_TRAILER":"Household Supplies Trailer","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_S_1":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_S_2":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_DESC":"The nature here is gorgeous, can\'t deny that. We\'re working on getting this place prepped for the upcoming tourist season, and that includes some promotions. To that end, we need all the photos we can get our hands on.","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_REW":"Great, we\'ll take it from here. You can expect to see your work in our promotional material soon.","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_01":"Visit the Farming Plot","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_02":"Visit the Grain Elevator Photo Area","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_03":"Visit the Fieldside Poplars","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_04":"Visit the Fisherman Lake","RU_08_01_FARM_VEHICLE_PARTS_DESC":"It\'s almost the sowing season, and most of our vehicles aren\'t in a good shape. We\'ve ordered the parts we need, but the delivery is taking forever. If you could deliver them instead, we\'ll be beyond grateful.","RU_08_01_FARM_VEHICLE_PARTS_REW":"Now that\'s what I call an expedited delivery. You\'ve earned this.","RU_08_01_FARM_VEHICLE_PARTS_S":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_08_01_GRAIN_ELEVATOR_DESC":"Fixing the machinery is all fine and good, but our administrative wing here looks downright terrible. Ancient cracked desks, raggedy couches and chairs - far from what is appropriate for an honest business.","RU_08_01_GRAIN_ELEVATOR_REW":"Now we can take visiting delegations without looking like some backwater hillbillies. Thanks for your help.","RU_08_01_GRAIN_ELEVATOR_S_01":"Deliver to the Administrative wing:","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_DESC":"A successful harvest is always a joy, but here\'s the problem: my tractor broke down the other day, and now I can\'t plant the crop. You\'re an expert in this business from what I\'ve heard. Could you help me?","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_REW":"Couldn\'t have done this without you. Thanks for helping out, friend.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_S_03":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_DESC":"The planting season has just begun, and I\'m already running out of steam. Could you help an old man out? You get half of whatever we\'ll sell it for, and I\'ll even tell you where you can borrow the gear we\'d need.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_REW":"I\'ve been dreading having to do all that by hand. You managed it so much faster than I ever could.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_01":"Visit the Grain Elevator","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_03":"Visit the Lake-Side River","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_05":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_DESC":"Listen, we might have a problem here. Some tourists set up a few camps some ways from here, but it\'s been a while since they last checked in. Could you make sure if they\'re alright? I\'m getting a bit worried.","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_REW":"They \\"forgot\\"? Oh wow. We were already starting to worry about them, even got you involved, too. \\"Forgot\\", hah...","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_S_01":"Visit the First Camp","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_S_02":"Visit the Second Camp","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_S_03":"Visit the Third Camp","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_DESC":"With the new owners in town we\'re dismantling the old oil pumps, and so it happens we could use some help sourcing a few tools. Any help\'s appreciated.","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_REW":"Now that\'s just what we needed. We\'re all set, and here\'s your reward.","SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_TRAILER":"Supplies","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_S":"Deliver to the oil pumps:","RU_08_01_PLANKS_SUPPLIES_DESC":"Yeah, this place clearly haven\'t seen actual repairs in a while. Makes me wonder how our predecessors used to work here, really. Anyway. We\'re going to need some planks at the very least. Think you can do that?","RU_08_01_PLANKS_SUPPLIES_REW":"Nicely done. Who knows, maybe our weather forecasts would be a bit more accurate now, too! What, was that in poor taste?","RU_08_01_PLANKS_SUPPLIES_S":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_DESC":"We\'re from- Not like it matters, really. Point is, we wanted to buy some fuel for our expedition, but our own driver is currently away, and there isn\'t anyone to help us tow the tank to our camp. Maybe you could help us?","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_REW":"Job well done. We could use more drivers like you. Maybe we\'ll see each other again, if you\'ll ever want to drop your long hauls and brave the wilderness instead.","EXPEDITION_HELP":"Fuel","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_S":"Deliver to the Expedition Camp:","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_DESC":"Who in their right mind unloads a train like this?! And all that cargo needs to be at the warehouse, pronto. Help me out, will you? You can take that rusty old tin can they call a crane, assuming it\'ll even start.","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_REW":"Phew, thank you. Feel free to use the crane whenever you need it. It could use a bit of repairs, but otherwise should serve you good.","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_S":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_08_01_ILLEGAL_BUSINESS_DESC":"The old factory over there, tis a veritable mine of useful stuff. We scouted it out even, but we were... very rudely interrupted - even had to leave our car behind. And now we was wondering if you could go get it for us.","RU_08_01_ILLEGAL_BUSINESS_REW":"Now ain\'t that a good find. Could use a bit of work - but remember what the Bard said: you don\'t never, never look a gift horse in the mouth.","ILLEGAL_BUSINESS":"Abandoned Vehicle","RU_08_01_ILLEGAL_BUSINESS_S":"Return the abandoned car","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_DESC":"There\'s a couple oil rigs over here that are long due for a retirement. Thing is, we could really use some help moving our gear out of there first. Will you help us out?","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_REW":"Nicely done, we\'ll take over from here. Here\'s for your trouble.","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_S_02":"Deliver to the Sorting terminal warehouse:","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_DESC":"We\'ve gathered a good few hay bales, but we don\'t really have a good way of moving them all to the barn. And the word has it that you have just the truck for the job, the Kirovets one. We\'ll make it worth your while!","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_REW":"Thanks a whole lot! Now we can get back to work.","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_S1":"Deliver to the Hay Barn:","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_2_DESC":"Could you give us a hand here? We\'ve gathered hay from our fields and need to get it to the barn. Thing is, our driver had left with the first batch a while ago, and we haven\'t seen him since. Can you check up on him?","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_2_REW":"Great job. If it weren\'t for you, we\'d be out some good amount of hay. Take this.","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_2_S_01":"Deliver to the Hay Barn:","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_DESC":"Time for some more field work. As usual, we start by cultivating the field, then plant our potatos using a seeder, and finally, recover the grown crops with a harvester. Now get to it.","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_REW":"Well done. Harvesting complete, the greens are being packed as we speak.","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_03":"Field processed","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_05":"Harvesting complete","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE":"Lakeside Racing","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_DESC":"The local offroaders have a pastime of driving around our lakes, a race of sorts, if you will. There\'s even a prize pool, too. Feel free to give it a try if you want, too.","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_REW":"Oh hey, you\'ve made it. Congratulations - and here\'s a little something to make it worth your while.","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_1":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_2":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_3":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_4":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_5":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_6":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_7":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_8":"Reach Point 8","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_9":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN":"Local Rally","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_DESC":"Me and the guys have scouted out that old train down the rail line, it actually makes for a cool racing track - not that either of us managed to beat it yet though. Maybe you\'ll do better, what do you think?","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_REW":"That was something. You didn\'t break anything, did you? Anyway, here\'s your cut.","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_1":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_2":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_3":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_4":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_5":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_6":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_7":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_8":"Reach Point 8","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_9":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_01_DANGEROUS_BARRELS_DESC":"We\'ve been setting up our camp a while ago, and while we went to have a look around we\'ve spotted these barrels with some suspicious logos on them. No idea what\'s in those, but it\'s best someone moves them out of here.","RU_08_01_DANGEROUS_BARRELS_REW":"Yeah, good thing you showed up when you did. Who knows what would\'ve happened if we didn\'t stumble across these barrels.","RU_08_01_DANGEROUS_BARRELS_S":"Deliver to the Disposal pickup:","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT":"Lost Tech","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_DESC":"The local institute researched crops back in the day, and seem to have developed a new sort of potato that grows in harsh environments. We could use any kind of documentation you can find around their facilities.","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_REW":"Nicely done! It seems we\'ll be here a while, as the documents you\'ve found confirm our suspicions.","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_01":"Visit the Administration Wing","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_02":"Visit the Science Wing","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_03":"Visit the Academy Town","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_04":"Visit the Technical Station","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_CONTR":"Risky Endeavor","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_DESC":"Since we\'re planning to stay here for some time, we should find somewhere to fix and fuel our vehicles. The locals offered to lend us a hand if we help them get their repair station in working order.","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_REW":"Splendid! Now we have the repairs and refueling covered. Keep up the good work!","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Technical Station:","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_S_02":"Deliver to the Corporate Garage:","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS":"Fertilizer Trouble","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_DESC":"According to these papers, one of the tanks loaded with some experimental fertilizer was lost somewhere midway to the facility. We want to have a look at it, so we\'d appreciate it if you could find that cistern for us.","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_REW":"We\'re lucky the cistern was that durable and didn\'t leak in all this time. As always, here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_S_01":"Visit the Cistern Search Area","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_S_02":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_CONTR":"Waste not, want not","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"The Institute consisted of multiple buildings scattered around the farmland. Since they appear to be abandoned, we\'d like to check if there\'s anything of use left in either of those sites.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_REW":"Good to see some of the materials seem to be salvageable, that\'ll surely help us cut some costs here. Great job.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_S_01":"Deliver to the Abandoned Byre:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_S_02":"Deliver to the Corporate Warehouse:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_CONTR":"Scrap Stalker","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_DESC":"Don\'t be mistaken, these aren\'t just piles of useless scrap. You\'ll never know how much of it can be cleaned and put to good use. Just bring us our equipment and we\'ll start working on it.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_REW":"One less thing to worry about. Job well done.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Scrapyard:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_S_02":"Deliver to the Byre:","RU_08_02_CONTRACT_SERVICE_TRAILER":"Service Trailer","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03":"Burning Bridges","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_DESC":"Restoring the bridge would be a very costly enterprise, not to mention, we don\'t have a need for something that big here. That said, I\'m sure we can find something useful if we dig through what\'s left of it.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_REW":"Splendid! Here\'s your cut for helping with the materials.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_S_01":"Visit the Collapsed Bridge","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_S_02":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY":"Living Space","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_DESC":"We need to take care of the workers\' living situation. There\'s not really a hotel or something we could rent, but we can arrange for some shacks to be built for us. All that\'s left is delivering the needed materials.","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_REW":"Your contribution to the region\'s development won\'t go unmarked. Here\'s your reward.","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_S_01":"Visit the Technical Station","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_S_02":"Deliver to the Construction Site:","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_S_03":"Deliver to the Scrapyard:","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP":"Down To The Last Screw","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_DESC":"We\'ve found a couple abandoned vehicles not too far from here. While they\'re not really in working order, they can still be stripped for some spare parts for our own vehicles, so we could use your help towing them here.","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_REW":"Who could\'ve thought we\'d find so many useful things here. Thanks for lending us a hand.","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_S_01":"Deliver to the Technical Station:","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_S_02":"Deliver to the Corporate Garage:","PARTS_HELP_TRUCK_01":"Flipped Over Khan Lo4f","PARTS_HELP_TRUCK_02":"Stuck Tuz 166","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING":"Damage Evaluation","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_DESC":"It appears the Institute wasn\'t keen on following safety regulations when handling their chemicals, which resulted in a nasty spill poisoning the area around the science wing. First things first, we need to pump it out.","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_REW":"The situation seems worse than we anticipated. We\'ve got a lot of work ahead of us, but at least we\'ve taken the first step.","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_S_01":"Deliver to the Science Wing:","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_S_02":"Deliver to the Science Wing:","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_S_03":"Deliver to the \\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station:","PUMP_DESC":"Mobile pump","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS":"Eco-Action","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_DESC":"When the Institute was shut down nobody really bothered to properly dispose of the leftover refuse, instead dumping most of it into the river. We\'ll need to locate and retrieve what\'s left of it for further disposal.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_REW":"Well done! Moving chemicals can be a risky process, so we\'ve decided to compensate you accordingly.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_01":"Visit the Academy Town","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_02":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_03":"Visit the Mariner\'s Crossing","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_04":"Deliver to the \\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER":"Fighting fire with fire","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_DESC":"While we got rid of the sources of pollution, we still need to treat the nearby area with a neutralizing agent. All you need is to deliver it. And be careful - the neutralizer can still be dangerous in its own right.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_REW":"Good work. And while the neutralizer does its thing, I\'ll suggest you go take a decontamination shower - you know, just in case.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_01":"Visit the Institute Warehouse","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_02":"Deliver to the South-Eastern Swamp:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_03":"Deliver to the Island Chain:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_04":"Deliver to the Central Swamp:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_05":"Deliver to the Spill Site:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_06":"Deliver to the River Crossing:","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT":"Deep Study","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_DESC":"We have to make sure we didn\'t miss anything, and that the soil wasn\'t too damaged by the chemicals. To that end, you will need to analyze the most polluted areas. Let\'s get this done.","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_REW":"Looks like we lucked out. A full-on ecological disaster averted!","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_S_01":"Find and scan the South-Eastern point","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_S_02":"Find and scan the Northern point","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_S_03":"Find and scan the South-Western point","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX":"High Voltage","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_DESC":"To link the nearby district\'s power grids we need to restore the Institute\'s power lines. It\'s as old as the dirt it stands on, so we\'d have to work with some truly ancient equipment, but we don\'t have much of a choice.","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_REW":"With the materials on hand, we can take care of the rest. Thanks!","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Power Line:","RU_08_02_FARMING_DESC":"Time to give this new fertilizer a shot. I\'ve been told we should be able to find all the necessary farming equipment on site. Once this is done, you\'ll have to deliver the samples to our lab for further study.","RU_08_02_FARMING_REW":"The results exceed all our expectations. It\'s good to know our efforts weren\'t for nothing. All that is left is to scale the production up.","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_06":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING":"Like Hot Potatoes","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING_DESC":"We\'re ready to pay well for this new kind of potato. All you have to do is deliver it to us, and we\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING_REW":"Thanks for the delivery! With a harvest like this we should be able to take over the local market.","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING_S_01":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_02_ENDLESS_FARMING_DESC":"This experimental field should serve our little experiment well. Since we\'re still limited on manpower, it\'s up to you to tend to it - if you have a moment, of course.","RU_08_02_ENDLESS_FARMING_REW":"It\'s amazing how bountiful the harvest can be in these parts. As always, we\'re happy to take this off your hands.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX":"Poor Planning","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_DESC":"Yeah, can\'t say this was unexpected, but... We got around to fixing this bridge, but ran way out of budget almost from the get-go. Could you help us deliver the supplies while we take care of the contstruction?","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_REW":"Thank you kindly! Now we won\'t have to take the detour just to get across.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Unfinished Bridge:","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_S_02":"Deliver to the Unfinished Bridge:","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX":"Local Routes","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_DESC":"Since you seem to have some business at the loacl warehouse, I bet you could use a functional bridge here, too? Shouldn\'t take long, and you\'ll be doing the locals and yourself a great favor, too.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_REW":"You must be some sort of a bridge building messiah! Thanks a lot.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Log Bridge:","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"We\'ve found this container here whiler digging through our stuff. Locked shut, looks heavy, and hasn\'t rusted through just yet. Get it to the warehouse, we\'d like to have a look inside.","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"Yeah... Old office supplies, ruined old documents, stacks of empty boxes... Nothing of note, really. Guess it\'s still better than a pile of rusting tin cans, if not by a lot.","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_OLDMAN":"Paying a Visit","RU_08_02_OLDMAN_DESC":"They say someone used to live in the nearby swamp way back in the Institute\'s days. Whoever that was, they must\'ve been able to drive out of there somehow, so let\'s see if we could find them.","RU_08_02_OLDMAN_REW":"Looks abandoned. I doubt the previous tenant has much use for what\'s left here - and so do we, to be perfectly honest.","RU_08_02_OLDMAN_S_01":"Visit the Hermit Shack","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_DESC":"Our mailman managed to get stuck somewhere in the swamps. He did manage to escape, but he had to leave the truck behind. I\'m sure towing his truck back to us should be a piece of cake for you, right?","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_REW":"Would you look at that, that\'s not actually my mail. Either way, here\'s for your trouble.","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Academy Town:","POSTMAN_CAR":"Mailman\'s Truck","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_DESC":"Since you seem to be working the fields often, you could use a new combine. And speaking of, there used to be one on display at the Institute that was left behind once the place shut down. You could have it if you want.","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_REW":"Still working? That\'s what I call made to last.","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Experimental Field:","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DESC":"Harvester","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"We hired a driver to move a few things just down the road. He didn\'t secure the cargo well and lost some of it on the way. We won\'t hire him again for sure, but there\'s still the matter of retrieving our supplies.","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO_REW":"Great work. Next time, we\'ll just contact you directly instead of relying on what we have on hand.","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO_S_01":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL_DESC":"Thanks again for helping out with the repairs. Still, we could use some extra tools and supplies... Do us another solid, will you?","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL_REW":"I really can;\'t thank you enough! Your reward should be there shortly.","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL_S_01":"Deliver to the Technical Station:","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR":"A gift horse","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_DESC":"See this bad boy? He\'s already way past his prime, and I\'ve got neither money nor patience to get it back in the saddle. Tell you what, if you\'ll put him back together and get him off my land, he\'s all yours. Deal?","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_REW":"Congratulations on your very own personal rust heap! Just... Eh. Take a good care of him, alright?","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_S_01":"Repair Step Pike","FOR_REPAIR":"Broken Step Pike","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY_DESC":"We\'ve gathered some of the leftover lab equipment that we could still use. The issue is, it\'s all fragile, and the lab wants it delivered yesterday. You can do an express delivery, right?","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY_REW":"Impressive. We were thinking you\'re more about trudging through dirt than any sort of careful precise work, but it\'s good that we were wrong!","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_DESC":"Quite a few locals had left their cars to rust here in these swamps over the year. It\'s all about keeping your momentum, or else you\'ll get stuck. Would you risk yours to see if you could beat our best time?","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_REW":"You look all wet, what happened? Hah, I kid. Nicely done, here\'s some extra for your trouble.","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_01":"Reach the Swamp Approach","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_02":"Reach the Shoreline","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_03":"Reach the Old Path","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_04":"Reach the Marshes","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_05":"Reach the Island","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_06":"Reach the Junction","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_07":"Reach the Warehouse Approach","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_DESC":"Me and the boys were placing bets on who can make it downhill fastest and without rolling. You in?","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_REW":"Well aren\'t you a daredevil. Here, you earned it!","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_S_01":"Reach the Fallen Tree","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_S_02":"Reach the River Descent","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_S_03":"Reach the Shore","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING":"Treasure Hunt","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_DESC":"Before we can begin construction we need to make sure we\'re stocked on all the necessary tools and materials. The bad news is, the container we leased was lost in the nearby swamp. You know what to do.","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_REW":"That was smooth! The whole community\'s in your debt now for sure.","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_S_01":"Visit the Swamp","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_S_02":"Deliver to the Machine Shop:","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_CONTR":"Let There Be Light","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_DESC":"The power grid here is nowhere near stable enough for us to power our machinery. While the local electricians are busy with the nearby villages, could you fetch a spare generator for us?","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_REW":"So good to have someone to rely on. Feel free to use the generator, too - just don\'t forget to keep it topped up.","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Production Site:","GENERATOR_S":"Generator","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_CONTR":"Railway Blues","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_DESC":"The railroad here is all but abandoned. We\'ve already taken a look at the damage there, and realistically, only a single rail segment needs to be completely replaced. Now, getting it there is another matter entirely...","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_REW":"Well done! Now we can finally be a part of the global cargo network.","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Rails:","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_CONTR":"Reduce, Reuse","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_DESC":"Our region is famous for its natural beauty and well-developed farming industry. Garbage disposal, on the other hand? Not so much. Right now, we could really use a hand dealing with some more trash here.","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_REW":"Ah, I feel it\'s much easier to breathe here now - unless you\'re going past the junkyard, of course. And it\'s all thanks to you!","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_S_01":"Visit the Hayloft","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Junkyard:","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY":"Clean Slate","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_DESC":"We\'re slowly ramping up our recycling efforts on the junkyard, and some progress is already being made on getting it cleaned out. We\'d really appreciate it if you could deliver these containers to the nearby villages.","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_REW":"Well done. Recycling is a massive step towards fixing the region\'s ecological state. Here\'s your reward.","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Construction Site:","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Storage Facility:","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_S_03":"Deliver to the Village Warehouse:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_CONTR":"Power Of The Sun","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_DESC":"Seems like some eco-friendly trends are making their way even to remote places like this. There\'s an order of solar panels waiting to be delivered, as well as a trailer that was... misplaced. Will you help?","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_REW":"Great job! The first power plant is up and running.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_S_01":"Deliver to the Solar Plant A:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_S_02":"Deliver to the Solar Plant A:","SOLAR_STATION_PANEL":"Trailer with parts","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_CONTR":"Power Of Two Suns","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_DESC":"Looks like the company likes doing things big, and just one solar power plant isn\'t enough in their book. Like before, they need a full shipment of panels and another trailer loaded with fittings for them. Get to it.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_REW":"Nice and quick, thanks to you yet another solar plant is ready to go. Here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Solar Plant B:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_S_02":"Visit the Old Steel Mill","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_S_03":"Deliver to the Solar Plant B:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_CONTR":"Power Of A Thousand Suns","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_DESC":"You\'d be surprised, but they want another power plant set up - last one, this time. Same as before, solar panels already awaiting pickup. You\'ll need another few things, too, but the local farm can help you with that.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_REW":"Brilliant work! Another station completed. As always, here\'s for the trouble.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_S_01":"Deliver to the Solar Plant C:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_S_02":"Deliver to the Solar Plant C:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING":"Closing The Circuit","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_DESC":"The plants are up and running, and their yield is enough to help the local villages, too. The power line wasn\'t properly set up yet, so it\'s up to us to get it fixed.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_REW":"Let there be light! Both the locals and the corporate have only you to thank for it.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_S_01":"Deliver to the Steel Mill:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_S_02":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_DESC":"We\'ll need to fix one last thing to link the local and the corporate power grids - the main transformer. We can get it done as soon as you bring us some tools and find another parts shipment that hadn\'t arrived yet.","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_REW":"Top notch work, well done! As promised, this is for you.","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_S_01":"Deliver to the Power Transformer:","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_S_02":"Visit the Container Search Area","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_S_03":"Deliver to the Power Transformer:","RU_08_03_FARMING":"Thirty Harvestless Years","RU_08_03_FARMING_DESC":"You may have noticed that the nearby farm isn\'t exactly doing great these days. Most of the \'farmers\' are... less-than-cooperative as of late. Maybe we can lead them by example, what do you think?","RU_08_03_FARMING_REW":"Doesn\'t seem like the locals were moved in the slightest by your example - more like, they expect things to be done for them from now on... Oh well, I\'ll have to think of some other way to deal with them.","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_06":"Deliver to the Southern Cheremushki:","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_07":"Deliver to the Northern Cheremushki:","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_DESC":"The recent Southern winds have really battered the local villages. One of the nearby barns was quite literally blown away. If you can help them deliver some logs to get it fixed, they\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_REW":"Well done, the locals are happy, and you have earned your pay.","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_S":"Deliver to the Hay Barn:","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_DESC":"A recent storm has seriously damaged the local telecommunications network. The thing that needs the most work is the TV tower, and we think you might be just the man for the job.","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_REW":"Good work on that tower, now we can finally have some good entertainment out here.","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_S":"Deliver to the TV Tower:","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_DESC":"You\'ve probably heard about the reacent weather anomalies that devastated the region. Sadly, even the water supply was not spared by Mother Nature. Now they could really use some help getting the water pipeline fixed.","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_REW":"You\'re becoming a bit of a local hero, what\'s with everything you\'ve done so far. And every hero requires a reward to match their deeds.","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_S_01":"Deliver to the Southern Sewers:","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_S_02":"Deliver to the Northern Sewers:","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY":"Fertilizer Delivery","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_DESC":"So it happens that a recent shipment of fertilizer was lost during the storm. The locals will pay a premium if you could find and deliver that cargo to their respective farms.","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_REW":"Amazing job! Hopefully, you\'ll find the reward agreeable, too.","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_S_03":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE":"River Trouble","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_DESC":"The flooding that followed the recent storm washed a lot of uprooted trees into the river, creating a few blockages down the stream. We could really use some help removing the biggest one of them.","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_REW":"Thanks for your help! Now we can reach our little island once more!","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_S":"Deliver to the River Blockage:","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_DESC":"So, there\'s that island here that we tried to settle a while back. We had to drop that idea when the storms came, but we had to leave one of our trucks there. Could you please fetch it for us?","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_REW":"A little magic, and this thing should be good as new! Here, you\'ve earned it.","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_S":"Deliver to the Village Garage:","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_DESC":"Some of the cargo that was lost due to the storm was a restock container for the local store, and now they\'re basically out of stock. Now they have to find that shipment before they could make any profit whatsoever.","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_REW":"Let me thank you from everyone at our little village. Well done!","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Store:","PRODUCT_DELIVERY":"Packed produce","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_DESC":"One of our trucks was caught in the nearby swamp when the storm hit. The driver made it out, but there\'s no way we can get that truck out on our own.","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_REW":"You are a real lifesaver, my friend. Here, it\'s yours.","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_S":"Deliver to the Workshop:","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_DESC":"One of our farmers managed to get our only tractor stuck out there, and now we have nothing to work on our fields with. We\'ve contacted the insurance, but in the meantime, could you see if there\'s anything you can do?","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_REW":"Well color me impressed! You did it on your own, too? Just... wow. By the way, I\'ve been told the farmers have already ordered a new tractor off of the insurance, so for now, you can probably take this one for yourself.","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_S_01":"Deliver to the Repair Service:","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_S_02":"Repair Kirovets K-7M","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_S_03":"Deliver to the Service Center:","HAUL_TRANSPORT":"Kirovets K-7М","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_DESC":"A while ago, our farmers ordered some basic supplies that never made it here. Could you have a look around, maybe you\'ll be able to find them?","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_REW":"Thanks to you we can finally get to work! Take this, for the trouble.","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","TRAILERS_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_01":"Farming Equipment","TRAILERS_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_02":"Animal Feed","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_DESC":"So get this. There\'s a guy living out here, and he contacted us the other day, said he wants his trash container back. Even says he\'d pay us if we bring back his little treasure. Will you help the poor guy?","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_REW":"All\'s well that ends well. The man\'s happy, we\'re happy, and I hope a little bonus to your pay would make you happy, too.","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Shack:","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_DESC":"Right, time to take care of these fields. Remember, we\'re paying for each field harvested and for any greens you bring us.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_REW":"Nicely done! The potatoes are all packed and ready for shipment.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_DESC":"Since we\'re mostly done here, we might as well start tending to the fields. As always, any contribution will be rewarded.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_REW":"Great! We\'re always happy to take this off your hands.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_DESC":"Time to get those fields tilled. It might be hard work, but it\'s honest work, too - besides, we\'re paying for each bag of potatoes that you bring, so what\'s not to like?","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_REW":"Not bad at all. We\'ll be waiting for the first batch.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING":"Grocery Run","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_DESC":"As we agreed before, we\'re ready to pay for whatever those fields would yield. You just have to get it for us.","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_REW":"Fresh from the field? Good timing, too, thank you!","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_S_01":"Deliver to the \\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station:","RU_08_03_HAY_DELIVERY":"Empty Hayloft","RU_08_03_HAY_DELIVERY_DESC":"That\'s quite a mess alright. We got some hay for our livestock, but it got dropped off just by the fields and not where it\'s needed. At least we didn\'t have to pay for the delivery, so there\'s money in it for you, too.","RU_08_03_HAY_DELIVERY_REW":"Thanks a whole lot!","RU_08_03_URGENT_DELIVERY_CARGO_DESC":"There\'s a sensitive bit of cargo that we need to get to the village ASAP. Time is of the essence, so the faster you can manage it, the better. Think you can do that?","RU_08_03_URGENT_DELIVERY_CARGO_REW":"Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. This is for you.","RU_08_03_URGENT_DELIVERY_CARGO_S":"Deliver to Cheremushki North:","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_DESC":"Hey uh, I\'ve a weird request for you. We need to remove all the old scarecrows from the field so we can go over it with tractors, and the sooner it\'s done, the better. You in?","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_REW":"Hope you had fun, too. Nicely done, by the way. Take this.","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_01":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_02":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_03":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_04":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_05":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_06":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_07":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_08":"Reach Point 8","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_09":"Reach Point 9","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_10":"Reach Point 10","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_11":"Reach Point 11","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_12":"Reach Point 12","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_13":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_04_GARAGE_RECOVERY_CONTR":"Fixing the Fixers","RU_08_04_GARAGE_DESC":"It\'s been a good while since anyone worked on actual trucks here, so it\'ll take some good effort to get this place ready for business. Of course, things\'d go much smoother if you could bring us a few bits and ends.","RU_08_04_GARAGE_REW":"That\'s just what we need! With this, we should be able to get the shop running in a jiffy.","RU_08_04_GARAGE_RECOVERY_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Garage:","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_DESC":"There used to be an airfield just up the hill, and we could really use it, too. Thing is, the landing strip there is worse than trying to land a plane in an open field, and fixing that requires some additional materials.","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_REW":"You made it! I suppose I shouldn\'t be surprised. Either way, we\'re already expecting our first plane to come in - thanks to you. Oh, and feel free to use the fueling pump we have here if you need it.","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_RECOVERY_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01_DESC":"Making sure we have the space to house our animals is instrumental to turning this place into one massive farm. To this end, we\'ll need your help constructing a few things - first and foremost, a byre for our cows.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01_REW":"I can barely recognize this place. Hopefully, soon we\'ll be able to restore the rest of the region to match it.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01_S":"Deliver to the Byre:","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_CONTR":"Keep Refrigerated","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_DESC":"Since we have some space to spare, we were thinking of improving our dry storage situation a bit. The warehouse we have right now is really not in a good shape, so we were thinking of getting it fixed.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_REW":"The warehouses are finished, and we\'re already sorting through our supplies. Just let us know if you\'ll need anything.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Warehouse:","RU_08_04_WINDMILL_DESC":"When first settling in this area we decided to focus on renewable energy sources. Most of our turbines are already online, but one of the blades for them was damaged during shipping. This means we\'ll need a replacement.","RU_08_04_WINDMILL_REW":"That\'s a job well done. The cargo is here, and the turbine is ready to be powered up. Can\'t express how timely your help was. Take this as a token of gratitude.","WIND_01_S":"Wind turbine blade","RU_08_04_WINDMILL_S":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01_DESC":"There is a communications tower not far away. An old thing, this, and it hardly gives any coverage. Would be nice if someone could have a look at it, maybe patch it up. We\'ll find a way to pay you back.","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01_REW":"Connection established, everything seems to be good... As we agreed, here\'s the reward.","CONNECT_01_S":"Service Trailer","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01_S":"Deliver to the Comms Tower:","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING":"Not-So-High Voltage","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_DESC":"One of the power lines was damaged in the recent storm, and if we won\'t do something about it fast, we\'ll lose power any minute now. Naturally, extra work requires extra pay, too.","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_REW":"And the power is back on! Won\'t need to use candles for lighting now, though it would\'ve been kind of romantic... What was I talking about..? Oh, right, here\'s your reward.","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_01_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Pole:","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_06_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Pole:","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_05_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Pole:","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS":"Cutting Losses","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS_DESC":"Listen, we could really use your help again. A truck was suposed to arrive here earlier today, but the driver got into a bit of an accident and now needs to be towed. Could you do that, please?","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS_REW":"Nicely done! Both the truck and the trailer may have seen better days, but it\'s nothing we can\'t fix.","LOST_01_S":"Truck","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Warehouse:","LOST_02_S":"Trailer","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03_DESC":"A farmer\'s life isn\'t just about tilling fields - tending to livestock is just as important. We\'ll need to set up some extra coops if we want to supply the whole region with produce - and to make some profit, of course.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03_REW":"Things are looking much more lively around here now. Thank you - and take this.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03_S":"Deliver to the Chicken Coop:","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META":"Bulk Loading","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META_DESC":"It\'s time to prepare a full batch of the new experimental taters to be shipped off. You know the drill by now. Hopefully, your expertise will get us all through.","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META_REW":"With this new fertilizer, the harvest is more plentiful than ever, not to mention the product quality. Now that\'s a job well done!","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META_S_01":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_CONTEST_DESC":"Since you\'ve been driving around these parts for a while, how about a little test of your mettle? I\'m sure you\'ve seen worse, but it\'s still all too easy to get completely stuck in this mud.","RU_08_04_CONTEST_REW":"Looks like you\'ve no mercy for your own truck. Drop by the garage some time, we\'ll get you cleaned out.","RU_08_04_CONTEST_01_S":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_04_CONTEST_02_S":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_04_CONTEST_03_S":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_04_CONTEST_04_S":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_04_CONTEST_FINISH_S":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_04_RING_DESC":"It\'s a little pastime we have here, circuit racing. The nice thing is that it\'s an opportunity to have a good look around the fields here. Just don\'t get too distracted, or you\'ll risk going straight off the track.","RU_08_04_RING_REW":"So how do you like our plains? What, got dirt all over the windshield so you couldn\'t enjoy the view? Well, at least you\'ve shown that you\'re a great driver.","RU_08_04_RING_01_S":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_04_RING_02_S":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_04_RING_03_S":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_04_RING_04_S":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_04_RING_05_S":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_04_RING_06_S":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_04_RING_07_S":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_04_RING_FINISH_S":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE":"The Last Bridge","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_DESC":"There\'s only one bridge that leads to our fields, and it stood there unfinished for a while now. We\'ll have to patch it up if we want to avoid taking a detour each time we need to cross the river.","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_REW":"Job well done. Now we won\'t have to take the long detour to get to our fields.","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_S":"Deliver to the Unfinished Bridge:","RU_08_04_LOGS_01":"How hard could it be?","RU_08_04_LOGS_01_DESC":"Not long ago we used this trail to reach the river crossing, but after the recent storms the mud here got way too deep for our trucks. You think you could help us fix it?","RU_08_04_LOGS_01_REW":"The road is complete, and this route is now fully finished - and all thanks to you.","RU_08_04_LOGS_01_S":"Deliver to the Log Bridge:","RU_08_04_LOGS_02":"Another Crossing","RU_08_04_LOGS_02_DESC":"There used to be a crossing just next to the old bridge, but it\'s been flooded over as of late. It\'d be nice to find at least a temporary bypass for it.","RU_08_04_LOGS_02_REW":"The crossing is restored. Now we should have much less trouble getting across.","RU_08_04_LOGS_02_S":"Deliver to the Flooded Crossing:","RU_08_04_LAKE_DESC":"Did you have a moment to look around here? No? Well, you just have to see all this beauty with your own eyes - after all, many a poet and artist were inspired by it.","RU_08_04_LAKE_REW":"So how did you like it? Inspiring, isn\'t it? Maybe it\'d move you to start a painting career or something, you never know.","RU_08_04_LAKE_01_S":"Visit the Southern Lake","RU_08_04_LAKE_02_S":"Visit the Northern Lake","RU_08_04_LAKE_03_S":"Visit the Western Lake","RU_08_04_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"One of our drivers missed the right turn while crossing the river nearby and managed to drop some of our cargo into the water. Could you fetch them for us, if it\'s not too much trouble?","RU_08_04_LOST_CARGO_REW":"Well done, we\'re almost ready to put the airport back into service.","RU_08_04_LOST_CARGO_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_FISHING_DESC":"You know that little lake down South? There\'s a tiny island there, a great place to relax and get away from everything. Thing is, I managed to get my truck stuck there, so could you help me out?","RU_08_04_FISHING_REW":"There it is, my precious! I always pay my debts, so here\'s a little something for your trouble. Oh, and uh, do check that island, too - I think you\'ll find something useful there if you haven\'t already.","FISHING_01_S":"Fisherman\'s Car","RU_08_04_FISHING_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"Help a brother out, we\'ve been waiting for a car to arrive for like a day now, and it turns out it\'s been stuck in the mud just down the road, and you\'re the first person to drive by us so far.","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01_REW":"That\'s been one long wait my friend. It\'s sheer luck you happened to be driving by. Thank you.","SPECIAL_01_S":"Lo4f","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01_S":"Deliver to the Chicken Coop:","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO_DESC":"Oh man, are we in trouble. Our driver managed to lose his cargo that we\'re supposed to ship real soon, and there\'s no way we can get it out on our own. Can you help us out?","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO_REW":"Great! You\'re just in time, now we should be able to ship it further without too much delay.","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_DESC":"We\'ve got some work just for you. We\'re getting the fields ready for the upcoming season. All that\'s left is a bit of manual labor, and we\'re ready to pay well to get it done.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_REW":"Splendid. If you\'ll be looking for more work, we\'re always happy to have an extra pair of hands when working the fields here.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_DESC":"While the infrastructure is slowly being fixed, we still lack the resources to cover all of our fields. That is, unless you\'re willing to give us a hand - not for free, of course.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_REW":"Thanks for your effort. It\'s nice to see our warehouses finally being stocked again.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_DESC":"We still could use some assistance with the fields here, and we\'re ready to pay a reasonable sum to compensate you for your time.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_REW":"All in a day\'s work. Here, I believe you\'ve earned this.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_DESC":"Always a pleasure to deal with you. As always, just bring us the goods, and we\'ll pay you back in full.","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_REW":"Now that\'s a decent load. I hope nobody gave you trouble on the way here, eh?","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_S_01":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY":"Feeding time","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY_DESC":"We have already purchased some of the livestock feed, but this is not enough, and the budget is limited. Here in many fields there are abandoned haystacks. Bring us a few and we\'ll arrange delivery with a premium.","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY_REW":"Stack by stack, brick by brick - let\'s raise agriculture here!","TRANSPORT_EVACUATION":"Drowned Truck","TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_01":"Abandoned Trailer","TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_02":"Abandoned Trailer","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_S_01":"Repair KHAN Lo4f","TATRA":"KHAN Lo4f","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT":"Service Center","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT_DESC":"First things first: the whole Fire Department thanks you for coming to our rescue! Now, back to business: we\'ll start with delivering some materials for the Service Center construction.","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT_REW":"Good start, now you can buy vehicles and trailers, and tune them as well. Oh and, of course, a small token of our appreciation!","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Service Center","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01":"Timber for the Locals 1","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_DESC":"The local government asks us to provide some wood for the residents here. The trick is that they live far from the town, a long way from the sawmill. Please, help us, and we\'ll provide a handsome reward.","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_REW":"Great job, I hope it lasts for the whole year!","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_S_01":"Deliver to the First House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_S_04":"Deliver to the Second House:","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_S_02":"Deliver to the Second House:","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02":"Timber for the Locals 2","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_DESC":"Two more houses here, on the farthest island between both shorelines. Same plan: you deliver the wood, and we pay you back.","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_REW":"And this is double score! Really good job, keep it up!","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Third House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_S_02":"Deliver to the Fourth House","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT":"Exploring the Burned-out Infrastructure","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_DESC":"Let\'s start from the beginning. We\'ve put out the fire and contained it, for the most part. A lot of the infrastructure is still covered in smoke. We have to explore the surrounding area and see what we can do.","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_REW":"Terrifying sight, but thanks for all the info. We\'re starting work!","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit the 1st Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_02":"Visit the 2nd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_03":"Visit the 3rd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_04":"Visit the 4th Zone","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT":"Looking for the fire monster","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_DESC":"My team managed to evacuate in the middle of their mission, leaving our working vehicle behind. From what we know, it hasn\'t suffered any significant damage, so we need to find it, bring it back and fix it. If you find it, you can keep it.","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_REW":"There she is, our beauty! With a thing like that, any fire will be an easy mission!","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_S_02":"Repair Derry Special 15C-177","FIRE_STATION_TRUCK_09":"Derry Special 15C-177","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01":"Restoring the Water Tower 1","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_DESC":"To ensure prompt water supply to fire sites, we need to set up proper structures. Namely, restore the old water towers that we used many years ago.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_REW":"There it goes! You did great, now try using this system to extinguish fire.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02":"Restoring the Water Tower 2","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_DESC":"The pipes are set so that we can pump water in two directions, so it would be great if you help finish this tower as well. Obviously, we\'ll pay.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_REW":"Superb, now we can deliver water to two destinations, and that\'s what we\'ll do!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT":"Putting Out the Fire at the Storage 1","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"We used the data you helped collect and found out that the resource storage facilities that belong to the gold mining company have almost completely burned down. We have to put out the fires and use what remains of the buildings for materials.","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Part of the job is done, this is great news, but the work doesn\'t stop there. By the way, if you need some materials, you can use what\'s left of the buildings.","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the First Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the Third Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT":"Putting Out the Fire at the Station","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Okay, step by step, we\'re getting there, thanks to you. But it\'s not quitting time yet. This railway station is the main logistic hub for local business, so we need to stop the fire from spreading.","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_REW":"This battle is ours, all thanks to you. Such a remarkable job calls for a matching reward!","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the 1st Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the 2nd Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT":"Forest Cleaner","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT_DESC":"Alas, our area\'s best forests were destroyed by the fire, but some of the trees can still be rescued. The local volunteers have already gathered some of the logs and you have to haul them to the sawmill.","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT_REW":"It\'s a shame such beautiful trees were destroyed, but we did what we could. Thank you very much, and take this for your effort.","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill Warehouse","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Work Transport Evacuation","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Apparently, the fire has not spread beyond that forest patch, but we would really appreciate it if you could evacuate our expensive transport, just to be on the safe side. Do it, and we\'ll reward you.","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"All the vehicles are safe and sound, you live up to every good word we heard about you. Here, this is for your great work.","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Quarry Parking Lot","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Restoring the Railroad Tracks","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"To fully restore logistics, we need to repair the railroad tracks. Pick up a few sections from the mine and deliver them straight to the railway station. This is a very important job, and we are counting on you!","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Whoosh; and we\'re back on track! Now we can resume supply, you did great!","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Serious business","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"You proved yourself a real hero, we put out the fire and restored almost all of the infrastructure. You earned our trust, so we ask you to transport our most valuable cargo—gold! For a matching reward, of course.","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Are you saying you had absolutely no temptation to drive off into the sunset with all that gold? You are a true professional, you certainly deserve this handsome reward.","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_DESC":"For easier fire extinguishing, we should think of restoring all the towers in the area, and we\'ll start with this one.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_REW":"You see? And you said we didn\'t need that! Of course we do! Now we\'re cooking, we are almost done!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_DESC":"Listen buddy, we thought we\'d fix the tower ourselves, but something went wrong. Could you help us out, please? We\'d really appreciate it.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_REW":"We got one more, great!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_DESC":"Perhaps restoring a tower in the middle of this chaos was not the best idea, but this will help you do your job. Can you give us a hand?","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_REW":"That\'s the spirit—we\'re not losing another battle to fire, ever!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04_DESC":"And another one. Same story, you help us transport the cargo, we provide working water storage and an additional bonus.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04_REW":"Boom! Let\'s get the water flowing all over this place!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"With everything that happened, the local boaters are overwhelmed. Please, bring something to help fix the boats, and we\'ll pay you back!","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"So we\'re back afloat and damage-free! If you want a quick ride to the other shore—you\'re welcome!","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Port","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_DESC":"Hey, buddy, can you please help me get my car back? It\'s vital for my business! My protege screwed up a trip to one of the campsm and the car just rolled down. You help me, I help you.","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_REW":"I knew I could count on you! Thanks a million. You know what? You can have my truck and explore the area, it does well on any terrain, and so do you!","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Repair Center","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S_02":"Repair Hummer H2","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S_03":"Deliver to the Ranger\'s House","RANGER_SCOUT":"Hummer H2","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK_DESC":"Please help us, friend, we had to evacuate quickly, so we abandoned our trailer in a hurry and left some personal belongings behind. Bring the trailer here, and we\'ll make it worth your while.","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK_REW":"You are the best! Thank you from all of us.","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Trailer Park","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK_DESC":"Following this highway any further will be a problem, unless we fix this bridge. We could\'ve done it ourselves, but all this fire havoc messed up our plans. So, will you help us?","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK_REW":"The passage is free, great job!","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Broken Bridge","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK_DESC":"You know, this dupe had to haul something across the river, but he took the wrong route and got stuck in the rift. Can you please drive there and check if there\'s anything that can be rescued?","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK_REW":"You even managed to recover everything, practically in mint condition! Next time, I\'ll handle the delivery myself!","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Pier","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_DESC":"Can you imagine? I worked in the middle of the fire and, when it got really hot, I ran away and left my car behind. Luckily, it wasn\'t in the fire. Could you please bring it here, for a price, obviously.","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_REW":"Gee, I thought I would never see it again, thank you so much! As we agreed, here is your pay.","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S":"Deliver to Worker\'s House","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK_DESC":"So what if I live in a “weird” place? You help me, I help you. Sounds fair to me.","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK_REW":"See? Nothing impossible after all. Thanks anyway, this is for your trouble.","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Shack","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_DESC":"We were driving along a dangerous route near the waterfall, and we lost all the cargo with our underground fire detectors. It should have survived the fall, so we need to gather the detectors and deliver them to the burned forest.","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_REW":"The detectors are installed and now we will be better prepared for such accidents, thanks!","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the First Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_S_03":"Deliver to the Third Plot","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK_DESC":"Looks like they forgot to clear out some junk from one of the recently abandoned mines. There are a lot of usable materials there that may be handy for our guys at the camp. Would you be so kind as to get the containers there?","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK_REW":"That was fast, great job! Actually we have stumbled upon some spare parts here, you may use them if you need.","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Logistic Center Warehouse","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"There is a family living not far from here, in the hills. We need to deliver this trailer with cargo to them and we would like to hire you for that. We will make it worth your while.","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"The family is happy, we are happy, and hopefully you are happy too!","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Mountains","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"Our guys were transporting hazardous chemicals but lost all the cargo en route. Someone needs to ride to the mine, get the location of losses, then collect it all and deliver to us. Will you do that?","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"Brilliant, thank you! And do check your bank balance - you are up for a pleasant surprise!","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_S_01":"Visit the Southwest Mine","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_S_02":"Deliver to the Factory Warehouse","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_DESC":"Hey! As you may know, our region is very popular with tourists and there are some very popular outdoor recreation areas in the area. Could you run over them and check that everything is fine?","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_REW":"No accidents and that\'s very good, here\'s your reward!","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_S_01":"Visit East Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_S_02":"Visit West Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_S_03":"Visit North Camp","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_DESC":"Buddy, we badly need some fuel delivered to our mines, ASAP, their machinery has halted, so hurry!","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_REW":"That was lightning fast! Thanks!","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_S_01":"Deliver to the Southeast Mine","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_S_02":"Deliver to the Southwest Mine","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT":"Let There Be Road","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT_DESC":"One of the passages was buried under the rockslide a while ago. We took a detour for a while, but the fire made that path really dangerous. Please, help us deliver some cargo for the repairs, and we\'ll do the rest.","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT_REW":"So great you could help us, now we can freely move around the area and fight the fires more effectively!","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Southern Gateway","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT":"Preventive Care","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_DESC":"There\'s a ranch right near the edge of the burned forest. The owner is really afraid the fire will spark back up, so he asked us to haul his hay right to our storage. Will you help him with that?","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_REW":"I cannot say whether the ranch is safe, but you did your job just fine, here\'s your well-deserved reward.","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit Road-bend to the Ranch","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT":"The Flooded Land","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_DESC":"A small local town is in trouble over broken sewage. The land is flooded and the locals are suffering huge damages. To solve the problem, they need new pipes delivered to them.","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_REW":"Finally we can breathe easy, the water\'s still there, but at least the flow has stopped. Just think, someone\'s biggest ally is another\'s worst enemy...","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit Turn to the Logistics Center","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the First Breach","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the Second Breach","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Data Collection","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Our weather towers had a glitch just before the disaster, otherwise they would\'ve given us the necessary data and help us be prepared. Could you please deliver the materials so we can repair and restart them?","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"What would we do without you! Thanks for your help! This is rightfully yours.","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_ACTION_S_01":"Deliver to the First Weather Station","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_ACTION_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Weather Station","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT":"Cautiousness","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT_DESC":"There is an old watchtower somewhere in the mountains. The gold mining company suffered huge damages from their burned facilities, so they want to have them guarded from now on. Are you up to it?","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT_REW":"A great view. Sadly, all you get to see now is the burned landscape. Anyway, take this as a token of our gratitude.","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Watchtower","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01":"Restoring The Water Tower 3","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_DESC":"There\'s not a single working water tower in this area, even though we started some work already. As usual, you deliver the materials, we do the repairs.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_REW":"Fine, now you can supply water to the tower and then deliver it to the fire sites.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02":"Restoring The Water Tower 4","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_DESC":"Here\'s another good place to get water from. The tower isn\'t new, but we can put it in order as well. Waiting for your signal.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_REW":"Another source, wow! Let\'s teach that fire a lesson!","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT":"Putting Out The Fire At The Storage 2","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_DESC":"Another couple of storage facilities near the factory have practically burned down and are still a fire hazard. We need to put the fires out.","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_REW":"Fine, another hazard curbed. Too bad, it\'s practically all burned. But if you wish, you can sort out what\'s left and use it however you see fit.","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the First Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_CONTRACT":"Putting Out The Fire At The Factory","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Indeed, the most dangerous spot, practically all burned, nothing left. Let\'s try saving the infrastructure and whatever else can be saved. I can only wish good luck to all of us.","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_CONTRACT_REW":"Whew! However hard and dangerous it was, you did it. And, as always, you did it in style! Thank you from all of us at the department!","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the First Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the Third Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT":"Searching For Underground Fires","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_DESC":"We\'ve never quite established the cause of the fires, but one of the sources might have been located underground. We have to inspect the area and check this out. You could use a thumper to help you with that.","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_REW":"This is both good and bad news. Anyway, we should get down to work and resolve this problem.","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit the 1st Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_02":"Visit the 2nd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_03":"Visit the 3rd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Putting Out The Underground Fires","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Now that we established the causes and exact coordinates, we need to put out those underground fires. The liquid sand mixture should help. This is extremely dangerous, but we\'re counting on you!","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Unbelievable! You nailed it! My people watched you with eyes wide open, they should learn from a pro like yourself!","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the 1st Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the 2nd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the 3rd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT":"Delivery From The Quarry","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT_DESC":"We would usually send containers with soil, gold and other rock straight to the factory, but the fires spared very little of it. Our railway station is back to work, so we\'d like you to deliver everything there.","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT_REW":"Worked great, while the plant is down, we\'ll have to ship the loot like this. And here\'s a reward for your trouble.","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT":"Sawmill Renovation","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT_DESC":"An accident at the sawmill rendered a whole production line useless, so we had to pause log processing. We need some materials delivered for the repairs, and after that, all types of planks and boards will be available.","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT_REW":"Fantastic! You have no idea how backlogged we are on those planks. Now we\'ll rush to delivery, and this is for your service.","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill Workshop","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT":"Old Oil Rig","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_DESC":"We were going to drill a quarry at this location, but the place just wasn\'t good enough. Worse yet, now we\'ve got a sewer breach on our hands. I think we\'ve messed up enough. Time to make amends with the locals.","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_REW":"Well done, another piece of our puzzle salvaged. We\'ve learned our lesson. Here\'s hoping we can coexist peacefully with the locals from now on.","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Abandoned Oil Rig","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_DESC":"Here we are, almost in the heart of the fire. If you restore this tower, your fire-extinguishing job will be a tad easier. And we\'ll make it worth your while, too.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_REW":"Good job! Our towers may be oversized, but they certainly get the job done! And this is for you, my friend.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_DESC":"The final refuge! These are the closest points for tower restoration. Out there, it\'s just fires and scorched earth. Let\'s finish these water monsters already and flood the whole area!","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_REW":"Great, another one\'s up! And you deserve this reward.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_DESC":"One more! A dangerous spot, but who wouldn\'t like a little risk? In fact, this is the last good spot, so we\'re determined to finish what we started. You with us?","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_REW":"Perfect! The more water goes through the pipes in the area, the better I sleep. And something goes to your bank account as well.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK_DESC":"Can you imagine? I was hurrying home with my family, so I decided to take a shortcut. Sadly, it got me stuck in the marsh. We left the car behind and walked home. Could you help us pull out our car?","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK_REW":"Thanks a lot, you\'re our hero! If it hadn\'t been for you, I don\'t know how we would ever travel to town again!","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Southwest","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK_DESC":"Recently, we deepened the quarry, but we miscalculated the support strength. And when the concrete reinforcement slabs were almost there, the truck carrying them flipped over on the road. Could you please deliver the cargo?","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK_REW":"Wow, all delivered intact, you did a fantastic job!","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Quarry","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_DESC":"One of our vehicles got stuck in the flooded field and is unusable. With our sewage problems, we have no use for it anyway, but the neighboring ranch would be happy to take it. However, there is a condition.","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_REW":"It\'s like new, great job! Here is your reward.","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Ranch","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_S_02":"Repair Freightliner M916A1","TATRA_FARM_09":"Freightliner M916A1","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_DESC":"We had this truck transporting the logs along a dangerous route. The driver lost control of it, and the truck slid off the road. If you tow it out, you can use it for your own goals.","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_REW":"Great, now we can keep up our wood supply to the sawmill. Here, this is for your trouble.","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Logging Area","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_S_02":"Repair Fleetstar F2070A","LOGS_VEHICLE_09":"Fleetstar F2070A","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01_DESC":"The recent accident and the flooding damaged our infrastructure pretty bad. We need materials to repair houses and hangars, could you help us deliver them? For a reward, of course.","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01_REW":"The first steps are taken, we are back on track, thanks!","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01_S":"Deliver to the Residential Country House","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02_DESC":"After what happened, we ordered some spare parts to repair our machines, but the truck that was carrying them turned over. Could you please gather the cargo and bring it here?","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02_REW":"Good job, now we can fix most of our machinery and start pumping the water away. Here is your reward.","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02_S":"Deliver to the Village Hangar","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03_DESC":"This is practically our only working vehicle, and we lent it to our friends from the gold mine, so they can evacuate people from the factory. They are done, so could you bring the vehicle back?","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03_REW":"We\'re so glad you\'re helping us! We can\'t not return the favor, can we! This car might be old, but it\'s a sturdy machine, so use it while you\'re helping our region through these hard times.","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03_S":"Deliver to the Village Warehouse","ZIKZ_VEHICLE_09":"ZIK 566a","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_DESC":"Our quarry is almost depleted, we\'d like to explore the nearby area and choose what\'s best. A thumper will be very helpful.","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_REW":"That means there\'s still a lot of gold here, it\'s great news! However, because of the recent tragedy, it\'s hard to say when we\'ll get back to this issue. Anyway, thank you, here\'s your reward.","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_S_01":"Visit the First Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_S_02":"Visit the Second Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_S_03":"Visit the Third Zone","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_DESC":"As you see, we evacuated successfully. Obviously, it wasn\'t that easy. The main trouble is that practically everything is buried under a thick layer of ash. You could use a metal detector to find something important, will you help us?","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_REW":"You have no idea how valuable that container was, and it\'s even intact! Great job!","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_S_01":"Visit the Burned Forest Plot","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_S_02":"Deliver to the Evacuee Camp","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_DESC":"Sadly, our motel was abandoned for a long time. But, now that mountain routes are popular again, we\'d like to restore it. Could you check the nearby routes and bring us a few things for repairs?","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_REW":"As soon as the firefighters finish their work and the area becomes safer, we hope for an inflow of tourists to our motel. Thanks for your timely help, this is for your work.","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_01":"Visit the 1st Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_02":"Visit the 2nd Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_03":"Visit the 3rd Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_04":"Visit the 4th Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_05":"Deliver to the Motel","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"Imagine, I moved here just recently, and the lads who\'ve been helping me move my stuff took the wrong road and left my trailer somewhere out there. Could you bring it back to me? For a fee, of course.","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"What would I do without you? Thanks for your help. Here, you totally deserve it!","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Northeast","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"Someone was so anxious to get away from the fires that he just took my car. He didn\'t get far, though. Could you please bring it back to me?","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"It\'s good you were around to answer my plea. If it wasn\'t for you, who would\'ve helped me? I guess I need to build a garage now...","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Northwest","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_DESC":"At the height of the fires, a local resident and a truck driver were unable to share the road, which caused both to fly off the road. The cars were abandoned at the scene. It is necessary to deliver them to the owners, as well as to repair them.","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_REW":"It was not easy at all, but you did it, take it, you rightfully deserve it!","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to east house","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_02":"Repair Chevrolet CK1500","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_03":"Deliver to the Evacuee Camp","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_04":"Repair Caterpillar CT680","CRASH_VEHICLE_09_01":"Chevrolet CK1500","CRASH_VEHICLE_09_02":"Caterpillar CT680","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST":"Mountain Ride","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_DESC":"Hi, friend! We have a real challenge for you! Tourists adore the local fauna and arrange a real adrenaline ride here. Do you want to ride at speed and assess the condition of this route?","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_REW":"Impressive! You\'re a real psycho, in a good way, although I\'m not sure...","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_01":"Visit 1 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_02":"Visit 2 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_03":"Visit 3 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_04":"Visit 4 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_05":"Visit 5 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_06":"Visit 6 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_07":"Visit 7 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_08":"Visit 8 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_09":"Visit 9 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_10":"Visit 10 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_11":"Visit 11 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_12":"Visit 12 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_13":"Visit 13 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_14":"Visit 14 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_15":"Visit 15 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_16":"Visit Motel","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_OBJ":"Consumables For The Ferry","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_DESC":"The ferry at Duncan Bay is doing an important job safely taking vehicles across the river. It needs consumables for maintenance. Take this job, and we\'ll be grateful.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_REW":"Great! Now the ferry will smoothly deliver any vehicles!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_S":"Deliver to the Ferry Crossing","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_OBJ":"Humanitarian Aid","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_OBJ_DESC":"Supplies are scarce in Duncan Bay now. People need any help they can get. Deliver the humanitarian supplies to the hunter\'s house and to the observation deck on the west coast.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_OBJ_REW":"Local residents are grateful! And we generously pay for your community service.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_1S":"Deliver to Desolate House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_2S":"Deliver to Lookout Point","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_OBJ":"Short Circuit","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_DESC":"Not only was the road ruined by the flood - the power line was damaged as well. We need materials for the repair. Deliver all the supplies they need, and you\'ll be helping us a lot!","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_REW":"Thanks! Soon, repairs will start, and the supply of power will be uninterrupted!","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_1S":"Explore the area","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_2S":"Deliver to the First Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_3S":"Deliver to the Second Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_OBJ":"Deenergized Coast","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_DESC":"You did a great job on your previous repair contract. Now, you have to finish what\'s left to do with the posts. The repair brigade will pay you back!","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_REW":"Great! Now both coasts have uninterrupted power supply.","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_S1":"Visit the Coastal Post Zone","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_S2":"Deliver to the First Post near the coastline","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_S3":"Deliver to the Second Post near the coastline","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_OBJ":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_DESC":"Our railway station needs a warehouse for storage. It won\'t only benefit our company but also expand the range of delivered cargo. Will you take this job?","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_REW":"Good! Now, Duncan Bay\'s residents can get everything they need. The railroad connection will be reestablished!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_OBJ":"The Unfinished Business At The Plant","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_DESC":"We have unfinished business - the plant construction. Help us complete this important task, and you\'ll be paid generously.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_REW":"Fantastic job! Now, we\'re ready to dispatch the resources necessary to restore this region.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_OBJ":"Forestry Business","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_DESC":"Several employees were hastily evacuated. We will gladly accept any help! Can you deliver some logs to our sawmill? For pay, of course.