Check java version in EC2 linux instance
java -version
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
sudo yum remove java
login to EC2 instance and change user to sudo
sudo su -
tar -xvzf
Browse to the bin folder under tomcat folder. Two files, namely; and
/*Change port number from 8080 to 8090 (if your Jenkins on AWS is also listening to the port 8080)
Browse to conf sub-directory under Tomcat directory and open server.xml file for editing using ‘vi’ command */
vi server.xml
Allow port no 8090 under security group in AWS
Restart the tomcat service (browse to the bin folder)
http://<ip_address>: defalut is 8080
Configure for manager app access outside of tomcat server: find context file location
find / -name context.xml
update context.xml by commenting context value eliment only. do the same in both context.xml files.
check tomcat manager link
for user creation go to conf/tomcat-users.xml
add role and user in conf/tomcat-users.xml
below role and user config is for deploying was from an external system
restart tomcat