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GeoNode DevOps (geonode-devops)

DevOps tools for developing & deploying GeoNode, including Ansible, Packer, Vagrant, and Fabric configuration files for building and managing Ubuntu and CentOS GeoNode boxes.

After following the installation steps, continue to Launch section to start up GeoNode.


On the control/host machine, you'll need to install Ansible, Packer, Vagrant, and Fabric.

Quick Install

If you wish to use a python virtual environment on your host/control machine, be sure to install virutalenv and virtualenvwrapper. Your ~/.bash_aliases file should look something like the following:

export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python
export WORKON_HOME=~/.venvs
source /usr/local/bin/
export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip-downloads

To quickly install Ansible and Fabric, run the following:

sudo apt-get install python-dev # if not already installed
sudo easy_install pip  # if pip is not already installed
sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
# cd into project directory
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


Ansible is an agent-less provisioning tool for managing the state of machines. It is used by both Packer and Vagrant. By sharing a common Ansible playbook for configuring production machines, building test boxes via Packer, and development boxes for Vagrant, we're able to have dev-prod parity.

To get Ansible follow the relevant section below. Also see for more information.

Mac OS X & Ubuntu

sudo easy_install pip  # if pip is not already installed
sudo pip install ansible


Packer can be used to build virtual machine images.

Mac OS X

sudo mkdir -p /opt/packer/bin
cd /opt/packer/
sudo wget
sudo unzip
sudo mv packer /opt/packer/bin
cd /usr/local/bin/
sudo ln -s /opt/packer/bin/packer packer


sudo mkdir -p /opt/packer/bin
cd /opt/packer/
sudo wget ''
sudo unzip
sudo mv packer /opt/packer/bin
cd /usr/bin/
sudo ln -s /opt/packer/bin/packer packer


Fabric provides an easy command line interface for executing remote shell commands and for transferring files between machines. Fabric is extremely useful for transferring files and managing remote servers.

Follow directions at to install fabric or follow shortcuts below.

Mac OS X & Ubuntu

sudo pip install fabric

Once fabric is installed, create a file in the same directory as the is in .gitignore so will not be committed. This file includes connection and other information, so that fab commands are streamlined.

    "devgeonode": {
        "ident":  "~/auth/keys/devgeonode.pem",
        "host": "",
        "user": "ubuntu",
        "type": "geoshape"
    "prodgeonode": {
        "ident":  "~/auth/keys/prodgeonode.pem",
        "host": "",
        "user": "ubuntu",
        "type": "geoshape"


Create a secret.yml file in the project root.


To add the Centos 6.4 vagrant box to your control machine, run:

vagrant box add --name "centos/6.4"

To add an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ("Xenial") vagrant box to your control machine, run:

vagrant box add bento/ubuntu-16.04

Do no use ubuntu/xenial64 from Ubuntu cloud images, as referenced here:

To launch the GeoNode virtual machine run:

vagrant up

To re-provision the machine run:

vagrant provision


You can also use Packer to build a virtual machine.

To build a base box for CentOS 6.4, run:

packer build -var 'ansible_playbook=ansible/centos_base.yml' -var 'ansible_secret=secret.yml' -var 'ansible_os=centos' packer/centos64.json

To build a base box for Ubuntu 16.04, run:

packer build -var 'ansible_playbook=ansible/ubuntu_base.yml' -var 'ansible_secret=secret.yml' -var 'ansible_os=ubuntu' packer/ubuntu1604.json

Adding Your New Box

After you created your box, you can add with:

vagrant box add --name "geonode_base"

Add the box to the Vagrantfile to provision with it.


Once the image is provisioned, ssh into the machine via:

# cd into geonode-devops.git directory
vagrant ssh

Once in the virtual machine, run:

workon geonode
cd geonode
paver stop
paver reset_hard
paver setup
paver start -b  # Launches Django and GeoServer.  Listens to all addresses on port 8000.

If the fixtures are not loaded, use the following:

python loaddata geonode/base/fixtures/initial_data.json


Fabric provides an easy command line interface for executing remote shell commands and for transferring files between machines. For GeoNode, Fabric can be used to import large files, updatelayers, manage GeoServer restart cron jobs, and backup a remote GeoNode locally.

To get started, change directory (cd) into the main fabric directory (./fabric) with the When you call fab, start with gn:geonodehost so that the host and identity key are loaded automatically from

To see a list of tasks run:

fab -l

To see the long description of a task run:

fab -d taskname

A few examples:

fab gn:devgeonode,prodgeonode lsb_release
fab gn:devgeonode inspect_geoshape
fab gn:devgeonode restart_geoshape
fab gn:prodgeonode updatelayers:t=geoshape
fab gn:prodgeonode importlayers:t=geoshape,local=~/data/*.zip,drop=/opt/drop,user=admin,overwrite=1,private=1
fab gn:prodgeonode addgmail_geoshape:email,password
fab gn:prodgeonode cron_restart_geoserver:'00 04 * * *'
fab gn:prodgeonode backup_geonode:t=geoshape,remote=/opt/backups/20150707,local=~/backups