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_REW":"That wasn\'t hard! But we are glad to have any kind of help.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_OBJ":"Town Requests","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_DESC":"Another job for you that\'s easy but vital! Please deliver some wooden planks to our sawmill, and we will pay for the delivery.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_REW":"Great job! See, it\'s not that hard!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_S":"Deliver to the Cargo Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_OBJ":"Twins In The Woods","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_DESC":"We have a sawmill, but it\'s got no service facilities for our iron monsters. Please, help us build two service buildings. We need cargo for construction. Will you take this contract?","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_REW":"I know this was difficult. But you did it!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_S":"Deliver to the two warehouse construction site","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_OBJ":"Support Local Business","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_DESC":"There is an outstanding contract up in town. Help a local business owner complete some construction. He will make it worth your while!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_REW":"Thriving business means a thriving economy. You did an important job.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Construction Site:","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_OBJ":"Urban Industry","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_DESC":"As long as Duncan Bay hosts a meeting for the best, it would be great if they help with the town warehouse construction. This contract is a win-win. Show us what you can do!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_REW":"When the pros are at work, it always shows! This is what I call a job well done!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_S":"Deliver to the City Warehouse","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_OBJ":"Paralyzed Transportation","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_DESC":"This task is a top priority for the region. The residents are cut off from each other because of the roadblock. It is crucial that we reestablish the connection ASAP. The administration will reward you!","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_REW":"Finally! The land route is restored. This is vital for Duncan Bay.","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_S":"Deliver to the Landslide on the Road","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_OBJ":"Drilling Station Accident","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_DESC":"When it rains, it pours. We\'re aware of the accident at the oil rig. First of all, we need a construction platform and then materials to build new reservoirs.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_REW":"First steps toward restoration! Thanks for the cooperation.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_STATION_S1":"Deliver to the Parking Near the Reservoir","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_STATION_S2":"Deliver to the Reservoir","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_OBJ":"Pumping Revival","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_DESC":"You helped repair the reservoir, now we need to resume construction. Deliver the materials to the pumping station, and you\'ll be paid well!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_REW":"Great! Soon the pumping station will be ready to operate.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_S":"Deliver to the Pumping Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_OBJ":"Service Station Construction","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_DESC":"Keep up the great work! Your next contract is the service station construction. Bad weather will not ruin our plans!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_REW":"Good! We are almost done!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_S":"Deliver to the Service Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_OBJ":"Oil Deposit","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_DESC":"You helped us build the Service Station, now we need the main thing, the Drilling Station.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_REW":"Great! Construction is almost complete, all thanks to you!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_S1":"Deliver to the Drilling Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_S2":"Deliver to the Drilling Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_OBJ":"Special Order","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_DESC":"We hear that you\'re the go-to person for any cargo deliveries. We\'ve got a special contract for you—delivering a really big boat. Are you game for this high-responsibility task?","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_REW":"Doesn\'t it look beautiful in water! Just amazing! Thank you for helping us send it afloat.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_VISIT":"Visit the Checkpoint","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_BOAT":"Deliver to Docks","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_TSK":"Inexperienced Driver","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_DESC":"Please help me with my truck. I went off the road, and my engine died in the middle of the marsh. The truck must be delivered to the service center. I will make it worth your while.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_REW":"Great! We\'ll fix the vehicle ourselves. Here\'s your reward.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_DESC_S":"Deliver to the Plant on the Coast","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"North City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"We\'d like to build a new bridge to replace the old one. We\'ll pay for materials delivery.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Now you can ride across the bridge too. This will probably make your further work easier. The reward is being transferred to your account this very minute.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_S":"Deliver to the North City Bridge:","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"South City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"One of the ferries could barely fit in these cracks, and it managed to crash its roof against the bridge. We\'ve estimated the damage, and it needs repairing. We will pay for your work.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Now, getting to town will be so much easier. Great job!","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_S":"Deliver to the South City Bridge:","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_TSK":"Drilling Station Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"The flooding left no chance of survival for this wooden bridge. Please help us rebuild it.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_REW":"The job wasn\'t easy, but you did it fine.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_S":"Deliver to the Drilling Station Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_TSK":"Temporary Measures","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_DESC":"The paved road has been washed away. The road workers obviously neglected their jobs! We have no time for construction. We need a wooden bridge as a temporary detour.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_REW":"Wow! Truly a job done by a pro! Check your balance, we hope you\'ll be pleasantly surprised.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_S":"Deliver to the East Wooden Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_TSK":"Sawmill Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_DESC":"The old bridge has been washed off to the ground. We need a new bridge, and it will be longer, too. If you deliver some logs for us, we will pay for that.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_REW":"Look at that! Now, it\'ll be easier to get to the sawmill.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill Bridge","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_TSK":"Sky\'s The Limit","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_DESC":"We have an unusual job for you. Some materials have to be delivered to the top of the Power Line Post using a crane. We need to finish repairing it. This contract offers handsome pay.","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_REW":"Just what we needed! Now, we\'re closer to restoring the whole grid.","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_S":"Deliver to the North Power Line Post","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_TSK":"Don\'t Drop It!","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_DESC":"If you have a crane and could deliver the necessary parts to the top of the post, that would be awesome. Could you do that? We\'ll pay for everything.","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_REW":"Duncan Bay will not forget you! This is for your trouble!","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_S":"Deliver to the South Power Line Post","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_TSK":"Backup Source","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_DESC":"Power supply in the city gets interrupted all the time, we need a backup generator. Bring it to us, and we will reward you handsomely!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_REW":"That makes a lot of sense. I am happy to be working with you!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_S":"Deliver to the Power Plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_TSK":"Restoring Communication","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_DESC":"We have a special request for you, container delivery. It holds lots of iron for our weather station. Bring us the container, and we\'ll pay you for delivery.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_REW":"Great! The weather station is a significant part of rebuilding Duncan Bay.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_TSK_S":"Deliver to the Weather Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_TSK":"Tools For The lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_DESC":"We need to check the equipment of the ski lifts, but we are short on tools and resources. Please help us, and we\'ll pay.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_REW":"It wasn\'t that hard, but it sure was helpful! Now, we\'ll just wait for skiing season to start!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_S1":"Deliver to the Lower Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_S2":"Deliver to the Upper Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_TSK":"Assistance To Civilization","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_DESC":"Living in the woods is tough. We need tools to repair the trailer, some odds and ends and some firewood.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_REW":"Living in the wild is tough. Thank you for bringing us some civilization.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_S1":"Deliver to Trailer","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_S2":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_S3":"Deliver to the Shed","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_TSK":"Off The tracks","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_DESC":"Some carriages got derailed. We need to get the lost containers as soon as possible. For that, you\'ll need a crane. Deliver the containers to the railway station. We\'ll pay you for that!","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_REW":"Don\'t you agree that was interesting! Here is your reward.","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_S":"Deliver to the Cargo Station","US_10_01_PASS_01_TSK":"Rockslide","US_10_01_PASS_01_DESC":"We\'d barely repaired the road, and then a rockslide came! Clear it, and we\'ll reward you handsomely!","US_10_01_PASS_01_REW":"Great job! Now anyone can travel here freely!","US_10_01_PASS_01_S":"Deliver to the East Landslide on the coast","US_10_01_PASS_02_TSK":"Landslide On The Road","US_10_01_PASS_02_DESC":"The rocks have been piling up here for quite some time. And, just recently, a truck bumped its trailer on the edge of the cliff, sending all those rocks sliding! Will you help us deal with this problem?","US_10_01_PASS_02_REW":"You did a great job. This was an important part.","US_10_01_PASS_02_S":"Deliver to the South Landslide near the railway station","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_TSK":"It Gave Way","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_DESC":"The pipe literally burst, so the post didn\'t hold. Deliver the new pipe, and we\'ll be grateful.","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_REW":"Thanks for the delivery! Just what we need to complete the construction.","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_S":"Deliver to the North Pipeline of the Oil Rig","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_TSK":"Pipe Replacement","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_DESC":"The pipe replacement is in its final stages. The ones by the road are the last. Help us install them, and you\'ll get good money.","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_REW":"The order is complete, you get your hard-earned cash!","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_S":"Deliver to the South Pipeline of the Oil Rig","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Service Center For The Drilling Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_DESC":"In addition to the drilling station contracts, we also need to build a service center. Whether you help us or not, we\'ll pay for the delivery.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_REW":"Great. You certainly did a big job here.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_S":"Deliver to the Oil Rig Warehouse","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK":"Fuel For Vehicles","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_DESC":"Our truck left a fuel trailer on the road. The truck needs emergency repairs, and the trailer\'s just standing there. Get the trailer to our fueling station, and you\'ll get a financial reward!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_REW":"Easy, wasn\'t it? That does it.","US_10_01_OIL_TANK_03_S":"Deliver to the Parking Near the Fuel Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_TSK":"Let There Be Oil","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_DESC":"Oil! Our oil rigs need special care, they need spare parts! Deliver three parts and get paid.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_REW":"I suppose that was hard. Good thing you\'re done.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_1S":"Deliver to the First Rig","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_2S":"Deliver to the Second Rig","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_3S":"Deliver to the Third Rig","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_TSK":"Quid Pro Quo","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_DESC":"Hey, we need some household fuel. Besides, we have a new truck we don\'t use much. If you deliver the fuel trailer and repair my monster, that truck\'s yours.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_REW":"Great job! We have fuel, and the truck\'s working. It\'s yours. Let it serve you well, just like it served me.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_1S":"Deliver to the House Yard","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_2S":"Fix the Truck","US_10_01_CONTEST_RACE":"Deadly Race","US_10_01_CONTEST_RACE_DESC":"In winter, this is a serene ski resort, and in summer the organizers set up a real test! Steep slopes, difficult terrain... so just brace yourself and show what you can do!","US_10_01_CONTEST_REW":"You have completed an unusual race. Could you do better?","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT":"Data For The Observatory","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT_DESC":"The observatory need massive weather data, so give them our HDD as soon as possible!","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT_REW":"The forecasts are in! Can you show better results next time?","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT_S":"Deliver to the Observatory","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_OBJ":"Important Delivery From The Port","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_DESC":"Our Port is the only point where heavy cargo is delivered by water. Your task is to ship two containers from us to Duncan Bay. You will get good money!","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_REW":"This job was complex but interesting. Here is the reward we promised.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_VISIT":"Drive to the Port Checkpoint","US_10_01_DELIVERY_CARGO_S":"Deliver to the plant","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ":"Second Garage Construction","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"Sadly, we\'re not done with garage construction. Accept this contract, and we will be. The garage will be your home away from home!","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"Make yourself at home! Thanks for your cooperation.","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the garage construction site","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ":"Uncle Fish Will Do This Job!","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"Our company is expanding. We\'re making the best canned fish! Plant construction is our top priority, so we\'ll pay well for cooperation. Are you on board?","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"Great! Now, North Peak will get even more active, and there will be even more jobs!","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the Canned Food Factory construction site","US_10_02_WILDLIFE_OFFICERS_01_OILTANK_OBJ":"Fuel For The Law Enforcement","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_DESC":"The Wildlife Protection officers need help. Now, they vitally need fuel. Deliver the fuel trailer from the city to their place.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_REW":"Thanks a lot! Now, they\'re ready to give you another job.","US_10_02_SCOUT_OILTANK_01_S":"Deliver to the Wildlife Protection Officers House:","US_10_02_WILDLIFE_OFFICERS_02_VISIT_OBJ":"Following The Poachers\' Trail","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_DESC":"Wildlife Protection officers discovered a poacher hiding spot. Help the officers with the investigation. Study the situation, cooperation is rewarded.","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_REW":"Well, well, well, they\'re all gone. But they left behind a lot of evidence. We have another job to do.","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_S1":"Visit the Poachers\' Camp","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_S2":"Visit the Old Dock","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_S3":"Visit the Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_WILDLIFE_OFFICERS_03_BOAT_OBJ":"Helping The Investigation","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_DESC":"The poacher\'s boat is stuck, and its cargo has to be delivered to the police station. Use the crane to deliver the evidence.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_REW":"All in the name of the law! You\'ve served North Peak well.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_VISIT":"Visit the Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_CARGO":"Deliver to the Police Station","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_OBJ":"Restoring Communication","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_DESC":"The Communication Tower is out of order, it needs to be repaired. Bring the spare parts and materials needed for restoration to the repair crew.","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_REW":"Now, you can call your family. Thanks!","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_LOAD_OBJ":"Deliver to the Communication Tower","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_OBJ":"Cargo For The Fishers","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_DESC":"Local fishers never got important cargo for their boats. The delivery trailer got stuck on the northwest road near the plant. Get it to the docks, and the fishers will pay you.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_REW":"As agreed, here is your money.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_S":"Deliver to the Fishers\' shore","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_OBJ":"Special Order","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_DESC":"We hear that you\'re the go-to person for any cargo deliveries. We\'ve got a special contract for you - delivering a fishing boat. Are you game for this highly responsible task?","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_REW":"Doesn\'t it look beautiful! Thank you for helping us send it afloat. Here is your reward.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_VISIT":"Visit the Checkpoint","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_BOAT":"Deliver to the Boat Slipway","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK":"Abandoned Oil Tank","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_DESC":"Our driver got stuck in the marshes with an oil tank. The road is too rough, this calls for a pro like yourself. Help us with the delivery, and we\'ll be even.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_REW":"What would the community do without you! Now, the city can be supplied with fuel.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_S":"Deliver to the Fishers\' shore","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"Road Artery","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"The region is barely explored, and the old bridges date back to our fathers\' time. The bridge has to be rebuilt. Are you up to it?","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Now, this road is passable. Great job!","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_S":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge on the West coast","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"The Coastal Frustration","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"The wooden bridge collapsed under the heavy trucks. Bridges collapse here quite frequently, so there are always a lot of jobs.","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_REW":"There we go. Now, the bridge is solid and will stay this way for a long time.","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_S":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge on the East coast","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_TSK":"Water Probe","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_DESC":"Local geologists need a water probe from the two lakes in the North and South of North Peak Park. Paid by the piece!","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_REW":"The geologists kept their word. Thanks for the probes you supplied.","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_A_S":"Visit the area near the North Lake","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_B_S":"Visit the area near the South Lake","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK":"Confiscated Truck","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK_DESC":"We need to confiscate this truck. It belonged to poachers. Fix the truck and deliver it to the service center. You\'ll be paid on site.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK_REW":"Now, the truck will serve more people. Here\'s your delivery fee.","US_10_02_REPAIR_TRUCK_01_S":"Fix the Poachers\' Truck","US_10_02_REPAIR_TRUCK_02_S":"Deliver to the West Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_TSK":"Special Order For The Builders","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_DESC":"Force majeure has interrupted construction plans. People are short on some basic supplies. We gathered all the necessary things in two trailers. Deliver them to the construction site.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_REW":"Just what we needed! You are our savior!","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_S":"Deliver to the Canned Food Factory Site","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Tower For The Fish Farm","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"We have dismantled the old water tower and we want to build a new one. Help us with the materials, and we\'ll pay for the delivery.","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"You saved us! The local farmers will be happy to have clean water.","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_S":"Deliver to the Water Tower at the Fish Farm","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_SCOUT_TSK":"Recyclable","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_DESC":"We have collected some junk the poachers left behind. We need to get rid of this trailer. Have it recycled.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_REW":"Now, nothing will get wasted. Here\'s your reward for recycling.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_TSK_S":"Deliver to the West Service Center","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Support Local Businesses!","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"As a business owner, I see that this city lacks a service center. Help me with construction. I have listed the materials I need. Will you help?","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"That\'s what I call great work! Hopefully, business will turn a profit soon. Even though there\'s some paperwork to be done.","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_S":"Deliver to the Customer\'s Garage","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWERS_TSK":"Tower For Scrap","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWER_01_DESC":"Local residents need instruments to remove this fallen tower. They will disassemble it, and you will get part of the money. Do we have a deal?","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWER_01_REW":"We are done. Dismantled it for scrap. Here is your money.","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWERS_S":"Deliver to the Fallen Tower:","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Plant\'s Workhorse","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_DESC":"Hey, driver! I was heading for the plant but got stuck in those marshes. The truck is really good, too bad I\'m a poor driver. Please help me, I\'ll owe you one.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_REW":"You saved me! Here\'s your pay, just as agreed. I\'ll try to stay out of danger!","US_10_02_TRUCK_02_REPAIR_S":"Fix and fuel up the truck","US_10_02_TRUCK_02_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Metalworks","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Long Distance Haul","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_DESC":"Buddy, help me! My truck\'s stuck on this bad road. I need to have it pulled out and fixed. I\'d be grateful for the help.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_REW":"Superb! Now the truck is in good hands!","US_10_02_TRUCK_03_REPAIR_DESC":"Fix and fuel up the truck","US_10_02_TRUCK_03_DELIVERY_DESC":"Deliver to the East Service Center","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_TSK":"You Have To Take A Detour Along The Marshes","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_DESC":"These rocks block the direct route. The locals will pay you handsomely if you help clear them.","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_REW":"Way to go! No more detours through the marshes.","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_S":"Deliver to the East Cliff on the Coastal Road","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_TSK":"The Mountain Obstacle","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_DESC":"Geologists have warned us about the rockslide hazard here many times. Help us remove them, and people will thank you.","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_REW":"Now, you can drive through here. Excellent job!","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_S":"Deliver to the Lakeshore Road","US_10_02_CONT_01":"All For The Great View!","US_10_02_CONT_01_DESC":"This terrain is tough. Local residents like to race their cars here to the top of the hill. The view there is spectacular!","US_10_02_CONT_01_REW":"Interesting track, is it not? Try once more for best results.","US_10_02_CONT_01_01_S":"Visit the First Zone","US_10_02_CONT_01_02_S":"Visit the Second Zone","US_10_02_CONT_01_03_S":"Visit the Third Zone","US_10_02_CONT_02":"Waste Disposal","US_10_02_CONT_02_DESC":"Fish farmers have a weird tradition. They compete to see who will be the first to deliver some waste barrels. Join the local games and show what you can do!","US_10_02_CONT_02_REW":"Not bad, not bad! Could you do better?","US_10_02_CONT_02_S":"Deliver to the Canned Food Factory Port","last_winner":"King Of The Hill","US_01":"Michigan, USA","US_02":"Alaska, USA","RU_02":"Taymyr, Russian Federation","RU_03":"Kola Peninsula, Russian Federation","US_03":"Wisconsin, USA","US_04":"Yukon, Canada","RU_04":"Amur, Russian Federation","RU_05":"Don, Russian Federation","US_06":"Maine, USA","US_07":"Tennessee, USA","RU_08":"Belozersk Glades, Central Asia","US_09":"Ontario, Canada","US_10":"British Columbia","US_03_02_NAME":"Grainwoods River","US_02_02_NEW_NAME":"Mountain River","US_02_03_NEW_NAME":"White Valley","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE":"One of the local\'s vehicles got seriously banged up above the old quarry. The owner would be grateful if you can repair it and deliver it to their house.","RU_02_01_CROP_NAME":"Quarry","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION":"With the regional oil rig in working order, the nearby village could prove useful as the new staff quarters. There\'s a lumber mill nearby that probably has some materials still lying around. See what you can find.","RU_02_03_ABANDONED_FACTORY":"Metal Delivery","RU_02_03_BUILD_BRIDGE1":"Zimnegorsk Bridge Recovery","RU_02_03_BUILD_BRIDGE2":"Zimnegorsk Bridge Recovery","us_01_02_farm_order_obj":"The Essentials","us_01_02_fuel_order_obj":"Fuel Order","us_01_02_materials_order_obj":"Materials Order","US_01_04_NAME":"Drummond Island","US_02_03_DRILLBIT_TARGET":"Airport","US_02_04_NAME":"Pedro Bay"}');var K=t.t(G,2),B=(0,i.q6)({translate:null}),M=function(){return(0,i.NT)(B)};const F=function(e){var,t=M().translate;return(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{children:t(_)})};var H,V,Y,x,J,j,Z=n.Ay.div(H||(H=function(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}(["\n margin: 10px 0 5px 5px;\n padding-bottom: 3px;\n border-bottom: var(--border-width) solid var(--border-color);\n font-size: var(--font-size-text);\n\n"])));function X(e){return X="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e},X(e)}function q(e,_){var t=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var o=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);_&&(o=o.filter((function(_){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,_).enumerable}))),t.push.apply(t,o)}return t}function z(e){for(var _=1;_e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function ee(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var _e=n.Ay.div(V||(V=ee(["\n margin-left: 10px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n"]))),te=n.Ay.div(Y||(Y=ee(["\n width: 200px;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n"]))),oe=n.Ay.div(x||(x=ee(["\n padding: 5px 10px;\n"]))),ae=n.Ay.div(J||(J=ee(["\n width: 100px;\n padding: 0 2px;\n"]))),re=n.Ay.div(j||(j=ee(["\n cursor: pointer;\n text-decoration: underline;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n width: 100%;\n"])));const ie=function(e){var _=e.region,,o=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return $(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?$(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(t.upgradesGiverData),2),a=o[0],r=o[1],n=function(e){var,t=a[_];if(!t)return(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{});var o=Object.values(t),i=0,n=0,l=0;return o.forEach((function(e){1===e?n++:2===e?l++:i++})),(0,s.FD)(_e,{children:[(0,s.Y)(te,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_})}),(0,s.FD)(oe,{children:[i," Unknown, ",n," Discovered, ",l," Obtained"]}),(0,s.Y)(ae,{children:i>0?(0,s.Y)(re,{onClick:function(){Object.keys(a[_]).forEach((function(e){t[e]<1&&(t[e]=1)})),r(z({},a))},children:"Discover All"}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{})}),(0,s.Y)(ae,{children:i>0||n>0?(0,s.Y)(re,{onClick:function(){Object.keys(a[_]).forEach((function(e){t[e]=2})),r(z({},a))},children:"Obtain All"}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{})}),(0,s.Y)(ae,{children:l>0||n>0?(0,s.Y)(re,{onClick:function(){Object.keys(a[_]).forEach((function(e){t[e]=0})),r(z({},a))},children:"Reset All"}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{})})]})};return(0,s.FD)("div",{children:[(0,s.Y)(Z,{children:"Upgrades"}),{return(0,s.Y)(n,{map:"level_"+e.toLowerCase()})}))]})};var ne,se,le,he,Se;function Re(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function Ee(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var Te=n.Ay.div(ne||(ne=Ee(["\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),ue=n.Ay.div(se||(se=Ee(["\n //padding: 5px;\n"]))),de=n.Ay.input(le||(le=Ee(["\n margin: 0 5px;\n padding: 2px 5px;\n width: 20px;\n -moz-appearance: textfield;\n &::-webkit-outer-spin-button,\n &::-webkit-inner-spin-button {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n }\n\n"]))),Ue=(0,n.Ay)("div")(he||(he=Ee(["\n display: inline-block;\n"]))),Ae=n.Ay.div(Se||(Se=Ee(["\n width: 100px;\n"])));const ye=function(e){var,t=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return Re(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?Re(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(_.cargoState.curValue),2),o=t[0],a=t[1];return(0,s.FD)(Te,{children:[(0,s.FD)(Ae,{children:[(0,s.Y)(de,{type:"number",value:o,onChange:function(e){var;/\d/.test(t)&&t>=0&&t<=_.cargoState.aimValue&&(a(t),_.cargoState.curValue=Number(t))},onFocus:function(e){return}}),(0,s.FD)(Ue,{children:[" of ",_.cargoState.aimValue]})]}),(0,s.Y)(ue,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.cargoState.type})}),(0,s.FD)("div",{children:[" to ",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.zones[0]})," (",(0,s.Y)(F,{}),")"]})]})};var Ce,ce,Ie;function Oe(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function De(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var ge=n.Ay.div(Ce||(Ce=De(["\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),we=n.Ay.div(ce||(ce=De(["\n\n"]))),Ne=n.Ay.input(Ie||(Ie=De(["\n margin: 0;\n width: 100px;\n"])));const Le=function(e){var,t=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return Oe(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?Oe(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(_.isDelivered),2),o=t[0],a=t[1];return(0,s.FD)(ge,{children:[(0,s.Y)(Ne,{type:"checkbox",checked:o,onChange:function(e){var;a(t),_.isDelivered=t}}),(0,s.Y)(we,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.truckId})}),(0,s.FD)("div",{children:[" to ",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.deliveryZones[0]})," (",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.mapDelivery}),")"]})]})};var pe,me;function fe(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function ve(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var be=n.Ay.div(pe||(pe=ve(["\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),ke=n.Ay.input(me||(me=ve(["\n margin: 0;\n width: 100px;\n"])));const We=function(e){var,t=e.zoneState,o=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return fe(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?fe(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(t.isVisited),2),a=o[0],r=o[1];return(0,s.FD)(be,{children:[(0,s.Y)(ke,{type:"checkbox",checked:a,onChange:function(e){var;r(_),t.isVisited=_}}),"Visit: ",(0,s.Y)(F,{})," (",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_}),")"]})};var Pe,Ge,Ke;function Be(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return Me(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?Me(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function Me(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function Fe(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var He=n.Ay.div(Pe||(Pe=Fe(["\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),Ve=n.Ay.div(Ge||(Ge=Fe(["\n //padding: 5px;\n"]))),Ye=n.Ay.input(Ke||(Ke=Fe(["\n margin: 0 5px;\n width: 30px;\n"])));const xe=function(e){var,t=Be((0,i.J0)(_.isRefueled),2),o=t[0],a=t[1],r=Be((0,i.J0)(_.isRepaired),2),n=r[0],l=r[1];return(0,s.FD)(He,{children:[(0,s.Y)(Ve,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.truckId})}),": Refueled: ",(0,s.Y)(Ye,{type:"checkbox",checked:o,onChange:function(e){var;a(t),_.isRefueled=t}}),"Repaired: ",(0,s.Y)(Ye,{type:"checkbox",checked:n,onChange:function(e){var;l(t),_.isRepaired=t}})]})};var Je,je,Ze,Xe;function qe(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var ze=n.Ay.div(Je||(Je=qe(["\n margin-left: 10px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n border-bottom: var(--border-width-light) solid var(--border-color-light);\n"]))),Qe=n.Ay.div(je||(je=qe(["\n width: 200px;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),$e=n.Ay.div(Ze||(Ze=qe(["\n //padding: 5px;\n"]))),e_=n.Ay.div(Xe||(Xe=qe(["\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),__=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.cargoDeliveryActions)return,_){return(0,s.Y)(ye,{data:e},_)}))},t_=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.truckDeliveryStates)return,_){return(0,s.Y)(Le,{delivery:e},_)}))},o_=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.truckRepairStates)return,_){return(0,s.Y)(xe,{repair:e},_)}))},a_=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.visitAllZonesState)return,t){return(0,s.Y)(We,{,zoneState:e},t)}))};const r_=function(e){var _=e.objective;return(0,s.FD)(ze,{children:[(0,s.Y)(Qe,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{})}),(0,s.Y)($e,{,t){return(0,s.FD)(s.FK,{children:[_.stagesState.length>1?(0,s.FD)(e_,{children:["Stage ",t+1,":"]}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{}),(0,s.Y)(__,{stage:e}),(0,s.Y)(t_,{stage:e}),(0,s.Y)(o_,{stage:e}),(0,s.Y)(a_,{stage:e})]})}))})]})};var i_,n_=n.Ay.div(i_||(i_=function(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}(["\n margin-left: 10px;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n"])));const s_=function(e){var _=e.region,,o=M().translate,a=t[S.saveKey].SslValue.objectiveStates,r=Object.keys(a).filter((function(e){return e.substring(0,5).toUpperCase()===_}));return r.sort((function(e,_){return o(e)0?{return(0,s.Y)(r_,{objective:a[e]},e)})):(0,s.Y)(n_,{children:"No Accepted Tasks"})]})},l_=JSON.parse('{"1":0,"2":700,"3":1700,"4":2900,"5":4100,"6":5400,"7":6900,"8":8500,"9":10100,"10":11800,"11":13700,"12":15700,"13":17800,"14":20100,"15":22500,"16":25000,"17":27500,"18":30100,"19":32700,"20":35500,"21":38300,"22":41300,"23":44300,"24":47500,"25":50700,"26":54100,"27":57500,"28":61100,"29":64900,"30":69000}');var h_,S_,R_,E_,T_=t.t(l_,2);function u_(e){return u_="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e},u_(e)}function d_(e,_){var t=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var o=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);_&&(o=o.filter((function(_){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,_).enumerable}))),t.push.apply(t,o)}return t}function U_(e){for(var _=1;_e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function C_(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var c_=n.Ay.div(h_||(h_=C_(["\n //padding: 10px;\n"]))),I_=n.Ay.div(S_||(S_=C_(["\n padding: 5px;\n display: flex;\n"]))),O_=n.Ay.div(R_||(R_=C_(["\n margin-right: 10px;\n"]))),D_=n.Ay.input(E_||(E_=C_(["\n width: 100px;\n"])));const g_=function(e){var _=e.profileData,t=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return y_(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?y_(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(_),2),o=t[0],a=t[1];return(0,s.FD)(c_,{children:[(0,s.FD)(I_,{children:[(0,s.Y)(O_,{children:"Money:"}),(0,s.Y)(D_,{type:"number",,onChange:function(e){,a(U_({},_))}})]}),(0,s.FD)(I_,{children:[(0,s.Y)(O_,{children:"Rank:"}),(0,s.Y)(D_,{type:"number",value:o.rank,onChange:function(e){_.rank=Number(,_.experience=T_[],a(U_({},_))},min:1,max:30})]}),(0,s.FD)(I_,{children:[(0,s.Y)(O_,{children:"XP (calculated based on rank):"}),(0,s.Y)("div",{children:o.experience||"Invalid Rank"})]})]})};var w_,N_,L_,p_=t(490);function m_(e){const _={p:"p",strong:"strong",...e.components};return(0,p_.FD)(_.p,{children:["When finished, save the file, overwriting the ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"CompleteSave.cfg"})," you loaded."]})}function f_(e={}){const{wrapper:_}=e.components||{};return _?(0,p_.Y)(_,{...e,children:(0,p_.Y)(m_,{...e})}):m_(e)}function v_(e){const _={br:"br",em:"em",h2:"h2",li:"li",p:"p",strong:"strong",ul:"ul",...e.components};return(0,p_.FD)(p_.FK,{children:[(0,p_.Y)(_.p,{children:"This is a save editor for the snowrunner video game.\nIt allows you to load your saved game file, and edit your progress in the game.\nThe following can be done:"}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.ul,{children:["\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Increase your money and rank"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Make tasks and missions easier by partially completing them. This is especially useful for the redundant logging tasks. For example, you can reduce a task to require only 1 load by marking other loads as complete."}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Reveal hidden upgrade locations, and obtain the upgrades if you're really lazy."}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(_.p,{children:"Important notes:"}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.ul,{children:["\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"You must accept the task or mission in the game before it shows up here."}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Using the editor to fully complete a task or mission will work, but you will not receive rewards for it. It is recommended to complete the last part of the task in the game."}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Always make a backup of your saved game file, just in case."}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(_.h2,{children:"Instructions"}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.p,{children:["Load the ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"CompleteSave.cfg"})," file:"]}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.ul,{children:["\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"1st save slot = CompleteSave.cfg"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"2nd save slot = CompleteSave1.cfg"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"3rd save slot = CompleteSave2.cfg"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"4rd save slot = CompleteSave3.cfg"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.p,{children:["With ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"steam"}),", the file is located in ",(0,p_.Y)(_.em,{children:"[steam install]/userdata/[steam_id]/1465360/remote."}),(0,p_.Y)(,{}),"\n","With ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"epic or other platforms"}),", navigate to ",(0,p_.Y)(_.em,{children:"%USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\My Games\\SnowRunner\\base\\storage"}),".\nYou will see a folder with a generated key like ",(0,p_.Y)(_.em,{children:"9544ed6c186247e1bfeb0df3f9d013a8"}),". The file is located in this folder."]})]})}function b_(e={}){const{wrapper:_}=e.components||{};return _?(0,p_.Y)(_,{...e,children:(0,p_.Y)(v_,{...e})}):v_(e)}function k_(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return W_(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?W_(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function 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Mill","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_NAME":"Snowbound","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_NAME":"Old Bridge","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_NAME":"Church","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_NAME":"Misadventure","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TARGET_NAME":"Service Bay","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_NAME":"Knee Deep","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TARGET_NAME":"Motor Pool","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_NAME":"Fuel For The Masses","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_NAME":"Build Additional Farmhouses","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TARGET_NAME":"Farm","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_RESCUE_ALT":"Takes One To Find One","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_RESCUE_NAME":"Takes One To Find One","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_RESCUE_TARGET":"Garage","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_CNT_NAME":"Belated Delivery","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_NAME":"Fuel Station","RU_04_02_FUEL_ROUTE_NAME":"Auxiliary Fuel Tank","RU_04_02_FUEL_STORAGE_NAME":"Auxiliary Fuel Storage","RU_04_02_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_NAME":"Unlucky Lineman","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TARGET_NAME":"Parking 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Trees","RU_04_02_TREES_2_NAME":"Cliffside Treefall","RU_04_02_TREES_3_NAME":"Tree Blockade","RU_04_02_WAREHOUSE_FARM_NAME":"Farm Warehouse","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_NAME":"Stargazer","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_01":"West Coast","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_02":"Kamyshevka","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_03":"Ozernoye","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_04":"North Coast","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_START":"The Quick and the Wet","RU_05_02_TRANSIT_05_01":"Gateway","RU_05_02_UPGRADE_01":"","RU_05_02_UPGRADE_02":"","RU_05_02_DESC":"","RU_05_02_NAME":"Antonovskiy Nature Reserve","US_02_03_AIRPORT":"Airdrome","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_TSK":"Blocked Tunnel","US_02_03_BRICKS_A":"Bricks","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_TSK":"New Business Horizons","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_PARKING":"Parking","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_TSK":"Pluck The Stuck Truck","US_02_03_DESC":"Far away snowy plain surrounded by water and mountains.","US_02_03_DRILL_SITE":"Drilling Site","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_PARK":"Parking","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_TSK":"Search And 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Wing","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_THIRD_PART":"Remnants of an Aircraft Body","RU_03_02_AIRPORT":"Airport","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES":"Abandoned Houses","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_1":"Junkman\'s House","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK":"Old Scrap Metal","RU_03_02_ARCH_1":"Stone Labyrinth","RU_03_02_ARCH_2":"Megalith 1","RU_03_02_ARCH_3":"Megalith 2","RU_03_02_BUNKER_1":"Umba Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_2":"Tuloma Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_3":"Kanda Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_4":"Varzuga Battery","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1":"Crossroads","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK":"The Aftermath of Hurricane","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_2":"Village Driveway","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_3":"Road by the Camp","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_4":"Road","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_5":"Mountain Meadow","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_6":"Crossroads","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY":"Secret Spot","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK":"Nighttime Delivery","RU_03_02_CHURCH":"Measurement Zone 7","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_1":"Ice Camp","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK":"The Floating Change House","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR":"Repair Shop","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK":"Engine Troubles","RU_03_02_GARBAGE":"Recycling station","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT":"Dirty business","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_1":"Measurement Zone 1","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_2":"Measurement Zone 2","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_3":"Measurement Zone 3","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_4":"Measurement Zone 4","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_5":"Measurement Zone 5","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_6":"Measurement Zone 6","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK":"Everything for the Pictogram","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1":"Landslide","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK":"Magnitude of 5","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2":"Mountain Landslide","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK":"Landslide in the Mountains","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE":"Abandoned Lighthouse","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK":"Old Lighthouse","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_1":"Parking Lot","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK":"Troublesome Motor","RU_03_02_MAP_TRANSITION":"Gateway","RU_03_02_METAL_CARGO":"Metal Shipment","RU_03_02_METEO_1":"Weather Data Capture Zone 1","RU_03_02_METEO_2":"Weather Data Capture Zone 2","RU_03_02_METEO_3":"Weather Data Capture Zone 3","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK":"Forecast for Tomorrow","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING":"Fishing Spot","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_TSK":"New Pool","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP":"Old Ship","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK":"A Keepsake","RU_03_02_POWERLINES_1":"Fallen Pole","RU_03_02_POWERLINES_2":"Crashed Pole","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK":"Repairing Power Lines","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES":"Supply Storage","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK":"The Riddle of Geology","RU_03_02_TANK_SPAWN":"","RU_03_02_TANK_SPAWN_SEARCH":"Lost BA-20s","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY":"Beekeeper\'s House","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK":"Lost Trailer","RU_03_02_UPG_DETECTOR":"Metal Detector Module","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_1":"Zone 1","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_2":"Zone 2","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_3":"Zone 3","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK":"A Picture to Remember","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE":"Substation","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Broken Power Station","RU_03_02_WOOD_CARGO":"Timber Shipment","US_01_01_GARAGE_EXIT":"Garage Exit","RU_03_01_DESC":"Even though the lake on the river Kovda looks uninhabited, one can bump into desolate villages, deserted factories, even old fortifications in the area. Some even say you can even find wartime relics there.","RU_03_01_NAME":"Lake Kovd","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_TARGET":"Dispatch Station Mechanic","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_TSK":"Self Contained Antique","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_TSK_ALT":"Self Contained Antique","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_TSK":"Army Reserve","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B":"Old Crossing","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_ALT":"Old Crossing","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_TSK":"Old Crossing","RU_03_01_BUNKER_0":"Bunker ZB-1015","RU_03_01_BUNKER_1":"Bunker ZB-1017","RU_03_01_BUNKER_2":"Bunker ZB-1018","RU_03_01_CAMP_0":"North Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_1":"East Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_2":"South Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_TSK":"Pit-stop","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_TSK":"Supplies Delivery","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_TSK_ALT":"Supplies Delivery","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_TSK_ALT_2":"Supplies Delivery","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_0":"Mark 1","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_1":"Mark 2","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_2":"Mark 3","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_3":"Mark 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Train","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_TARGET":"POL Depot","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_TSK":"Abandoned Convoy","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_0":"Start","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_1":"Marker 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_2":"Marker 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_3":"Marker 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_4":"Marker 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_5":"Marker 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_6":"Marker 6","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_CNT":"Battle on the Ice","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_0":"Zone 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_1":"Zone 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_2":"Zone 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_3":"Zone 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_4":"Zone 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_5":"Zone 6","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS":"Overturned Train Carriage","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_CNT":"Along the Tracks","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_TARGET":"Camp","RU_03_01_OLD_BASE":"Reserve Bunker","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_TSK":"On Thin Ice","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_TSK_ALT":"On Thin Ice","RU_03_01_PORT_DROPOFF":"Port","RU_03_01_PORT_PICKUP":"Dock Storage","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_0":"VL-16 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1":"VL-15 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_TSK":"Temporary Measures","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_2":"VL-14 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3":"VL-13 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_TSK":"Unlucky Number","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_4":"VL-12 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_5":"VL-11 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_END":"Dispatch Station","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_START":"Village Sub-station","RU_03_01_ROUTE_0":"Mark 1","RU_03_01_ROUTE_1":"Mark 2","RU_03_01_ROUTE_2":"Mark 3","RU_03_01_ROUTE_3":"Mark 4","RU_03_01_ROUTE_4":"Mark 5","RU_03_01_ROUTE_5":"Mark 6","RU_03_01_ROUTE_6":"Mark 7","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_1":"Ruined Warehouse","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_2":"Lake Cabin","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_3":"Guard House On The Rock","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_4":"House On The Mountain","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TARGET_5":"Forest Cabin","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TSK":"Rural Spelunker","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_TSK_ALT":"Rural Spelunker","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_TARGET":"Amateur Mechanic","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_TSK":"Knee-deep","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_TSK_ALT":"Knee-deep","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_0":"Zone 1","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_1":"Zone 2","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_2":"Zone 3","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_3":"Zone 4","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_4":"Zone 5","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_5":"Zone 6","RU_03_01_TRAIN_STATION":"Railway Station","RU_03_01_TRANS_NW":"Gateway","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_DROPOFF":"Harbor Village","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_0":"Community Center","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_1":"Remote House","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_2":"Ranger\'s Cabin","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_RUINS_3":"House With a Garden","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_TSK":"Frozen in Time","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_TSK_ALT":"Frozen in Time","RU_03_01_WAREHOUSE":"Sawmill Warehouse","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_TSK":"Like Brothers","US_03_01_NAME":"Black Badger Lake","US_03_01_BRICK_CRAFT_NAME":"Brick production site","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01":"Factories Bridge","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02":"Wooden Bridge","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03":"Railway Bridge","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04":"Creek Bridge","US_03_01_CONT_01":"Quarry Race","US_03_01_CONT_01_02":"Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_01_03":"Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_01_04":"Waypoint C","US_03_01_CONT_01_05":"Waypoint D","US_03_01_CONT_01_06":"Waypoint E","US_03_01_CONT_02":"Cliffhanger Race","US_03_01_CONT_02_02":"Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_02_03":"Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_02_04":"Waypoint C","US_03_01_FUEL_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_03_01_FUEL_STORAGE_NAME":"Fuel Storage","US_03_01_GEN_01_01_NAME":"Generator area","US_03_01_GEN_01_02_NAME":"Cargo creation zone №1","US_03_01_GEN_02_01_NAME":"Generator area","US_03_01_GEN_02_02_NAME":"Cargo creation zone №2","US_03_01_GEN_03_01_NAME":"Generator area","US_03_01_GEN_03_02_NAME":"Cargo creation zone №3","US_03_01_HS_LG_01_NAME":"House in the South","US_03_01_HS_LG_02_NAME":"House in the North","US_03_01_METEO_NAME":"Weather Station","US_03_01_PAPER_DROP_NAME":"Paper Factory","US_03_01_PAPER_PICK_NAME":"Paper Factory","US_03_01_POWER_PLANT_NAME":"Power Plant","US_03_01_RAILWAY_NAME":"Railway Station","US_03_01_RW_LG_NAME":"Railway Station","US_03_01_STEEL_CRAFT_NAME":"Rolled metal production site","US_03_01_TRANS_01_NAME":"Gateway","US_03_01_TRANS_02_NAME":"Gateway","US_03_01_TSK_01":"Lost Supplies","US_03_01_TSK_01_CRATES":"Crates","US_03_01_TSK_01_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_03_01_TSK_02":"Exploration Gone Wrong","US_03_01_TSK_02_TARGET":"Garage","US_03_01_TSK_03":"To New Horizons","US_03_01_TSK_03_TARGET":"Mr. B.\'s House","US_03_01_TSK_04":"Look Before You Leap","US_03_01_TSK_04_TARGET":"House On The Hill","US_03_01_TSK_05":"The Aftermath of the Hurricane","US_03_01_TSK_05_CRATES":"Crates","US_03_01_TSK_05_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_03_01_TSK_06":"Quarry Incidents","US_03_01_TSK_06_TARGET":"House near the Quarry","US_03_01_TSK_07":"Decisions and Consequences","US_03_01_TSK_07_TARGET":"House near the Bog","US_03_01_TSK_08":"Saving the Farmer\'s Machinery","US_03_01_TSK_08_TARGET":"Riverside House","US_03_01_TSK_09":"Lost but not Forgotten","US_03_01_TSK_09_TARGET":"Mr. Johnson\'s House","US_03_01_TSK_10":"Repaying the Debts","US_03_01_TSK_10_TARGET":"Lake House","US_03_01_TSK_11":"Lost Order","US_03_01_TSK_11_CRATES":"Barrels","US_03_01_TSK_11_TARGET":"Platform by the House","US_03_01_TSK_12":"Recovering What\'s Lost","US_03_01_TSK_12_CRATES":"Fallen container","US_03_01_TSK_12_TARGET":"Platform at the Farm","US_03_01_VILLAGE_NAME":"Farm","UNLOADING_ZONE":"Rail Car","US_03_02_BRIDGE_STORAGE":"Warehouse","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"North Bridge","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"South Bridge","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_TSK":"Wooden Bridge","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_PARK_TSK":"Miller\'s House","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_TSK":"Trailer In The River","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_PARK":"House on the Plateau","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_TSK":"Gone with the Wind","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_PARK":"Cell Site","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK":"Mobile Telephony","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_PARK":"Local Resident\'s House","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_TSK":"Hazardous Cargo","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_PARK":"Farmer\'s House","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK":"Order for Logs","US_03_02_FUEL_BASE_01":"Fuel Storage","US_03_02_FUEL_STATION":"Repair Area","US_03_02_GATEWAY":"Gateway","US_03_02_INVASION_TSK":"Invasion!","US_03_02_INVASION_UNLOAD":"Carter\'s Shelter","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_PARK":"Hangar","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK":"The Wrong Turn","US_03_02_MINIWAREHOUSE_01":"Mini Warehouse","US_03_02_MUDSTER_CNT":"Mud Tested","US_03_02_MUD_POINT":"Control Point","US_03_02_PLATFORM":"Unloading Zone","US_03_02_RAIL_FACTORY":"Rail production plant","US_03_02_RAIL_PLACE":"Broken tracks","US_03_02_SLALOM_CNT":"Slalom","US_03_02_SLALOM_POINT":"Control Point","US_03_02_STATION_HANGAR_01":"Hangar A","US_03_02_STATION_HANGAR_02":"Hangar B","US_03_02_STEEL_FACTORY":"Rolled Steel Factory","US_03_02_STRANGER_POINT":"Suspicious Activity Point","US_03_02_STRANGER_TSK":"Strangest Things","US_03_02_TOR_PARK":"Fuel Storage","US_03_02_TOR_TSK":"Only for the Worthy","US_03_02_TRAIN_OIL":"Fueling Station","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_PARK":"Warehouse Parking Lot","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TSK":"Out of Nowhere","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_PARK":"Unloading Site","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_TSK":"Don\'t push your luck!","US_03_02_YFILES_POINT":"Anomalous Activity Point","US_03_02_YFILES_TSK":"Classified","US_03_02":"Grainwoods River","RU_02_01_BLD_GAS":"Fuel Station","RU_02_01_BLD_OILRIG":"Old Drilling Site","RU_02_01_BLD_SERVHUB":"Service Hub","RU_02_01_DESC":"A now-dormant industrial heart of the region. In the early years, the quarry to the North was a part of the Zimnegorsk city\'s construction efforts, as well as providing other nearby villages with stone and construction materials. Later, it also hosted the only drillsite in the region.","RU_02_01_DROP_SERVHUB":"Service Hub","RU_02_01_DROP_SHIPWRECK":"Shipwreck","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST":"Eastern Tower","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK":"Late Inspection","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH":"Southern Tower","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK":"Rogue Connection","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY":"Firewatch Tower","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_CNT":"Firewatch Tower Supply","RU_02_01_FUEL_GAS":"Fuel Station","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_DROP":"Hermit\'s Shack","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK":"Cliffhanger","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_A_TSK":"Lost In The Woods","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_TSK":"Lost in the Woods","RU_02_01_NAME":"Quarry","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING":"Oil Sampling","RU_02_01_OILRIG_VILLAGE":"Village","RU_02_01_OLD_LUMBERMILL":"Old Lumbermill","RU_02_01_PICKUP_QUARRY":"Quarry","RU_02_01_PICKUP_SERVHUB":"Service Hub","RU_02_01_PICKUP_SHIPWRECK":"Shipwreck","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP":"No Good Teens","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY":"Off-Roader","RU_02_01_SCAN_01":"Triangulation Point Alpha","RU_02_01_SCAN_02":"Triangulation Point Beta","RU_02_01_SCAN_03":"Triangulation Point Gamma","RU_02_01_SCAN_OILRIG":"Oilrig Scan Point","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK":"Fuel restock","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_GAS":"Service hub fuel station","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_TRAILER_GARAGE":"Trailer Store","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT":"Ship Repairs","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A_TSK":"Clearing The Way","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_B_TSK":"Clearing The Way","RU_02_01_TRAN_02M":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_02N":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_02S":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_03N":"Gateway","RU_02_01_TRAN_03S":"Gateway","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK":"Settling In","US_04_01_CHANGEHOUSE_01_NAME":"Cabin Zone 1","US_04_01_CHANGEHOUSE_02_NAME":"Cabin Zone 2","US_04_01_CONV_01_NAME":"Conveyor Section 1","US_04_01_CONV_02_NAME":"Conveyor Section 2","US_04_01_CONV_03_NAME":"Conveyor Section 3","US_04_01_CRAFT_01_NAME":"Cabin construction site","US_04_01_CRAFT_02_NAME":"Rolled Steel Factory","US_04_01_CRAFT_03_NAME":"Concrete Plant","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_CNT":"Down!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_TARGET":"Finish","US_04_01_FUEL_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_04_01_MAP_TRANSITION":"Gateway","US_04_01_MINE_NAME":"Gold Mine","US_04_01_NAME":"Flooded Foothills","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_A_CNT":"Control Point A","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_B_CNT":"Control Point B","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_C_CNT":"Control Point C","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_D_CNT":"Control Point D","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_E_CNT":"Control Point E","US_04_01_RACE_FLAG_F_CNT":"Control Point F","US_04_01_RACE_L_CNT":"Long ride","US_04_01_RACE_S_CNT":"Short ride","US_04_01_RAILWAY_NAME":"Railway Station","US_04_01_SORT_NAME":"Ore Sorting Center","US_04_01_TSK_01":"Abandoned Trailer","US_04_01_TSK_01_TARGET":"House on Top","US_04_01_TSK_02":"Abandoned Truck","US_04_01_TSK_02_TARGET":"House in the Valley","US_04_01_TSK_03":"Support the Meteorologists","US_04_01_TSK_03_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_03_TARGET":"Weather Station","US_04_01_TSK_04":"Flood Aftermath","US_04_01_TSK_04_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_04_TARGET":"House Near Conveyor","US_04_01_TSK_05":"Don\'t do a barrel roll!","US_04_01_TSK_05_TARGET":"House on Mountain Top","US_04_01_TSK_06":"Towage at Height","US_04_01_TSK_06_TARGET":"Uncle Joe\'s Shack","US_04_01_TSK_07":"Trailer Whirlpool","US_04_01_TSK_07_TARGET":"Farm","US_04_01_TSK_08":"Camping Gone Wrong","US_04_01_TSK_08_TARGET":"Shacks on Top","US_04_01_TSK_09":"Arrogance","US_04_01_TSK_09_TARGET":"Shacks Near a Spring","US_04_01_TSK_10":"Uphill Delivery","US_04_01_TSK_10_TARGET":"Mr. Stevenson\'s House","US_04_01_TSK_11":"Failed Delivery","US_04_01_TSK_11_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_11_TARGET":"Lake House","US_04_01_TSK_12":"Aid Thy Neighbor","US_04_01_TSK_12_TARGET":"Destination Point","US_04_01_TSK_13":"Lost en Route","US_04_01_TSK_13_CRATES":"Cargo","US_04_01_TSK_13_TARGET":"Bill\'s House","US_04_01_TSK_14":"Lonely Island","US_04_01_TSK_14_TARGET":"Petro\'s House","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01":"North Bridge","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02":"Wooden bridge","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03":"Western bridge","US_04_01_TSK_CAT":"Dump Truck for Dump Truck","US_04_01_TSK_CAT_TARGET":"Site Near the Garage","US_04_01_TSK_FL_03":"Flatbed","US_04_01_TSK_FL_CRATES":"Service Spare Parts","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT":"Manual Unloading Practice","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01":"Obstacle in the way","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_NAME":"Fallen Stones","US_04_01_TUTOR_RW_NAME":"Hangar","US_02_01_ABANDONED_SUPPLIES_TSK":"Abandoned Supplies","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_TSK":"Bags On Ice","US_02_01_CAMP":"Camp","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TSK":"Can\'t Go To Waste","US_02_01_CONSUMABLES_LOAD":"Consumables Loading Zone","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_TSK":"Containers In The River","US_02_01_CONTAINER_SPAWN_1":"Cargo Container","US_02_01_CONTAINER_SPAWN_2":"Cargo Container","US_02_01_DESC":"An area of Alaska covered in dense forests and overlooking the sea.","US_02_01_DRILLING_SITE":"Drilling Site","US_02_01_DRILL_BIT_TARGET":"Port","US_02_01_DROPPED_BAGS":"Cement","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CNT":"Employee Dislocation","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_A_TSK":"Metal Bridge","US_02_01_FLAGS_CNT":"Race Down To Flags","US_02_01_FLAG_1":"Flag 01","US_02_01_FLAG_2":"Flag 02","US_02_01_FLAG_3":"Flag 03","US_02_01_FUEL_PICKUP":"Fuel Station","US_02_01_FUEL_PICKUP_02":"Fuel Station","US_02_01_GAS_STATION":"Fuel Station","US_02_01_HOUSE":"House","US_02_01_HOUSE_ON_HILL":"House On The Hill","US_02_01_HUMMER_PARK":"Parking","US_02_01_HUMMER_TSK":"Drowned Hummer","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TSK":"Lost Oil Tank","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_TSK":"Lost Tube","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_CNT":"North Mountain Conquest","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_CNT":"West Mountain Conquest","US_02_01_NAME":"North Port","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TSK":"Oil Tank Delivery","US_02_01_OILTANK_ZONE":"Radio Tower","US_02_01_OIL_SERVICE":"Service Site","US_02_01_PIPELINE":"Pipeline","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE":"Polar Base","US_02_01_PORT":"Port","US_02_01_POWERLINE_A":"Powerline A","US_02_01_POWERLINE_B":"Powerline B","US_02_01_POWERLINE_C":"Powerline C","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_TSK":"Powerlines Check","US_02_01_POWERLINE_D":"Powerline D","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION":"Radio Station","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_TSK":"Abandoned Radio Station","US_02_01_ROCKS_FALL_01_TSK":"Rocks Fall","US_02_01_ROCKS_FALL_02_TSK":"Rocks Fall","US_02_01_ROCKS_START_01_TSK":"Rock Obstacle","US_02_01_ROCKS_START_02_TSK":"Rock Obstacle","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TSK":"Lost Service Trailer","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_01_TSK":"Stone Fall","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_02_TSK":"Stone Fall","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TSK":"Stuck In The Mountains","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK":"Trailer Park","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_TSK":"Trailer Park","US_02_01_TRANSIT":"Gateway","US_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN":"Large Pipe","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_01":"Point A","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_02":"Point B","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_03":"Point C","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_04":"Point D","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_05":"Point E","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_A":"Point 01","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_B":"Point 02","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_C":"Point 03","US_02_01_ZONE_TO_EXPLORE_D":"Point 04","US_04_02_BIGSALMONPEAK":"Mountain Top","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_TSK":"Road Block","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_TSK":"Landslide on the Highway","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_TSK":"Rockfall in the Ravine","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TSK":"Wrong Turn","US_04_02_CABIN":"Hunter\'s Cabin","US_04_02_DAVE_HOUSE":"Dave\'s House","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT":"Path through the Rocks","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_1":"Waypoint A","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_2":"Waypoint B","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_3":"Waypoint C","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_4":"Waypoint D","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_5":"Waypoint E","US_04_02_DIRT_POINT_6":"Waypoint F","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TSK":"Sunk Giant","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_HOUSE":"Fisherman\'s House","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TSK":"Off the cliff","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_CHECKZONE":"Power Tower","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK":"Power Line Maintenance","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_1":"Unloading Zone 1","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_2":"Unloading Zone 2","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_3":"Unloading Zone 3","US_04_02_FACTORY_TRAILER_PLACE":"Unloading Zone","US_04_02_FRANK_HOUSE":"Frank\'s House","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TSK":"Hunting Needs","US_04_02_HELP_TSK":"Support the Locals","US_04_02_LIVING_ZONE":"Residential area","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_TSK":"Missing Container","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_TSK":"Crates in the Woods","US_04_02_MANNY_HOUSE":"Manny\'s House","US_04_02_MATT_HOUSE":"Matt\'s House","US_04_02_MATT_HOUSE_CHECK_ZONE":"Matt\'s House","US_04_02_NAME":"Big Salmon Peak","US_04_02_RACHEL_HOUSE":"Rachel\'s House","US_04_02_RACHEL_HOUSE_CHECK_ZONE":"Rachel\'s House","US_04_02_ROBERT_HOUSE":"Robert\'s House","US_04_02_STEVE_HOUSE":"Steve\'s House","US_04_02_STEVE_HOUSE_CHECK_ZONE":"Steve\'s House","US_04_02_STORAGE_1":"East Camp","US_04_02_STORAGE_2":"West Camp","US_04_02_STORAGE_TSK":"Warehouse in the Mountains","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL":"Radio Tower","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_TSK":"Strange Signal","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_POINT_01":"Research Point 1","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_POINT_02":"Research Point 2","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_POINT_03":"Research Point 3","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK":"Unstable Foundation","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_HOUSE":"Mountain Warehouse","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TSK":"Tools for the Warehouse","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT":"To the Top!","US_04_02_TRAILER_PLACE":"Parking","US_04_02_TRAILER_TO_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Opening the Warehouse","US_04_02_TRANSIT_A":"Gateway","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_TSK":"Piping Problem","MAP_TRANSITION_01_01":"Gateway","US_01_02_ANTENNA_TOWER":"Antenna Tower","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_TSK":"More Fuel","US_01_02_BARRELS_LOADING":"Fuel Station","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_TSK":"Tools Delivery","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_TSK":"Threatening Accident","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_TSK":"Unfortunate Event","US_01_02_CLEARROCKS01_A_TSK":"Boulders","US_01_02_DESC":"Smithville Dam","US_01_02_DRILLING_SITE_ZONE":"Drilling Site","US_01_02_DRILLOUTCAST_TSK":"Well Well Well","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_A":"Cement","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_B":"Cement","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_C":"Cement","US_01_02_DROPPED_BUG_D":"Cement","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_A_TSK":"Fallen Rocks","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_CNT":"Heavy Burden","US_01_02_FARM_ZONE":"Farm","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_TSK":"Find The Antenna Tower","US_01_02_FISHERMAN_HOUSE":"Fisherman\'s House","US_01_02_FISHERMAN_TSK":"Unlucky Fisherman","US_01_02_FLAG_A":"Flag A","US_01_02_FLAG_B":"Flag B","US_01_02_FLAG_C":"Flag C","US_01_02_FLAG_D":"Flag D","US_01_02_FLAG_E":"Flag E","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE":"Flooded House","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_CNT":"Going Under","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_TSK":"Hungry Workers","US_01_02_FORESTER_HOUSE":"Forester\'s House","US_01_02_FOUNDATION_PICKUP":"Concrete Slabs","US_01_02_FOUNDATION_TSK":"Solid Foundation","US_01_02_FUEL_STATION_ZONE":"Fuel Station","US_01_02_GARAGE_ZONE":"Garage Entrance","US_01_02_GATEWAY_ZONE":"Gateway","US_01_02_HERMIT_HOUSE":"Bill\'s House","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_CNT":"New Nest","US_01_02_LOGISTICS_BASE":"Logistics Base","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK":"Lost Bags","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_TSK":"Lost Trailer","US_01_02_MICHIGAN_TRIAL_TSK":"Michigan Trial","US_01_02_NAME":"Smithville Dam","US_01_02_NORTON_HOUSE":"Norton\'s House","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_A":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_B":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_C":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_D":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_E":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_F":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OIL_BARRELS_G":"Oil Barrels","US_01_02_OLD_HOUSE":"Renovating House","US_01_02_OLD_TRUCK_PARKZONE":"Parking","US_01_02_PREACHER_HOUSE":"Preacher\'s House","US_01_02_QUARRY":"Quarry","US_01_02_QUARRY_LOADING_ZONE":"Quarry Loading Zone","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_TSK":"Repair The Truck","US_01_02_REPAIR_ZONE":"Repair Zone","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING":"Sherman Island","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING_TSK":"Across The River","US_01_02_TIM_HOUSE":"Tim\'s House","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TSK":"Fixer Upper","US_01_02_WATCTOWER_ZONE":"Watchtower","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_A_TSK":"Smithville Bridge","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_B_TSK":"Smithville Bridge","MAP_TRANSITION_01_02A":"Gateway","MAP_TRANSITION_01_04A":"Gateway","US_01_03_ABANDONED_DS_01":"Abandoned Drilling Site","US_01_03_ABANDONED_DS_02":"Abandoned Drilling Site","US_01_03_ABANDONED_DS_03":"Abandoned Drilling Site","US_01_03_BARREL":"Barrel Platform","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT":"Flaming Barrels","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_PLATFORM":"","US_01_03_CAR_02_ZONE_DROP_DELIVERY":"Farmer\'s House","US_01_03_CAR_02_ZONE_DROP_OFF":"Rusty Legacy","US_01_03_CAR_ZONE_DROP_OFF":"A Little Help For My Friends","US_01_03_CAR_ZONE_DROP_OFF_DELIVERY":"House of the Fisherman","US_01_03_DESC":"Island Lake","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_01_ADD_NAME":"The Huntsman And The Car","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_02_ADD_NAME":"Rusty Legacy","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING":"No Country For Old Truck","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_1":"Hunter\'s Parking","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_1_ZONE":"Point 01","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_2_ZONE":"Point 02","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_3_ZONE":"Point 03","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_3_ZONE_ADD":"Point 04","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_4_ZONE":"Point 05","US_01_03_EXPEDITION_5_ZONE":"Point 06","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA":"Signal In The Mountains","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA":"Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_DELIVERY":"Broken Antenna","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL":"Lumber Mill","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION":"Broken Lumber Mill","US_01_03_METAL_PLATFORM":"Island Lake","US_01_03_NAME":"Island Lake","US_01_03_RESTORE_POWER_WIRES_01":"Fallen Pole 01","US_01_03_RESTORE_POWER_WIRES_02":"Fallen Pole 02","US_01_03_RESTORE_POWER_WIRES_03":"Fallen Pole 03","US_01_03_RETRANSLATOR":"Fallen Antenna","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01":"Bob\'s Вridge","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_02":"Bob\'s Вridge","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK":"Hunter Bob\'s Вridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_OBJ":"North Bridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK":"Tough Negotiations","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_OBJ":"Central Bridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK":"Bridge The Gap","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_ADD":"Bridge The Gap","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_OBJ":"South Bridge","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK":"Corporate Expansion","TRIAL_05_01_DESC":"Storms and floods are a common sight in many regions of our planet that oftentimes lead to disastrous consequences. Four vehicles loaded with important cargo were lost during the storm and need to be returned to the seaport.","TRIAL_05_01_FUEL_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","TRIAL_05_01_NAME":"Aftermath","TRIAL_05_01_FINISH_NAME":"Seaport","MAP_TRANSITION_01_02_B":"Gateway","US_01_01_BARRELS_01":"Barrels Alfa","US_01_01_BARRELS_02":"Barrels Bravo","US_01_01_BARRELS_03":"Barrels Charlie","US_01_01_BARRELS_04":"Barrels Delta","US_01_01_BARRELS_05":"Barrels Echo","US_01_01_BOATMAN_HOUSE":"Boatman\'s House","US_01_01_BOATMAN_TOOLS_DELIVERY_TSK":"Riverside Repair","US_01_01_BROKEN_BRIDGE":"Old Bridge","US_01_01_CHURCH":"Church","US_01_01_DESC":"Black River","US_01_01_DRILLING_SITE":"Drilling Site","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_01":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_02":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_03":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROPPED_PALLET_04":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_DROWNED_01_TRUCKS_TSK":"Drowned Highway Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_02_TSK":"Drowned Scout Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_03_TSK":"Drowned Heavy Truck","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK":"Power Outage","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_ZONE_TSK":"Power Outage","US_01_01_FARM":"Farm","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT":"Food Delivery","US_01_01_FUEL_STATION_01":"Fuel Station","US_01_01_GARAGE_ENTRANCE":"Garage Entrance","US_01_01_KING_OF_THE_HILLS_TSK":"King of the Hill","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_TSK":"On The Rocks","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_ZONE_TSK":"Rockslide","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_TSK":"Local Entertainment","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_TSK":"Missing Machinery","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_A":"Tools Crate","US_01_01_LUMBER_MILL":"Lumber Mill","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_1":"East Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_2":"West Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_3":"South Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT":"Meteorology Data","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_PARK":"Oiltank Parking","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TSK":"Missing Oil Tank","US_01_01_MOTEL":"Motel","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_TSK":"Motel Woes","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Mountain Bridge","US_01_01_NAME":"Black River","US_01_01_NEW_RECOVER":"New Recover Point","US_01_01_NORTH_PEAK":"North Peak","US_01_01_OLD_HOUSE":"Old House","US_01_01_PUMP_01":"Pump","US_01_01_PUMP_02":"Pump","US_01_01_PUMP_03":"Pump","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_TSK":"Road Block","US_01_01_SOUTH_PEAK":"South Peak","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_PARK":"Trailer Park","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_TSK":"Stuck Trailer","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_TSK":"Drainage","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES":"The Place Beyond The Spruces","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_TSK":"The Place Beyond The Spruces","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE":"Town Storage","US_01_01_TRUCK":"Truck","US_01_01_W1":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W3":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W4":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W5":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W6":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W7":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W8":"Watchtower","US_01_01_W9":"Watchtower","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_A":"Wooden Bridge","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_B":"Wooden Bridge","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Wooden Bridge","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_CNT":"Pinewood Express","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_a":"Old Bridge","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_b":"Old Bridge","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM":"Boiler Building","RU_05_01_BRIDGE_a":"Rural Bridge","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY":"Tatra Vehicle Factory","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01":"Wooda, Shoulda","RU_05_01_FACTORY_SETTLEMENT":"Worker Village","RU_05_01_FORESTRY":"Worker Shack","RU_05_01_FUEL":"Full Tank","RU_05_01_GARAGE":"Garage","RU_05_01_PORT":"River Port","RU_05_01_PORT_MANUAL":"","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVER_ZONE":"River Port","RU_05_01_POWER_LINES_01":"Power Line 1","RU_05_01_POWER_LINES_02":"Power Line 2","RU_05_01_RACE_1":"Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_2":"Pipes","RU_05_01_RACE_3":"Mound","RU_05_01_RACE_4":"Hill","RU_05_01_RACE_5":"Cone Snake","RU_05_01_RACE_6":"Slope","RU_05_01_RACE_7":"Narrow Pass","RU_05_01_RACE_8":"Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_FINISH":"Finish line","RU_05_01_RACE_START":"Driving Exam","RU_05_01_RAILWAY":"Poddonskaya Station","RU_05_01_RAILWAY_MANUAL":"","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_01":"First Breach","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_02":"Second Breach","RU_05_01_REPAIR":"Swamp","RU_05_01_REPAIR_CHECK":"Swamp","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_01":"Right Bank","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_02":"Poddonskoye Village","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_03":"Worker Village","RU_05_01_SMALL_PORT":"Pier","RU_05_01_SMALL_RAILWAY":"Railway Dead End","RU_05_01_SPAWN_01":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_c":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_10_d":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_11":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_12_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_12_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_13_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_13_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_7_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_7_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_7_c":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_8_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_8_b":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_9_a":"","RU_05_01_SPAWN_9_b":"","RU_05_01_STONES_a":"Scrap Pile","RU_05_01_STONES_b":"Scrap Pile","RU_05_01_TOWER":"Soul Music","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_NAME":"Radio Tower","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY":"The Toppled Giant","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY_TARGET":"Factory","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA":"The Sleeping King","RU_05_01_TRANSIT_05_02":"Gateway","RU_05_01_TRANSIT_05_02_OUT":"","RU_05_01_TRANSIT_05_02_OUT_WINCH":"","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE":"Warehouse","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_a":"Wooden Bridge","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_b":"Wooden Bridge","WATCHTOWER":"Watchtower","RU_05_01_DESC":"","RU_05_01_NAME":"Factory Grounds","TRIAL_01_02_DESC":"Sometimes, people decide to settle in the most unlikely of places, and the local Backwoods are one good example. A dark forest split by a turbulent river definitely sounds like a great place for a wild adventure.","TRIAL_01_02_NAME":"Lost in wilderness","TRIAL_01_02_FINISH_NAME":"Meeting Point","TRIAL_01_02_FUEL_STATION":"Fuel Station","TRIAL_01_02_START_NAME":"Starting Point","RU_04_02_DESC":"Once home to the promising space exploration project, the site of the Cosmodrome stood abandoned for decades until the Maneuver-29 arrived in the region. Now, facilities are being restored, warehouses restocked, and the nearby town resettled by the Agency\'s workers.","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_1_NAME":"First Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_2_NAME":"Second Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_3_NAME":"Third Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_4_NAME":"Fourth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_5_NAME":"Fifth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_FLAG_6_NAME":"Final Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_NAME":"Fuel-Eight","RU_04_02_LIFTOFF_NAME":"Mission Control","RU_04_02_NAME":"Cosmodrome","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_1_A_TSK":"Fallen Bridge","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_1_B_TSK":"Fallen Bridge","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_2_A_TSK":"Bridge by the Checkpoint","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_2_B_TSK":"Bridge by the Checkpoint","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_3_A_TSK":"Eroded road","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_3_B_TSK":"Eroded road","RU_04_03_DESC":"Just a few decades ago the quaint mountainside of the Bear ridge housed the main installation of the Northern Aegis project as part of the Cosmodrome\'s infrastructure. Even years later, the towering spheres of Aegis\' long-abandoned radars still stand as monuments to the Union\'s former glory and technological prowess.","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_1":"Fallen Powerline","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_2":"Powerline in the Forest","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK":"We Have Contact","RU_04_03_FUEL_1":"Old Water Pump","RU_04_03_LOST_A":"Monastery","RU_04_03_LOST_B":"Left Behind","RU_04_03_LOST_B_1":"Weather Station","RU_04_03_LOST_B_2":"Left Behind","RU_04_03_LOST_C":"Master Scout","RU_04_03_NAME":"Northern Aegis Installation","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_A":"Small landslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_B":"Small landslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_A":"Rockslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_B":"Rockslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_A":"Landslide in the Woods","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_B":"Landslide in the Woods","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_A":"Landslide in the city","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_B":"Landslide in the city","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_A":"Fallen Tower","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_B":"Fallen Tower","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD":"Five Roads Island","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_1":"North Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_2":"Headquarters","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_3":"East Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_4":"South Radar","RU_04_03_RUN":"Cliff Surfer","RU_04_03_RUN_1":"Guard House","RU_04_03_RUN_2":"Camp","RU_04_03_RUN_3":"Railway Terminal","RU_04_03_SCAUT_START":"Expanding the Borders","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1":"The Dragon\'s Tooth Peak","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_1":"Coastal Rocks","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_2":"Rocky Range","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_3":"The Scenic View Hill","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_4":"The Bear Mountain","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_START":"Into the Deep","RU_04_03_SCOUT_2":"Coastal Hills","RU_04_03_SCOUT_3":"Island","RU_04_03_SCOUT_4":"The Tabletop Rock","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_ZONE_1":"Point in the North","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_ZONE_2":"Point in the West","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_ZONE_3":"Point in the South","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION":"Substation","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_1":"Monastery","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_2":"The Hermit\'s Cabin","RU_04_03_TRANSIT_04_01":"Gateway","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"Bridge to the Sawmill","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"Bridge to the Warehouse","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK":"Bridge to the Island","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK":"Bridge to Town","RU_04_01_BUILDING_ZONE":"Evacuation Point","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_PARK":"Local Resident\'s House","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK":"Cargo Cult","RU_04_01_CHURCH_PARK":"Church","RU_04_01_CHURCH_TSK":"Closer to Heaven","RU_04_01_CRAFT_METAL":"Steel Mill","RU_04_01_DESC":"Located just across a mountain ridge from the Severniy luanch complex, the Urska river\'s shores host a number of old research facilities and factories, both abandoned and still operational, intended to service the then-new space exploration industry.","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_PARK":"Rendezvous","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSKRU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK":"Unlucky Expedition","RU_04_01_FACTORY_PARK":"Workshop","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK":"Barefoot Cobbler","RU_04_01_FUELSTATION":"Fuel Station","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_PARK":"Fuel