We use [ShapeNet][shapenet] data and their renderings, as provided by [R2N2][r2n2].
to download [R2N2][r2n2], and the train/val/test splits. You also need the original ShapeNet Core v1 & binvox dataset, which require [registration][shapenet_login] before downloading.
python tools/preprocess_shapenet.py \
--shapenet_dir /path/to/ShapeNetCore.v1 \
--shapenet_binvox_dir /path/to/ShapeNetCore.v1.binvox \
--output_dir ./datasets/shapenet/ShapeNetV1processed \
The above command preprocesses the ShapeNet dataset to reduce the data loading time.
The preprocessed data will be saved in ./datasets/shapenet
and will be zipped.
The zipped output is useful when training in clusters.