This changelog references the relevant changes.
- bugfix - Vuex store for Grid crashed after f5 - store had been removed
- bugfix - App crash after f5 when page has FabButton at TitleBar
- bugfix - Attribute Select/Multiselect options were removing at edition
- bugfix - Product Template fields validation
- bugfix - Resizing at Template Designer
- bugfix - AdvancedFilters had been established - dragging bugs
- feature - Add product history log
- feature - Add core notifications
- feature - Add workflow notifications
- feature - Add comment module
- feature - Add system attribute
- feature - Add advanced filter support
- feature - Add excel-like mechanisms to grid
- feature #154 Segments + condition sets
- feature #78 Modularity - pages
- feature #128 Product statuses
- feature #130 Access denied view
- feature #143 Category trees
- feature #158 Product statuses - product grid
- bugfix #134 Categories not hide on list
- bugfix #136 Dashboard boxes without privileges
- bugfix #138 Users - no validation on activity status
- bugfix #144 Hidden children not show again
- bugfix #145 Privileges bugs
- perf #147 Change communication wit API
- feature #76 Resizable horizontal line for grid columns
- feature #81 User activity flag
- feature #83 User roles
- feature #92 Floating grid headers
- feature #94 Generating icons - mechanism
- feature #97 Reusable Vuex store for each grid
- feature #105 Base role tab
- feature #108 Native Checkbox
- feature #109 Deleting role action
- feature #111 User page - add select field with roles
- feature #115 Privilege roles table
- feature #117 User/s activity logs
- feature #124 Color picker
- feature #126 User Privileges
- bugfix #98 Hide search for lists
- bugfix #100 Label appears while dragging
- perf #104 Inputs improvement
- perf #121 New category tree view
- bugfix #14 User image doesn't display well
- bugfix #15 Multiselect - product template
- bugfix #28 Attributes translations - crash
- bugfix #47 Overlapping grid placeholder over column headers
- bugfix #49 Toggler component has to have disabled style for two states
- bugfix #50 Editting Unit Attribute
- bugfix #53 Firefox support
- feature #16 Category tree
- feature #17 Template Designer - layout improvement
- feature #42 Grid doesn't support attributes with parameters
- feature #73 Grid column - extander