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RNA-seq Pipeline



This is a Package to perform a typical RNA-seq analysis, which includes 1) read cleaning and quality trimming, salmon quantification, and differential expression analysis with DeSeq2. This package has been used in the following papers:

Repo Contents

  • scripts: python scripts to run various parts of the pipeline.
  • demo: example input and output data files to be used and generated in the demo section.

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

The rnaseq_pipeline package requires only a standard computer with enough RAM to support the operations defined by a user. However, for large projects with many sample and replicates, a computer with multiple CPUs and 64GB+ RAM will help speed up the process. Also, depending on the project, you may need 250-500GB of space for fastq, temporary files, and final output. For optimal performance, we recommend a computer with the following specs: RAM: 16+ GB
CPU: 4+ cores, 3.3+ GHz/core

Software Requirements

OS Requirements

The package was tested on a Linux operating systems (Ubuntu 22.04). However, this package will easily work on Mac OSX & Windows.

Installation Guide

The rnaseq_pipeline uses the following software packages: TrimGalore (frontend for cutadapt), Salmon, Deseq2 (R/Bioconductor), and python for various scripts. Please see the "Instructions for use" section for detailed instructions on downloading and installing all packages needed for this pipeline. Downloading and installing will take 15-20 minutes depending on whether you install R from source or use a package manager (apt-get).


Once you have cloned or downloaded the package, run the following commands for the demo. The demo includes one test paired-end dataset with approximately 10,000 fastq reads (input - test_.fq.gz & ouput - test_.cleaned.fq.gz/.trimming_report_.txt). The salmon demo command is run on this small dataset and the output is the compressed directory of all of the salmon output (test_salmon_quant.tar.gz). The input for differential expression is from 2 libraries with 3 replicates each and 10,000 genes with counts (test_count_file.tsv and test_sample_info.txt). Each of these sections has a log file so you can see the output of each of these commands (log.trimming_galore, log.salmon_output, log.deseq2_output). The volcano plot R script is provided and you will need to change the intput file to the name of the DeSeq2 output file you generated in the previous step. Please see the detailed instructions in the next section on setting up the software packatges, python, and R. Once setup, the demo will take < 1 minute to run.

Demo Commands

cd ~/rnaseq_pipeline/demo
source /home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/software/rnaseq_pipeline/bin/activate
python ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/ test /home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/software/TrimGalore/trim_galore &> log.trimming_output
~/rnaseq_pipeline/software/salmon-1.9.0_linux_x86_64/bin/salmon quant -l A -p 32 -i ~/rnaseq_pipeline/db/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.cdna.all.fa_salmon_index -1 test_1.cleaned.fq.gz -2 test_2.cleaned.fq.gz --validateMappings -o test_salmon_quant -g ~/rnaseq_pipeline/db/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.109.gtf &> log.salmon_output
/home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/software/R-4.1.2/bin/Rscript /home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/RunDeSeq2_with_args.R daf-16_SVIP daf-16 salmon test_count_file.tsv test_sample_info.txt &> log.deseq2_output
/home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/software/R-4.1.2/bin/Rscript /home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/volcano_plot_dge_results.r

Instructions for Use

The following instructions for use were generereated "DAF-16/FOXO and HLH-30/TFEB comprise a cooperative regulatory axis controlling tubular lysosome induction in C. elegans" - Perez et al (2024) (


Setup directory structure

mkdir rnaseq_pipeline
mkdir db software 0_fastq 1_quality 2_counts 3_dge logs

Download the scripts directory from github

git clone [email protected]:pkerrwall/rnaseq_pipeline.git
ln -s rnaseq_pipeline scripts

Or download the repository with wget wget
ln -s rnaseq_pipeline-main scripts

The following package can be used to download and extract the fastq files used in this study cd ~/rnaseq_pipeline/software
tar -zxvf sratoolkit.3.1.0-ubuntu64.tar.gz

Clone with git or download with wget cd ~/rnaseq_pipeline/software
git clone [email protected]:FelixKrueger/TrimGalore.git

Download salmon

cd ~/rnaseq_pipeline/software
tar -zxvf salmon-1.9.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz

Create python virtual environment and install packages

cd ~/rnaseq_pipeline/software
python -m venv rnaseq_pipeline
source ./rnaseq_pipeline/bin/activate
pip install cutadapt pyfastx pandas

Install R

With sudo rights (this will be the easiest installation) sudo apt-get install r-base

If you don't have sudo access, and need to install from source wget
tar xzvf R-4.1.2.tar.gz
cd R-4.1.2
./configure --prefix=/home/wallke/rnaseq_pipeline/software/R-4.1.2 --enable-R-shlib --enable-memory-profiling --enable-R-profiling -with-valgrind-instrumentation=2
make install

Install DeSeq2


Commands for Pipeline

Download the data

The data for "DAF-16/FOXO and HLH-30/TFEB comprise a cooperative regulatory axis controlling tubular lysosome induction in C. elegans" is at and includes the following SRR datasets - SRR28206915, SRR28206916, SRR28206917, SRR28206918, SRR28206919, SRR28206920, SRR28206921, SRR28206922, SRR28206923, SRR28206924, SRR28206925, SRR28206926

Setup the download

cd ../0_fastq
mkdir ncbi
cd ncbi
vim srr_list.txt
echo 'SRR28206915\nSRR28206916\nSRR28206917\nSRR28206918\nSRR28206919\nSRR28206920\nSRR28206921\nSRR28206922\nSRR28206923\nSRR28206924\nSRR28206925\nSRR28206926' > srr_list.txt