Tank Parking","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TSK":"Bottoms Up","RU_04_01_GATEWAY_ROCKSLIDE":"Landslide Near the Tunnel","RU_04_01_HELP_PARK":"Local Resident\'s House","RU_04_01_HELP_TSK":"Quid pro Quo","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT":"Ice Adventure","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_01":"Point 1","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_02":"Point 2","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_03":"Point 3","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_04":"Point 4","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_POINT_05":"Point 5","RU_04_01_LOADING_SITE":"Loading Site","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_PARK":"Unloading Zone","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_TSK":"Warehouse Trouble","RU_04_01_NAME":"Urska River","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT":"Power Plant","RU_04_01_REPAIR":"Repair Shop","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_TSK":"Landslide on the Path","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_TSK":"Landslide on the Highway","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_TSK":"Landslide Near the Quarry","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT":"Conquering Summits","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_POINT_01":"Summit 1","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_POINT_02":"Summit 2","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_POINT_03":"Summit 3","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_PARK":"Sawmill Warehouse","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_TSK":"Means Of Production","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_PARK":"Parking near the Garage","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK":"Treasure Hunter","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_PARK_01":"Fishing Camp","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_PARK_02":"Hunters\' Winter Cabin","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_PARK_03":"Explorers\' Camp","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK":"For Hard-to-reach Places","RU_04_01_TRANSIT_04_02":"Gateway","RU_04_01_TRANSIT_04_03":"Gateway","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_PARK":"Parking by the House","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_TSK":"At The Apex","RU_04_04_CRAFT_01_NAME":"Plant","RU_04_04_CRAFT_02_NAME":"Plant","RU_04_04_DESC":"Upstream from the launch site, Chernokamensk district and its only town are still home to hundreds of citizens. While the last few decades saw a decline in work opportunities in the region, the locals are generally looking forward to the construction of the fuel processing plant at the town\'s outskirts, seeing it as a potential source of business.","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_NAME":"Plant","RU_04_04_FISHER_NAME":"Fisherman\'s House","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_NAME":"Garage","RU_04_04_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Gas Station","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_NAME":"Village","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_NAME":"Village","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_NAME":"Sawmill","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_NAME":"Sawmill","RU_04_04_NAME":"Chernokamensk","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_NAME":"Block Alpha","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_NAME":"Block Beta","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_NAME":"Block Gamma","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_NAME":"Railway Station","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT":"Highland King","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_A_FLG_04_NAME":"Point 4","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT":"Endurance Run","RU_04_04_RACE_B_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_B_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_B_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT":"Round and Round","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_04_NAME":"Point 4","RU_04_04_RACE_C_FLG_05_NAME":"Point 5","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT":"Street Race","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_01_NAME":"Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_02_NAME":"Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_03_NAME":"Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_D_FLG_04_NAME":"Point 4","RU_04_04_RD_NAME":"Rocket Debris","RU_04_04_REPAIR_01_NAME":"Repair Station","RU_04_04_TRANS_NAME":"Gateway","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED":"Heavy Duty","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_02_TARGET":"Worker\'s House","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A":"Main Bridge","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B":"Crossing","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD":"Dangerous Road","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_TARGET":"Town","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR":"Dream Car","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_TARGET_NAME":"Chapel","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS":"Family Business","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_TARGET":"Town","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP":"Help Thy Neighbor","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_TARGET":"Market","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD":"Old-timer","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_TARGET":"The Astronaut town","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE":"Nothing To See Here","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_TARGET":"The Astronaut town","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A":"Landslide in the South West","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B":"Landslide in the North East","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C":"Landslide in the West","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D":"Landslide in the North","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE":"Breach detected","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY":"Bad Luck Charm","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_TARGET":"Repair Station","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_NAME":"Warehouse","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_NAME":"Sawmill","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_NAME":"Warehouse","US_07_01_DESC":"","US_07_01_NAME":"Burning Mill","US_06_01_NAME":"The Lowland","TRIAL_01_01_DESC":"A distant corner of untamed wilds, rocky landscapes with no roads and barely any signs of civilization. Only the most experienced of drivers dare to venture into these lands.","TRIAL_01_01_NAME":"Ride-On King","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_01":"Swamp","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_02":"Antenna","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_03":"Forest","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_04":"Bridge","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_05":"House","TUTOR_TRACK_01_OBJ":"Ready, Steady... Go!","TUTOR_TRACK_01_TARGET":"The Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_02_OBJ":"Up the Hill!","TUTOR_TRACK_02_TARGET":"Truck","TUTOR_TRACK_03_OBJ":"Onwards To The Off-road","TUTOR_TRACK_03_TARGET":"Bottom of the Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_04_OBJ":"In Low Gear","TUTOR_TRACK_04_TARGET":"Dead End","TUTOR_TRACK_05_OBJ":"Reverse","TUTOR_TRACK_05_TARGET":"The Edge of the Bluff","TUTOR_TRACK_06_OBJ":"Down into the River","TUTOR_TRACK_06_TARGET":"The River","TUTOR_TRACK_07_OBJ":"Diving Deep","TUTOR_TRACK_07_TARGET":"Middle of the River","TUTOR_TRACK_08_OBJ":"To the Finish Line!","TUTOR_TRACK_08_TARGET":"Finish","MAP_TRANSITION_02_04_A":"Gateway","US_02_04_BOAT_STATION":"Boat Station","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING":"Bridge","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_ADD":"Bridge","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK":"Dangerous Route","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_ADD":"Dangerous Route","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE":"Fallen Eletric Pole","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK":"Pole Down","US_02_04_CAR_SPAWN_ADD":"Old Mack And Drowned Car","US_02_04_DELIVERYNG":"Parking","US_02_04_DRILLING_SITE":"Barrel Spawn Location","US_02_04_DRILLING_SITE_TSK":"Moving The Stock","US_02_04_FACTORY_LOADING":"Factory Loading","US_02_04_FACTORY_PLATFORM":"Cargo Parts Location","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK":"The Mountains Road","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY":"Boat Station","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT":"Weather Conditions","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO":"Find Lost Cargo","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY":"Engineer\'s House","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK":"The Lost Tools","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_BUILDING":"Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK":"Morrison\'s Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_ADD":"Morrison\'s Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_OBSERVATION":"Mountain Peak","US_02_04_NEW_DESC":"Pedro Bay","US_02_04_NEW_NAME":"Pedro Bay","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING":"Pipeline","US_02_04_SERVICE_REACTIVATION":"Service Hub","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK":"Family Treasure","US_02_04_STOCK_LOADING":"Stock Loading","US_02_04_STOCK_PLATFORM":"Stock Platform","US_02_04_WAREHOUSE_LOADING":"Warehouse Loading","US_02_04_WAREHOUSE_PLATFORM":"Warehouse Platfrom","US_02_04_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Lost Car Delivery","TRIAL_02_02":"Zalukodes","TRIAL_02_02_DESC":"A snowed-over mountain valley. There are a total of four communications towers situated in some of the hard to reach parts of the valley.","TRIAL_02_02_RECOVERY":"","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT":"Zalukodes","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_1":"Tower 1","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_2":"Tower 2","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_3":"Tower 3","TRIAL_02_02_TOWER_4":"Tower 4","TRIAL_02_01_DESC":"A valley in the mountains, housing an important part of the pipeline as well as its service station. Supplies are short, making any repair efforts a rather tricky endeavor.","TRIAL_02_01_NAME":"Snowbound Valley","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERY_TSK":"Snowbound Valley","TRIAL_02_01_TARGET":"Service Station","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_01":"Ravine","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_02":"Gorge","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_03":"Pipeline","TRIAL_02_01_TUBE_SPAWN_04":"Mountain River","Fuel Station":"","Garage":"","Repair Station":"","Storage":"","Trailer Garage":"","TRIAL_03_01_BRIDGE_END_1":"Unfinished bridge 1","TRIAL_03_01_BRIDGE_END_2":"Unfinished bridge 2","TRIAL_03_01_SCOUTING_CNT":"Northern Thread","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_01":"Lost Cargo 1","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_02":"Lost Cargo 2","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_03":"Lost Cargo 3","TRIAL_03_01_SPAREPARTS_04":"Lost Cargo 4","TRIAL_03_01_START":"","US_07_01_BRIDGE_DESTROY_02a":"Swamp Crossing","US_07_01_BRIDGE_DESTROY_02b":"Swamp Crossing","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03a":"Old Bridge","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03b":"Old Bridge","US_07_01_CAREER_START_HARD":"Gold Trail","US_07_01_CAREER_START_LIGHT":"Bronze Trail","US_07_01_CAREER_START_MEDIUM":"Silver Trail","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE":"The Ring (CO-OP)","US_07_01_CONNECTION_01":"Communications Tower","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL":"Quarry Quarrel","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01":"Buggy Delivery","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01":"Racing Truck Delivery","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_02":"Field Workshop","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_03":"Tent Camp","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_04":"Service Station","US_07_01_EVACUATION_01":"Supply Depot","US_07_01_EVACUATION_02":"Workshop","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_01":"Extreme Downhill (CO-OP)","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_START_SOLO":"Extreme Downhill (SOLO)","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE_SOLO":"Extreme Climb","US_07_01_FUEL_01":"Refueling Station","US_07_01_FUEL_02":"Refueling Station","US_07_01_FUEL_03":"Refueling Station","US_07_01_GEN_01_01":"Supply Depot","US_07_01_GEN_01_02":"Power Transformer","US_07_01_GEN_01_MANUAL":"Power Transformer","US_07_01_PARKOUR":"Parkour","US_07_01_PITSTOP":"Pit Stop","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION":"Qualification (CO-OP)","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01_START_SOLO":"Qualification (SOLO)","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_FINISH":"Finish","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_START":"Start","US_07_01_RACE_START":"Start","US_07_01_RACE_START_SOLO":"The Ring (SOLO)","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY":"Power Supply Recovery","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION":"Solar-Powered","US_07_01_ROCK_01":"Collapse","US_07_01_ROCK_02_01":"Old Ranch rubble","US_07_01_ROCK_02_02":"Old Ranch rubble","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_01":"Construction Crew","US_07_01_WORKOUT":"Gearswitch Training","US_07_01_WORKOUT_FINISH":"Finish","TRIAL_03_03_DESC":"They say the road through these woods was always quite grim because of the wolves infesting it. Nowadays, the forest became a swamp, its previous denizens earning it the name of Wolves\' Bog.","TRIAL_03_03_SCOUTING_CNT":"Wolves\' Bog","TRIAL_03_02_DESC":"A mountain pass riddled with rapids and winding roads. The recent storms have turned this once peaceful into a mess of loose rocks, dirt, and torn grass. Toppled by a landslide, the power line is located on the far side of the Tumannaya mountain.","TRIAL_03_02_NAME":"Tumannaya Pass","TRIAL_03_02_FALLEN_TOWER":"Power line","TRIAL_03_02_RECOVER":"","TRIAL_03_02_START":"","TRIAL_03_02_W1":"Watchpoint 1","TRIAL_03_02_W2":"Watchpoint 2","TRIAL_03_02_W3":"Watchpoint 3","US_09_02_BL_DELIVERY_NAME":"Sawmill Warehouse","US_09_02_CRASH_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"East house","US_09_02_CRASH_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Evacuee camp","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK":"Bad Accident","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_NAME":"Abandoned Oil Rig","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Southwest","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK":"A Hurtful Loss","US_09_02_EXIT_NAME":"Southern Gateway","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY":"Preventive Care","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_SCOUT_NAME":"Road-bend to the Ranch","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_NAME":"Watchtower","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Northeast","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK":"Abandoned Trailer","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"First Weather Station","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Second Weather Station","US_09_02_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_NAME":"Quarry Parking Lot","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_DELIVERY_NAME":"Logging Area","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK":"Support Local Rangers","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_NAME":"Sawmill Workshop","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_DELIVERY_NAME":"Evacuee Camp","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT_NAME":"Burned Forest Plot","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK":"Something, Somewhere...","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_01_NAME":"1 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_02_NAME":"2 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_03_NAME":"3 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_04_NAME":"4 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_05_NAME":"5 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_06_NAME":"6 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_07_NAME":"7 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_08_NAME":"8 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_09_NAME":"9 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_10_NAME":"10 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_11_NAME":"11 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_12_NAME":"12 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_13_NAME":"13 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_14_NAME":"14 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_15_NAME":"15 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_SCOUT_END_NAME":"Motel","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK":"Mountaineering","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_SEISMO_01_NAME":"First Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_SEISMO_02_NAME":"Second Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_SEISMO_03_NAME":"Third Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK":"Gold Rush","US_09_02_PIPES_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"First Breach","US_09_02_PIPES_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Second Breach","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY_NAME":"Quarry","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK":"Lost Cargo","US_09_02_QUARRY_STORAGE_NAME":"Quarry Warehouse","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Northwest","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK":"Awkward Situation","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_01_NAME":"1st Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_02_NAME":"2nd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_03_NAME":"3rd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"1st Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"2nd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_03_NAME":"3rd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_DELIVERY_NAME":"Ranch","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK":"Mutual Aid","US_09_02_TRANSIT_NAME":"Gateway","US_09_02_VR_01_DELIVERY_NAME":"Residential Country House","US_09_02_VR_02_DELIVERY_NAME":"Village Hangar","US_09_02_VR_03_DELIVERY_NAME":"Village Warehouse","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01":"Help The Villagers 1","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02":"Help The Villagers 2","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03":"Help The Villagers 3","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_01_NAME":"First Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_02_NAME":"Second Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_03_NAME":"Third Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_01_NAME":"First Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_02_NAME":"Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01":"Water Boom 5","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02":"Water Boom 6","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03":"Water Boom 7","US_09_02_WT_ADD_DEL_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_ADD_DEL_02_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_ADD_DEL_03_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_GEN_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WT_GEN_02_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_DESC":"Burned Forest","US_09_02_NAME":"Burned Forest","Recuperation":"","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_NAME":"Service Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_NAME":"Oil Rig","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_NAME":"Plant","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_PUMP_NAME":"Pumping Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Reservoir","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_TSK_NAME":"Oil Rig Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_NAME":"Corporate Construction Site","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_1_NAME":"Two Warehouse Constructions","US_10_01_CONTEST_RACE_START_NAME":"Deadly Race","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_NAME":"Boat Slipway","US_10_01_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_NAME":"Plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_01_NAME":"Ferry Crossing","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_01_NAME":"Trailer","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_02_NAME":"Forester\'s House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_03_NAME":"Shed","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_TSK_NAME":"Assistance to Civilization","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_01_NAME":"Lower Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_02_NAME":"Upper Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_TSK_NAME":"Tools for the lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_NAME":"Logging Site","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_NAME":"Cargo Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_NAME":"Meteo Point","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_TSK_NAME":"Restoring communication","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_NAME":"Fuel Station Parking","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK_NAME":"Fuel for Vehicles","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_NAME":"House Yard","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_TSK_NAME":"Quid pro Quo","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_A_NAME":"Desolate House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_B_NAME":"Lookout Point","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_NAME":"Power Plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_TSK_NAME":"Backup source","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_ALT_NAME":"Inexperienced driver","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_NAME":"Stuck Truck","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_TSK_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_A_NAME":"First Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_B_NAME":"Second Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_A_NAME":"First Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_B_NAME":"Second Post","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_NAME":"North Power Line","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_TSK_NAME":"Sky\'s the limit","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_NAME":"South Power Line","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_TSK_NAME":"Don\'t drop it!","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_DROP_NAME":"Cargo Station","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_NAME":"Off The tracks","US_10_01_FARM_NAME":"Farm","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_NAME":"North City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_NAME":"South City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_NAME":"Drilling Station Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_NAME":"Temporary Measures","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_NAME":"Sawmill Bridge","US_10_01_GAS_STATION_01_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_01_GAS_STATION_02_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_01_METEO_OBSERVATORY_01_NAME":"Data for the observatory","US_10_01_METEO_OBSERVATORY_02_NAME":"Observatory","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_01_NAME":"Tower 1","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_02_NAME":"Tower 2","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_03_NAME":"Tower 3","US_10_01_OIL_RIGS_TSK_NAME":"Let There Be Oil","US_10_01_PASS_01_TSK_NAME":"Rockslide","US_10_01_PASS_02_TSK_NAME":"Landslide on the Road","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_NAME":"It gave way","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_NAME":"Pipe replacement","US_10_01_PORT_NAME":"Railway terminal","US_10_01_SAWMILL_NAME":"Sawmill","US_10_01_TRANSIT_01_NAME":"East Gateway","US_10_01_TRANSIT_A_NAME":"Crossing to the East Coast","US_10_01_TRANSIT_B_NAME":"Crossing to the West Coast","US_10_01_TRUCK_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Reservoir Parking","US_10_01_DESC":"Duncan Bay","US_10_01_NAME":"Duncan Bay","US_10_02_BOAT_CARGO_01_NAME":"Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"Canned Food Factory Construction Site","US_10_02_CONT_01_01_A_NAME":"All for the great view!","US_10_02_CONT_01_01_NAME":"Zone 1","US_10_02_CONT_01_02_NAME":"Zone 2","US_10_02_CONT_01_03_NAME":"Zone 3","US_10_02_CONT_02_01_NAME":"Waste Disposal","US_10_02_CONT_02_02_NAME":"Canned Food Factory Port","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_NAME":"Police Station","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_NAME":"Port Checkpoint","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_NAME":"Fishers\' Shore","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK_NAME":"Abandoned Oil Tank","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_NAME":"Wildlife Workers House","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_NAME":"Canned Food Factory Site","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_TSK_NAME":"Special order for the builders","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_TSK_B_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_TSK_NAME":"Recyclable","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_OBJ_NAME":"Fishers\' Shore","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK_NAME":"Confiscated Truck","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_NAME":"Metalworks","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_TSK_NAME":"Plant\'s Workhorse","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_NAME":"Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_TSK_NAME":"Stuck Truck","US_10_02_FARM_01_NAME":"Fish farm storage","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"Water Tower","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_TSK_NAME":"Road Artery","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_TSK_NAME":"The Coastal Frustration","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"Garage Construction Site","US_10_02_GAS_STATION_01_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_02_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_10_02_PORT_01_NAME":"Canned Food Factory","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_TSK_NAME":"You have to take a detour along the marshes","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_TSK_NAME":"The mountain obstacle","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWER_01_TSK_NAME":"Fallen Tower","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_A_NAME":"North Lake","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_B_NAME":"South Lake","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_TSK_NAME":"Water Probe","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_A_NAME":"Poachers\' Camp","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_B_NAME":"Old Dock","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_C_NAME":"Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_NAME":"Communication tower","US_10_02_TRANSIT_NAME":"North Gateway","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_NAME":"The Customer\'s Garage","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_NAME":"Support Local Businesses!","US_10_02_DESC":"North Peak National Park","US_10_02_NAME":"North Peak National Park","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_01_NAME":"1st Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_02_NAME":"2nd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_03_NAME":"3rd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_04_NAME":"4th Zone","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_NAME":"House in the Mountains","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK":"Delivery From the Port","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"Southeast Mine","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Southwest Mine","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST":"Express Fuel Delivery","US_09_01_BL_STORAGE":"Burned log stations","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK":"The Bridge, Again","US_09_01_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_EXPORT_HAY_DELIVERY_NAME":"Town Storage","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_NAME":"Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_NAME":"Service Center","US_09_01_GAS_STATION_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_NAME":"Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_01_NAME":"First House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_02_NAME":"Second House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_03_NAME":"Third House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_04_NAME":"Fourth House","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_DELIVERY_NAME":"Pier","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK":"Swimming the Wrong Way","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_DELIVERY_01_NAME":"First Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_DELIVERY_02_NAME":"Second Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_DELIVERY_03_NAME":"Third Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK":"Floating Detectors","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_NAME":"Factory Warehouse","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK":"Contamination Removal","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_VISIT_NAME":"Southwest Mine","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_NAME":"Logistic Center Warehouse","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK":"Taking Out the Junk From the Mine","US_09_01_PIPES_SCOUT_NAME":"Turn to the Logistics Center","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_NAME":"Port","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK":"Deliver to the Port","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station","US_09_01_RAILWAY_STORAGE":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"Ranger\'s House","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK":"Bad trip","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_REPAIR_NAME":"Repair Center","US_09_01_SEEMAN_DELIVERY_NAME":"Hermit\'s Shack","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK":"Far Far Away","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_SCOUT_01_NAME":"East Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_SCOUT_02_NAME":"West Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_SCOUT_03_NAME":"North Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK":"Caring for tourists","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_DELIVERY_NAME":"Trailer Park","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK":"Help the Evacuees","US_09_01_TRANS_NAME":"Gateway","US_09_01_UNCLEAR_GOLD_DELIVERY_NAME":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_01_NAME":"1st Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_02_NAME":"2nd Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_01_NAME":"First Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_02_NAME":"Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WH_03_NAME":"Third Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01":"Water Boom 1","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02":"Water Boom 2","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03":"Water Boom 3","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04":"Water Boom 4","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_DELIVERY_NAME":"Worker\'s House","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK":"Abandoned Transport","US_09_01_WT_ADD_DEL_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WT_GEN_01_NAME":"Water Tower under Repair","US_COMMON_FACTORY_NAME":"Plant","US_09_01_DESC":"The Albany River","US_09_01_NAME":"The Albany River","TRIAL_04_01_DESC":"Once a city bustling with life, these days Tretyakov is merely a ghost town that only a few brave souls venture into in pursuit of new experiences or financial gain - and fewer yet dare to explore its sprawling industrial park.","TRIAL_04_01_NAME":"Escape from Tretyakov","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_TSK":"Escape from Tretyakov","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_01":"Lumber Yard","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_02":"Service Shacks","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_03":"Village","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_04":"Church","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_05":"Train Station","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_06":"Steading","TRIAL_04_02_DESC":"The local weather station was expecting an equipment resupply. However, the recent storm has cut off the only viable route connecting it to the outside world. Still, this delivery needs to be made no matter what.","TRIAL_04_02_NAME":"The Slope","TRIAL_04_02_STATION_NAME":"Weather Station","RU_08_01_TRANSIT_08_02":"Gateway","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_01":"Unfinished Bridge","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_02":"Unfinished Bridge","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_01":"Log Bridge","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_02":"Log Bridge","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_01":"South-Eastern Swamp","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_03":"Island Chain","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_04":"Central Swamp","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_05":"Spill Site","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_06":"River Crossing","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL":"Final Request","RU_08_02_CONTRACT_TRUCKS_DELIVERY":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY":"This Side Up","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK":"Priority Mail","RU_08_02_DESC":"","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE":"Bravery Is A Virtue","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_01":"Fallen Tree","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_02":"River Descent","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_03":"Shore","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_SCOUT":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_ENDLESS_FARMING":"Out In The Field","RU_08_02_FARMING":"Experimental Field","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_GIVER":"A gift horse","RU_08_02_GAS_STATION":"Gas Station","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY":"Exhibit A","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_TASK":"Experimental Field","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01":"Abandoned Byre","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02":"Scrapyard","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_SCOUT_01":"Collapsed Bridge","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_SCOUT_02":"Collapsed Bridge","RU_08_02_LOG_STORAGE":"Lumber Mill","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO":"The Weak Link","RU_08_02_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT":"Cistern Search Area","RU_08_02_NAME":"The Institute","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY":"Academy Town","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_TASK":"The Lost Mailman","RU_08_02_POTATO_STORAGE":"Farm Warehouse","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_2":"Power Line","RU_08_02_PUMP_DELIVERY":"Science Wing","RU_08_02_REPAIR_STATION":"Repair Station","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_01":"Administration Wing","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_02":"Institute Warehouse","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_03":"Academy Town","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_04":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_SOLAR_STATION_CRATE_SPAWN_01":"Old Steel Mill","RU_08_02_STORAGE":"Institute Warehouse","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE":"Swamp Racer","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_01":"Swamp Approach","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_02":"Shoreline","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_03":"Old Path","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_04":"Marshes","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_05":"Island","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_06":"Junction","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_POINT_FINISH":"Warehouse Approach","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX":"Technical Station","RU_08_02_WATER_TANK_DELIVERY_1":"Science Wing","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE":"High Wind Warning","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_TASK":"Hay Barn","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE":"Force Of Nature","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_01":"Southern Sewers","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_02":"Northern Sewers","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK":"Abandoned Gear","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_TASK":"Village Garage","RU_08_03_CHEMICAL_BARREL_SCOUT":"Mariner\'s Crossing","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_DELIVERY":"Machine Shop","RU_08_03_CRAFT_ZONE":"Production Site","RU_08_03_DRAIN_DRY_DELIVERY_01":"Construction Site","RU_08_03_DRAIN_DRY_DELIVERY_02":"Scrapyard","RU_08_03_FARMING_CONTRACT_ZONE":"Main field","RU_08_03_FARMING_DELIVERY_01":"Southern Cheremushki","RU_08_03_FARMING_DELIVERY_02":"Northern Cheremushki","RU_08_03_FARMING_STORAGE":"Farm Warehouse","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_GIVER":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_ZONE":"Plowed field","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING":"Aim To Misbehave","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_01":"Point 1","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_02":"Point 2","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_03":"Point 3","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_04":"Point 4","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_05":"Point 5","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_06":"Point 6","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_07":"Point 7","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_08":"Point 8","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_09":"Point 9","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_10":"Point 10","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_11":"Point 11","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_12":"Point 12","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_END":"Finish Line","RU_08_03_GARAGE_IN":"Village Garage","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY":"Junkyard","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_VISIT_ZONE":"Hayloft","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_STORAGE":"Junkyard Storage","RU_08_03_GAS_STATION":"Village Gas Station","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY":"Production Site","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT":"The Common Cause","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_TASK_02":"Repair Service","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_TASK_03":"Service Center","RU_08_03_LOG":"Lumber Mill","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY":"Lost Treasure","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_PLACE":"Hermit\'s Shack","RU_08_03_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT":"Swamp","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_TASK_GIVER":"\\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_TASK_GIVER_FARM":"Grocery Run","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY":"Supply Chain","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_TASK":"Store","RU_08_03_RAILWAY_STATION":"\\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station","RU_08_03_RECYCLED_01":"Construction Site","RU_08_03_RECYCLED_02":"Storage Facility","RU_08_03_RECYCLED_03":"Village Warehouse","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_TASK_01":"River Blockage","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_TASK_02":"River Blockage","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX":"Damaged Rails","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01":"Solar Power Station A","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02":"Solar Power Station B","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03":"Solar Power Station C","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_01":"Steel Mill","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_02":"Farming Plot","RU_08_03_STORAGE":"Railway Warehouse","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY":"Missing Supplies","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_TASK":"Warehouse","RU_08_03_TRAILER_SHOP":"Trailer Store","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE":"Power To The Masses","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION":"Emergency Retrieval","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_TASK":"Workshop","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE":"Tune In","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_TASKE":"TV 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Parts","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_SPECIAL_DELIVERY":"Processing Wing","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_V":"Unloading Area","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP":"Stocking Up","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_DELIVERY":"Expedition camp","RU_08_01_FACTORY_CONTACT":"Factory entrance","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_DELIVERY_S1":"General Store Warehouse","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_DELIVERY_S2":"Sorting terminal warehouse","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_1":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_2":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_3":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_4":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_5":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_PILE_6":"Leftover Materials","RU_08_01_FACTORY_WEREHOUSE":"Sand Storage","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1":"Reaping What You Sow","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2":"Lending A Hand","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_HARVESTER":"Lake-Side River","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_PLANTER":"Grain 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Station","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL":"Honest Work","RU_08_01_POTATO_STORAGE_1":"Farm Warehouse","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS":"Photoshoot","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_1":"Farming Plot","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_2":"Grain Elevator Photo Area","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_3":"Fieldside Poplars","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_4":"Fisherman Lake","RU_08_01_RAILROAD":"Railway Terminal","RU_08_01_REPAIR_ZONE":"Repair Area","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS":"Exemplary Work","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_DELIVERY":"Repair Shop","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_SPAWN_1":"Spare Parts","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_SPAWN_2":"Spare Parts","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS":"Let\'s Pack Up","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_DELIVERY":"Oil pumps","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_SPAWN_1":"Trash Container","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_SPAWN_2":"Trash Container","RU_08_01_TRANSIT_08_03":"Gateway","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION":"Village Supplies","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES":"A Bit Of This And A Bit Of That","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_DELIVERY":"Village","RU_08_01_WEREHOUSE_1":"Warehouse","RU_08_01_WEREHOUSE_2":"General Store","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_BLADE_DELIVERY":"Wind Turbine","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_SUPPLIES_DELIVERY":"Wind Turbine","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_A":"Unloading Zone","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_A":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_B":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_CONTEST_START":"Contest","TUT_OBJ_FUEL_GAS":"Fuel Station","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_DROP":"Meteo Point","TUT_OBJ_ST1_WATCH1":"Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_ST1_WATCH2":"Way to Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_ST2_TASK2":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_ST3_SHORTCUT":"Find an Alternative Route","TUT_OBJ_ST3_TARGET":"Accept the Drowned Scout Truck task","TUT_OBJ_ST5_PICKUP":"Accept the Contest task","TUT_OBJ_STORAGE_PICKUP":"Warehouse","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK":"Find the Truck","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK1":"Change to the Truck","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_DROP":"Safe Place","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK":"Drowned Scout Truck","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_RECOVERY":"Taking Flight","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_STORAGE":"Airport","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_02":"Unfinished Bridge","RU_08_04_COMPLEX":"Corporate Warehouse","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01":"A New House For Cows","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02":"Corporate Warehouse","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03":"Making Space","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01":"Bad Reception","RU_08_04_CONTEST":"Treading Water","RU_08_04_CONTEST_01":"Point 1","RU_08_04_CONTEST_02":"Point 2","RU_08_04_CONTEST_03":"Point 3","RU_08_04_CONTEST_04":"Point 4","RU_08_04_CONTEST_FINISH":"Finishing Line","RU_08_04_DESC":"","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_START":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FISHING":"Gone Fishing","RU_08_04_FISHING_DELIVERY":"Airport","RU_08_04_FUEL":"Airport Fuel Station","RU_08_04_GARAGE":"Corporate Garage","RU_08_04_GARAGE_RECOVERY":"Corporate Garage","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY_GIVER":"Hay Storage","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO":"Important 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Line","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01":"When Luck Runs Out","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_FINISH":"Chicken Coop","RU_08_04_TRANSFORMATOR_METALLDETECTING_SCOUT":"Container Search Area","RU_08_04_WINDMILL":"Round And Round","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_01":"Damaged Pole","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_05":"Damaged Pole","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_06":"Damaged Pole","RU_05_02_BEEHIVE":"Sweet Tooth","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_a":"Railroad Bridge","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_b":"Bridge-side Warehouse","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_c":"Railroad Bridge","RU_05_02_CHURCH":"Church","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01a":"Antonovka Village","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01b":"Antonovka Chief","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01c":"Fisherman\'s House","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_01d":"Rechnaya","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_02":"Pier","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_03":"Ozernoye","RU_05_02_CONTRYSIDE_04":"Worker Shack","RU_05_02_HERMIT_HUT":"Cunning Forester","RU_05_02_HERMIT_HUT_01":"Wipe Away The Debt","RU_05_02_LAMBER_MILL_a":"Unloading Zone","RU_05_02_LAMBER_MILL_b":"Sawmill","RU_05_02_LOG":"Logging Site","RU_05_02_MILL":"Mill","RU_05_02_PUMPTOWER":"Water Tower","RU_05_02_RAILWAY":"Antonovka Station","RU_05_02_REPAIR_01":"West Rail Gap","RU_05_02_REPAIR_02":"East Rail Gap","RU_05_02_ROCK_a":"Light Rockfall","RU_05_02_ROCK_b":"Light Rockfall","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01_GIVER":"Excursion","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01a":"Ancient Stone","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01b":"Old Tree","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01c":"Overgrown Pond","RU_05_02_SCOUT_02a":"Upgrade","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_01a":"The Washed-off Bridge","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_01b":"The Washed-off Bridge","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_02a":"Swamp Crossing","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_02b":"Swamp Crossing","RU_05_02_WORKSHOP":"Service Station","RU_02_04_APC_RECOVER":"Repair Area","RU_02_04_APC_RECOVER_TSK":"Pacifist","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP":"Suspicious Camp","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_TSK":"Unexpected Guests","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_NORTH_EXIT":"Northern Road","RU_02_04_FUEL_MAST":"Fuel 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Path","US_06_02_TRAILER_PARK":"Forester\'s House","US_06_02_TRAILER_TSK":"Support Local Ranger","US_06_02_TRANSITION_A":"Gateway","US_06_02_TRANSITION_B":"Gateway","US_06_02_TRANSITION_C":"Gateway","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_PARK":"Jack\'s House","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_TSK":"Treacherous Ravine","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT":"Barrels Delivery","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT":"Container Delivery","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TSK":"Drowned","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Off The Cliff","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Aquatic","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TSK":"SOS","RU_02_02_DESC":"Drowned Lands","RU_02_02_DRILLBIT_SPAWN":"Oil Rig Drill","RU_02_02_FARM":"Farm","RU_02_02_FLAG_01_01":"Point 1","RU_02_02_FLAG_01_02":"Point 2","RU_02_02_FLAG_01_03":"Point 3","RU_02_02_FLAG_01_04":"Point 4","RU_02_02_FLAG_01_05":"Point 5","RU_02_02_FLAG_02_01":"Point A","RU_02_02_FLAG_02_02":"Point B","RU_02_02_FLAG_02_03":"Point D","RU_02_02_FLAG_02_04":"Point C","RU_02_02_FLAG_02_05":"Point E","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_START_CNT":"Rocking And Rolling","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_START_CNT":"Swimming And Sinking","RU_02_02_GA":"Triangulation Point","RU_02_02_GAS":"Fuel Station","RU_02_02_GAS_01":"Barrels","RU_02_02_GORLAG":"Ruined Warehouse","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TSK":"Drowned Oil Tank","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_SPAWN":"Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_TSK":"Lost Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TSK":"Lost Light Trailer","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_SPAWN":"Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_TARGET":"Warehouse","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_TSK":"Drowned Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_SPAWN":"Bricks","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_TARGET":"Homestead","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_TSK":"Fallen Bricks","RU_02_02_MAP_TRANSITION":"Gateway","RU_02_02_NAME":"Drowned Lands","RU_02_02_OILTANK_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER":"Radar Tower","RU_02_02_RAILWAY":"Railway Station","RU_02_02_REPAIR":"Repair Station","RU_02_02_SERVICE":"Unloading Point","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Retired","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Lost In The Rocks","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TARGET":"House","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TSK":"Help Cable","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TARGET":"Parking","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TSK":"Farm Swim","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TARGET":"Hangar","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TSK":"Saving Country Bread","RU_02_02_VILLAGE_DROPOFF":"Village","US_01_04_NEW_DESC":"Drummond Island","US_01_04_NEW_NAME":"Drummond Island","UPG_STAGE1_TSK":"Upgrades","UPG_STAGE2_TSK":"AWD and snorkel.","UPG_STAGE3_TSK":"Tire chains","UPG_STAGE4_TSK":"Saddle","UPG_STAGE5_CARGO_UNLOAD":"Unloading Zone","UPG_STAGE5_TSK":"Crane","UPG_TARGET1":"Rift","UPG_TARGET2":"Rift","UPG_TARGET3":"Destination","UPG_TARGET4":"Parking Lot","UPG_TARGET5":"Warehouse","Canadian Runner 03 The Valley":"","MAP_TRANSITION_01_02B":"Gateway","MAP_TRANSITION_01_03B":"Gateway","US_01_04_EXPLORING":"Farm","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT":"A Race With The Rain","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_1":"Oil Barrels","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_2":"Oil Barrels","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_DELIVERY":"Lighthouse Keeper","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK":"Cousin Cletus","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_SHIP_TSK":"Forged By The Sea","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK":"Scout 800","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_ADD":"Mud Wrestling","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_DELIVERY":"Worker\'s House","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK":"Mud Wrestling","US_01_04_FIND_THE_PATH_TSK_DESC":"Tourist Attraction","US_01_04_FUEL_STATION":"Fuel Station","US_01_04_LOG_PLATFORM":"","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_01":"Cargo Container","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_02":"Cargo Container","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_03":"Cargo Container","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY_DELIVERY":"Cargo Storage","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK":"Lost Delivery","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_03":"Abandoned Ship","US_01_04_OBSERVATION":"The Silent Observer","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK":"Observation","US_01_04_POINT_EXPLORING_01":"Hollis Island","US_01_04_PORT_CARGO":"Port","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_01":"Ranger\'s Bridge","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_01_TSK":"Support Local Rangers","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_01_TSK_ADD":"Support Local Rangers","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_02":"Island\'s Bridge","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_02_TSK":"Of Bridges And Men","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_02_TSK_ADD":"Of Bridges And Men","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_03":"Drummond Bridge","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_03_TSK":"Ten-Hut","US_01_04_REBUILD_PATCH_03_TSK_ADD":"Ten-Hut","RU_02_03_DESC":"Zimnegorsk","RU_02_03_NAME":"Zimnegorsk","RU_02_03_BROKEN_PIRS":"Broken Pier","RU_02_03_CAMP2":"Abandoned Car","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY3":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY4":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY5":"Cement","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Cement Delivery","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Oilfield Delivery","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_PIRS_OBJ":"Pier Delivery","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_OBJ":"Warehouse Delivery","RU_02_03_DOCUMENTARY":"Documentary Film","RU_02_03_DOCUMENTARY2":"Survey Point","RU_02_03_DRILLING_SITE":"Oilfield","RU_02_03_LENIN_ZONE":"","RU_02_03_MAP_TRANSITION_02_01_1":"Gateway","RU_02_03_MAP_TRANSITION_02_01_2":"Gateway","RU_02_03_RESCUE_START_NAME":"Truck Recovery","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_5_UNLOAD_NAME":"Unloading Zone","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Sawmill Recovery","RU_02_03_SCAN_POINT_1":"Triangulation Point Alpha","RU_02_03_SCAN_POINT_2":"Triangulation Point Beta","RU_02_03_SCAN_POINT_3":"Triangulation Point Gamma","RU_02_03_SEARCH":"Lost Instruments","RU_02_03_SEARCH1":"Consumables","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_OBJ":"Zimnegorsk Bridge Recovery","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Metal Delivery","RU_02_03_TRAILER_GARAGE_NAME":"Trailer Garage","RU_02_03_WAREHOUSE_1":"Warehouse","US_06_01_CONTAINER_PLACE_NAME":"Cabin Zone","US_06_01_CON_01":"Local Ride","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_01":"Point A","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_02":"Point B","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_03":"Point C","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_04":"Point D","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_05":"Point E","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_06":"Point F","US_06_01_CON_01_FG_07":"Point G","US_06_01_CON_02":"Dock Race","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_01":"Point A","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_02":"Point B","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_03":"Point C","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_04":"Point D","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_05":"Point E","US_06_01_CON_02_FG_06":"Point F","US_06_01_CRAFT_MAIN_NAME":"Cabin construction site","US_06_01_GARAGE_STUFF_NAME":"Old Garage","US_06_01_GAS_DOFF_NAME":"Site Near the Gas Station","US_06_01_GAS_NAME":"Fuel Station","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_01_NAME":"House Near the Road","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_02_NAME":"House Near the Bog","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_03_NAME":"House on the Coast","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_04_NAME":"Riverside House","US_06_01_LOGSCONT_05_NAME":"Waterfall House","US_06_01_MILL_DPOFF_NAME":"Sawmill Inspection","US_06_01_PIER_DOFF_NAME":"Pier Inspection","US_06_01_PIER_PUP_NAME":"Pier","US_06_01_REPAIR_NAME":"Repair Shop","US_06_01_ROCKS_01":"Landslide Near Production Site","US_06_01_ROCKS_02":"Shore Collapse","US_06_01_ROCKS_03":"North Landslide","US_06_01_TRAILER_STORE_OBJ_NAME":"Trailer Store","US_06_01_TRANS_NAME":"Gateway","US_06_01_TRUCK_STORE_NAME":"Truck Store","US_06_01_TSK_01":"Big Mistake","US_06_01_TSK_01_CRATES":"Lost Barrels","US_06_01_TSK_01_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_06_01_TSK_02":"Lost in the distance","US_06_01_TSK_02_TARGET":"House","US_06_01_TSK_03":"Mistakes of Others","US_06_01_TSK_03_CRATES":"Crate","US_06_01_TSK_04":"Workhorse","US_06_01_TSK_04_TARGET":"Weather Station","US_06_01_TSK_05":"Delivery From the Pier","US_06_01_TSK_05_TARGET":"House in the North","US_06_01_TSK_06":"Big Loss","US_06_01_TSK_06_CRATES":"Cellulose","US_06_01_TSK_06_TARGET":"Unloading Point","US_06_01_TSK_07":"Restorers\' Trouble","US_06_01_TSK_07_TARGET":"Old Fort","US_06_01_TSK_08":"All the Money\'s Worth","US_06_01_TSK_08_TARGET":"House Behind the Garage","US_06_01_TSK_09":"Very Strange Things","US_06_01_TSK_09_TARGET":"Waterfall House","US_06_01_TSK_10":"Small Order","US_06_01_TSK_10_TARGET":"Foothill House","US_06_01_TSK_11":"Abandoned Titan","US_06_01_TUNING_NAME":"Tuning Shop","UUI_TUNING_BUMPER_AXLEPROT_DESC":"EMPTY_LINE","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Pipe Dream","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_DESC":"A local oil equipment factory got hammered by the flood. That place is vital to drilling operations in the area so we need to get it back up and running ASAP. Start by getting them some fuel and construction materials.","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_STAGE_1_BRING":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_01_01_FACTORY_RECOVERY_REWARD_DESC":"Now the factory is online and we can focus on getting local drilling operations up and running again. I\'m sure we could use your help with that too so keep your ears open.","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_OBJ":"Wet Harvest","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_DESC":"A nearby farm was hit pretty bad by the flood. They could really use some basic construction materials to get themselves patched up. We don\'t want to end up with food shortages.","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_BRING_BRICKS":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_FARMERS_REWARD_DESC":"That\'s going to make a big difference. These farmers would have been in real trouble if it weren\'t for you. I\'m sure they\'ll be calling on your services again soon.","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_OBJ":"Steel River Supplies","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_OBJ_DESC":"Things are pretty rough around here right now. We\'ve got food, water and fuel shortages and people are starting to worry. If we don\'t deal with this soon we\'re going to have panic on our hands. We need your help.","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_BRING_BARRELS":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_BRING_INSTRUMENTS":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_01_TOWN_STORAGE_OBJ_REWARD_DESC":"Thank you. This is going to make a huge difference to folks round here. Time to roll up our shirt sleeves and get this town fixed up!","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Not A Drill","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_DESC":"Excuse the mess. We\'re still clearing up after the flood. The water dislodged our rigs and destroyed one of the drills. We need new parts and construction materials to get things moving again.","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_BRING_TRAILER":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_METAL":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_CONT":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_DRILLING_RECOVERY_OBJ_REW":"We\'re back in business. Let\'s spin up those drills! Much appreciated.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_OBJ":"The Watchtower","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_DESC":"Welcome to Steel River Township! There\'s plenty of work around here, but you\'ll need a real truck first. There\'s a new ride with your name on it in a parking lot nearby. First, get to the watchtower to explore the area.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_VISIT_TRUCK_ON_LEVEL_US_01_01":"Find the Truck","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_VISIT_W9_ON_LEVEL_US_01_01":"Find the Watchtower","US_01_01_EXPLORING_WATCHTOWER_REWARD_DESC":"Alright! Here\'s a little something to make it worth your while. You can use these rewards to expand and upgrade your vehicle fleet.","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_OBJ":"Get To The Garage","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_DESC":"The old and rusty vehicle garage has seen things. It was abandoned at the beginning of the flood and may be used as a base of local operations now.","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_VISIT_ZONE":"Find the Garage","US_01_01_EXPLORE_GARAGE_REWARD_DESC":"You can use the garage to turn your truck into a real monster. The local swamps will be your new stomping ground. When you\'re ready, take on a contract and get yourself out there.","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ":"Old Bridge Reconstruction","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_DESC":"Great! Now you have a powerful vehicle for transporting heavier loads. The only problem is that you\'re cut off from the mainland. Rebuild the bridge so you can reach the garage and get a real contract.","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_STAGE_1_BRING_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_STAGE_2_BRING_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","US_01_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_REWARD_DESC":"Well ain\'t that beautiful! Looks just like it did in the old days. Now you can leave the peninsula and reach the garage. Start looking for your next contract!","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Farming Tools","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_DESC":"A local farm by the name of \\"Matthew & Sons\\" has contacted us to see if we can help them out with a shipment of tools for repairs. You should be able to find the shipment somewhere near the garage.","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_TRAILER_TO_FARM":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_01_FARM_DELIVERY_REWARD_DESC":"Old farmer Matthews was singing your praises just now. A good deed is never lost in this town.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_TRUCK_OBJ":"First Truck","US_01_01_EXPLORING_TRUCK_DESC":"There should be an old truck nearby the local Lumbermill. Was left over by the logistical company used to operate here. Rusty, but still capable. Discover its location and use it to handle the bridge repairs.","US_01_01_EXPLORING_TRUCK_REWARD_DESC":"This is your first truck. Let\'s complete some contracts to unlock your garage.","US_01_01_BROKEN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Broken Bridge","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_DESC":"We\'ve got a rockslide problem. They keep knocking out our infrastructure but we don\'t have the resources to stop them. We\'d sure be grateful if you could take a look.","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_BRING_METAL_AND_SPARE_TO_LANDSLIDE_ON_US_01_01":"Deliver to the Rockslide:","US_01_01_LANDSLIDE_REWARD_DESC":"I just heard you took care of the rockslides! You\'re making quite a name for yourself. Great job!","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_DESC":"We can\'t get a darn thing done round here! The power lines are down and all we get from the town are excuses! Well? What are you waiting for? Do something about it!","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_BRING":"Deliver to the Fallen Powerline:","US_01_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"About time! If only we had more folks like you willing to take the initiative. We\'ll take it from here. I may call on your services again soon, though. See you round!","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_TSK":"Drowned Trucks","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_DESC":"Hey! Trouble at the farm. We\'ve got trucks wedged deep in sludge and we could use a strong arm to haul \'em out. You\'ll need a serious engine for this one.","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_BRING":"Deliver drowned truck to the Farm:","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCK_01_TSK":"Drowned Highway Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Drowned Scout Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Drowned Heavy Truck","US_01_01_DROWNED_TRUCKS_REWARD_DESC":"Now that\'s the kinda muscle we need around here! Those trucks were wedged in there deep but you got \'em out. Nice work.","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TSK_DESC_DESC":"Got a spot of trouble here, pal. We have an oil tank trailer that\'s missing. Pretty sure it got washed off the road somewhere and is probably stuck in a swamp by now. How \'bout lending a hand?","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TANK":"Deliver to the Oiltank Parking:","US_01_01_MISSED_OILTANK_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"Well I\'ll be... You found it! I was going to take a real roasting for losing that thing! Thanks, buddy! Here\'s a little something for your efforts.","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_TSK_DESC":"These rockslides are becoming the bane of my life. We need to create alternate routes around the area to avoid the slides or operations are going to grind to a halt. A mountain bridge would solve this.","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_BRING":"Deliver to the Mountain Bridge:","US_01_01_MOUNTAIN_BRIDGE_REWARD_DESC":"Like a bridge over troubled... rockslides... Anyway, nice work, partner! We can now access the road beyond and see what the land further out looks like. Probably looks like another headache for me.","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_DESC":"Rocks? Again? Seriously? Come on! Do me a favour and handle this, will you?","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_BRING_METAL_AND_SPARE_TO_BLOCKAGE_ON_US_01_01":"Deliver to the Road Block:","US_01_01_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_REWARD_DESC":"Honestly, I don\'t know what we\'d do without you. This town is getting back on its feet and it\'s thanks to you. Take this. It\'s well earned.","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_TSK":"King Of The Hill","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_DESC":"You sure have been busy lately! Why not take some time out to enjoy the local country. I\'ve marked a couple of locations on your map that offer fantastic views. Be sure to check them out.","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_VISIT_NORTH_PEAK":"Visit the North Peak","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_VISIT_SOUTH_PEAK":"Visit the South Peak","US_01_01_KING_OF_HILLS_REWARD_DESC":"Now, ain\'t that pretty? Not an easy climb but well worth it.","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_DESC":"It\'s time to drain the swamps. We installed some simple pumps out here in the 70\'s. They may be a bit old and rusty but they should be functional. See if you can find them.","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_VISIT_PUMP_01":"Find the Pump near the Steel River","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_VISIT_PUMP_02":"Find the Pump near the Garage","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_VISIT_PUMP_03":"Find the Pump near the Farm","US_01_01_SWAMP_EXPLORATION_REWARD_DESC":"Nicely done. With these pumps we can finally start getting things back to normal around here.","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_TSK_DESC_B":"A shipment of important machinery to a local factory was... interrupted... by an unfortunate incident with the previous driver. The responsibility is all yours now. I\'d take a crane if I were you.","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_BRING_SPARE_TO_TOWN_STORAGE_ON_US_01_01":"Find and deliver to Factory:","US_01_01_LOST_CARGO_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"Not bad. We might have more work for you if you keep this up.","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_TSK_DESC_DESC":"It looks like the first wave of relief workers that rolled up here were a bunch of idiots. They managed to lose a whole trailer! Go find it and bring it back, will you?","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_DELIVER":"Deliver to the Trailer Park:","US_01_01_STUCK_TRAILER_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"At last! Someone with a brain. Thank you. We\'ll take a look inside and see what we\'ve got.","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"The river is swollen and our vehicles are having a nightmare trying to cross to the drilling site. We need a simple, robust bridge to stop our trucks getting waterlogged. Get to it.","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_BRING":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_01_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_REWARD_DESC":"Pretty darn good. Time to saddle up and get those trucks across. Thanks again.","US_01_01_BOATMAN__TOOLS_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"Steel River here. Our river fleet was badly damaged and the only person who can help us is all out of equipment. Can you supply our guy with the tools he needs to patch us up?","US_01_01_BOATMAN_TOOLS_BRING_SERVICE_AND_VEHICLE_SPARE_PARTS":"Deliver to the Boatman\'s House:","US_01_01_BOATMAN__TOOLS_DELIVERY_TSK_REWARD_DESC":"Wonderful! Our small but proud fleet will be sailing down the river in no time. Thanks a lot!","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_DESC":"I know this town ain\'t exactly a tourist trap but we do what we can. The local motel is in bad shape and it\'s down to us to help \'em out. We\'ve got a shipment of equipment for them. Can you deliver it?","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_TRAILER":"Deliver to the Motel:","US_01_01_MOTEL_NEEDS_REWARD_DESC":"Well, you gave them a fighting chance. Let\'s hope they can get up and running sometime soon.","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_OBJ":"Lost Container","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_DESC":"Listen up. We\'ve got a missing container that\'s carrying operational supplies and we\'re struggling to get by without it. It can\'t have gotten far. Get out there and find it and we\'ll be mighty grateful.","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_BRING_CONTAINER_TO_WAREHOUSE_ON_US_01_01":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_01_LOST_CONTAINERS_REWARD_DESC":"It was that close, huh? Wow. Well, thanks for putting that one to bed!","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_DESC":"The workers in a nearby factory have a little game. There are multiple barrels hidden in some hard to reach places and you have to knock \'em down. So far, no one has managed all of them. Think you can do it?","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_A":"Kick Barrels Alfa","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_B":"Kick Barrels Bravo","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_C":"Kick Barrels Charlie","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_D":"Kick Barrels Delta","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_FLAG_E":"Kick Barrels Echo","US_01_01_LOCAL_ENTERTAINMENT_REW":"Congrats! They\'ll get your picture up in the break room in honour of your victory. Here is your reward!","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_TSK_DESC":"There\'s a place in the mountains, not far away, that has the most stunning views. I like to relax up there from time to time. Why don\'t you take a look? Just try not to destroy everything getting up there.","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_DESC":"There\'s a place in the mountains, not far away, that has the most stunning views. I like to relax up there from time to time. Why don\'t you take a look? Just try not to destroy everything getting up there.","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_FLAG":"Find The Place Beyond The Spruces","US_01_01_THE_PLACE_BEYOND_THE_SPRUCES_REW":"This is the spot. Beautiful, ain\'t it?","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_CNT_DESC_DESC":"The local farms are in desperate need of fresh wood to repair their damaged structures. The requests are constant. Can you get in there and help. They pay well.","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_WOODEN":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_WOODEN_HO":"Deliver to the Old House:","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_WOODEN_CH":"Deliver to the Church:","US_01_01_WOODEN_ORDER_CNT_REWARD_DESC":"Well, that should keep them busy for a while but you can expect them to start hollering for more in no time. That\'s good news if you like a steady cash flow!","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_DESC_DESC":"Keeping up with this darn river is driving us crazy. We need advanced warning so we can be ready for a spill. There\'s a couple meteorology sensors nearby. Real tough to reach. You think you can make it?","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_ST1":"Check the East Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_ST2":"Check the West Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_ST3":"Check the South Weather Sensor","US_01_01_METEO_DATA_CNT_REWARD_DESC":"Good news! The data says we won\'t be having rain again for at least a few weeks which gives us time to shore up and be ready. Nothing says thank you like cold, hard cash.","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC_DESC":"Dyson Diesel\'s regular food shipment has been delayed for days. If we don\'t get some grub over to those oilmen soon the rumbling in their bellies will be louder than the drilling!","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT_CRATE":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_01_FOOD_DELIVERY_CNT_REWARD_DESC":"At last! If the way to a man\'s heart is through his stomach, you just made a lot of new friends. Great work.","US_01_02_farm_order_obj":"The Essentials","US_01_02_FARM_ORDER_DESC":"The local farm in Smithville Dam area is in dire shape. They need basic materials for repairs plus some fuel to power their generators. The road leading up there is completely destroyed so proceed with caution.","US_01_02_FARM_ORDER_BRING_TO_FARM":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_02_FARM_ORDER_REW":"With these supplies they\'ll be able to keep up the food supply to the town. One less crisis on our hands.","US_01_02_materials_order_obj":"Materials Order","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_DESC":"Husky Forwarding here. We just got a massive material request from several local facilities in the Smithville Dam area. They\'re working round the clock to try and recover from the flood and could really use a hand.","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_BRING_CONCRETE_SLAB_TO_SERVICE_HUB":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_BRING_CONTAINER_SMALL_TO_WAREHOUSE":"Deliver to the Preacher\'s House:","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_BRING_CONCRETE_BLOCKS_TO_FARM":"Deliver to the Quarry:","US_01_02_MATERIALS_ORDER_REW":"There\'s a lot of people round here that owe you a real debt of gratitude for the work you\'re doing. Keep it up.","US_01_02_fuel_order_obj":"Fuel Order","US_01_02_FUEL_ORDER_DESC":"Dyson Diesel here. Now that the quarry is back in operation, we need to clear out all the old equipment and move it to the warehouse. Right now, we barely have enough room to move. Please make this a priority.","US_01_02_FUEL_ORDER_BARRELS":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_02_FUEL_ORDER_REW":"That\'s a beast of a vehicle you got there. Not quite top of the line yet though. Plenty more to do before you\'re king of the road.","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_OBJ":"Work For Old Sweat","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_DESC":"The local Quarry is still having trouble. The main road that connects them to the town is completely shot and we can\'t get vehicles in there. Get them what they need and we\'ll be sure to reward you.","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_BRING":"Deliver to the Quarry:","US_01_02_WORK_FOR_OLD_SWEAT_REW":"With these materials we\'ll be able to start shipping out food in no time. Thanks for the help!","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_OBJ":"Winter Stores","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_OBJ_DESC":"Winter\'s closing in. Soon it\'ll be impossible to get supplies into the base. The rig\'ll keep drilling no matter what but a fat lot of good it\'ll do if we run out of food and equipment. Help us out?","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_OBJ_REW":"Yup. We\'re all set now. Thank you. You can get whatever parts you need to repair the tower directly from our warehouse.","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_TRAILER":"Deliver to Logistics Base:","US_01_02_RESOURCES_FOR_WINTER_VEH":"Deliver to Logistics Base:","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_TSK":"Unlucky Fisherman","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_DESC":"They say fishing is supposed to be relaxing, unless you manage to lose your truck! Go help that poor sap drag his rig out of the river, will ya? I\'m sick of hearing him get weepy over the phone.","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_CHEVROLET_CK1500":"Deliver to the Fisherman\'s House:","US_01_02_UNLUCKY_FISHERMAN_REW":"Well, let\'s hope he\'s learned his lesson. Thanks for rescuing his truck.","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_DESC":"One of our warehouses needs to optimise their loading hub. Right now they lack the tools and equipment to do it. Get \'em what they need and we\'ll make sure you\'re compensated for your trouble.","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_BRICKS":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_02_BRICKS_DELIVERY_REW":"I can hear the loading hub running smoother already. Nicely done.","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_TSK":"Well Well Well","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_DESC":"Old Bill Anderson lives way out in the woods. He\'s kind of an oddball but we try to help him out when we can. Will you help to deliver everything he needs?","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_SERVICE":"Deliver to Bill\'s House:","US_01_02_DRILL_FOR_OUTCAST_REW":"Great work. Time to get drilling!","US_01_02_SOLID_FOUNDATION_TSK":"Solid Foundation","US_01_02_SOLID_FOUNDATION_DESC":"The life of a recluse seems to be catching on. A guy wants to build a house in the middle of nowhere and he\'s got a shipment of concrete slabs he wants to use for the foundation. Can you haul \'em up there?","US_01_02_FOUNDATION_SLABS":"Deliver to Norton\'s House:","US_01_02_SOLID_FOUNDATION_REW":"You can\'t go wrong with a solid foundation. Good luck to the guy. Thanks for your help.","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_DESC":"Our archives show the existence of an antenna tower in the area. It hasn\'t been used in twenty years but we want to restore it and put it to good use. Can you take a look around and see if you can find it?","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_VISIT_ZONE":"Find the Antenna Tower","US_01_02_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TOWER_REW":"Fantastic! We\'ve sent a team out to begin the restoration process. Thank you.","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_DESC":"If you\'re looking for some extra cash I\'ve got a nice little job for you. I saw a broken truck near an abandoned house. I\'d sure be grateful if you could repair it.","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_REPAIR":"Restore GMC 9500","US_01_02_REPAIR_THE_TRUCK_REW":"Yes! This baby will look beautiful in my garage. Thanks a lot!","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_TSK":"Smithville Bridge","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"We\'ve decided to construct a bridge that will cut out the degraded road and make our route to the warehouse shorter and safer. We need you to get wooden planks out there, fast.","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_WOODEN":"Deliver to the Smithville Bridge:","US_01_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_REW":"Great job. Look at that nice bridge! Thanks a lot!","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_DESC":"The local farmers have been pulling long hours to get their properties cleaned up. They\'re making progress but they\'re burning through fuel. Can you haul another tank over to their private facility?","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_BARRELS":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House:","US_01_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_REW":"That\'s a lot of fuel. Let\'s hope they practice good fire safety, eh!","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_DESC_DESC":"How everybody keeps managing to lose their stuff I do not know! We\'ve got another renegade trailer on the loose. Get out there and find it will ya?","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_TRAILER":"Deliver to the Preacher\'s House:","US_01_02_LOST_TRAILER_DESC_REW":"I\'ve heard you brought the trailer back. Good job!","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_TSK":"Rock On","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_DESC":"We\'ve got another rockslide that\'s putting a highway out of action. Can you get a shipment over there to help get it cleared out?","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_MATERIALS":"Deliver to the Fallen Rocks:","US_01_02_FALLEN_ROCKS_REW":"Great! Thank you! Don\'t expect that to be the last of the rockslides. The flood has shifted everything out of kilter.","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_DESC":"Has the whole town gone looney? A driver managed to drop a whole cargo of fuel into the river! I\'ve since fired him but I\'ve got a bunch of barrels floating around the river that need hauling out.","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_MASUT":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_EAST_REW":"All of them? Well, that\'s a relief. Thanks for taking care of that, buddy.","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_DESC":"Dyson Diesel here. We\'ve got a situation. We lost a couple of barrels of fuel in the river. I\'d appreciate it if you\'d handle it... quietly. I don\'t need any troublesome environmental enquiries, understand?","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_MASUT":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_02_CLEAN_THE_RIVER_WEST_REW":"Excellent. Here\'s your pay. This never happened, understood?","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_TSK":"The Long Way","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_DESC":"We\'ve got a couple of nasty rockslides clogging up the river. Husky Forwarding won\'t take responsibility because it\'s in the river and not on the road. We could really use your help with this.","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_MATERIALS":"Deliver to Boulders:","US_01_02_CLEAR_ROCKS_01_REW":"Great work! Thank you!","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS":"Hungry Workers","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_DESC":"Apparently, Dyson Diesel management has prioritized materials and equipment deliveries above food and water. The workers are living off basic rations and morale is not looking good. Can you pick up the slack?","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_CRATE":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_02_FOOD_FOR_WORKERS_REW":"That was close. Dyson Diesel almost had a mutiny on their hands! Great work.","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING_TSK_DESC_DESC":"So, we need a trailer delivered... to the middle of a river. Why? Well... I can\'t tell you. Are you in or not?","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING__TRAILER":"Deliver to the Sherman Island:","US_01_02_RIVER_CROSSING_TSK_REW":"I knew you could do it! I had a bet on with the Husky guys and they were sure you wouldn\'t make it. I just scored a big win for this! Here\'s your share of the profit.","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TSK_DESC_DESC":"There\'s an old broken down truck nearby that needs some serious TLC. If you\'re up for a bit of elbow grease then it\'s all yours. I\'m sure you\'ll find a use for it.","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TRUCK":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_REPAIR":"Restore White Western Star 4964","US_01_02_TRUCK_RESTORATION_TSK_REW":"What a beauty. It\'s all yours now! Great job.","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK_DESC":"Dyson Diesel here. One of our contractors has lost a number of construction materials down the river. We need them back.","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK_BAGS":"Deliver to Tim\'s House:","US_01_02_LOST_BAGS_TSK_REW":"Nicely done! Keep it up!","US_01_02_MICHIGAN_TRIAL_DESC":"There\'s an old trail close by here that the locals use for sport. It\'s pretty rugged. You have to reach all of the flags on the course. Think you can beat it?","US_01_02_FLAG_A_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag A","US_01_02_FLAG_B_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag B","US_01_02_FLAG_C_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag C","US_01_02_FLAG_D_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag D","US_01_02_FLAG_E_ZONE_DESC":"Reach Flag E","US_01_02_MICHIGAN_TRIAL_REW":"Great, you made it through the whole course. Here\'s your prize.","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_DESC":"As part of our \'Help in the Community\' operation, we\'re supplying a shipment of tools to a local farm to help them recover from the flood. Make sure it reaches them in one piece.","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_STAGE":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_02_FARMERS_NEEDS_REW":"Very good. Get on to the next one.","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_DESC":"My house was destroyed in the flood. I managed to rescue most of the sentimental stuff but we\'re going to have to build a new place to live. Can you get us the equipment and materials we need to get started?","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_STAGE":"Deliver to the Renovating House:","US_01_02_HOUSE_RENOVATION_REW":"They say it ain\'t how hard you fall that matters, it\'s about whether you get back up or not. Here I am, still standing. Thanks a lot, pal. I\'ll expect you at the housewarming!","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_DESC":"My darn uncle is so stubborn! Everyone told him not to scrimp on the foundations but he\'s such a penny pincher. Now his house is half floating away! You\'ve got to help him!","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_STAGE":"Deliver to the Flooded House:","US_01_02_FLOODED_HOUSE_REW":"We count ourselves lucky to have angels like you around. Hopefully my uncle won\'t be such a skinflint in the future!","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_OBJ":"Lumber Mill Revival","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_DESC":"We\'re getting the old Lumber Mill back up and running. We could use a hand hauling some of the materials to the site. I believe there is a trailer with the necessary materials in the warehouse nearby.","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_BRING_INSTRUMENTS":"We\'re getting the old Lumber Mill back up and running. We could use a hand hauling some of the materials to the site. I believe there is a trailer with the necessary materials in the warehouse nearby.","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Lumber Mill:","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Lumber Mill:","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_SUB_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Lumber Mill:","US_01_03_LUMBER_MILL_REACTIVATION_REW":"The Mill\'s back in action, and we can finally get back to work. You\'re a godsend!","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_TSK":"Instruments Of Development","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"We did some digging out on the old swamp and it looks like there could be oil out there. We wanna start drilling, but first we\'re gonna need you to get rid of some old equipment that\'s in the way.","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_STAGE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_03_LOST_CARGO_REW":"As we suspected, we found oil out in the swamp, lots of it. We appreciate you clearing the place out. We\'re gonna set up some new rigs and start pumping.","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ":"Harbor Delivery","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ_DESC":"The old drills you\'ve helped us recover are now packed up for shipment. All that\'s left is to get them over to Drummond Island\'s port and get \'em off our hands. Get that done so we can bring in the new gear.","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_BRING_CONTAINER_TO_PORT":"Deliver to the Port:","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_01_03_CARGO_PORT_OBJ_REW":"I just got a call from the port crew to say the crate arrived safely. Thanks for your help.","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_OBJ":"Power Lines","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_OBJ_DESC":"That weather sure ain\'t cutting us any slack. The last storm tore up a bunch of power lines which means we have people sitting in the dark until they\'re fixed. Any chance you can help?","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_BRING_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_SUB_1_OBJ_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole 01:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_SUB_2_OBJ_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole 02:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_SUB_3_OBJ_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole 03:","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_1_CONTRACT_OBJ_REW":"Power\'s back up, thanks to you. Here\'s a little something for your trouble.","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_CONTRACT_ADD":"Power Supply Request","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_ADD_DESC":"I hear the lumber mill is back in business now that the old power lines are restored. Could you check in with the mill to make sure everything is running smoothly?","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_ADD_VISIT_LUMBER_MILL":"Visit the Lumber Mill","US_01_03_POWER_WIRES_CONTRACT_ADD_REW":"You are my right hand, buddy. Actually, your my right hand, left hand, arms, legs... Heck, you\'re pretty much me... Alright, this is getting a little deep for my liking. Here\'s your reward.","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK":"Signal In The Mountains","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_DESC":"It never rains but it pours, right? Seems like the old TV tower up on the ridge is on the blink again. I hate to ask but could you get up there and see if it can be repaired?","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIND_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_REW":"Yep, that\'s the tower alright, and yep, it\'s borderline scrap at this point. Should\'ve replaced the old thing long ago, but I guess we have to make do with what we have.","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK":"Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_DESC":"So, we can\'t afford to fix the TV tower so we\'ve got to fix it ourselves. I\'ll walk you through it but first we need to grab some parts and get them to the tower.","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Broken Antenna","US_01_03_FIX_THE_ANTENNA_TSK_REW":" flip the switch and... Okay, I like what I\'m seeing so far. The signal is up again so looks like we\'re in business, at least until the next light rain turns it into a glorified landmark again.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_TSK":"Shortcut","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_DESC":"Hi there. Name\'s Jim. There\'s a wooden bridge not far from my farm that didn\'t survive the last storm. I\'m kinda stuck without it. Fix it, and you can make use of it whenever you want, plus I\'ll pay you.