Use jaeger - a Distributed Tracing System in flask and django development
tracing all request by middleware
SERVICE_NAME = 'service_a'
'sampler': {
'type': 'const',
'param': 1,
'local_agent': {
'reporting_host': 'jaeger',
'reporting_port': 'your-reporting-port',
'logging': True,
tracing specific request by decorator
1: initialize a global tracer
from tracing import init_tracer
trace_config = {
'sampler' : {
'type' : 'const' ,
'param' : 1 ,
'local_agent' : {
'reporting_host' : 'jaeger' ,
# 'reporting_port': 'your-reporting-port',
'logging' : True ,
tracer = init_tracer ('service_b' , trace_config )
2: import tracer and decorator views
from django .http import JsonResponse
from tracing .django import trace
# tracer: init_tracer('service_b', trace_config)
from example import tracer
@trace (tracer )
def error (request ):
data = {'name' : 'error' }
return JsonResponse (data )
tracing all request by middleware(flask request hook)
from flask import Flask , jsonify
from tracing import init_tracer
from tracing .flask import after_request_trace , before_request_trace
app = Flask (__name__ )
trace_config = {
'sampler' : {
'type' : 'const' ,
'param' : 1 ,
'local_agent' : {
'reporting_host' : 'jaeger' ,
'reporting_port' : 'your-reporting-port' ,
'logging' : True ,
tracer = init_tracer ('service_c' , trace_config )
@app .before_request
def start_trace ():
before_request_trace (tracer )
@app .after_request
def end_trace (response ):
after_request_trace (response )
return response
@app .teardown_request
def end_trace_with_error (e ):
if error is not None :
after_request_trace (error = e )
@app .errorhandler (Exception )
def exception_trace (e ):
after_request_trace (error = e )
raise e
@app .route ('/error/' )
def error ():
data = {'name' : 'error' }
return jsonify (data )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
app .debug = True
app .run (host = '' , port = 5000 )
tracing specific request by decorator
from flask import Flask , jsonify
from tracing import init_tracer
from tracing .flask import trace
trace_config = {
'sampler' : {
'type' : 'const' ,
'param' : 1 ,
'local_agent' : {
'reporting_host' : 'jaeger' ,
# 'reporting_port': 'your-reporting-port',
'logging' : True ,
app = Flask (__name__ )
tracer = init_tracer ('service' , trace_config )
@app .route ('/error/' )
@trace (tracer )
def error ():
data = {'name' : 'error' }
return jsonify (data )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
app .debug = True
app .run (host = '' , port = 5000 )
auto patch http client(auto inject span context)
import requests
# only patch requests, or you can:
# from opentracing_instrumentation.client_hooks import install_all_patches
# install_all_patches()
from opentracing_instrumentation .client_hooks .requests import install_patches
install_patches ()
# http request will bring the `trace_id` in headers
response = requests .get ('http://service_d:5000/good/' )
import logging
from flask import jsonify
from tracing .flask import trace
from tracing .logger_handler import ErrorTraceHandler
from example import app , tracer
logging .getLogger ('' ).handlers .add (ErrorTraceHandler ())
logger = logging .getLogger (__name__ )
@app .route ('/error/' )
@trace (tracer )
def error ():
try :
data = 2 / 0
except Exception as e :
logger .error ('exception error' , exc_info = True )
logger .critical ('critical error' , exc_info = True )
return jsonify (data )