- Run these commands only if the Workspace was not created before:
npx create-nx-workspace@latest projectx --preset=apps
cd projectx
- Create web project:
npx nx add @nx/remix
npx nx g @nx/remix:app apps/web
More details here.
- Install Tailwind CSS:
npm add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer postcss-import [email protected]
npx nx g setup-tailwind --project=web
- Create a UI lib to be able to publish to a npm registry:
npx nx g @nx/react:lib libs/ui --publishable --importPath=@projectx/ui
npx nx add @nx/storybook
npm add -D @babel/preset-react @babel/preset-typescript
npx nx g storybook-configuration --project=ui
- Create some UI components with Storybook stories:
npx nx g @nx/react:component --project=ui --path=libs/frontend/ui/src/lib/buttons/button/Button
npx nx g @nx/react:component --project=ui --path=libs/frontend/ui/src/lib/buttons/theme/ThemeButton
npx nx g @nx/react:component --project=ui --path=libs/frontend/ui/src/lib/header/Header
npx nx g @nx/react:component --project=ui --path=libs/frontend/ui/src/lib/footer/Footer
npx nx g @nx/react:stories --project=ui
- Create the styles/theme with
npx nx g setup-tailwind --project=ui
npm add -D @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio @tailwindcss/forms @tailwindcss/line-clamp @tailwindcss/typography
- Update the
to export thetailwind.config
file as a preset:
"build": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
"options": {
"commands": [
"command": "nx run ui:build:lib"
"command": "npx tsc -p libs/frontend/ui/tsconfig.tailwind.json"
"parallel": false
"build:lib": {
- Import the
preset from the app:
import uiTailwindConfig from '../../libs/frontend/ui/tailwind.config.ts';
export default {
presets: [uiTailwindConfig],
} satisfies Config;
- Install dependencies for UX:
npm i -D daisyui@latest @types/md5
npm add @heroicons/react @headlessui/react framer-motion usehooks-ts react-responsive md5 react-toastify
- Install dependencies for the web features (shopping cart, verification code input):
npm add react-use-cart react-otp-input
- Install dependencies for Admin/Dashboard page:
npm add lucide-react
- Install dependencies for security (CSRF protection, etc):
npm add remix-utils crypto-js
- Install dependencies for http queries/requests with ssr support
npm add @tanstack/react-query use-dehydrated-state immer
npm add -D @tanstack/react-query-devtools
More details here: https://tanstack.com/query/latest/docs/framework/react/guides/ssr#using-the-hydration-apis