- [ ] use wmCLASS for decoration title or truncate wmTITLE for the windows instead of just letting them roam free (looking at you, Firefox)
- [ ] https://github.com/pjones/xmonadrc has some dynamic project helper functions
- [X] Design a sound scheme – have this set in gnome and used xsettingsd
- [X] tidy up gaps with polybar
- [X] lightdm switch to greeter should release the pulseaudio sink
- [X] pimped polybar with current layout descriptor (pprint)
- [X] make fullscreen logout
- [X] swapped out rofi for X.U.Dmenu
- [X] implemented dynamic projects
- [X] M-M1 now uses flexible manipulate (discrete - window is 9 blocks)
- [X] added scratchpads
- [X] sort out xautolock to prevent locking on screen with video playing
- [X] xset oddity where any window activity sees the polybar icon turn back on, this was
- [X] X.A.WindowBringer has been added for window switching by name
- [X] X.L.IfMax added so that layouts with single window end up maximised
- [X] Incorporate goodness from https://github.com/altercation/dotfiles-tilingwm/blob/master/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
- [X] dmenu changed to overlap polybar completely, spacing issue removed
- [X] Fix xset bug (still locks even with `xset -dpms`)
- [X] remove that monstrous gif and replace with smaller images
- [X] implement a ‘local leader’ type key binding scheme
- [X] keybindings are currently all over the place
- [X] remove the need for cabal2nix
- [X] investigate dmenu patches to move to dmenu (4.9) rather than the old dmenu2
- [X] abstract themes out of haskell so that integration with other apps is easier
- [X] consider window decorations for float workspace
- [X] continue to improve the build script [4/4]
- [X] incorporate all of the moving parts (scripts, overlays etc.)
- [X] build in a theme selector which edits ChosenTheme.hs and overlay content
- [X] hide the nix-shell pre-run stuff
- [X] fix the age finding lines, currently does not work
- [X] Develop additional colour schemes
- [X] X.U.Themes - see if nord and dracula can be added – going to just keep my themes in my format, if anybody else ever wants to use it then maybe revisit but just for me there’s little to no point
- [X] XMonad.Hooks.DynamicBars – sticking with one bar
- [X] rejected betterlockscreen (https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen), delay for lock is liveable
- [X] look into using glances to generate JSON for outputting somehow - lost interest
- [X] screen locking: being in a script is actually ok, need to tidy the script
- [X] clickable layout selector - faster to mash M-<Space>
- [X] adding a ‘system tray’ based on notifications from DBus – you can get this via polybar but its ugly and I really don’t need one as much as I thought
- [X] M-S-` for an alternative scratchpad with custom command (ghcid)?
- [X] general research into pulseaudio configuration
- [X] work through https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.15/docs/XMonad-Doc-Extending.html
- [X] update git prompt to show ahead/behind status - lost interest in making it more confusing
- [X] use urgencyhook to either change the colour of the workspace in polybar – not done, only showing active workspace now anyway so would not make sense to colourise it based on notifications on the active workspace
- [X] build a gtk side panel app
- [X] build threepenny home page
- [X] is it possible to write helper applications to e.g. just print out a list of all windows in the current stackset or do they all need to be inside xmonad.hs? the former would make shell scripts using fzf nice
- [X] look into using run or raise instead of spawn when entering workspaces
- [X] add a dmenu prompt for quick selecing layout a la https://github.com/KnairdA/nixos_home/blob/master/gui/conf/xmonad.hs
- [X] make window decoration clickable on floating workspace
- [X] change the colour of the windowTitleAddons (decorationWithImageButtons)
- [X] enable decorationCatchClicksHook
- [X] add the buttons
- [X] catch the clicks