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_REW":"You just saved me a couple hours travel every day. Much appreciated. Do feel free to use it whenever you want.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK_DESC":"Always nice to see new faces around here! I have a favor to ask. We\'ve got this old bridge not far from here that could really use fixing up. I\'ll make it worth your while.","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_01_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bob\'s Вridge:","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bob\'s Вridge:","US_01_03_SHORT_CUT_TSK_REW":"Alright! Looks sturdy as ever! You did good today, my friend. Real good. Old Hunter Bob woulda been proud.","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01":"The Huntsman And The Car","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01_DESC":"Heard about Jim, the local farmer? Went out hunting last weekend and managed to get his car stuck real good in the swamp. Ain\'t no way we\'re getting the thing out on our own. Maybe you could give it a try?","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s Parking:","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_01_REW":"We\'d have been there all day trying to get that darn thing out if it weren\'t for you. Thanks a lot, buddy.","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02":"Rusty Legacy","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02_DESC":"Hey there, I\'m Ted. I run a repair place in town. So, random story here. Buddy of mine found an abandoned truck. Since I ain\'t got the time or resources to get it myself, I figured you might help. Whaddaya say, pal?","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02_SUB_0_DESC":"Return to the Farmer\'s House","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_02_REW":"Hoo boy! That there\'s quite a beater. If I\'d known I woulda left it out there. Well, since you already brought it back, I\'ll see if I can\'t get it running again. Thanks anyway.","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03":"A Little Help For My Friends","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_DESC":"Oh, man, we could really use a favor here. We were doing some hauling for Dyson and got stuck in the dang mud. Boss is gonna chew us out of we don\'t get it delivered on time. Can you do us a solid and help us out?","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_0_DESC":"Reach Point 01","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_1_DESC":"Reach Point 02","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_2_DESC":"Reach Point 03","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_3_DESC":"Reach Point 04","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_4_DESC":"Reach Point 05","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_SUB_5_DESC":"Reach Point 06","US_01_03_DROPPED_VEHICLE_SEARCHING_TSK_03_REW":"You really saved our hides. If you hadn\'t come along we\'d either be dead or unemployed by now. We\'re seriously in your debt, brother.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK_DESC":"A certain company made the town an attractive offer, the basis of which has absolutely nothing to do with drilling for oil on public land. All they\'re asking for is a bridge for their supplies and total silence. You in?","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the North Bridge:","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_01_TSK_REW":"The deal is done, the bridge is built, and this never happened. The \\"client\\" wants me to thank you for your hard work and discretion and says if you ever need a favor, consider it done.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_DESC":"Hey, I\'m Tony from the oil company. Our drilling team is having a heck of a time trying to get gear to the site. The terrain\'s too rough and we could really use a bridge. Can you help us out? We\'d pay you well.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Central Bridge:","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_02_TSK_REW":"With that new bridge this place is running like a well-oiled machine. Haha! Get it? \'Well-oiled\' because we\'re drilling for oil. Oh, man, I kill me. Anyway, thanks, bud.","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK_DESC":"Hey, it\'s Tony again. We found another area that looks like it might produce oil. We wanna do some testing but we\'re gonna need -- you guessed it -- another bridge to get our equipment there. Can we count on you?","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the South Bridge:","US_01_03_SWAMP_CROSSING_03_TSK_REW":"You\'re the man! The bridge is solid and we struck oil. The boss asked me to let you know that he very much appreciates your assistance and he won\'t forget it.","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR":"No Country For Old Truck","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR_DESC":"Man, it\'s a crying shame the way some people treat their stuff. This truck must\'ve been a Cowboy Cadillac back in the day, now it\'s a total heap. If you can get it out of here, maybe I can get it running again.","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR_SUB_0_DESC":"Restore Western Star 6900 TS","US_01_03_TRUCK_REPAIR_REW":"Check it out! This old girl still has some life left in her after all. We can\'t find a VIN, but nobody\'s gonna miss an old heap anyway. Finders keepers, I always say!","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_DESC":"We\'ve got a situation here. A shipment of oil barrels got stuck in the forest. We\'re on a tight schedule and we need that oil ASAP. Get out there and bring back as much as you can.","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Barrel Platform:","US_01_03_BARREL_CNT_REW":"Thanks, man. You got us out of a real jam there. We\'re good until the next shipment comes.","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_OBJ":"Out With The Old","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_DESC":"With the old sites now shut down, it\'s time to set up our shiny new ones. Get the necessary equipment over there ASAP so we can break ground and get to that oil!","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_BRING_CONTAINER_TO_WAREHOUSE":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_METAL":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_BIG":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_STAGE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_CARGO_DELIVERING_REW":"Nice work! The engineers are making a few adjustments to the rig but we should be up and running in no time.","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_OBJ":"Cargo From The Ship","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_DESC":"A businessman contacted us. His cargo is stuck on a ship that went aground. Big containers in a narrow passage. Wouldn\'t be much of a problem for you now, would it? Although if I were you, I would use help.","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_REW":"Wow, we almost lost all hope of the cargo being delivered. Thank you!","US_01_04_CARGO_FROM_SHIP_CONT":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_2_OBJ":"Cement For The Region","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_DESC":"Hi! Somehow lots of demand for cement cropped up in this region. Lots of cargo, lots of destinations. Not an easy task. But I am sure you will ace it.","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_REW":"It was\'t easy, but everyone is happy now. Here is your reward.","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_TOWN":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_CARIER":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_LOG_01":"Deliver to the Lumber Mill:","US_01_04_SUPPLIES_FOR_REGION_LOG_02":"Deliver to the Log Station:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_OBJ":"Super Order","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_DESC":"Wow, look at you! Ready for work? We have a job for an ace like you—lots of cargo to be taken to various destinations. It requires some complicated logistics, but it\'ll be quicker if you have a helper.","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_REW":"I expected nothing less. No one but you would\'ve handled this job.","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_BASE_1":"Deliver to Logistics Base:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_FOREST":"Deliver to the Log Station:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_OLDHOUSE":"Deliver to the Old House:","US_01_04_MULTIORDER_PORT":"Deliver to the Port:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_OBJ":"Aid at the Island","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_DESC":"A farm and several residences on the Isle of Drammond requested a shipment of logs. We gotta help them. There are logs at the Timber Stations, but they have to be delivered. Are you up to it?","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_REW":"Now people can keep running their businesses and households. Thanks for your help!","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to Worker\'s House:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to the Lighthouse Keeper:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_OBJ":"Timber at Arm\'s Reach","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_DESC":"Several local households and a sawmill near a lake on the island request some logs. The batch is rather big, so you may want to bring some help or make several trips. The cheque at the end should make you happy.","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_REW":"That wasn\'t easy, right? But you made it, and I expected nothing less of you. Here is your well-deserved reward.","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST2":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST3":"Deliver to Norton\'s House:","US_01_04_MED_LOGS_2_ST4":"Deliver to Bill\'s house:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_OBJ":"Timber for the Locals","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_DESC":"Local businesses need lots of timber. It\'s good that the Timber Station is working again. You have to pick up some logs there and haul them to the customers. You may need special equipment for loading and transportation.","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_REW":"Thank you for helping develop our region. Without drivers like yourself, we would\'ve never gotten it done.","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to the Lumber Mill:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_OBJ":"Logs to the Workers!","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_DESC":"The Quarry and the Drilling Site desperately need logs. After the recent rain, the heavy machinery is drowning in mud, so something needs to go under the wheels. Work has stopped while the budget gets wasted. Hurry!","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_REW":"Now we can resume our work, thanks for your help!","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_ST1":"Deliver to the Quarry:","US_01_04_LONG_LOGS_2_ST2":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1":"Support Local Rangers","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1_DESC":"Hey, nice to meet ya. Name\'s Mitch. I\'m a forest ranger. Word in town is that you\'re the man for bridge problems. I happen to have a little bridge that could use some repair. You interested?","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Ranger\'s Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_1_REW":"Wow, you made short work of that! Your bridge-fixing reputation is well earned, my friend. I\'ll spread the word. Don\'t be surprised if folks with bridge issues start coming out of the woodwork.","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_2":"Of Bridges And Men","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_TSK_2_DESC":"Hey there, bridge-fixin\' man. It\'s Mitch again. Believe it or not, I\'ve got another bridge in need of your expert attention. Can you have a look? I\'d sure appreciate it.","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_2_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Island\'s Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_TSK_2_REW":"I\'m telling you, man, when you fix a bridge, it\'s stronger than when it was first built. It\'s crazy. I wish more people took this much pride in their work. From me and all the forest rangers in Michigan, thank you.","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3":"Ten-Hut","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_DESC":"Greetings. I\'m Captain Smith from the Army Corp of Engineers. We\'d usually use our own guys for this, but, I gotta tell you, your bridge prowess is legendary. We\'ve got one that needs help. Can you show us how it\'s done?","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to Drummond Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to Drummond Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_SUB_3_DESC":"Deliver to Drummond Bridge:","US_01_04_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_OBJ_3_REW":"Well done, civilian. Thanks to your bridge repair, our drivers will be able to travel more quickly to the next bridge repair. You have the thanks of a grateful nation.","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK_DESC":"Hey. I\'m Chris from Dyson. You ever trust somebody and they lose cargo and now you might get fired? I\'m not saying that \'somebody\' is my cousin Cletus, but I\'m not saying it\'s not Cletus. Can you find the lost cargo?","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Lighthouse Keeper:","US_01_04_FALLEN_CARGO_TSK_REW":"That was close. I was already on probation here. Serves me right for trusting a knuckle-dragger like Cletus, right? I owe you big time. Now I can keep paying child support.","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"It\'s Ted from the auto repair place. Some city folk thought it would be nice to get back to nature. Surprise, surprise, they got stuck in the mud. I\'d complain, but I make most of my income off these fools. Can you help?","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to Worker\'s House:","US_01_04_FIND_LOST_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"You got the car out! I figured you could. Now I\'ll check under the hood and let them know all about the *ahem* very expensive damage they\'ve done to their vehicle. Thanks, pal.","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"Hi. I\'m Karen from the Steel River mayor\'s office. Today\'s shipment for the Main Street Renewal Project came up a few pallets short. Would you be a good citizen and find them and bring them to the construction site?","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Cargo Storage:","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Cargo Storage:","US_01_04_LOST_CARGO_REW":"Job well done! On behalf of the Township of Steel River, thank you for your contribution to the Main Street Renewal Project.","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ":"Forged By The Sea","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ_DESC":"Tony again. A little birdie told me that a cargo ship washed ashore not too far from here. Hypothetically, if my employer was interested in that cargo and would pay you to retrieve it, would that spark your interest?","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_VISIT_LOST_SHIP":"Visit Lost Ship","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Abandoned Ship","US_01_04_LOST_SHIP_OBJ_REW":"It goes without saying that the contents of those crates is of purely sentimental value. Still, if anyone asks, I\'d appreciate if our little enterprise would go...unmentioned, if you get my meaning.","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK":"Tourist Attraction","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_DESC":"Hi sweetie. It\'s Karen again from Steel River Township. With tourist season coming up and all the rain we\'ve had, we\'ve gotta make sure that the road to Hollis Island is in decent shape. Could you check it out for us?","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_VISIT_ZONE":"Visit path Passing","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore Hollis Island","US_01_04_PATH__PASSING_TSK_REW":"Thanks, sweetie. The mayor will be relieved to know that the road is passable. Gotta bring in those tourist dollars. Although Ted the auto repair guy might be disappointed. Oh well.","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK":"The Silent Observer","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK_DESC":"You\'re probably tired of hearing how bad the weather\'s been, but let\'s be honest, it\'s also feathering your nest. One of our observation points went silent in the last storm. Can you head out there and see if it\'s ok?","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Observation","US_01_04_OBSERVATION_DECK_TSK_REW":"I\'m glad to hear the observation point\'s okay. That would\'ve been a nightmare to fix with this terrible weather. Hey, you might want to enjoy the view from the ridge out there before the weather gets bad again.","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT_DESC":"This weather, man. We\'re already getting reports that the road to the farm may be washed out from the rain. We need you to get out there right now to check it out before it gets any worse. We\'re all counting on you.","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Reach the Farm","US_01_04_EXPLORING_CNT_REW":"Nice work getting to the farm. That could not have been easy with this rain. It\'s a huge relief to know the road\'s still open.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01_OBJ":"Georesearch — Starting Point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01":"Data received from a recent survey suggests the largest oil reserves are located further to the west. To confirm that, use a Seismic Vibrator Addon not far from the Quarry.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01_1_DESC":"Search and scan starting point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_01_OBJ_REW":"If only I had drivers like you in our unit. Here\'s what you\'re owed.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_OBJ":"Georesearch — Triangulation","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02":"As expected, the first scan around the quarry confirms the search is moving in the right direction. The next step would be to perform another full triangulation by finding and scanning two more suitable locations.","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_1_DESC":"Search and scan the triangulation point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_2_DESC":"Search and scan the triangulation point","RU_02_01_PROSPECTING_02_OBJ_REW":"Once we crunch the numbers on this data we\'ll be able to pin down the location for our next drilling site. I\'m sure we\'ll be eager to enlist your help again soon.","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Oil Rig Restoration","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY":"An old oil rig round here was shut down decades ago because the reserves were too problematic to extract. New tech means we might be able to make it work. Use the Seismic Vibrator to see if the area holds any promise.","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_1_DESC":"Scan area near Old Drilling Site","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Drilling Site:","RU_02_01_OILRIG_RECOVERY_OBJ_REW":"Thank you! I\'m very excited to see if the data points to an exploitable reserve. If it does, there\'s talk of a promotion... for me, of course.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01_OBJ":"Service Hub Recovery","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01":"There\'s a local service hub that was used for vehicle maintenance. It was shut down for lack of demand but we think we can make use of it now. Take fuel from the gas station to the service hub so we can fire it up.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_01_OBJ_REW":"Excellent! Looks like the equipment is still in good working order. Shouldn\'t take long before we can get the place working at full capacity.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02_OBJ":"Repair Shop Restock","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02":"Now that the service hub can offer refueling services, it\'s time to set up a small workshop there to allow for proper repairs.","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_SERVICE_HUB_RECOVERY_02_OBJ_REW":"Great! Thanks for taking care of that.","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_OBJ":"Waterlogged","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_DESC":"The quarry up north is being slowly flooded by the mountain runoff. That alone is bad enough, but without reinforcement, the extra water could eventually collapse its walls, and that\'s something we\'d rather avoid.","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_REW":"Here\'s to hoping we won\'t have to drain that place again. In the meantime, here\'s your pay.","RU_02_01_LOG_QUARRY_REINFORCEMENT_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Quarry:","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_OBJ":"A Bigger Boat","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_DESC":"The ship repairs aren\'t going as fast as we\'d hoped. The tides are about to rise, so we need to prevent them from pulling the ship off the shore before it\'s ready. If only we had some logs to secure the thing better...","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_REW":"Thanks to you, we\'ve bought us more time to deal with the most critical issues.","RU_02_01_LOG_SHIPWRECK_SUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Shipwreck:","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A":"An old communication tower has collapsed and blocked part of the road. Clearing the rubble is going to need some specialized equipment. Can you get it out there?","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Tower:","RU_02_01_TOWER_CLEARING_A_TSK_REW":"Thank you. We\'ll begin work clearing the debris.","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL":"One of the specialized trucks taking part in the ship\'s recovery operations ran out of gas not far from the shore. It needs to be refueled before it can be used again.","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_TSK_DESK":"Restore DAN 96320","HTRUCK_REFUEL_TRUCK":"DAN 96320","RU_02_01_HTRUCK_REFUEL_TSK_REW":"Wonderful. Nothing worse than having a truck like that die on you in the middle of a big operation! Thanks a lot.","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK":"Off-Roader","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_0_DESC":"Good day to you! We\'ve got a truck that was headed for the old town to the west before it went off the road and ran into a tree. It needs to be repaired and delivered to the service hub. Can you take care of it?","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_DELIVER_DESC":"Restore ZiKZ 5368","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_DELIVER_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_REPAIR_TRUCK_HIGHWAY_TSK_REW":"Much obliged. To tell you the truth, it\'s not the first time that driver has gotten himself into trouble. I suspect he may be drinking again. This may have to be his last job.","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK":"No Good Teens","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_0_DESC":"A bunch of youngsters decided to spend the evening out in the country. Lord knows what they got up to but they ran out of gas and left their truck stranded. Refuel it and tow it to the service hub, would you?","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_REFUEL_TRUCK_SWAMP_TSK_REW":"Thank you! I hate to do it but I\'m going to have to call their parents over this one. They could have gotten hurt.","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK_DESC":"With the regional oil rig in working order, the nearby village could prove useful as the new staff quarters. There\'s a lumber mill nearby that probably has some materials still lying around. See what you can find.","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION_TSK_REW":"Perfect! We\'ll have a bustling oil community round here in no time. Thank you!","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK":"Oil Sampling","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK_0_DESC":"The rig is back in action and is already putting out its first batch. It\'d be best if the first sample of crude from the Oilrig was evaluated at the factory. Just pull it to the fuel station and we\'ll handle it from there.","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_01_OILRIG_SAMPLING_TSK_REW":"Good work. We\'ll do some analysis on the samples and see if this rig has any chance of being lucrative.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK_0_DESC":"Ever notice you can\'t get a darn signal out here? The old communications tower in the woods could be used to improve comms coverage. Deliver a service trailer to the Southern Tower to perform the necessary repairs.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Southern Tower:","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_SOUTH_TSK_REW":"Thank you. It can get dicey out there in the woods and having a signal could mean the difference between life and death for someone. We\'ll get the tower humming again soon.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK_DESC":"The communications tower used to be a relay between the oil rig and the city to the west. Could prove a useful node for comms to the mainland in the future. I need you to run recon on the tower and check it\'s condition.","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK_0_DESC":"Check the Eastern Tower","RU_02_01_EXAMINE_EAST_TSK_REW":"I think we can make use of this with a few updates and modifications. Thanks for checking it out.","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"One of the local\'s vehicles got seriously banged up above the old quarry. The owner would be grateful if you can repair it and deliver it to their house.","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_1_DESC":"Restore TUZ 166","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Shack:","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Doesn\'t hurt to do a good deed for your neighbor every now and again. Trouble is, \\"now and again\\" is becoming every darn week with this guy. Anyway, here\'s what you\'re owed.","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT_DESC":"A freighter carrying drilling supplies was washed ashore in the recent storm. This is a major blow to operations so we need to resolve this ASAP. The crew is going to need supplies and equipment for repairs.","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Shipwreck:","RU_02_01_SHIP_REPAIRS_CNT_REW":"I could do without this kind of headache right now. We\'ve got a shareholders visit coming up and I\'m responsible for making sure they like what they see. Thanks for your help.","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_CNT":"Fuel Restock","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_DESC":"We\'ve got a lot of heavy machinery in operation and those things guzzle gas like a herd of mountain giants. I\'d like to have a reserve of fuel so we don\'t run out. Get on it, will you?","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","RU_02_01_SERVHUB_FUEL_RESTOCK_CNT_REW":"Great! I suppose I should put up some no smoking signs or something. That sure is a lot of gasoline in one place...","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_DESC":"Now that people are returning to the area, the old fire watch tower is going to be manned again. We need to resupply the tower before the new staff can take their post. Can you get on it?","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Firewatch Tower:","RU_02_01_FIREWATCH_SUPPLY_CNT_REW":"Great. I know people will feel safer having a guardian angel looking out for them up in those mountains. Thanks for your help.","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY":"Hub Recovery, 1st Stage","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_DESC":"In the center of the map you\'ll see an inactive maintenance station. To get it working again we first have to bring a tank of fuel in for the operations crew and site machinery. I\'d appreciate if you\'d prioritize this.","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_OIL":"Oil Delivery","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_REW":"Beautiful! With the maintenance station operational we can improve services to the whole area. Thanks a lot for taking care of the fuel.","RU_02_02_OILTANK_TARGET_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2":"Hub Recovery, 2nd Stage","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2_DESC":"This could be good for you. We can unlock the area for your vehicle repairs and even a trailer store, but first you\'ll need to deliver the necessary service parts boxes. Take care of that and you\'ll be good to go.","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Unloading Point:","RU_02_02_HUB_RECOVERY_2_REW":"There you go! A home away from home! We\'ll keep the coffee hot for you, buddy. See you soon.","RU_02_02_RESEARCH":"Geological Exploration","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_DESC":"We\'ve got a contract from a fuel company that would like to conduct a soil survey to assess mineral content. Perform a seismic triangulation using the specified locations.","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_STAGES_DESC":"Explore three points with Seismic Vibrator Module","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_1_DESC":"Search then Scan the North Point","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_2_DESC":"Search then Scan the South Point","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_3_DESC":"Search then Scan the West Point","RU_02_02_RESEARCH_REW":"This is exactly what we need. Thank you. We\'ll send the data on to the fuel company for analysis. Here\'s your pay.","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING":"Radioactive Fossils","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_DESC":"You\'re not planning to start a family, right? We\'ve got several containers that hold some equipment with radioactive components. I need you to move them so we don\'t wind up with any unfortunate accidents.","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_STAGES_DESC":"Pick Up Radioactive Equipment","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_GORLAG_CLEANING_REW":"Can you believe those boxes were just lying around up there? Thanks for your help. Oh, and, uh, if your hair should start falling out or anything, be sure to give me a call.","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY":"Cycle of Cargo","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_DESC":"The local farmers are trying to expand their operations and they\'re all flustered. They need a variety of supplies, and fast. As a reward for helping them out, they\'re offering some money.","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_1_DESC":"Order №1","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_2_DESC":"Order №2","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_3_DESC":"Order №3","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_STAGE_3_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_FARM_SUPPLY_REW":"You did good. You\'ll get your promised money.","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY":"Wooden Planks Order","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_DESC":"An order has come through for a large number of wooden planks. Pick up the shipment at the sawmill and take them to the railway station so they can be sent to Norilsk.","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Wooden Planks delivery","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","RU_02_02_WOODEN_PLANKS_DELIVERY_REW":"Very good. If we keep this up we might become a regular supplier. Thank you.","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY":"Looking Beyond The Horizon","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_DESC":"How do they expect me to do business here? I can\'t even talk to the neighboring territories because there\'s no radio tower! Please, would you take a look at the old tower and see if it can be repaired?","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_1_DESC":"Radar Tower Recovery, stage 1","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Radar Tower:","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Radar Tower:","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_2_DESC":"Radar Tower Recovery, stage 2","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Radar Tower:","RU_02_02_RADAR_TOWER_RECOVERY_REW":"Yes! Yes, it worked! At last, I have a signal! Thank you, my friend. Take this.","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY":"Dirty Deeds","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_DESC":"A shipment of oil has been left at the railway station. No one has turned up to transport them to their final destinations so now I have to deal with it, which means you have to deal with it!","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_DESC":"Oil Delivery","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_1_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_02_02_MAZUT_DELIVERY_REW":"My dear driver, if you keep this up, we will become very good friends.","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_OBJ":"East Wind","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_DESC":"We\'ve received a supply request from the local farm for another batch of lumber. You know, winter is coming and all that. Might want to ask around one of the log stations near the village.","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_REW":"We\'re happy so long as the farmers are. Here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_02_02_LOG_FARM_SUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_OBJ":"Up And Running","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_DESC":"The company that usually restocks our sawmill is having some logistical issues, again. They won\'t have a spare truck available for a while, and the mill is almost out of materials to work with. Can you help?","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_REW":"The supply is good, and the mill is running again. Well done.","RU_02_02_LOG_LUMBERMILL_RESTOCK_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"The lumber mill is working around the clock to complete an order. It\'s all last minute, which means they didn\'t build up fuel reserves. They\'ll lose power soon if they don\'t get more fuel. Get up there, fast!","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_STAGE_DESC":"","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_BARRELS_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Because of you, the mill will be able to complete their order, which means a satisfied customer, which means I keep my job. Thank you!","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"It\'s one headache after another today! The lumber mill workers have been working like madmen and they\'ve broken all their saw blades! Get them new equipment immediately!","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_STAGE_DESC":"","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_02_CONTAINER_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"You\'re a real hero, my friend. I can\'t promise you that I\'ll tell the supervisor of your deeds, but I\'ll probably think of your name while he\'s counting out my bonus! Ha ha ha!","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_CNT":"Rocking And Rolling","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_START_CNT_DESC":"You are a good driver, true, but are you an exceptional driver? Yes? Then prove it to me. There are five points. Reach them all in sequence. The faster you do it, the higher the reward. Understand?","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_START_CNT_STAGES_DESC":"Check In At All Points","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_1_DESC":"Check in at Point 1","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_2_DESC":"Check in at Point 2","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_3_DESC":"Check in at Point 3","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_4_DESC":"Check in at Point 4","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_5_DESC":"Check in at Point 5","RU_02_02_FLAG_1_CNT_REW":"Ha ha! Yes! Excellent! Here, take this. You earned it.","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT":"Swimming And Sinking","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT_DESC":"A person\'s reputation is everything. How would you like to boost yours? There are five points on the map. Pass all of them, in sequence, and I will reward you. The faster you go, the more you get. You get me? Good.","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT_STAGES_DESC":"Check In At All Points","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_1_DESC":"Check in at Point A","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_2_DESC":"Check in at Point B","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_3_DESC":"Check in at Point C","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_4_DESC":"Check in at Point D","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_5_DESC":"Check in at Point E","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_6_DESC":"Check in at Point F","RU_02_02_FLAG_2_CNT_REW":"Very good! You\'ve proven yourself to be a driver of the highest order. Here is your reward.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"Dostoyevsky said there is nothing more positive than bread. I say, there is nothing worse than a truck full of glorious bread that is stuck in the miserable river! Get it out! And bring it to the railway station!","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_01_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Hangar:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Hangar:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"Thank you. I may now wipe the tears from my eyes just as a man sweeps crumbs from his table. They don\'t call me Vladimir Gluten for nothing!","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TSK_DESC":"One of my drivers lost control of his truck and got it stuck in the swamp! Please get it out and deliver it to the garage while I take care of this incompetence-induced migraine.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_02_TSK_REW":"At last! Someone capable of doing their job! Here is your pay, my friend.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TSK_DESC":"What\'s wrong with people! No wonder insurance premiums are so high in this town. A villager damaged his vehicle and then, of course, abandoned it. Please find it and take it to the overpass at the service station.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Station:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Station:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_03_TSK_REW":"Thank you. I appreciate your help. Ever think of starting a driving school around here? The locals certainly need it!","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TSK_DESC":"A teenager decided to \\"borrow\\" his father\'s car and managed to drown it in a swamp. I am a friend of his father and I would appreciate it if you could pull the vehicle out and take it to the owner\'s house.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the House:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_04_TSK_REW":"That boy is so spoiled. No discipline! It probably won\'t be long before he gets himself into trouble again. Thank you for your help.","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TSK_DESC":"One of the farm\'s trucks got stuck in the swamp while making a delivery. Can you pull it out and take it to the farm?","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_STUCK_TRUCK_05_TSK_REW":"Good work! I bet it would\'ve been a while until we could fish this one out from that swamp if not for you.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_DESC":"One of our oil tanks ended up in deep water on its way to the gas station. Can you wade in there and retrieve it then transport it home?","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_STAGE_DESC":"Saving Private Oiltank","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_01_TSK_REW":"Very good. Thank you for your service.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_DESC":"Pavel has been waiting excitedly all night for his shipment of bricks, like a boy waiting for Santa Claus. Sadly, the driver plowed off the road and lost the cargo. Pavel\'s fate is now in your hands.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_ZONE_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_02_TSK_REW":"Bravo! I wish I could have seen Pavel\'s little face when you pulled up outside his house. Sadly, he quickly realized he forgot to order cement. Anyway, you did your job so here\'s your pay.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TSK_DESC":"How do I cope with all these lost vehicles you ask? I don\'t. At my last check-up, I burst the blood pressure monitor. My only hope is for you to find the lost trailer and take it to the sawmill\'s parking.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_03_TSK_REW":"Thank you. It\'s a drop of water in the ocean but I\'ll take what I can get.","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_DESC":"Am I being pranked? Seriously. Another shipment of bricks has been lost on its way to the warehouse. If I was a betting man I\'d say it was sabotage. Get out there, find me that cargo and get it to the warehouse!","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_ZONE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_04_TSK_REW":"Thank you. You are the only thing between me and an aneurysm right now!","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_DESC":"The tales get taller and taller. I now, apparently, have a pallet of bricks sat under a bridge because the residents \\"accidentally dropped\\" them over the side. Get me those bricks!","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Homestead:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Homestead:","RU_02_02_LOST_CARGO_05_TSK_REW":"All of them? Excellent. Here is your deserved reward.","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TSK_DESC":"Two weeks ago a truck was found abandoned in the water. No one has come to collect it and the waiting period has expired so it\'s officially mine. Please get it repaired and refuelled as soon as possible.","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_STAGE_DESC":"Restore Voron AE-4380","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore Voron AE-4380","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_01_TSK_REW":"Excellent. This will make the perfect anniversary gift for my wife. Thank you!","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TSK_DESC":"You would not believe what people lose around here. What\'s that? Their minds! Ha ha! Yes. Yes, perhaps. But no. There is a car at the bottom of the water that needs to be repaired and refuelled. Please help.","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_02_TSK_REW":"Well done! Well done, indeed. It will take some time for the seats to dry out before I can use it but when they do, I shall cruise down these country lanes in style. Thank you!","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TSK_DESC":"Nope. It\'s broken and won\'t budge. I think I would have more chance pulling the mythical sword from the mythical stone! But first we need to repair this vehicle. Could you help us?","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_STAGE_DESC":"Restore DON 71","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_03_TSK_REW":"Finally it runs again! I\'m impressed!","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TSK_DESC":"Alexander, the local inventor, decided to try and increase speed and efficiency of his truck with some \\"simple\\" modifications. Upon testing it he ploughed off the road and blew the engine. Would you mind taking a look?","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Restore Tayga 6436","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TRUCK_DESC":"Restore Tayga 6436","RU_02_02_DAMAGED_TRUCK_04_TSK_REW":"I\'ve told him a thousand times, if it isn\'t broken then you don\'t need to fix it! He never listens. Ah, well.","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_OBJ":"Geological Research","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_DESC":"There used to be an oil drilling operation here but it was abandoned when extraction became difficult. We believe there may still be reserves that have not been fully exploited. Can you investigate?","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_0_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_0_0_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_0_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_1_DESC":"Scan Triangulation Point Alpha","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_2_DESC":"","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_STG_1_3_DESC":"Scan Triangulation Point Gamma","RU_02_03_CONTRACT_SCAN_POINTS_REW":"My goodness, you have been busy! If driving doesn\'t work out then you could have a promising career as a surveyor!","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_OBJ":"Key Buildings Restoration","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_DESC":"There is a neglected Warehouse in Zimnegorsk that has been abandoned for many years. We have decided to take over ownership and put it to use. Can you deliver the materials we need to begin renovations?","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_GARAGE_AND_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_REW":"Well done. My men will get to work restoring the facility. Thank you for your time.","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Pier Recovery","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_DESC":"We\'d like to restore a pier in the Zimnegorsk town to enable us to bring shipments in by boat. Can you take materials to the site so the crew can get to work?","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_PIER_RECOVERY_REW":"Thank you! It\'ll be nice to watch the boats come in again.","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Equipment Delivery","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_DESC":"We\'ve been approved for a new drilling operation nearby. We want to get construction of the rig started as soon as possible. Please transport the necessary equipment there in good time.","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_STG_0_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DRILLING_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_REW":"You handled that well. It\'s not easy to find professional drivers at such short notice. We thank you.","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Derrick Delivery","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_DESC":"I have an urgent contract for you. We are three days behind schedule which means I\'m getting phone calls from management every thirty minutes. I need an oil rig delivered to the following location, immediately!","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_DERRICK_DELIVERY_REW":"Good. Very good. I can\'t get back lost time but at least we\'re moving now. Thank you.","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_OBJ":"Documentary Film","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_DESC":"It seems an American crowdfunding project has raised the money to make a documentary about Zimnegorsk. What is the world coming to? The cameraman wants to get some shots in the mountain. Can you get him up there?","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_DESC_0":"Visit the Survey Point","RU_02_03_TASK_DOCUMENTARY_REW":"He was happy? Good. Well, I must admit, I\'m excited to see the documentary now.","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_OBJ":"Lost Instruments","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_DESC":"The renovation of the Zimnegorsk pier was going beautifully, until a shipment of essential equipment was lost in transit. Please find this equipment and deliver it to the pier.","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_DESC_0":"Deliver to the Pier:","RU_02_03_TASK_SEARCH_REW":"You found it! Wonderful. My boss will be very happy indeed. Thank you.","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_DESC":"Deliver some materials from Quarry, that will let us recover bridge in Zimnegorsk.","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_DESC1":"Deliver to Bridge:","RU_02_03_TASK_BUILD_BRIDGE_REW":"Thanks for your help!","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_OBJ":"Supply and demand","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_DESC":"Now that we\'re set here for the long haul, we\'re considering repurposing some of the old factories here to suit our current needs. Which means we could use some help getting them fixed and fully stocked.","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_REW":"Well done, that should give us a plenty of space for our extra vehicles, a well as the supplies we need to keep them running.","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_02_03_UPD_PORTSIDE_RESUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_OBJ":"Test Flight","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_DESC":"The old sawmill seems to be in a decent shape, all things considered. With just a bit of work we should be able to get it to work again, and to test our progress we will need a bit of raw materials of decent quality.","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_REW":"That\'s much better than what we\'ve had lying around here. Should do nicely.","RU_02_03_LOG_SAWMILL_RESTOCK_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_DESC":"We have a plan to revive an old Sawmill here in Zimnegorsk. In order to achieve this we will need various construction materials and equipment. Can you get these safely delivered to us?","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_STG_0_1_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_02_03_SAWMILL_RECOVERY_REW":"I was just a boy when this place was shut down. I used to collect the sawdust for my guinea pig. The smell was divine. Brings back fond memories. Good to see it being brought back to life.","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_DESC":"I have a straightforward assignment for you, my friend. Take a shipment of metal from factory to warehouse. What do you say?","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_METAL_DELIVERY_REW":"Very good. A job well done.","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_OBJ":"Abandoned Car","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_DESC":"A drunken local decided to go for a drive into the wilderness. He claims that he was abducted by aliens, experimented on and then returned to his bed. He\'d be grateful if you could find his car.","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_CAR_REW":"Aliens. Honestly. Does he expect me to buy that? If he loses his car again he\'s on his own!","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_OBJ":"Truck Recovery","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_DESC":"You seem to be a very resourceful person. There\'s an abandoned truck in the north swamp that has been there for some time. Maybe you could fix it and find a use for it?","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_STG_0_DESC":"Restore Step 310Е","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_STG_0_0_DESC":"Restore Step 310Е","RU_02_03_TASK_FIND_THE_TRUCK_REW":"Not bad. You did a good job restoring it. I look forward to seeing you behind the wheel of your new ride!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_DESC":"The pier is almost finished but it seems half the wood shipment they received was rotten. They need more wood, fast!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Pier:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_REW":"Thank you, my friend. Strong boards under foot will give those sailors confidence in our town. I appreciate the speed at which you handled this.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_DESC":"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I don\'t know, but I hope you can chuck a lot of it over to the warehouse right away!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_WOODEN_DELIVEY_WAREHOUSE_REW":"Good job mate! That was fast, here\'s your reward!","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_DESC":"If Alexander was not my cousin I would have fired him a long time ago. He lost a load of bags with cement in the river and now I have to deal with it. Either get them back or replace them. I don\'t care which.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_BARRELS_DELIVERY_REW":"Thank you. I apologise for my speech earlier. My family troubles are not yours to bear.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_DESC":"The Oilfield lacks metal, and I do not. This is what you call supply and demand. You are the bridge between us. Get this metal to it\'s buyer as fast as possible and you will be rewarded well.","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_STG_0_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Oilfield:","RU_02_03_CONTEST_METAL_DELIVERY_REW":"I see you understand business well. I made a handsome profit on that order. Here is your fee.","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ":"Fire In A Barrel","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ_DESC":"Hello there! Our client, a port service, wants us to deliver a shipment of fuel. Take the barrels, drive to the port and show me you are worth the expense.","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_01_BARRELS_OBJ_REW":"Well, ain\'t you Mr King of the Road. Not bad at all. It ain\'t easy living this far north but there\'s plenty of work for a gritty driver like you.","US_02_01_PIPELINE_OBJ":"Pipeline Construction","US_02_01_PIPELINE_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve got an urgent contract for you. Local fuel company is building a pipeline and they just hired us as a subcontractor. Deliver everything they need, fast.","US_02_01_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline:","US_02_01_PIPELINE_OBJ_REW":"Not too shabby! You\'re as fast as an avalanche! I hope you won\'t get caught in a real one though. That would suck.","US_02_01_DISASS_OBJ":"Floating Drill","US_02_01_DISASS_OBJ_DESC":"Black Bird needs your help, old pal! We\'re removing the floating oil derrick and we need you deliver the Rig Salvage Trailer to the Port.","US_02_01_DISASS_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_01_DISASS_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_DISASS_OBJ_REW":"Black Bird is one hundred percent satisfied! Maybe now my boss will get off my back. That\'s all... for now.","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_OBJ":"Port Polar Base Supply","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve got a bunch of brainiac scientist fellas that get their kicks drilling holes in the ice. They happen to be big customers of ours so we like having them around. They ask for something, you deliver. You dig?","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_REW":"You managed to keep those egg heads happy, for now. Thanks a lot.","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Supplies","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Looks like you\'re the chosen one! Chosen to save the day and deliver materials to a drilling site, that is! I used to do it all myself in my younger days but my body ain\'t what it used to be. Well, get going!","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_01_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Good to know I\'ve got someone I can trust to get things done. Thanks, partner.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Oil Delivery","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_DESC":"Oil is the lifeblood of our economy round here. Nothing moves without it. Get up behind that wheel and haul the latest shipment to its destination and I\'ll make sure you\'re paid well.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Site:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_ACTION_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"The mighty heart of this country is beating because of your actions. Pat yourself on the back and break out the sparklers.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_OBJ":"Mountain Delivery","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_OBJ_DESC":"I do love looking up at those beautiful mountains. Driving up there? Now, that\'s a whole different ball game. I need you to ship these pallets to the Service Hub among the peaks. Take it easy out there.","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_01_OIL_DELIVERY_02_OBJ_REW":"Well you must be real surefooted. Navigating those mountains ain\'t easy. Great work.","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Parts Delivery","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve dismantled a floating oil derrick and all the spare parts are packed into boxes. Take them to the Factory, where our guys will decide what to do with them.","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Job well done! Here\'s your reward.","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ":"Timber!","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Hi! The sawmill near the port is running out of wood, so we\'ll pay to have some delivered.","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Awesome job, thanks for your help.","US_02_01_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_TSK":"Rocks Fall","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_DESC":"The local authorities are looking for folks willing to volunteer to help with a nasty rockslide. The job is well paid. The request is urgent, so get to it!","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Rocks Fall:","US_02_01_ROCK_FALL_TSK_REW":"We couldn\'t have handled that without volunteers like you. Here\'s your well earned reward.","US_02_01_ROCK_TSK":"Rock Obstacle","US_02_01_ROCK_DESC":"Looks like we\'ve got another rockslide on our hands. Time for you to suit up and save the day, buddy. A shipment of cargo needs delivering to the site of the rockslide to help with clean-up.","US_02_01_ROCK_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Rock Obstacle:","US_02_01_ROCK_TSK_REW":"You\'re really making a name for yourself around here, driver. I feel safer just knowing you\'re in town.","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_TSK":"Stone Fall","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_DESC":"We\'re having a season of rockslides! Another one has stirred things up and needs dealing with right away. Can you roll up your sleeves and lend a hand getting it cleared up?","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Stone Fall:","US_02_01_STONE_FALL_TSK_REW":"That\'s everything we need to get this mess cleaned up. Thanks again. Here\'s what you\'re owed.","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_DESC":"Name\'s Pete. I work for a transport company called Alaskan Transit. We\'ve had an unfortunate accident that\'s resulted in containers of tools stuck in the river. Can you locate them and get them to the base?","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_01_CONTAINERS_IN_RIVER_TSK_REW":"I don\'t know what we\'d have done without these tools. Needless to say it would have been costly. Thanks for saving our behinds.","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TSK_DESC":"Local radio tower was due a shipment of fuel to keep it running. Seems the oil tank ran into trouble and is now lost. Can you find it and get it to the Radio Tower? Lord knows they need it.","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TRAILER_TSK":"Deliver to the Radio Tower:","US_02_01_LOST_OILTANK_TSK_REW":"One problem solved, many more still on the table. Your help is appreciated as always.","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_TSK_DESC":"Your skills come highly recommended. Our scientists have spotted an abandoned radio station but the path is quite treacherous. Can you find a safe route up there?","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_ZONE_DESC":"Reach the Radio Station","US_02_01_RADIOSTATION_TSK_REW":"You\'ve certainly lived up to your reputation. Your contributions to science will not be forgotten.","US_02_01_HUMMER_TSK_DESC":"Mark Pearson, the owner of a local factory, has gone and lost his car... again. His Hummer fell down from a bridge due to... driver error. See if you can find the car and take it to a nearby parking lot.","US_02_01_HUMMER_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_01_HUMMER_TSK_REW":"Mark is very grateful. He\'d appreciate it if you\'d keep tales of the lost Hummer to yourself. Here\'s your reward.","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_TSK_DESC":"Hello. Name\'s Robert. A big, fancy new pipeline is being built in the area. One of the subcontractors operating logistics has lost a section of pipe. We need a driver that can help with the recovery.","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to Drilling Site:","US_02_01_LOST_TUBE_TSK_REW":"You found it? Excellent! It would have taken weeks to get a replacement ordered. Thank you!","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"So, we\'ve got a gas station that needs gas. Big surprise there. I need you to get a tank of oil over there. Deadline was, of course, the day before yesterday, so get on with it!","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TRAILER_DESC":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","US_02_01_OILTANK_DELIVERY_TSK_REW":"You did good. Sadly, I\'m due an ear bashing from my boss for late delivery. I never wanted this job. It\'s a family business and there was a lot of pressure from... You don\'t want to hear this. Here\'s your pay.","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TSK_DESC":"We\'ve got an emergency. A group of scientists went into the mountains on an expedition and they must have gotten trapped after the storm. There\'s a reward for anyone that can find and return them safely.","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Camp:","US_02_01_STUCK_SCOUT_TSK_REW":"Thank you! Word has already spread about what you did. The local radio and TV reporters have started showing up so don\'t be surprised if you\'re asked to do an interview!","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TSK_DESC":"Our factory has lost a trailer. This is real bad news. The cargo has the potential to cause some pretty nasty damage to the environment so we need it found and retrieved ASAP. Can you do it?","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TRAILER_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_01_SERVICE_RETURN_TSK_REW":"I wish I could say that this was a rare incident but with terrain like this it happens a lot more than I would like. Drivers need to be more careful. Thanks for taking care of this.","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_TSK_DESC":"Well hi there! Any chance of a ride? Need to get to a trailer park to handle some, uh... business, but I can\'t remember where it is. I have a general idea of the location but nothing concrete. What do you say?","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_ZONE_DESC":"Reach the Trailer Park","US_02_01_TRAILER_PARK_TSK_REW":"I thought I was done for! I was hangin\' by a thread out there until you came along. You\'re my saviour! Take care now.","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_TSK_DESC":"Local authorities just sent out a request for volunteers to take care of some downed powerlines. Sounds pretty serious. They\'ll cover the cost and make it worth your while.","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_A_DESC":"Check Powerline A","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_B_DESC":"Check Powerline B","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_C_DESC":"Check Powerline C","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_D_DESC":"Check Powerline D","US_02_01_POWERLINE_CHECK_TSK_REW":"Thank you for your report. We\'re going to get to work right away. Here\'s your reward.","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_TSK_DESC":"Today is not my day. First I get attacked by a bear while I was crossing the river, and then, when I escape, I realize I\'ve lost all my cargo! They must be in the river. Can you go get them for me?","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the House:","US_02_01_BAGS_ON_ICE_TSK_REW":"Thank you! I hope that bear doesn\'t come back. He was mean, real mean.","US_02_01_ABANDONED_SUPPLIES_TSK_DESC":"We run a Polar Base facility near here. We\'ve been struggling to get shipments in lately because of the weather. We had to ditch a shipment just to make it through. We need a subcontractor that can handle the conditions.","US_02_01_ABANDONED_TRAILER_SUPPLIES_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_01_ABANDONED_SUPPLIES_TSK_REW":"Excellent job! Our work can continue without interruption now. Much appreciated.","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_TSK":"Bridge Repair","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_DESC":"Local authorities need a driver. They\'ve got a metal bridge that needs some serious renovations. You\'ll need to haul the necessary supplies out there so work can begin. Pay looks good.","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Metal Bridge:","US_02_01_FIX_A_BRIDGE_TSK_REW":"People underestimate the value of a good bridge. Not me. Not you.","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TSK_DESC":"Hey, name\'s Mitch. People round here say a lot of good things about you. I need your services. A local fella named Noah left town with his family a few months back and they abandoned their truck. Can you get it to me?","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the House On The Hill:","US_02_01_CANT_GO_TO_WASTE_TSK_REW":"This truck is going to make a big difference when I put it to work on my farm. Thanks so much.","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_CNT_DESC":"People say you\'re one of the best drivers around. Maybe. Maybe not. How \'bout a little challenge to see if you can beat my record?","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_1_DESC":"Reach Point A","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_2_DESC":"Reach Point B","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_3_DESC":"Reach Point C","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_4_DESC":"Reach Point D","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_5_DESC":"Reach Point E","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_1_CNT_REW":"Dang! You beat me. Well, fair\'s fair. You won so I\'m tipping my hat to you.","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_CNT_DESC":"Heard you\'ve got some nerve, pal. Let\'s check it out. Reach every point marked on the map and I\'ll admit defeat. Do you accept my challenge or you gonna chicken out?","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_A_DESC":"Reach Point 01","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_B_DESC":"Reach Point 02","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_C_DESC":"Reach Point 03","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_D_DESC":"Reach Point 04","US_02_01_MOUNTAIN_CONQUEST_2_CNT_REW":"No way! You must have cheated! No one breaks my record!... I... I\'m sorry. I shouldn\'t have said that. You won, but you ain\'t seen the last of me. I\'m gonna get that record back. You watch.","US_02_01_FLAGS_CNT_DESC":"Name\'s Alex. Not a soul in this town can beat my record around this course. You see those flags? Think you can get to all of \'em before nightfall?","US_02_01_FLAGS_1_DESC":"Reach Flag 01","US_02_01_FLAGS_2_DESC":"Reach Flag 02","US_02_01_FLAGS_3_DESC":"Reach Flag 03","US_02_01_FLAGS_CNT_REW":"Well slap me and call me a two-toed flamingo, you did it! Congratulations. Looks like you and I are the only real drivers in this town.","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CNT_DESC":"Hi there! Name\'s Chuck. I\'m currently a local resident but since the earthquake we decided this place isn\'t for us. It\'s just too dangerous. We\'ve booked passage on a ship. Can you transport our things to the port?","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to Port:","US_02_01_EMPLOYEE_DISLOCATION_CNT_REW":"I\'m truly grateful. Here. I know it\'s not much but it\'s all I can spare. Thanks again.","US_02_02_DISASS_OBJ":"Drill Rig Disassembly","US_02_02_DISASS_OBJ_DESC":"We\'re in the process of disassembling the drilling platforms and we need some extra gear. We need you to transport the necessary equipment. I\'ll mark the locations on your map.","US_02_02_DISASS_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Port:","US_02_02_DISASS_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_02_DISASS_OBJ_REW":"Great! Efficient and timely. Can\'t ask for more than that!","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Lumber Mill Supplies","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"I am mr. Blade. I don\'t normally work with outsiders but I don\'t have much choice at this point. Our lumber mills are in desperate need of supplies. If you can help me, I\'ll pay a fair price.","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_MILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Thank you. We appreciate your work getting those supplies to the mills.","US_02_02_PIPELINE_OBJ":"Mountain Pipeline Building","US_02_02_PIPELINE_OBJ_DESC":"Good news for local residents! We\'re installing a shiny new oil pipeline! We need you to get the pipes and some spare parts to the construction site. We\'ll be milking the land dry in no time!","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_02_PIPELINE_OBJ_REW":"He who owns the oil turns the world! Am I right? Ha ha! Here\'s your pay.","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_OBJ":"Mountain Maze","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_DESC":"You know what I love most about this job? Chatting with decent folks like yourself. Sadly, duty calls! Miners on the mountain polar base need materials. Deliver it and you\'ll be rewarded for your time.","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_02_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_REW":"Great! Now, where were we? What\'s that? You have to be somewhere? Oh. Well, I guess I\'ll just watch this paint dry till you\'re back.","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_OBJ":"On The Top Of The World","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Up on that mountain is a little truck stop with a big heart. It\'s so popular with truckers that they just ran completely out of supplies! If you don\'t get some provisions up there soon there may be a truckers revolt!","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Truck Stop:","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Truck Stop:","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Truck Stop:","US_02_02_TSTOP_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Thank you! You\'re quite the mountaineer!","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Village Delivery","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"This one\'s urgent. Priority one! Mr. Jackson, our district manager, has a contract with a mountain settlement to deliver a shipment of consumables right away. He\'s probably making a fortune off them. Wouldn\'t want to lose that customer!","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Village:","US_02_02_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Phew! Thanks for taking care of that. Mr. Jackson is not a pretty sight when he\'s mad!","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_OBJ":"Drilling Equipment","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_OBJ_DESC":"We\'ve just finished disassembling a drill rig and we want it shipped over to another drilling station to be stocked. Once you arrive, you should find new contracts waiting for you.","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_02_DRILLING_PARTS_OBJ_REW":"Good, clean work. I\'m impressed. Here\'s your pay.","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"More Parts","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"In the meantime, we\'ll get the rest of the oil derrick squared away. Take these boxes to the factory and we\'ll see to it that you\'re rewarded.","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_02_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Oh thanks for your neatness with all these cargoes. Let\'s go up to next one.","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ":"It\'s a long way to the top","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Remember how you helped get the sawmill started up in the mountains? We need more logs, our initial supply is running out.","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Superb, that was fast! Here\'s your pay.","US_02_02_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_TSK":"Restoring The Bridge","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_DESC":"Greetings, friend. It\'s Singing Axe. Sorry to disturb you, but a local bridge near our village has collapsed. We\'re trying to restore it but we lack drivers who can supply the materials. We could really use your help.","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to Broken Bridge:","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_2_DESC":"Deliver to Broken Bridge:","US_02_02_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_TSK_REW":"Thank you for helping our tribe. If only there were more people like you.","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_TSK":"Fallen Trees","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_TSK_DESC":"Fallen Trees","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Trees:","US_02_02_FALLEN_TREES_TSK_REW":"Thank you for your services, driver. The town appreciates your hard work.","US_02_02_SERVICE_CONVOY_TSK_DESC":"Hi. I\'m Bennet from Alaska Silver Extraction. The service trailer in our convoy is stuck in some deep mud. We\'re in dire need of help to get it unstuck. We\'re happy to pay the going rates.","US_02_02_SERVICE_CONVOY_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_02_SERVICE_CONVOY_TSK_REW":"We certainly lucked out when we met you! Thanks for getting us back on the road.","US_02_02_BRICKS_ON_RIVER_TSK_DESC":"Hey! I need help. I had an accident near the river. I was transporting a batch of bricks to a warehouse and they slid off into the water. I need help finding and delivering them to their destination.","US_02_02_BRICKS_ON_RIVER_CARGO_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_02_BRICKS_ON_RIVER_TSK_REW":"Thank the Lord. You just saved me from having to pay a big fine. Take this.","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_TSK_DESC":"I\'m George, the foreman on the Lumber Mill. We need help with our workhorse, and by that I mean Caterpillar 745C. It\'s taken quite a beating over the years. Think you can repair it and get it to the sawmill?","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_REP_DESC":"Restore the Caterpillar 745C","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_02_WORKING_STIFF_TSK_REW":"Good as new! Well, almost. We\'ll certainly get a good few years more out of this thing. Here\'s your pay!","US_02_02_ENVIRONMENTAL_ISSUE_DESC":"I\'m Bob Fletcher, local environmentalist. I\'m concerned about the construction of the new pipeline. Can you help me and my team get to it so we can perform a survey and make sure everything is above board?","US_02_02_ENVIRONMENTAL_ISSUE_ZONE_DESC":"Deliver to the Research Zone:","US_02_02_ENVIRONMENTAL_ISSUE_TSK_REW":"Perfect! We\'ll gather the data and compile a report. Here, this is for you.","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_CNT":"River Contest","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_CNT_DESC":"I\'m Nick Green. I\'m with the Coast Guard. People get lost all too often round here so we leave emergency supply crates dotted around the landscape. Yesterday\'s storm may have dislodged them. Can you take a look?","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_1_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_2_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_3_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_4_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_5_DESC":"Find Crates","US_02_02_RIVER_CONTEST_CNT_REW":"Thank you. I\'ve got a lot of responsibilities and almost no resources. You\'ve really made a difference.","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_CNT_DESC":"You\'re a pretty good driver, but are you the best? How \'bout a little contest? Climb up the mud from that landslide, all the way to the top, and then go down as quickly as possible. See if you can break my record.","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_1_DESC":"Go to the Target","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_2_DESC":"Go Back","US_02_02_TO_THE_TOWER_CNT_REW":"How\'d you do that? Man, that was fast! Can\'t believe you took my title. Don\'t get cocky. I intend to win it back.","US_02_03_DISASS_OBJ":"Drill Disassembly","US_02_03_DISASS_OBJ_DESC":"Bob here. We\'re in the middle of tearing down one of our oil platforms so we gotta get the drill airlifted out of here. Give us a hand.","US_02_03_DISASS_TRUCK_DESC":"Deliver to the Airdrome:","US_02_03_DISASS_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_03_DISASS_OBJ_REW":"Much appreciated. Between you and me, I\'m a little sad to see Lucille leave, but I guess she\'s needed elsewhere. That\'s what I called the platform, Lucille. It\'s lonely out here.","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Drilling Stuff Delivery","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Hey, I\'m Peter from Morrison Mining. There\'s a new set of drills ready to be shipped to our site. Our guys are already there and waiting for it, so I need you to get over to the site.","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Drilling Site:","US_02_03_DRILL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"It\'s good to know I can depend on you. With the drills delivered, the guys at the site tell me we could get the job done ahead of schedule. It\'s much appreciated, buddy.","US_02_03_MAZUT_OBJ":"Oil Barrels Delivery","US_02_03_MAZUT_OBJ_DESC":"We got a big ol\' bird flying in to the local airport, packed with cargo. We\'re ready to handle the goods but we need someone to get a shipment of fuel up there so we can turn the plane around as soon as it\'s unloaded.","US_02_03_MAZUT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Airdrome:","US_02_03_MAZUT_OBJ_REW":"Great work. Gotta keep the cogs turning, you know? Time is money.","US_02_03_PIPELINE_OBJ":"Valley Pipeline Building","US_02_03_PIPELINE_OBJ_DESC":"The pipeline\'s starting to come together, but there\'s still much to do. There\'s another segment we\'re going to need some help with. You know the drill. Bring the materials to the site, and we\'ll handle the rest.","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_ACTION_1_5_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline Facility:","US_02_03_PIPELINE_OBJ_REW":"I got word that all the materials have been delivered and we can proceed to the next pipeline segment. Nicely done.","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_OBJ":"Valley Polar Base Research","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_DESC":"Greetings. One of our research teams is running low on supplies. Sadly, none of our vehicles are available at the moment, which is why we have no choice but to turn to freelancers. Interested in some extra work?","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_4_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_ACTION_5_DESC":"Deliver to the Polar Base:","US_02_03_POLAR_BASE_OBJ_REW":"The research team radioed in that everything was delivered. Thanks for your co-operation.","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Town Supplies","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"We have a situation here. The locals are having issues with their water supply. They can fix the issue, but they require some replacement parts and other materials. The sooner you can get on this, the better.","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_ACTION_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_TOWN_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Not a moment too soon. It might take them a bit of time to get the water running again, but we did our part. Thank you.","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_OBJ":"Supply Crates","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_OBJ_DESC":"The winter\'s been particularly harsh this year, so we\'ve got a shipment of emergency supplies for the local town and local lumber mill. Just basics like medicine and food in case the roads get cut off again.","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_ACTION_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Town:","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_ACTION_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_03_CRATES_OF_CONSUMABLES_OBJ_REW":"That\'s great. Got to be prepared for the worst out here or you could find yourself in real trouble. Thanks a lot.","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ":"From Water To The Land","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"We hauled parts of a neighbouring drilling platform onto land and packed them into boxes. Please take them to a factory nearby.","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_03_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Nicely done mate! The next challenge is waiting already.","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ":"Airdrome logging","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Trees are still being cut near the airdrome. As many logs as possible should be hauled to the local sawmill. Get ready, bring your friends, it\'s a long road ahead.","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Excellent! Here, take your reward, you deserve it.","US_02_03_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_03_REPAIR_THE_BRIDGE_DESC":"Hey there, you have a moment? A bridge not far from here got torn into pieces by the recent earthquake. Could you help us put the old thing back together?","US_02_03_REPAIR_THE_BRIDGE_CARGO":"Deliver to the Bridge:","US_02_03_REPAIR_THE_BRIDGE_TSK_REW":"Not too shabby, my friend. Let\'s hope it lasts. Thanks for your time.","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_DESC":"Seems like the last earthquake took out quite a few old bridges around these parts. This one never was all that reliable to begin with, but now it\'s nothing but a pile of planks. Give us a hand here, will ya?","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_1":"Deliver to the Long Bridge:","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_CARGO_2":"Deliver to the Long Bridge:","US_02_03_LONG_BRIDGE_RECOVERY_TSK_REW":"Much better. Don\'t have to worry about it rattling and creaking under your wheels anymore! Well done.","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_DESC":"That last earthquake left quite an impact on the whole region. Case in point, the old tunnel\'s now blocked by rubble. I was gearing up to get in touch and ask you for help, but now that you\'re here...","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_CARGO_1":"Deliver to the Blocked Tunnel:","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_CARGO_2":"Deliver to the Blocked Tunnel:","US_02_03_BLOCKED_TUNNEL_TSK_REW":"We\'re kind of short on folks with trucks big enough to be of much use with things like this. Goodness knows how long it would\'ve taken us to get this done on our own.","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_DESC":"Seems like our airfield crew managed to get our tow truck stuck in the creek nearby. Usually I\'d just call another one to pull it out, but that\'s the only one we have right now. Think you could give it a try?","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_DERRY_LONGHORN_TSK_REW":"Great! I thought it\'d be easier to get some help here than to pass it up the chain and wait for another truck to arrive, not to mention the paperwork! Thanks for your help.","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_A_TSK":"Search And Rescue","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_TSK_DESC":"You\'re the angel I\'ve been praying for. There\'s a fishing spot on an island nearby, connected to the shore by a small stretch of land. It got flooded over with my car still on the far side. Can you get my car back here?","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_TSK_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_FAILED_FISHING_A_TSK_REW":"Oh, thank you so much! I tried getting it back by myself but it kept stalling. No idea what I would\'ve done without your help.","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_TSK_DESC":"Seems like someone\'s tried to tap into our pipeline... again. Security is already on the case but I doubt they\'ll find much. That said, they did leave their unmarked trailer behind. Could you tow it for us?","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_THEFT_OF_FUEL_TSK_REW":"Trailer is pretty unremarkable. No VIN number, no nothing. Only way we\'ll catch these thieves is red handed and I don\'t have the manpower to police the whole pipeline.","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK_DESC":"Hey! Help! I was out fishing when the river swelled. I had to run for my life or I\'d have been washed away. I had to abandon my car. Can you get it back for me?","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TSK_REW":"I can\'t thank you enough. The rivers here can be real treacherous this time of year, but that\'s the first time I\'ve gotten stuck so bad.","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_TSK_DESC":"I\'m Mark. I run the local sawmill. I was thinking of expanding my warehouse, but the issue is that the bricks I ordered didn\'t make it here because of the recent earthquake. Could you fetch them for me?","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_CARGO":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_02_03_BUILDING_MATERIALS_TSK_REW":"This season\'s been really good to us so far, all things considered, so this little mix-up with the bricks shouldn\'t be much of a setback. Thanks for your help.","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_TSK_DESC":"It\'s a bit of a long story, but I managed to leave my truck\'s engine running overnight. Now I\'m more or less stranded at the boat station without enough gas to start the car. Could you help me out?","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_REP":"Restore Chevrolet CK 1500","US_02_03_OUT_OF_FUEL_TSK_REW":"Man, you have no idea how glad I am to see you! It gets real cold here, even indoors, and I\'d been sitting here for quite a while before you showed up. Thanks again.","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_CNT_DESC":"We\'ve got three weather monitoring stations in the area, but we can\'t get any remote readings from them. We should, in theory, be able to get some readings if you can take a service trailer up to them.","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_TARGET":"Check Meteo Point","US_02_03_WEATHER_FORECAST_CNT_REW":"Ah, it\'s good to hear they\'re still intact. With that data, we should be able to get some predictions for the upcoming week. We\'d appreciate it if you\'d be able to help us out again in the future.","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT":"Cargo Delivery","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT_DESC":"Bob from Morrison Mining here. We\'ve got a trailer full of tubing that needs delivering to the factory. It\'s not like the guys at the factory don\'t have anything else to do, but I\'d appreciate if you double-time it.","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_SPECIAL_CARGO_DELIVERYNG_CNT_REW":"I wish our guys from logistics were at least half as good as you. Thanks for the hard work.","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT":"Pipeline Repair","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT_DESC":"We\'re supposed to repair one pipeline section right now, so we need to finally get the metal beams we requested weeks ago. Could you give us a hand and fetch them for us?","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Pipeline:","US_02_04_PIPELINE_BUILDING_CNT_REW":"Thank you! I don\'t have to tell you the agony of having a work crew standing around with nothing to do because of some bonehead in logistics!","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT":"Service Hub Reactivation","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_DESC":"So, management gave us the green-light to set up a base of operations in the old service hub here. Help us out with logistics and, in exchange, you can drop by for any repairs you need, any time. Deal?","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_02_04_SERVICE_HUB_REACTIVATION_CNT_REW":"Alright, that should be everything we need, now we can get this place up and running again. I\'m a man of my word so feel free to drop by whenever you need patching up.","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ":"Far Far Away","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ_DESC":"Residents of a remote area in Alaska need logs, their supplies are running out, and the freezing temperatures do not make it any easier. Please hurry, it is important!","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ_REW":"Whew, it\'s about time! Thanks for being quick, we were about to think of a plan B or C.","US_02_04_LOGS_01_OBJ_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse Loading:","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK_DESC":"Hi. Name\'s Albert. I\'m with the Rescue Service. Do you have any idea how many people go off trail and get lost in the mountains? We used to have a lookout point nearby. Could you go and see what kind of shape it\'s in?","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Explore the Mountain Peak","US_02_04_FARMER_HOME_TSK_REW":"Better than I expected. We should set up lights on the communications mast so people can see it from afar. Better have someone posted on lookout for wannabe adventurer types!","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEANING_TSK":"Morrison\'s Landslide","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_DESC":"There\'s been an accident involving Morrison miners working in the mountains. No one was hurt, but the loose rocks have blocked the road. Could you help us with clearing the rubble?","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Landslide:","US_02_04_MOUNTAIN_CLEARING_TSK_REW":"Great! With these supplies we can get to clearing the road immediately. Would\'ve taken us weeks if you hadn\'t shown up.","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK_DESC":"Listen, I have a favor to ask. My dad owns a farm near here. I wanted to bring him some of our old family furniture from my house, but so far everyone\'s afraid the roads are too treacherous. Would you help us out?","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Boat Station:","US_02_04_SIDEBOARD_SPAWN_TSK_REW":"You\'re a godsend, man. I know it might sound sentimental, but a lot of this stuff is really important to him, even if it\'s just furniture. Thanks a lot for your help.","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK":"Old Mack And Drowned Car","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK_DESC":"Interested in a small side gig? A hunter managed to run his truck into the swamp while chasing a moose. We\'d send a tow truck but they\'re all out on other jobs. You interested?","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_02_04_CAR_HELP_TSK_REW":"Thanks a lot for helping out. We\'ve really got our hands full this season so anytime you\'re free to help carry the load we\'d be grateful. I\'ll let you know when something comes up.","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_DESC":"Got word from one of my men about a bridge on one of the regular routes here that\'s been on its last legs for a while now. Could you get us a shipment of planks so we can take a crack at fixing it?","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bridge:","US_02_04_BRIDGE_BUILDING_TSK_REW":"Yikes! I had no idea things were that bad. We\'re darn lucky no one was on it when it collapsed! The planks you brought in will help us reconstruct the bridge and get it working again soon. Thank you!","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK_DESC":"Hey! It\'s Mike, Chief Engineer at Morrison Mining. To cut a long story very short, we need supplies. I\'d just order them through our logistics, but it\'d take too long for them to get here. How \'bout giving us a hand?","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Engineer\'s House:","US_02_04_LOST_CARGO_TSK_REW":"Not a moment too soon. I\'ll make sure to mention your name to anyone looking for transport services.","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK_DESC":"Hey! It\'s Peter from Morrison\'s. I\'m at our warehouse right now. We\'re sitting in the dark here! No power throughout the entire facility. A power pole must have fallen down somewhere. You got time to check it out?","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Eletric Pole:","US_02_04_BROKEN_POLE_TSK_REW":"Let there be light! Finally. Thanks for your help. Who knows how long it would\'ve taken them to fix the power if not for you. We should really get these old poles replaced soon.","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK":"Moving The Stock","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_DESC":"We\'re moving some of our stock to a new plant and could use some help. Our local trucks are on it already, but we could use an extra pair of hands for some of the remaining items.","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_MATERIAL_DELIVERYING_TSK_REW":"Excellent! We can now begin operations at the new plant. Much appreciated.","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Howdy. Name\'s Pete. I\'m with the Weather Service. We need you to take our expedition vehicle to a site not far from here. The car\'s full of precisely tuned gear, so don\'t rock it around too much. Got it?","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Boat Station:","US_02_04_FRAGILE_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Nicely done. The vehicle\'s in place and everything inside seems to be operating as expected. Keep up the good work.","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_OBJ":"Uplink","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_01":"A base station in this region could be a viable asset for our drilling operations in this region. Restoring it might be tricky, but we\'re sure you\'ve handled things like this before.","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_OBJ_REW":"The supplies are in place, and the repairs are already underway. Brilliant.","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Base Station:","RU_02_04_MAST_RESTORATION_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Base Station:","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_OBJ":"Datamining","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_01":"The abandoned mine nearby was at some point used as a testbed for testing experimental mining tech. While the tech is now outdated, the local authorities would still like to have a look at the documents sealed there.","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_OBJ_REW":"Well done. The mine is being cleared as we speak, and hopefully, whatever documents were left down there would still be salvageable. Thanks for your help.","RU_02_04_MINES_EXPLORATION_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Abandoned Mines:","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_OBJ":"Pathfinder","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_01":"The road we\'re using to reach this area now isn\'t well-suited for trucks, but there is another road heading off from the village to the North. We need you to check if it\'s more accessible than our current path.","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_OBJ_REW":"Looks like this road might not be worth the effort. We“ll stick to using the old one for now. Still, thanks for taking the time to check it.","RU_02_04_NORTH_ROAD_EXPLORATION_01_DESC":"Reach the Northern Road","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_OBJ":"Loud and clear","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_DESC":"With the base station restored, it might be a good idea to keep a stock of replacement parts somewhere nearby. We\'ve cleaned up some space at the local lumber yard, it should be a safe enough storage for our equipment.","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_REW":"Thank you. That should be more than plenty for minor repairs on the station itself and our vehicles if the need arises.","RU_02_04_UPD_VILLAGE_RESTOCK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Lumber Yard:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_TIME_OBJ":"Order Master Supreme","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Hey there, friend! Glad you dropped by. Got a whole bunch of orders while you were gone, and little time to do them. Can you pick them all in one go? And if you can recruit some help, all the better.","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Oh my oh my. Can\'t remember anyone hauling that much cargo in one trip before. Alaska won\'t forget you!","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST2":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST3":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST4":"Deliver to the Stock Loading:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST5":"Deliver to the Warehouse Loading:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST6":"Deliver to the Factory:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST7":"Deliver to the Oil Rig Service Site:","US_02_04_EPIC_DELIVERY_OBJ_ST8":"Deliver to the Airdrome:","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ":"Cargopocalypse","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_DESC":"What a surprise! Since you\'re here anyway, how about earning some extra cash? All you need to do is to deliver about three times the norm in one go. Though, if you do recruit some help, you should be done in no time.