A catalog of tutorials written on algebraic structures. Feel free to do a PR/raise an issue if you know of any stellar tutorials on it.
A neat tutorial that introduces how monoids can be used to make code with reduce/fold operation cleaner.
Brent Yorgey
Dan Piponi
Scott Wlaschin A series on monoids
Ziyang Liu
Oleksandr Manzyuk
A good tutorial that first introduces group theory and algebraic structures before delving into the details on monads. This way, a somewhat natural progression can be seen on how the ideas got motivated and emerged into Category Theory. The part about duals and natural transformations are well written.
Dan Piponi
Turtles Turtles Turtles
Dan Piponi
Translation from Haskell to JavaScript of selected portions of the best introduction to monads I’ve ever read (2011)
James Coglan
Paul Shen
Aditya Bargava’s visual introduction to functional programming concepts
Josh Haberman
Neil Mitchell
Dan Ghica
A nice article that outlines how monads can be used both at the meta-language level and object-language level. Also, addresses how Moggi’s framework was adapted to Haskell and the nuances of evaluation strategies Haskell has when adopting monads along with lazy evaluation.
Samuel Grahn
Stephen Diehl
Ertugrul Söylemez
Phil Freeman
C.T. Wu
Arthur Xavier
Stephen Dolan
Bernhard Ganter (2015)
James Sinclair
Tom Harding
A series of posts written to explore and explain the Fantasy Land JavaScript specification, and to introduce some concepts of functional programming.
Chris Taylor
Reid Evans
Alexander Stepanov and Paul McJones
A book that details about the algebraic structures that were leveraged in the creation of C++ standard library
H. P. Sankappanavar and Stanley Burris
An introductory book to universal algebra
Marko Rodriguez