With Peter Ledbrook (London, England), Ken Kousen (Marlborough, CT), and maybe Baruch Sadogursky (JFrog in CA).
- 3.1.4 released
- GitHub issue spam resolved quickly
- JIRA is going down!
dependency scope for Java- More changes to the new software model
Betamax 2.0.0 beta 1 released
Learning Groovy book now complete and available on Lean Pub
Discussion of Groovy's optional parentheses support on the dev mailing list
Baruch interview with Stephen Chin on software module hell
Ken Kousen defends the honour of the Gradle Shadow plugin
- GR8Day Warsaw - 19th Mar
- Greach - 8th -> 9th Apr
- GR8Conf EU - 1st -> 3rd Jun
- GR8Conf US - 29th -> 31st Jul
- G3 Summit - 28th Nov -> 1st Dec
- No Fluff Just Stuff for the website hosting
- The Grails diary for so much of the regular news
- Twitter: @groovypodcast
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/112706418002827266912/posts
- Peter Ledbrook - t: @pledbrook, w: http://www.cacoethes.co.uk/
- Baruch Sadogursky - t: @jbaruch, w: http://www.jfrog.com
- Ken Kousen -t: @kenkousen, w: http://www.kousenit.com