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_REW":"You\'re an amazing driver, you know that? That said, seems like that was just a part of their full order. Hope you\'re ready for a second round.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_ST2_OBJ":"Cargopocalypse, pt.2","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_ST2_OBJ_DESC":"Ready to hit the road with another mountain of cargo? Great. The warehouse\'s waiting for another shipment, so you better get going. Oh and, I\'d suggest you recruit some help for this one, too.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_ST2_OBJ_REW":"Now that\'s what I call a pro! Here\'s your well-earned reward. Be seeing you.","US_02_04_NEED_MORE_CARGO_OBJ_ST2":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_TSK":"Finders Keepers","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_01":"One of our men spotted a lone truck just by the lake. If you could fix it up, we could really put it to good use here.","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_TSK_REW":"Well done. The truck is in working order. We\'ll make sure to put it to good use.","RU_02_04_REPAIR_ZIKZ_01_DESC":"Restore ZiKZ 5368","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_TSK":"The Great Nomad","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_01":"The local farm might not have been the pinnacle of motorized industry, but it still won\'t hurt to check if they might still have some salvageable vehicles there. Fix anything you find and tow it to the service station.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_TSK_REW":"A living legend, this one, and back on the road, too. Nicely done.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_01_DESC":"Restore KHAN Lo4F","RU_02_04_RECOVER_LOAF_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Station:","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_TSK":"Pacifist","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_01":"Now that is not something you see often. A repurposed armored carrier just lying out here, waiting to be recovered. Seems like it might be stuck down there. Pull it out and fix it, and you get to keep it.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_TSK_REW":"Just hear this thing roar like a rabid animal. Too late for take-backs, I suppose, I already did offer it as a reward. Enjoy your new ride.","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_01_DESC":"Pull TUZ 420 «Tatarin» to a safer area","RU_02_04_RECOVER_APC_02_DESC":"Restore TUZ 420 «Tatarin»","RU_02_04_MAST_FUELSTATION_01":"The station on the hill is our main priority in this area, and we\'d like to equip a small fuel depot next to it. Retrieve a fuel tank and bring it to the base station.","RU_02_04_MAST_FUELSTATION_TSK_REW":"Great job. Now we don\'t need to worry much about our trucks getting low on fuel — for the time being. Feel free to drop by if you need to top off your stock, too.","RU_02_04_MAST_FUELSTATION_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_TSK":"Ol\' Faithful","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK":"According to some papers we got on the old mine, there should be at least one truck the workers used for hauling some of their equipment. Find it, and see if you can get it to work.","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"It\'s really fascinating to see one of these relics hit the road again. Much better than just being left to rust the way I see it.","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_01_DESC":"Restore Step 310E","RU_02_04_REFUEL_TRUCK_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Station:","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_TSK":"Lost And Found","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_01":"We\'re setting up a supply depot just by the lake, and one of our workers\'d caught a glimpse of an abandoned trailer up in the hills. Find it, and take it to the depot.","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_TSK_REW":"Well, as expected, the contents of that trailer have seen better days. Still, we should be able to put some of it to use. Thanks for your time.","RU_02_04_DELIVER_SUPPLY_TRAILER_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Lakeside Depot:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_TSK":"In With The New","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_01":"The nearby village had definitely seen better days. We do have some supplies we could spare to help making this place more habitable.","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_TSK_REW":"Nicely done. It may not be much, but sometimes, even the smallest things can make a difference.","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_01_DESC":"Deliver to the First House:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Second House:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_03_DESC":"Deliver to the Third House:","RU_02_04_RESUPPLY_04_DESC":"Deliver to the Fourth House:","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_01":"Places like these seem to attract a good bit of attention from thrillseekers and scavengers alike. It seems like someone\'d set up camp in the forest nearby. Head down there and see if they\'re still here.","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_TSK_REW":"Seems like false alarm. The place looks abandoned and mostly empty. Why would the owners just leave their tent here is another question, but just knowing they aren\'t here anymore is good enough for me.","RU_02_04_EXAMINE_CAMP_01_DESC":"Reach the Suspicious Camp","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_CNT":"Landslide Mapping","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_DESC":"We need to map out the rift created by the landslide. Navigate the rift it created and visit all areas marked on your map.","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_CNT_REW":"Now we have a general idea of the shape the rift had taken. Job well done.","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_01_DESC":"Visit Point 1","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_02_DESC":"Visit Point 2","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_03_DESC":"Visit Point 3","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_04_DESC":"Visit Point 4","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_05_DESC":"Visit Point 5","RU_02_04_RIFT_MAPPING_06_DESC":"Visit Point 6","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_OBJ":"Almost Afloat","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"Each winter we have to fight the local historians. We need a good way to the docks for our ships, while they are still using ice for traveling. We suggest marking the strong ice and the weak ice, so everyone is happy.","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"Now we only have to give the message to our friends in the camp. Maybe after that they will be on their guard.","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_0_DESC":"Reach Mark 1","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_1_DESC":"Reach Mark 2","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_2_DESC":"Reach Mark 3","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_3_DESC":"Reach Mark 4","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_4_DESC":"Reach Mark 5","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_5_DESC":"Reach Mark 6","RU_03_01_ROUTE_CHECK_6_DESC":"Reach Mark 7","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_OBJ":"Tense Situation","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_DESC":"Ah, you are here? So we start early. We had a number of power outages at the Sub-station, we fear we might end up in the dark. We need to check out the stations and the lines, and the sooner we do it, the better.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_REW":"I see, so there are problems with two poles. Could be worse I suppose. Let us deal with it then. Maybe we can help the guys at the Sub-station.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_START_DESC":"Visit the Village Sub-station","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_0_DESC":"Examine VL-16 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_1_DESC":"Examine VL-15 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_2_DESC":"Examine VL-14 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_3_DESC":"Examine VL-13 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_4_DESC":"Examine VL-12 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_5_DESC":"Examine VL-11 Pole","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_INSPECTION_END_DESC":"Visit the Dispatch Station","RU_03_01_BUNKER_OBJ":"Sites of military glory","RU_03_01_BUNKER_DESC":"You probably could not tell right away, but almost a century ago this place was busy with preparation for defense. As we are setting off to a serious expedition, why not look around and feel the team spirit?","RU_03_01_BUNKER_REW":"It\'s hard to say how significantly these fortifications contributed to the course of... All right, I will no longer bore you. Hope you enjoyed this very brief tour...","RU_03_01_BUNKER_0_DESC":"Visit Bunker ZB-1015","RU_03_01_BUNKER_1_DESC":"Visit Bunker ZB-1017","RU_03_01_BUNKER_2_DESC":"Visit Bunker ZB-1018","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_OBJ":"Cabin Fever","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_DESC":"Hello. We are preparing an expedition up North, so we are moving some of the supplies from our satellite camps to the main one. That includes a couple of containers we need help with.","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_REW":"Awesome, would be a lot easier to deal with the rest of it. Glad we can rely on you.","RU_03_01_NW_CABIN_TRAILER_NAME":"Container From The East Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_0_DESC":"Deliver to the North Camp:","RU_03_01_S_CABIN_TRAILER_NAME":"Container From The South Camp","RU_03_01_CAMP_SETUP_1_DESC":"Deliver to the North Camp:","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_OBJ":"Forgotten Prototype","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_DESC":"The local factory used to produce instruments for mining, and per the documents a couple of interesting devices were never removed from here. This place is abandoned, so the equipment may prove really useful.","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_REW":"Interesting device. We have some plans about it, but while we are here, you may want to try it as well.","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_NAME":"Prototype Exploration Unit","RU_03_01_MOBILE_WATCHTOWER_RECOVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Harbor Village:","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Log Of Discord","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_DESC":"When we arrived, some locals weren\'t very excited by our presence. We\'ve agreed to help them with winter supplies to smooth things out. Now we only need someone to help with logistics. Would you kindly lend us a hand?","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_REW":"Well done. Hopefully, that would get the locals off my back for some time.","RU_03_01_LOG_VILLAGE_DELIVERY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Harbor Village:","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_DESC":"Bridges are not as critical in winter, but as the ice melts, all of the northern shore will be cut off from the harbor. That has to be fixed.","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_REW":"Not bad. Come Spring, we will not be stuck without connection with the other shore.","RU_03_01_BRIDGE_REPAIR_B_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Crossing:","RU_03_01_METEO_CHECK_DESC":"Not so long ago we were going to fix one of the Meteo Stations, so we sent over a cargo of boards and some workers. Never heard from them since. Could you go over there and see how things are?","RU_03_01_METEO_CHECK_REW":"Still working? All right, provided everyone is safe. Back to work then.","RU_03_01_METEO_CHECK_0_DESC":"Visit the Coastal Meteo Point","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_DESC":"Great timing! We need to transfer supplies to the other two camps and we were at a loss. It\'s not much, a couple of crates full of stuff, instruments, spare parts, a little bit of this and that... Will you do it?","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_REW":"Good, this will last us till the end of the winter. Thanks again.","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the North Camp:","RU_03_01_CAMP_RESUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the East Camp:","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_DESC":"Here goes. There is a bunker up North, not like one of the coastal ones, no, this one is newer. A friend of mine spotted an interesting looking box there. Who knows what may be in it. Will you go there and take a look?","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_REW":"Oh my... Right. We had a deal about the box, and that is exactly what you got, good job. And... you may want to wash your car. Just in case.","RU_03_01_BASE_SUPPLIES_0_DESC":"Deliver to Port:","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_DESC":"These deserted places have a charm of their own, don\'t you think? I even used to work here, some thirty years ago... Never mind. It used to be a factory. Let us go take a look how it\'s all holding up.","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_REW":"I cannot believe how many useful things are just left to rot here. The good news is that maybe we can restore the whole place and restart it.","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_0_DESC":"Explore the Auxiliary Storage","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_1_DESC":"Explore the Loading Zone","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_2_DESC":"Explore the Main Workshop","RU_03_01_FACTORY_CHECK_3_DESC":"Explore the Garage","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_DESC":"I think you can help. It has been fifty years or so since I left this area. There was a village... I know, it\'s empty, but I would like to know whether any of the houses are still standing, or did we leave no trace...","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_REW":"Oh... I never thought returning would be this hard. I don\'t know what I was expecting to see, but thanks.","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_0_DESC":"Explore the Community Center","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_1_DESC":"Explore the Remote House","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_2_DESC":"Explore the Ranger\'s Cabin","RU_03_01_VILLAGE_SCOUTING_3_DESC":"Explore the House with a Garden","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"People may say what they want, but it is so much easier working here in winter - you do not drown in the mud, you can cross the river just about anywhere. By the way, would you like to check our route to the North Camp?","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"That is better than nothing, you can make your way, and that is good. We never haul anything heavy here anyway. Thanks for your help.","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_0_DESC":"Reach Mark 1","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_1_DESC":"Reach Mark 2","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_2_DESC":"Reach Mark 3","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_3_DESC":"Reach Mark 4","RU_03_01_CAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_4_DESC":"Reach Mark 5","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVEY_TSK":"Pit-stop","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_DESC":"When it is cold like this, fuel is just about as important as food. No light, no heat, even no communication maybe. Firewood may be an option but it is much better to just haul that tanker trailer over here.","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_REW":"You have shown up at the right time! We were starting to think how we could haul that tanker there ourselves. One less problem to deal with.","RU_03_01_SCOUT_GAS_NAME":"Scout Fuel Carrier","RU_03_01_CAMP_GAS_DELIVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the South Camp:","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_DESC":"That is some bad luck! I drove my SUV to the marshes, and the engine died. I don\'t know a thing about cars, so I had to walk. Please do me a favor. If you could tow me to the Guard House, and I will take it from there.","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Guard House:","RU_03_01_ON_THIN_ICE_REW":"You saved me! I have found a mechanic too. Thanks for your help!","ON_THIN_ICE_TRUCK_NAME":"DON 71","RU_03_01_HELI_CARGO_RECOVERY_DESC":"Back in the Soviet times, a helicopter crashed here. Ran out of fuel or just broke. Ended up landing in the woods. And they had some supplies on board that are probably not too interesting for you, but I could use them.","RU_03_01_HELI_CARGO_RECOVERY_REW":"Well, twenty years in the frost and rain have not made this stuff any better... but it may be more useful than rusty tins. Thank you, soldier.","RU_03_01_HELI_CARGO_RECOVERY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Garage:","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_DESC":"Nothing is more permanent than something temporary, right? Have been patching up this rusty pole, but what we really need is a new one... Next time maybe... Please get us some beams and we shall fix it again.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_REW":"It may be a little less straight than before, but it will serve for a while. And next time we are definitely replacing it.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_1_REPAIR_0_DESC":"Deliver to the VL-15 Pole:","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_DESC":"And then they tell me not to believe in superstitions! Every single time number thirteen is out of order. Looks like the isolators are broken, again. Go get some spares, and I will later climb and see what can be done.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_REW":"Thanks! All we have to do now is fix it. That is my job, no problem.","RU_03_01_POWERLINE_3_REPAIR_0_DESC":"Deliver to the VL-13 Pole:","RU_03_01_LOG_CABIN_REPAIR_DESC":"There was a Guard House here, just a small house to wait out the rain. I see it has got really shabby recently. If you get us some boards, I will do what I can to repair it, okay?","RU_03_01_LOG_CABIN_REPAIR_REW":"It doesn\'t look like new, but at least it will provide shelter from the rain. Maybe even you will use it some day.","RU_03_01_LOG_CABIN_REPAIR_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Guard House:","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_DESC":"There are plenty of houses here that have been empty since the war. You never know what you may find in those places, a flask, a helmet or some personal belongings. If you see an interesting spot - please let me know.","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_REW":"Oh, I had no idea about some of those, I will go and see if there is something cool there.","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_1_DESC":"Explore the Ruined Warehouse","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_2_DESC":"Explore the Lake Cabin","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_3_DESC":"Explore the Guard House On The Rock","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_4_DESC":"Explore the House On The Mountain","RU_03_01_RURAL_SPELUNKER_5_DESC":"Explore the Forest Cabin","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_DESC":"A friend who works at the power plant spotted an old TUZ nearby. That guy knows history well, so he says they used it to drive an officer during the war. What would you say if we towed that TUZ right to his workshop?","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_REW":"You did me a big favor, thank you man. Surprising a friend and saving a relic at the same time!","ANTIQUE_TRUCK_NAME":"TUZ 166 for officers","RU_03_01_ANTIQUE_TRUCK_HUNT_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Dispatch Station Mechanic:","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_DESC":"I rode to the Ranger\'s Cabin the other day but I overestimated myself. I did make it, but damaged my suspension and got stuck. I hardly made it out on foot, but I have no idea what to do with my car. You are my only hope.","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_REW":"Wow, I thought I would never see my old ride again! I can still fix it. And yes, I will be more careful next time.","SNOWED_IN_TRUCK_NAME":"KHAN L04F","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_0_DESC":"Restore KHAN L04F","RU_03_01_SNOWED_IN_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Amateur Mechanic:","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_DESC":"A friend was exploring empty houses in the North, and he saw a truck. Not a usual one, it looks like an Army Trailer Train that has been there forever. If you could get me the barrels from it, you can keep the rest.","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_REW":"Beautiful job! I didn\'t even think there were so many of those. You had your share too, right?","RU_03_01_MILITARY_SUPPLY_0_DESC":"Deliver to the POL Depot:","RU_03_01_METEO_RESTORE_DESC":"We were revising our stock and found some boards. Probably intended for the old Meteo Station up in the mountains, but the driver lost contact with us, so we forgot about it. Can you help?","RU_03_01_METEO_RESTORE_REW":"At least we have something to fix the pole with, put it to some use. Thanks, we owe you one.","RU_03_01_METEO_RESTORE_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Old Meteo Station:","RU_03_01_FOREIGNER_DESC":"There is this foreign tourist. He really wants to see some live history. Ended up almost going under the ice. Will you help me pull him out? I will make it worth your time.","RU_03_01_FOREIGNER_REW":"Some car he has there, a bit heavy though. But anyway, thanks for your help.","FOREIGNER_TRUCK_NAME":"Ford F 750","RU_03_01_FOREIGNER_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Camp:","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_DESC":"Hey, could you help me here? I brought some boards to the Meteo Station, but I got stuck and ruined half on my vehicle. Could you get me to the mechanic please? Be a friend, OK?","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_REW":"Man, I appreciate it! You didn\'t leave me in the cold. Thanks!","METEO_REPAIR_TRUCK_NAME":"ZiKZ 5368","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_0_DESC":"Restore ZiKZ 5368","RU_03_01_ZIKZ_RECOVERY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Amateur Mechanic:","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_DESC":"The historians from the nearby camp have been asking me for some time to see what kind of railway carriages tipped over not far from here, and I kinda forgot. Could you do that for me and then let them know?","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_REW":"Boy, do I know how to delegate! Unmarked containers, you say? Well we will have to go and see for ourselves. Thanks for the info.","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_0_DESC":"Explore Overturned Train Carriage","RU_03_01_OFF_THE_RAILS_1_DESC":"Reach the Camp","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC":"The locals love this game: they go in circles on the ice around my shop. I will never understand it, but you can try for yourself. Who knows, you might even like it.","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_0":"Reach the Start","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_1":"Reach Marker 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_2":"Reach Marker 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_3":"Reach Marker 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_4":"Reach Marker 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_5":"Reach Marker 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_DESC_6":"Reach Marker 6","RU_03_01_NORTH_RIVER_RACE_REW":"So, racer, you did not fall through the ice? Good job. Hope you got your dose of adrenalin.","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_OBJ":"Rescuer — marshes","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"The folks here are quite fearless, and it never occurs to them that by the end of winter the ice may be too thin. Of course it falls to me to rescue them from ice floes. I have to check if anyone has already drowned.","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_0":"Explore Zone 1","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_1":"Explore Zone 2","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_2":"Explore Zone 3","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_3":"Explore Zone 4","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_4":"Explore Zone 5","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_5":"Explore Zone 6","RU_03_01_SWAMP_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"This is it, huh? Would have expected it from the locals, but here we have a tourist. Well, thanks for being so vigilant, I guess.","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_OBJ":"Rescuer — the North Tributary","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC":"You know, frozen marshes are not much safer than rivers, especially when it gets warmer. Falling through the ice is no fun. You should check if anyone is already stuck in the South Marsh.","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_0":"Explore Zone 1","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_1":"Explore Zone 2","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_2":"Explore Zone 3","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_3":"Explore Zone 4","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_4":"Explore Zone 5","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_DESC_5":"Explore Zone 6","RU_03_01_NORTH_ROUTE_CHECK_REW":"This time you did not find anyone, but it\'s fine! Let us hope this season will pass without anyone getting stuck.","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_DESC":"We\'re knee-deep in trouble again. Last night\'s wind was brutal, tore the power lines to shreds. Can you go and take a look while I\'ll get the garage running for you?","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Pole:","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Crashed Pole:","RU_03_02_POWER_PLANTS_TSK_REW":"Why, thank you very much! While you were away, I cleaned up a bit. If you ever need to mess with the insides of your chariot, well, now you\'ve got a proper place.","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK_DESC":"It\'s getting crazy. Lines get broken, transformers get flooded, poles fall... We\'ve got spare people at the substation and yet no spare parts to fix it all. By the way, you mind helping me get some components there?","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Substation:","RU_03_02_WAREHOUSE_TSK_REW":"Thanks, buddy! Now we can finally taste the fruits of civilization again, or something.","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK_DESC":"Look, yesterday me and my pals were wheeling around on the ice and ended up stuck in the pressure ridges. Care to pull the car free, eh?","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Parking Lot:","RU_03_02_LOST_CAR_TSK_REW":"Good job, my darling is almost unscathed. I\'ll try to drive carefully from now on.","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK_DESC":"We\'re camping here for a week, but the supplies clearly won\'t last as long. Bring us the goods please? We\'ll owe ya one.","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Supply Storage:","RU_03_02_SUPPLIES_TSK_REW":"Our savior! Now we\'ve got enough supplies to last till the end of this trip.","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK_DESC":"Nice timing there! I\'ve got an idea. Back in the day, there used to be a lighthouse around these parts, before people left. So, I\'m thinking of bringing it back online. Can you check if there\'s a way to reach it?","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Abandoned Lighthouse","RU_03_02_LIGHTHOUSE_TSK_REW":"So, the passage does exist? Great, then I\'ll begin preparations.","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK_DESC":"I am an idiot. I left my cabin parked on the ice. Now the river\'s thawed, and my cabin\'s sailing the high seas. Can\'t work without it. Think you could help, eh?","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Ice Camp:","RU_03_02_FISHERCAMP_TSK_REW":"Looks like it works. Now the garage is open to everybody.","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_TSK_DESC":"Folks speak of a king-size catfish living somewhere to the south. Could you bring my stuff there?","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fishing Spot:","RU_03_02_NEW_FISHING_REW":"Whoa, ideal spot. I should\'ve moved here sooner.","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_DESC":"Curse the day when I decided to drive this jalopy. Could you tow it to the garage, please?","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_03_02_GARAGE_REPAIR_TSK_REW":"Well, that\'s it, I\'ll handle it on my own now. Thanks for the help.","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK_DESC":"We have an emergency. Earthquakes are common here, but the last one struck real hard. The road to the power station is blocked, and we\'ve got nothing to clear it with. Even our last tractor is undergoing repair.","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Landslide:","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_1_TSK_REW":"We couldn\'t have done it without you. The road is clear, thank you.","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK_DESC":"The weather\'s been really mean as of late. The coastal road has been blocked by landslides again, and we need to deliver supplies to the workers. If you are headed in that direction, could you take a crate along?","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to Mountain Landslide:","RU_03_02_LANDSLIDE_2_TSK_REW":"Now the boys can keep working. Thank you, you\'re one of the good guys.","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK_DESC":"I\'ve got a peculiar customer. He wants to have a memento from a destroyer, and we just so happen to have one moored nearby. Can you bring one? I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Old Ship","RU_03_02_OLD_SHIP_TSK_REW":"Yeah, this is it. Here, take it. Well earned.","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_DESC":"There are plenty of samovars to be found inside the abandoned village on the island. That\'s some good money to be made, why don\'t you go and collect some?","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Abandoned Houses","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Junkman\'s House:","RU_03_02_ANTIQUES_TSK_REW":"That\'s a good haul. I\'ll send them to the city, then we share the spoils.","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_DESC":"Our weather sensors are acting up. They flat out refuse to transmit data. Can you go and manually collect their measurements?","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Weather Data Capture Zone 1","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Weather Data Capture Zone 2","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Weather Data Capture Zone 3","RU_03_02_METEO_TSK_REW":"We\'ve got all the data, now the weather forecasts for the coming days will be all right.","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_DESC":"I came here all the way from Moscow. They say there\'s an island full of old architecture. Can\'t reach it though, but I\'d really like to take some photos. Care to take some using my camera?","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 1","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 2","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 3","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_3_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 4","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_4_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 5","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_5_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 6","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_SUB_6_DESC":"Visit Measurement Zone 7","RU_03_02_ICE_ROAD_TSK_REW":"Great pics! These will net me tons of likes on Pictogram!","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_DESC":"We had a hurricane yesterday, it wrecked stuff all over the place. Can you drive along the route and see if it can be traversed?","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Check the Crossroads","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Check the Village Driveway","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Check the Road by the Camp","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_3_DESC":"Check the Road","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_4_DESC":"Check the Mountain Meadow","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_SUB_5_DESC":"Check the Crossroads","RU_03_02_CAMPUS_1_TSK_REW":"So the road is passable. Well, thanks.","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"I ordered a new trailer to help moving a few hives around, but it got stuck on the way here. Can you pull it out? It\'s not a long way off.","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Beekeeper\'s House:","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRAILER":"","RU_03_02_TRAILER_CARGO_DELIVERY_TSK_REW":"Thank you, friend! Drop by in summer, I\'ll have some honey for you.","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_DESC":"I hail from the city—been living there for many years now. Yet I grew up around these parts, and I\'d like to take some pictures—a memento I could show to my kids one day. Care to help?","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit Zone 1","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Zone 2","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Zone 3","RU_03_02_VILLAGE_TSK_REW":"Thank you. Good ones. Now I have something to entertain my children with.","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"Listen up, I\'ve got a job for you. There this guy out there, and he wants a certain car. Beats me why, but it\'s none of my business—if he wants a certain motor, he\'s got his reasons. Just keep your mouth shut. Deal?","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_SUB_0_DESC":"Move to Vehicle","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Secret Spot:","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_TSK_REW":"Pleasure doing business with folks such as you. Here, you\'ve earned it fair and square. Don\'t tell anybody, got it?","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_OBJ":"Strategic Reserve","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_DESC":"The last few weeks were exceptionally cold, and while we\'re not out of wood yet, we did dig into our emergency supplies. We ordered another batch of logs from the sawmill, but someone needs to actually deliver them.","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_REW":"Very well, now we should have a plenty of fuel to last the winter.","RU_03_02_LOG_WAREHOUSE_SUPPLY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Power To The Masses","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_DESC":"The low-voltage power lines around here have definitely seen better days. A lot of the poles are barely standing, what\'s with the wind and all. If we had some spare logs we could start reinforcing the worst offenders.","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_REW":"Just in time, we\'ll start fixing the power immediately.","RU_03_02_LOG_CAMP_DELIVERY_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Substation:","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT":"Places of Military Glory","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_DESC":"It\'s been a while since we went that far. According to the maps, there were coastal batteries deployed here to defend against enemy landings during the war. We need to investigate their current condition.","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Umba Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit the Tuloma Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit the Kanda Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_SUB_3_DESC":"Visit the Varzuga Battery","RU_03_02_BUNKER_CNT_REW":"The expedition is over now. You have seen all the fortifications in the area.","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT":"The Star in the Sky","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_DESC":"Back in \'41, one pilot got shot down not far from here, but managed to survive the crash and return to his comrades on foot. We would like you to recover what\'s left of his plane. Oh, and you would need a trailer and a crane for that.","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Drive to the Airplane Wreck","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_SUB_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_AIRPLANE_CNT_REW":"We have recovered the entire plane, more or less, and in decent condition to boot. Consider this, my friend—you have left your mark on history!","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT":"The Price of Victory","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_DESC":"During the war, our forces were on the offensive in this area. Not everyone reached the objective—some armored cars were lost in the snow. Try to find and recover them. And do pack a crane with you, you will need it.","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Find Metal Detector Module","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Drive to the Lost BA-20s","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_SUB_3_DESC":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_03_02_TANK_CNT_REW":"It\'s a wonder that the cars were knocked out right here! We would have never recovered them otherwise. We\'re pretty lucky. Their crews, not so much...","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT":"Nighttime Delivery","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Listen up, I\'ve got a job for you. There this guy out there, and he wants a certain car. Beats me why, but it\'s none of my business—if he wants a certain motor, he\'s got his reasons. Just keep your mouth shut. Deal?","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Secret Spot:","RU_03_02_CAR_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Pleasure doing business with folks such as you. Here, you\'ve earned it fair and square. Don\'t tell anybody, got it?","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT":"Forgotten civilization","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_DESC":"According to journals from past expeditions, this place houses traces of an ancient civilization, many centuries old. Let me know if you find something unusual—we\'d be delighted to take a look!","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Visit the Stone Labyrinth","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_SUB_1_DESC":"Visit Megalith 1","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_SUB_2_DESC":"Visit Megalith 2","RU_03_02_ARCH_CNT_REW":"Sounds interesting. I will pass on the coordinates, let us see what my people say.","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT_DESC":"I have a job for you, if you\'re game. There is a pile of metal scrap not far from here. I wish I could take it all to the Recycling Station, but I don\'t have a vehicle for that. We could split the profit. You in?","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT_SUB_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Recycling Station:","RU_03_02_GARBAGE_CNT_REW":"And we\'re done, thanks to you. A promise is a promise, here\'s your cut.","Upgrade Tutorial":"","UPG_STAGE1_DESC":"This tutorial will let you use different upgrades and see how they affect gameplay. Right now you have a simple truck with no upgrades. Try to drive it across the rift.","UPG_TARGET1_DESC":"Drive across the Rift","UPG_STAGE1_DONE":"Doesn\'t look like this truck will get you anywhere. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE2_DESC":"Doesn\'t look like you can drive here. Now take the marked truck and install AWD upgrade (you can do it in the garage).","UPG_TAKE_UPG_DESC":"Get AWD upgrade and install it in Garage","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_DESC":"Change to:","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_OFFROAD":"Upgraded Truck","UPG_TARGET2_DESC":"Cross the Rift","UPG_TARGET3_DESC":"Reach the Destination","UPG_STAGE2_DONE":"It seems that this truck isn\'t as well-suited for ice as is it for mud. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE3_DESC":"To drive on slippery surfaces you need tires equipped with chains — they provide better grip. Change your vehicle and use a truck with tire chains to compare performance.","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_CHAIN":"Truck with tire chains","UPG_TARGET4_DESC":"Reach the Parking Lot","UPG_STAGE3_DONE":"This is much better! Now we\'ll look into another upgrade already installed on this truck. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE4_DESC":"Semi-trailers are a good choice for most cargo. To use them, the truck needs to be equipped with a special saddle. Attach one of the semi-trailers and drive it to the loading area.","UPG_TARGET5_DESC":"Reach the Warehouse","UPG_STAGE4_DONE":"Now you will need to put your cargo on the trailer. This calls for another addition: a crane. Accept the next task to continue.","UPG_STAGE5_DESC":"Sometimes you will have to load the cargo on your own using the crane. This important add-on will help you in many situations. Let\'s try out a truck equipped with a crane and see how it performs.","UPG_CHANGE_TRUCK_CRANE":"Truck with a Crane","UPG_STAGE5_UNLOAD_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","UPG_STAGE5_DONE":"Well done! We have tried several important upgrades. Now you\'re ready to tackle this game\'s challenges. Good luck!","Track Tutorial":"","TRACK_TUTOR_01":"Ready, Steady... Go!","TUTOR_TRACK_01_DESC":"You are ready to drive out into the off-road! It\'s time to study various driving techniques.","TUTOR_TRACK_01_01_DESC":"Reach the Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_01_REW":"Great! Next you\'re going to try an uphill drive. Reach the next point to continue the tutorial.","TRACK_TUTOR_02":"Up the Hill!","TUTOR_TRACK_02_DESC":"To reach your next destination you\'ll need to brave this hill. Use AWD to cross the mud and the uphill areas in a quicker and more efficient way. Remember: AWD increases fuel consumption.","TUTOR_TRACK_02_01_DESC":"Reach the Truck","TUTOR_TRACK_02_REW":"Here you are. But this is only the beginning... Now the real off-road waits for you!","TRACK_TUTOR_03":"Onwards To The Off-road","TUTOR_TRACK_03_DESC":"To cross serious cross-country terrain you might need a vehicle with better off-road capability. Get into the truck you see in front of you and drive it to the next obstacle.","TUTOR_TRACK_03_01_DESC":"Change to the Truck","TUTOR_TRACK_03_02_DESC":"Reach the Bottom of the Hill","TUTOR_TRACK_03_REW":"Done! Now you need to climb up...","TRACK_TUTOR_04":"In Low Gear","TUTOR_TRACK_04_DESC":"The summit awaits! AWD won\'t cut it. Use the low gear setting on your gearbox and activate the locking differential. The wheels will turn slower and in unison.","TUTOR_TRACK_04_01_DESC":"Reach the Dead End","TUTOR_TRACK_04_REW":"Well done. But what if you need to drive backwards? Next part of the tutorial will teach you this.","TRACK_TUTOR_05":"Reverse","TUTOR_TRACK_05_DESC":"Let\'s backtrack a little. Use the reverse gear to drive backwards. Note: reverse gear also employs the locking differential to be more efficient.","TUTOR_TRACK_05_01_DESC":"Return to the Edge of the Bluff","TUTOR_TRACK_05_REW":"Great. You\'re halfway there.","TRACK_TUTOR_06":"Down into the River","TUTOR_TRACK_06_DESC":"For your next challenge you will need to reach the river. Note: the wheel ruts will become wider as you drive through the mud several times.","TUTOR_TRACK_06_01_DESC":"Reach the River","TUTOR_TRACK_06_REW":"Awesome! The finish line is just behind the bend...","TRACK_TUTOR_07":"Diving Deep","TUTOR_TRACK_07_DESC":"There\'s a river in front of you: it\'s full of mud and rocks hidden underneath its surface. Reach your next objective, using the techniques you\'ve learned.","TUTOR_TRACK_07_01_DESC":"Reach the Middle of the River","TUTOR_TRACK_07_REW":"Ah, there you are! Well, it\'ll only get more difficult now.","TRACK_TUTOR_08":"To the Finish Line!","TUTOR_TRACK_08_DESC":"It\'s easy to get seriously stuck in deep mud. Attach your winch to the nearest tree to pull your truck free.","TUTOR_TRACK_08_01_DESC":"Reach the Finish","TUTOR_TRACK_08_REW":"This is the end of the tutorial! You can try and complete the now familiar route again using a heavy truck... Or you can drive out to brave the challenges of Snowrunner!","Objectives Tutoiral":"","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Ruined Bridge","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_DESC":"The bridge over this river was defeated by the passage of time. If you deliver Planks to the indicated point, the bridge will be repaired, and the river will be crossable again.","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Bridge:","TUT_OBJ_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_REW":"The bridge is fully repaired now. The route to the Meteo Point is open.","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK":"Restoring the Fuel Station","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK_DESC":"Some objectives not only offer money and experience, but also change the environment. This gas station ran out of fuel; if you help replenish the supplies, you will be able to refuel your vehicles here.","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","TUT_OBJ_GAS_STATION_RESTOCK_TSK_REW":"The fuel is delivered. Now you can refuel any vehicle at this point.","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"Completing secondary objectives may unlock new vehicles for you. This scout truck seems abandoned; if you manage to salvage it from the water, you will be able to use it.","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Safe Place:","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_NAME":"Scout","TUT_OBJ_TRUCK_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Scout truck was saved from becoming a pile of rust. Refuel it now, and you\'ll be able to go forth and explore the area.","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Repairing the Meteo Point","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"The old wooden weather station hasn\'t been repaired since last century. One of the locals is willing to work on it, but he needs the materials to do so.","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Meteo Point:","TUT_OBJ_PLANK_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"The cargo is delivered, and you\'ve made one more step towards reviving the region. You have discovered a shortcut from the Meteo Point to the Warehouse. Go explore it!","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ":"Examining the Area","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_DESC":"Instead of storming off in search of contracts, you should take a good look around. The watchtowers let you explore new areas on the map, finding new tasks, new locations and new potential access routes.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_0_DESC":"Find a way to the Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_1_DESC":"Find the Western Tower","TUT_OBJ_STAGE1_WATCHTOWERS_OBJ_REW":"Great job! Look for other towers on the map to learn more about your surroundings.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ":"Secondary Objectives","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_DESC":"Continue with your explorations and locate the \\"Ruined bridge\\" secondary task and a truck on the map. Complete the \\"Ruined bridge\\" task to open the way and continue with contracts.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_0_DESC":"Accept the Restoring the Fuel Station task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_1_DESC":"Accept the Ruined Bridge task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE2_TASKS_OBJ_REW":"Switch to truck. In the Tasks tab, please select the \\"Ruined bridge\\" task. After you complete the task, you can return to your primary contracts.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ":"Shortcut","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_DESC":"Exploring the map, you will find the routs around the difficult (or plain impassable) areas. Sometimes you will even stumble upon new tasks or even secret upgrades for your vehicles.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_0_DESC":"Find an Alternative Route","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_1_DESC":"Accept the Drowned Scout Truck task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE3_SHORTCUT_OBJ_REW":"Alternative routes will make it easier to navigate the map and considerably speed up your motion.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_OBJ":"The Right Vehicle","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_OBJ_DESC":"Now that you are aware of the contracts and tasks, you may try and do them all in a single round. For starters, this will require a powerful vehicle.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_0_OBJ":"Change to the Truck","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_1_OBJ":"Find the Truck","TUT_OBJ_HEAVY_TUCK_NAME":"Truck","TUT_OBJ_STAGE4_TASKS_TRUCK_OBJ_REW":"A tractor like this isn\'t the fastest or the most agile car, and as such is poorly equipped for exploration. However, those are the only vehicles capable of hauling the heavy cargo through the rough terrain.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ":"Contests","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_DESC":"In addition to completing standard missions, you can prove your worth in contests. These are missions with additional conditions—see mission descriptions for details.","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_0_DESC":"Accept the Contest task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_1_DESC":"Complete the Restoring the Fuel Station task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_2_DESC":"Complete the Ruined Bridge task","TUT_OBJ_STAGE5_TASKS_COMPLETION_OBJ_REW":"Accept the Contest mission. You will need a Sideboard Trailer to complete it. For even better results, use the shortcut.","TUT_FIRST_CNT":"Contest","TUT_FIRST_CNT_1_DESC":"Deliver to the Meteo Point","TUT_FIRST_CNT_DESC":"You still need supplies to restore the Meteo Point. The faster you deliver the cargo, the greater your reward will be. To deliver all the cargo in a single haul, purchase a trailer and find the shortert route.","TUT_OBJ_ST2_TASK1":"Fuel Station Restoration","TUT_FIRST_CNT_REW":"Great job! You completed the training!","US_04_01_MINE_CONT":"Reinvigorating the old mines","US_04_01_MINE_CONT_DESC":"Goldhorse Mining made a decision to restore an old gold mine. This would require more resources and workforce, and the latter would need some prefab cabins. Install them at the Cabin Zone 2.","US_04_01_MINE_REW":"Great, now gold-digging will thrive!","US_04_01_MINE_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Gold Mine:","US_04_01_CONV_01_CONT":"Conveyor Belt Section 1","US_04_01_CONV_01_CONT_DESC":"To get the ore to the sorting building we need to construct the conveyor. Warning: a conveyor section will partially obstruct the path. Also, the Cabin Zone 2 needs to be outfitted with prefab cabins.","US_04_01_CONV_01_CONT_REW":"Section 1 is complete. We can move on.","US_04_01_CONV_01_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to Conveyor Section 1:","US_04_01_CONV_02_CONT":"Conveyor Belt Section 2","US_04_01_CONV_02_CONT_DESC":"Ore must be delivered to the sorting site as soon as possible, Conveyor Belt Section 2 is waiting. Attention: construction partially blocks the way.","US_04_01_CONV_02_CONT_REW":"Section 2 is complete. What about the remaining two sections?","US_04_01_CONV_02_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to Conveyor Section 2:","US_04_01_CONV_03_CONT":"Conveyor Belt Section 3","US_04_01_CONV_03_CONT_DESC":"We need to assemble conveyor section near the sorting building. Warning: a conveyor section will partially obstruct the path. Also, the Cabin Zone 1 needs to be outfitted with prefab cabins.","US_04_01_CONV_03_CONT_REW":"The conveyor section that is closest to the ore sorting site is complete. Should we start it?","US_04_01_CONV_03_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to Conveyor Section 3:","US_04_01_SORT_CONT":"Ore Sorting Center","US_04_01_SORT_CONT_DESC":"Once the ore is mined, it needs to be sorted to separate the gold from the rocks. This requires a dedicated sorting building, as well as the installation of prefab cabins in the Cabin Zone 1.","US_04_01_SORT_CONT_REW":"Finally! We can sort ore. Here is your reward.","US_04_01_SORT_ACTION_DESC":"Deliver to the Ore Sorting Center:","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_DESC":"Greetings! Here\'s your task for the day: using the forklift or the crane, load a pallet with barrels onto the platform.","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_REW":"Great job! Now you can unload cargo manually.","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_STAGE_DESC":"Load manually on the Loading Site:","US_04_01_TSK_FORKLIFT_STAGE_2_DESC":"Use to load:","US_04_01_TUBING":"Mountaintop Delivery","US_04_01_TUBING_DESC":"Making it possible to work with the soil deep under the mountain will require a special trailer delivered to the mine\'s opening up above. Here\'s what you\'ll need to do.","US_04_01_TUBING_REW":"Great, now the process will finally pick up the pace. Thank you for your help, I\'m sure that was quite the challenge to get it here. Here\'s what you\'re due.","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR":"Cargo crafting","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR_DESC":"Sometimes, completing construction requires new materials or components to be created. Pick up the container on the railway station, find two sets of wooden planks, and make them into a prefab cabin at the crafting zone.","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR_REW":"Well done! Now you know how to create new cargo out of available materials. Keep an eye out for a couple more factories in your vicinity that let you craft more cargo types, you\'ll definitely need them.","US_04_01_CRAFT_TUTOR_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Hangar:","US_04_01_TSK_CAT_01_DESC":"Hey there! We need someone to get a new disassembled quarry truck over here. We\'ll put it together ourselves, and you can help yourself to our old one, just don\'t forget to fuel it up.","US_04_01_TSK_CAT_01_REW":"Excellent, just what we need! Hold on to this baby, you may need it some day.","US_04_01_CAT770_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Site near the Garage:","US_04_01_CAT770_STAGE_02_DESC":"Fuel Caterpillar 770G","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"This bridge was broken by the flood. You have to help restore it if you want to use this shortcut.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Great, thanks for your help!","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the North Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"This bridge was washed away in minutes! We restored part of it, but we need help with the rest.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Superb, you did it!","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"One of the critically important bridges on the way to the railway station was washed away in the flood. Will you help us restore it?","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03_REW":"Fine, we can now cross this river again.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Western Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04":"Bridge on the way to Gateway","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04_DESC":"This bridge could not hold against the water pressure as well. Help us restore it, it leads to the Gateway to the back of the hill.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04_REW":"Finally, the path is open! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_BRIDGE_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Broken Bridge:","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01_DESC":"The rocks have fallen into the railway tracks. Help clear the debris to reopen the path.","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01_REW":"Thank you, now you can take trains to this place again.","US_04_01_TSK_ROCKS_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Rocks:","US_04_01_TSK_01_DESC":"Hello! We have just moved a little uphill from here, but we left a trailer with fuel at the old place. Will you help us retrieve it?","US_04_01_TSK_01_REW":"Thanks! Now we have something to keep us warm!","US_04_01_TSK_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House on Top:","US_04_01_TSK_02_DESC":"Hello wanderer! I have recently moved from the frosty top of the hill closer to the water, and I had nothing to tow my old broken truck here. Will you help?","US_04_01_TSK_02_REW":"Excellent! Now I just have to order some parts, and I can get her running! Thanks for your help! Here is your reward, I\'ll take over from here.","US_04_01_TSK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House in the Valley:","US_04_01_TSK_03_DESC":"Oh, you\'re right on time! We have ordered some spare parts for our equipment, and it was shipped down there. Will you help us get it up here?","US_04_01_TSK_03_REW":"Great, now thanks to you we can keep working! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","US_04_01_TSK_04_DESC":"The recent flood washed my crates of spare parts down the stream. Help me recover them, and I will pay you back.","US_04_01_TSK_04_REW":"Thank you so much! Here, just like I promised.","US_04_01_TSK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliv. to the House Near the Conv.:","US_04_01_TSK_05_DESC":"I promised to deliver this trailer with barrels to a friend of mine who lives uphill, but I have no vehicle for that. Can you help?","US_04_01_TSK_05_REW":"Excellent, just what we need! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_05_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the House on Mountain Top:","US_04_01_TSK_05_STAGE_02_DESC":"Deliver to the House on Mountain Top:","US_04_01_TSK_06_DESC":"My car recently broke down, and my friend Joe just happens to know how to fix it. Will you help tow it there?","US_04_01_TSK_06_REW":"Great, thanks for your help! Here is a little token of my gratitude.","US_04_01_TSK_06_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Uncle Joe\'s Shack:","US_04_01_TSK_07_DESC":"Whoa! I was just crossing the bridge when I got distracted by a squirrel and drove this trailer in the water. Please, help me get it to the farm, you\'re a better fit for this job.","US_04_01_TSK_07_REW":"Thanks for your help! I\'ll mow grass or something, running cargo just isn\'t for me.","US_04_01_TSK_07_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_04_01_TSK_08_DESC":"That Stepan guy is something else! He crashed the car when he was supposed to get work done. I need your help repairing it. For a reward of course.","US_04_01_TSK_08_REW":"Thank you, here is your reward. Some people are better off walking on foot.","US_04_01_TSK_08_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to Shacks on Top:","US_04_01_TSK_08_STAGE_02_DESC":"Repair Scout 800","US_04_01_TSK_09_DESC":"Can you imagine, I made a bet with a friend that I can cross this stream at full throttle. Looks like I lost. Will you help me deliver the car to the house?","US_04_01_TSK_09_REW":"All right, now I can start fixing things, it is all flooded here.","US_04_01_TSK_09_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Shacks Near a Spring:","US_04_01_TSK_10_DESC":"Mr. Stevenson ordered some wooden planks and this trailer from us. Deliver them to him and he will pay you.","US_04_01_TSK_10_REW":"Great, here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_10_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to Mr. Stevenson\'s house:","US_04_01_TSK_10_STAGE_02_DESC":"Deliver to Mr Stevenson\'s house:","US_04_01_TSK_11_DESC":"We ordered some fuel, but the delivery truck dropped everything on the frozen lake. Can you help us bring it home?","US_04_01_TSK_11_REW":"Thanks, we can breathe easy now. Here\'s your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_11_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Lake House:","US_04_01_TSK_12_DESC":"Hi. A friend of mine lives on the far slope of the mountain, and the path to them was blocked by the fallen rocks. We managed to clear most of it, but they need some fuel. Help us deliver this trailer, will you?","US_04_01_TSK_12_REW":"Finally, some fuel! Take your reward please.","US_04_01_TSK_12_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Destination Point:","US_04_01_TSK_13_DESC":"My friend Bill loves building cars. I sent him some crates with spare parts, but not only did he break the truck—he also lost the crates. Will you deliver the crates to him? He will give you the truck if you fix it.","US_04_01_TSK_13_REW":"Superb, thanks for your help! Take this truck, I don\'t need it anymore, I\'ll make another one.","US_04_01_TSK_13_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to Bill\'s House:","US_04_01_TSK_13_STAGE_02_DESC":"Restore Chevrolet Kodiak C70","US_04_01_TSK_14_DESC":"Hi, I am Petro, and my car died right in the middle of this marsh. Will you help me tow it home? Just be careful, the soil here is very weak and hard to drive on.","US_04_01_TSK_14_REW":"Home at last! Thank you! Here is your reward.","US_04_01_TSK_14_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Petro\'s House:","US_04_01_RACE_S_CNT_DESC":"Hey, this is Quick Nick! My friends and I have been racing here in the old dredge works. Try and beat our records!","US_04_01_RACE_S_CNT_REW":"Whoa, you\'re not bad at all! This is your reward.","US_04_01_RACE_L_CNT_DESC":"Hi! How do you like the idea of racing on the big ring in the old dredge works? We call it the Dradge Race, ha! You just have to turn here.","US_04_01_RACE_L_CNT_REW":"That\'s fast for such a long route! You deserved a reward. Here!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_CNT_DESC":"Hello, we sometimes race here with the guys. Try it!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_CNT_REW":"That was fun! Go uphill for another round!","US_04_01_DOWNHILL_01_02_STAGE_DESC":"Reach the Finish","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01":"Factory: Main Block","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_DESC":"Building a whole plant in such conditions is no easy task. We\'ll need all the resources we can possibly find. Try getting support from the locals, they\'ll be happy to help.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_REW":"This is a vital stage in building the whole plant. Thanks to your persistence, we did the impossible. Here\'s your share.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 1:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_01_ST2":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 1:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02":"Factory: Reservoirs","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_DESC":"Such large scale construction takes lots of resources—human resources too. Don\'t forget your workers will need housing. A nearby factory produces great cabins, it may be worth looking at.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_REW":"To be honest, we doubted it would work. But you showed us it\'s really people like you who keep this place together.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 2:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_ST2":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 2:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_02_TRAILER":"Tank for the plant","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03":"Factory: Sewage Treatment Facilities","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_DESC":"Material supplies are way behind schedule, but we need the plant now! This area is full of abandoned structures. Besides, I hear there are tons of empty containers along the old railway tracks. You may have use for them.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_REW":"This stage is complete, all thanks to you. I have no idea how we would\'ve solved the supply issue if it weren\'t for your wits! Here\'s your, well deserved, reward.","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 3:","US_04_02_FACTORY_BLOCK_03_ST2":"Deliver to Unloading Zone 3:","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY":"Final check","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_DESC":"Now that the plant is ready, we have to test it. Take the ore samples produced earlier and deliver them to the plant.","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_REW":"It works! Together, we did a big thing for the whole region. Now we\'ll have jobs, and I hope this\'ll bring some life back to the area. Thank you, you did great!","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","US_04_02_FINAL_DELIVERY_RECOMMEND":"Caterpillar 770G saddle is required","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS":"Stocking Up","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_DESK":"My friend! So glad you\'re back with us! We need to stock up several warehouses with logs. For that, we need a professional driver, like you.","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_REW":"Now our supplies will last. Good to have someone to rely on. Here\'s your reward.","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to the Mountain Warehouse:","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_04_02_LONG_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the West Camp:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS":"Looking After Your Own","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_DESK":"Several households are in a tight spot. Lots of trees around but no permit to cut them down, and they\'re running out of wood to heat their homes. We have to deliver firewood to each of them. You seem fit for the job.","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_REW":"We have supplied the wood on time, so no one will freeze in their own forest cabin.","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST1":"Deliver to Bill\'s house:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST2":"Deliver to Stevenson\'s house:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST3":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s Cabin:","US_04_02_MED_LOGS_ST4":"Deliver to Frank\'s house:","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL":"Destination: Sawmill","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL_DESC":"We have a big batch of logs here that need to be taken to the local sawmill. I\'m sure you\'ll do well. Just be sure to secure the logs on the trailer. We don\'t want anyone to get hurt.","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL_REW":"Did it really go well and no one\'s hurt? That\'s what happens when people know their safety rules. Great, here\'s your cut.","US_04_02_LOGS_FOR_LUMBERMILL_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_TSK_DESC":"The detour has recently been blocked by a landslide. We need your help now!","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_TSK_REW":"Thank you! Now we can resume shipping cargo to the far ends of the region.","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_01_ST1":"Deliver to Road Block:","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_TSK_DESC":"Oh no! Our only paved road is blocked by debris. It must be cleared soon! Otherwise we\'ll run out of food!","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_TSK_REW":"Thanks for your help. I don\'t think anyone could\'ve done it better.","US_04_02_BLOCKAGE_02_ST1":"Deliver to Landslide on the Highway:","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_TSK_DESC":"How did you get here? Never mind. My name is Carter, and I think you can help me. There is an abandoned radio tower nearby. Sometimes, I receive a strange signal coming from it. Can you check out what\'s going on there?","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_TSK_REW":"There\'s nothing special here. Just an abandoned radio tower. However, the tire tracks seem quite fresh.","US_04_02_STRANGE_SIGNAL_ST1":"Reach the Radio Tower","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TSK_DESC":"I need your help! I was fishing off the rocks there and I didn\'t see my car roll down into the lake! Now I cannot get it out, but you could easily do it.","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TSK_REW":"Thanks! The car has a couple of dents, but the engine starts, and that\'s all that matters. Here is your reward!","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_ST1":"Deliver to the Fisherman\'s House:","US_04_02_DROWNSCOUT_TRUCK":"Fisherman\'s car","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TSK_DESC":"Ready for some errands? On the other end of this mountain chain there is a warehouse with some useful resources. It needs some repairs. If you take these tools there, we could share some of our stock with you.","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TSK_REW":"Great! It\'s much better here now. You can take some resources from the warehouse if you need them.","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_TRUCK":"Tools","US_04_02_TOOLSDELIVERY_ST1":"Deliver to the Mountain Warehouse:","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_TSK_DESC":"This ravine leads to the semi-flooded foothills. Or used to, to be more precise. Now it\'s nothing but a heap of rocks. However, if you clear them, we won\'t have to take a detour to get there.","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_TSK_REW":"Brilliant! Now we won\'t have to travel through these marshes on our way back home. It\'s to your benefit too - you can make use of that tunnel as well.","US_04_02_BLOCKED_GATE_ST1":"Deliver to the Rockfall in the Ravine:","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_TSK_DESC":"We have a situation here! A container with cargo for our warehouse went missing after a small flood. I suspect water carried it toward the forest. If you bring it back, we\'ll share some stuff from the warehouse with you.","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_TSK_REW":"This thing certainly made it far! Well, you held up your part of the deal. Now you can take what you need from the warehouse.","US_04_02_LOST_BIG_CONT_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK_DESC":"We need to do some planned maintenance on the tower. The trouble is, it\'s located on a cliff and there\'s no way we can drag our equipment there. We need someone who could lift the crate with the tools up the cliff.","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK_REW":"You did a great job. This pretty much does it. And we owe you a reward.","US_04_02_ELECTROFIX_TSK_ST1":"Unload at the Power Tower","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_TSK_DESC":"What are they doing there? After the flood, half our belongings got washed away! We really need those crates. If you help us, we\'ll give you a good reward.","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_TSK_REW":"Impressive work! The crates are intact and we\'re happy. Here is your reward.","US_04_02_LOST_CRATES_ST1":"Deliver to the Frank\'s House:","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TSK_DESC":"I have no idea how, but my men managed to sink that thing in the woods. And I can\'t even begin to think how to drag it out. But if you do the impossible, I promise you a big reward.","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TSK_REW":"Did you really do it? This is the story I will be telling my grandchildren. Here, you deserved it.","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_ST1":"Find and deliver to Dave\'s House:","US_04_02_DROWNED_TITAN_TRUCK":"Drowned Truck","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK":"Opening the Warehouse","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_DESC":"We recently bought a hangar at the old station; but it has to be disassembled and repaired. If you help get some tools there, we will share some resources from the warehouse with you.","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_REW":"Awesome. Now we have our own warehouse. You can take whatever resources you need.","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking:","US_04_02_OPEN_STORAGE_TSK_TRAILER":"Tools","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TSK_DESC":"Hey, would you like to make some money? I have a small hunting cabin in the mountains, but it needs heating and my old jeep won\'t start. Could you take the tank there?","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TSK_REW":"Great, my weekend is saved! Thanks, you did us a favor.","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_TRAILER":"Fuel for the hunter","US_04_02_FUEL_FOR_HUNTER_ST1":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s Cabin:","US_04_02_HELP_TSK_DESC":"Several households in the area have suffered from flooding. They need food. However, the crates must be placed on special ramps, so that they\'re not washed away in case of repeat flooding.","US_04_02_HELP_TSK_REW":"Thanks to you, we helped those who needed it. This is a noble deed, thank you!","US_04_02_HELP_ST1":"Deliver to Rachel\'s House:","US_04_02_HELP_ST2":"Deliver to Steve\'s House:","US_04_02_HELP_ST3":"Deliver to Matt\'s House:","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"I need your help, friend! My cousin went for a drive in the mountains at night. And his truck broke down right at the peak! Now we\'re thinking how to get him out of there. Will you help us?","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TSK_REW":"And we already thought of calling a helicopter! Thanks!","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_ST1":"Deliver to Robert\'s House:","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_ST2":"Repair Cousin\'s Truck","US_04_02_BROKEN_TRUCK_TRUCK":"Cousin\'s Truck","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_DESC":"We\'re worried that the ground may sink under several power towers. We have to check it. Please deliver the trailer with the diagnostic equipment to each point; we need to make sure everything\'s okay.","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_REW":"Yes, it seems we have nothing to worry about, but thanks for your help anyway!","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_TRUCK":"Diagnostic Trailer","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to Research Point 1","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_ST2":"Deliver to Research Point 2","US_04_02_TELEMETRY_TSK_ST3":"Deliver to Research Point 3","US_04_02_STORAGE_TSK_DESC":"We have an unusual favor to ask. We\'re starting exploration in the mountains, but we have to keep our equipment somewhere. The easiest way is to use containers. Deliver containers to both camps. I\'ve heard there are some empty containers along the railway tracks.","US_04_02_STORAGE_TSK_REW":"Great! Now we can work full-scale. All thanks to you.","US_04_02_STORAGE_ST1":"Deliver to the East Camp:","US_04_02_STORAGE_ST2":"Deliver to the West Camp:","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_TSK_DESC":"I was expecting a delivery of some pipes for the water supply system, but the contractors sank the trailer with them in the woods. I need them now. You can either find my trailer or bring me new pipes. I\'ll pay you well.","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_TSK_REW":"Now I\'ll have water in my house. Thank you.","US_04_02_TUBES_NEED_NOW_ST1":"Deliver to Manny\'s House:","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT_DESC":"Want to take part in the local rock climbing competition? If you get to the top within the set time limit, you will get a handsome reward.","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT_REW":"Wow, you\'re a true rock climber! Here\'s your prize.","US_04_02_TOTHETOP_CNT_ST1":"Reach the Mountain Top","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC":"These steps are left from excavation work in the past. Looks like an ideal place for a survival competition to me. You in?","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_REW":"Very few got to the finish line. But you made it and earned your reward.","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST1":"Reach Waypoint A","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST2":"Reach Waypoint B","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST3":"Reach Waypoint C","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST4":"Reach Waypoint D","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST5":"Reach Waypoint E","US_04_02_DIRT_CNT_DESC_ST6":"Reach Waypoint F","trial_01_01 Ride-On King":"","TRIAL_01_01_SCOUTING_CNT":"Ride-On King","TRIAL_01_01_SCOUTING_CNT_DESC":"I bet an old sweat like yourself wouldn\'t mind a good challenge, eh? Visit every zone I\'ve marked on your map before the timer runs out to get your reward. Oh, and try not to trash the car while you\'re at it!","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_01_DESC":"Cross the Swamp","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_02_DESC":"Reach the Antenna","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_03_DESC":"Cross the Forest","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_04_DESC":"Reach the Bridge","TRIAL_01_01_ZONE_05_DESC":"Reach the House","TRIAL_01_01_SCOUTING_CNT_REW":"Great job! Here is your reward.","TRIAL_01_01_WIN_DESC":"In the allotted time, visit the locations marked on your map without wrecking your vehicle.","trial_01_02 Backwoods":"","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_TSK":"Lost in wilderness","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_TSK_DESC":"Some local adventurers went off to explore the surroundings and reported they were running out of fuel. Your mission is to find them and bring them back. We do not have a map, you\'re on your own. Good luck!","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Meeting Point:","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_02_DESC":"Deliver to the Meeting Point:","TRIAL_01_02_TRUCK_03_DESC":"Deliver to the Meeting Point:","TRIAL_01_02_REW_DESC":"Great! Even the local fauna couldn\'t get those guys! Here\'s your reward, and we\'ll go grab some canisters for future trips.","TRIAL_01_02_WIN_DESC":"Locate the three local villagers\' vehicles and deliver them to the drop-off point without using the map.","trial_02_01 Snowbound Valley":"","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERING_CNT_DESC":"We could use a hand with the repairs on the pipeline, and we\'re really low on supplies. Have a look around the valley, maybe there are any pipes left unused since the last repairs. And try not to run out of fuel, that\'s all we have left.","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERING":"Snowbound Valley","TRIAL_02_01_TARGET_DESC":"Deliver to the Service Station:","TRIAL_02_01_DELIVERING_CNT_REW":"Great job! I knew we could rely on you.","TRIAL_02_01_WIN_DESC":"Deliver multiple large pipes to the service station. Fuel reserves are limited and truck recovery is restricted.","trial_02_02 Zalukodes":"","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_DESC":"Recently, this area has been struck by natural disasters, and we lost signals from the towers. Go get the generators there started.","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_REW":"Connection is restored, now people can communicate again.","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_0_DESC":"Visit Tower 1","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_1_DESC":"Visit Tower 2","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_2_DESC":"Visit Tower 3","TRIAL_02_02_SEARCH_CNT_3_DESC":"Visit Tower 4","TRIAL_02_02_WIN_DESC":"Visit the four towers located in hard to reach locations.","trial_03_02":"","TRIAL_03_02_DELIVERY_CNT":"Tumannaya Pass","TRIAL_03_02_SPARE_PARTS_DELIVERY":"Deliver the service trailer to the Power line","TRIAL_03_02_WIN_DESC":"Repair the truck and deliver the materials over the Tumannaya pass to the toppled power line.","TRIAL_03_02_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Repair the truck and deliver the materials to the power line.","TRIAL_03_02_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Everything is delivered. Good job!","trial_03_01":"","TRIAL_03_01":"Twins","TRIALS_03_01_BUILD_A_BRIDGE_BRING_BRICK":"Deliver the supplies to the Unfinished bridge","TRIAL_03_01_DESC":"Spring has come to the Northern lands. Its many creeks and the bay area are overflowing, washing out the nearby roads. The local bridge construction efforts went awry when a snapped housing sent four crates of mounting equipment tumbling into the bay below.","TRIAL_03_01_WIN_DESC":"Collect the lost cargo and deliver it to the unfinished bridge.","TRIALS_03_01_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Collect four scattered cargo and deliver them to the unfinished bridge.","TRIALS_03_01_DELIVERY_CNT_REW":"Well done. You deserved it.","trial_03_03":"","TRIAL_03_03":"Wolves\' Bog","TRIALS_03_03_SCOUT_CNT_DESC":"Deliver the scout to the sawmill.","TRIAL_03_03_WIN_DESC":"Deliver the scout to the sawmill.","TRIALS_03_03_SCOUTING_CNT_DESC":"Reach the Sawmill.","TRIAL_03_03_FINISH_ZONE":"Sawmill","TRIAL_03_03_W1":"Watchtower","TRIAL_03_03_W2":"Watchtower","TRIAL_03_03_W3":"Watchtower","TRIAL_03_03_SCOUTING_CNT_REW":"Well done. Here\'s your reward.","TRIALS_03_03_DELIVERY_CNT_DESC":"Deliver the scout to the sawmill.","trial_04_01":"","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_CNT":"Escape from Tretyakov","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_CNT_DESC":"Time for some maneuvering practice. You\'ll get a good set of wheels, a full fuel tank, and all the claustrophobic close quarters you could ever wish for, and all you have to do is to check on a few spots I\'ve marked for you. The clock\'s ticking.","TRIAL_04_01_SCOUTING_CNT_REW":"Now that\'s a job well done.","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_01_DESC":"Reach the Lumber Yard","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_02_DESC":"Reach the Service Shacks","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_03_DESC":"Reach the Village","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_04_DESC":"Reach the Church","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_05_DESC":"Reach the Train Station","TRIAL_04_01_ZONE_06_DESC":"Reach the Steading","TRIAL_04_01_WIN_DESC":"In the allotted time, visit all locations marked on your map in any order.","trial_04_02":"","TRIAL_04_02_TSK":"The Slope","TRIAL_04_02_TSK_DESC":"The local weather station was expecting an equipment resupply. However, the recent storm has cut off the only viable route connecting it to the outside world. Still, this delivery needs to be made no matter what.","TRIAL_04_02_TSK_REW":"Finally! Can imagine how dreadful the route was, but you did it, and that\'s what matters.","TRIAL_04_02_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","TRIAL_04_02_WIN_COND":"Deliver an equipment container to the weather station without having the area map.","trial_05_01":"","TRIAL_05_01_TSK":"Aftermath","TRIAL_05_01_TSK_DESC":"Storms and floods are a common sight in many regions of our planet that oftentimes lead to disastrous consequences. Four vehicles loaded with important cargo were lost during the storm and need to be returned to the seaport.","TRIAL_05_01_REW_DESC":"Job well done! Our people will take over from here. For now, here\'s your reward.","TRIAL_05_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Seaport:","TRIAL_05_01_WIN_COND":"Find and deliver all vehicles to the seaport.","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ":"Fallen Titans","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_DESC":"Several big century-old trees were blown over by a recent storm. We would hate for the valuable timber to go to waste, so we have prepared the logs for transportation. The pick-up locations can be quite tricky, but I think you can do it.","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_REW":"Great, now these trees will be put to use, all thanks to you!","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Rail Car:","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_ST2":"Deliver to the Rail Car:","US_03_02_BIG_LOGS_OBJ_ST3":"Deliver to the Rail Car:","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ":"Weightlifting","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ_DESC":"It\'s as simple as that—you have to transport a locomotive from the depot to the station. You heard me right. I know, this is crazy and no one would be up to it—except you. The thing is, it can only be fueled and fixed at the station, and we have no other locomotives to tow it.","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ_REW":"Looks like I lost a hundred bucks to Steve. Well, now I have a good story to tell to my children.","US_03_02_TRAIN_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver Locomotive to the Loading Station:","WAGON_FINISH":"Loading Station","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_OBJ":"Restoring the tracks","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_OBJ_DESC":"If we are to restore this region, we have to establish connections. And nothing beats a railway! There\'s one here, and it looks decent, but several sections need to be replaced. That means ordering them at the factory and then delivering them to the breaches.","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_OBJ_REW":"I see you did it! Soon enough, cargo trains will start arriving, and we can ship out timber and paper products. You deserved your cut.","US_03_02_RAIL_REPAIR_ST1":"Deliver to the Broken tracks","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_OBJ":"Train Departure","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_OBJ_DESC":"We are almost ready to send out our first train! There are a few problems however. First, the bridge the train has to go over isn\'t in top shape. It has to be fixed. Second, no engine will run without fuel. And we\'re not talking gasoline here. It needs special fuel from the fueling station nearby.","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_OBJ_REW":"The first step is taken. A new era has started for the region, and we would never have done it without you! Here\'s your reward, along with the heartiest gratitude from all the residents.","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","US_03_02_FINAL_COUNTDOWN_ST2":"Deliver to the Fueling Station","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_DESC":"Hi! We are trying to set up some mobile communication here. The signal is so bad, I can\'t even call my mom. But we need to haul the equipment to the hilltop. Will you help?","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_REW":"Now, we do the assembly, and we can call our families! Thanks for your help!","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_ST1":"Deliver equipment to the Cell Site:","US_03_02_CELL_MASHINERY_TSK_TRUCK":"Mobile Telephony","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_DESC":"My loaded trailer got washed off into the river during a recent flood, but yesterday I saw it on a sandbank. Can you get it out?","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_REW":"Thanks! Without this trailer, I can\'t run the household properly, and I could always use the supplies. Here\'s your reward.","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_ST1":"Deliver to Miller\'s House:","US_03_02_CARGOINRIVER_TRUCK":"Trailer with cargo","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK_DESC":"Hey, can you help me? I\'m trying to fix my farm, and I could really use some long logs. I\'ll pay you well for the haul.","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK_REW":"Great, now I can restore everything here and run the household as it should be. Here\'s your reward!","US_03_02_FARMER_LOG_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Farmer\'s House:","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_TSK_DESC":"A landslide happened after a recent storm and carried away a few pallets of fuel oil tanks. They are a hazard for the environment and can even contaminate the river. Can you please pull them out?","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_REW":"Now I can stop worrying for the local nature. Thanks, here is your reward.","US_03_02_DANGER_BARRELS_ST1":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"This bridge was intended to connect the factory and the railway station. We need to fulfill the plan and complete the bridge.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Now delivering products from the factory will be so much easier! Thanks for your help!","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_ST1":"Deliver to the North Bridge:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"This bridge was never finished. We have to complete the job so we stay connected with this part of the region.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Awesome! This bridge will help us speed up log delivery from the woodcutting mill.