On Linux:
sudo apt-get install unzip
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
sudo apt-get install gradle
On Windows, install chocolatey
and then in administrative command line:
#You may also need to install the appropriate jdk with choco install jdkX (with X being 7, 8, ...)
choco install wget gradle
#To extract in command line. Not needed if you want to extract manually.
choco install devbox-unzip
This will fetch the sprites, which are not stored as is in the directory:
wget http://web.pokemon-online.eu/battle/oras.zip -P assets/
#To extract. Can also just go in assets/ and extract oras.zip manually
cd assets && unzip oras.zip && cd -
You can run the desktop test version from your IDE as per libgdx' guidelines.
You can also build it for use in the webclient.
On Linux:
./gradlew html:dist
On Windows, in powershell:
gradlew.bat html:dist
You can change html/build.gradle
and replace OBF
to have non-minified output, easier to debug.
This is not a stand-alone repository. It is used as a submodule of po-devs/po-web