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Solutions for problems on GeeksForGeeks


Name Status Tags Languages
0-1 Knapsack Problem ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python, C++
Activity Selection ✔️ #greedy Python
Add two numbers represented by linked lists ✔️ #linked-list Python
Anagram ✔️ #strings Python
Anagram Pallindrome ✔️ #strings #hash #pallindrome Python
Array to BST ✔️ #tree #binary search tree Python
Atoi ✔️ #strings Python
BFS of Graph ✔️ #bfs #graph Python
Boolean Matrix Problem ✔️ #array #matrix Python
Check for Balanced Tree ✔️ #tree Python, C++
Check if Linked List is Palindrome ✔️ #linked-list #pallindrome Python
Check Unique Characters in String ✔️ #strings Python
Coin Change ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Concatenation of Zig-Zag String in ‘n’ Rows ✔️ #strings Python
Convert Time from 12 to 24 hour format ✔️ #date-time Python
Count Leaves in Binary Tree ✔️ #tree Python
Count Subsequence of type a^i b^j c^k ✔️ #dynamic-programming #strings Python
Count ways to reach the n'th stair ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Count ways to reach the n'th stair(Order doesn't matter) ✔️ #dynamic-programming #mathematical Python
Cycle in Directed Graph ✔️ #graph Python
Cycle in Undirected Graph ✔️ #graph #dfs #union Python
Delete node without head pointer ✔️ #linked-list Python
Detect Loop in Linked List ✔️ #linked-list Python
Determine if Two Trees are Identical ✔️ #tree Python
DFS of Graph ✔️ #graph #dfs Python
Diameter of binary tree ✔️ #tree Python
DoorStatus ✔️ #TCS #mathematics Python
Edit Distance ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Egg Dropping ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Equilibrium Point ✔️ #prefix-sum #arrays Python
Expression Tree ✔️ #tree #recursion Python
Find element that appears once in sorted array ✔️ #divide and conquer searching Python
Find Middle element of linked list ✔️ #linked-list Python
First non-repeating character in a stream ✔️ #linked-list #queue #hash Python
Flattening a linked list ✔️ #linked-list C++
Flood Fill Algorithm ✔️ #graph #matrix #recursion Python
Floyd Warshall Algorithm 🚀 #dynamic-programming #graph Python
Full Binary Tree ✔️ #tree Python, C++
Geek Collects the Balls ✔️ #greedy Python
Get minimum element from stack ✔️ #stack C++
Heap Sort ✔️ #heap #sorting Python
Height of Binary Tree ✔️ #tree #recursion Python
How many X's ✔️ #modular-arithmetic #numbers Python
Inorder Traversal ✔️ #tree Python
Insertion Sort ✔️ #sorting Python
Intersection point in Y shaped linked lists ✔️ #linked-list Python
Inversion Of Array ✔️ #arrays #sorting Python
Is Sudoku Valid ✔️ #matrix Python
Job Sequencing ✔️ #greedy #disjoint-set Python
Josephus Problem ✔️ #bit-magic #recursion Python
Kadane's Algorithm ✔️ #arrays #dynamic-programming Python
Karatsuba Algorithm ✔️ #strings #divide and conquer Python
Kth element of two sorted Arrays ✔️ #arrays #divide and conquer Python
Kth Smallest Element ✔️ #arrays #searching Python
Largest Subarray with 0 Sum ✔️ #arrays #hash Python
Leaders in an array ✔️ #arrays #searching Python
Least common ancestor in Binary tree ✔️ #tree Python
Left view of Binary tree ✔️ #tree Python
Linked List Insertion ✔️ #insertion #linked-list Python
Linked List Reversal ✔️ #linked-list Python
Longest Common Prefix in Array ✔️ #strings Python
Longest Common Subsequence ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Longest Common Substring ✔️ #dynamic-programming #strings Python
Longest Distinct Characters in String ✔️ #strings Python