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_02_ST1":"Deliver to the South Bridge:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_01_ST2":"Deliver to the South Bridge:","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"The bridge that leads to my house has become very shabby and recently fell apart. Now, I\'m cut off from my land! I have to climb rocks to get home. Will you help me restore the bridge?","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_REW":"Thank you! Not having to climb for half an hour just to get home has its perks.","US_03_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_03_ST1":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_DESC":"Driving through a forest at night is a terrible idea. We sent out a truck with a trailer for a technical assistance mission. The driver got lost, so the truck and the trailer both got stuck on the coast. We have no adequate equipment, we need your help.","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_REW":"Hurrah, the vehicles are safe! Had we lost the truck, it would\'ve cost us a fortune. As a token of our gratitude, please accept some resources from our warehouse.","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Hangar:","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_TRUCK":"Stuck truck","US_03_02_LOST_TRUCK_01_TSK_TRAILER":"Stuck trailer","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_TSK_DESC":"We were expecting a delivery of a big pipe, and the driver decided to take a shortcut across a shabby bridge. As the result, the pipe ended up in the river. We have to get it out somehow. Can you do it?","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_TSK_REW":"You saved us! I think it\'d only be fair if we let you have some resources from our warehouse.","US_03_02_TUBE_IN_RIVER_ST1":"Deliver to the Unloading Site:","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TSK_DESC":"A barrel truck was supposed to arrive at our warehouse. But you know how the roads here are... It turned over on the way. We have no machinery to flip or fix it. Could you help us? For a fee, of course.","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TSK_REW":"Wow, as good as new! Thanks to you, our warehouse will keep on working as intended. This is your reward, and if you need something at the warehouse, you can take it.","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_ST1":"Deliver the truck to the Warehouse Parking Lot:","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_ST2":"Fix White Western Star 4964","US_03_02_TRUCK_IN_RIVER_TRUCK":"Truck with a Tank","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_DESC":"We have an emergency! There was this big crane truck we were expecting. And by “big,” I mean BIG. It was going to the warehouse, but it flipped on its way here and fell into the trench. Folks who tried to help couldn\'t even budge it. Maybe you\'re the one who can do it?","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_REW":"You are one noble driver! I already thought we\'d have to saw the crane in half. But you saved us all! You\'re welcome to use our workshop if you\'ll need it.","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_ST1":"Deliver the truck to the Fuel Storage:","US_03_02_TOR_TSK_TRUCK":"Crane Truck","US_03_02_STRANGER_DESC":"Hey, kid, I see you\'re not from around here. It\'s good. My name is Carter. Something fishy is going on in this forest. I\'ve seen a weird glow in the depth of the woods many a time. I think they\'re doing some prohibited experiments there. I\'ve written down the coordinates of those places. You have to check them out!","US_03_02_STRANGER_REW":"Nothing unusual here, except for hordes of huge mushrooms on the hills. You wonder how long they\'ve been growing here. Carter left you the money in an envelope and vanished.","US_03_02_STRANGER_ST1":"Check the Suspicious activity point","US_03_02_STRANGER_ST2":"Check the Suspicious activity point","US_03_02_STRANGER_ST3":"Check the Suspicious activity point","US_03_02_YFILES_DESC":"How\'d you find me? Never mind. I think the government knows that I\'m after them, so I had to move. But I can trust you. I have discovered paranormal activity again! Tree tops mysteriously disappear at night, in the spots I\'ve marked. Please take a look at that place.","US_03_02_YFILES_REW":"Why would anyone chop trees in the middle of the forest? And where did the chopped trees go? Carter vanished yet again, leaving behind an envelope.","US_03_02_YFILES_ST1":"Check the Anomalous activity point","US_03_02_YFILES_ST2":"Check the Anomalous activity point","US_03_02_YFILES_ST3":"Check the Anomalous activity point","US_03_02_INVASION_DESC":"Finally, I discovered what causes the anomalies in the area! The huge funnel sink as locals call it, is in fact an alien landing spot. Government agents have collected the remains of the ship in crates, but they never took them anywhere. You have to be there first and get the crates to me.","US_03_02_INVASION_REW":"The crates hold nothing but junk. Looks like one of the locals has illegally dumped trash there. Although, I\'m sure the government has played a role in it. Well, we\'ve done a good deed anyway, here\'s your reward.","US_03_02_INVASION_ST1":"Deliver to Carter\'s Shelter:","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_DESC":"Thanks for your help with the bridge. But I\'ve found out that the materials for the new structure, that were lying around on the lot, have vanished. I think the hurricane blew them over to the river. I saw pallets with them washed ashore at the islands. Will you get them for me?","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_REW":"Thank you my friend! Now I can build my farm here and start supplying local residents with food. Your reward is well deserved.","US_03_02_CARGO_ON_ISLANDS_ST1":"Deliver to the House on the Plateau:","US_03_02_SLALOM_DESC":"There is an interesting trail here, at first it looks easy, but in the end you\'re up for a surprise. Not many people reach the final point. But you look brave enough.","US_03_02_SLALOM_REW":"That was impressive! You were flying like a bird. Many have bet on you, so here is your well-deserved prize.","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST1":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST2":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST3":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST4":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_SLALOM_ST5":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_DESC":"My Grandma urgently needs a batch of pies! But you\'ll have to travel at night, through half-flooded forest. You\'d better take something serious, not every vehicle will go through there.","US_03_02_MUDSTER_REW":"Anything for my beloved Grandma. This is for you!","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST1":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST2":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST3":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST4":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST5":"Reach Control Point","US_03_02_MUDSTER_ST6":"Reach Control Point","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT":"Starting the Power Plant","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT_DESC":"Starting the Power Plant will help start up steel and brick production, and it will help the region in general. Let there be power!","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT_REW":"Finally, we can make bricks and rolled steel. You may benefit from this too.","US_03_01_PLANT_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Power Plant:","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT":"Paper Factory, Section A","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT_DESC":"We have another construction site here! Section A of the future paper factory requires components, please help deliver them to the construction site.","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT_REW":"Thanks, we\'ll keep on building.","US_03_01_PAPER_01_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Paper Factory:","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT":"Paper Factory, Section B","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT_DESC":"Section B of the Paper Factory needs materials. Help deliver them, and we\'ll be one step closer to completion.","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT_REW":"Thanks for your help, there\'s just a little left.","US_03_01_PAPER_02_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Paper Factory:","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT":"Paper Factory, Section C","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT_DESC":"What\'s left is the last-but-not-least section of the Paper Factory. Let us finish it, you\'re doing great.","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT_REW":"Fantastic, we did it! Thanks for all your work, here is your reward.","US_03_01_PAPER_03_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Paper Factory:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01":"Delivery to the Weather Station","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01_DESC":"Local meteorologists need logs! The sooner, the better! Even though these guys are usually good at waiting—their supplies will run out, as will as their patience.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01_REW":"Thanks, you saved us. We don\'t cut trees here, it\'s good we have lumber yards nearby.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02":"Contribution to Farm Restoration","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02_DESC":"Hi! We had this big flood a while ago, but the water is subsiding, and we\'re planning to restore our town. We need you to deliver some wood here, will you help us?","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02_REW":"Great, thanks for your help. Hope natural disasters decide to leave us alone.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Farm:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03":"Rail Trail","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03_DESC":"This railway station will resume its work any time now, and we already got a few orders. Please make the deliveries and we\'ll pay.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03_REW":"Just what we needed, thanks for your work!","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04":"Big Trees to Small Homes","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_DESC":"A couple of local residents want to stock up on firewood for the coming winter. Please help us with the delivery, we\'ll pay you.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_REW":"Thanks for your work. I have no idea where they\'ll store all that firewood, but it\'s their problem, not ours.","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the House in the South:","US_03_01_LOGS_CONT_04_STAGE_02_DESC":"Deliver to the House in the North:","US_03_01_CELL_CONT":"Wisconsin Truck Trip","US_03_01_CELL_CONT_DESC":"Finally, we\'ve started making cellulose! Now we have to fulfil a major contract and deliver it to the station in the south, over the hill. Pick up the cargo and take it to the destination.","US_03_01_CELL_CONT_REW":"Well done, great job! Here is your reward.","US_03_01_CELL_CONT_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"The main link between the new and the old factory has been destroyed. Will you help restore it?","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Finally, the path is laid.","US_03_01_BRIDGE_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Factories Bridge:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"There used to be a wooden bridge here, and we are re-building it. We need your help!","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Superb! We have an excellent bridge now, right?","US_03_01_BRIDGE_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"The path to the sawmill is blocked too. Let\'s clear it.","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03_REW":"Wow, now we\'re talking!","US_03_01_BRIDGE_03_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Railway Bridge:","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04_DESC":"This bridge used to be made of wood, but we decided to renovate it. I think that will be just what we need. Will you help us?","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04_REW":"A little goes a long way! This is a great bridge, here is your fee.","US_03_01_BRIDGE_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Creek Bridge:","US_03_01_TSK_01_DESC":"My friend was bringing me some spare parts, but some of them got lost on the way. Help us recover them please.","US_03_01_TSK_01_REW":"Hooray, we can breathe easy now. Thanks!","US_03_01_TSK_01_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Unloading Point:","US_03_01_TSK_02_DESC":"My friend Steve decided to take a ride on the rocks and fell from the very top. He\'s okay, but his car is stuck. Can you tow it out, please?","US_03_01_TSK_02_REW":"Great! Should probably install another four wheels on the roof of the car, for just such an occasion. Here you go.","US_03_01_TSK_02_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Garage:","US_03_01_TSK_03_DESC":"Hi! My name is Mr. B, I am a traveler. I was just testing some modifications when I lost my trailer with spare parts, and my car broke down. Will you help me with that? I will pay you!","US_03_01_TSK_03_REW":"Hooray, now I can get back on the road! Thanks for your help, here is your reward. Who knows, we may see each other again some day. Bye!","US_03_01_TSK_03_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the Mr. B.\'s House:","US_03_01_TSK_03_STAGE_02_DESC":"Repair Khan Lo4f","US_03_01_TSK_04_DESC":"Why, oh why did he go there?.. Please, please help me get my friend\'s car out of the bog, I will pay you!","US_03_01_TSK_04_REW":"Thanks! Hope he\'ll be more careful from now on.","US_03_01_TSK_04_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House On The Hill:","US_03_01_TSK_05_DESC":"A recent hurricane has scattered our belongings all around. We need your help to find and recover them. For a fee, of course.","US_03_01_TSK_05_REW":"Thank you for your help, looks like we need to move our camp farther up the hills.","US_03_01_TSK_05_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Unloading Point:","US_03_01_TSK_06_DESC":"Hi! I wanted to ride down the quarry on my old truck but it fell. Will you help me pull it out and fix it? I will pay you for that.","US_03_01_TSK_06_REW":"Finally! Thanks for your help!","US_03_01_TSK_06_STAGE_01_DESC":"Deliver to the House near the Quarry:","US_03_01_TSK_06_STAGE_02_DESC":"Repair International Loadstar 1700","US_03_01_TSK_07_DESC":"I did tell myself not to go there, cause I might sink... But I just had to test that new suspension and the wheels! Help me pull the car out, will you? I will reward you handsomely.","US_03_01_TSK_07_REW":"Part of the suspension\'s lost, but the car looks viable. Thank you. Off to the repair shop with me now, so next time I won\'t get stuck.","US_03_01_TSK_07_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the House near the Bog:","US_03_01_TSK_08_DESC":"My farm got flooded, so I moved. But I left my truck behind. Can you help bring it here?","US_03_01_TSK_08_REW":"Thanks for your help, here is your reward.","US_03_01_TSK_08_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Riverside House:","US_03_01_TSK_09_DESC":"Not long ago, I was driving around and toppled off the hill. The car is totaled and I can do without it, but I left some stuff there. Bring it here, and you can keep the car.","US_03_01_TSK_09_REW":"Thanks, just what I was looking for. The car is now yours, like I promised.","US_03_01_TSK_09_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Mr. Johnson\'s House:","US_03_01_TSK_10_DESC":"Recently, I borrowed a trailer and some logs from a friend. Will you help me get what I owe to his house? I will pay for your services.","US_03_01_TSK_10_REW":"Great, thank you. I can use it for my work.","US_03_01_TSK_10_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to the Lake House:","US_03_01_TSK_11_DESC":"Did you see the train that turned over on the tracks? We have some barrels there. Will you help us bring them here?","US_03_01_TSK_11_REW":"Thanks a lot, we appreciate your help.","US_03_01_TSK_11_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Platform by the House:","US_03_01_TSK_12_DESC":"We used to have a nice farm and a pretty town. The hurricane was vicious, but we do not leave our own behind. Help us recover the container with our gear and belongings, and we will pay you.","US_03_01_TSK_12_REW":"Great! We will not give up until this place becomes even more beautiful than before! And safer, too. Thanks for your service!","US_03_01_TSK_12_STAGE_DESC":"Deliver to Platform at the Farm:","US_03_01_CONT_01_DESC":"Hi! As you know, the locals love racing, and the quarry nearby is an ideal racing track. Let\'s see how fast your vehicle can go.","US_03_01_CONT_01_REW":"Wow, not bad! Here\'s the reward; you deserve it for that speed.","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_01_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_02_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_03_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint C","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_04_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint D","US_03_01_CONT_01_STAGE_05_DESC":"Finish at Waypoint E","US_03_01_CONT_02_DESC":"A friend of mine says: “Never relax before you reach your goal.” Let\'s see how well you concentrate, this race is intended precisely for that.","US_03_01_CONT_02_REW":"Great speed! Here is your well-deserved reward.","US_03_01_CONT_02_STAGE_01_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint A","US_03_01_CONT_02_STAGE_02_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint B","US_03_01_CONT_02_STAGE_03_DESC":"Drive through Waypoint C","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_OBJ":"Electric Atmosphere","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_OBJ_DESC":"Welcome. We are here to conquer space, and the local electricians won\'t even bother to repair the substation. We barely have power to keep the lights on, let alone run the mill. Bring them what they need, alright?","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_OBJ_REW":"That\'s a start. Just thinking of spending another week here with nothing to do made me cringe. Well, at least we can get back to work now.","RU_04_01_POWERPLANT_ST1":"Deliver to the Power Plant:","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ":"Orbital Velocity","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ_DESC":"The mill is in order, now we need a carrier. In fact, they wanted to launch here in the 70s, but they never made it, so chunks of a rocket are up for grabs. Hopefully they\'ll be in good enough condition.","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ_REW":"Gosh, this is huge. Now the delivery... Oh, do you know why 29? In a couple of years we will have our 29th Moon mission, to get some ice samples, and the sites are very busy as is, so we decided to build our own.","RU_04_01_ROCKET_OBJ_ST1":"Deliver to the Loading Site:","RU_04_01_ROCKET_TRAILER_OBJ":"Carrier Rocket Carrier","RU_04_01_ROCKET_TRAILER_OBJ_DESC":"While they\'re still busy putting the rocket together we should find a way to get it to the launchpad. There\'s an old military base that used to be a part of the cosmodrome. Let\'s see if we can find anything useful there.","RU_04_01_ROCKET_TRAILER_OBJ_REW":"Now that\'s interesting. I do have the base marked on my map, but nothing about that town. Oh well, you\'ve found the trailer, and that\'s what\'s important.","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_OBJ":"A Heap of Work","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_DESC":"The road to the launch site goes through a tunnel. Trouble is—it\'s been blocked and neglected for many years. We can allocate machinery for clearing, but we\'ll need some materials.","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_REW":"Thanks for your work. We cleared the path and reinforced the ceiling of the tunnel to prevent future accidents.","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide near the Tunnel:","RU_04_01_TUNNELBLOCK_TRUCK":"Service Trailer","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK_DESC":"This old bridge has gone without maintenance for a long time. No wonder there\'s so little left of it. Bring us some materials and we\'ll restore the direct route to the sawmill.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK_REW":"Great! Here is a little something for your trouble. And—it\'s a lot easier to get to the sawmill now.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_01_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to the Sawmill:","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK_DESC":"There used to be a bridge here. I have no idea how, but rumor has it the locals sold it for scrap. It has to be restored ASAP if we want to use this warehouse at all. Will you help deliver the materials?","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK_REW":"That\'s better! We\'ll be getting the supplies for the region in a jiffy now that we have a good connection with the warehouse. Thank you!","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_02_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to the Warehouse:","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK_DESC":"This bridge used to lead to the island where you could get to the city. However, there was some strong weather, so it should be restored. I think you know what to do.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK_REW":"Great, now we have access to the island. Here\'s your pay.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_03_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to the Island:","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK_DESC":"This ain\'t the first bridge that got cut up for scrap by some wise guys. We have to talk to the locals, maybe they know something. And for now, we need a new crossing, so let\'s get to work.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK_REW":"I hope this is the last time we have to fix up bridges. Thanks for your help.","RU_04_01_BRIDGE_04_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Bridge to Town:","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_DESC":"Generally, this path doesn\'t get much use, so no one really cared it got blocked. But it is a smart route to the quarry, so we should probably do something about it.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_REW":"Doing well, my friend! Now, if one has an all-terrain truck, getting to the quarry would be a cinch!","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_01_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide on the Path:","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_DESC":"This place must be cursed. The main highway leading to the assembly shop got blocked. We may have to put rockets together with our bare hands, from matches and acorns, unless we do something about it. It\'s vital.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_REW":"Thanks to you, I don\'t have to worry about supplies.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_02_ST1":"Deliver to Landslide on the Highway:","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_DESC":"There are only two roads leading to the quarry, this one and the narrow path nearby, and standard trucks can only squeeze through here. Or rather they used to—it got thoroughly blocked, can you fix it?","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_REW":"Great, now the quarry is easy to access. You deserved your reward.","RU_04_01_ROCKSLIDE_03_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide near the Quarry:","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TSK_DESC":"Sorry, my friend, there will be no fueling today—the fuel tank they were transporting yesterday flipped over and slid into the river. If you can pull it out and bring it here, we can fuel you up as well.","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TSK_REW":"Wow, your help made a huge difference! We would\'ve had to wait for ages for a crane from the neighboring city. Now, we can get back to work.","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_TRUCK":"Missing Tank","RU_04_01_FUELTASK_ST1":"Deliver to the Fuel Tank Parking:","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_TSK_DESC":"How on Earth is the sawmill supposed to run with no tools? Huh? We ordered a crate of those, paid for it and all. We did everything right—till some butterfingers dropped it in the river! What do we do now?","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_TSK_REW":"Wow, that was impressive! Thanks to you, we won\'t have to wait for I-don\'t-know-how-long to get the new tools. And yes, if you need wood—just let us know.","RU_04_01_SAWMILL_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill Warehouse:","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_TSK_DESC":"Oh, there\'s another one. Sorry, we\'re closed. Our supply trailer got stuck in the marsh, so unless someone pulls it out, all I can offer is air. However, if you help us, we can talk.","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_REW":"That\'s it! Even the cargo looks intact. I owe you one. And you know having a warehouse keeper in your debt\'s a good thing, right?","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_TRUCK":"Supplies for the Warehouse","RU_04_01_LOST_TRAILER_ST1":"Deliver to Unloading Zone:","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_DESC":"We hear you\'re game for some tough work? We were planning to open a workshop at the factory, but we\'ll need some supplies, and our trailer got stuck in the ravine. Could you try and pull it out for us?","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_REW":"You\'re good! Well, you helped us and we\'ll repay you. If you need repairing—drop by, we\'ll see what we can do.","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Workshop:","RU_04_01_FACTORY_TSK_TRUCK":"Factory Trailer","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK_DESC":"They dropped some cargo off a helicopter a few days ago, but no one came to pick it up. Let\'s get it here at least. Better than it sitting in the snow..","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK_REW":"Here, it\'ll be safe. And if the owners show up, they will definitely talk to me first—there\'s no one else around. Here\'s your reward.","RU_04_01_CARGOCULT_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_TSK_DESC":"I maintain a radio tower on a hill not far from here. My SUV wouldn\'t start yesterday, I have no idea what the problem is, so I left it there. Could you help me tow it here, and I can take a good look at it.","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_REW":"Thanks! There\'s no one here to ask for help, so I don\'t know what I\'d do without you.","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_TRUCK":"Stuck SUV","RU_04_01_TRUCK_ON_HILL_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking by the House:","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK":"Unlucky Expedition","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_DESC":"We have a situation. We have a small business and were doing some research here, but we got in an accident on our way back. To cut it short, we have no access to either the vehicle or to the trailer cabin. Can you help?","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_REW":"What would we ever do without you? Thanks a lot!","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Rendezvous:","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_TRUCK_01":"Broken SUV","RU_04_01_EXPEDITION_TSK_TRUCK_02":"Trailer Cabin","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_DESC":"What should I do?.. I was making some deliveries, but everything is covered with ice, so the trailer slid into a ravine. How on Earth can I deliver it now? Wait... Can I ask you for a favor?","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_REW":"You saved me, my friend! You have my thanks, and here is a little something to make it worth your while.","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_ST1":"Deliver to the Fishing Camp:","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_ST2":"Deliver to the Hunters\' Winter Cabin:","RU_04_01_SUPPLIES_TSK_ST3":"Deliver to the Explorers\' Camp:","RU_04_01_CHURCH_DESC":"See this church? I am doing my best to maintain it, year after year, with these very hands. But, without supplies, it\'s getting harder and harder. Would you help me?","RU_04_01_CHURCH_REW":"You did a good deed. Now, I can fix it nicely.","RU_04_01_CHURCH_ST1":"Deliver to the Church:","RU_04_01_HELP_DESC":"Hey, wanna make some money? Even better—I could give you some juicy leads. Get the construction materials to my brother in town, and I\'ll make it worth your time.","RU_04_01_HELP_REW":"Oh, my brother sent you, right? Thanks for your help! He asked me to give you some coordinates. Here you go, as agreed.","RU_04_01_HELP_ST1":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","RU_04_01_HELP_TRUCK":"Supplies for a local","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_DESC":"I promised you a good lead, so listen. There is a car at the bottom of the ravine here. It\'s been there a while, but it looks okay. Tow it out, and we\'ll see what we can do with it.","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_REW":"Looks like new! That\'s a handsome reward! You decide what to do with it now.","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_TRUCK":"An SUV in the bottom","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking near the Garage:","RU_04_01_SCOUT_IN_TROUBLE_ST2":"Fix the SUV","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_DESC":"I can see you have every reason to be proud. How about a stress test? There is a small range with three summits nearby. If you make it to all three on time, you will get a prize. Deal?","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_REW":"You are some climber! Great job, here is your prize.","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_ST1":"Reach Summit 1","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_ST2":"Reach Summit 2","RU_04_01_ROCK_RACE_CNT_ST3":"Reach Summit 3","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC":"It is strongly recommended not to get on the ice now, but that\'s not stopping you, right? We raised some prize money here and want to race to the end of the route. You can join us—if you\'re not scared, that is.","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_REW":"Not bad, not bad. Even made it without a tow truck. Now, get lost before someone sees us.","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST1":"Reach Point 1","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST2":"Reach Point 2","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST3":"Reach Point 3","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST4":"Reach Point 4","RU_04_01_ICE_RACE_CNT_DESC_ST5":"Reach Point 5","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Reach for the Stars","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"The rocket\'s ready, now it\'s time to ship it over to the guys at the HAB. It\'s already big as it is, so we\'ll put the boosters on it later. I hope I don\'t have to remind you about being careful with it.","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the HAB hangar:","RU_04_02_ROCKET_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"Alright... Looks fine. We\'ll take care of a few more things and it should be ready.","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ":"Liftoff","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_DESC":"Okay, final push. We couldn\'t get our hands on an actual locomotive so you\'d have to give the platform a good push to the launchpad. Once that\'s done head for the Mission Control, should be quite a view.","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_REW":"And we\'ve got liftoff! Grade-A job everyone. And now that we\'ve got a successful launch under our belt, there shouldn\'t be a problem with getting extra funding. I\'d say that calls for a celebration, eh?","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the Launchpad","RU_04_02_ROCKET_TRAIN_DELIVERY_OBJ_1":"Reach Mission Control","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ":"Lifeline","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ_DESC":"Looks like someone overestimated how intact the fuel line is. The auxiliary fuel storage is there alright, but we can\'t really fill it up with a chunk of pipeline missing. I do think we can find a replacement though.","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ_REW":"There we go. We\'ll pressurize it as soon as we get a green light from the facility upstream. For now though, we\'re one step closer to our goal.","RU_04_02_FUEL_LINE_REPAIR_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the Auxiliary Fuel Tank:","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ":"Ground Control","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_DESC":"Time to get this place up to shape. First things first, the bunker is in good condition, but the rest isn\'t, especially the radar. You go and get some bricks to get us going, I\'ll figure what to do about the dish.","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_REW":"That should work fine. Give us a couple of weeks and we\'ll make this place feel like home.","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_0":"Deliver to the Mission Control:","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_0_1":"Deliver to the Mission Control:","RU_04_02_MISSION_CONTROL_OBJ_1":"Deliver to the Mission Control:","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Log Crossing","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_DESC":"I don\'t even want to know the shape our cargo would be if you try to go over that crossing right now. Just bring a few logs here and I\'ll have someone finish the crossing for you.","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_REW":"Seems good. Now let\'s hope that would be enough.","RU_04_02_LOG_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Log Crossing:","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK":"Rockslide","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK_DESC":"Looks like the main road is going to be a problem. I think it could still be easier to just clear that one out than to look for an alternate route, so let\'s get cracking.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK_REW":"There we go. Here\'s to hoping the rest of the road is clear.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_1_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Rockslide:","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK":"Shore Collapse","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK_DESC":"Another rockslide. We\'re already here anyway, so why stop now. I think you know what to do.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK_REW":"And it\'s gone. You can proceed.","RU_04_02_ROCK_CLEANUP_2_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Shore Collapse:","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK":"Fallen Trees","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK_DESC":"Treefall? Well that\'s a new one. Doesn\'t change the fact we need to get past them though.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK_REW":"All in a day\'s work. Carry on.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_1_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Fallen Trees:","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK":"Cliffside Treefall","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK_DESC":"I\'m beginning to think it would\'ve been easier to pave a new road instead of clearing that one out. Oh well, too late for that, time to get our hands dirty.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK_REW":"That should do it. Here\'s to hoping there\'s enough space to get our precious cargo through.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_2_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Cliffside Treefall:","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK":"Tree Blockade","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK_DESC":"More fallen trees, of course. At least, we don\'t need to fit the trailer through here. You know the drill.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK_REW":"Having a straight shot from the launchpad to the factory won\'t hurt. But If I\'ll ever see another pile of fallen trees blocking the road, it\'ll be too soon.","RU_04_02_TREE_CLEANUP_3_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Tree Blockade:","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Old Bridge","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_DESC":"So here we are, huh. I was afraid something like this would happen... No matter. Someone has to have some planks we could borrow around here, right?","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_REW":"That was a bit less painful than I anticipated. Well done.","RU_04_02_BRIDGE_CONSTRUCTION_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK":"Stargazer","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"They say something fell not far from here before the cosmodrome was built. Whatever it was, it\'s not there anymore, but looks like they\'ve left a truck behind. Probably unusable, we still better check.","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Now that\'s one beast of a truck. Something tells me the previous owners aren\'t looking for it anymore, so we might as well put it to good use.","RU_04_02_ZIKZ_RESCUE_TSK_0":"Repair ZiKZ 605R","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK":"Unlucky Lineman","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK_DESC":"Now, I have no idea what some of these people are thinking sometimes, but one my guys decided to check the railroad across the river and managed to roll the truck off a cliff. Would you kindly pull him out?","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK_REW":"Let me put it this way: he won\'t be driving this truck any time soon. Thanks for your help.","RU_04_02_KHAN_RECOVER_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Parking Lot:","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK":"Takes One To Find One","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"So a pal of mine\'s been here, kind of a fisherman like myself. Had a bit too much tea while camping so he fell into the river. The guy made it out, but his car needs towing - doubt he\'ll ever set foot on that ice again.","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Alright, alright! You\'re a pro, brother!","RU_04_02_FISHERMAN_SCOUT_RESCUE_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Garage:","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK":"Strategic Reserve","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_DESC":"I\'ll cut straight to the chase. We\'ve got a couple of supply trailers scattered around the place that I want you to tow back to the town. You do that, and I\'ll help you with that launchpad. Deal?","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_REW":"Yeah, that\'s the stuff. Well done. I was worried they\'d be gone by now, but seems like we\'re in luck.","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_0_0":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_0_1":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_02_TOWN_RESUPPLY_TSK_0_2":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK":"Knee Deep","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK_DESC":"Looks like the previous courier didn\'t make it all the way to the town. It\'s probably best to pull his truck back to the repair shop, it could still be of use to the locals.","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK_REW":"Turns out the owner actually made it out. The repair shop already got in touch with him, and soon the truck\'ll be back on the road.","RU_04_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_RECOVER_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Motor pool:","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK":"Lost But Not Forgotten","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK_DESC":"You got a minute? Back in the day my grandpa got his truck stuck in the swamp nearby. It\'s been there for years now, but I\'m wondering if something can still be done about it.","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK_REW":"Actually, it looks quite well after all the time it\'d been stuck there. Thanks a lot for the help!","RU_04_02_ABANDONED_TRUCK_RECOVERY_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK":"Snowbound","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_DESC":"The winters here are quite something. Sometimes, that much snow can block entire roads off completely. Since the weather\'d cleared up a bit, can I ask you to go check on a couple places around here?","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_REW":"Ah, expectable, really. The village stood empty for a while now, too, but it\'d be sad to see it completely fall to ruins.","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_1":"Visit the Island Apiary","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_2":"Visit the Abandoned Town","RU_04_02_ABANDON_CHECKUP_TSK_3":"Visit the Old Lumber Mill","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK":"Meteo Point","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK_DESC":"Living away from civilization isn\'t as tough as some may believe. Just remember to keep reserves of everything you really need. Speaking of, I could do with some spare fuel for my generator, if you could lend a hand.","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK_REW":"Lovely. Thanks to you I probably won\'t need to worry about it for a long while.","RU_04_02_METEO_RESTOCK_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Meteo Point:","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK":"Picturesque","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_DESC":"Oh, hey there! So, once they officially open the spaceport, we\'ll need to get the PR rolling. And I figured, why not take some pictures for future merch and such, right? So, could you give me a quick tour?","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_REW":"Ah, now that looks lovely, eh? Once we get the design finished, I\'ll be sure to get you an extra album as a gift, too.","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_1":"Visit the Apiary","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_2":"Visit the Blast Pit","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_3":"Visit the Launchpad Area","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_4":"Visit the Old Railway","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_5":"Visit the Mission Control","RU_04_02_PICTURESCUE_TSK_6":"Visit the Island","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK":"Misadventure","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_DESC":"Oh, aren\'t you with those cosmonaut people? It\'s been years since anyone tended to our local church, so I figured I\'ll help out. Turns out, the road\'s a bit too rough for my baby. Could you please get her back to me?","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_REW":"Ah, thank you so much. I won\'t forget it.","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_0":"Repair DON 71","RU_04_02_DAN_RESCUE_TSK_1":"Deliver to the Service Bay:","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK":"Build Additional Farmhouses","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_DESC":"Ah, always nice to see a new face around these parts. Tell me, friend, do you have a moment to spare? We were going to patch up this here farm a touch, but we\'re going to need a few things for that. Think you could help?","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_REW":"Well done, well done! Thanks for the help.","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_04_02_FARM_RESTOCK_BRICKS_TSK_1":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK":"Fuel For The Masses","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK_DESC":"You may be wondering why we have those pipes in storage over there. Well, we were going to set up water supply from the town, but that went nowhere, so we use generators to power the boilers. Speaking of which...","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK_REW":"Of course we do have power lines going here, but it never hurts to have a backup plan, you know?","RU_04_02_FARM_FUEL_RESTOCK_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK":"Church","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK_DESC":"Maintaining a church is an honest and tough work, especially without any materials. One kind soul offered their help with that, but couldn\'t handle the delivery. Perhaps you could show kindness to those in need, too?","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK_REW":"May your kindness be repaid in full. So shines a good deed in a weary world...","RU_04_02_CHURCH_REPAIR_TSK_0":"Deliver to the Church:","RU_04_02_MAINTAINER_CC_NAME":"Radar Equipment","RU_04_02_TOWN_SUPPLY_TRAILER":"Supply Trailer","RU_04_02_FUEL_CONTEST_RESTOCK_TRAILER":"Ordered Fuel","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT":"Belated Delivery","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT_DESC":"Oh hey, you might be just who I need. I\'ve got this barrel that needs delivering to the fuel station. I\'m already way behind schedule, and I\'ve got nothing to tow it there with, so... help a guy out, will you?","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT_REW":"Now you\'re a lifesaver mate. I won\'t forget that one.","RU_04_02_FUEL_RESTOCK_TARGET_CNT_0":"Deliver to the Fuel Station:","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT":"Fuel-Eight","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_DESC":"The locals have a thing going, a little race from here and all the way to the launchpad. They call it the uh... Fuel-Eight, something or other. Me, I\'m not a fan of that kinda thing, but you might want to give it a shot.","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_REW":"So how\'d it go? Well alright, I bet you\'ve got stuff to do other than entertaining the locals.","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_0":"Visit the First Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_1":"Visit the Second Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_2":"Visit the Third Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_3":"Visit the Fourth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_4":"Visit the Fifth Checkpoint","RU_04_02_FUEL_RUN_CNT_FIN":"Visit the Final Checkpoint","RU_04_03_LOST_C_DESC":"We\'re scouting the area here, but our driver didn\'t make the turn. If you can tow the car out, we\'d be grateful. If we can make it to the road, we can take over from there.","RU_04_03_LOST_C_REW":"You\'ve got no idea how thankful we are. We were already trying to come up with a way to explain the loss, and there you were—right place, right time. Here, you deserved it!","RU_04_03_LOST_C_KHAN_DESC":"Deliver to the Evacuation Point:","RU_04_03_FUEL":"Bare Minimum","RU_04_03_FUEL_DESC":"According to the maps, there\'s a good spot for a temporary gas station near one of the military objects on the island. We\'re ready to have some people set it up, if you provide the fuel.","RU_04_03_FUEL_REW":"All done on our end. Just have to fill up the tank, which, I believe, you\'ve already done as well.","RU_04_03_OILTANK_1":"Get to the Old Water Pump:","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_1":"Unlimited Power","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_DESC":"There\'s an electric substation near the bridge across the river. We didn\'t have much use for it while the whole line was down, but the situation has changed. We\'d be grateful if you would help us fix it.","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_REW":"The first step\'s taken. Great job. Now, we can repair the grid.","RU_04_03_SUBSTATION_REPAIR":"Deliver to the Substation:","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES":"We Have Contact!","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_DESC":"Okay, so the substation\'s up and running, but the line from the village is still wrecked. Look like it\'s broken in a few places. We have to see what happened and how to fix it.","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_TSK_REW":"All right, the voltage is growing, everything looks good. We\'re a great team. Good job.","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_01":"Deliver to the Fallen Powerline:","RU_04_03_FALLEN_POWER_LINES_02":"Deliver to the Powerline in the Forest:","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES":"Humanitarian Mission","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_DESC":"It\'s amazing, but it looks like people still live here. We\'re trying to befriend the locals, so we decided to get them some supplies. And you, in turn, can help us deliver them.","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_REW":"Well done. It may be a pro-bono mission, but you earned your reward.","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_CONTAINER_DESC":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Cabin:","RU_04_03_SUPPLIES_WOODEN_DESC":"Deliver to the Monastery:","RU_04_03_GIANT":"Top Secret","RU_04_03_GIANT_DESC":"A serious person got in touch with me, he says there\'s some equipment here at the base that belongs to them. I was smart enough not to ask for the details—you know what I mean. Long story short, we were asked to get it out.","RU_04_03_GIANT_REW":"All right, everything\'s intact, the client\'s happy, he said we can keep truckin\' through the woods all we want. That\'s a relief. So, I guess... good job. Here.","RU_04_03_GIANT_HEAVY_DESC":"Deliver to the Evacuation Point:","RU_04_03_SEISMIC":"Richter Scale","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_DESC":"Our partners from the Geophysics Institute asked us to do some exploring. The terrain here is seismically active, so they could really use the data. If you\'re in, you\'ll need a seismic vibrator.","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_REW":"Great job. We already sent the data to the institute. Here\'s your reward.","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_1_DESC":"Find and scan the Point in the North","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_2_DESC":"Find and scan the Point in the West","RU_04_03_SEISMIC_3_DESC":"Find and scan the Point in the South","RU_04_03_SCOUT_01":"Expanding the Borders","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_DESC":"The place is remote, that\'s for sure. And our maps seem outdated. Will you help us do some exploring? There are some points of special interest here.","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_REW":"Thanks, you did great. We\'ll update our maps. And, meanwhile, here is your reward.","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_1_DESC":"Visit the Dragon\'s Tooth Peak","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_2_DESC":"Visit the Coastal Hills","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_3_DESC":"Visit the Island","RU_04_03_SCOUT_S_4_DESC":"Visit the Tabletop Rock","RU_04_03_SCOUT_02":"Into the Deep","RU_04_03_SCOUT_2_DESC":"There is this local guy here, a hermit. He told us about a few interesting places that need exploring as soon as we get the chance. Will you do it?","RU_04_03_SCOUT_2_REW":"You are good! We should check that place out too, when we finish our work here. It\'s about time for some fresh air.","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_1_DESC":"Visit the Coastal Rocks","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_2_DESC":"Visit the Rocky Range","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_3_DESC":"Visit the The Scenic View Hill","RU_04_03_SCOUT_1_4_DESC":"Visit the The Bear Mountain","RU_04_03_LOST_B_DESC":"Hello. We were just... let\'s say, we were taking some measurements here, then the weather got worse. One of the cars wouldn\'t start, so we had to leave it behind. Can you help us get it back to the Weather Station?","RU_04_03_LOST_B_REW":"Well, I\'m sure it wasn\'t easy, but you did it. Thank you on behalf of the whole team.","RU_04_03_LOST_B_DON_DESC":"Get the scout to the Weather Station","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01":"Fallen Bridge","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_DESC":"Yes, the roads here are pretty beat-up. And the bridge... If we want to have free access to the substation, we have to fix it. And, somehow, I think you\'re the right person for the job.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_REW":"Great. Now we can work with the substation. Here\'s your reward.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Fallen Bridge:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_01_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Fallen Bridge:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02":"Bridge by the Checkpoint","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_DESC":"Wow, the main access road to the island looking like this... I would strongly advise against using it as-is. So, let\'s get our hands dirty—the bridge won\'t build itself.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_REW":"Well done! The bridge is like new. Now, we won\'t have to crawl on the ice any more. Here, you earned it.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_METAL_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Bridge by the Checkpoint:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_02_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Bridge by the Checkpoint:","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03":"Eroded road","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03_DESC":"Looks like we won\'t be able to drive through here, but there\'s no other good road to the substation. It means we have to build a new crossing. Are you in?","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03_REW":"It might not be cast in concrete, but it\'ll do for now. Thanks a lot for your help.","RU_04_03_BRIDGE_BUILDING_03_WOODEN_PLANKS":"Deliver to the Eroded road:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02":"Small landslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_DESC":"Now, this is bad. According to the map, this route is very promising for exploration, so we have to do something about the landslide.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_REW":"One less problem for the exploration. Thanks!","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_WOODEN_DESC":"Deliver to the Small landslide:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_02_METAL_DESC":"Deliver to the Small landslide:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03":"Rockslide","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_METAL_DESC":"It\'s just one thing on top of another, literally. Another rockslide. I know, the area here is pretty wild and all, but moving like this—it\'ll take us weeks to get through. We want to move on, we have to clear the road.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_REW":"The road is clear. Glad I can count on you.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_03_METAL_0_DESC":"Deliver to the Rockslide:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04":"Landslide in the Woods","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_DESC":"There is a monastery nearby, I got in touch with them. They can help with the landslide, but they want us to tow out their supply trailer nearby. You deliver it to the monastery while they\'re clearing the path for us.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_04_REW":"Marvelous. The path is clear, and the people from the monastery gave us some supplies. Here\'s your cut.","RU_04_04_KUNG_DESC":"Deliver to the Monastery:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05":"Landslide in the City","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_DESC":"Well, we\'re almost there! Yeah, we expected the city would be like this, but it doesn\'t mean we\'re happy about it. Unless the road is cleared, it won\'t be of much use.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_REW":"I see you just won\'t give up. Way to go!","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_05_HELPER_DESC":"Deliver to the Landslide in the city:","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06":"Fallen Tower","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_DESC":"Nearly there! Just the last stretch, literally, but we have to get this tower away somehow. Let\'s look around, maybe we can find some supplies.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_REW":"The path is clear. Well done.","RU_04_03_OBSTACLE_06_HELPER_DESC":"Deliver to the Fallen Tower:","RU_04_03_RUN_DESC":"So you like extreme sports? I thought so. The route ain\'t an easy one, but I think you can handle it. Let\'s see how fast you can make it to the finish line.","RU_04_03_RUN_REW":"Not bad, not bad! This trip isn\'t for the weak, let alone the timing.","RU_04_03_RUN_1_DESC":"Visit the Guard House","RU_04_03_RUN_2_DESC":"Visit the Camp","RU_04_03_RUN_3_DESC":"Visit the Railway Terminal","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_DESC":"Rumor has it, you\'re a wicked good driver. How about you prove it? Not too many off-road enthusiasts here, but we\'ve put together some dough for whoever drives around the island the fastest. Are you in?","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_REW":"Wow, you sure can drive! The prize is rightfully yours!","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_1_DESC":"Visit the North Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_2_DESC":"Visit the Headquarters","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_3_DESC":"Visit the East Radar","RU_04_03_OFF_ROAD_4_DESC":"Visit the South Radar","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR":"Back In Action","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_DESK":"Hello. There is an old garage nearby. Right now, it\'s pretty wrecked, but after some repairs—it can be re-equipped. You might be interested in it.","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_REW":"The previous owners were in no hurry with the renovation, but it\'s done now. Of course, you can use the garage too if you need it.","RU_04_04_GARAGE_REPAIR_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Garage:","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS":"Supply Lines","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_DESK":"Recently, the village has had supply disruptions. The storms and the ice don\'t make it any better. We\'ve prepared a batch of food that has to be delivered to the village. Hope we can count on you.","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_REW":"Thanks for your help. Spring\'s coming, and next time we\'ll find someone else.","RU_04_04_LOCAL_RESIDENTS_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES":"Winter Reserves","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_DESK":"In addition to food, the locals have a problem with firewood. The winter was severe, and the sawmill warehouse is getting depleted. It\'s not critical just yet, but we have to do something now.","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_REW":"Now, the supplies should last long. And by next winter, we\'ll have to revise our norms of provision.","RU_04_04_WINTER_SUPPLIES_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_04_04_FISHER":"Fisherman\'s House","RU_04_04_FISHER_DESC":"Lots of locals live outside the village, and connecting with them is sometimes a problem. Currently, the most urgent issue is a local fisherman running out of firewood, he needs help with delivery.","RU_04_04_FISHER_REW":"We\'re right on time! Good work.","RU_04_04_FISHER_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Fisherman\'s House:","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON":"Repair Works","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_DESK":"A sudden request came in. With all the firewood reserved in case of extreme cold, the sawmill was idle. So now they have trouble with planks—the warehouse is empty, and the locals have no materials to use.","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_REW":"When it gets warmer, the sawmill will be back in action, and the problem should be solved. As of now, our temporary measure should be enough.","RU_04_04_HEATING_SEASON_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS":"Solid Rock","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_DESK":"Okay, soldier. Aside from the pipes, we have a request from the Amur residents. They will set up production for us, but we\'ll have to provide some supplies and help. For starters, let\'s find out how stable the soil is.","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_REW":"Fine by me. I\'ll show them the results and see what they say.","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST1":"Explore the area in the West:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST2":"Explore the area in the North:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST3":"Explore the area near the Astronaut town:","RU_04_04_EXPLORATIONS_WORKS_ACTION_ST4":"Explore the area in the East:","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION":"Sawmill Blues","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_DESK":"I guess I look like an errand boy. Obviously, we don\'t want to quarrel with the local government... In short, they asked for help with the sawmill. Apparently, it has a special saw, so they want to get it up and running.","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_REW":"You made it, good job! Not like we\'re getting paid for it, but never mind.","RU_04_04_LUMBER_MILL_RESTORATION_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION":"Plant Restoration","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_DESC":"The plant, right... We used to have one, now it\'s closed. But the government thinks it has to reopen—we have our interest in that, too. If we help with repairs, we\'ll be able to place orders there, to shop locally.","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_REW":"Keep up the good work! I\'ve talked to them. Their management is not easy, but I match them all right. We\'ll pull through.","RU_04_04_FACTORY_RESTORATION_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Plant:","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION":"Spring Cleaning","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_DESC":"I\'ve found an interesting paper—looks like the original deed on the launch complex included a warehouse. It\'s not much, but if we clean it, I can put it to good use. And you may recover something useful too.","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_REW":"Not bad indeed. If we keep it up, we\'ll build a small space empire here, eh?","RU_04_04_WAREHOUSE_RESTORATION_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING":"Personal Favor","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_DESC":"I have a good friend, back from the Army. He has a wood-cutting shop here. He needs help with firewood. It\'s personal and off the record, but I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_REW":"Sorry for bothering you over such trifles. But you have to understand, we\'re army buddies and everything, so thank you. And no, I have no idea why they need so much wood.","RU_04_04_WOOD_CARVING_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN":"Covered In Smoke","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_DESC":"Turns out the locals have a rarity here, a real steam train engine, mind you—a working one! They fixed it all right, but they have no fuel for it. Care to get them some wood for the coal?","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_REW":"I\'m almost curious whether it\'ll run.","RU_04_04_OLD_TRAIN_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A":"Block Alpha","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_DESC":"Hello. People from the Maneuver gave me your contact info, they said you\'re a reliable driver. I think you already know why we\'re here, so let\'s skip the formalities. The complex is a big structure, we\'ll work in stages.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_REW":"Block Alpha is completed, great. Now, we can move on to Beta.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to Block Alpha:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_A_ACTION_ST2":"Deliver to Block Alpha:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B":"Block Beta","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_DESC":"We go on to the next stage. The list of necessary materials is ready, my people are waiting for the delivery. We still have some supplies left, so the workers aren\'t idle, but we\'d like to avoid it in the future.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_REW":"The second block is ready to go. We can proceed to the last block now.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_B_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Block Beta:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C":"Block Gamma","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_DESC":"The last stretch. We\'re doing great, thanks to you. As usual, we have the list, since we\'re finishing the renovation and are ready to start working on Gamma.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_REW":"Great work. Right on time, everything\'s ready for production. We have contacted the regulators, so we have to wait for their inspection and start the production.","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to Block Gamma:","RU_04_04_NPZ_RESTORATION_C_ACTION_ST2":"Deliver to Block Gamma:","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_DESC":"Hi! I am having a new car delivered, but I cannot pick it up myself, I have a business to run. Maybe you could help me?","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_REW":"Many thanks! Good work must be handsomely paid for.","RU_04_04_TSK_DREAM_CAR_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Chapel:","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_01_DESC":"What do I do now... Can you imagine, I was taking some produce to the market, and I got stuck real bad. The weather is cold, so the food won\'t spoil too quick, but the car has to be rescued.","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_01_REW":"Oh, thank you, my friend! Here, for your trouble.","RU_04_04_TSK_NEIGHBOR_HELP_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Market:","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_01_DESC":"I remember seeing a trailer in an abandoned village. Sure it was old, but it looked pretty decent. I\'m thinking it might still be serviceable. Will you bring it here? I\'ll pay you for that.","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_01_REW":"Yes, it looks okay. It still has lot of use in it. Here, this is for your trouble.","RU_04_04_TSK_OLD_BUT_GOLD_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Astronaut town:","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_01_DESC":"Hey! I hear you do cargo transportation? We have a trailer at the station. It\'s so big, we can\'t tow it on the ice. Can you help?","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_01_REW":"Great, you saved us! We owe you one, and maybe even more than one...","RU_04_04_TSK_BIG_AND_ABANDONED_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Worker\'s House:","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE_DESC":"Oh, do you know anything about repairs? We have a problem, and it looks like we can\'t fix it. Can you help us? Will you?","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE_REW":"You\'re an ace! Everything looks good now, so we will proceed.","RU_04_04_TSK_STEEL_MACHINE_ACTION_ST1":"Repair the car","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01":"Nothing To See Here","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01_DESC":"Hey, wanna make some coin? There\'s an old church here, and I remember a really nice trailer near it. You get it here, I\'ll pay for the work. Deal?","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01_REW":"Wow, you are good! I can really use it... But let\'s make a deal, no one has to know about this trailer, okay?","RU_04_04_TSK_REALLY_BIG_ONE_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Astronaut town:","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01":"Family Business","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01_DESC":"As if we didn\'t have enough problems already. We almost made it home—and we get stuck. Would you be so kind as to tow us to town? We can\'t walk there with kids, not in this weather...","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01_REW":"Thanks! We were afraid we\'d have to go on foot...","RU_04_04_TSK_FAMILY_BUSINESS_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_01_DESC":"Our winters sure are cold, just like this one. We need to get firewood to the village, but everyone\'s scared of the ice. If you do it, we\'ll pay.","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_01_REW":"Fine. As agreed, here is your payment.","RU_04_04_TSK_DANGEROUS_ROAD_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Town:","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_01_DESC":"What kinda day is that? Like I\'ve broken a crate of mirrors... And ruined such a nice car... Wait a minute, maybe you could help? Pull out my car? I have no idea who else to turn to.","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_01_REW":"Thanks! I owe you!","RU_04_04_TSK_UNLUCKY_BOY_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Repair Station:","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A_01_DESK":"The infrastructure here looks prehistoric. No wonder the bridge is ruined. But we have to repair it anyway. Will you do it?","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A_01_REW":"Looks sturdy. Let\'s hope it\'ll last longer than the last one.","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_A_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Main Bridge:","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B_01_DESK":"We have a situation. There used to be a bridge here, but it fell apart the other day. We cannot do without a crossing, so it\'s pretty urgent. Can I count on you?","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B_01_REW":"Great! The crossing is set up, we are good to go. Thanks!","RU_04_04_TSK_BRIDGE_B_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Crossing:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A_01_DESC":"I have this feeling that all I ever do is look for someone to help us with the roads. Speaking of which, could you spare some time?","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A_01_REW":"You know, I could really use a person who\'d take care of the landslides. Not interested? Okay, but bear in mind—we always have something to clear.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_A_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the South West:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B_01_DESC":"The soil here is so unstable, it just slides away whenever it gets wet. The slightest rainfall blocks all the roads. Do you have a minute to help us clear it up?","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B_01_REW":"It\'s risky, I know, but you made it, right? Well done.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_B_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the North East:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C_01_DESC":"And, of course, as soon as we have bad weather, we\'d better start looking for road cleaning machinery. Really, I\'m just about to buy a tractor... Well, okay. Will you help?","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C_01_REW":"Now, we can drive freely, thanks!","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_C_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the West:","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D_01_DESC":"The weather is horrible. Any rain causes a landslide. Will you help us clear it? I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D_01_REW":"Great, the path is clear! Good work.","RU_04_04_TSK_ROCKS_D_01_ACTION_ST1":"Deliver to the Landslide in the North:","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_DESC":"The local off-road fans have a sort of initiation rite here—speed driving in the mountains. Care to see if the mountains welcome you?","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_REW":"Yes. Not bad at all. Looks like the mountains approve of you.","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_A_CNT_ACTION_ST4":"Visit Point 4","RU_04_04__RACE_B_CNT":"Endurance Run","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_DESC":"The army of off-road fans includes those who like long distances. For them, we have a long route. Just be sure to fill up that tank if you want to try out your skills.","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_REW":"Wow, you\'re a beast! Not everyone is brave enough for such a race.","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_B_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04__RACE_C_CNT":"Round and Round","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_DESC":"How about a round race? We have that too. And we offer a prize—winner takes all. That enough to pique your interest?","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_REW":"Ugh... Honestly, I didn\'t expect such a result from you, anyway. It\'s not every day one meets a professional driver.","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST4":"Visit Point 4","RU_04_04_RACE_C_CNT_ACTION_ST5":"Visit Point 5","RU_04_04__RACE_D_CNT":"Street Race","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_DESC":"Astronaut town\'s no metropolis, but even here there\'s room to maneuver. That means there are those who like street racing, if you didn\'t get it. Maybe you\'d be interested.","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_REW":"So, how does it feel? Not bad for a village, huh? Well, we had a great trip.","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST1":"Visit Point 1","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST2":"Visit Point 2","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST3":"Visit Point 3","RU_04_04_RACE_D_CNT_ACTION_ST4":"Visit Point 4","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY":"Don\'s Right Hand","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_DESC":"First things first, the river port needs patching up. The ships are on their way, and we can\'t keep them waiting. Without the port, we\'ll have no materials to work with, and without those, there won\'t be a factory.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_REW":"Now this looks almost good as new. Well done.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to River Port:","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to River Port:","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_DELIVERY_02_S":"Deliver to River Port:","RU_05_01_TRAILER_STORE":"Trailer Store","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY":"River Port","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_DESC":"The ships are ready to dock, but we can\'t use the cranes without power. We\'ll have to fix a broken power pole and patch up another one. With supplies still on their way, we\'ll have to make do with what we can find here.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_REW":"The ships are being unloaded, and we don\'t seem to be falling behind schedule. That should hopefully satisfy the factory\'s new owners. Now we need to make sure the railroad is usable.","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_S_01":"Deliver to Power Line 1:","RU_05_01_PORT_RECOVERY_ENERGY_S_02":"Deliver to Power Line 2:","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01":"Titan Awakening","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_DESC":"There are three main buildings we need to restore before the factory will be operational. To start, we\'ll need some machinery and quite a lot of bricks. There\'s a long road ahead, so get cracking.","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_REW":"I\'ve no idea how you managed to haul this stuff all this way. I guess they meant it when they said you\'re the best.","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_S_DESC":"Deliver to the Tatra Vehicle Factory:","HEAVY 1_S":"Construction trailer","RU_05_01_CAR_FACTORY_01_S_DESC_01":"Deliver to the Tatra Vehicle Factory:","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02":"The Steel Phoenix","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_DESC":"Time to spark new life into this place. And by that, I mean it\'s time to bring in the new boilers. The train carrying them is already on its way - if the bridge and the rail line are fixed, it should be here any minute.","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_REW":"Fire, steel, and the smell of fresh paint. This factory is rising up like a phoenix. Great work. Hopefully, the renewed factory would mean good things for the region.","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_S":"Deliver to the Boiler Building:","RU_05_01_BOILER_ROOM_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Boiler Building:","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03":"Slow and Steady","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_DESC":"One of the key structures here is the warehouse, and not gonna lie, it\'s basically in ruins. Worse yet, a good chunk of supplies we were sent got washed off into the river. Those need to be reclaimed first.","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_REW":"Well done. Now this finally does look like a warehouse. You know your stuff, that\'s for sure.","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_S":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_05_01_WAREHOUSE_03_S_01":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE":"Broken Pipes","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_DESC":"The village could also use some work. The locals don\'t even have running water in their homes. What makes things worse is that the ship carrying new pipes was washed ashore, so we\'ll need to fetch them by land.","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REW":"The water supply is restored. Great job! You\'ve managed nicely, so here\'s what you\'re owed. Meanwhile, someone should consider installing a few beacons here for safety...","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Right Bank:","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_S_02":"Deliver to Poddonskoye Village:","RU_05_01_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_S_03":"Deliver to the Worker Village:","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES":"Winter is Coming","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_DESC":"Another issue is the unfinished hot water line. If we want to keep the factory running through the winter we\'ll need to complete it. By now the necessary piping should already be waiting for you at Antonovka station.","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_REW":"The pipes are in place and the pipeline is ready for a test run. I bet you are tired of vague and repetitive praise by now, but still, you deserve it.","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_01_DESK":"Deliver to the First Breach:","RU_05_01_RECOVERY_PIPES_02_DESK_01":"Deliver to the Second Breach:","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE":"Old Bridge","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_DESC":"They say this bridge had stood here for over 40 years before collapsing. Since it\'s vital that we connect the factory to the river port, it\'s time we get that bridge fixed.","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_REW":"Now the two key facilities can function together as one. Thank you.","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_S":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","RU_05_01_BIG_BRIDGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","RU_05_01_BRIDGE":"Rural Bridge","RU_05_01_BRIDGE_DESC":"Our village may have seen better days, but we still need this bridge. There is a scrapyard not far from here. There, you\'ll find an old trailer with the tools we\'ll need for repairs. Could you tow it to my house?","RU_05_01_BRIDGE_REW":"You can\'t begin to imagine how thankful we are for your help. Here\'s your reward.","service_S_2":"Tool Trailer","RU_05_01_S_BRIDGE":"Deliver to the Rural Bridge:","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE":"Wooden Bridge","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"If you\'re interested in earning some quick cash and getting on the locals\' good side, there\'s a suggestion to put together a bridge over here. We\'ve even negotiated a decent reward for it with the administration. You in?","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_S":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge:","RU_05_01_WOODEN_BRIDGE_REW":"Thanks a lot! Now we don\'t have to drive through the scrapyard to get to the factory.","RU_05_01_FUEL_DESC":"Since we started working on the factory, might as well fix up the nearby fuel station. There shouldn\'t be a problem with spare parts, as we can borrow those from the port. Sourcing the fuel though might be an issue.","RU_05_01_FUEL_REW":"Seems like the fuel problem was solved. Great job.","RU_05_01_FUEL_S":"Deliver to the Old Gas Station:","RU_05_01_FUEL_S_01":"Deliver to the Old Gas Station:","RU_05_01_STONES":"Scrap Pile","RU_05_01_STONES_DESC":"When the factory was put out of commission, all the old scrap was simply piled up on the road. Wonder whose bright idea that was... Either way, the trash has to go, we\'ll need road access here. Up for it?","RU_05_01_STONES_REW":"Now that almost looks like a usable road. Thanks, here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_05_01_STONES_S":"Deliver to the Scrap Pile:","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY_DESC":"So we ran into a problem here. A truck carrying the tools we need went off track on one of the nearby crossings. Now it\'s stuck, and if something isn\'t done quick we\'ll lose both the truck and its cargo. Will you help?","RU_05_01_TRACK_DELIVERY_REW":"You\'re a lifesaver. Good thing the terrible news didn\'t make it to the bigwigs, or we really would\'ve been in hot water. Here\'s for your trouble.","delivery_01_S":"Azov 42-20 Antarctic","RU_05_01_S_TRACK_DELIVERY":"Deliver to the Factory:","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"I\'m working on patching up a few houses here, but I\'m about to run out of planks. I\'m sure I\'ve seen some decent logs in the forest, just by the powerline pole. Could you get them to the sawmill to get them cut?","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01_REW":"Thanks, friend. Now for my half of the bargain. You can find my old radar trailer on our station, feel free to grab it. Better you put it to good use than to leave it to rust there.","RU_05_01_DELIVERY_01_S":"Deliver to Poddonskoye Village:","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_DESC":"Our workers have a request. Working at the river port gets so boring without some music to listen to. There\'s an old radio tower not far from here. We even know where to find the right parts to fix it, but we\'ll need your help with the delivery.","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_REW":"Now things should turn for the better. Anything\'s more fun if you have some good music to keep you company. Thanks a lot.","RU_05_01_TOWER_01_S":"Deliver to the Radio Tower:","RU_05_01_TOWER_01":"Soul Music","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_DESC":"You know, I saw this land rise and fall. But you give me hope again. There\'s an old truck out on the scrapyard that got there by mistake. But you know what I think? I think it\'s fate that brought you to me like that truck\'s been waiting for you. Do me a favor, and I\'ll hand you its keys.","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_REW":"I hope you\'ll be able to breathe life into these lands again just like you can give this truck a new purpose. Here\'s your reward. Hope it serves you well.","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_S":"Deliver to the Worker Shack:","tatra_1_s":"TATRA heavy truck","RU_05_01_TRACK_TATRA_01_S":"Refuel and repair Tatra FORCE T815-7","RU_05_01_SWAMP_RACE":"Lord of the Frogs","RU_05_01_SWAMP_RACE_DESC":"It may not look like it, but this swamp used to have a road running through it. These days it became more of a resting place for many a truck that dared to brave the murky waters. Maybe you\'ll be up for the challenge.","RU_05_01_SWAMP_RACE_REW":"You are a true madman. Seems like it is time we crown a new Lord of the Frogs. Congratulations, Your Majesty.","RU_05_01_RACE_01_S":"Visit the Right Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_02_S":"Visit the Left Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_03_S":"Visit the Island","RU_05_01_RACE_01_START":"Lord of the Frogs","RU_05_01_RACE_01":"Right Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_02":"Left Shore","RU_05_01_RACE_03":"Island","RU_05_01_FACTORY_RACE":"Driving Exam","RU_05_01_FACTORY_RACE_DESC":"I\'ve heard they\'re putting the factory back together. I hope they\'ll leave the test track as it is. Want to give it a shot?","RU_05_01_FACTORY_RACE_REW":"Hah, that\'s what I call a good driver.","RU_05_01_RACE_1_S":"Drive into the Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_2_S":"Drive over the Pipes","RU_05_01_RACE_3_S":"Drive onto the Mound","RU_05_01_RACE_4_S":"Drive up the Hill","RU_05_01_RACE_5_S":"Drive through the Cone Snake","RU_05_01_RACE_6_S":"Drive down the Slope","RU_05_01_RACE_7_S":"Drive through the Narrow Pass","RU_05_01_RACE_8_S":"Drive into the Pool","RU_05_01_RACE_FINISH_S":"Reach the Finish line","RU_05_02_MAIL":"Going Postal","RU_05_02_MAIL_DESC":"I know it\'s not really your thing, but I\'m out of options. We\'ve got a lot of mail stacked up, and there\'s no way our mailman can make it through these roads. You\'re going past Antonovka, could you lend us a hand?","RU_05_02_MAIL_REW":"Thank you kindly. The locals just won\'t leave us be, let me tell you. Here\'s your reward.","RU_05_02_S_LAMBER_MILL_b_S":"Visit the Sawmill","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_02_S":"Visit the Pier","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_01b_S":"Visit the Fisherman\'s House","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_01c_S":"Visit the Antonovka Chief","RU_05_02_S_WORKSHOP_S":"Visit the Service Station","RU_05_02_S_CHURCH_S":"Visit the Church","RU_05_02_S_CONTRYSIDE_03_S":"Visit Ozernoye","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES":"Antonovka\'s Champion","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_DESC":"It might not look like it, but Antonovka is one of the key settlements in the region. Meaning getting on the locals\' good side might be a good idea. Deliver them some supplies so we could help to restore the village.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_REW":"Nicely done. Great start, but there\'s still much to do.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_S":"Deliver to Antonovka Village:","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER":"Let There Be Water","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER_DESC":"Good start, but there\'s still no water in the village if you don\'t count the puddles. The old water tower is just a heap of scrap. We\'ve had requests to get it fixed before but now we actually have the resources for it.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER_REW":"The locals are grateful to you. If it were up to me, I\'d put you in as the worker of the month. This is for you.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_PUMPTOWER_S":"Deliver to the Water Tower:","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR":"Environmental Disaster","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR_DESC":"There is a small lake just past Antonovka favored by the locals. Guys from the sawmill agreed to clean it out, but they\'ll need some fuel for their equipment. There\'s a cistern somewhere around the service station.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR_REW":"The lake is slowly but surely returning to its original, pristine beauty. Here, you should have this.","HEAVY_2_S":"Fuel Cistern","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_REPAIR_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill:","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP":"Workshop in the Forest","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP_DESC":"There is a workshop here, back from the Soviet era. It may be old, but the mechanic there is a master of his trade. If we can get him supplies, he promised to help us out with repairs whenever we need them.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP_REW":"Now we don\'t have to dread each and every minor breakage, and all thanks to you.","RU_05_02_RESTORATION_VILLAGE_WORKSHOP_S":"Deliver to the Service Station:","service_3_S":"Generator","HEAVY_1_S":"Pumping station","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR":"Of Rails And Flash Floods","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_DESC":"Bridge construction is all fine and dandy, but the rails themselves got about as much beating because of the rain. If we don\'t get that fixed, a bridge alone won\'t make sure a train can go by. Let\'s get cracking.","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_REW":"Job well done. Contract fulfilled, here\'s your pay.","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_01_S":"Deliver to the West Rail Gap:","RU_05_02_RAIL_REPAIR_02_S":"Deliver to the East Rail Gap:","RU_05_01_RAIL_REPAIR_S":"Deliver to the Swamp:","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01":"Nature Reserve Bridge","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"Our main objective here is to get the bridge fixed. They called it the Nature Reserve bridge before it collapsed. With the reserve so close by, repairing it could be quite an undertaking, but I\'m sure we can manage.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01_REW":"That may be the most difficult project we had here, but between you and me, we seem to be handling it quite well if I say so myself. Here\'s your reward.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_01_S":"Deliver to the Railroad Bridge:","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02":"Guardian of the Grove","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"Now for the final push. Concrete panels should already be at the port, and there are spare rail sections at the Poddonskaya. You know what to do. Meanwhile, we\'ll get the site ready for your return.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Now the Nature Reserve bridge is truly shaping up to be its hulking guardian. Looks like things are turning for the better for this region. You did good, friend.","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_S":"Deliver to the Bridge-side Warehouse:","RU_05_02_BIG_BRIDGE_02_S_1":"Deliver to the Railroad Bridge:","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01":"Excursion","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01_DESC":"Welcome to our parts, friend. It\'s peaceful here, isn\'t it? Right, you\'re here for work... Well, still, do have a look around our few main attractions when you have a moment. And do let me know if everything is fine.","RU_05_02_SCOUT_01_REW":"Ah, the oak\'s getting old, and the lake is overgrown... Thanks for finding the time to have a look.","RU_05_02_SCOUT_S_01a_S":"Visit the Ancient Stone","RU_05_02_SCOUT_S_01b_S":"Visit the Old Tree","RU_05_02_SCOUT_S_01c_S":"Visit the Overgrown Pond","RU_05_02_S_MILL":"Visit the Mill","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_01":"The Washed-off Bridge","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"This bridge is a real pain. Every summer, we rebuild it—and the next spring, the flood washes it away. This year, we didn\'t even bother. But if you are planning to go to Antonovka, you could use it.","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Looks strong, unlike the previous ones—straws and sticks. Might even survive the next flood.","RU_05_02_WOODEN_BRIDGE_S":"Deliver to the Washed-off Bridge:","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_02":"Swamp Crossing","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"That swamp isn\'t making life any easier. I\'m thinking of asking for a raise just for that thing alone. Listen, there\'s a lumberjack camp nearby, could you fetch some logs from there for us to lay down through it?","RU_05_02_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Thanks a bunch, now things should get a good bit easier.","RU_05_02_S_BRIDGE_02":"Deliver to the Swamp Crossing:","RU_05_02_ROCK_01":"Light Rockfall","RU_05_02_ROCK_01_DESC":"We get a landfall once every few years, and it just had to block off the road we need this time around. The locals will manage the repairs, but you need to deliver our tool trailer from the worker shack.","RU_05_02_ROCK_01_REW":"Not sure which surprised me more - them actually cleaning the rockfall out that fast, or our trailer still is where we left it. Either way, you\'ve helped us a great deal.","RU_05_02_S_ROCK_01":"Deliver to the Worker Shack:","service_S_1":"Tool Trailer","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01":"Cunning Forester","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"G\'day young man. There\'s this sawmill nearby, about as old as I am, and just past it, on the shoreline, there\'s a bit of old junk there. Bring it to me, and I\'ll give you something special in return.","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01_REW":"Jolly good. What do I need it for is none of your concern. Here\'s your cash, now go.","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_01_S":"Deliver to the Cunning Forester:","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02":"Wipe Away The Debt","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02_DESC":"You again? What do you want? You\'re still in credit, huh? Oh well. A certain something got stuck in the nearby swamp a while back, and I\'m the only one in the know. Can be yours if you pry it from the swamp\'s cold grip.","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02_REW":"You did it, eh? Well I can always use another truck... Ah, alright, alright, the deal\'s a deal. Take it and leave me be.","don_1_S":"Tatra PHOENIX","RU_05_02_DELIVERY_02_S":"Repair and refuel Tatra PHOENIX","RU_05_02_HONEY":"Sweet Tooth","RU_05_02_HONEY_DESC":"Howdy, friend. Can you do us a favor? See that church up in the lake? We were supposed to bring them some honey a month ago. Bring these cans to them. Oh, and be careful, they\'re quite fragile.","RU_05_02_HONEY_REW":"Finally, the honey\'s here! We did miss a nice brew... I mean honey tea! Tea, of course. If you happen to be around—drop by for a treat.","RU_05_02_CHURCH_S":"Carefully deliver honey to the Church","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE":"The Quick and the Wet","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_DESC":"I\'ve been waiting for you. Word is, you\'re the fastest driver out there. We used to drive around the lake for sport, and my record time still stands. Want to prove the rumors about you aren\'t just hot ait?","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_REW":"Now that was quite something. To be frank, I thought you\'d just bail. But you did earn my respect - as well as a small prize.","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_01_S":"Visit the West Coast","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_02_S":"Visit Kamyshevka","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_03_S":"Visit Ozernoye","RU_05_02_LAKE_RACE_04_S":"Visit the North Coast","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS":"Cleaning out the Garage","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS_DESC":"Do you copy? After this stage is over, we\'ll clear some space for the vehicles in the garage. Come on, let\'s get it done, we\'ll make it worth your while—you can keep some of the junk.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS_REW":"Great! So much more room here now, right?","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_SLOTS_ACTION":"Deliver to the Old Garage:","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_REPAIR":"Constructing a repair garage","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_REPAIR_DESC":"Hi! Why don\'t we re-open the repair shop here? Get the necessary stuff, and repairs in the garage will be available again.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_01_REPAIR_REW":"Great job! Working here will be much easier from now on, right?","US_06_01_GARAGE_REPAIR_ACTION":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING":"Restoring the Tuning Shop","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING_DESC":"In order to make tuning available in the garage, we need some materials. As soon as you do it, you can improve your vehicles.","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING_REW":"Good job! Get to the garage - it has everything ready to tune up your rides!","US_06_01_GARAGE_CONT_02_TUNING_ACTION":"Deliver to the Tuning Shop:","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_02_TRUCKSTORE":"Truck Store Construction","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_02_TRUCKSTORE_DESC":"Our contractor arranged for a Truck Shop to be built right here! We have to build it, and we can\'t do it without you.