Download SRR data

../../software/sratoolkit.3.1.0-ubuntu64/bin/prefetch --option-file srr_list.txt

Create fastq files

for i in */*.sra; do echo $i; ../../software/sratoolkit.3.1.0-ubuntu64/bin/fasterq-dump --split-files $i; done;

Compress data with gzip

pigz *.fastq

Link (or rename) the files to names used in the paper

cd ..
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206915_1.fastq.gz N2_1_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206915_2.fastq.gz N2_1_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206924_1.fastq.gz N2_2_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206924_2.fastq.gz N2_2_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206923_1.fastq.gz N2_3_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206923_2.fastq.gz N2_3_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206918_1.fastq.gz SVIP-OE_1_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206918_2.fastq.gz SVIP-OE_1_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206917_1.fastq.gz SVIP-OE_2_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206917_2.fastq.gz SVIP-OE_2_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206916_1.fastq.gz SVIP-OE_3_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206916_2.fastq.gz SVIP-OE_3_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206921_1.fastq.gz daf-16_SVIP_1_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206921_2.fastq.gz daf-16_SVIP_1_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206920_1.fastq.gz daf-16_SVIP_2_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206920_2.fastq.gz daf-16_SVIP_2_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206919_1.fastq.gz daf-16_SVIP_3_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206919_2.fastq.gz daf-16_SVIP_3_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206926_1.fastq.gz daf-16_1_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206926_2.fastq.gz daf-16_1_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206925_1.fastq.gz daf-16_2_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206925_2.fastq.gz daf-16_2_2.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206922_1.fastq.gz daf-16_3_1.fq.gz
ln -s ncbi/SRR28206922_2.fastq.gz daf-16_3_2.fq.gz

Trimming Process with TrimGalore

This step takes approximately 12 minutes for each replicate. It took approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to clean 4 samples with 3 replicates each paired-end (24 total files). cd ../1_quality
ln -s ../0_fastq/*.gz .
python ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/ daf-16_1 ../software/TrimGalore/trim_galore
for sample in N2_1 N2_2 N2_3 SVIP-OE_1 SVIP-OE_2 SVIP-OE_3 daf-16_SVIP_1 daf-16_SVIP_2 daf-16_SVIP_3 daf-16_1 daf-16_2 daf-16_3; do echo $sample; python ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/ $sample ~/rnaseq_pipeline/software/TrimGalore/trim_galore &> ../logs/1_quality.trim.$sample.log; done

Counting with Salmon

Download the cdna and gtf datasets from ensemble (release-109) and create salmon index cd db
unpigz *

Build salmon index (<1 minute with 32 threads)
~/rnaseq_pipeline/software/salmon-1.9.0_linux_x86_64/bin/salmon index -p 32 -t Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.cdna.all.fa -i Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.cdna.all.fa_salmon_index

Map the reads with salmon (~20 minutes with 32 threads)
cd ~/rnaseq_pipeline/2_counts
ln -s ../1_quality/*.cleaned.fq.gz .

Command to map 1 dataset
../software/salmon-1.9.0_linux_x86_64/bin/salmon quant -l A -p 32 -i ../db/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.cdna.all.fa_salmon_index -1 daf-16_1_1.cleaned.fq.gz -2 daf-16_1_2.cleaned.fq.gz --validateMappings -o daf-16_1_salmon_quant -g ../db/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.109.gtf
for sample in N2_1 N2_2 N2_3 SVIP-OE_1 SVIP-OE_2 SVIP-OE_3 daf-16_SVIP_1 daf-16_SVIP_2 daf-16_SVIP_3 daf-16_1 daf-16_2 daf-16_3; do echo $sample; ../software/salmon-1.9.0_linux_x86_64/bin/salmon quant -l A -p 32 -i ../db/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.cdna.all.fa_salmon_index -1 $sample\_1.cleaned.fq.gz -2 $sample\_2.cleaned.fq.gz --validateMappings -o $sample\_salmon_quant -g ../db/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WBcel235.109.gtf &> ../logs/1_quality.trim.$sample.log; done

Generate the count file
python ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/ .

Differential Gene Expression Anlaysis with DESeq2

cd 3_dge
ln -s ../3_counts/salmon.gene_counts.tsv .

Create sample_info.txt # tab-delimted with format "sample"\t"Condition"\n
echo 'sample\tCondition\ndaf-16_1\tdaf-16\ndaf-16_2\tdaf-16\ndaf-16_3\tdaf-16\ndaf-16_SVIP_1\tdaf-16_SVIP\ndaf-16_SVIP_2\tdaf-16_SVIP\ndaf-16_SVIP_3\tdaf-16_SVIP\nN2_1\tN2\nN2_2\tN2\nN2_3\tN2\nSVIP-OE_1\tSVIP-OE\nSVIP-OE_2\tSVIP-OE\nSVIP-OE_3\tSVIP-OE' > sample_info.txt
../software/R-4.1.2/bin/Rscript ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/RunDeSeq2_with_args.R SVIP-OE N2 salmon salmon.gene_counts.tsv sample_info.txt
../software/R-4.1.2/bin/Rscript ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/RunDeSeq2_with_args.R daf-16_SVIP daf-16 salmon salmon.gene_counts.tsv sample_info.txt

Volcano plots

../software/R-4.1.2/bin/Rscript ~/rnaseq_pipeline/scripts/scripts/volcano_plot_dge_results.r