Generates a STARK proof from a State Machine written in PIL Language. Rusty Polygon Hermez pil-stark.
Design paper eSTARK: Extending STARKs with Arguments.
After performance test on starkjs, we observe that the SM takes hours to generate a proof, and this makes it much impractical as a prototype of zk-zkVM. So we plan to build a stark proving service to shift the computing intensive workload.
A general process to generate a stark proof includes:
compose the PIL program
compile the PIL program by pilcom
build the constant polynomial and execution trace polynomial by user-defined function
PIL Codegen
- generate the plookup identities
- generate the permutation check identities (linear constraints)
- generate the commitment polynomial
- generate FRI polynomial (composite polynomial)
[SLOW]calculate the merkle proof of quotient polynomial(Q), the plookup polynomial(H1H2), the target polynomial (Z), and the composite polynomial(C)
[XSLOW]evaluate the above constraint polynomials
build the FRI proof
generate the consttree
To be specific, the main calculation in step 4 is extendAndMerkelize
over 256bits scalar field(BN128). For step 5, the main computation comes from polynomial evaluation.
- Extending
Extending is the process of generating a new polynomial from the old polynomial with point-value representation, by multiplying the x-axis of the points with 2^(nExtBits - nBits) then interpolate on the new points.
- Merkelization
Merkelization calculates the Merkel proof of a polynomial, where the leaf nodes of the Merkel Tree is the points generating the polynomial. The hash function is Linearhash on 256bits scalar field, and Linearhash is built on linear Poseidon hash with arbitrary length message as input under fixed-size=12 MDS.
- MerkleHash performance(128 cores, 1T RAM):
height | n_pols | starky(s) | pil-stark JS(s) |
24 | 10 | 11.04 | 74.77 |
24 | 100 | 85.12 | 582 |
24 | 600 | 482 | - |
- Comparison with CPP prover:
height | n_pols | starky(s) | pil-stark CPP(s) |
24 | 12 | 11.1 | 8.24507 |
24 | 79 | 66.01 | 49.9154 |
- Polynomial evaluation
The evaluation is to calculate by:
let acc = 0n; // zero on GF(2^3)
let v be the point to evaluate;
let l be the coefficient vector of the polynomial;
for (let k=0; k<2^nExtBits; k++) {
acc = F.add(acc, F.mul(v, l[k]));
Because the nExtBits reaches up to 24 so this step would be very slow. Consider importing parallel fold from Rayon.
- reimpl pil-stark by Rust
- hardware acceleration
- Fully PIL syntax support
- Parallel Merklehash and Cooley–Tukey FFT by Rayon
- Codegen (arithmetization)
- Verification hash type
- BN128
- GL(F64)
- Parallel reduce for polynomial evaluation
- Recursive FRI
- Poseidon Hash on GPU/Multicore for BN128
cargo bench --bench merklehash -- --profile-time=5