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_02_TRUCKSTORE_REW":"Good. You can buy new trucks right from the garage now.","US_06_01_GARAGE_TRUCKSTORE_ACTION":"Deliver to the Truck Store:","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_03_TRAILERS":"Trailer Store","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_03_TRAILERS_DESC":"Apart from the garage, we would like to arrange a trailer shop here. After you\'re done with this list of cargo, you can buy trailers here.","US_06_01_GARAGE_STAGE_03_TRAILERS_REW":"Great job! Now we have cargo transport.","US_06_01_GARAGE_TRAILERS_ACTION":"Deliver to the Trailer Store:","US_06_01_MILL_02_STUFF":"Old Sawmill","US_06_01_MILL_02_STUFF_DESC":"Hi! We\'re starting to build a new sawmill. Get the cabins for the workers and some starter cargo. Word is, they build cabins not far from here. But that place is only accessible from the mountainside.","US_06_01_MILL_02_STUFF_REW":"Great! Now we move on.","US_06_01_MILL_STUFF_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_MILL_03_TRAILER":"Trailer with New Equipment","US_06_01_MILL_03_TRAILER_DESC":"Some equipment for our new sawmill arrived. It is up the mountains, you have to deliver it here.","US_06_01_MILL_03_TRAILER_REW":"Good job, almost done.","US_06_01_MILL_TRAILER_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_MILL_04_BUILD":"Sawmill: the final stage","US_06_01_MILL_04_BUILD_DESC":"This is the final stage of our sawmill construction. Deliver the last batch of cargo, and we\'ll start making new types of planks there.","US_06_01_MILL_04_BUILD_REW":"Hurray! Thanks for your help. Now we can supply the region with a new type of plank.","US_06_01_MILL_BUILD_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_GAS_CONT":"Fuel Station, Revived","US_06_01_GAS_CONT_DESC":"Not far from the garage, there\'s an old gas station in need of fresh fuel. Get it there from the nearest storage, and you can get refueled here.","US_06_01_GAS_CONT_REW":"Great, now you can fuel up your vehicles here.","US_06_01_GAS_ACTION":"Deliver to Site Near Gas Station:","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS":"Starting the Plank Production","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS_DESC":"The plant is up and running, but it has no materials! Get us some logs, and we\'ll be able to make excellent planks of various length.","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS_REW":"Superb! Now, you can load various types of planks in the sawmill\'s loading zone on the other side of the building.","US_06_01_MILL_LOGS_ACTION":"Deliver to the Sawmill Inspection:","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER":"Deliver to the Pier","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER_DESC":"We\'re back on track, and that means we have orders! Take the planks to the pier, and we\'ll pay you, okay?","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER_REW":"Thanks, here is your reward.","US_06_01_LOGGING_PIER_ACTION":"Deliver to the Pier Inspection:","US_06_01_LOGGING_01":"Delivery Through the Lowlands","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_DESC":"The locals have ordered various types of timber from us. Will you help with the delivery?","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_REW":"Great, thanks! Here is your pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the House near the Bog:","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the House on the Coast:","US_06_01_LOGGING_01_ACTION_03":"Deliver to the House Near the Road:","US_06_01_LOGGING_02":"Delivery Through the Plateau","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_DESC":"We got an order for wood from someone up there where the river is (which, luckily, does not flood the banks as easily). We guarantee pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_REW":"Well done! Here is your pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Riverside House:","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the Waterfall House:","US_06_01_LOGGING_02_ACTION_03":"Deliver to the Base in the Woods:","US_06_01_LOGGING_03":"Up the Mountains","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_DESC":"Have you heard? It\'s all covered in snow north from here. And yet, they order wood from us. Get the cargo there, and let\'s be done with it.","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_REW":"Great job! It\'s chilly there, isn\'t it? Here\'s your pay.","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the People of the North:","US_06_01_LOGGING_03_ACTION_03":"Deliver to the East Base:","US_06_01_ROCKS_01_DESC":"Did you see the size of that landslide?! I know how to clear it. Just get me what I need, and I\'ll help with those stones.","US_06_01_ROCKS_01_REW":"Now we\'re talking! Access to water will be much easier now.","US_06_01_ROCKS_01_ACTION":"Deliver to the Landslide Near Production Site:","US_06_01_ROCKS_02_DESC":"Some rocks have collapsed on the path to the shore. Let\'s clear the path together, just get us what we need.","US_06_01_ROCKS_02_REW":"Well done!","US_06_01_ROCKS_02_ACTION":"Deliver to the Shore Collapse:","US_06_01_TSK_01_DESC":"Can you imagine, I was transporting some oil barrels, but I didn\'t secure them properly. So they all fell into the river and floated downstream! Please help us fish them out and bring them here before they spill!","US_06_01_TSK_01_REW":"That\'s what I call a neat job! Thank you, you helped a lot, here\'s your reward.","US_06_01_TSK_01_ACTION":"Unload at the Unloading Point:","US_06_01_TSK_02_DESC":"My friends and I went to take a look around and sank our car in the bog, you see! Please help us get it out! We\'ll fix the car ourselves, we just need to get it to the garage.","US_06_01_TSK_02_REW":"Thank you, you helped us a lot! We\'ll be more careful from now on.","US_06_01_TSK_02_ACTION":"Deliver to the House:","US_06_01_TSK_03_DESC":"Hi! Here\'s the deal. We had some radioactive material coming in for science experiments. Naturally, someone made a mistake, so the stuff got dropped into the river and scattered all over. Will you help us collect it?","US_06_01_TSK_03_REW":"We\'re so lucky we met you! Thanks for your help, here\'s your reward. Just make sure you don\'t go running your mouth about it, okay?","US_06_01_TSK_03_ACTION":"Deliver to the Observatory:","US_06_01_TSK_04_DESC":"Our not-so-smart meteorologists went to check out an old hut that used to belong to the station and sank their working vehicle in the bog, breaking it in the process. Will you help us return the car and fix it?","US_06_01_TSK_04_REW":"Thanks for your help, here\'s your reward. We should probably hire more experienced drivers.","US_06_01_TSK_04_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","US_06_01_TSK_04_ACTION_02":"Restore Chevrolet CK1500","US_06_02_TSK_04_ACTION_02":"Restore Chevrolet CK1500","US_06_01_TSK_05_DESC":"Hi! They say you can help. We have to deliver this trailer with cargo to the customer up the river. Will you do it? We\'ll make it worth your while.","US_06_01_TSK_05_REW":"Great job, my friend! Here is your reward.","US_06_01_TSK_05_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the House in the North:","US_06_01_TSK_05_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the House in the North:","US_06_01_TSK_06_DESC":"I manage a warehouse nearby. They store cargo there before it\'s sent to the pier. Now, we recently got cargo from Wisconsin, and they managed to somehow flip it over and into the river, can you imagine that? We need your help.","US_06_01_TSK_06_REW":"Great, thank you! The cargo is a little wet, but it\'s okay, we\'ll dry it up.","US_06_01_TSK_06_ACTION":"Unload at the Unloading Point:","US_06_01_TSK_07_DESC":"The old fort on the river bank will soon be restored, and we need to get trailer with the necessary cargo there. Will you help? We\'ll pay generously.","US_06_01_TSK_07_REW":"Everything worked out perfectly, thanks! We don\'t need this trailer anymore, you can have it.","US_06_01_TSK_07_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Old Fort:","US_06_01_TSK_07_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the Old Fort:","US_06_01_TSK_08_DESC":"I placed an order, but they refused to deliver it beyond the piers. Please, help me get it home, and I\'ll pay.","US_06_01_TSK_08_REW":"You\'re an ace driver! Thank you, you really helped.","US_06_01_TSK_08_ACTION_01":"Deliver to House Behind the Garage:","US_06_01_TSK_08_ACTION_02":"Deliver to House Behind the Garage:","US_06_01_TSK_09_DESC":"Howdy, traveler. Imagine, I stepped out of the car for a mere minute, and it somehow rolled down the cliff. Must be some problem with the brakes. Can you help me pull it out and bring it home?","US_06_01_TSK_09_REW":"Thanks for your help! Here, for your trouble, and I\'ll see about some repairs.","US_06_01_TSK_09_ACTION":"Deliver to the Waterfall House:","US_06_01_TSK_10_DESC":"I ordered this trailer with cargo, and I need it delivered to my home. If you do it, I\'ll pay you.","US_06_01_TSK_10_REW":"Superb! Just what I needed, thanks for your work!","US_06_01_TSK_10_ACTION_01":"Deliver to the Foothill House:","US_06_01_TSK_10_ACTION_02":"Deliver to the Foothill House:","US_06_01_TSK_11_DESC":"Someone left a real loghauling monster in the nearby swamp. Get it fixed and it\'s yours!","US_06_01_TSK_11_REW":"Job well done. Enjoy your new truck!","US_06_01_TSK_11_ACTION":"Restore Aramatsu Forester","US_06_01_ROCKS_03_DESC":"Whoa, the path in the woods is blocked as well! I\'ll help you clear it if you help me first.","US_06_01_ROCKS_03_REW":"Awesome job, thanks for your help.","US_06_01_ROCKS_03_ACTION":"Deliver to the North Landslide:","US_06_01_CON_01_DESC":"Hi! My friends and I sometimes race around the local landmarks. Can you beat our record? We guarantee you a prize!","US_06_01_CON_01_REW":"Wow, that\'s what I call speed! Here\'s your prize!","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_A_CNT":"Reach Point A","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_B_CNT":"Reach Point B","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_C_CNT":"Reach Point C","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_D_CNT":"Reach Point D","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_E_CNT":"Reach Point E","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_F_CNT":"Reach Point F","US_06_01_RACE_01_FLAG_G_CNT":"Finish at Point G","US_06_01_CON_02_DESC":"Yo-ho-ho! Who will dare beat the record of One-Eyed Bo? He may be short an eye but not of the driving skill—fast but cautious! Will you improve on his best time?","US_06_01_CON_02_REW":"Whoa, you are good! Here\'s your reward, you deserve it!","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_A_CNT":"Reach Point A","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_B_CNT":"Reach Point B","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_C_CNT":"Reach Point C","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_D_CNT":"Reach Point D","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_E_CNT":"Reach Point E","US_06_01_RACE_02_FLAG_F_CNT":"Reach Point F","US_06_02_ICEWATCH":"Ice Watch","US_06_02_ICEWATCH_DESC":"We need an observation point to control the region. There\'s a big watchtower in the center of the forest. Its exterior looks fine, but the inside is totaled. We need to get some equipment and materials there.","US_06_02_ICEWATCH_REW":"Great, the tower is working. Now, we can survey most of the location. We just need to find someone willing to live on that tower. Thanks for your help, here you go.","US_06_02_ICEWATCH_ST1":"Deliver to the Main Observation Point:","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY":"Hospitality Business","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY_DESC":"We\'re trying to make this area a tourist attraction. But tourists need a place to stay, and this motel needs renovation. We have ordered some materials, but we\'ve got a big problem with delivering them. Can you help?","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY_REW":"Now, we can start the renovation. Soon, this place will attract tourists, and these parts will once again become the pride and joy of the state. Thanks for your help!","US_06_02_MOTEL_SUPPLY_ST1":"Deliver to the Motel:","US_06_02_EXIT_B":"South-bound Road","US_06_02_EXIT_B_DESC":"The West Tunnel has been blocked for two years. No one has made a commitment to restore it ever since, but it\'s vital for cargo transportation. It\'s not easy, but if you are up to it, the reward will be handsome.","US_06_02_EXIT_B_REW":"Finally, we won\'t need to take a huge detour. I hope this will be a starting point for big changes in the region. Meanwhile, here is your well deserved reward.","US_06_02_EXIT_B_ST1":"Deliver to the Southwest Tunnel","US_06_02_EXIT_C":"Access to Civilization","US_06_02_EXIT_C_DESC":"If we restore the Northeast Tunnel, we can use the highway to deliver cargo! Now we use boats, which takes forever. Get the resources to the tunnel entrance, and our workers will do the rest.","US_06_02_EXIT_C_REW":"Thanks to this passage, we can supply more resources to the region. Thank you!","US_06_02_EXIT_C_ST1":"Deliver to the Northeast Tunnel:","US_06_02_DROWNED_CARGO_DESC":"Help! Last fall, I took a shortcut while I was delivering some supply crates, and they fell in the water and froze over the very next day. Now, the ice has melted. Can you get those crates out and bring them here?","US_06_02_DROWNED_CARGO_REW":"I cannot believe it, the crates are almost intact. Thanks for your help!","US_06_02_DROWNED_CARGO_ST1":"Deliver to the Camp:","US_06_02_CABINS_DESC":"We really need your help! I\'ve put up a few mobile hunting cabins in the nearby woods for the winter. Now, the snow is melting, and I attempted to take them out, but my SUV is stuck. Can you get me my SUV and my cabins?","US_06_02_CABINS_REW":"Thanks a lot, you saved me! Here is your reward.","US_06_02_CABINS_CAB":"Hunter\'s Cabin","US_06_02_CABINS_SCOUT":"Hunter\'s SUV","US_06_02_CABINS_ST1":"Deliver to the Hunter\'s House:","US_06_02_TRAILER_DESC":"I need help with the trailer I left near my cabin in the woods. All my stuff is there, but I can\'t reach it, the land is flooded. I\'m sure your cross-country truck will have no problem.","US_06_02_TRAILER_REW":"Wow, I didn\'t think you would be so fast. Hope you like your reward.","US_06_02_TRAILER_TRUCK":"Forester\'s Trailer","US_06_02_TRAILER_ST1":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House:","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_DESC":"Sorry for bothering you, but I have no one else to ask. This truck and the fuel tank have to be delivered to a remote base. The road is rough, and our truck is broken. If you help, I will reward you well.","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_REW":"Great, I have enough fuel to last for a year! What would we do without you?","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_TRUCK":"Truck with a Tank","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_OILTRAILER":"Fuel Tank","US_06_02_OILTRUCK_ST1":"Deliver to the Base in the Woods:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_DESC":"We have some supplies to be delivered to observation points in the woods. But now that the snow has melted, our vehicles just won\'t make it. Will you be able to?","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_REW":"Great, you helped us a real lot! Feel free to use our warehouse whenever you need.","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST1":"Deliver to Observation Point A:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST2":"Deliver to Observation Point B:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST3":"Deliver to Observation Point C:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST4":"Deliver to Observation Point D:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_ST5":"Get trailers to Warehouse Parking:","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_TR1":"Supply Trailer","US_06_02_CABINSUPPLY_TR2":"Supply Trailer","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_DESC":"My truck, that I use for household needs, broke down in the worst possible place, and my work has stalled. No one is willing to tow it out and fix it. Maybe you can do it?","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_REW":"You did me a huge favor! I can continue my work now. You deserve your share.","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_TRUCK":"Broken Truck","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_ST1":"Repair the broken truck","US_06_02_BROKENTRUCK_ST2":"Deliver to the Local Resident\'s House:","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_DESC":"My business is non-standard, and I am willing to pay you well. My colleagues installed water quality detectors on the river. What they didn\'t think about was how to access them when the ice melts. Maybe you can help?","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_REW":"Everything looks all right. The water is clean. Thanks for your help, here is a token of gratitude from the residents.","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST1":"Inspect Checkpoint A","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST2":"Inspect Checkpoint B","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST3":"Inspect Checkpoint C","US_06_02_CHECKPLACES_ST4":"Inspect Checkpoint D","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_DESC":"It\'s a disaster! I was transporting some cargo with my SUV and a trailer, but I lost control of the vehicle and drove into a ravine. I was lucky I only got a few scratches. Can you help me tow out the SUV and the cargo?","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_REW":"My, this car will need lots of TLC... But thanks anyway, you got it all out. I don\'t know what I would do without you.","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_ST1":"Deliver to Jack\'s House:","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_ST2":"Deliver to Jack\'s House:","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_TRUCK1":"Fallen SUV","US_06_02_TURNED_SCOUT_TRUCK2":"Fallen Trailer","US_06_02_BROKEN_POWERLINE_DESC":"A mudflow has recently passed here. My, did that look scary! Good thing no one was hurt... except for this power tower that\'s blocking the road. It has to be restored. I\'d be grateful if you want to help.","US_06_02_BROKEN_POWERLINE_REW":"Great! Now the path up is open. If you have an all-terrain vehicle of course.","US_06_02_BROKEN_POWERLINE_ST1":"Deliver to the Power Tower:","US_06_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_DESC":"They say you\'re experienced in restoring bridges. Maybe you can help with this one too? It\'s the only way to the Big Land, besides the river crossings, so we have to restore it ASAP.","US_06_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_REW":"I never doubted you for a second! Cargo deliveries will be much easier now. Take your reward.","US_06_02_BROKEN_BRIDGE_ST1":"Deliver to the Fallen Bridge:","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_DESC":"The plant that supplied the region with resources was blocked off by bridges that couldn\'t withstand the high water. If you restore them, you can use this plant\'s facilities to benefit the region.","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_REW":"That\'s some job! Now the resources are at hand, all thanks to you!","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_ST1":"Deliver to the West Bridge:","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_1_ST2":"Deliver to the East Bridge:","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_2_DESC":"This part of the way is not so easy. Unless we want to sink our truck, we need to restore the wooden crossing. Otherwise, we can\'t go further.","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_2_REW":"Great, this crossing will serve not only us but many local residents. I think a reward is in order.","US_06_02_BROKEN_WOOD_BRIDGE_2_ST1":"Deliver to the Crossing:","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_DESC":"When the water rose, my family and I hurried to this camp. But I left behind my old truck, and I really need it. I\'m afraid to go on ice, but maybe you can do it for a fitting reward?","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_REW":"Thanks for your help. I got this truck from my father, and I would hate to lose it. This is for your trouble.","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_TRUCK":"Missing Truck","US_06_02_LOADSTAR_ST1":"Deliver to the Parking lot:","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_DESC":"Someone is illegally lighting fireworks and making bonfires to the east of here. They\'re carrying around a barrel of fuel for their fires and car. Find it at one of the points and take it to the Impoundment Lot.","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_REW":"Awesome. The hooligans will first have a talk with the local ranger and pay a fine to get their trailer back. Here\'s your reward for community service.","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST1":"Explore Rest Area A","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST2":"Explore Rest Area B","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST3":"Explore Rest Area C","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST4":"Explore Rest Area D","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_ST5":"Deliver to the Impoundment Lot:","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_TRAILER":"Hooligans\' Trailer","US_06_02_FIREWORKS_PARK":"Impoundment Lot","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_DESC":"As long as the fuel supply is scarce, every drop counts in this region. Our fueling station tanks are empty. I got a lead on two small tanks with fuel that got washed off the road. Can you bring them here?","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_REW":"Wonderful! We can resume our work, at least for now.","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_TRUCK":"Washed-off tank","US_06_02_FUELSTATION_ST1":"Deliver to the Fueling Station","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_DESC":"Every year, this park hosts cross-country races. This year, the situation is aggravated by the frozen high water. Yet, the most reckless drivers are still willing to race. Are you?","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_REW":"Unbelievable! You didn\'t drown. This fact alone calls for a reward.","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST1":"Reach Control Point 1","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST2":"Reach Control Point 2","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST3":"Reach Control Point 3","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST4":"Reach Control Point 4","US_06_02_DANGERRACE_ST5":"Reach Control Point 5","US_06_02_KARTER_DESC":"Have we met? Never mind. I found some weird monoliths nearby. You have to take my trailer and scan each of them, I\'ve equipped it with detectors. Do it at night, while the monoliths are active.","US_06_02_KARTER_REW":"Great! A new batch of data. Not enough, though. The monoliths have to be re-scanned regularly so we know their true origin. I will be waiting for the new data, and here is your reward.","US_06_02_KARTER_TRUCK":"Trailer With Detectors","US_06_02_KARTER_ST1":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST2":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST3":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST4":"Scan the Mysterious Monolith","US_06_02_KARTER_ST5":"Return to Carter\'s House","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY_DESC":"That\'s just our luck, the event is about to start, and the power is out again. We have a backup generator here, but it needs to be moved to the supply depot. Will you help us out?","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY_REW":"Alright, the lights are back up so we can keep the repair shops running. Good to know we can rely on you.","GEN_01_S":"Generator","US_07_01_RENEWAL_ELECTRICITY_S":"Deliver to the Supply Depot:","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION":"Closing the Loop","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_DESC":"These roadhogs managed to turn the whole track into a complete mess. It\'s not something unexpected, but we could use some help with procuring some planks to cover the worst parts with a couple springboards.","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_REW":"Now the track is ready for the new season!","US_07_01_TRACK_RESTORATION_01_S":"Deliver to the Construction Crew:","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION_DESC":"The depot is now powered, but a single generator can hardly cover all our needs. We were going to put some solar panels up eventually, but with the powerlines down we have a good reason to expedite the process.","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION_REW":"Looks like we\'re all set - and all thanks to you! Here\'s what you\'re due.","US_07_01_RESTORATION_SOLAR_STATION_S":"Deliver to the Solar Power Station:","US_07_01_EVACUATION":"Bad Take","US_07_01_EVACUATION_DESC":"One of our sponsors wanted to film their ad here, but something went wrong. The gear\'s insured, but someone would need to fix up the track itself. I thought you could be just the person we need for the job.","US_07_01_EVACUATION_REW":"Seems like we\'re ready to start the event proper, just need to finish the qualification runs first. Here\'s your reward.","EVA_01_S":"Chevrolet Scout","US_07_01_EVACUATION_01_S":"Deliver to the Supply Depot:","US_07_01_EVACUATION_02_S":"Deliver to the Workshop:","EVA_02_S":"Tayga Truck","EVA_03_S":"Voron Truck","US_07_01_PREPARATION_TRAILS":"Bridge Deconstruction","US_07_01_PREPARATION_TRAILS_DESC":"Before Stage 3 can start we need to dismantle the old bridge here. It doesn\'t look all that safe and I\'m pretty sure won\'t survive some of our contestants\' trucks either way. Just need someone to get us the tools.","US_07_01_PREPARATION_TRAILS_REW":"One step closer to starting the event\'s final stage. And to boot, we won\'t have to guess which contestant will that bridge collapse under, too.","US_07_01_BRIDGE_DESTROY_02_S":"Deliver to the Swamp Crossing:","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT":"Extreme Downhill","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_DESC":"I bet you already know what\'s next. That\'s right, get to the finishing line in the allotted time, and the faster, the better! No need to take pity on your truck either, we\'ve got a repair crew waiting for you already.","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_REW":"Job\'s a good \'un, you\'re through with the second stage. Hopefully we\'ll get your car back on the wheels soon, heh heh.","US_07_01_CONNECTION":"Service Unavailable","US_07_01_CONNECTION_DESC":"The communications station is toast! How can we broadcast live feed if we don\'t even have cell coverage? Need to get the thing fixed ASAP!","US_07_01_CONNECTION_REW":"We\'re live, and all thanks to you! I\'ll make sure your help won\'t go unmentioned.","US_07_01_CONNECTION_01_S":"Deliver to the Communications Tower:","CONNECT_S":"Service Trailer","US_07_01_ORIENTEERING":"Off-road Navigation","US_07_01_ORIENTEERING_DESC":"Time for the final round! The goal is simple - get through all the checkpoints on the swamp before the timer runs out. Good planning and a keen eye for the best routes are an absolute must in this challenge.","US_07_01_ORIENTEERING_REW":"Congratulations! You are the only contestant to beat the timer and not get lost out in the swamps today. Which means you are rightfully the champion of the OffRoadCup!","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES":"Lap Of Honour","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_DESC":"This is less of a competition and more like a lap of honor. The viewers would want to see you in action once more, so pick your coolest looking car and give us a good final show!","US_07_01_RACE_HEROES_REW":"You took the suggestion to be a showoff for once to heart, haven\'t you? That was just what we needed to close off the event. Hope to see you next year!","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL_DESC":"Seems like some of our contestants weren\'t as gentle with the pit track during the trial runs. We\'ve got the necessary equipment to fix this mess on standby, but we could use a hand getting it into the quarry itself.","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL_REW":"Now the Stone-pit tracks are all ready for the new contestants. Thanks for your help!","SPEC_01_S":"Service Trailer","US_07_01_DELIVERY_SPECIAL_S":"Deliver to the Stone-pit:","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01":"Qualification Race","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01_DESC":"This is the first step of our championship. Your goal is to beat the timer on a relatively simple off-road track. Shouldn\'t be something you can\'t handle, but you might want to pick a good off-road truck for this one.","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_01_REW":"That was amazing! And we\'ve managed to get some real good shots, too, so we don\'t have to worry about extra promotional materials.","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT":"Wise Old Bird","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_DESC":"Looks like we\'ve got another couple unlucky drivers fly off one of the nearby cliffs. Could you give them a hand?","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_REW":"Hope that will serve them a lesson. Next time they\'ll be evacuating their trucks on their own dime.","CAREER_01_S":"Hummer Scout","CAREER_02_S":"Tuz Scout","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_01_S":"Deliver to the Field Workshop:","US_07_01_CAREER_SCOUT_02_S":"Deliver to the Field Workshop:","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_1":"Lost Souls","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_DESC":"Not everyone could stand the test that is the third Stage, and a few drivers could use some help now. We don\'t have enough service trucks to tow everyone, so we\'d appreciate if you could give them a hand.","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_REW":"All participants have been evacuated. They are unlikely to be able to fight for the gold medal now, but at least they\'re safe and sound.","RIDER_01_S":"Yar Scout","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_01_S":"Tow to the Service Station:","RIDER_02_S":"Chevrolet Truck","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_02_S":"Tow to the Field Workshop:","RIDER_03_S":"International Scout","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_03_S":"Tow to the Tent Camp:","RIDER_04_S":"Chevrolet Scout","US_07_01_DELIVER_RIDER_SUB_04_S":"Tow to the Service Station:","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_1":"The Ring","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_1_DESC":"The main challenge of this stage is a single-lap race. The best advice is to capitalize on your truck\'s top speed and to pick the right gearbox and tires, as this one is all about making it first to the finishing line.","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_1_REW":"Congratulations to our winner of this stage of the OffRoadCup! Stage Two awaits, where we shall see if your rock climbing skills are on par with your speed.","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE":"Extreme Climb","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE_DESC":"This is the starting point of the second Stage. The objective is to make your way up the treacherous mountain trail. It could be wise to study the track and its surroundings before diving headlong into this challenge.","US_07_01_EXTREME_SLOPE_REW":"I hope you enjoyed the first part of this Stage, as things are about to get bumpy.","US_07_01_CAREER":"Stage Two Finale","US_07_01_CAREER_DESC":"Time for another race against the clock, but with a new twist - there are three routes to choose from, and it is up to you make that call. The right truck and the right route can make all the difference here.","US_07_01_CAREER_REW":"Now that\'s what I call a result! You\'ve cleared Phase Two and are ready to enter the final stretch. Now it\'s all about finding your way through the swamp. Good luck, and godspeed.","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01_DESC":"So, we\'ve had to let our previous driver go, but hopefully you\'ll be a better fit for this. Get the truck to the garage so we could patch it up, and show us what you can do.","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01_REW":"Now we\'re definitely on our way to the first place. Take our best truck and lead us to victory!","RACING_1_S":"Racing Truck Azov 43-191 Sprinter","US_07_01_DELIVER_RACING_01_S":"Deliver to the Garage:","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03":"Old Bridge","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03_DESC":"The shortest way from the tent camp to the Pit is through that broken bridge over there. If you don\'t like having to take the longer way through the swamp, you could help us get the thing fixed.","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03_REW":"Oh nice! Thanks a lot, now everyone can get around much easier, be ith the staff or other participants.","US_07_01_BRIDGE_RESTORE_03_S":"Deliver to the Old Bridge:","US_07_01_ROCK_01_DESC":"A guy from our team decided to take our new truck setup for a ride, but had a bit of an accident on the way. A small lapse of judgement to be sure, but he managed to cause a whole rockfall. Will you help us clear it out?","US_07_01_ROCK_01_REW":"Now that\'s a relief. We can finally tow our truck back to the shop. Have to say, I\'m having second thoughts about letting that guy drive it again.","US_07_01_ROCK_01_S":"Deliver to the Collapsed Rocks:","US_07_01_ROCK_02":"Old Ranch Rubble","US_07_01_ROCK_02_DESC":"Used to be a round nearby, but one of them drivers rammed into the cliffside near it and, well... Let\'s just say there ain\'t no road here no more. Unless you\'re in the mood to help us out, that is.","US_07_01_ROCK_02_REW":"And the ranch road is open! Fingers crossed there ain\'t gonna be another accident here.","US_07_01_ROCK_02_S":"Deliver to the Old Ranch Rubble:","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01_DESC":"The second stage calls for a very special vehicle. We couldn\'t get it fully prepped until now, so we\'ll need to have another good look at it before calling it done. Head for the depot, it\'ll be waiting for you there.","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01_REW":"Hope you like what you see, we worked hard on this one. Now get in and head for the Stone-pit, show \'em what we\'re made of.","BUGGY_01_S":"Buggy Gor BY-4","US_07_01_DELIVER_BUGGY_01_S":"Deliver to the Garage:","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01":"Fixing the Service Station","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01_DESC":"So listen, we have this field repair shop, except it\'s been so busy lately with all the trucks we had to fix up they\'re running out of pretty much all supplies, not even any duct tape left. Could you do them a solid?","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01_REW":"Lovely. One can hope these supplies will last them till the end of the event.","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_01_S":"Deliver to the Service Hub:","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_03":"Repair Crisis","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_03_DESC":"The Stone-pit is a huge waste of repair parts I tell you. Can barely catch my breath between having to fix more trucks, and I\'m already almost out of spare parts. If only someone could get us a crate from the depot...","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_02_REW":"Ready for the next stage! Drop by whenever you need some fixing, we\'ll always find a moment to patch you up.","US_07_01_RESTORE_TECH_ZONE_03_S":"Deliver to the Field Workshop:","US_07_01_CAREER_START_LIGHT_DESC":"That\'s the easiest route through the Stone-pit. We need some promo shots for this one, so if you could give us a good show...","US_07_01_CAREER_START_LIGHT_REW":"Heh, now you\'ll be front and center on the ad poster. Here\'s for the trouble.","US_07_01_CAREER_START_HARD_DESC":"This one\'s the hardest trail of the three. The staff have even started a betting pool on whether anyone can clear this trail today, and the stakes are getting quite high. You in?","US_07_01_CAREER_START_HARD_REW":"Well, seems like a well-prepared truck and some top notch driving can get you anywhere. Here\'s your cut then.","US_07_01_CAREER_START_MEDIUM_DESC":"This one\'s the most popular trail, even though some drivers clearly overestimated their own skills here. Show them how it\'s done!","US_07_01_CAREER_START_MEDIUM_REW":"That\'s some good driving. You really are making it look easy.","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_DESC":"As classic as a race can get, a direct competition between live opponents on a looping track. Be mindful of your surroundings and use every advantage you can to win.","US_07_01_CIRCUIT_RACE_REW":"Spec-tacular! It\'s been a while since we\'ve had a run like that here.","US_07_01_WORKOUT_DESC":"It\'s all about a good racing gearbox, the right highway tires, and impeccable gear shifting. To get a headstart, try quickly going straight into high gear and back to automatic as you start to accelerate.","US_07_01_WORKOUT_REW":"Seems like you got the hang of it. Good luck!","US_07_01_PARKOUR_DESC":"This race is one huge obstacle course, where your only goal is to reach the finishing line without rolling your truck upside down. This is the one case where you could say \\"easy does it\\" about an actual race.","US_07_01_PARKOUR_REW":"What a great run! If only other contestants were half as brave as you.","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_01_DESC":"This route wasn\'t initially designed for multiple vehicles, but on popular demand we decided to make an exception. The road is narrow, so plan your overtakes ahead and be ready to use every opportunity to take the lead.","US_07_01_EXTREME_DESCENT_01_REW":"Now that was something! Some of our viewers were making bets on whether any vehicle will reach the finishing line intact.","US_07_01_QUALIFICATION_DESC":"Instead of a time trial, we decided to use this track for a good old-fashion race, where you can test your driving prowess against your competitors directly. Start your engines!","RU_08_01_KIROVEC":"The Beast Rising","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_DESC":"Listen up. The new tractors we\'ve ordered are taking their sweet time reaching us here, so we\'ll have to improvise. I\'m told there\'s an old tractor nearby that might still be somewhat functional, it\'d have to do for now.","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_REW":"Well done! Looks like we\'re lucky, this thing only needs some minor repairs. I think you already know where this is going...","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_S_01":"Visit the Scrapyard","RU_08_01_KIROVEC_S_02":"Deliver to the Garage:","KIROVEC":"Abandoned Kirovets K700","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS":"Missing Workers","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_DESC":"There\'s been a few issues with the railway just short of the northern tunnel, so we\'ve sent a team out to give it a look. Didn\'t hear from them in a while though. Could you go find them, ask if everything\'s alright?","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_REW":"Guess we were right to be worried. Thanks a bunch, here\'s your reward.","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_S_01":"Visit the Northern Tunnel","HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS":"Repair Truck","RU_08_01_HELP_RAILWAY_WORKERS_S_02":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_DECS":"Right, that thing looks kind of scary. But we\'re not here for a beauty contest, either. Let\'s make sure it\'s actually able to cover all the basics - cultivating, harvesting, you know the drill.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_REW":"Alright, now go check the warehouse, they\'re probably done packaging your harvest by now. Oh, and if you ever need more farming gear - check in with the trailer store, there\'s nothing those folks can\'t get for you.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_01":"Deliver to the Sample Field:","trailer_cultivator":"Cultivator","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_02":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_03":"Deliver to the Sample Field:","trailer_planter":"Planter","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_04":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_05":"The field is seeded","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_06":"Deliver to the Sample Field:","trailer_harvester":"Harvester","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_07":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_TUTORIAL_S_08":"The field is harvested","RU_08_01_HAZARD":"Risky Cleanup","RU_08_01_HAZARD_DESC":"When the local factory closed down, they tried moving some of their waste by train. The rail line got flooded though, and the whole thing was just left here to rot. How about we take care of this, now that we\'re here?","RU_08_01_HAZARD_REW":"Thank you. The thought that all this was just sitting there for years is terrifying. Here\'s them \\"caring about the ecology\\" for you...","RU_08_01_HAZARD_S":"Deliver to the Disposal Pickup:","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER":"Clean Energy","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_DESC":"We\'ve ordered the last batch of turbine fan blades recently, but one of them seems to have gone missing. We know it was unloaded at the railway station.","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_REW":"And that\'s what you get for using shortcuts while carrying a heavy load. Thanks for your help, now we just need to link that turbine to our power grid.","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_01":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_02":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_03":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","WIND_BLADE":"Wind turbine blade","RU_08_01_WIND_POWER_S_04":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE":"Supply Recovery","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_DESC":"It\'s been a while since the factory close down, but we still were able to find some good materials down there. We don\'t really have a free truck available right now, so we ccould use some help moving them though.","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_REW":"Well done. Don\'t worry, we\'ll find a good use for these supplies. Meanwhile, here\'s what you\'re owed.","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_S_01":"Deliver to the Sorting terminal warehouse:","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_S_02":"Deliver to the Disposal pickup:","RU_08_01_FACTORY_RECYCLE_S_03":"Deliver to the General Store Warehouse:","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF":"Fixing The Elevator","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_DESC":"We\'ve checked the grain elevator, as it\'s been out of use for a while now. Luckily, it only needs some minor fixes here and there, but we\'ll still need some supplies and tools to get this done.","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_REW":"Great, now the elevator is operational once again!","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_S_01":"Visit the unloading area:","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_S_02":"Deliver to the Processing Wing:","RU_08_01_ELEVATOR_STUFF_S_03":"Deliver to the Workshop:","ELEVATOR_STUFF_SP":"Cleaning Equipment","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT":"Finder\'s Fee","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_DESC":"Before your arrival we tried to deal with the local drivers, even though we really shouldn\'t have. Now some of our stuff is strewn all over the place, and finding it might be a problem. Still, we have faith in you.","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_REW":"If only more people were at least half as good as you. Here, take this.","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_01":"Lost Pipes","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_02":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_03":"Lost Goods","RU_08_01_METALSCOUT_S_04":"Deliver to the General Store Warehouse:","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH":"Taking Out The Trash","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_DESC":"We\'ve gathered a couple containers with trash from around the railway terminal. Would be nice to drivethem down to the junkyard. Might not be a very short ride, but we can\'t just leave it here.","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_REW":"Is it me, or it\'d gotten a bit easier to breathe in here? Anyway, as agreed upon - here\'s your reward.","RU_08_01_THROW_OUT_TRASH_S":"Deliver to the Junkyard:","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL_DESC":"We\'re looking into possible shipping options for our produce. The easiest solution is to ship everything to the station, and then take it to other cities or even coutnries by train. Feel free to drop off the bags there.","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL_REW":"The train is almost ready to depart. In just a short while, the first batch of fresh caspian tasters will hit the shelves across the whole country!","RU_08_01_POTATO_SELL_S":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION_DESC":"Oh hey, you\'re just in time. We\'ve oredered some supplies here, but there\'s no one available to deliver them. Will you help us? I\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION_REW":"Everything seems to be in order, so now we can get to work. Your reward, as promised.","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_RENOVATION_S_01":"Deliver supplies for Village:","RU_08_01_LOST_EVACUATION_DESC":"So a colleague of mine decided he was feeling adventurous the other day, and tried to cut strsight through the lake here. He did make it out, which isn\'t something I can say about his truck. Could you help him out?","RU_08_01_LOST_EVACUATION_REW":"I hope you managed to resist the urge to give it a shot yourself? I kid, here\'s for your trouble.","LOST_EVACUATION":"Drowned TUZ","RU_08_01_LOST_EVACUATION_S":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_DESC":"We\'re waiting for our driver to bring our tools from the station, but it\'s been a while since we\'ve heard from him. Could you check if he\'s on the way? Oh, and if you could pick up the rest of our stuff, that\'d be great.","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_REW":"It\'s good there are people like you out there! I\'ve no clue what would we do if not for your help.","VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_TRAILER":"Household Supplies Trailer","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_S_1":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_08_01_VILLAGE_SUPPLIES_S_2":"Deliver to the Village:","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_DESC":"The nature here is gorgeous, can\'t deny that. We\'re working on getting this place prepped for the upcoming tourist season, and that includes some promotions. To that end, we need all the photos we can get our hands on.","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_REW":"Great, we\'ll take it from here. You can expect to see your work in our promotional material soon.","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_01":"Visit the Farming Plot","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_02":"Visit the Grain Elevator Photo Area","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_03":"Visit the Fieldside Poplars","RU_08_01_PROMO_PICS_S_04":"Visit the Fisherman Lake","RU_08_01_FARM_VEHICLE_PARTS_DESC":"It\'s almost the sowing season, and most of our vehicles aren\'t in a good shape. We\'ve ordered the parts we need, but the delivery is taking forever. If you could deliver them instead, we\'ll be beyond grateful.","RU_08_01_FARM_VEHICLE_PARTS_REW":"Now that\'s what I call an expedited delivery. You\'ve earned this.","RU_08_01_FARM_VEHICLE_PARTS_S":"Deliver to the Farm:","RU_08_01_GRAIN_ELEVATOR_DESC":"Fixing the machinery is all fine and good, but our administrative wing here looks downright terrible. Ancient cracked desks, raggedy couches and chairs - far from what is appropriate for an honest business.","RU_08_01_GRAIN_ELEVATOR_REW":"Now we can take visiting delegations without looking like some backwater hillbillies. Thanks for your help.","RU_08_01_GRAIN_ELEVATOR_S_01":"Deliver to the Administrative wing:","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_DESC":"A successful harvest is always a joy, but here\'s the problem: my tractor broke down the other day, and now I can\'t plant the crop. You\'re an expert in this business from what I\'ve heard. Could you help me?","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_REW":"Couldn\'t have done this without you. Thanks for helping out, friend.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_1_S_03":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_DESC":"The planting season has just begun, and I\'m already running out of steam. Could you help an old man out? You get half of whatever we\'ll sell it for, and I\'ll even tell you where you can borrow the gear we\'d need.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_REW":"I\'ve been dreading having to do all that by hand. You managed it so much faster than I ever could.","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_01":"Visit the Grain Elevator","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_03":"Visit the Lake-Side River","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_FARMING_FIELD_2_S_05":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_DESC":"Listen, we might have a problem here. Some tourists set up a few camps some ways from here, but it\'s been a while since they last checked in. Could you make sure if they\'re alright? I\'m getting a bit worried.","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_REW":"They \\"forgot\\"? Oh wow. We were already starting to worry about them, even got you involved, too. \\"Forgot\\", hah...","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_S_01":"Visit the First Camp","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_S_02":"Visit the Second Camp","RU_08_01_CHECKING_TOURISTS_S_03":"Visit the Third Camp","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_DESC":"With the new owners in town we\'re dismantling the old oil pumps, and so it happens we could use some help sourcing a few tools. Any help\'s appreciated.","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_REW":"Now that\'s just what we needed. We\'re all set, and here\'s your reward.","SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_TRAILER":"Supplies","RU_08_01_SUPPLIES_FOR_WATCHERS_S":"Deliver to the oil pumps:","RU_08_01_PLANKS_SUPPLIES_DESC":"Yeah, this place clearly haven\'t seen actual repairs in a while. Makes me wonder how our predecessors used to work here, really. Anyway. We\'re going to need some planks at the very least. Think you can do that?","RU_08_01_PLANKS_SUPPLIES_REW":"Nicely done. Who knows, maybe our weather forecasts would be a bit more accurate now, too! What, was that in poor taste?","RU_08_01_PLANKS_SUPPLIES_S":"Deliver to the Weather Station:","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_DESC":"We\'re from- Not like it matters, really. Point is, we wanted to buy some fuel for our expedition, but our own driver is currently away, and there isn\'t anyone to help us tow the tank to our camp. Maybe you could help us?","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_REW":"Job well done. We could use more drivers like you. Maybe we\'ll see each other again, if you\'ll ever want to drop your long hauls and brave the wilderness instead.","EXPEDITION_HELP":"Fuel","RU_08_01_EXPEDITION_HELP_S":"Deliver to the Expedition Camp:","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_DESC":"Who in their right mind unloads a train like this?! And all that cargo needs to be at the warehouse, pronto. Help me out, will you? You can take that rusty old tin can they call a crane, assuming it\'ll even start.","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_REW":"Phew, thank you. Feel free to use the crane whenever you need it. It could use a bit of repairs, but otherwise should serve you good.","RU_08_01_SILLY_WORKERS_S":"Deliver to the Repair Shop:","RU_08_01_ILLEGAL_BUSINESS_DESC":"The old factory over there, tis a veritable mine of useful stuff. We scouted it out even, but we were... very rudely interrupted - even had to leave our car behind. And now we was wondering if you could go get it for us.","RU_08_01_ILLEGAL_BUSINESS_REW":"Now ain\'t that a good find. Could use a bit of work - but remember what the Bard said: you don\'t never, never look a gift horse in the mouth.","ILLEGAL_BUSINESS":"Abandoned Vehicle","RU_08_01_ILLEGAL_BUSINESS_S":"Return the abandoned car","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_DESC":"There\'s a couple oil rigs over here that are long due for a retirement. Thing is, we could really use some help moving our gear out of there first. Will you help us out?","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_REW":"Nicely done, we\'ll take over from here. Here\'s for your trouble.","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_S_01":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_01_ECOLOGICAL_CHANGE_S_02":"Deliver to the Sorting terminal warehouse:","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_DESC":"We\'ve gathered a good few hay bales, but we don\'t really have a good way of moving them all to the barn. And the word has it that you have just the truck for the job, the Kirovets one. We\'ll make it worth your while!","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_REW":"Thanks a whole lot! Now we can get back to work.","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_S1":"Deliver to the Hay Barn:","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_2_DESC":"Could you give us a hand here? We\'ve gathered hay from our fields and need to get it to the barn. Thing is, our driver had left with the first batch a while ago, and we haven\'t seen him since. Can you check up on him?","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_2_REW":"Great job. If it weren\'t for you, we\'d be out some good amount of hay. Take this.","RU_08_01_HAYSTACKS_2_S_01":"Deliver to the Hay Barn:","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_DESC":"Time for some more field work. As usual, we start by cultivating the field, then plant our potatos using a seeder, and finally, recover the grown crops with a harvester. Now get to it.","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_REW":"Well done. Harvesting complete, the greens are being packed as we speak.","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_03":"Field processed","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_01_INF_FARMING_1_S_05":"Harvesting complete","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE":"Lakeside Racing","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_DESC":"The local offroaders have a pastime of driving around our lakes, a race of sorts, if you will. There\'s even a prize pool, too. Feel free to give it a try if you want, too.","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_REW":"Oh hey, you\'ve made it. Congratulations - and here\'s a little something to make it worth your while.","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_1":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_2":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_3":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_4":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_5":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_6":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_7":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_8":"Reach Point 8","RU_08_01_LAKE_RACE_S_9":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN":"Local Rally","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_DESC":"Me and the guys have scouted out that old train down the rail line, it actually makes for a cool racing track - not that either of us managed to beat it yet though. Maybe you\'ll do better, what do you think?","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_REW":"That was something. You didn\'t break anything, did you? Anyway, here\'s your cut.","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_1":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_2":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_3":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_4":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_5":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_6":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_7":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_8":"Reach Point 8","RU_08_01_LOCAL_FUN_S_9":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_01_DANGEROUS_BARRELS_DESC":"We\'ve been setting up our camp a while ago, and while we went to have a look around we\'ve spotted these barrels with some suspicious logos on them. No idea what\'s in those, but it\'s best someone moves them out of here.","RU_08_01_DANGEROUS_BARRELS_REW":"Yeah, good thing you showed up when you did. Who knows what would\'ve happened if we didn\'t stumble across these barrels.","RU_08_01_DANGEROUS_BARRELS_S":"Deliver to the Disposal pickup:","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT":"Lost Tech","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_DESC":"The local institute researched crops back in the day, and seem to have developed a new sort of potato that grows in harsh environments. We could use any kind of documentation you can find around their facilities.","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_REW":"Nicely done! It seems we\'ll be here a while, as the documents you\'ve found confirm our suspicions.","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_01":"Visit the Administration Wing","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_02":"Visit the Science Wing","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_03":"Visit the Academy Town","RU_08_02_SCIENCE_SCOUT_S_04":"Visit the Technical Station","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_CONTR":"Risky Endeavor","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_DESC":"Since we\'re planning to stay here for some time, we should find somewhere to fix and fuel our vehicles. The locals offered to lend us a hand if we help them get their repair station in working order.","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_REW":"Splendid! Now we have the repairs and refueling covered. Keep up the good work!","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Technical Station:","RU_08_02_TECH_FIX_S_02":"Deliver to the Corporate Garage:","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS":"Fertilizer Trouble","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_DESC":"According to these papers, one of the tanks loaded with some experimental fertilizer was lost somewhere midway to the facility. We want to have a look at it, so we\'d appreciate it if you could find that cistern for us.","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_REW":"We\'re lucky the cistern was that durable and didn\'t leak in all this time. As always, here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_S_01":"Visit the Cistern Search Area","RU_08_02_MANURE_TANKS_S_02":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_CONTR":"Waste not, want not","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"The Institute consisted of multiple buildings scattered around the farmland. Since they appear to be abandoned, we\'d like to check if there\'s anything of use left in either of those sites.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_REW":"Good to see some of the materials seem to be salvageable, that\'ll surely help us cut some costs here. Great job.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_S_01":"Deliver to the Abandoned Byre:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_01_S_02":"Deliver to the Corporate Warehouse:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_CONTR":"Scrap Stalker","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_DESC":"Don\'t be mistaken, these aren\'t just piles of useless scrap. You\'ll never know how much of it can be cleaned and put to good use. Just bring us our equipment and we\'ll start working on it.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_REW":"One less thing to worry about. Job well done.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Scrapyard:","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_02_S_02":"Deliver to the Byre:","RU_08_02_CONTRACT_SERVICE_TRAILER":"Service Trailer","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03":"Burning Bridges","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_DESC":"Restoring the bridge would be a very costly enterprise, not to mention, we don\'t have a need for something that big here. That said, I\'m sure we can find something useful if we dig through what\'s left of it.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_REW":"Splendid! Here\'s your cut for helping with the materials.","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_S_01":"Visit the Collapsed Bridge","RU_08_02_JUNK_DELIVERY_03_S_02":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY":"Living Space","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_DESC":"We need to take care of the workers\' living situation. There\'s not really a hotel or something we could rent, but we can arrange for some shacks to be built for us. All that\'s left is delivering the needed materials.","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_REW":"Your contribution to the region\'s development won\'t go unmarked. Here\'s your reward.","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_S_01":"Visit the Technical Station","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_S_02":"Deliver to the Construction Site:","RU_08_02_DRAIN_DRY_S_03":"Deliver to the Scrapyard:","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP":"Down To The Last Screw","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_DESC":"We\'ve found a couple abandoned vehicles not too far from here. While they\'re not really in working order, they can still be stripped for some spare parts for our own vehicles, so we could use your help towing them here.","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_REW":"Who could\'ve thought we\'d find so many useful things here. Thanks for lending us a hand.","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_S_01":"Deliver to the Technical Station:","RU_08_02_VEHICAL_PARTS_HELP_S_02":"Deliver to the Corporate Garage:","PARTS_HELP_TRUCK_01":"Flipped Over Khan Lo4f","PARTS_HELP_TRUCK_02":"Stuck Tuz 166","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING":"Damage Evaluation","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_DESC":"It appears the Institute wasn\'t keen on following safety regulations when handling their chemicals, which resulted in a nasty spill poisoning the area around the science wing. First things first, we need to pump it out.","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_REW":"The situation seems worse than we anticipated. We\'ve got a lot of work ahead of us, but at least we\'ve taken the first step.","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_S_01":"Deliver to the Science Wing:","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_S_02":"Deliver to the Science Wing:","RU_08_02_WATER_TUBING_S_03":"Deliver to the \\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station:","PUMP_DESC":"Mobile pump","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS":"Eco-Action","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_DESC":"When the Institute was shut down nobody really bothered to properly dispose of the leftover refuse, instead dumping most of it into the river. We\'ll need to locate and retrieve what\'s left of it for further disposal.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_REW":"Well done! Moving chemicals can be a risky process, so we\'ve decided to compensate you accordingly.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_01":"Visit the Academy Town","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_02":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_03":"Visit the Mariner\'s Crossing","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_BARRELS_S_04":"Deliver to the \\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER":"Fighting fire with fire","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_DESC":"While we got rid of the sources of pollution, we still need to treat the nearby area with a neutralizing agent. All you need is to deliver it. And be careful - the neutralizer can still be dangerous in its own right.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_REW":"Good work. And while the neutralizer does its thing, I\'ll suggest you go take a decontamination shower - you know, just in case.","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_01":"Visit the Institute Warehouse","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_02":"Deliver to the South-Eastern Swamp:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_03":"Deliver to the Island Chain:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_04":"Deliver to the Central Swamp:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_05":"Deliver to the Spill Site:","RU_08_02_CHEMICAL_RESTORER_S_06":"Deliver to the River Crossing:","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT":"Deep Study","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_DESC":"We have to make sure we didn\'t miss anything, and that the soil wasn\'t too damaged by the chemicals. To that end, you will need to analyze the most polluted areas. Let\'s get this done.","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_REW":"Looks like we lucked out. A full-on ecological disaster averted!","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_S_01":"Find and scan the South-Eastern point","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_S_02":"Find and scan the Northern point","RU_08_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_S_03":"Find and scan the South-Western point","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX":"High Voltage","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_DESC":"To link the nearby district\'s power grids we need to restore the Institute\'s power lines. It\'s as old as the dirt it stands on, so we\'d have to work with some truly ancient equipment, but we don\'t have much of a choice.","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_REW":"With the materials on hand, we can take care of the rest. Thanks!","RU_08_02_POWER_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Power Line:","RU_08_02_FARMING_DESC":"Time to give this new fertilizer a shot. I\'ve been told we should be able to find all the necessary farming equipment on site. Once this is done, you\'ll have to deliver the samples to our lab for further study.","RU_08_02_FARMING_REW":"The results exceed all our expectations. It\'s good to know our efforts weren\'t for nothing. All that is left is to scale the production up.","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_02_FARMING_S_06":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING":"Like Hot Potatoes","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING_DESC":"We\'re ready to pay well for this new kind of potato. All you have to do is deliver it to us, and we\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING_REW":"Thanks for the delivery! With a harvest like this we should be able to take over the local market.","RU_08_02_GMO_POTATO_BUYING_S_01":"Deliver to the Railway Terminal:","RU_08_02_ENDLESS_FARMING_DESC":"This experimental field should serve our little experiment well. Since we\'re still limited on manpower, it\'s up to you to tend to it - if you have a moment, of course.","RU_08_02_ENDLESS_FARMING_REW":"It\'s amazing how bountiful the harvest can be in these parts. As always, we\'re happy to take this off your hands.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX":"Poor Planning","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_DESC":"Yeah, can\'t say this was unexpected, but... We got around to fixing this bridge, but ran way out of budget almost from the get-go. Could you help us deliver the supplies while we take care of the contstruction?","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_REW":"Thank you kindly! Now we won\'t have to take the detour just to get across.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Unfinished Bridge:","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_FIX_S_02":"Deliver to the Unfinished Bridge:","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX":"Local Routes","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_DESC":"Since you seem to have some business at the loacl warehouse, I bet you could use a functional bridge here, too? Shouldn\'t take long, and you\'ll be doing the locals and yourself a great favor, too.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_REW":"You must be some sort of a bridge building messiah! Thanks a lot.","RU_08_02_BRIDGE_LOGS_FIX_S_01":"Deliver to the Log Bridge:","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"We\'ve found this container here whiler digging through our stuff. Locked shut, looks heavy, and hasn\'t rusted through just yet. Get it to the warehouse, we\'d like to have a look inside.","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"Yeah... Old office supplies, ruined old documents, stacks of empty boxes... Nothing of note, really. Guess it\'s still better than a pile of rusting tin cans, if not by a lot.","RU_08_02_DELIVERY_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_OLDMAN":"Paying a Visit","RU_08_02_OLDMAN_DESC":"They say someone used to live in the nearby swamp way back in the Institute\'s days. Whoever that was, they must\'ve been able to drive out of there somehow, so let\'s see if we could find them.","RU_08_02_OLDMAN_REW":"Looks abandoned. I doubt the previous tenant has much use for what\'s left here - and so do we, to be perfectly honest.","RU_08_02_OLDMAN_S_01":"Visit the Hermit Shack","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_DESC":"Our mailman managed to get stuck somewhere in the swamps. He did manage to escape, but he had to leave the truck behind. I\'m sure towing his truck back to us should be a piece of cake for you, right?","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_REW":"Would you look at that, that\'s not actually my mail. Either way, here\'s for your trouble.","RU_08_02_POSTMAN_CAR_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Academy Town:","POSTMAN_CAR":"Mailman\'s Truck","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_DESC":"Since you seem to be working the fields often, you could use a new combine. And speaking of, there used to be one on display at the Institute that was left behind once the place shut down. You could have it if you want.","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_REW":"Still working? That\'s what I call made to last.","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Experimental Field:","RU_08_02_HARVESTER_DESC":"Harvester","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"We hired a driver to move a few things just down the road. He didn\'t secure the cargo well and lost some of it on the way. We won\'t hire him again for sure, but there\'s still the matter of retrieving our supplies.","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO_REW":"Great work. Next time, we\'ll just contact you directly instead of relying on what we have on hand.","RU_08_02_LOST_CARGO_S_01":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL_DESC":"Thanks again for helping out with the repairs. Still, we could use some extra tools and supplies... Do us another solid, will you?","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL_REW":"I really can;\'t thank you enough! Your reward should be there shortly.","RU_08_02_CONSUMABLE_MATERIAL_S_01":"Deliver to the Technical Station:","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR":"A gift horse","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_DESC":"See this bad boy? He\'s already way past his prime, and I\'ve got neither money nor patience to get it back in the saddle. Tell you what, if you\'ll put him back together and get him off my land, he\'s all yours. Deal?","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_REW":"Congratulations on your very own personal rust heap! Just... Eh. Take a good care of him, alright?","RU_08_02_FOR_REPAIR_S_01":"Repair Step Pike","FOR_REPAIR":"Broken Step Pike","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY_DESC":"We\'ve gathered some of the leftover lab equipment that we could still use. The issue is, it\'s all fragile, and the lab wants it delivered yesterday. You can do an express delivery, right?","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY_REW":"Impressive. We were thinking you\'re more about trudging through dirt than any sort of careful precise work, but it\'s good that we were wrong!","RU_08_02_DANGEROUS_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Institute Warehouse:","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_DESC":"Quite a few locals had left their cars to rust here in these swamps over the year. It\'s all about keeping your momentum, or else you\'ll get stuck. Would you risk yours to see if you could beat our best time?","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_REW":"You look all wet, what happened? Hah, I kid. Nicely done, here\'s some extra for your trouble.","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_01":"Reach the Swamp Approach","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_02":"Reach the Shoreline","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_03":"Reach the Old Path","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_04":"Reach the Marshes","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_05":"Reach the Island","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_06":"Reach the Junction","RU_08_02_SWAMP_RACE_S_07":"Reach the Warehouse Approach","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_DESC":"Me and the boys were placing bets on who can make it downhill fastest and without rolling. You in?","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_REW":"Well aren\'t you a daredevil. Here, you earned it!","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_S_01":"Reach the Fallen Tree","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_S_02":"Reach the River Descent","RU_08_02_DOWNHILL_RACE_S_03":"Reach the Shore","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING":"Treasure Hunt","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_DESC":"Before we can begin construction we need to make sure we\'re stocked on all the necessary tools and materials. The bad news is, the container we leased was lost in the nearby swamp. You know what to do.","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_REW":"That was smooth! The whole community\'s in your debt now for sure.","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_S_01":"Visit the Swamp","RU_08_03_COLLECTIVE_FARM_METALLDETECTING_S_02":"Deliver to the Machine Shop:","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_CONTR":"Let There Be Light","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_DESC":"The power grid here is nowhere near stable enough for us to power our machinery. While the local electricians are busy with the nearby villages, could you fetch a spare generator for us?","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_REW":"So good to have someone to rely on. Feel free to use the generator, too - just don\'t forget to keep it topped up.","RU_08_03_GENERATOR_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Production Site:","GENERATOR_S":"Generator","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_CONTR":"Railway Blues","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_DESC":"The railroad here is all but abandoned. We\'ve already taken a look at the damage there, and realistically, only a single rail segment needs to be completely replaced. Now, getting it there is another matter entirely...","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_REW":"Well done! Now we can finally be a part of the global cargo network.","RU_08_03_ROAD_WAYS_FIX_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Rails:","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_CONTR":"Reduce, Reuse","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_DESC":"Our region is famous for its natural beauty and well-developed farming industry. Garbage disposal, on the other hand? Not so much. Right now, we could really use a hand dealing with some more trash here.","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_REW":"Ah, I feel it\'s much easier to breathe here now - unless you\'re going past the junkyard, of course. And it\'s all thanks to you!","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_S_01":"Visit the Hayloft","RU_08_03_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Junkyard:","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY":"Clean Slate","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_DESC":"We\'re slowly ramping up our recycling efforts on the junkyard, and some progress is already being made on getting it cleaned out. We\'d really appreciate it if you could deliver these containers to the nearby villages.","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_REW":"Well done. Recycling is a massive step towards fixing the region\'s ecological state. Here\'s your reward.","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Construction Site:","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Storage Facility:","RU_08_03_RESYCLE_DELIVERY_S_03":"Deliver to the Village Warehouse:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_CONTR":"Power Of The Sun","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_DESC":"Seems like some eco-friendly trends are making their way even to remote places like this. There\'s an order of solar panels waiting to be delivered, as well as a trailer that was... misplaced. Will you help?","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_REW":"Great job! The first power plant is up and running.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_S_01":"Deliver to the Solar Plant A:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_01_S_02":"Deliver to the Solar Plant A:","SOLAR_STATION_PANEL":"Trailer with parts","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_CONTR":"Power Of Two Suns","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_DESC":"Looks like the company likes doing things big, and just one solar power plant isn\'t enough in their book. Like before, they need a full shipment of panels and another trailer loaded with fittings for them. Get to it.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_REW":"Nice and quick, thanks to you yet another solar plant is ready to go. Here\'s what you\'re due.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Solar Plant B:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_S_02":"Visit the Old Steel Mill","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_02_S_03":"Deliver to the Solar Plant B:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_CONTR":"Power Of A Thousand Suns","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_DESC":"You\'d be surprised, but they want another power plant set up - last one, this time. Same as before, solar panels already awaiting pickup. You\'ll need another few things, too, but the local farm can help you with that.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_REW":"Brilliant work! Another station completed. As always, here\'s for the trouble.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_S_01":"Deliver to the Solar Plant C:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_PANEL_03_S_02":"Deliver to the Solar Plant C:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING":"Closing The Circuit","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_DESC":"The plants are up and running, and their yield is enough to help the local villages, too. The power line wasn\'t properly set up yet, so it\'s up to us to get it fixed.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_REW":"Let there be light! Both the locals and the corporate have only you to thank for it.","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_S_01":"Deliver to the Steel Mill:","RU_08_03_SOLAR_STATION_WIRING_S_02":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_DESC":"We\'ll need to fix one last thing to link the local and the corporate power grids - the main transformer. We can get it done as soon as you bring us some tools and find another parts shipment that hadn\'t arrived yet.","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_REW":"Top notch work, well done! As promised, this is for you.","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_S_01":"Deliver to the Power Transformer:","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_S_02":"Visit the Container Search Area","RU_08_03_TRANSFORMATOR_RESTORE_S_03":"Deliver to the Power Transformer:","RU_08_03_FARMING":"Thirty Harvestless Years","RU_08_03_FARMING_DESC":"You may have noticed that the nearby farm isn\'t exactly doing great these days. Most of the \'farmers\' are... less-than-cooperative as of late. Maybe we can lead them by example, what do you think?","RU_08_03_FARMING_REW":"Doesn\'t seem like the locals were moved in the slightest by your example - more like, they expect things to be done for them from now on... Oh well, I\'ll have to think of some other way to deal with them.","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_06":"Deliver to the Southern Cheremushki:","RU_08_03_FARMING_S_07":"Deliver to the Northern Cheremushki:","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_DESC":"The recent Southern winds have really battered the local villages. One of the nearby barns was quite literally blown away. If you can help them deliver some logs to get it fixed, they\'ll make it worth your while.","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_REW":"Well done, the locals are happy, and you have earned your pay.","RU_08_03_BARN_RESTORE_S":"Deliver to the Hay Barn:","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_DESC":"A recent storm has seriously damaged the local telecommunications network. The thing that needs the most work is the TV tower, and we think you might be just the man for the job.","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_REW":"Good work on that tower, now we can finally have some good entertainment out here.","RU_08_03_TV_TOWER_RESTORE_S":"Deliver to the TV Tower:","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_DESC":"You\'ve probably heard about the reacent weather anomalies that devastated the region. Sadly, even the water supply was not spared by Mother Nature. Now they could really use some help getting the water pipeline fixed.","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_REW":"You\'re becoming a bit of a local hero, what\'s with everything you\'ve done so far. And every hero requires a reward to match their deeds.","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_S_01":"Deliver to the Southern Sewers:","RU_08_03_BROKEN_PIPES_RESTORE_S_02":"Deliver to the Northern Sewers:","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY":"Fertilizer Delivery","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_DESC":"So it happens that a recent shipment of fertilizer was lost during the storm. The locals will pay a premium if you could find and deliver that cargo to their respective farms.","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_REW":"Amazing job! Hopefully, you\'ll find the reward agreeable, too.","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_FERTILIZER_DELIVERY_S_03":"Deliver to the Farming Plot:","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE":"River Trouble","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_DESC":"The flooding that followed the recent storm washed a lot of uprooted trees into the river, creating a few blockages down the stream. We could really use some help removing the biggest one of them.","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_REW":"Thanks for your help! Now we can reach our little island once more!","RU_08_03_ROAD_BLOCKAGE_S":"Deliver to the River Blockage:","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_DESC":"So, there\'s that island here that we tried to settle a while back. We had to drop that idea when the storms came, but we had to leave one of our trucks there. Could you please fetch it for us?","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_REW":"A little magic, and this thing should be good as new! Here, you\'ve earned it.","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_S":"Deliver to the Village Garage:","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_DESC":"Some of the cargo that was lost due to the storm was a restock container for the local store, and now they\'re basically out of stock. Now they have to find that shipment before they could make any profit whatsoever.","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_REW":"Let me thank you from everyone at our little village. Well done!","RU_08_03_PRODUCT_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Store:","PRODUCT_DELIVERY":"Packed produce","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_DESC":"One of our trucks was caught in the nearby swamp when the storm hit. The driver made it out, but there\'s no way we can get that truck out on our own.","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_REW":"You are a real lifesaver, my friend. Here, it\'s yours.","RU_08_03_TRANSPORT_EVACUATION_S":"Deliver to the Workshop:","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_DESC":"One of our farmers managed to get our only tractor stuck out there, and now we have nothing to work on our fields with. We\'ve contacted the insurance, but in the meantime, could you see if there\'s anything you can do?","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_REW":"Well color me impressed! You did it on your own, too? Just... wow. By the way, I\'ve been told the farmers have already ordered a new tractor off of the insurance, so for now, you can probably take this one for yourself.","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_S_01":"Deliver to the Repair Service:","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_S_02":"Repair Kirovets K-7M","RU_08_03_HAUL_TRANSPORT_S_03":"Deliver to the Service Center:","HAUL_TRANSPORT":"Kirovets K-7М","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_DESC":"A while ago, our farmers ordered some basic supplies that never made it here. Could you have a look around, maybe you\'ll be able to find them?","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_REW":"Thanks to you we can finally get to work! Take this, for the trouble.","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_S_01":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","RU_08_03_TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_S_02":"Deliver to the Warehouse:","TRAILERS_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_01":"Farming Equipment","TRAILERS_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_02":"Animal Feed","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_DESC":"So get this. There\'s a guy living out here, and he contacted us the other day, said he wants his trash container back. Even says he\'d pay us if we bring back his little treasure. Will you help the poor guy?","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_REW":"All\'s well that ends well. The man\'s happy, we\'re happy, and I hope a little bonus to your pay would make you happy, too.","RU_08_03_LOST_GARBAGE_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Shack:","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_DESC":"Right, time to take care of these fields. Remember, we\'re paying for each field harvested and for any greens you bring us.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_REW":"Nicely done! The potatoes are all packed and ready for shipment.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_01_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_DESC":"Since we\'re mostly done here, we might as well start tending to the fields. As always, any contribution will be rewarded.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_REW":"Great! We\'re always happy to take this off your hands.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_02_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03":"Out In The Field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_DESC":"Time to get those fields tilled. It might be hard work, but it\'s honest work, too - besides, we\'re paying for each bag of potatoes that you bring, so what\'s not to like?","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_REW":"Not bad at all. We\'ll be waiting for the first batch.","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_03_FARMING_TASK_03_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING":"Grocery Run","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_DESC":"As we agreed before, we\'re ready to pay for whatever those fields would yield. You just have to get it for us.","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_REW":"Fresh from the field? Good timing, too, thank you!","RU_08_03_POTATO_SELLING_S_01":"Deliver to the \\"Kolkhoznaya\\" Railway Station:","RU_08_03_HAY_DELIVERY":"Empty Hayloft","RU_08_03_HAY_DELIVERY_DESC":"That\'s quite a mess alright. We got some hay for our livestock, but it got dropped off just by the fields and not where it\'s needed. At least we didn\'t have to pay for the delivery, so there\'s money in it for you, too.","RU_08_03_HAY_DELIVERY_REW":"Thanks a whole lot!","RU_08_03_URGENT_DELIVERY_CARGO_DESC":"There\'s a sensitive bit of cargo that we need to get to the village ASAP. Time is of the essence, so the faster you can manage it, the better. Think you can do that?","RU_08_03_URGENT_DELIVERY_CARGO_REW":"Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. This is for you.","RU_08_03_URGENT_DELIVERY_CARGO_S":"Deliver to Cheremushki North:","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_DESC":"Hey uh, I\'ve a weird request for you. We need to remove all the old scarecrows from the field so we can go over it with tractors, and the sooner it\'s done, the better. You in?","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_REW":"Hope you had fun, too. Nicely done, by the way. Take this.","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_01":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_02":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_03":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_04":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_05":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_06":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_07":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_08":"Reach Point 8","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_09":"Reach Point 9","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_10":"Reach Point 10","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_11":"Reach Point 11","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_12":"Reach Point 12","RU_08_03_FIELDS_RACING_S_13":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_04_GARAGE_RECOVERY_CONTR":"Fixing the Fixers","RU_08_04_GARAGE_DESC":"It\'s been a good while since anyone worked on actual trucks here, so it\'ll take some good effort to get this place ready for business. Of course, things\'d go much smoother if you could bring us a few bits and ends.","RU_08_04_GARAGE_REW":"That\'s just what we need! With this, we should be able to get the shop running in a jiffy.","RU_08_04_GARAGE_RECOVERY_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Garage:","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_DESC":"There used to be an airfield just up the hill, and we could really use it, too. Thing is, the landing strip there is worse than trying to land a plane in an open field, and fixing that requires some additional materials.","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_REW":"You made it! I suppose I shouldn\'t be surprised. Either way, we\'re already expecting our first plane to come in - thanks to you. Oh, and feel free to use the fueling pump we have here if you need it.","RU_08_04_AIRPORT_RECOVERY_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01_DESC":"Making sure we have the space to house our animals is instrumental to turning this place into one massive farm. To this end, we\'ll need your help constructing a few things - first and foremost, a byre for our cows.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01_REW":"I can barely recognize this place. Hopefully, soon we\'ll be able to restore the rest of the region to match it.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_01_S":"Deliver to the Byre:","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_CONTR":"Keep Refrigerated","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_DESC":"Since we have some space to spare, we were thinking of improving our dry storage situation a bit. The warehouse we have right now is really not in a good shape, so we were thinking of getting it fixed.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_REW":"The warehouses are finished, and we\'re already sorting through our supplies. Just let us know if you\'ll need anything.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_02_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Warehouse:","RU_08_04_WINDMILL_DESC":"When first settling in this area we decided to focus on renewable energy sources. Most of our turbines are already online, but one of the blades for them was damaged during shipping. This means we\'ll need a replacement.","RU_08_04_WINDMILL_REW":"That\'s a job well done. The cargo is here, and the turbine is ready to be powered up. Can\'t express how timely your help was. Take this as a token of gratitude.","WIND_01_S":"Wind turbine blade","RU_08_04_WINDMILL_S":"Deliver to the Wind Turbine:","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01_DESC":"There is a communications tower not far away. An old thing, this, and it hardly gives any coverage. Would be nice if someone could have a look at it, maybe patch it up. We\'ll find a way to pay you back.","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01_REW":"Connection established, everything seems to be good... As we agreed, here\'s the reward.","CONNECT_01_S":"Service Trailer","RU_08_04_CONNECTION_01_S":"Deliver to the Comms Tower:","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING":"Not-So-High Voltage","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_DESC":"One of the power lines was damaged in the recent storm, and if we won\'t do something about it fast, we\'ll lose power any minute now. Naturally, extra work requires extra pay, too.","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_REW":"And the power is back on! Won\'t need to use candles for lighting now, though it would\'ve been kind of romantic... What was I talking about..? Oh, right, here\'s your reward.","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_01_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Pole:","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_06_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Pole:","RU_08_04_WIRE_PULLING_05_S":"Deliver to the Damaged Pole:","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS":"Cutting Losses","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS_DESC":"Listen, we could really use your help again. A truck was suposed to arrive here earlier today, but the driver got into a bit of an accident and now needs to be towed. Could you do that, please?","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS_REW":"Nicely done! Both the truck and the trailer may have seen better days, but it\'s nothing we can\'t fix.","LOST_01_S":"Truck","RU_08_04_LOST_TRUCKS_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Warehouse:","LOST_02_S":"Trailer","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03_DESC":"A farmer\'s life isn\'t just about tilling fields - tending to livestock is just as important. We\'ll need to set up some extra coops if we want to supply the whole region with produce - and to make some profit, of course.