Longest Increasing Subsequence ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Lowest Common Ancestor in BST ✔️ #binary search tree #tree Python
Majority Element ✔️ #searching #arrays Python
Maximize Toys ✔️ #greedy Python
Maximum Tip Calculator ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python, C++
Maximum Tip Calculator ✔️ #dynamic-programming #arrays Python
Maximum Level Sum ✔️ #tree #queue Python
Maximum Money ✔️ #mathematical Python
Maximum Number of Coins ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Maximum Path Sum ✔️ #tree C++
Merge Sort ✔️ #divide and conquer #sorting Python
Merge Two Sorted Arrays ✔️ #arrays #mathematical #sorting Python
Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists ✔️ #linked-list Python
Minimize The Heights ✔️ #greedy #arrays Python
Minimize The Sum Of Product ✔️ #greedy #arrays #sorting Python
Minimum Difference Pair ✔️ no tags Python
Minimum Number of Jumps ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Mirror Tree ✔️ #tree Python
Missing number in array ✔️ #arrays #bit-magic #searching Python
N Meets in One Room ✔️ #greedy Python
N-Queen Problem ✔️ #backtracking Python
Next Larger element 🚀 #stack Python
Nth node from end of linked list ✔️ #linked-list Python
Number of Opened Doors ✔️ #mathematics Python
Occurences of 2 as a digit ✔️ #number-theory Python
Odd Even Level Difference ✔️ #tree Python
Palindromic Array ✔️ #mathematical Python
Parenthesis Checker ✔️ #stack Python
Peak Element ✔️ #arrays #searching Python
Permutations of a given string ✔️ #recursion #strings Python
Preorder Traversal ✔️ #tree Python
Queue Using Linked List ✔️ #queue #linked-list Python
Queue Using Two Stacks ✔️ #queue #stack #STL C++
Quick Sort ✔️ #divide and conquer #sorting Python
Rat in a Maze Problem ✔️ #backtracking #matrix Python
Recursively remove all adjacent duplicates ✔️ #recursion #strings Python
Relative Sorting ✔️ #hash #searching #sorting Python
Remove Character ✔️ #strings Python
Remove Duplicates ✔️ #strings Python
Remove Loop in Linked List ✔️ #linked-list two-pointer-algorithm Python
Reverse Bits ✔️ #bit-magic #mathematical Python
Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size ✔️ #linked-list Python
Reverse Words In a String ✔️ #strings Python
Roman Number to Integer ✔️ #strings Python
Rotate 2D array by 90 deg without using extra space ✔️ #arrays Python
Rotate a linked list ✔️ #linked-list Python
Rotate by 90 degree ✔️ #matrix Python
Run Length Encoding ✔️ #strings Python
Search in a Rotated Array ✔️ #divide and conquer #searching Python
Shell Sort ✔️ #sorting Python
Shop In Candy Store ✔️ #greedy #sorting Python
Shortest Common Supersequence ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Shortest Source to DestinationPath ✔️ #bfs #dfs #graph #matrix Python
Snake and Ladder Problem ✔️ #graph #bfs #dfs Python
Solve The Sudoku ✔️ #matrix #backtracking Python
Sorted Array of 0, 1 and 2s ✔️ #arrays #sorting Python
Sorted Matrix ✔️ #matrix Python
Sorting elements of an array by Frequency ✔️ #sorting #hash Python
Sort Linked List ✔️ #sorting #linked-list #merge-sort Python, C++
Sort Linked List of 0s, 1s and 2s ✔️ #linked-list Python
Stack Using Linked List ✔️ #stack #linked-list Python
Stack Using Two Queues ✔️ #stack #queue Python
Stock Buy and Sell ✔️ #arrays Python
Sub array with given sum ✔️ #arrays #prefix-sum #searching #sliding-window Python
Sum of Middle Elements of two sorted arrays ✔️ #arrays #divide and conquer Python
Tree from preorder traversal ✔️ #tree Python, C++
Twice Counter ✔️ #strings #map Python
Word Break ✔️ #dynamic-programming Python
Word Break - Part 2 ✔️ #recursion Python


  • ✔️ : Done
  • 🕊️ : Incomplete
  • 🚀 : Needs optimization