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03_REW":"Things are looking much more lively around here now. Thank you - and take this.","RU_08_04_COMPLEX_RECOVERY_03_S":"Deliver to the Chicken Coop:","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META":"Bulk Loading","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META_DESC":"It\'s time to prepare a full batch of the new experimental taters to be shipped off. You know the drill by now. Hopefully, your expertise will get us all through.","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META_REW":"With this new fertilizer, the harvest is more plentiful than ever, not to mention the product quality. Now that\'s a job well done!","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_META_S_01":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_CONTEST_DESC":"Since you\'ve been driving around these parts for a while, how about a little test of your mettle? I\'m sure you\'ve seen worse, but it\'s still all too easy to get completely stuck in this mud.","RU_08_04_CONTEST_REW":"Looks like you\'ve no mercy for your own truck. Drop by the garage some time, we\'ll get you cleaned out.","RU_08_04_CONTEST_01_S":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_04_CONTEST_02_S":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_04_CONTEST_03_S":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_04_CONTEST_04_S":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_04_CONTEST_FINISH_S":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_04_RING_DESC":"It\'s a little pastime we have here, circuit racing. The nice thing is that it\'s an opportunity to have a good look around the fields here. Just don\'t get too distracted, or you\'ll risk going straight off the track.","RU_08_04_RING_REW":"So how do you like our plains? What, got dirt all over the windshield so you couldn\'t enjoy the view? Well, at least you\'ve shown that you\'re a great driver.","RU_08_04_RING_01_S":"Reach Point 1","RU_08_04_RING_02_S":"Reach Point 2","RU_08_04_RING_03_S":"Reach Point 3","RU_08_04_RING_04_S":"Reach Point 4","RU_08_04_RING_05_S":"Reach Point 5","RU_08_04_RING_06_S":"Reach Point 6","RU_08_04_RING_07_S":"Reach Point 7","RU_08_04_RING_FINISH_S":"Reach the Finish Line","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE":"The Last Bridge","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_DESC":"There\'s only one bridge that leads to our fields, and it stood there unfinished for a while now. We\'ll have to patch it up if we want to avoid taking a detour each time we need to cross the river.","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_REW":"Job well done. Now we won\'t have to take the long detour to get to our fields.","RU_08_04_BRIDGE_RESTORE_S":"Deliver to the Unfinished Bridge:","RU_08_04_LOGS_01":"How hard could it be?","RU_08_04_LOGS_01_DESC":"Not long ago we used this trail to reach the river crossing, but after the recent storms the mud here got way too deep for our trucks. You think you could help us fix it?","RU_08_04_LOGS_01_REW":"The road is complete, and this route is now fully finished - and all thanks to you.","RU_08_04_LOGS_01_S":"Deliver to the Log Bridge:","RU_08_04_LOGS_02":"Another Crossing","RU_08_04_LOGS_02_DESC":"There used to be a crossing just next to the old bridge, but it\'s been flooded over as of late. It\'d be nice to find at least a temporary bypass for it.","RU_08_04_LOGS_02_REW":"The crossing is restored. Now we should have much less trouble getting across.","RU_08_04_LOGS_02_S":"Deliver to the Flooded Crossing:","RU_08_04_LAKE_DESC":"Did you have a moment to look around here? No? Well, you just have to see all this beauty with your own eyes - after all, many a poet and artist were inspired by it.","RU_08_04_LAKE_REW":"So how did you like it? Inspiring, isn\'t it? Maybe it\'d move you to start a painting career or something, you never know.","RU_08_04_LAKE_01_S":"Visit the Southern Lake","RU_08_04_LAKE_02_S":"Visit the Northern Lake","RU_08_04_LAKE_03_S":"Visit the Western Lake","RU_08_04_LOST_CARGO_DESC":"One of our drivers missed the right turn while crossing the river nearby and managed to drop some of our cargo into the water. Could you fetch them for us, if it\'s not too much trouble?","RU_08_04_LOST_CARGO_REW":"Well done, we\'re almost ready to put the airport back into service.","RU_08_04_LOST_CARGO_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_FISHING_DESC":"You know that little lake down South? There\'s a tiny island there, a great place to relax and get away from everything. Thing is, I managed to get my truck stuck there, so could you help me out?","RU_08_04_FISHING_REW":"There it is, my precious! I always pay my debts, so here\'s a little something for your trouble. Oh, and uh, do check that island, too - I think you\'ll find something useful there if you haven\'t already.","FISHING_01_S":"Fisherman\'s Car","RU_08_04_FISHING_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01_DESC":"Help a brother out, we\'ve been waiting for a car to arrive for like a day now, and it turns out it\'s been stuck in the mud just down the road, and you\'re the first person to drive by us so far.","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01_REW":"That\'s been one long wait my friend. It\'s sheer luck you happened to be driving by. Thank you.","SPECIAL_01_S":"Lo4f","RU_08_04_SPECIAL_DELIVERY_01_S":"Deliver to the Chicken Coop:","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO_DESC":"Oh man, are we in trouble. Our driver managed to lose his cargo that we\'re supposed to ship real soon, and there\'s no way we can get it out on our own. Can you help us out?","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO_REW":"Great! You\'re just in time, now we should be able to ship it further without too much delay.","RU_08_04_IMPORTANT_CARGO_S":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_DESC":"We\'ve got some work just for you. We\'re getting the fields ready for the upcoming season. All that\'s left is a bit of manual labor, and we\'re ready to pay well to get it done.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_REW":"Splendid. If you\'ll be looking for more work, we\'re always happy to have an extra pair of hands when working the fields here.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_01_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_DESC":"While the infrastructure is slowly being fixed, we still lack the resources to cover all of our fields. That is, unless you\'re willing to give us a hand - not for free, of course.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_REW":"Thanks for your effort. It\'s nice to see our warehouses finally being stocked again.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_02_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03":"Out In The Field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_DESC":"We still could use some assistance with the fields here, and we\'re ready to pay a reasonable sum to compensate you for your time.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_REW":"All in a day\'s work. Here, I believe you\'ve earned this.","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_S_01":"Cultivate the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_S_02":"Seed the field","RU_08_04_FIELD_PROCESSING_03_S_04":"Harvest the field","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_DESC":"Always a pleasure to deal with you. As always, just bring us the goods, and we\'ll pay you back in full.","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_REW":"Now that\'s a decent load. I hope nobody gave you trouble on the way here, eh?","RU_08_04_POTATO_BUYING_S_01":"Deliver to the Airport:","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY":"Feeding time","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY_DESC":"We have already purchased some of the livestock feed, but this is not enough, and the budget is limited. Here in many fields there are abandoned haystacks. Bring us a few and we\'ll arrange delivery with a premium.","RU_08_04_HAY_DELIVERY_REW":"Stack by stack, brick by brick - let\'s raise agriculture here!","TRANSPORT_EVACUATION":"Drowned Truck","TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_01":"Abandoned Trailer","TRAILER_MATERIALS_DELIVERY_02":"Abandoned Trailer","RU_08_03_CARGO_DELIVERY_TRUCK_S_01":"Repair KHAN Lo4f","TATRA":"KHAN Lo4f","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT":"Service Center","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT_DESC":"First things first: the whole Fire Department thanks you for coming to our rescue! Now, back to business: we\'ll start with delivering some materials for the Service Center construction.","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT_REW":"Good start, now you can buy vehicles and trailers, and tune them as well. Oh and, of course, a small token of our appreciation!","US_09_01_GARAGE_RESTORE_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Service Center","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01":"Timber for the Locals 1","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_DESC":"The local government asks us to provide some wood for the residents here. The trick is that they live far from the town, a long way from the sawmill. Please, help us, and we\'ll provide a handsome reward.","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_REW":"Great job, I hope it lasts for the whole year!","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_S_01":"Deliver to the First House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_S_04":"Deliver to the Second House:","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_01_S_02":"Deliver to the Second House:","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02":"Timber for the Locals 2","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_DESC":"Two more houses here, on the farthest island between both shorelines. Same plan: you deliver the wood, and we pay you back.","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_REW":"And this is double score! Really good job, keep it up!","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_S_01":"Deliver to the Third House","US_09_01_LOG_HOUSE_CONTRACT_02_S_02":"Deliver to the Fourth House","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT":"Exploring the Burned-out Infrastructure","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_DESC":"Let\'s start from the beginning. We\'ve put out the fire and contained it, for the most part. A lot of the infrastructure is still covered in smoke. We have to explore the surrounding area and see what we can do.","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_REW":"Terrifying sight, but thanks for all the info. We\'re starting work!","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit the 1st Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_02":"Visit the 2nd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_03":"Visit the 3rd Zone","US_09_01_AFFECTED_INFROSTRUCTURE_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_04":"Visit the 4th Zone","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT":"Looking for the fire monster","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_DESC":"My team managed to evacuate in the middle of their mission, leaving our working vehicle behind. From what we know, it hasn\'t suffered any significant damage, so we need to find it, bring it back and fix it. If you find it, you can keep it.","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_REW":"There she is, our beauty! With a thing like that, any fire will be an easy mission!","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_FIRE_STATION_VEHICLE_CONTRACT_S_02":"Repair Derry Special 15C-177","FIRE_STATION_TRUCK_09":"Derry Special 15C-177","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01":"Restoring the Water Tower 1","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_DESC":"To ensure prompt water supply to fire sites, we need to set up proper structures. Namely, restore the old water towers that we used many years ago.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_REW":"There it goes! You did great, now try using this system to extinguish fire.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02":"Restoring the Water Tower 2","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_DESC":"The pipes are set so that we can pump water in two directions, so it would be great if you help finish this tower as well. Obviously, we\'ll pay.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_REW":"Superb, now we can deliver water to two destinations, and that\'s what we\'ll do!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT":"Putting Out the Fire at the Storage 1","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"We used the data you helped collect and found out that the resource storage facilities that belong to the gold mining company have almost completely burned down. We have to put out the fires and use what remains of the buildings for materials.","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Part of the job is done, this is great news, but the work doesn\'t stop there. By the way, if you need some materials, you can use what\'s left of the buildings.","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the First Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the Third Burned Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT":"Putting Out the Fire at the Station","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Okay, step by step, we\'re getting there, thanks to you. But it\'s not quitting time yet. This railway station is the main logistic hub for local business, so we need to stop the fire from spreading.","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_REW":"This battle is ours, all thanks to you. Such a remarkable job calls for a matching reward!","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the 1st Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_WATER_DELIVERY_RAILWAY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the 2nd Burned Railway Station Plot","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT":"Forest Cleaner","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT_DESC":"Alas, our area\'s best forests were destroyed by the fire, but some of the trees can still be rescued. The local volunteers have already gathered some of the logs and you have to haul them to the sawmill.","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT_REW":"It\'s a shame such beautiful trees were destroyed, but we did what we could. Thank you very much, and take this for your effort.","US_09_01_BURNED_LOGS_CLEARING_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill Warehouse","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Work Transport Evacuation","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Apparently, the fire has not spread beyond that forest patch, but we would really appreciate it if you could evacuate our expensive transport, just to be on the safe side. Do it, and we\'ll reward you.","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"All the vehicles are safe and sound, you live up to every good word we heard about you. Here, this is for your great work.","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the Fire Department Parking Lot","US_09_01_GOLD_TRUCK_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Quarry Parking Lot","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Restoring the Railroad Tracks","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"To fully restore logistics, we need to repair the railroad tracks. Pick up a few sections from the mine and deliver them straight to the railway station. This is a very important job, and we are counting on you!","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Whoosh; and we\'re back on track! Now we can resume supply, you did great!","US_09_01_RAILWAY_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station:","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Serious business","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"You proved yourself a real hero, we put out the fire and restored almost all of the infrastructure. You earned our trust, so we ask you to transport our most valuable cargo—gold! For a matching reward, of course.","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Are you saying you had absolutely no temptation to drive off into the sunset with all that gold? You are a true professional, you certainly deserve this handsome reward.","US_09_01_GOLD_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_DESC":"For easier fire extinguishing, we should think of restoring all the towers in the area, and we\'ll start with this one.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_REW":"You see? And you said we didn\'t need that! Of course we do! Now we\'re cooking, we are almost done!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_DESC":"Listen buddy, we thought we\'d fix the tower ourselves, but something went wrong. Could you help us out, please? We\'d really appreciate it.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_REW":"We got one more, great!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_DESC":"Perhaps restoring a tower in the middle of this chaos was not the best idea, but this will help you do your job. Can you give us a hand?","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_REW":"That\'s the spirit—we\'re not losing another battle to fire, ever!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04_DESC":"And another one. Same story, you help us transport the cargo, we provide working water storage and an additional bonus.","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04_REW":"Boom! Let\'s get the water flowing all over this place!","US_09_01_WATER_TOWER_TASK_04_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"With everything that happened, the local boaters are overwhelmed. Please, bring something to help fix the boats, and we\'ll pay you back!","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"So we\'re back afloat and damage-free! If you want a quick ride to the other shore—you\'re welcome!","US_09_01_PORT_RESOURCES_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Port","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_DESC":"Hey, buddy, can you please help me get my car back? It\'s vital for my business! My protege screwed up a trip to one of the campsm and the car just rolled down. You help me, I help you.","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_REW":"I knew I could count on you! Thanks a million. You know what? You can have my truck and explore the area, it does well on any terrain, and so do you!","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Repair Center","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S_02":"Repair Hummer H2","US_09_01_RANGER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S_03":"Deliver to the Ranger\'s House","RANGER_SCOUT":"Hummer H2","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK_DESC":"Please help us, friend, we had to evacuate quickly, so we abandoned our trailer in a hurry and left some personal belongings behind. Bring the trailer here, and we\'ll make it worth your while.","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK_REW":"You are the best! Thank you from all of us.","US_09_01_TRAILERS_LOST_STUFF_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Trailer Park","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK_DESC":"Following this highway any further will be a problem, unless we fix this bridge. We could\'ve done it ourselves, but all this fire havoc messed up our plans. So, will you help us?","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK_REW":"The passage is free, great job!","US_09_01_BRIDGE_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Broken Bridge","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK_DESC":"You know, this dupe had to haul something across the river, but he took the wrong route and got stuck in the rift. Can you please drive there and check if there\'s anything that can be rescued?","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK_REW":"You even managed to recover everything, practically in mint condition! Next time, I\'ll handle the delivery myself!","US_09_01_LOST_BOAT_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Pier","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_DESC":"Can you imagine? I worked in the middle of the fire and, when it got really hot, I ran away and left my car behind. Luckily, it wasn\'t in the fire. Could you please bring it here, for a price, obviously.","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_REW":"Gee, I thought I would never see it again, thank you so much! As we agreed, here is your pay.","US_09_01_WORKER_SCOUT_EVACUATION_TASK_S":"Deliver to Worker\'s House","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK_DESC":"So what if I live in a “weird” place? You help me, I help you. Sounds fair to me.","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK_REW":"See? Nothing impossible after all. Thanks anyway, this is for your trouble.","US_09_01_SEEMAN_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Hermit\'s Shack","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_DESC":"We were driving along a dangerous route near the waterfall, and we lost all the cargo with our underground fire detectors. It should have survived the fall, so we need to gather the detectors and deliver them to the burned forest.","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_REW":"The detectors are installed and now we will be better prepared for such accidents, thanks!","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the First Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Plot","US_09_01_LOST_MECHANISM_TASK_S_03":"Deliver to the Third Plot","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK_DESC":"Looks like they forgot to clear out some junk from one of the recently abandoned mines. There are a lot of usable materials there that may be handy for our guys at the camp. Would you be so kind as to get the containers there?","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK_REW":"That was fast, great job! Actually we have stumbled upon some spare parts here, you may use them if you need.","US_09_01_MINE_GARBAGE_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Logistic Center Warehouse","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"There is a family living not far from here, in the hills. We need to deliver this trailer with cargo to them and we would like to hire you for that. We will make it worth your while.","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"The family is happy, we are happy, and hopefully you are happy too!","US_09_01_BAGS_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Mountains","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"Our guys were transporting hazardous chemicals but lost all the cargo en route. Someone needs to ride to the mine, get the location of losses, then collect it all and deliver to us. Will you do that?","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"Brilliant, thank you! And do check your bank balance - you are up for a pleasant surprise!","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_S_01":"Visit the Southwest Mine","US_09_01_LOST_RADIOACTIVE_DELIVERY_TASK_S_02":"Deliver to the Factory Warehouse","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_DESC":"Hey! As you may know, our region is very popular with tourists and there are some very popular outdoor recreation areas in the area. Could you run over them and check that everything is fine?","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_REW":"No accidents and that\'s very good, here\'s your reward!","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_S_01":"Visit East Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_S_02":"Visit West Camp","US_09_01_TOURIST_CAMPING_TASK_S_03":"Visit North Camp","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_DESC":"Buddy, we badly need some fuel delivered to our mines, ASAP, their machinery has halted, so hurry!","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_REW":"That was lightning fast! Thanks!","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_S_01":"Deliver to the Southeast Mine","US_09_01_BARRELS_EXPRESS_DELIVERY_CONTEST_S_02":"Deliver to the Southwest Mine","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT":"Let There Be Road","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT_DESC":"One of the passages was buried under the rockslide a while ago. We took a detour for a while, but the fire made that path really dangerous. Please, help us deliver some cargo for the repairs, and we\'ll do the rest.","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT_REW":"So great you could help us, now we can freely move around the area and fight the fires more effectively!","US_09_02_EXIT_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Southern Gateway","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT":"Preventive Care","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_DESC":"There\'s a ranch right near the edge of the burned forest. The owner is really afraid the fire will spark back up, so he asked us to haul his hay right to our storage. Will you help him with that?","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_REW":"I cannot say whether the ranch is safe, but you did your job just fine, here\'s your well-deserved reward.","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit Road-bend to the Ranch","US_09_02_EXPORT_HAY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Town Storage:","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT":"The Flooded Land","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_DESC":"A small local town is in trouble over broken sewage. The land is flooded and the locals are suffering huge damages. To solve the problem, they need new pipes delivered to them.","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_REW":"Finally we can breathe easy, the water\'s still there, but at least the flow has stopped. Just think, someone\'s biggest ally is another\'s worst enemy...","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit Turn to the Logistics Center","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the First Breach","US_09_02_PIPES_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the Second Breach","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Data Collection","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Our weather towers had a glitch just before the disaster, otherwise they would\'ve given us the necessary data and help us be prepared. Could you please deliver the materials so we can repair and restart them?","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"What would we do without you! Thanks for your help! This is rightfully yours.","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_ACTION_S_01":"Deliver to the First Weather Station","US_09_02_FUEL_FOR_STATION_ACTION_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Weather Station","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT":"Cautiousness","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT_DESC":"There is an old watchtower somewhere in the mountains. The gold mining company suffered huge damages from their burned facilities, so they want to have them guarded from now on. Are you up to it?","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT_REW":"A great view. Sadly, all you get to see now is the burned landscape. Anyway, take this as a token of our gratitude.","US_09_02_FIRE_WATCHTOWER_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Watchtower","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01":"Restoring The Water Tower 3","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_DESC":"There\'s not a single working water tower in this area, even though we started some work already. As usual, you deliver the materials, we do the repairs.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_REW":"Fine, now you can supply water to the tower and then deliver it to the fire sites.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02":"Restoring The Water Tower 4","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_DESC":"Here\'s another good place to get water from. The tower isn\'t new, but we can put it in order as well. Waiting for your signal.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_REW":"Another source, wow! Let\'s teach that fire a lesson!","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_CONTRACT_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT":"Putting Out The Fire At The Storage 2","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_DESC":"Another couple of storage facilities near the factory have practically burned down and are still a fire hazard. We need to put the fires out.","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_REW":"Fine, another hazard curbed. Too bad, it\'s practically all burned. But if you wish, you can sort out what\'s left and use it however you see fit.","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the First Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_WAREHOUSE_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Burned Warehouse","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_CONTRACT":"Putting Out The Fire At The Factory","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Indeed, the most dangerous spot, practically all burned, nothing left. Let\'s try saving the infrastructure and whatever else can be saved. I can only wish good luck to all of us.","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_FACTORY_CONTRACT_REW":"Whew! However hard and dangerous it was, you did it. And, as always, you did it in style! Thank you from all of us at the department!","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the First Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Second Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the Third Burned Factory Plot","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT":"Searching For Underground Fires","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_DESC":"We\'ve never quite established the cause of the fires, but one of the sources might have been located underground. We have to inspect the area and check this out. You could use a thumper to help you with that.","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_REW":"This is both good and bad news. Anyway, we should get down to work and resolve this problem.","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_01":"Visit the 1st Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_02":"Visit the 2nd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_SCOUT_CONTRACT_S_03":"Visit the 3rd Underground Fire Area","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT":"Putting Out The Underground Fires","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_DESC":"Now that we established the causes and exact coordinates, we need to put out those underground fires. The liquid sand mixture should help. This is extremely dangerous, but we\'re counting on you!","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_REW":"Unbelievable! You nailed it! My people watched you with eyes wide open, they should learn from a pro like yourself!","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the 1st Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the 2nd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_SEISMO_WATER_DELIVERY_CONTRACT_S_03":"Deliver to the 3rd Underground Fire Location","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT":"Delivery From The Quarry","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT_DESC":"We would usually send containers with soil, gold and other rock straight to the factory, but the fires spared very little of it. Our railway station is back to work, so we\'d like you to deliver everything there.","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT_REW":"Worked great, while the plant is down, we\'ll have to ship the loot like this. And here\'s a reward for your trouble.","US_09_02_UNCLEAR_GOLD_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT":"Sawmill Renovation","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT_DESC":"An accident at the sawmill rendered a whole production line useless, so we had to pause log processing. We need some materials delivered for the repairs, and after that, all types of planks and boards will be available.","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT_REW":"Fantastic! You have no idea how backlogged we are on those planks. Now we\'ll rush to delivery, and this is for your service.","US_09_02_LUMBER_MILL_REPAIR_CONTRACT_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill Workshop","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT":"Old Oil Rig","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_DESC":"We were going to drill a quarry at this location, but the place just wasn\'t good enough. Worse yet, now we\'ve got a sewer breach on our hands. I think we\'ve messed up enough. Time to make amends with the locals.","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_REW":"Well done, another piece of our puzzle salvaged. We\'ve learned our lesson. Here\'s hoping we can coexist peacefully with the locals from now on.","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_S_01":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_09_02_DISASSEMBLY_DRILL_CONTRACT_S_02":"Deliver to the Abandoned Oil Rig","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_DESC":"Here we are, almost in the heart of the fire. If you restore this tower, your fire-extinguishing job will be a tad easier. And we\'ll make it worth your while, too.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_REW":"Good job! Our towers may be oversized, but they certainly get the job done! And this is for you, my friend.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_01_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_DESC":"The final refuge! These are the closest points for tower restoration. Out there, it\'s just fires and scorched earth. Let\'s finish these water monsters already and flood the whole area!","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_REW":"Great, another one\'s up! And you deserve this reward.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_02_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_DESC":"One more! A dangerous spot, but who wouldn\'t like a little risk? In fact, this is the last good spot, so we\'re determined to finish what we started. You with us?","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_REW":"Perfect! The more water goes through the pipes in the area, the better I sleep. And something goes to your bank account as well.","US_09_02_WATER_TOWER_TASK_03_S":"Deliver to Water Tower under Repair","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK_DESC":"Can you imagine? I was hurrying home with my family, so I decided to take a shortcut. Sadly, it got me stuck in the marsh. We left the car behind and walked home. Could you help us pull out our car?","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK_REW":"Thanks a lot, you\'re our hero! If it hadn\'t been for you, I don\'t know how we would ever travel to town again!","US_09_02_DON_SCOUT_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Southwest","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK_DESC":"Recently, we deepened the quarry, but we miscalculated the support strength. And when the concrete reinforcement slabs were almost there, the truck carrying them flipped over on the road. Could you please deliver the cargo?","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK_REW":"Wow, all delivered intact, you did a fantastic job!","US_09_02_QUARRY_LOST_CARGO_TASK_S":"Deliver to the Quarry","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_DESC":"One of our vehicles got stuck in the flooded field and is unusable. With our sewage problems, we have no use for it anyway, but the neighboring ranch would be happy to take it. However, there is a condition.","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_REW":"It\'s like new, great job! Here is your reward.","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Ranch","US_09_02_TATRA_FARM_TASK_S_02":"Repair Freightliner M916A1","TATRA_FARM_09":"Freightliner M916A1","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_DESC":"We had this truck transporting the logs along a dangerous route. The driver lost control of it, and the truck slid off the road. If you tow it out, you can use it for your own goals.","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_REW":"Great, now we can keep up our wood supply to the sawmill. Here, this is for your trouble.","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to the Logging Area","US_09_02_LOGS_VEHICLE_TASK_S_02":"Repair Fleetstar F2070A","LOGS_VEHICLE_09":"Fleetstar F2070A","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01_DESC":"The recent accident and the flooding damaged our infrastructure pretty bad. We need materials to repair houses and hangars, could you help us deliver them? For a reward, of course.","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01_REW":"The first steps are taken, we are back on track, thanks!","US_09_02_VR_TASK_01_S":"Deliver to the Residential Country House","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02_DESC":"After what happened, we ordered some spare parts to repair our machines, but the truck that was carrying them turned over. Could you please gather the cargo and bring it here?","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02_REW":"Good job, now we can fix most of our machinery and start pumping the water away. Here is your reward.","US_09_02_VR_TASK_02_S":"Deliver to the Village Hangar","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03_DESC":"This is practically our only working vehicle, and we lent it to our friends from the gold mine, so they can evacuate people from the factory. They are done, so could you bring the vehicle back?","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03_REW":"We\'re so glad you\'re helping us! We can\'t not return the favor, can we! This car might be old, but it\'s a sturdy machine, so use it while you\'re helping our region through these hard times.","US_09_02_VR_TASK_03_S":"Deliver to the Village Warehouse","ZIKZ_VEHICLE_09":"ZIK 566a","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_DESC":"Our quarry is almost depleted, we\'d like to explore the nearby area and choose what\'s best. A thumper will be very helpful.","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_REW":"That means there\'s still a lot of gold here, it\'s great news! However, because of the recent tragedy, it\'s hard to say when we\'ll get back to this issue. Anyway, thank you, here\'s your reward.","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_S_01":"Visit the First Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_S_02":"Visit the Second Zone","US_09_02_NEW_QUARRY_TASK_S_03":"Visit the Third Zone","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_DESC":"As you see, we evacuated successfully. Obviously, it wasn\'t that easy. The main trouble is that practically everything is buried under a thick layer of ash. You could use a metal detector to find something important, will you help us?","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_REW":"You have no idea how valuable that container was, and it\'s even intact! Great job!","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_S_01":"Visit the Burned Forest Plot","US_09_02_METALLDETECTING_TASK_S_02":"Deliver to the Evacuee Camp","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_DESC":"Sadly, our motel was abandoned for a long time. But, now that mountain routes are popular again, we\'d like to restore it. Could you check the nearby routes and bring us a few things for repairs?","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_REW":"As soon as the firefighters finish their work and the area becomes safer, we hope for an inflow of tourists to our motel. Thanks for your timely help, this is for your work.","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_01":"Visit the 1st Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_02":"Visit the 2nd Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_03":"Visit the 3rd Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_04":"Visit the 4th Mountain Route","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_TASK_S_05":"Deliver to the Motel","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"Imagine, I moved here just recently, and the lads who\'ve been helping me move my stuff took the wrong road and left my trailer somewhere out there. Could you bring it back to me? For a fee, of course.","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"What would I do without you? Thanks for your help. Here, you totally deserve it!","US_09_02_FORGOTTEN_TRAILER_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Northeast","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK_DESC":"Someone was so anxious to get away from the fires that he just took my car. He didn\'t get far, though. Could you please bring it back to me?","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK_REW":"It\'s good you were around to answer my plea. If it wasn\'t for you, who would\'ve helped me? I guess I need to build a garage now...","US_09_02_RENEGADE_SCOUT_DELIVERY_TASK_S":"Deliver to the House in the Northwest","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_DESC":"At the height of the fires, a local resident and a truck driver were unable to share the road, which caused both to fly off the road. The cars were abandoned at the scene. It is necessary to deliver them to the owners, as well as to repair them.","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_REW":"It was not easy at all, but you did it, take it, you rightfully deserve it!","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_01":"Deliver to east house","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_02":"Repair Chevrolet CK1500","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_03":"Deliver to the Evacuee Camp","US_09_02_CRASH_TASK_S_04":"Repair Caterpillar CT680","CRASH_VEHICLE_09_01":"Chevrolet CK1500","CRASH_VEHICLE_09_02":"Caterpillar CT680","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST":"Mountain Ride","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_DESC":"Hi, friend! We have a real challenge for you! Tourists adore the local fauna and arrange a real adrenaline ride here. Do you want to ride at speed and assess the condition of this route?","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_REW":"Impressive! You\'re a real psycho, in a good way, although I\'m not sure...","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_01":"Visit 1 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_02":"Visit 2 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_03":"Visit 3 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_04":"Visit 4 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_05":"Visit 5 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_06":"Visit 6 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_07":"Visit 7 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_08":"Visit 8 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_09":"Visit 9 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_10":"Visit 10 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_11":"Visit 11 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_12":"Visit 12 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_13":"Visit 13 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_14":"Visit 14 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_15":"Visit 15 point","US_09_02_MOUNTAIN_TOURISM_CONTEST_S_16":"Visit Motel","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_OBJ":"Consumables For The Ferry","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_DESC":"The ferry at Duncan Bay is doing an important job safely taking vehicles across the river. It needs consumables for maintenance. Take this job, and we\'ll be grateful.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_REW":"Great! Now the ferry will smoothly deliver any vehicles!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_FERRY_S":"Deliver to the Ferry Crossing","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_OBJ":"Humanitarian Aid","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_OBJ_DESC":"Supplies are scarce in Duncan Bay now. People need any help they can get. Deliver the humanitarian supplies to the hunter\'s house and to the observation deck on the west coast.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_OBJ_REW":"Local residents are grateful! And we generously pay for your community service.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_1S":"Deliver to Desolate House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_2S":"Deliver to Lookout Point","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_OBJ":"Short Circuit","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_DESC":"Not only was the road ruined by the flood - the power line was damaged as well. We need materials for the repair. Deliver all the supplies they need, and you\'ll be helping us a lot!","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_REW":"Thanks! Soon, repairs will start, and the supply of power will be uninterrupted!","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_1S":"Explore the area","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_2S":"Deliver to the First Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_01_3S":"Deliver to the Second Post","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_OBJ":"Deenergized Coast","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_DESC":"You did a great job on your previous repair contract. Now, you have to finish what\'s left to do with the posts. The repair brigade will pay you back!","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_REW":"Great! Now both coasts have uninterrupted power supply.","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_S1":"Visit the Coastal Post Zone","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_S2":"Deliver to the First Post near the coastline","US_10_01_ELECTRIC_POLE_02_S3":"Deliver to the Second Post near the coastline","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_OBJ":"Railway Station Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_DESC":"Our railway station needs a warehouse for storage. It won\'t only benefit our company but also expand the range of delivered cargo. Will you take this job?","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_REW":"Good! Now, Duncan Bay\'s residents can get everything they need. The railroad connection will be reestablished!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_RAILWAY_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the Railway Station Warehouse","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_OBJ":"The Unfinished Business At The Plant","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_DESC":"We have unfinished business - the plant construction. Help us complete this important task, and you\'ll be paid generously.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_REW":"Fantastic job! Now, we\'re ready to dispatch the resources necessary to restore this region.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_FACTORY_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_OBJ":"Forestry Business","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_DESC":"Several employees were hastily evacuated. We will gladly accept any help! Can you deliver some logs to our sawmill? For pay, of course.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_REW":"That wasn\'t hard! But we are glad to have any kind of help.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_01_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_OBJ":"Town Requests","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_DESC":"Another job for you that\'s easy but vital! Please deliver some wooden planks to our sawmill, and we will pay for the delivery.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_REW":"Great job! See, it\'s not that hard!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LOG_02_S":"Deliver to the Cargo Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_OBJ":"Twins In The Woods","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_DESC":"We have a sawmill, but it\'s got no service facilities for our iron monsters. Please, help us build two service buildings. We need cargo for construction. Will you take this contract?","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_REW":"I know this was difficult. But you did it!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_TWO_WAREHOUSE_S":"Deliver to the two warehouse construction site","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_OBJ":"Support Local Business","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_DESC":"There is an outstanding contract up in town. Help a local business owner complete some construction. He will make it worth your while!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_REW":"Thriving business means a thriving economy. You did an important job.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_LOCAL_BUSINESS_S":"Deliver to the Corporate Construction Site:","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_OBJ":"Urban Industry","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_DESC":"As long as Duncan Bay hosts a meeting for the best, it would be great if they help with the town warehouse construction. This contract is a win-win. Show us what you can do!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_REW":"When the pros are at work, it always shows! This is what I call a job well done!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_WAREHOUSE_02_S":"Deliver to the City Warehouse","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_OBJ":"Paralyzed Transportation","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_DESC":"This task is a top priority for the region. The residents are cut off from each other because of the roadblock. It is crucial that we reestablish the connection ASAP. The administration will reward you!","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_REW":"Finally! The land route is restored. This is vital for Duncan Bay.","US_10_01_EXIT_CLEANING_S":"Deliver to the Landslide on the Road","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_OBJ":"Drilling Station Accident","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_DESC":"When it rains, it pours. We\'re aware of the accident at the oil rig. First of all, we need a construction platform and then materials to build new reservoirs.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_01_REW":"First steps toward restoration! Thanks for the cooperation.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_STATION_S1":"Deliver to the Parking Near the Reservoir","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_STATION_S2":"Deliver to the Reservoir","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_OBJ":"Pumping Revival","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_DESC":"You helped repair the reservoir, now we need to resume construction. Deliver the materials to the pumping station, and you\'ll be paid well!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_REW":"Great! Soon the pumping station will be ready to operate.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_02_S":"Deliver to the Pumping Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_OBJ":"Service Station Construction","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_DESC":"Keep up the great work! Your next contract is the service station construction. Bad weather will not ruin our plans!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_REW":"Good! We are almost done!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_03_S":"Deliver to the Service Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_OBJ":"Oil Deposit","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_DESC":"You helped us build the Service Station, now we need the main thing, the Drilling Station.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_REW":"Great! Construction is almost complete, all thanks to you!","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_S1":"Deliver to the Drilling Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_DRILLING_STATION_04_S2":"Deliver to the Drilling Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_OBJ":"Special Order","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_DESC":"We hear that you\'re the go-to person for any cargo deliveries. We\'ve got a special contract for you—delivering a really big boat. Are you game for this high-responsibility task?","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_REW":"Doesn\'t it look beautiful in water! Just amazing! Thank you for helping us send it afloat.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_VISIT":"Visit the Checkpoint","US_10_01_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_BOAT":"Deliver to Docks","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_TSK":"Inexperienced Driver","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_DESC":"Please help me with my truck. I went off the road, and my engine died in the middle of the marsh. The truck must be delivered to the service center. I will make it worth your while.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_REW":"Great! We\'ll fix the vehicle ourselves. Here\'s your reward.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRUCK_DESC_S":"Deliver to the Plant on the Coast","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"North City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"We\'d like to build a new bridge to replace the old one. We\'ll pay for materials delivery.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Now you can ride across the bridge too. This will probably make your further work easier. The reward is being transferred to your account this very minute.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_01_S":"Deliver to the North City Bridge:","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"South City Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"One of the ferries could barely fit in these cracks, and it managed to crash its roof against the bridge. We\'ve estimated the damage, and it needs repairing. We will pay for your work.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_REW":"Now, getting to town will be so much easier. Great job!","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_02_S":"Deliver to the South City Bridge:","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_TSK":"Drilling Station Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_DESC":"The flooding left no chance of survival for this wooden bridge. Please help us rebuild it.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_REW":"The job wasn\'t easy, but you did it fine.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_03_S":"Deliver to the Drilling Station Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_TSK":"Temporary Measures","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_DESC":"The paved road has been washed away. The road workers obviously neglected their jobs! We have no time for construction. We need a wooden bridge as a temporary detour.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_REW":"Wow! Truly a job done by a pro! Check your balance, we hope you\'ll be pleasantly surprised.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_04_S":"Deliver to the East Wooden Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_TSK":"Sawmill Bridge","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_DESC":"The old bridge has been washed off to the ground. We need a new bridge, and it will be longer, too. If you deliver some logs for us, we will pay for that.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_REW":"Look at that! Now, it\'ll be easier to get to the sawmill.","US_10_01_FIX_BRIDGE_05_S":"Deliver to the Sawmill Bridge","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_TSK":"Sky\'s The Limit","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_DESC":"We have an unusual job for you. Some materials have to be delivered to the top of the Power Line Post using a crane. We need to finish repairing it. This contract offers handsome pay.","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_REW":"Just what we needed! Now, we\'re closer to restoring the whole grid.","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_01_S":"Deliver to the North Power Line Post","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_TSK":"Don\'t Drop It!","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_DESC":"If you have a crane and could deliver the necessary parts to the top of the post, that would be awesome. Could you do that? We\'ll pay for everything.","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_REW":"Duncan Bay will not forget you! This is for your trouble!","US_10_01_FALLEN_POWER_LINE_02_S":"Deliver to the South Power Line Post","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_TSK":"Backup Source","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_DESC":"Power supply in the city gets interrupted all the time, we need a backup generator. Bring it to us, and we will reward you handsomely!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_REW":"That makes a lot of sense. I am happy to be working with you!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_TRANSFORMER_S":"Deliver to the Power Plant","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_TSK":"Restoring Communication","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_DESC":"We have a special request for you, container delivery. It holds lots of iron for our weather station. Bring us the container, and we\'ll pay you for delivery.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_REW":"Great! The weather station is a significant part of rebuilding Duncan Bay.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_METEO_TSK_S":"Deliver to the Weather Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_TSK":"Tools For The lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_DESC":"We need to check the equipment of the ski lifts, but we are short on tools and resources. Please help us, and we\'ll pay.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_REW":"It wasn\'t that hard, but it sure was helpful! Now, we\'ll just wait for skiing season to start!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_S1":"Deliver to the Lower Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_LIFT_S2":"Deliver to the Upper Lift","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_TSK":"Assistance To Civilization","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_DESC":"Living in the woods is tough. We need tools to repair the trailer, some odds and ends and some firewood.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_REW":"Living in the wild is tough. Thank you for bringing us some civilization.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_S1":"Deliver to Trailer","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_S2":"Deliver to the Forester\'s House","US_10_01_DELIVERY_HUNT_S3":"Deliver to the Shed","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_TSK":"Off The tracks","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_DESC":"Some carriages got derailed. We need to get the lost containers as soon as possible. For that, you\'ll need a crane. Deliver the containers to the railway station. We\'ll pay you for that!","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_REW":"Don\'t you agree that was interesting! Here is your reward.","US_10_01_FALLEN_TRAIN_S":"Deliver to the Cargo Station","US_10_01_PASS_01_TSK":"Rockslide","US_10_01_PASS_01_DESC":"We\'d barely repaired the road, and then a rockslide came! Clear it, and we\'ll reward you handsomely!","US_10_01_PASS_01_REW":"Great job! Now anyone can travel here freely!","US_10_01_PASS_01_S":"Deliver to the East Landslide on the coast","US_10_01_PASS_02_TSK":"Landslide On The Road","US_10_01_PASS_02_DESC":"The rocks have been piling up here for quite some time. And, just recently, a truck bumped its trailer on the edge of the cliff, sending all those rocks sliding! Will you help us deal with this problem?","US_10_01_PASS_02_REW":"You did a great job. This was an important part.","US_10_01_PASS_02_S":"Deliver to the South Landslide near the railway station","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_TSK":"It Gave Way","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_DESC":"The pipe literally burst, so the post didn\'t hold. Deliver the new pipe, and we\'ll be grateful.","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_REW":"Thanks for the delivery! Just what we need to complete the construction.","US_10_01_PIPELINE_01_S":"Deliver to the North Pipeline of the Oil Rig","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_TSK":"Pipe Replacement","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_DESC":"The pipe replacement is in its final stages. The ones by the road are the last. Help us install them, and you\'ll get good money.","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_REW":"The order is complete, you get your hard-earned cash!","US_10_01_PIPELINE_02_S":"Deliver to the South Pipeline of the Oil Rig","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_TSK":"Service Center For The Drilling Station","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_DESC":"In addition to the drilling station contracts, we also need to build a service center. Whether you help us or not, we\'ll pay for the delivery.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_REW":"Great. You certainly did a big job here.","US_10_01_CONSTRUCTION_GAS_WAREHOUSE_S":"Deliver to the Oil Rig Warehouse","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK":"Fuel For Vehicles","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_DESC":"Our truck left a fuel trailer on the road. The truck needs emergency repairs, and the trailer\'s just standing there. Get the trailer to our fueling station, and you\'ll get a financial reward!","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_REW":"Easy, wasn\'t it? That does it.","US_10_01_OIL_TANK_03_S":"Deliver to the Parking Near the Fuel Station","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_TSK":"Let There Be Oil","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_DESC":"Oil! Our oil rigs need special care, they need spare parts! Deliver three parts and get paid.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_REW":"I suppose that was hard. Good thing you\'re done.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_1S":"Deliver to the First Rig","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_2S":"Deliver to the Second Rig","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OIL_RIGS_3S":"Deliver to the Third Rig","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_TSK":"Quid Pro Quo","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_DESC":"Hey, we need some household fuel. Besides, we have a new truck we don\'t use much. If you deliver the fuel trailer and repair my monster, that truck\'s yours.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_REW":"Great job! We have fuel, and the truck\'s working. It\'s yours. Let it serve you well, just like it served me.","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_1S":"Deliver to the House Yard","US_10_01_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_2S":"Fix the Truck","US_10_01_CONTEST_RACE":"Deadly Race","US_10_01_CONTEST_RACE_DESC":"In winter, this is a serene ski resort, and in summer the organizers set up a real test! Steep slopes, difficult terrain... so just brace yourself and show what you can do!","US_10_01_CONTEST_REW":"You have completed an unusual race. Could you do better?","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT":"Data For The Observatory","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT_DESC":"The observatory need massive weather data, so give them our HDD as soon as possible!","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT_REW":"The forecasts are in! Can you show better results next time?","US_10_01_CONT_VISIT_S":"Deliver to the Observatory","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_OBJ":"Important Delivery From The Port","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_DESC":"Our Port is the only point where heavy cargo is delivered by water. Your task is to ship two containers from us to Duncan Bay. You will get good money!","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_01_REW":"This job was complex but interesting. Here is the reward we promised.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_VISIT":"Drive to the Port Checkpoint","US_10_01_DELIVERY_CARGO_S":"Deliver to the plant","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ":"Second Garage Construction","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"Sadly, we\'re not done with garage construction. Accept this contract, and we will be. The garage will be your home away from home!","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"Make yourself at home! Thanks for your cooperation.","US_10_02_GARAGE_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the garage construction site","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ":"Uncle Fish Will Do This Job!","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"Our company is expanding. We\'re making the best canned fish! Plant construction is our top priority, so we\'ll pay well for cooperation. Are you on board?","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"Great! Now, North Peak will get even more active, and there will be even more jobs!","US_10_02_CANNERY_CONSTRUCTION_OBJ_S":"Deliver to the Canned Food Factory construction site","US_10_02_WILDLIFE_OFFICERS_01_OILTANK_OBJ":"Fuel For The Law Enforcement","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_DESC":"The Wildlife Protection officers need help. Now, they vitally need fuel. Deliver the fuel trailer from the city to their place.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_02_REW":"Thanks a lot! Now, they\'re ready to give you another job.","US_10_02_SCOUT_OILTANK_01_S":"Deliver to the Wildlife Protection Officers House:","US_10_02_WILDLIFE_OFFICERS_02_VISIT_OBJ":"Following The Poachers\' Trail","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_DESC":"Wildlife Protection officers discovered a poacher hiding spot. Help the officers with the investigation. Study the situation, cooperation is rewarded.","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_REW":"Well, well, well, they\'re all gone. But they left behind a lot of evidence. We have another job to do.","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_S1":"Visit the Poachers\' Camp","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_S2":"Visit the Old Dock","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_02_S3":"Visit the Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_WILDLIFE_OFFICERS_03_BOAT_OBJ":"Helping The Investigation","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_DESC":"The poacher\'s boat is stuck, and its cargo has to be delivered to the police station. Use the crane to deliver the evidence.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_REW":"All in the name of the law! You\'ve served North Peak well.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_VISIT":"Visit the Poachers\' boat","US_10_02_DELIVERY_CARGO_04_CARGO":"Deliver to the Police Station","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_OBJ":"Restoring Communication","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_DESC":"The Communication Tower is out of order, it needs to be repaired. Bring the spare parts and materials needed for restoration to the repair crew.","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_REW":"Now, you can call your family. Thanks!","US_10_02_TELEPHONE_TOWER_LOAD_OBJ":"Deliver to the Communication Tower","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_OBJ":"Cargo For The Fishers","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_DESC":"Local fishers never got important cargo for their boats. The delivery trailer got stuck on the northwest road near the plant. Get it to the docks, and the fishers will pay you.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_REW":"As agreed, here is your money.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_S":"Deliver to the Fishers\' shore","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_OBJ":"Special Order","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_DESC":"We hear that you\'re the go-to person for any cargo deliveries. We\'ve got a special contract for you - delivering a fishing boat. Are you game for this highly responsible task?","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_REW":"Doesn\'t it look beautiful! Thank you for helping us send it afloat. Here is your reward.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_VISIT":"Visit the Checkpoint","US_10_02_DELIVERY_BOAT_01_BOAT":"Deliver to the Boat Slipway","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_TSK":"Abandoned Oil Tank","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_DESC":"Our driver got stuck in the marshes with an oil tank. The road is too rough, this calls for a pro like yourself. Help us with the delivery, and we\'ll be even.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_REW":"What would the community do without you! Now, the city can be supplied with fuel.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_OILTANK_01_S":"Deliver to the Fishers\' shore","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_TSK":"Road Artery","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_DESC":"The region is barely explored, and the old bridges date back to our fathers\' time. The bridge has to be rebuilt. Are you up to it?","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_REW":"Now, this road is passable. Great job!","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_01_S":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge on the West coast","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_TSK":"The Coastal Frustration","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_DESC":"The wooden bridge collapsed under the heavy trucks. Bridges collapse here quite frequently, so there are always a lot of jobs.","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_REW":"There we go. Now, the bridge is solid and will stay this way for a long time.","US_10_02_FIX_BRIDGE_02_S":"Deliver to the Wooden Bridge on the East coast","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_TSK":"Water Probe","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_DESC":"Local geologists need a water probe from the two lakes in the North and South of North Peak Park. Paid by the piece!","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_REW":"The geologists kept their word. Thanks for the probes you supplied.","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_A_S":"Visit the area near the North Lake","US_10_02_SCOUT_VISIT_01_B_S":"Visit the area near the South Lake","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK":"Confiscated Truck","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK_DESC":"We need to confiscate this truck. It belonged to poachers. Fix the truck and deliver it to the service center. You\'ll be paid on site.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_01_TSK_REW":"Now, the truck will serve more people. Here\'s your delivery fee.","US_10_02_REPAIR_TRUCK_01_S":"Fix the Poachers\' Truck","US_10_02_REPAIR_TRUCK_02_S":"Deliver to the West Service Center","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_TSK":"Special Order For The Builders","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_DESC":"Force majeure has interrupted construction plans. People are short on some basic supplies. We gathered all the necessary things in two trailers. Deliver them to the construction site.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_REW":"Just what we needed! You are our savior!","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_01_S":"Deliver to the Canned Food Factory Site","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Tower For The Fish Farm","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"We have dismantled the old water tower and we want to build a new one. Help us with the materials, and we\'ll pay for the delivery.","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"You saved us! The local farmers will be happy to have clean water.","US_10_02_FARM_TOWER_CONSTRUCTION_S":"Deliver to the Water Tower at the Fish Farm","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_SCOUT_TSK":"Recyclable","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_DESC":"We have collected some junk the poachers left behind. We need to get rid of this trailer. Have it recycled.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_REW":"Now, nothing will get wasted. Here\'s your reward for recycling.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRAILER_02_TSK_S":"Deliver to the West Service Center","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_TSK":"Support Local Businesses!","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_DESC":"As a business owner, I see that this city lacks a service center. Help me with construction. I have listed the materials I need. Will you help?","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_REW":"That\'s what I call great work! Hopefully, business will turn a profit soon. Even though there\'s some paperwork to be done.","US_10_02_WAREHOUSE_01_CONSTRUCTION_S":"Deliver to the Customer\'s Garage","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWERS_TSK":"Tower For Scrap","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWER_01_DESC":"Local residents need instruments to remove this fallen tower. They will disassemble it, and you will get part of the money. Do we have a deal?","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWER_01_REW":"We are done. Dismantled it for scrap. Here is your money.","US_10_02_REMOVE_TOWERS_S":"Deliver to the Fallen Tower:","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_TSK":"Plant\'s Workhorse","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_DESC":"Hey, driver! I was heading for the plant but got stuck in those marshes. The truck is really good, too bad I\'m a poor driver. Please help me, I\'ll owe you one.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_02_REW":"You saved me! Here\'s your pay, just as agreed. I\'ll try to stay out of danger!","US_10_02_TRUCK_02_REPAIR_S":"Fix and fuel up the truck","US_10_02_TRUCK_02_DELIVERY_S":"Deliver to the Metalworks","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_TSK":"Long Distance Haul","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_DESC":"Buddy, help me! My truck\'s stuck on this bad road. I need to have it pulled out and fixed. I\'d be grateful for the help.","US_10_02_DELIVERY_TRUCK_03_REW":"Superb! Now the truck is in good hands!","US_10_02_TRUCK_03_REPAIR_DESC":"Fix and fuel up the truck","US_10_02_TRUCK_03_DELIVERY_DESC":"Deliver to the East Service Center","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_TSK":"You Have To Take A Detour Along The Marshes","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_DESC":"These rocks block the direct route. The locals will pay you handsomely if you help clear them.","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_REW":"Way to go! No more detours through the marshes.","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_01_S":"Deliver to the East Cliff on the Coastal Road","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_TSK":"The Mountain Obstacle","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_DESC":"Geologists have warned us about the rockslide hazard here many times. Help us remove them, and people will thank you.","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_REW":"Now, you can drive through here. Excellent job!","US_10_02_REMOVE_STONES_02_S":"Deliver to the Lakeshore Road","US_10_02_CONT_01":"All For The Great View!","US_10_02_CONT_01_DESC":"This terrain is tough. Local residents like to race their cars here to the top of the hill. The view there is spectacular!","US_10_02_CONT_01_REW":"Interesting track, is it not? Try once more for best results.","US_10_02_CONT_01_01_S":"Visit the First Zone","US_10_02_CONT_01_02_S":"Visit the Second Zone","US_10_02_CONT_01_03_S":"Visit the Third Zone","US_10_02_CONT_02":"Waste Disposal","US_10_02_CONT_02_DESC":"Fish farmers have a weird tradition. They compete to see who will be the first to deliver some waste barrels. Join the local games and show what you can do!","US_10_02_CONT_02_REW":"Not bad, not bad! Could you do better?","US_10_02_CONT_02_S":"Deliver to the Canned Food Factory Port","last_winner":"King Of The Hill","US_01":"Michigan, USA","US_02":"Alaska, USA","RU_02":"Taymyr, Russian Federation","RU_03":"Kola Peninsula, Russian Federation","US_03":"Wisconsin, USA","US_04":"Yukon, Canada","RU_04":"Amur, Russian Federation","RU_05":"Don, Russian Federation","US_06":"Maine, USA","US_07":"Tennessee, USA","RU_08":"Belozersk Glades, Central Asia","US_09":"Ontario, Canada","US_10":"British Columbia","US_03_02_NAME":"Grainwoods River","US_02_02_NEW_NAME":"Mountain River","US_02_03_NEW_NAME":"White Valley","RU_02_01_HERMIT_RESCUE":"One of the local\'s vehicles got seriously banged up above the old quarry. The owner would be grateful if you can repair it and deliver it to their house.","RU_02_01_CROP_NAME":"Quarry","RU_02_01_VILLAGE_RESTORATION":"With the regional oil rig in working order, the nearby village could prove useful as the new staff quarters. There\'s a lumber mill nearby that probably has some materials still lying around. See what you can find.","RU_02_03_ABANDONED_FACTORY":"Metal Delivery","RU_02_03_BUILD_BRIDGE1":"Zimnegorsk Bridge Recovery","RU_02_03_BUILD_BRIDGE2":"Zimnegorsk Bridge Recovery","us_01_02_farm_order_obj":"The Essentials","us_01_02_fuel_order_obj":"Fuel Order","us_01_02_materials_order_obj":"Materials Order","US_01_04_NAME":"Drummond Island","US_02_03_DRILLBIT_TARGET":"Airport","US_02_04_NAME":"Pedro Bay"}');var K=t.t(G,2),B=(0,i.q6)({translate:null}),M=function(){return(0,i.NT)(B)};const F=function(e){var,t=M().translate;return(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{children:t(_)})};var H,V,Y,x,J,j,Z=n.Ay.div(H||(H=function(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}(["\n margin: 10px 0 5px 5px;\n padding-bottom: 3px;\n border-bottom: var(--border-width) solid var(--border-color);\n font-size: var(--font-size-text);\n\n"])));function X(e){return X="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e},X(e)}function q(e,_){var t=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var o=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);_&&(o=o.filter((function(_){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,_).enumerable}))),t.push.apply(t,o)}return t}function z(e){for(var _=1;_e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function ee(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var _e=n.Ay.div(V||(V=ee(["\n margin-left: 10px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n"]))),te=n.Ay.div(Y||(Y=ee(["\n width: 200px;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n"]))),oe=n.Ay.div(x||(x=ee(["\n padding: 5px 10px;\n"]))),ae=n.Ay.div(J||(J=ee(["\n width: 100px;\n padding: 0 2px;\n"]))),re=n.Ay.div(j||(j=ee(["\n cursor: pointer;\n text-decoration: underline;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n width: 100%;\n"])));const ie=function(e){var _=e.region,,o=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return $(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?$(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(t.upgradesGiverData),2),a=o[0],r=o[1],n=function(e){var,t=a[_];if(!t)return(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{});var o=Object.values(t),i=0,n=0,l=0;return o.forEach((function(e){1===e?n++:2===e?l++:i++})),(0,s.FD)(_e,{children:[(0,s.Y)(te,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_})}),(0,s.FD)(oe,{children:[i," Unknown, ",n," Discovered, ",l," Obtained"]}),(0,s.Y)(ae,{children:i>0?(0,s.Y)(re,{onClick:function(){Object.keys(a[_]).forEach((function(e){t[e]<1&&(t[e]=1)})),r(z({},a))},children:"Discover All"}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{})}),(0,s.Y)(ae,{children:i>0||n>0?(0,s.Y)(re,{onClick:function(){Object.keys(a[_]).forEach((function(e){t[e]=2})),r(z({},a))},children:"Obtain All"}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{})}),(0,s.Y)(ae,{children:l>0||n>0?(0,s.Y)(re,{onClick:function(){Object.keys(a[_]).forEach((function(e){t[e]=0})),r(z({},a))},children:"Reset All"}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{})})]})};return(0,s.FD)("div",{children:[(0,s.Y)(Z,{children:"Upgrades"}),{return(0,s.Y)(n,{map:"level_"+e.toLowerCase()})}))]})};var ne,se,le,he,Se;function Re(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function Ee(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var Te=n.Ay.div(ne||(ne=Ee(["\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),ue=n.Ay.div(se||(se=Ee(["\n //padding: 5px;\n"]))),de=n.Ay.input(le||(le=Ee(["\n margin: 0 5px;\n padding: 2px 5px;\n width: 20px;\n -moz-appearance: textfield;\n &::-webkit-outer-spin-button,\n &::-webkit-inner-spin-button {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n }\n\n"]))),Ue=(0,n.Ay)("div")(he||(he=Ee(["\n display: inline-block;\n"]))),Ae=n.Ay.div(Se||(Se=Ee(["\n width: 100px;\n"])));const ye=function(e){var,t=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return Re(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?Re(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(_.cargoState.curValue),2),o=t[0],a=t[1];return(0,s.FD)(Te,{children:[(0,s.FD)(Ae,{children:[(0,s.Y)(de,{type:"number",value:o,onChange:function(e){var;/\d/.test(t)&&t>=0&&t<=_.cargoState.aimValue&&(a(t),_.cargoState.curValue=Number(t))},onFocus:function(e){return}}),(0,s.FD)(Ue,{children:[" of ",_.cargoState.aimValue]})]}),(0,s.Y)(ue,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.cargoState.type})}),(0,s.FD)("div",{children:[" to ",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.zones[0]})," (",(0,s.Y)(F,{}),")"]})]})};var Ce,ce,Ie;function Oe(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function De(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var ge=n.Ay.div(Ce||(Ce=De(["\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),we=n.Ay.div(ce||(ce=De(["\n\n"]))),Ne=n.Ay.input(Ie||(Ie=De(["\n margin: 0;\n width: 100px;\n"])));const Le=function(e){var,t=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return Oe(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?Oe(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(_.isDelivered),2),o=t[0],a=t[1];return(0,s.FD)(ge,{children:[(0,s.Y)(Ne,{type:"checkbox",checked:o,onChange:function(e){var;a(t),_.isDelivered=t}}),(0,s.Y)(we,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.truckId})}),(0,s.FD)("div",{children:[" to ",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.deliveryZones[0]})," (",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.mapDelivery}),")"]})]})};var pe,me;function fe(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function ve(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var be=n.Ay.div(pe||(pe=ve(["\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),ke=n.Ay.input(me||(me=ve(["\n margin: 0;\n width: 100px;\n"])));const We=function(e){var,t=e.zoneState,o=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return fe(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?fe(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(t.isVisited),2),a=o[0],r=o[1];return(0,s.FD)(be,{children:[(0,s.Y)(ke,{type:"checkbox",checked:a,onChange:function(e){var;r(_),t.isVisited=_}}),"Visit: ",(0,s.Y)(F,{})," (",(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_}),")"]})};var Pe,Ge,Ke;function Be(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return Me(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?Me(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function Me(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function Fe(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var He=n.Ay.div(Pe||(Pe=Fe(["\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),Ve=n.Ay.div(Ge||(Ge=Fe(["\n //padding: 5px;\n"]))),Ye=n.Ay.input(Ke||(Ke=Fe(["\n margin: 0 5px;\n width: 30px;\n"])));const xe=function(e){var,t=Be((0,i.J0)(_.isRefueled),2),o=t[0],a=t[1],r=Be((0,i.J0)(_.isRepaired),2),n=r[0],l=r[1];return(0,s.FD)(He,{children:[(0,s.Y)(Ve,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{name:_.truckId})}),": Refueled: ",(0,s.Y)(Ye,{type:"checkbox",checked:o,onChange:function(e){var;a(t),_.isRefueled=t}}),"Repaired: ",(0,s.Y)(Ye,{type:"checkbox",checked:n,onChange:function(e){var;l(t),_.isRepaired=t}})]})};var Je,je,Ze,Xe;function qe(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var ze=n.Ay.div(Je||(Je=qe(["\n margin-left: 10px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n border-bottom: var(--border-width-light) solid var(--border-color-light);\n"]))),Qe=n.Ay.div(je||(je=qe(["\n width: 200px;\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),$e=n.Ay.div(Ze||(Ze=qe(["\n //padding: 5px;\n"]))),e_=n.Ay.div(Xe||(Xe=qe(["\n padding: 5px;\n"]))),__=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.cargoDeliveryActions)return,_){return(0,s.Y)(ye,{data:e},_)}))},t_=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.truckDeliveryStates)return,_){return(0,s.Y)(Le,{delivery:e},_)}))},o_=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.truckRepairStates)return,_){return(0,s.Y)(xe,{repair:e},_)}))},a_=function(e){var _=e.stage;if(_.visitAllZonesState)return,t){return(0,s.Y)(We,{,zoneState:e},t)}))};const r_=function(e){var _=e.objective;return(0,s.FD)(ze,{children:[(0,s.Y)(Qe,{children:(0,s.Y)(F,{})}),(0,s.Y)($e,{,t){return(0,s.FD)(s.FK,{children:[_.stagesState.length>1?(0,s.FD)(e_,{children:["Stage ",t+1,":"]}):(0,s.Y)(s.FK,{}),(0,s.Y)(__,{stage:e}),(0,s.Y)(t_,{stage:e}),(0,s.Y)(o_,{stage:e}),(0,s.Y)(a_,{stage:e})]})}))})]})};var i_,n_=n.Ay.div(i_||(i_=function(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}(["\n margin-left: 10px;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n"])));const s_=function(e){var _=e.region,,o=M().translate,a=t[S.saveKey].SslValue.objectiveStates,r=Object.keys(a).filter((function(e){return e.substring(0,5).toUpperCase()===_}));return r.sort((function(e,_){return o(e)0?{return(0,s.Y)(r_,{objective:a[e]},e)})):(0,s.Y)(n_,{children:"No Accepted Tasks"})]})},l_=JSON.parse('{"1":0,"2":700,"3":1700,"4":2900,"5":4100,"6":5400,"7":6900,"8":8500,"9":10100,"10":11800,"11":13700,"12":15700,"13":17800,"14":20100,"15":22500,"16":25000,"17":27500,"18":30100,"19":32700,"20":35500,"21":38300,"22":41300,"23":44300,"24":47500,"25":50700,"26":54100,"27":57500,"28":61100,"29":64900,"30":69000}');var h_,S_,R_,E_,T_=t.t(l_,2);function u_(e){return u_="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e},u_(e)}function d_(e,_){var t=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var o=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);_&&(o=o.filter((function(_){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,_).enumerable}))),t.push.apply(t,o)}return t}function U_(e){for(var _=1;_e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function C_(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var c_=n.Ay.div(h_||(h_=C_(["\n //padding: 10px;\n"]))),I_=n.Ay.div(S_||(S_=C_(["\n padding: 5px;\n display: flex;\n"]))),O_=n.Ay.div(R_||(R_=C_(["\n margin-right: 10px;\n"]))),D_=n.Ay.input(E_||(E_=C_(["\n width: 100px;\n"])));const g_=function(e){var _=e.profileData,t=function(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return y_(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?y_(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}((0,i.J0)(_),2),o=t[0],a=t[1];return(0,s.FD)(c_,{children:[(0,s.FD)(I_,{children:[(0,s.Y)(O_,{children:"Money:"}),(0,s.Y)(D_,{type:"number",,onChange:function(e){,a(U_({},_))}})]}),(0,s.FD)(I_,{children:[(0,s.Y)(O_,{children:"Rank:"}),(0,s.Y)(D_,{type:"number",value:o.rank,onChange:function(e){_.rank=Number(,_.experience=T_[],a(U_({},_))},min:1,max:30})]}),(0,s.FD)(I_,{children:[(0,s.Y)(O_,{children:"XP (calculated based on rank):"}),(0,s.Y)("div",{children:o.experience||"Invalid Rank"})]})]})};var w_,N_,L_,p_=t(490);function m_(e){const _={p:"p",strong:"strong",...e.components};return(0,p_.FD)(_.p,{children:["When finished, save the file, overwriting the ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"CompleteSave.cfg"})," you loaded."]})}function f_(e={}){const{wrapper:_}=e.components||{};return _?(0,p_.Y)(_,{...e,children:(0,p_.Y)(m_,{...e})}):m_(e)}function v_(e){const _={br:"br",em:"em",h2:"h2",li:"li",p:"p",strong:"strong",ul:"ul",...e.components};return(0,p_.FD)(p_.FK,{children:[(0,p_.Y)(_.p,{children:"This is a save editor for the snowrunner video game.\nIt allows you to load your saved game file, and edit your progress in the game.\nThe following can be done:"}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.ul,{children:["\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Increase your money and rank"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Make tasks and missions easier by partially completing them. This is especially useful for the redundant logging tasks. For example, you can reduce a task to require only 1 load by marking other loads as complete."}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Reveal hidden upgrade locations, and obtain the upgrades if you're really lazy."}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(_.p,{children:"Important notes:"}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.ul,{children:["\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"You must accept the task or mission in the game before it shows up here."}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Using the editor to fully complete a task or mission will work, but you will not receive rewards for it. It is recommended to complete the last part of the task in the game."}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"Always make a backup of your saved game file, just in case."}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(_.h2,{children:"Instructions"}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.p,{children:["Load the ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"CompleteSave.cfg"})," file:"]}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.ul,{children:["\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"1st save slot = CompleteSave.cfg"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"2nd save slot = CompleteSave1.cfg"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"3rd save slot = CompleteSave2.cfg"}),"\n",(0,p_.Y)(,{children:"4rd save slot = CompleteSave3.cfg"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,p_.FD)(_.p,{children:["With ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"steam"}),", the file is located in ",(0,p_.Y)(_.em,{children:"[steam install]/userdata/[steam_id]/1465360/remote."}),(0,p_.Y)(,{}),"\n","With ",(0,p_.Y)(_.strong,{children:"epic or other platforms"}),", navigate to ",(0,p_.Y)(_.em,{children:"%USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\My Games\\SnowRunner\\base\\storage"}),".\nYou will see a folder with a generated key like ",(0,p_.Y)(_.em,{children:"9544ed6c186247e1bfeb0df3f9d013a8"}),". The file is located in this folder."]})]})}function b_(e={}){const{wrapper:_}=e.components||{};return _?(0,p_.Y)(_,{...e,children:(0,p_.Y)(v_,{...e})}):v_(e)}function k_(e,_){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}(e)||function(e,_){var t=null==e?null:"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(null!=t){var o,a,r,i,n=[],s=!0,l=!1;try{if(r=(,0===_){if(Object(t)!==t)return;s=!1}else for(;!(s=(,n.length!==_);s=!0);}catch(e){l=!0,a=e}finally{try{if(!s&&null!=t.return&&(i=t.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(l)throw a}}return n}}(e,_)||function(e,_){if(e){if("string"==typeof e)return W_(e,_);var t={},-1);return"Object"===t&&e.constructor&&(,"Map"===t||"Set"===t?Array.from(e):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?W_(e,_):void 0}}(e,_)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function W_(e,_){(null==_||_>e.length)&&(_=e.length);for(var t=0,o=Array(_);t<_;t++)o[t]=e[t];return o}function P_(e,_){return _||(_=e.slice(0)),Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(e,{raw:{value:Object.freeze(_)}}))}var G_=(0,n.Ay)("div")(w_||(w_=P_(["\n max-width: 1200px;\n margin: 0 auto;\n"]))),K_=n.Ay.div(N_||(N_=P_(["\n padding: 10px 0;\n"]))),B_=function(e){return e.hasData?(0,s.Y)(f_,{}):(0,s.Y)(b_,{})},M_=n.Ay.h1(L_||(L_=P_(["\n padding-left: 25px;\n flex: 1 1 auto;\n text-align: center;\n"])));i.Ay.hydrate((0,s.Y)((function(e){var _=e.children;return(0,s.Y)(B.Provider,{value:{translate:function(e){return"level_"===e.substring(0,6)&&(e=(e.substring(6)+"_name").toUpperCase()),K[e]||e}},children:_})}),{children:(0,s.Y)((function(){var e=M().translate,_=k_((0,i.J0)(null),2),t=_[0],o=_[1],a=k_((0,i.J0)(null),2);return a[0],a[1],(0,s.FD)(G_,{children:[(0,s.FD)("div",{className:"card",children:[(0,s.Y)(M_,{children:"Snowrunner Save Editor"}),(0,s.FD)("div",{className:"card-contents",children:[(0,s.Y)(B_,{hasData:!!t}),(0,s.Y)(K_,{children:t?(0,s.Y)(E,{data:t}):(0,s.Y)(R,{onData:o})})]})]}),function(){if(t)return(0,s.FD)(O,{onlyOneOpen:!0,initialOpen:["PROFILE"],children:[(0,s.Y)(W,{id:"PROFILE",title:"Profile Data",children:(0,s.Y)(g_,{profileData:t[S.saveKey].SslValue.persistentProfileData})}),{return(0,s.FD)(W,{title:e(,,children:[(0,s.Y)(ie,{region:_,data:t[S.saveKey].SslValue}),(0,s.Y)(s_,{,data:t})]})}))]})}()]})}),{})}),document.getElementById("snowrunnerRoot"))},28:e=>{e.exports=preact}},a={};function r(e){var _=a[e];if(void 0!==_)return _.exports;var t=a[e]={exports:{}};return o[e](t,t.exports,r),t.exports}r.m=o,e=[],r.O=(_,t,o,a)=>{if(!t){var i=1/0;for(h=0;h=a)&&Object.keys(r.O).every((e=>r.O[e](t[s])))?t.splice(s--,1):(n=!1,a0&&e[h-1][2]>a;h--)e[h]=e[h-1];e[h]=[t,o,a]},r.n=e=>{var _=e&&e.__esModule?()=>e.default:()=>e;return r.d(_,{a:_}),_},t=Object.getPrototypeOf?e=>Object.getPrototypeOf(e):e=>e.__proto__,r.t=function(e,o){if(1&o&&(e=this(e)),8&o)return e;if("object"==typeof e&&e){if(4&o&&e.__esModule)return e;if(16&o&&"function"==typeof e.then)return e}var a=Object.create(null);r.r(a);var i={};_=_||[null,t({}),t([]),t(t)];for(var n=2&o&&e;"object"==typeof n&&!~_.indexOf(n);n=t(n))Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n).forEach((_=>i[_]=()=>e[_]));return i.default=()=>e,r.d(a,i),a},r.d=(e,_)=>{for(var t in _)r.o(_,t)&&!r.o(e,t)&&Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:_[t]})},r.o=(e,_)=>,_),r.r=e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},(()=>{var e={792:0};r.O.j=_=>0===e[_];var _=(_,t)=>{var o,a,[i,n,s]=t,l=0;if(i.some((_=>0!==e[_]))){for(o in n)r.o(n,o)&&(r.m[o]=n[o]);if(s)var h=s(r)}for(_&&_(t);lr(540)));i=r.O(i)})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/remote.html b/remote.html index ffc3e6c..aa3d411 100644 --- a/remote.html +++ b/remote.html @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@


With steam, the file is located in [steam install]/userdata/[steam_id]/1465360/remote.
With epic or other platforms, navigate to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\SnowRunner\base\storage. -You will see a folder with a generated key like 9544ed6c186247e1bfeb0df3f9d013a8. The file is located in this folder.

\ No newline at end of file +You will see a folder with a generated key like 9544ed6c186247e1bfeb0df3f9d013a8. The file is located in this folder.

\ No newline at end of file